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Previous >>483036956

Glowniggers are trying to subvert /chip/ via well poisoning. Ignore all threads and posters endorsing Israel, (both sides bad), memeflags, namefags, and thread splitters.
*By posting in this thread you deny *srael is a legitimate state, DENOUNCE and fully CONDEMN the Talmud, and endorse TKD* (Total Kike Death)
*Do not trust happening announcements without link/proof

>Nasrallah status: inside Schrödinger's box
>Massive strike on Beirut, apparently targetting Nasrallah
>A Houthi hypersonic missile hit Tel Aviv
>The Islamic Resistance in Iraq has targeted Golan using several drones.
>Syrian army units target with heavy artillery the positions of terrorist groups supported by the Turkish occupation in the vicinity of the town of Kabashin in the northern countryside of Aleppo








>Guide to Israel-Palestine conflict
>1948 Nakba Documentary
>Evangelicals are useful idiots that betray Christians and Jesus.
>Former US Marine: Hamas are freedom fighters, US government the real terrorist.
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Islamic Resistance (Iraq):

Islamic Resistance in Iraq targeted northern Israel with 'Arqab' cruise missiles
New 9/22/2024



Published footage of targeting Ramat David Airbase and Haifa military industrial area with Fadi-1 and Fadi-2 rockets yesterday morning
New 9/22/2024


Martyr Izz El-Din Al-Qassam Brigades:

Al-Qassam Mujahideen seizing a booby-trapped military vehicle and drones in the eastern area of the city of Rafah, south of the Gaza Strip
New 9/21/2024


Al-Quds Brigades:

Martyrs of the Jerusalem Brigades in the battle of terror in the camps in the West Bank.
NEW 9/20/2024

Al-Quds Brigades release footage of their fighters shelling the "Abu Mutaibeq" military site with mortar shells and seizing a "Zionist" drone of the "Evo Max" type in the skies over central Gaza Strip.
NEW 9/12/2024


Al-Aqsa Martyrs’ Brigades:

Scenes from the bombing of the zionist enemy forces stationed in the "Netzarim" axis with a 107mm rocket barrage.
NEW 9/14/2024

▶Daily After Action Reports
https://pastebin.com/GWbMvPeg 6/30/24
https://pastebin.com/V7KgCa8W 6/30/24

▶Hamas Memorandum:
"This is our Narrative.. why the Al-Aqsa Flood."
https://files.catbox.moe/zlt9ld.pdf New 1/21/24

>War Crimes Of IDF Updated
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>News / Clips

Islamic Resistance:

This video shows footage of the Islamic Resistance's operation targeting Jal Al-Alam site belonging to the "Israeli" enemy army at the southern Lebanese border with an assault glider.
New 9/09/2024

This video shows footage of the Islamic Resistance's operation targeting the espionage equipment at Al-Tayhat Hill and Al-Ramtha site belonging to the "Israeli" enemy army, along the southern Lebanese border.
New 9/09/2024

Al-Qassam Brigades:

Within the Battle of Tufan Al-Aqsa the detonation caused direct hits, resulting in deaths and injuries among the occupation soldiers during the large-scale raid that the camp witnessed.
New 9/02/2024

Al-Mujahideen Brigades:

Footage of some operations carried out by the Mujahideen Brigades during their resistance to the zionist aggression campaign on the northern West Bank.
New 9/07/2024

Scenes of the Mujahideen Brigades detonating an explosive device on a zionist bulldozer on Abu Al-Asal Street in Jenin Camp.
New 9/05/2024


Hezbollah military media publishes: Our mountains – Imad
New 08/16/2024

Saraya Al-Quds Brigades:

Al-Quds Brigades shows scenes of its mujahideen bombing with mortar lava the soldiers and vehicles of the Zionist enemy invading the Al-Zaytoun neighborhood in Gaza City.
New 9/06/2024

Al-Quds Brigades shows scenes of its fighters, in cooperation with the fighters of the Al-Qassam Brigades, sniping at the soldiers of the Zionist enemy on the axis of progress in the Al-Zeitoun neighborhood
New 9/03/2024
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▶/Chip/ Archives Info

▶/Chip/ Archives Clips

Episode 11
>The Security Forces of the Palestinian Authority... is it too late to join the Resistance?

Twitter link

Foreign soldiers attempting to murder US citizens on US soil
Archived Files

Here it is.
Debunking the State of Israel
Refutation of the Zionist historical claim over Levant.
https://files.catbox.moe/v6i8wj.mp4 6/21/24

Yoav Shamir's "Defamation" 7/30/24

TANTURA 7/30/24
> Massacre btwn IDF & palestinians civilians
>1948 Nabka
https://youchu.be/CTAjc1OSrmY- Non-Google & can Download MP4
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wars ebb and flow
the muslims will #StrikeBack
you got this, kings
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Hitler's speech about Palestinian independence

>Do NOT engage with people posting inflammatory remarks about religion, in this case, Islam.
In the most typical hebrew fashion they will try endlessly to deceive you into replying in anger.
>This thread welcomes Christians and Muslims and any faith because it's not a thread about faith.
Nobody in this thread is interested in arguing about your religion.
>This is a thread dedicated to tracking the real time updates of the Israel-Gaza conflict and the total destruction of the illegitimate welfare state known as Israel.
Civil discussion is one thing but shills will NEVER engage in that, only PILPUL, D&C sowing and ragebaiting.
> Both Android & iOS have browsers which support extensions

>REMINDER: NATO, America, and Ukraine pledged their support to Israel within 12 hours of the war
>REMINDER: Russia, China, Afghanistan, Serbia, Iran and Syria all hate Israel
>REMINDER: Israel stole the Golan Heights from Assad
>REMINDER: Zelenskyy likened Ukraine to a "Greater Israel"
>REMINDER: Israel starts wars that displace Arabs, then helps them and Africans immigrate into Europe
>REMINDER: Israel has admitted to possessing nuclear weapons, thereby renouncing its policy of "strategic ambiguity
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What's he thinking right now?
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hes dead
havent visited this general for days, how hard are kikes getting destroyed?
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nasralla status?
Still no official confirmation Nasrallah is dead.
If he had cleaned up properly, the Roman Empire would probably still exist today.
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>havent visited this general for days, how hard are kikes getting destroyed?
like when hezb denied aqeel was killed
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Last bread.


See ya later.
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>"Israel wants peace arabs want war they keep offering them a state but they refuse and do terrorism instea11"
>Arabs agree to peace on 1967 borders, All factions and states will stop fighting and recognise israel
>Israel refuses
>"Israel wants peace arabs want war they keep offering them a state but they refuse and do terrorism instea11"
do you expect us to have solidarity with fucking indian christians kek
The more the kikes shill, the worse it's going for kikes. We're cuttently at about 80% of all posts being shill posts. With some stretches of 21 consecutive posts being >95% shill poses
Frens... are we the bad guys?
I don't care about past events, how hard is to wait till there is a official by news outlets instead of vague allegations .
I have no comments because I have no clue so I just wait for official conformation
They don't want peace. It's just propaganda. Every negotiation they attend they delay or sabotage by being rude and not agreeing to see the other party.
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dahiye is getting pounded and hezbollah is silent. nearly 20 years of shilling down the drain. LMFAO
Like when in 2006, Israel claimed to have assassinated Nasrallah in an operation targeting the Imam Hassan complex. Nasrallah made a public appearance 3 days later.
>They don't want peace.
Finally, someone realizes it.
no ground assault? filling out a captcha and waiting if you can go run to a bunker and hear all telaviv sirens going off? or it got boring already and you just want to sleep and these stupid blaring horns? bibi should call it for the night too theres really nobody who gives a shit about this intense and epic nothingburger of random civilians jdam'd. even Hezbollah is just lazily arranging the retaliatiory calculations from how many tired civilians you blew up they'd rather sleep than partake in this .... this SHIT, that passes as a jewish military operation. a total letdown and dont expect any excitement until Nasrallah announces the punishment, kikes certainly wont bring it.
Who's they?
Do you just not understand how well your own faggot ass countrymen have lied to you? YOU HAVE NO ARMY LEFT, LITERALLY! You lost your entire active infantry and special forces. No one is leading your soldiers anymore because all your officers quit or died. There are kikes in Gaza who are standing around and doing nothing because they have no actual leaders. You have no tanks or ammo. The entire north of the country is literally abandoned by both civilians and military because Hezbollah killed them all or chased them away. You have NOTHING LEFT! YOU LITERALLY CANT INVADE, and you're now slowly starting to realize it.
How many reservists have they activated and for how many days? Israel has never had an real economy, but it should start to have an effect anyway.
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>we didn't need Hezbollah anyway
Nasrallah status?
Retaliation status?
Red flag of revenge status?
i almost dont want to comment as well. wow, you did it. you bombed some people. there was even a picture of bibi with a phone. and nobody cares in terms of excitement.
He's up there with Soleimani and Deif and all the others.
they're just on a sugar high from killing hundreds of innocents in lebanon
it'll wear off and they'll find themselves right back where they were a few weeks ago, an unwinnable quagmire
Two more weeks.
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You sound like you're about to cry.
Literally the whole point of all these israel escalations is to bait new groups into war. With the final goal being a war with itan and having the west fight the war for israel. The only country they haven't had their planned war with yet. Literally trying for over 40yrs to start an iran war with the west fighting it
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>sugar high from killing hundreds of innocents in lebanon
ive seen bigger highs from hohol shills when a village street in ukraine was retrated from by Russia for a day
Wow. The burger shift is here.
They don't plan to, buddy. See those 1000kg bombs they're dropping right now because Hezbollah didn't act? Yeah, they're just going to keep dropping them until the civie population starts lobbying the government to do something about Hez. The govt will go to the burgers and secure their help in bringing Hezbollah to heel.
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Fagrallah status?
Tyre getting pounded rn
Then what is Iran waiting for? A literal war for Israel would be tremendously unpopular in the US and could turn around the elections next month.
this doesn't say anything you claimed
>They don't plan to, buddy. See those 1000kg bombs they're dropping right now because Hezbollah didn't act? Yeah, they're just going to keep dropping them until the civie population starts lobbying the government to do something about Hez. The govt will go to the burgers and secure their help in bringing Hezbollah to heel.
You can wait a long time for this. Whenever israel bombed houses, it was hezbollah that rebuilt them. The central government didn't give a shit. People know that.
>muh b8
Dude, they're bombing Beirut as we speak. Trump is on TV telling people Iran tried to kill him. That war is happening, Dude, figure shit out...
When has terror bombing worked this way?
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Celebrations ongoing in Idlib
May Hashem cleanse the Rafidah
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>That war is happening
yeah i can smell the excitement from here. its happening , wooh. Lebanon is about to cancel Hezbollah because jews bombed 9 apartments in Beirut and Dahye while nothing was happening and some orange geriatric sundowned on usa tv to 1200 viewers
That's a fair point, but people are going to be tested, man, because unlike before israel won't be putting boots on the ground. They're just going to keep bombing the living fuck outta them. The people are going to get sick of that shit, especially when the people bombing them aren't even getting hit back.
heem sleepy
No problem. I know you have a script to follow.
you lied and thought no one would call you out on it lol. nice try though
Please stop pushing these poor 50 people all the time. Twitter is full of them. They're all on assad's list now because of you.
Why do shills reply to me? Free (you)'s are nice and all, but wasted if I can't see them at all. Are these poopiejeets seriously that retarded? Although, it is nice to see that in the thread they're using VPN's again. Which means the shill orgs are hemorrhaging money because they're afraid
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you think the lebanon public is gonna get their government to beg the US to defeat hezbollah, and the US will respond and send in the military to do so? yeah ok anon
Look at these jews panicking about how nothing about what they're doing in Lebanon is going to plan.
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keep coping
Nasrallah is dead
Everyone can go and read it for themselves, no lies. Again, I know you and all the other kikes have a script to follow.
>ireland flag
How many shabbos goys does Israel have?
like the lebanon government can actually do anything. it's a literal lolbertarian wet dream - inexistent.
no he is not.
Don't let shills make you prove that the immortal God NasrALLAH is alive. Make them prove he's dead by posting photos of his dead body. Words feom shills mean less than nothing. Demand actual proof like they do if they k ow it's impossible for younto gain access to. They do that both to pillpull and 2nd for in the chance that someone has access to secret classified info, they can then pass that on to the JIDF.

So, the kikes claim NasrALLAH is dead, make them prove it with pictures or videos of his dead body. Since they don't exist as he is still alive. Just like the 13 times that kike shills claimed that Deif was dead
>May Hashem cleanse the Rafidah
Are you a madkhali?
>he will not respond
none, it's just the same jew anon.
Buddy, people aren't going to put up with being bombed when the people who brought the bombing won't even hit the enemy back for it. Seriously, would you put up with it? Right now the israelis and the burgers are probably arming rival militants ffs.
>jews bombed 9 apartments
Dude, what rock have you been living under? In ONE day of airstrikes like 1500 dead and THOUSANDS crippled were pulled from the rubble. Hez didn't respond in any meaningful way, assuring further strikes. They should have shit or got off the pot. They should have hit and hit hard, or retreated north of the river. Now there's too much blood in the water and even if they offered to surrender it prolly wouldn't be accepted.
they're going scorched earth, knowing that a retaliation is inevitable
so which part of this mentions what you claimed?
100 tons of explosives, i dont think his fat molecules still exist
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>Bring me Khamenei.
it's pathetic that they're all declaring him dead with zero proof
shows they are desperate
You're just spewing kike propaganda at this point. That's what they WANT to make you believe, but in reality since October 7th Israel has been using the might of nato to fight starving open air prisoners and are still losing. A single roman legion almost genocided all the Jews in the past. Any small formidable force with actual resources could eradicate the Jews as they are virtually useless and cowards. God made it easy…
no dont make that face! the jews will invade any moment its gonna be guns blazing with the mechanized assault of the ages, ridgelines, artillery, epic gopro videos. surely it wont be just jets dropping bombs on random cities apartments 10-20 per day until every city is dusted like half of Gaza in about 15 years. if its this shit then manpads will appear in a few days and Muslims will bring back excitement of downing kike pilots. but until then, say a hooray for this spectacular escalation by the jews. i'm on edge of my seat.
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Live explosions on Lookner's stream

If Nasrallah is actually dead. Will there be war? Well hezzbollah immediately go into chaos without leadership and end up disbanding like people are claiming will happen?
Not only lebanon. They want to pose a threat to their existence at all costs so that the west brings boots on the ground. The same with China and Russia. They need hot conflicts to achieve their goals.
Kikes can't seem to reaist to handing out free (you)'s to anons that can't see their shill script posts. So retarded, as even a 3yo toddler would have learned this lesson already. But, when you're a 40 IQ incest rape baby, I guess replying to ragebait from anons is too difficult of a concept to grasp
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>A single roman legion almost genocided all the Jews in the past.
why didn't they finish the job...
Exactly. It's following the same script that we've seen on literally at least 35-50 occasions. Claiming someone is dead, only for proof of them being alive to pop up again, often within a month or two. Sometimes that same week if they simply want to mock the kikes
100 tons of explosives? wow. youre so amazing. real warriors do up to 3000 tons a day, but you managed 100 tons in the epic phonecall photo bibi operation. i bet your army was roaring when they heard this news.. thirsty for the ground assault. no wonder the rest of the government were already going to sleep as he rushed to telaviv from the un. lets hope they left the lights on for him
and none of them are giving the engagement they want. Fuck, after two years of "Russia is losing", you'd think people could pick up on this faster.
And it will be glorious when that punishment comes
Does it really matter if he's dead?
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>More attacks now in the Da'ayheh district in Beirut.

Anyone else seeing a face with nose on the right?
Yeah, man, you know why? Because Hezbollah brought the bombing and DID FUCK ALL WHEN IT CAME!
>He thinks the burgers won't get involved if Lebanese govt asks them.
Alright , nigger, don't know what rock you've been living under. We'll see.
> shabbos goys
Why? Because I'm not a muslim and I don't think a fuck-tonne of people senselessly dying is a valid strategy? I'm Irish, nigger, we invented the car bomb not the suicide bomb. Take it up with Hezbollah, if they'd have actually carried out their threats, then there'd be deterrent. Not my fault.
he's not dead. there is zero chance he is dead. don't even lend it credence by asking dude
live explosions? incredible
>If Nasrallah is actually dead. Will there be war?
There has to be massive response from the Lebanese/Iranian side. A thousand civilians and a dozen Hezbollah leaders dead in a week. Without a response, they might as well surrender.
Please livestream your future suicide
at this point, only jews are pushing this talking point.
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I'm getting tired of always winning
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"huge huge huge"

1500 civilians killed. amazing, i'm sure Muslims have never seen anything like it. surely they will think "if only Hezbollah stopped israel. but he didnt so we love israel for bombing civilians slowly when nobody is firing at them". good job, you jews accomplished the most boring way to order some manpads to Hezb from Pakistan(China)
replace the american flag with an Indian flag
It's all a game to this guy
Israel bro not like that!!! islam wins because… they just HAVE TO ok? I mean, are you saying that… Allah isn’t real????
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to be fair i think lebanon has its share of western loving cucks
Kikes working overtime to try to demoralize us. Yet it doesn't work. What a pathetic existence.
true kek
>printscreens one part
If you are genuine, read the whole thing else you're just a waste of time going back and forth with me. So far all you have proven to me is that you're a kike bot going off a script.
the first 2 sentences you retarded nigger
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>Netanyahu in his first reference to the attempted assassination of Nasrallah, now at an event in the USA: "Our enemies thought we were spider webs, that's what one of them used to say"
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is biden retarded?
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Lmao Hungary cuck doesn’t care when white people get bombed in Ukraine but when it’s nigger soldiers hiding behind nigger civilians, Allah forbid amirite cygani
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20 years of shilling
20 years of military build up and preparation
20 years of tunnels being dug
20 years buying a bunch of useless metal tubes that can't do anything
all down the drain
it was 12-13 legions
if he is dead idf will press the advantage and bomb as much as possible
if he isn't dead idf will continue bombing until a retaliation
Here, let's change topic. genuine question
is the US election a factor in this?
are jews gunning for war before it? are they waiting after it passes?
Jews control both sides, so fuck if I know. I wonder if Iran and Russia are waiting for the deep state to go in civil war?
That is what they do. Normal kike bot procedure to ask for a source and then discredit without reading it. The answer is in the first sentences.
>spider webs
rent free KEK, but lets make something clear, Nasrallah is not your enemy. He is a wonderful man, not in the least defined by your boring operations you polish cuck. You are an unenlightened nuisance
how very jewish
he's senile and drank too much zionist koolaid when he was younger
unlikely he'll change his ways
funny how "3 strikes" turn into 10 and more
I felt a chill in my spine. That's ice cold.
that's the entire article lol

read what he claimed first before injecting yourself, retard
Lmao. Netanyahu is probably the greatest leader of this era honestly. I mean in the Atilla the Hun sense of course. Would be funny if he got the Nobel Peace Prize.
I took a jidf gig to shitpost here for the next hour but this is just sad
I think I'm going to sit this one out guys
1500 in a single day is a lot, let's start there, a lot of you 'people' are harping on jew this and jew that but ye may want to check your own callous disregard for life. 1500 is a lot, especially in a single day. That's first, there's a bunch of other shit as well I don't feel like spoonfeeding tourists, but staying on the 1500. Hezbollah didn't do shit about it other than fire the usual cheap as chips unguided rockets at the usual long evacuated no-name settlements. Maybe, just MAYBE if Hezbollah - and Iran - stuck by their threats, this shit wouldn't happen, but since they didn't, now they've lost ALL credibility and are there's targets on their backs. What's the lesson? When you threaten a nigger, you better kill that fucker before he kills you.
>Nasrallah is not netanyahu's enemy
Why are the yids BTFOing Hezbollah with impunity. Did Putin export cuck warfare to the Middle East?
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>reality is... demoralizing??
kek keep seething and coping you low iq repulsive subhumans, entire leadership of hezbollah is literally dead and they're barely reacting lmao
Yeah, you fucking lost habibi
sadly for Hez they can't sit this one out, consider yourself lucky
I think the paid posters aren't allowed to talk about the US election because I asked about it a while ago and I didn't get any replies.
>Nasrallah: I’m confident in our victory; Israel is weaker than a spider-web
i care actually, but we still wouldnt have provoked war in ukraines shoes because we arent retarded and know a good deal when we see it. nice try to change topics though i can't wait until you ground operation and reveal all the cruise missiles you blew up under those civilians. we're all on the edge of our seat from your epic operation
only the losing side posts gore porn
it is
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Sometimes it's just gloating :)
>is the US election a factor in this?
When it comes to foreign policy it doesn't matter who gets elected.
>he’s right, we wouldn’t have done shit
Lmao the cuckold confirms the rumors
Hungarians are pathetic worms
How completely unsurprising
>*still crying about nigger civilians*
Fucking cygani, I know they’re your brethren, make like a good Hungarian and do nothing about it lmao
Can’t explain victory to somebody who never experienced it fren ;)
Russia is eating shit in Ukraine and you’ve fixed in a year every problem in the Middle East and then some lmao
1500 civilians is a lot? youve killed up to 100 thousand in Gaza. millions in libya afghanistan iraq. nothing callous, lots of bullshit to magnify , 1500 lives, 100 tons, sound good to an untrained ear maybe but not even to that really. but it all amounts to crap in practice, makes you more hated, doesnt moralize your nonfunctional population and especially army. youre not even motivated to rub it in since it doesnt make a meaningful difference in anything, apart from the lives of those we lost.
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>B-B-bbbut Hezbollah has 600k heckin missiles they can fire at any time!
we really wont do shit against Russia either. we might kick your ass out though, but go off namecalling, your spectacular 101,5 tons of jdam is exciting as hell
Seriously. This.
If anything it unironically remoralizes me. Since it shows me just how desperate they are.
1) They're spending a fuckton on shilling. Literally more per thread than they were spending in an entire day when we were slow within the last few weeks to a month.
2) The quality of shills is super low, even for the 100% poopooish shills. Meaning that they're so desperate, that they simply mass hired poopiejeet shills and provided essentially zero training to them.
2a) These shills have never been on chan before, so they simply copy other brand new shills. Which keeps lowering their skill level in a downward spiral.
3) They're trying super hard to demoralize and push certain topics that had already been debunked. Along with shill propaganda that's too retarded to be true, that they refuse to go off script or realize their tactics aren't working
4) If they're that desperate to do this mass bulk spamming/flooding shilling, it means that things are going horribly for israel. Since their only tactic is to try to hide organic posts and evidence disproving them.

I am super remoralized due to their extreme levels of desperation and disorganization. Not unlike when you accidentally hit onto something mighty bigly, and you suddenly get shill stormed like crazy, activating all the crazy 70-80 post bots, with each post being a full page due to spacing. You know that they're desperate to cover it up and hide it. They try to make you quit by thinking something massive is a nothingburger. They start threatening you off platform with reporting to agencies, organizations, and law enforcement. It simply reeks of desperation and fear.
All indicating that they feel utterlessly powerless and every single other tactic has failed. They need to PSYOP you due to the damage to them, but they know it's futile and they know the end is near for them
Are they using hypersonics/ballistic missles over do they actually fly over lebanon and drop those bombs via their fighter jets?
Hezbollah beepers exploded the dicks and eyes of their top members, then about 50% of they're rockets and weapons got destroyed together with ALL of it's top commanders and left Nasrallah all alone and now he was bombed (to death) in his bunker.
All in one week.
Give me the cope, I want to laugh some more.
aipac owns Congress
aipac owns the senate
nothing Israel does will.be challenged by the white house
You won’t do shit, period, cycuckni
>heh they didn't respond with all their might right away that means they lost
>please ignore that israel got pelted by hezbollah missiles for 11 months and didn't do shit until very recently
laugh while you can
you will suffer for an eternity
>youve killed
Excuse me? I didn't kill fucking anybody.
As to the rest of your post, what part of HEZBOLLAH DIDN't DO SHIT are you not understanding? There's been SEVERAL escalations...AND THEY DIDN'T DO SHIT! What the fuck did you expect to happen?
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War analysts and historians will study this moment for years to come
How the strongest non-state militia melted before the eyes of the world in a weeks time
Hezbollah has been playing tit-for-tat with Israel for about a year now. But Israel has recently decided to go for the kill and Hezbollah has yet to mobilize in the same way. Perhaps its fear of inciting Western involvement, or perhaps it's that they're simply unable to do so in their current state.

I believe Hezbollah was planning on using tunnels beneath the Golan Heights to launch a ground war on Israeli territory, but these tunnels were discovered about year or two before the October 7th event and destroyed by Israel. And this has created a problem for Hezbollah, for they're strongest against Israel when fighting them directly on the ground. But without these tunnels the only way they can play into their strength is for Israel to come to them. But Israel isn't coming to them, instead they're tapping into their endless supply of US taxpayer money to launch waves of bombs and missiles all over Lebanon. Hezbollah, to this point, has tried to outplay them at their own game and they simply can't. And who could? No one can compete with the US money printer, at least not yet.
you even have images of your current bombings but rather post about some Gazan people. i guess you still felt you were making a difference back then, how quaint. no epic army morale armored assault to the Bekka and beyond?
Oh yeah those attacks at the empty desert and that telegraph shit picked up by a 30 year old AA system truly was the vengeance of allah on the jews amirite or amirite?
Status, chipperbros? Are our based heroes Hamas, Hezbollah and their inbred cousins getting demolished and humiliated again? I think so. Maybe Iran will do something? Or maybe not?
Lmao cygani you think calling me Israeli is offensive? You’re in full meltdown while kikebro flags laugh at you.
Will you ever be self aware?
>Maybe Iran will do something?
two more flags
actually they won't
Why isn't Hamas doing anything to ease the pressure off Hezbollah?
>I’m irish, nigger
nice method acting. it’s like you really believe you’re an irishman.
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Are you guys still pretending that shithole terrorist organisation can stand up to the superior Israeli race?
wow a actual non sided post with constructive points not relying on muh derp derp memes and muh cope .

Good post man
This, without daddy US and their infinite money supply, Israel would've been wiped off the face of the earth several times over
axis of retardation have had ONE WHOLE YEAR to prepare for war with Israel but are still not ready

cowardly fucking filth. Hezbollah and Iran are absolute fucking retards. jews have been yapping for months about how they're going to invade Lebanon but these absolute fucking cucks have done nothing. Irannan president just spoke about normalizing relations with Israel too. Fucking clowns are not prepared now and will never be prepared.
KEK feeling comfy with your lead goat fucker dead?
These jews will look so stupid if he's alive
I'm more of a method writer, but whatever
They want harris to win, since they know that yahoo can simply walk all over her with impunity. Just like how biden says something, and yahoo simply ignores it and does what he wants anyway. There are zero consequences to israel if harris gets elected, just like with biden. There's even recent articles about yahoo doing this to biden posted to chip in the last week

Israeli support for harris is almost double that as trump. Since they know that trump wouldn't allow all this mass killing. Just as how trump would have ended the russia war already. Biden/harris had something like 53% support in an israeli poll, with trump getting 31%. You see it with the jewish shills, how mich they push harris and did biden, and how much they're anti trump.

You simply need to watch their shilling agendas snd tactics, watch the trends over time, and you can figure out all their views. Even without the need for polls to then confirm it. I can find files posted on 4plebs if any confirmation is needed
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Then you wake up from the dream and realizes that Hezbollah is still there, run for the shlters now
iran president is a powerless figurehead, nobody cares about him
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>Iranian reports: the commander of the Quds Force in Lebanon, Abbas Nilproshan, is one of those killed in Beirut.

Damn they got another one
Chipperbros... we wanted Total Kike Death but all we got was Total Kike Domination.
How the hell do we cope with that?
you're running albeit nonfunctional propaganda for israel, you are sharing the guilt. but thats about all you can share and try to make me think your pointless civilian bombing in a completely dull controlled manner somehow made Hezb look bad to any relevant party to this conflict. wow, you did drop bombs on civvies, nobody thought you would.. so surprising and exciting, Hezb should have prevented it!
not for globalist interests thats for sure
So good. Moving to spirituality because you have nothing else? Yes, I'm sure your retarded religion is real and I'll pay for my sins of not believing Mohammad.
Even more reason to talk about it then. Jews are desperate for escalation. But what’s the rush?
I mean, they did covid for last election. Why would anyone care of trump vs Kamelia?
but not nasrallah
Russia china Iran and North Korea are the definition of paper tigers
They act this autisticaly aggressive because they got nothing. Russia is losing to fucking Ukraine. They walk on eggshells while screaming allah akbar. No wonder they’re all racially categorizeable as gooks
Well not wanting to take side, but Israel has a good air force equipment and neither Palestine or Lebanon has air force.
the sins of slaughtering innocents and reveling in it, rather
It's over sisters. The trans / Palestinian movement has failed! :(
they thought they could finish the job with propaganda, so they hired a jew named josephus create christianity to pacify any more would be messianic cults. needless to say the end result wasn’t what they originally envisioned.
Not those heckin' goodboy dindunuffin innocnet helpless hezebellonis!! Uncle nasrallah wouldn't even hurt a fly!!!!!!
>muh globalism
>cries at a nation literally killing everyone and everything that stands in front of their nationhood
Weak dumb gypsy fuck go pick up some coins that I threw on the ground lmao
did i miss a webm of that complex Israel apparently killed Nasrallah at going down?
i'm not really invested, because i honestly expected more from the jews today. but it is really the most dull way to make no difference and kill some random people. it would be like getting angry at cholera or something, completely aimless.
how to tell everyone you're a brownie without saying so.
Seems like a bunch of air strikes are ongoing, Lebanon being hit
irancucks will do nothing!

Jews have decisively outplayed axis of retardation.

This is the best example of why appeasement doesn't work. Axis of retardation have tried every trick to avoid war with Israel. Refusing to bomb Tel Aviv, refusing to mobilize their armies, refusing to hit civilian population centers. Jews just smelled their fear and pounced and escalated further realizing these cucks won't do anything and now Hezbollah has been rendered irrelevant and Iran humiliated.

These cucks really refuse to fight a war. Still now they're talking about "avoiding regional war". Don't these tards realize that only 1 side has to want war for war to happen?
>of their nationhood
you stupid schizos are not a nation. youre multiplying your enemies and injustice across the planet because you cant exist coherently, because you are not a nation obviously. of course i wont be glad youre making more injustice than there was before, idiot
It's always pathetic when poopoojeets try to LARP as western cultures that they know nothing about. Let alone pol culture. They can't even master burger culture, let alone random european countries or any of the others
It's all just so tiring

> I am white man, saar!
> How dare you post vidrels/picrels desecrating my cow god! Stop posting vidrels of indians eating cow poop!
> It is not jews that are pedos, it is the pakis! Look at this news headline I found about pakis raping white kids!
>You are a brownoid muslim if you don't like my idols, the jews!

“There is no truth to the enemy's false claims about the presence of weapons or weapons stores in the civilian buildings that it targeted with shelling in the southern suburb a short while ago.”
Hamas are hiding in the tunnels trying not to die right now, they can’t do anything to help hezb
Hamas is finished. Bibi wouldn't be opening a second front while the first one was seriously active.
Shit is going down on Lebanon, several air raids and explosions. Long night incoming.
That Steve guy from agenda free will be on sleep deprivation tonight
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what are these secondaries that suspiciously look like solid rocket fuel going off...?
Yeah it's going down plenty of explosions already
Damn we better believe that. Hezbollah is so trustworthy afterall..
wooo, jews are carpetshilling us now. Guess I'll keep the trump/kamela questions popping up.
I think it is a hoax. I mean who in Hizbollah is left to give an official statement?
they have giant underground bases in the mountains and we're still hearing about missiles in living rooms.
>jews are carpetshilling us now
That's not good. Maybe Iran can send their cyber division to aid us? Surely they won't leave us hanging.
You're not safe even on the internet, abu-canadi :) Enjoying your humiliation?
that makes one of us. sorry to the innocents of Lebanon, jews huffed their own farts again
>we'll lazily bomb you civilians to make Hezbollah look bad to you and show we are effective at destroying Hezbollah and they wont even retaliate against us for targeting you civilians who are separate from Hezbollah thats why we're targeting you to destroy Hezbollah
i mean.. ugh. bibi you are dumber than a bag of rocks. good night, dont expect any excitement from these jews, Nasrallah will get things in order in a few days
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Kek this guy is hilarious
I reject your (you) and mock your failing criminal enterprise
I'm sure it doesn't just make normies and anons hate israel more. Seeing the civilian genocide atrocity evidence spammed by the poopish shills. I guess thats why 95% of alphas, zoomers and millenials love israel and hate palestine and all non-israel mideast countries. Oh wait! I made an error! It's actually ⅔ of western zoomers hate israel and want it dissolved and given back to the Palestinians.
So... maybe those poopish tactics aren't working so well? Backfiring even, most would say? I bet hiring a massive army of incompetent poopish shills, has nothing to do with all youth generations wanting israel ended and given back to Palestinians. Maybe that plan wasn't ao smart, despite sounding so smart to kikes at 50 cents/day, vs spending $40- $100/day on the believable top tier shills

It's ogre
What do you think about Hezbollah's lack of retaliation?
what program did you use to download that part of the stream
Hezbollah are pathetic. Hamas is more or less gone and soon that is the case for Hezbollah too.
shiaa need hezb more than hezb need shiaa
they'll 100% replace him smaller groups did this successfully, current houthi leader is the son of the main guy who was even more chad looking and charismatic but since the 'clan' need them they got on with his son just fine
taliban lost one leader after another it didn't effect them because the US was there just as Israel and other enemies are there for leb shiaas
now considering a war i guess not since they're not the ones with keys for the event all they can do is fire rockets which israel can answer back easily too using airforce they might want to bait israel to ground war but israel not taking the bait so they'll mostly try to stfu and regroup although without having Nassrallah Israel cant as easily justify to the world retaliating hard on them, like when Saddam was hanged Murricans couldn't procced with their massive air raids as before
>Hamas is more or less gone
yeah except no
This looking like Palestine 2.0.
Seems this is still far from ending, a lot hit to come. Hard to predict

He reacts like if was he's condo being bombed lmao
I wonder if the switch to victim mode will give them whiplash or is that what the big nose is for?
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HyperCam 2
Ancient but works great and free

is he dead?
You guys watching the streams? Still air raids ongoing, Lebanon is being hit hard tonight
life isn't a video game
you don't just roll a die and get counterattack +5 on the same turn
>bombing civilians including women and children
>all these airstrikes
we're watching history unfold before our very eyes. geopolitics is shifting once again.
>you're running albeit nonfunctional propaganda for israel
The ONLY thing I'm guilty of is White man's burden and giving a shit about people I shouldn't give a flying fuck about! Letting civilians eat 1000kg bombs ain't a strategy let alone a winning one.
> somehow made Hezb look bad
I'm sorry, but are you a nigger? I ask because only niggers put appearance before performance. What part of there was SEVERAL escalations that went unanswered do you not understand? Since you're so into keeping up appearances, do you not think it might have been sensible to keep up appearances and follow through on their threats? THINK! Hez - and Iran - made themselves look bad by not following through, they got called and they folded so israel ante'd up again and again and each time they folded instead of calling the ante, what the fuck do you want?
>Hezb should have prevented it!
Yes, they should have. They should have hit the airbases and hit them fucking hard, but they didn't so now Beirut is getting carpeted. The alternative would have been to retreat back north of the river and re-group, clean house and implement a new strategy, one that actually might have deterred israel.

Not my fault.
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hamas is more intact than hezb since they're the ones to start the storm and managed to survived it even with all the Israeli murrican might and by not having a leader almost bigger than the group itself.. hanye dying or even if they got sinwar wont be nearly as much as nassrallah killed
hamas who were thought of as caged militia that cant do nothing but fire firecracks on israel showed how it can invade israel on will.. which will give them massive cash support from 2b jew hating regular mohammeds
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>Will be gone... more or less... eventually... almost there...
Was just reading a leb twitter say:
> How can anyone stand this? What have we ever done to deserve this?
and last night it was like

And you wonder how these people got to this point. "Resistance" was just a movie concept to them and they saw Hezbollah as actors or something? Sleepwalked into war.
>build your bunker under civilian buildings with the intent to use them as human shields
>muh bombing women and children
What do video games have to do with retaliating to enemy action?
big flashy explosions are boomertier
have a (you) to comfort you when you run for the shelters again.
>Sleepwalked into war
you are a jew, nobody else could be this dishonest about netanyahu and his cabinet
cool except everyone knows israel started this whole shit by occupying palestine
retaliating in the right way takes thinking
and thinking takes time
Beirut is getting flattened tonight, I love it
Nice swastika bro. It's a good symbol to stick it to da j00z epic style. As a fellow Nazi I also support Muslim immigration because we just need more anti-semites in the west.
my guy hezb is the ones popularizing oct 7th style invasions on israel, they talked about it for years before hamas done it, its their main source of inflicting pain on israel other than going Rambo style suicide attack on very explosive israel civ sites like amunia in haifa which might cause tactical nuke retaliation
they'll want a ceasefire for years and pre oct 7th escalation conditions in the region to invade which by then the revange calls would've died down
tldr no one really thought hezb can destroy israel by itself
fuck off kurd
I'm just watching , no having any personal opinion on this
hostage status
And what if your enemy just smashes you while you take your time?
i hope you die
Weren't the roaches at the UN saying days ago they would defend Lebanon if Jewsrael would do anything to them?

What now? They will cuck again?
retarded golem
killing civilians is not hurting hezbollah
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timmy you're as irrelevant as my farts
we both think they're great but others hope to not hear about them
we all die
I love how when they demand evidence and you provide it. They always try to discredit the source, say it's AI, say the evidence is fake or not credible, and so on. Even if it's israeli jews, israeli media, israeli politicians... it doesn't matter one bit. They simply claim you didn't give them evidence, try to distract you on different topics, pretend like you never sent evidence, and then just continue their shilling about a topic that you just denunked using israeli media with many israeli sources
>I also support Muslim immigration
You support the people responsible for it, so yeah you do.
yes but arabs are dying right now
That's a very jewish thing to say.
bro the text goes out of the circle. your design sense is trash. pass the controller to someone who can actually draw lmao
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Awesome shit
Killing their commanders and now possibly their leader does.
>t. Faggot who hyperventilated over a single missile interception in tel aviv yesterday
erDOGan still hasnt cut the oil pipelines to israel even back when gaza was getting attacked
muslims only care about themselves, 2 billion muslims in the world but a hose-nooked tribe of 7 millions or so can humiliate them like this
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assad isn't
More hasbara news telling us what the talking points are.
it's ok, i got popcorn
why is it "awesome"
are you a zionist
The last IDF KIA in Gaza was like a month ago
Hezbollah status?
try harder jew cock sucker
Dude I don't care I'm just watching.
>literal cuck
assad raped them so hard they turned jewish
the usual
just saw a report that cuck Iranians are currently "warning about escalation" as Israel is pummeling Beirut with air strikes

dumb fucking cunts are still doing warnings. losers
Remember when /chip/ claimed victory yesterday because people were going to take shelter over 1 missile from Yemen?
Holy fuck ive never seen a quicker turnaround.
Hey, your roach prez said at UN he was going to defend Lebanon in case of Jewsrael attacking them.

Your prez will cuck again?
How did you even see that post? The shill filters my friend installed for me blocked it as a shill. Maybe your uBlock Origin isn't setup correctly?
1,500 hezzies got their dicks blown off
Do I I have to pick a team?
Y know, but I want to know a proper response from a real roach like >>483050275
I wouldn't be so quick to make such a statement. The loss of their leadership could just as easily make Hezbollah more dangerous. With the majority of their leadership having been killed, it's almost certainly going to be the commanders on the field, and others who are closer to the conflict, who will take their place. The upper-echelon obviously under-estimated Israel, otherwise they wouldn't have been caught out in such rapid succession. With new blood comes new vigor and a healthy dose of respect for the enemy which they are currently facing.

Hezbollah's reach and influence also extends well outside of Lebanon, and even outside of the Middle East. They're not so easily bested. Israel may succeed in cutting off what they consider to be the head of the snake, but this snake isn't as centralized as they would like it to be. And I think Israel understands this to some degree, for they're not so brazen this time around; they're not entering into a ground war with Hezbollah. Even with all of their PR farms popping off on Twitter, they have yet to launch a ground assault, and for good reason. Hezbollah has many years of experience in Syria and their soldiers are more battle-hardened than your average Jewish foot solider. Israel may be winning right now, but you don't win wars from the air. They can kill their leadership, they can kill their soldiers, but until they take and hold territory the resistance will recover and renter the fight
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i was sleeping when the attack happened i missed the live reaction
arab twitter must've exploded
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I feel like I have to tell this because most of the people on this website are literal retards

Hezbollah is not the friend of Turkey

Iran is not the friend of Turkey

Assad is definitely not the friend of Turkey

Erdogan never said anything even remotely close to "defending Lebanon". This was first tweeted by zigger disinformation accounts on twitter because shitholers like iran and russia want to destroy Turkish-NATO relations because they are scared shitless of Turkish military power.

Hezbollah killed dozens of Turkish soldiers in Syria and Iraq. Iran is fighting Turkey for influence all over the region.

Russia is an imperialist shithole.

The world, including Turks are in joy because Hezbollah RATS are dying.

Webm rel, celebrations today in Turkish occupied Syria after Nasrallah fucking died.

Your shitskin cope replies will be ignored. Arabs are the absolute world champions of coping.
pretty sure that guy is the armenian atheist who you often find in anti-islam threads
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Another epic spergout
pro westerners: hope they killed him
pro easterners: WHERE IS IRAN
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I'm guessing 2 more weeks before nothing happens again?
Yes we know Turkey is a fag country
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we where laughing at how big of pansy cowards you are lying jew, running from 300km away firecrackers in the millions
that hasn't changed lmao
>This was first tweeted by zigger disinformation accounts on twitter because shitholers like iran and russia want to destroy Turkish-NATO relations because they are scared shitless of Turkish military power.
TL;DR So you will cuck, and discredit you prez while doing it.
Typical of the nigger roaches.
Strong words from Canada.
Are these faggots actually going to invade?
Oz-fag probably doesn't appear to know that Israel also assassinated the Hezbollah leader before Nasrallah and Hezbollah only got stronger after that point.
you're just silly superbowl audience while here its a daily superbowl for a year and even more since israel is never a topic off news
Looks like I got my answer pretty fast
According >>483050708, roaches will cuck, like always. Typical.
Nah, it's over. Nobody are willing to fuck with Israel after this.
it's a jew
Israel is desperately running out of time so expect that Netanyahu will become even more extreme in his military actions.
What you don't want them? How can you be a racist and support them at the same time?
totally civilian secondary explosions there. the "rockets" you see? these are innocent women being assblasted.
No, I'm pretty familiar with Hezbollah's history. That's why I'm surprised by their lackluster performance.
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Beirut right now:
>Kike doesn't realise the same reasoning about military targets applies to every single reservist kike
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they killed nassrallah but killed the possibility of northerners returning anytime soon since its gonna stay active for a year now (i hope) and israel cant even go as hard since they got their 'strawman'
I don't want Arabs in Europe, which is why I don't support the people responsible for sending Arabs to Europe: israel and world jewry.
>Five minutes into the first quarter
Mate, wait until half time at least to spout.
lmao its going to be so funny when you stop posting for a long period of time just like when you were hyping up /shill
what kind of retard says fuck the palis and lebs(there are sunnis too) and then turns around and cries for fsa israeli backed rebels in Syria you assbackwards mongrel rape baby



>The loss of their leadership could just as easily make Hezbollah more dangerous
The loss of the leadership is a good thing because it was obviously their corruption that allowed for sever infiltrations. The smart thing to do is surrender and form a splinter group who're against it. Let them have as much gear that's left and switch to low intensity but high value terrorism that targets CRITICAL infrastructure.
>The upper-echelon obviously under-estimated Israel
No, they underestimated the level of corruption in their own ranks.
liar erdogan likes iran more than he likes saudis
>Israel is desperately
To me looks like they're comfy bombing everyone in the middle east without opposition of literally NO ONE.
Doesn't look good for anyone in the zone.
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(these faggot lebarat flags were still coping until yesterday, today they have been exterminated because power is out in Beirut)
>kikes bomb building where nasrallah is supoosedly at
>he left minutes before the strikes
>kikes starts bombing other buildings in hopes of nasrallah being there
>still alive
zioxisters, why is nasrallah is living rent in our heads?
>Trust the plan.
No one's buying it "mate."
Love to see HTS celebrating. Shia dogs deserves what's coming.
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Beirut right now

Kikes now know that everywhere down to Tel Aviv is a missile target. Yes, the kike air force is the strongest arm of the IDF, but it cannot win any wars nor hold any ground. It certainly can't return northern Israel to Israelis.
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Probably, 1,000 died in Beirut today alone, 300 deaths in Hezbollah HQ where Nasrallah fucking died and went to hell
You ignored my major point. It is just getting started and the kikes are already shitting their pants.
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no they just killed nassrallah not the civvies like 5~ days ago
What?! You don't hide 30-50ft ICBM's, scuds, and hypersonic missiles under your coffee tables? Why would anyone ever store their entire weapons stash deep underground in bunkers, or in bunkers built into mountains? It's so far vs every single civilian storing them above ground where they can be destroyed by israeli carpet bombings. Sure it's much safer to spready them out into tons of super deep tunnels, bunkers, and inside mountains. But just think of the schlep it is to have to drive miles away to get them, and bring them back to the location to use them from your living room windows?
NEW BREAD >>483051464
Because your point contradicts observable reality. Hezbollah are being killed, their rockets are missing, and jews are laughing.
bashart is next he will be killed like a shia dog
do you identify as sunni
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>w-w-we'll bomb tel aviv THIS time! just you wait! 3 more red lines crossed and we'll do it!!!!!!!!!
>It's just five minutes into the first quarter
Let the kikes laugh and let the IDF use up their stocks of JDAMs. As you keep ignoring, this is just the warm up.
Shillnigger thinks JDAMs are a limited and dwindling stock like the ancient junk Pozziya uses
By a UN resolution Lebanon is banned from having air defences so that they can't defend themselves from jews.
The jews are under the protection of the US so if Iran would join in for a more fair fight the jews would cry for USA help.
They just got another $9b in aid from their colony. Their stocks are fine.
pretty secondaries, my guess is pregnant baby doctors
That's a good point. Israel seems to have known the location of each and every Hezbollah leadership hideout, and that kind of information is usually hard to come by. Did Hezbollah get sloppy? Is it a result of corruption? I think corruption definitely had a role to play in all of this. Or did they have a rat or two, or a Mossad agent in the mix? Or is it all of the above? Yeah, it's something to think about, that's for sure.

This conflict has certainly shed some light on how deep these interfaction relations go. Iran and Hezbollah may not be as closely bound as they would like you to believe. Could someone in the Iranian government or IRGC be the rat? The Hamas leader who was hiding out in Iran was also picked off with precision. Could it just be a coincidence? It's hard to say. The Jews have a way with money, and people have a way of foregoing their morals when enough of it gets waved in their face.
>he didnt die
>no confirmation
>uhhh al shababiya al mahmoudi network says hes alive frens
>haha total L for IDF
>t-the death of the leadership i-is actually a good thing here is why

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