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Previous >>483042746

Glowniggers are trying to subvert /chip/ via well poisoning. Ignore all threads and posters endorsing Israel, (both sides bad), memeflags, namefags, and thread splitters.
*By posting in this thread you deny *srael is a legitimate state, DENOUNCE and fully CONDEMN the Talmud, and endorse TKD* (Total Kike Death)
*Do not trust happening announcements without link/proof

>Nasrallah status: inside Schrödinger's box
>Massive strike on Beirut, apparently targetting Nasrallah
>A Houthi hypersonic missile hit Tel Aviv
>The Islamic Resistance in Iraq has targeted Golan using several drones.
>Syrian army units target with heavy artillery the positions of terrorist groups supported by the Turkish occupation in the vicinity of the town of Kabashin in the northern countryside of Aleppo

https://youtu.be/52jV27IlDsw [Embed]

https://youtu.be/V9q0hzmi73M [Embed]
https://youtu.be/Ys4pnmsJ0Aw [Embed]
https://youtu.be/b-2l4B1Zhpw [Embed]
https://youtu.be/gCNeDWCI0vo [Embed]






>Guide to Israel-Palestine conflict
>1948 Nakba Documentary
https://youtu.be/Bwy-Rf15UIs [Embed]
>Evangelicals are useful idiots that betray Christians and Jesus.
https://youtu.be/nHT-SjIM0tA [Embed]
>Former US Marine: Hamas are freedom fighters, US government the real terrorist.
https://youtu.be/OgKVRtUczRg [Embed]

Islamic Resistance (Iraq):

Islamic Resistance in Iraq targeted northern Israel with 'Arqab' cruise missiles
New 9/22/2024



Published footage of targeting Ramat David Airbase and Haifa military industrial area with Fadi-1 and Fadi-2 rockets yesterday morning
New 9/22/2024


Martyr Izz El-Din Al-Qassam Brigades:

Al-Qassam Mujahideen seizing a booby-trapped military vehicle and drones in the eastern area of the city of Rafah, south of the Gaza Strip
New 9/21/2024


Al-Quds Brigades:

Martyrs of the Jerusalem Brigades in the battle of terror in the camps in the West Bank.
NEW 9/20/2024

Al-Quds Brigades release footage of their fighters shelling the "Abu Mutaibeq" military site with mortar shells and seizing a "Zionist" drone of the "Evo Max" type in the skies over central Gaza Strip.
NEW 9/12/2024


Al-Aqsa Martyrs’ Brigades:

Scenes from the bombing of the zionist enemy forces stationed in the "Netzarim" axis with a 107mm rocket barrage.
NEW 9/14/2024

▶Daily After Action Reports
https://pastebin.com/GWbMvPeg 6/30/24
https://pastebin.com/V7KgCa8W 6/30/24

▶Hamas Memorandum:
"This is our Narrative.. why the Al-Aqsa Flood."
https://files.catbox.moe/zlt9ld.pdf New 1/21/24

>War Crimes Of IDF Updated
>News / Clips

Islamic Resistance:

This video shows footage of the Islamic Resistance's operation targeting Jal Al-Alam site belonging to the "Israeli" enemy army at the southern Lebanese border with an assault glider.
New 9/09/2024

This video shows footage of the Islamic Resistance's operation targeting the espionage equipment at Al-Tayhat Hill and Al-Ramtha site belonging to the "Israeli" enemy army, along the southern Lebanese border.
New 9/09/2024

Al-Qassam Brigades:

Within the Battle of Tufan Al-Aqsa the detonation caused direct hits, resulting in deaths and injuries among the occupation soldiers during the large-scale raid that the camp witnessed.
New 9/02/2024

Al-Mujahideen Brigades:

Footage of some operations carried out by the Mujahideen Brigades during their resistance to the zionist aggression campaign on the northern West Bank.
New 9/07/2024

Scenes of the Mujahideen Brigades detonating an explosive device on a zionist bulldozer on Abu Al-Asal Street in Jenin Camp.
New 9/05/2024


Hezbollah military media publishes: Our mountains – Imad
New 08/16/2024

Saraya Al-Quds Brigades:

Al-Quds Brigades shows scenes of its mujahideen bombing with mortar lava the soldiers and vehicles of the Zionist enemy invading the Al-Zaytoun neighborhood in Gaza City.
New 9/06/2024

Al-Quds Brigades shows scenes of its fighters, in cooperation with the fighters of the Al-Qassam Brigades, sniping at the soldiers of the Zionist enemy on the axis of progress in the Al-Zeitoun neighborhood
New 9/03/2024


▶/Chip/ Archives Info

▶/Chip/ Archives Clips

Episode 11
>The Security Forces of the Palestinian Authority... is it too late to join the Resistance?

Twitter link

Foreign soldiers attempting to murder US citizens on US soil
Archived Files

Here it is.
Debunking the State of Israel
Refutation of the Zionist historical claim over Levant.
https://files.catbox.moe/v6i8wj.mp4 6/21/24

Yoav Shamir's "Defamation" 7/30/24
https://youtu.be/CTAjc1OSrmY [Embed]

TANTURA 7/30/24
> Massacre btwn IDF & palestinians civilians
>1948 Nabka
https://youchu.be/CTAjc1OSrmY- Non-Google & can Download MP4
https://youtu.be/CTAjc1OSrmY [Embed]
Holy moly, a banner with a picture of Assad! Perhaps he will come to the aid of Palestine and do something to achieve the "TKD" that we've all been yearning for?
Hitler's speech about Palestinian independence

>Do NOT engage with people posting inflammatory remarks about religion, in this case, Islam.
In the most typical hebrew fashion they will try endlessly to deceive you into replying in anger.
>This thread welcomes Christians and Muslims and any faith because it's not a thread about faith.
Nobody in this thread is interested in arguing about your religion.
>This is a thread dedicated to tracking the real time updates of the Israel-Gaza conflict and the total destruction of the illegitimate welfare state known as Israel.
Civil discussion is one thing but shills will NEVER engage in that, only PILPUL, D&C sowing and ragebaiting.
> Both Android & iOS have browsers which support extensions

>REMINDER: NATO, America, and Ukraine pledged their support to Israel within 12 hours of the war
>REMINDER: Russia, China, Afghanistan, Serbia, Iran and Syria all hate Israel
>REMINDER: Israel stole the Golan Heights from Assad
>REMINDER: Zelenskyy likened Ukraine to a "Greater Israel"
>REMINDER: Israel starts wars that displace Arabs, then helps them and Africans immigrate into Europe
>REMINDER: Israel has admitted to possessing nuclear weapons, thereby renouncing its policy of "strategic ambiguity
Ah yes, Adolf the Hitler. Such a great man. He's the hero we need to save us from genocidal maniacs.
Thread theme:
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Beirut still getting lit
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will the new hezbollah accept the temp ceasefire that they accepted before nassrallah was killed?
>Al Jazeera English | Live
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Beirut barbecue
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>nasrallah blown to pieces
>quick switch to Assad
His wisdom will save us from the only enemy mankind has ever known
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its rapefugee roach repellent
we have extra layers to the conflict, newfag
>bbbuuh i dont care
no one asked you to gtfo
Ive been on chip for almost a week now, plus 15-20 times previously. The shilling levels are nuts. There's not 1 single post unfiltered except for the baker right now. The kikes bust be desperate and afraid to be sholling this much to each other
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2 more weeks teh post
two more happenings
whos winning today anons
It's not on the table. Even if Netanyahu wanted to agree to a ceasefire, Smotrich and Ben Gvir would leave the government, which will force an election which Netanyahu will lose.
kikes still bombing beacuse he is alive
>I am not pro-ceasefire, I am pro-the world waking the fuck up and shutting Israel down.
>A kike said this
he died and went to hell
only in ur imagination
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for jews its existential crisis for muslims its main event superbowl but not directly effecting them

for now its only population of 5m arabs that are directly involved with their small armed militias and its still enough in making jews feel dread
>Implying we warn people in advance before assassinations attempts
they're throwing a hissy fit with my tax dollars. but this brings them closer to their inevitable demise. I'll pay that price.
Why? They have the upperhand now, why would they negotiate?
he is dead and soon your relatives will die too
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Why do the shills get paid to talk to themselves? This is so super sad that it's demoralizing. I can hear the seething and head bobbing from here. Some are even stress eating their bulk purchases of feces too, along with some biryani. Washing it down with cow urine and rubbing both all over their faces, bodies, and hair. Even pouring urine into their eyes.
thoughts on shia dogs?
what about all the other buildings that are getting bombed now? ur lying is on an amateur level kek
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>just ignore all the secondary explosions infidel
Get new talking points
i want to know from the hezb perspective not the israeli one
also your retards have 0 powers its the bibi ship and he was already pressured to stop this shit because hezb didn't even do oct 7th to get as much civvie deaths and now he got nassrallah he is gonna stop
which is totally a bibi thing to do since he only cares about what will happen to him not whats coming to bite israel in the ass without destroying hezb arsenal
hezb arsenal is only getting stronger since you cant win a ground war
I just applied to change my name to Mohammadstein mosqueberg and I'm converting to judaism, I'm tired of being on the losing side
even im starting to feel bad for them imagine twerking for israel on the forum for the whole day just to be given 1 dollar in the end
They gave warnings in advance because they claim there are missile caches there. You don't warn people and give them time to evacuate if you think Nasrallah is hiding there.
who? israel? they cant win from air and too pussy for ground war that is unwinnable
hezb cant do shit that wont get them back 10 folds so they'll stfu and try to regroup probably
>hezb arsenal is only getting stronger since you cant win a ground war
Do they need to at this stage? They're going to bomb so hard either Hez will surrender themselves or the Lebanese will invite the burgers in to help them deal with Hez.
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>filterturd speaking about talking to himself
>literally spends the whole thread replying to himself
Hezbollah could put their arsenal under the Russian defence umbrella in Tartus Syria.Actually they should build bunkers there for their leadership.
The jews tried to attack the base a few days ago with ballistics and Russians shot down all the missiles.
Oh I don't know about that. My great idol, Adolf the Hitler, never told me exactly which variant of Islam to mindlessly support.
why r u memeflagging when ur posting style gives u away as an american
You are cringe.
other groups in lebanon dont have 2 stones to rub together and mutts aren't retarded to go to another middle east war since Xi is already ready to rape directly because of murrican wars in the middle east
Sorry Hizbsisters no refunds! The Ayatollah sends his thoughts and prayers though.
>warnings in advance
only to 1 building yet they are now bombing everywhere. nice try moshe kek
>missile caches there
hezbollah never stores weapons in civilian areas typical kike lies to continue bombing buildings cuz nasrallah is alive
They're literal conscripts trying to avoid getting shot.
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Kys mudslime.
why is a serbian dog posting in a shia cuck thread?
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but i am not its your hollyjew culture
They'd do a lot more than that for a dollar a day. My friend told me that they get paid $16 per month. That comes out to 53 cents per day for a 16 hour shift, sometimes 18 hours. I can get him to send me the screenshot if you need it. The indians admitted that's all that they got paid.
You think that the people of Lebanon turn on Hezbollah rather than hate israel who are carpet bombing them?That would be mega cucked, especially because a defeat of Hezbollah probably mean that israel will occupy southern Lebanon permanently like the Golan heights.
work on disguising ur language lol, that was a good start
i almost pinned u for an esl
yes for the most part but there is also indian paid shills that get paid for posting and how many replies they get on their posts
Such is the fate of a TKD supporter. We always lose.
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>hezbollah never stores weapons in civilian areas typical kike lies to continue bombing buildings cuz nasrallah is alive
Wuts dis then? Fireworks?
show flag jew.
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Reminder for thread
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of course. why don’t you go back to your shithole and actually do something, ali?
We like Hitler and Assad here. Your posts expose you as the newfag you are. Stop posting.
>a kike bringing up racemixing
kikes are the muttiest of mutts to ever exist.
hezbollah arsenal is stretched out in every region with huge underground city... its very safe since israel need to occupy lebanon to get it
i have no idea though why they didn't stopped their higher up meetings since 6 months ago and didn't all migrate to iran when israel been able to hunt them down every week
i mean moral hit with nassrallah is unmatchable but they'll go on because they have to
that is not a weapon cache exploding kek
>the most powerful non state actor in the world

2 more weeks goy
jebo ti pas mater
What happens when we reach the point where 90% of the remaining Hezb force are Mossad informants? Do we still have to pretend to fight them?
sweden is my country and ur country is at war time for you to face the reality and be a man moshe
Counter question:
Imagine you're sitting chilling in the gaf with your mates, and then another mate bursts in saying he's been chased by some heads. You all go out to fight them but they kick your ass so you run back into the house and see the mate who led them there didn't even go out to fight. The heads outside start smashing all the windows. Would you throw your man who brought them to the house outside to the heads or would you just let them burn the place down?

Also, your post above is probably right, they'll retreat to Syria or some shit.
I just shit my pants
you mistaken me for a murrican though but it's understandable because you're all joses now so cant blame you
>israeli victories: we blew the dicks off of thousands of Hezbollah members in an intricate plot
>iranian proxy victories: h-he’s not REALLY dead!!!

lol lmao
>We like Hitler and Assad here.
But so do I! So why am I not welcome in the echo chamber?
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>rocket propellant exploding
>not a weapon cache
Who are you trying to fool?
No shill. He's dead, isn't he? Israel bombed the entire apartment block and they've been bombing Beirut all day.
Hard to tell, that's a residential area, plenty of stuff can provoke firework effect or whatever, but does not look like some military deposit being hit , it should continue in repetitive episodes of small explosions . But hey I'm not a expert.
International teams with different inspectors should actually later on make investigation on the explosion sites, but it's obvious this will turn in Palestine 2.0.
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>we have killed the leadership
>we have destroyed their arsenal
>going in? nah man...im fine...
google translate faggot
show flag
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Imagine how hard /chip/pies would wet themself if they had a livestream of Tel Aviv getting bombed continuously.

And yet they're trying to downplay this.
fucking kek the cope is off the charts
the reason they are still continuing to bomb is because he is still alive already escaped or trying to escape
yea i have no idea why he isn't in iran or in 100m deep bunker 24/7
Polymarket has it at 70% odds that he’s dead
Not what is said
They used to be. Those are gone now. They even had the unit 8200 IDF hsuper highly skilled and trained keyboard warrior PSYOPS brigade start fighting gun battles in gaza. If they are this desperate for soldiers it means that the shitty shills are absolutely fighting too. Unit 8200 was furious about losing their highly skilled workers to do manual labor.

These are simply indians. Even the jewish flag ones are indians. It's what most of those imported indians to israel are doing. It's super pathetic but AI chatbots are more expensive than these india visa shills. Which is why even as a newfag I can tell that they're shills whenever one slips by the filters my friend set up for me this week.
joij ti je kurac?
They're bombing because jews like killing people
Daycare hit damn idf going all out>>483051926
Ropr around jews necks satanyahoo and morton klein and Clinton's and drumpf
Lots of secondaries everywhere in a lot of these videos. Uh oh stinky.

>They are singing:
> “Yalla ya Nasrallah,
> We will f*ck you Inshallah,
> We will return you to Allah,
> With the entire Hezbollah”

Catchy tune yo
Thr zionist state
Cannot wait its a nice edit
ask google translate for a refund kek
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no more "و" instead of "ر"
Are you doing that as part of the acceptance test to be in the IDF? If so, do they clean you up, or do they make you do it yourself? Are they Pampers brand like the official IDF uniform require?
Muslims today are way too self-centered and live for secular values than showing true care for one another. As a roach it was a slap in the face when Erdogan continued his supply of natural gas to Israel amidst the genocide of Gazans, and has never stopped even now. Not even reduced its supply or imposed the slightest bit of sanctions on Israel. You only have a handful of islamic countries like Yemen and Lebanon who unconditionally stand up for their brothers, but it's sadly not enough.
Jidf and hasbara wrecked noninadion no srcuring anything judt 7 decades of diaprr wearing false flags psyops war crimes and terror
>Thinks that $$$ gibs equates to munitions production
LOL. Learn from Ukraine mate
yes you are not wrong but these bombings right now are aimed at trying to kill nasrallah
I'm doing it to go die for Iran.
Thats a munition its what it dors no secondary blasts go to stupid ass jeet
>All our martyrs can easily be replaced

Kek it’s kind of sad how pathetic it is when your only cope to being absolutely curb stomped is to admit that your people are disposable and dispensable, even after like 30 years at the top
In reality weak effeminate idf fags no accompilishments losers and suck at life worthless
you dont speak southern slav you shia dog
Is that the arabic "speaking" egypt flag shill? With a budget translator?
Wr kniw its a daycare fire bomb the zionist entity
I don't have a cope for that right now, but when I do, you'll regret your words you filthy kike!!
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>let azerbijan conquer armenia

there is no contest between our 2 groups even with our western installed puppets you could feel the fire under the ashes. if we where as powerful as the west the whole world would pay jizya
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>In reality weak effeminate idf fags no accompilishments losers and suck at life worthless
No of that occurs thats when you get wreckdd mccpain in hell and all zionist shitpigs hitchens and fast acting csncer kikebart is not coming back
israel is not going to run out of munitions. They would cut all aid to ukraine before that ever happened. israel will bleed everyone of its colonies dry to ensure its own survival. Accept the gravity of the situation and stop waiting for a miracle.
Its not Muslims.The population of the region is +95% anti israel.Its their leadership who are paid off by the USA.
Ironically if the region would have democracy that the US advocates for they would elect a Muslim Hitler who would do holobunga 2.0.
>Kikes killing civilians from 45,000 feet
The singular kike skill.But as I as I said, it's just early in the first quarter and Israel deserves its peremogas.
where is lebanon's allies? why arent they helping?
hablo engrish?
>Who are you trying to fool?
you are not fooling me and im preventing you from fooling others they should have sent one with a bit of military knowledge instead of someone emptyheaded like you
Of course Israel is going to run out of munitions, its only going to be a few weeks.
2 more weeks?
>Netanyahu expecting a knee jerk reaction
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There hasn't been a single Lebanese anon in the last several hours.
Did we kill them all?
Eight to twelve
>I'm sorry, but did Palestine already lose? Oh, that's right. The war isn't even over yet. In fact, it's only Autumn. Does not having Jerusalem and Tel Aviv count as a loss? Is that what you're saying? Because if you're saying that I can assure you that you're wrong. Why would you make this topic when the war is still on? The Palestinians are still fighting right now and they have been the best terrorist cell in The Middle East for how many years now? They're fighting one of the poorest countries in the world who just happen to have a lead because they're feeding off American tax dollars and gear. But you know what? They still fucking suck. Hamas are one of the strongest fucking militias in the world, they went 4-2 since their existence and would of won the Six Day War if Egypt didn't choke. Maybe you should shut the fuck up before you make retarded topics like this. You know why? Because you're going to be embarrassed when the Palestinians win and someone bumps this topic. Oh look at that, the Americans just retreated from Afghanistan, just like the British did. Are you a fucking drunk? Are you retarded? Are you autistic? You are a fucking idiot and you should never make a topic on this board again and I'm fucking serious. I almost have a feeling you're the only guy making all these anti-Hamas topics because you're a faggot hater who doesn't like the team because they're good. Fuck you, be good at something in YOUR life and then maybe try to troll these fucking soldiers on the board, like I give a fuck. It's so easy to spot out your threads now, you're a retard. Always doing stupid shit like this. Why don't you try to be a good poster? Just for once? For once in your fucking life try not to make a topic like this. That's just you, you're always right at getting it wrong. Fuck you. You are nothing.
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>Warlife doomposting
It's over
Nasrallah is probably dead bro. The reason they haven't confirmed it is because he was probably hiding in some kind of "secondary* barracks, which Israel shouldn't have info on. All of tonight's strikes seem targeted and their goal is to degrade Hezbollah's capabilities. Now, it's hard to say if Hezbollah is completely in the gutter, but it given the pager and today's strikes it is safe to say that Israel has an overwhelming advantage on information and they are putting it to use. It's hard to imagine had led to such and intelligence leak from Hezbollah.
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>Ironically if the region would have democracy that the US advocates for they would elect a Muslim Hitler who would do holobunga 2.0.
yes this one gets it

>All contact lost with Hezbollah command structure according to Reuters.
>Nasrallah likely dead. Iran weighing options.
>IDF sends another warning at 3:17am to Beirut. EVACUATE NOW. MORE STRIKES COMING.
>More impacts reported and cook offs of Hezbollah munitions happening all over from previous hits.

Humiliation on an historic scale.
>Kike wall of words = kikes losing
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No life greater than your country
has iran said anything yet
>UK controlled Reuters says
Israel, enjoy your peremogas.
Okay Mr Paparangawhau, just let me know when you follow the rest of your countrymen and arrive on the Gold Coast. In the meantime here’s your (You) - hope it lasts till your next WINZ payment.
>A week of Kike peremoga
Zrada next
Do you think Hezbollah will kill a single jew in that time? Or just fire more rockets into the sea?
Iran totally cucked. No way biden and harris would do anything 40 days before an election. The "axis" turned out to be a broken fucking wheel. What a joke.
There goes ANOTHER hiding hole. God this livestream is wonderful.
Kikes seething because their shilling ignored.Whats new? Kek.
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they're on taqqiyya special for months now that it might be not taqqiyya but new reality
raisi dying was the last straw?
Thoughts and prayers
confirm what? they are trying to get him out of lebanon and the kikes are on high alert trying to kill him bombing buildings where they think he could be at
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>Citizens sleep in the streets of Beirut after the Israeli attack.

kek who's getting displaced now
Don't forget not to give kikes you(s)
was nassrallah the final iranian gift?
are they the new saudis or its all just pretense
>Israeli naval vessels participating now in bombardment of Hezbollah positions in Beirut.
uhhh europe bros??
I mean you are right, but you don't think if all the neighboring countries with a high percentage of muslims in the population (which is basically everyone but israel) banded together they could easily steamroll israel? If turkey, syria, iran, iraq egypt and saudi arabia all turned on Israel this would be immediately dealt with. But the truth is that they love the petrodollar too much, a lot of their heads of state are compromised by jews such as the crypto kikes in saudi's royalty.
>The flag is already up, what more do they want from us?
israeli intel has been impressive.
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Plenty of space left in Ireland
>Thicc Phoenician milkers incoming

First Ukrainian qts now this, Europeans are so lucky
From the river to the see
We will cope dilate and seethe
>stop noticing goy
It's essentially just shills replying to shills. Their real money comes from (you)'s so they desperately need the engagement. I won't reply to them at all. Mostly because it's a waste of my time to even open them. I also don't reply to make them seethe that they can't bait me into replying to them. Even when they (you) me in a futile attempt to bait me. I still never read their posts
There goes another ammo dump.
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>yet another 1pbtid filterturd cringe
lel, he's about to off himself
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wallahi they are kufar brother they deserve to be killed they fight the ahlu sunni
Someone screencap all the Iraqi "" swede"" posts so we can laugh at him later
lmao the "Axis of Resistance" is such a fucking meme papertiger that they are crying for ISIS now? hahahaha
If China/BRICS would become powerful enough they could switch alliances and then they could turn hostile to israel.
isis been bombed to smithereens
it will comeback though they're so suicidal they wont give a shit about k/d
israel dont want them as much as they dont want Assad and co's because they'll always turn to them in the end and if they secured power in one cunt or two
the only reason isis isn't more feared by israel is because the arabs hate them too and last time they killed their wives and families to get to them all arabs stayed quiet
what stream u watching?
Wheres this guy from? His zogged leader might get khasshogi this guy for fun.
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>Many Lebanese are sleeping on the streets of Beirut after being displaced from the southern suburb as a result of the threat of the IDF and their demands for forced displacement and the continuous wave of bombings of the suburb of Beirut.

>suicidal they wont give a shit about k/d
Much like Hamas and Hezb
Almost as if Islamists and jihadis have something in common or something

will the sunnis and/or christians fill the partial vacuum left by rump hezbollah?
The Steve Lokner one, so far is the most real time ongoing
isis was a US/israeli proxy.
Kinda insane that israeli's are now using even warships to attack southern lebanon
A shame Hezb didn't use their antiship missiles when they had the chance.
Actually the Lookner is about to end I think .
We are left with MTV Lebanon lmao
Israel won a total victory against Hezbollah. Someone ratted out Hezbollah to Mossad and I think it's Russia.
Didn't the Houthis attack 3 USA warships and israel ones too? They announced it on one of the websites today
the jew kissenger knew the only place that wont surrender to nu-world US hegemony and lgbt parades are muslims no matter how powerful their devices get
muslims survived social media degeneracy although not unscathed yet as stubborn and there wont be as powerful as social medias to turn everyone into a drone which will open the doors to new powers
>and I think it's Russia
just woke up
anything happen over the past 12 hours?

Israel meets with Russia right before the pager incident. Russia didn't do anything to help Hamas or Hezbollah when they had the perfect opportunity to.
If it's anyone it's gonna be Assad, can't imagine he wants to be an Iranian proxy that gets bombed by Israel on occasion, ratting out Hezbollah is an easy price to pay
>I think it's Russia.
I do love a good plot twist, why?
kaboomies in beirut
Nasrallah might be dead
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>Many Lebanese are sleeping on the streets of Beirut after being displaced from the southern suburb as a result of the threat of the IDF and their demands for forced displacement and the continuous wave of bombings of the suburb of Beirut.

Well he just used their feeds anyway, we need to find the wide angle one
Kikes killing civilians and non stop spam don't give them any you (s)
>Much like Hamas and Hezb
>Almost as if Islamists and jihadis have something in common or something
lol nice try but if isis had hezbollah arsenal and control you'd be dying in the hundreds of thousands. there wont be any lebanon left but isis wont give a fuck
as of hamas they're also not as crazy as you wont even the relative peace of pre oct 7th even from low matched hamas tier strength

stop being an optics tranny no ones here has the power to effect shit
>Israel meets with Russia right before the pager incident.
There actually was a meeting because I remember I posted in this general literally saying that's interesting if true.
That meeting was about israel whining about the then not signed Russian-Iranian strategic partnership.Then Russia went along with the treaty anyway.
The pagers were rigged long in advance.
Lookner raked in $15 for each "Breaking News" squeel
Nasrallah is dead along with the top IRGC advisor for Lebanon. Beirut ibfrastructure supporting Hezb, including anti-ship missiles and rocket production, is getting blown to bits. Destruction of anti-ship is allowing naval bombardment of beirut to happen and Lebanon will capitulate after talking a big game.
Thanks, was guessing he is in gulf somewhere looking at the squared crisp looking head dress style. Is kuwait considered a gulf country? My logic seems saying yes. Gulf war, kuwait is at the end of the gulf.
the axis abandoned lebanon
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How hard are you crying right now Luis Valdez Ruiz? How many more drug deals you gonna have to do this week?
>the pagers are now D tier to what israel done next
there is hezb error they though israel would stop.
iran made shitty calculation and hezb followed
>Don't forget not to give kikes you(s)
Unironically this.
If you starve them of (you)'s they realize that our filters are infallible. That they are invisible. They will then spend more time in other threads that are easy for (you)'s. Plus it's funny to make them waste so much time "working" and not make any money for doing it. If you provide them with (you)'s they will get remoralized and shill even more. So no (you)'s for shills
Genuinely baffled by their inaction for most of this war. They successfully displaced thousands of jews in the north but didn't fully capitalize on that momentum. They apparently have this insane arsenal of diverse missiles and rockets yet they have no answer to all these air strikes and bombs that Israel can just launch without risk. Whats their plan?
it's still super weird, israel being israel could have been like, 'look, you know we own the U.S. We can make this Ukraine thing go away, all you have to do is...'
It's plausible...
"Axis of Resistance" has been dismantled lmao
>nasrallah went for a quick visit in beirut
>kikes bombed the building he was in
>he left few minutes before the airstrike on the building
>kikes thought he was dead
>still alive but somewhere hiding on his way to escape
>kikes are now bombing buildings they think he is in
Israel bombed their stockpiles. Its ongoing right now in Tyre,Beirut and Bekaa Valley.

> That meeting was about israel whining about the then not signed Russian-Iranian strategic partnership.Then Russia went along with the treaty anyway.

No it wasn't. The media said Israel went to Russia go tell them to please get Hezbollah to calm down. We never heard the results of the meeting other than it happened. The Iranian president just recently criticized Russia's "invasion" of Ukraine and that they won't send weapons to Russia anymore. You have to wonder why.
You should be baffled by the lebanese army most. Kek.
theres certain group of son of bitch sunnis that dont do anything to help the mujahedeen, they fear the consequences of rebellion so they help the saudi jewish coalition of 80 countries to bomb them instead, when the IS are fighting they say why u fight the rulers and shia then when they have a setback and cant fight as before they say where are u come fight for us for free, dumb fucks just want to complain and blame, those hypocrite of the sons of bitches sunnis will be destroyed when saudi arabia collapses and madkhalism dies
lmao the best sign people are 100% mad online is when they start bragging about their block lists

what a bunch of pussies in this thread
I think the simpler explanation is more likelier - Israel has deep contacts among the anti-Hezb Lebanese populations, particularly among Christians and Druze, but also Sunnis. They saw this as a perfect opportunity to get Israel to rid Lebanon of Hezb for good.
I initially thought it was sly jew propaganda but this must be it. They have a big fucking rat in their ranks man
no isis killed too many innocent mohammeds and alis
i could see how few think its worth it if jews would suffer in the end
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> if isis had hezbollah arsenal and control
Kinda makes you think how impressive their early conquests were. with barely any equipment compared to Hezv or Hamas. and it took the combined carpet bombing of U.S and Russia to stop them.

It's filterturd, don't mind him. literally every single one of his posts ITT is crying about not getting (You)'s.
they sold yazzidi women in auctions kek
>Alot of arguing and text-heavy posts

Yeh, Israel is winning
if the shilling board-wide doesn't stop /pol/ will become /k/ 2.0
i think you're right actually, there are (bolshevist) jews deep in the russian government.
waiting for iran probably.
>The Iranian president just recently criticized Russia's "invasion" of Ukraine and that they won't send weapons to Russia anymore. You have to wonder why.
>/pol/ will become /k/ 2.0
>I think it's Russia.
doubt nassrallah would trust putin with his life
Yes. He fought directly against the Judeo-Bolsheviks in the USSR, who were oppressing Christianity and massacring ethnic Ukrainians and Russians via starvation.

People will say the US is really behind this but I don't think that's the case this time. Biden's administration wants to work with Iran and has no interest in destroying Hezbollah. I really think there is something to this Biden-Iran connection and Russia + Israel have no choice but to team up
they wont trust them as well.
its a bigger inside job or they're simply hacked the most crypted iranian devices

The media is bullshitting, Iran denied denouncing Russia's war and the official reason why israel was in Russia is likely a lie.
They were there because of the Rus-Iran strategic treaty because its a big deal not because of dead hostages which was the official reason.
>The Iranian president just recently criticized Russia's "invasion" of Ukraine and that they won't send weapons to Russia anymore. You have to wonder why.
afaik they never officially admitted to supplying arms to Russia. They've always denied it.

> doubt nassrallah would trust putin with his life

Just proves my point more. He trusted the wrong leader.
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>Report on the complete cessation of activity of the Beirut airport .
> All the lights on the runways were turned off
Lebos can't leave anymore
The jewish shills aka poopish shills are head bobbing and seething like crazy right now. Incapable of getting (you)'s from anyone thats not another poopish shill. Seething that they're being filtered out, as it makes it impossible to ragebait the few organic anons in this thread

Plus they would much rather be spening their time outside in the streets. Streetshitting and eating biryani and cow feces off of the ground
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Bros i just realized that jews ships are called ''Saar''.
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>filterturd meltown post #93478
Any good strategy game that i should play bros?
>Kikes BTFO, now how are they supposed to see us if we turn off the lights!!?
The more shills = the more they're scared.
whether it's outsourced indians or hasbara

jyst ignore them
blacked.com on VR
israel is deliberately not attacking non-shiaas to be more justified but they'll be hated regardless
cant fuck with arabs genepool of hating jews and the seethe would reach murrica which will in turn make israel less schizo
>Israel has touched a few percent of Hezbollah's stockpiles
Kike peremoga
>Biden's administration wants to work with Iran
biden would have curbed aid to israel forever ago if that was the case.
don't really play them but the tiberian dawn remaster that came out a few years ago is good
The biggest joke of this whole thing to me is that US keeps nudging Israel to broker a temp ceasefire yet they keep sending billions of more dollars in the same breath. Nobody calls it out
Ansarallah announced strikes on 3 US destroyers
That's what you like?

Of course Iran denied it, they're completely economically dependent on Russia and China. Iran is such a mess they can't stay consistent.
Wait till you hear about the Saarlands you dumb serbitch
sry didnt mean to quote you
good morning saars
Are you keeping count? Didn’t know they knew how to do that past 10 in South Auckland
huh n-noo...
>western media said that Iran said this and said that
>western media sending conflicting messages about what Iran said about this and said about that
>Kikes: look at Iran being such an inconsistent mess!!!
Cope. They destroyed Hezb's ASMs then did a naval bombardment just to rub it in their faces.

Biden has to work with various US factions that would commit numerous terrorist attacks if Biden stopped all aid to Israel. His administration tried all they could to get Netanyahu to bend the knee and he withstood the pressure for enough time so Trump can win.
Hi 1PBTID kike shill
if hezb doesnt launch 10k rockets tomorrow its over lets be fr
>don't really play them but the tiberian dawn remaster that came out a few years ago is good

I played RA1 remaster a year ago.Finished Soviet campaign on hard.Then tried Allied campaign on hard but it become a grind because hard difficulty buffs the enemy unit stats and crappy allied tanks against boosted Soviet heavy and mammoth tanks just felt torture.
>Five minutes into the first quarter of the game
Kike peremoga gone to their heads
If they even have that many left after all of their arms depots got struck istael
i think thats hezb demonstrating to rest of lebs they still got the cunt by the balls even after nassrallah died
>Israel is winning the battle but has already lost the war

How many times has Iran said they would attack Israel? Lmao it's pathetic
IDF is utterly reliant upon US intel feeds, technology and munitions. So yeah the US is neck deep in it.
Bro I don't know how to break it to you but they're just doing that for domestic consumption. No one in the international arena (at least I hope not) believes that there's any kind of consensus regarding a ceasefire. There will be no ceasefire at all. And why would the US want a ceasefire? Iran and its proxies are getting battered day in and day out and all they can do is throw a few rockets at some settlements only to be intercepted. Strategically speaking, this is the best case scenario that the US could ask for. If you stop thinking of Israel as an independent entity and start thinking of it as a forward operating base for the US it will become clear. At this point I have to assume that there are some kind of backdoor negotiations going on behind the scenes between Iran and the US that's stopping Iran from actually retaliating substantially. Maybe the US is threatening nuclear war if they do. Who knows? It could be anything. But whatever you do, don't be so naive as to think ANYONE involved wants a ceasefire.

> IDF is utterly reliant upon US intel feeds, technology and munitions. So yeah the US is neck deep in

No they're not, they got that shit by themselves.
It's only over when there is no conflict left or at least Israel ceasing military campaign and close the 8oct chapter.
I think this will continue to extend, it's been already almost 1 year, expect this to not end so soon
>There will be no ceasefire at all. And why would the US want a ceasefire?
because chaos is what keeps murrica the top dog
kissenger 101
everyone is watching beirut getting bombed on youtube or al jazeera or whatever and there are hezb rockets misfired, live, to the eyes of everyone, livestreamed, with the ability to rewind too.
>n-nooo the israelis are randomly bombing houses they think hes in!!!!
>h-hes ok!!!!!!
unreasonable cope levels
>Hezbollah kept its large anti-ship missiles in the middle of downtown Beirut where they would be easily accessible and transportable to the coast in the event of a war
Kikes are stupid
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>Russia: Takes 2 years and half a million soldiers to get a few square kilometers of territory.
Entire israel is just a parasite sucking out US/western resources,money,technology and pretty much everything.
>In a time, place and way of Tehran's choosing
>If you stop thinking of Israel as an independent entity and start thinking of it as a forward operating base for the US it will become clear.
This ideology was created by jews specifically to get you to focus on the wrong target.
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army of 50m vs militia of 2m
not to mention gibs
So then my point still stands. The US has great interest in the continuation of the chaos in the Middle East. It gets to test out its munitions and fancy new airplane in actual combat scenarios, and unlike in Ukraine, there's no actual risk of retaliation. In Ukraine, the US is up against Russia, an actual adversary. In this conflict, the US is up against nobody. Don't say Iran, because they don't even exist militarily speaking.
>still no ground troops because they know they will get btfo like last time
>try to win the meme war by acting like a war has ever been won from the air
>kikes never return to northern israel
>Mutt leaders in DC just promised billions more in American weapons to Israel yesterday
>Mutt now states that Israel doesn't need or use any of those American weapons
ye but they have no interests of any of the militias being fully out of service other than isis lol
>Israel has gained zero sq km of Lebanon
Kike reasoning at its finest
The US has been behind every conflict since WWII, this still holds true today. Israel is to the US what Ukraine is to it. Both proxy groups. In a way it's kind of funny (though understandable) how the US publicly protests Iran's utilization of proxy groups when that's exactly what the US is doing. The US will never, ever get directly involved in any war from now on. Mark my words.
Russia could have defeated the Hamas hyperpower by now unlike israel.

Sorry I meant to comment specifically on intelligence. Israel has the world's best intelligence. Yes they still rely on US weapons.
That's a silly having in consideration Ukraine had aid and military support from the US and Nato .
الحزب المخروق
What does egypt do other than starve its own citizens and purchasing American weapons?
So does Israel.
>Verification not required.
>The US has great interest in the continuation of the chaos in the Middle East
It's not just this, it's actually benefiting us by expanding our hard power and creating a new bridgehead in Lebanon for U.S. control. The Biden Administration is playing this really beautifully the whole time.

It also establishes the right contrast - if you cooperate with the U.S. and partner with us, like Saudi Arabia and the UAE, your people flourish. If you decide on the path of chimpout, you are gonna get Gaza'd.

Biden said he wanted to be a President bold and courageous enough to reinvent the world order, and I think he literally said "America should rule the world". If you believe that America has generally uplifted the world for the last 90 years, this is doctrinally consistent and a capstone project for an incredibly successful Biden term that saw most of the world align behind America or be in the process of getting steamrolled by it.
Lol, mutt golem and anglo kikes running awacs and drones daily on the lebanese and syrian coast not too mention gaza and yemen.
Are you serious? Those militias are the only thing that are standing between the US and complete control of the Middle East. Sooner or later, the US will have to destroy them. As it is, it's getting its attack dog to do it for them, at no tangible risk to its own standing.
Yeah more air raids ongoing, this def gonna be long night In Lebanon
count their american money?
Blows my mind too until I remember that the top level in the US are shills that only pay lip service to what the people want. Biden and Blinken don't care about things like Arabs or morals or principles. They're career goons, they shouldn't be in leadership positions, but that's a cultural issue the US is decades away from solving. It would be great if more people would demand Biden end the war by cutting off arms shipments, but the media is run by people currently terrified of Trump (for selfish reasons) so they kill the narrative because of the election. I'd wager Biden has directly told Netanyahu to end the wars before November, because that's when the media will start criticizing Biden again.
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kebab that cures aids, chud

Russia needs to liberate the land, Israel needs to destroy an organization. Both countries are succeeding at their objective.
ok but how could hezbollah win this war? say you're put in charge. how do you achieve victory?
Biden doesn't even exist anymore.
lol. jews started WW2 and used britain and america to fight it. jews control america and dictate its policy. "america" does not exist as an independent entity; it is simply international jewry's chief colony. Until Muslims understand this, israel will continue to defeat you.
>how to keep saudis buying US weapons without houthis and co
>Unlimited international funding
>Unlimited civilian casualties allowed
>Zero sanctions


>Limited internal funding
>Every civilian casualty becomes media firestorm
>Infinite sanctions

The tiny hat tribe is fighting with Game Genie codes and the bear is fighting with one arm tied behind his back
Exactly a nation that possesses 90 nuclear warheads fighting 2 countries that don't even have air force
Egypt anon, if it's safe:

>Whats your view on Egypts role?
>What are rhe different opinions among public and different views in Egyptian power brokers

Pakistan is following your model; military supporting a weak corrupt civilian government by rigging and torturing any opposition with Imran Khan jailed and about to be killed.
An independent Pakistan and Egypt would be very interesting right now re: Isrl Pstine
Exactly right, I think when people see Biden and think of himself as a lovable old grandpa or a dementia-ridden mental patient, they are falling for exactly the kind of image the US wants to project to the world nowadays. If you fall in line with the US, Biden IS just Santa Claus, but if you don't, then he'll sic his proxies on you. I hate the US more than anything in the world and my biggest desire is to see it fail, but the fact of the matter is that they've played this beautifully.
Yeah the woman on the right represents the Egyptians Sisi fucking
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Jews name everything, Saar! From different Saar warships, to their kibbles & kibbutzies, to their little jewish babies, you name it. They live the poopish, and have been doing everything possible to attract their attention over the last few decades.

Since jews desperately love the poopish, due to their love of feces, their foul body odor and lack of hygeine, to raping kids and family members. You name it
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>I'd wager Biden has directly told Netanyahu to end the wars before November, because that's when the media will start criticizing Biden again.

As long as there aren’t boots on the ground, foreign policy affects US elections far less than you think. And why would Biden care what happens after November? He’s a lame duck and Kamala won’t be up for election for another 4 years if she wins.
>October 7
LOL try again
the shit that survived tiktok humiliations

kikes always first to backstab them and try to popularize it lmao
>Biden and Blinken don't care about things like Arabs or morals or principles. They're career goons, they shouldn't be in leadership positions
It's more that they are coldly rationally self-interested on behalf of America. They will take strategic opportunities as they arise.

Interesting, maybe Israeli airborne troops or the Lebanese Army + Meronite militias have started to make their move.
Hezbollah alone can't do shit. They're gonna need total and complete involvement of Syria, Houthis, PMF, Iran, and probably even the fucking Taliban to have a chance at any sort of "victory".
fuck it i'll bake again
This is true. People outside of the US like to cope about how this conflict will be the straw that broke the camel's back for many people in the US, but there's no real evidence to back this claim. In fact, so long as Americans have cheap fast food and unlimited Internet usage to watch Netflix and other streaming services, there is nothing that you can do to upset them.
Idlib and Northern Syria are excellent containment zones. SDF is basically Assad ally at this point too.
sisi would be fucking them anally with no lube then
Au contraire,
their short term gain belies a socially incoherent domestic mess economically and socially.
The US is Rome in its final era.
biden and trump are puppets
That's small comfort to the hundreds of thousands that will die as the result of the US lashing out in its last dying breaths.
>Americans have cheap fast food and unlimited Internet usage to watch Netflix and other streaming services,
Ya basically this. Overly political people think everyone gives a shit about the Constitution and governance and legal theory, but it's not like that. And maybe it's a problem that a revolutionary polity is assumed by the framers of the country, but democracy as it is today is dominated by consumerism, not revolutionary enlightenment shit or whatever. So it reflects the political base accurately, we don't care about Gaza/Lebanon and never really will.
SDF is part of the Syrian government. The green "rebel forces" part in the south doesn't make much sense, there is nothing there.
The map should only include the Golan heights, Idlib and the Turkish regions.
ISIL has been beaten a long time ago.
>The US is Rome in its final era.
kek shitskins have said thos for over a century
NEW BAKE >>483058348
The fact the you, Turkey and Pakistan are incapable of independent foreign policy is a sad indictment of times.

United you'd be powerful
>The US is Rome in its final era.
Entire media empires have built around saying this and having poor understanding of how U.S. power and financing work. If there's an actual limit to our power, it'll only happen if the internet breaks down or something. Pretty much everyone is culturally American now and that allows us to implicitly and effortlessly grow soft power everywhere and find ways to keep fiat and debt going.
Their governments and leaders are American puppets
If Biden doesn't obey his media overlords the rest of the Democrats will without him. He doesn't gain anything by fighting them, that's why he cares. By obeying them he gets to maintain the appearance of being in charge.
>he gets to maintain the appearance of being in charge.
I dont think theres any appearance of that for maybe 1-2 years. Its pretty much kike blinken and literal who doing some other stuff.
>on behalf of America
Bullshit, American foreign policy is a disaster for America, unless you think America and the American People are two distinct things.
Name me any time in America's history where you had this many young white US men cutting their dicks off, being gay or not providing a family unit with that much US debt and I'll literally worship the great Satan for a year.

You're either a boomer, gen z 13 year old or you seriously believe it's a game.
Look at your birth rate, social obliteration of family units, mass non-White migration and social decay via economic disparity between your middle classes.
You couldn't even coup Venezuela again.

Enjoy fellating the zog as you pay back your trillions of meme debts
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Never in the history of the United States have you ever had this much social disintegration.
You cannot sustain your power if your men and women are chopping their genitals and riddled with anxiety.
Your belief that your "Grown Ups" behind the scenes are engineering your victories into the future, are eternally misguided. Your power brokers are less Brave New World technocrats nd more akin to hubris of the Pharoahs.
China is coming and it will literally teach you to be humble if you don't take your socual Decay seriously

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