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Previous >>483051464

Glowniggers are trying to subvert /chip/ via well poisoning. Ignore all threads and posters endorsing Israel, (both sides bad), memeflags, namefags, and thread splitters.
*By posting in this thread you deny *srael is a legitimate state, DENOUNCE and fully CONDEMN the Talmud, and endorse TKD* (Total Kike Death)
*Do not trust happening announcements without link/proof

>Nasrallah status: inside Schrödinger's box
>Massive strike on Beirut, apparently targetting Nasrallah
>A Houthi hypersonic missile hit Tel Aviv
>The Islamic Resistance in Iraq has targeted Golan using several drones.
>Syrian army units target with heavy artillery the positions of terrorist groups supported by the Turkish occupation in the vicinity of the town of Kabashin in the northern countryside of Aleppo

https://youtu.be/52jV27IlDsw [Embed] [Embed]

https://youtu.be/V9q0hzmi73M [Embed] [Embed]
https://youtu.be/Ys4pnmsJ0Aw [Embed] [Embed]
https://youtu.be/b-2l4B1Zhpw [Embed] [Embed]
https://youtu.be/gCNeDWCI0vo [Embed] [Embed]






>Guide to Israel-Palestine conflict
>1948 Nakba Documentary
https://youtu.be/Bwy-Rf15UIs [Embed] [Embed]
>Evangelicals are useful idiots that betray Christians and Jesus.
https://youtu.be/nHT-SjIM0tA [Embed] [Embed]
>Former US Marine: Hamas are freedom fighters, US government the real terrorist.
https://youtu.be/OgKVRtUczRg [Embed] [Embed]

Islamic Resistance (Iraq):

Islamic Resistance in Iraq targeted northern Israel with 'Arqab' cruise missiles
New 9/22/2024



Published footage of targeting Ramat David Airbase and Haifa military industrial area with Fadi-1 and Fadi-2 rockets yesterday morning
New 9/22/2024


Martyr Izz El-Din Al-Qassam Brigades:

Al-Qassam Mujahideen seizing a booby-trapped military vehicle and drones in the eastern area of the city of Rafah, south of the Gaza Strip
New 9/21/2024


Al-Quds Brigades:

Martyrs of the Jerusalem Brigades in the battle of terror in the camps in the West Bank.
NEW 9/20/2024

Al-Quds Brigades release footage of their fighters shelling the "Abu Mutaibeq" military site with mortar shells and seizing a "Zionist" drone of the "Evo Max" type in the skies over central Gaza Strip.
NEW 9/12/2024


Al-Aqsa Martyrs’ Brigades:

Scenes from the bombing of the zionist enemy forces stationed in the "Netzarim" axis with a 107mm rocket barrage.
NEW 9/14/2024

▶Daily After Action Reports
https://pastebin.com/GWbMvPeg 6/30/24
https://pastebin.com/V7KgCa8W 6/30/24

▶Hamas Memorandum:
"This is our Narrative.. why the Al-Aqsa Flood."
https://files.catbox.moe/zlt9ld.pdf New 1/21/24

>War Crimes Of IDF Updated
>News / Clips

Islamic Resistance:

This video shows footage of the Islamic Resistance's operation targeting Jal Al-Alam site belonging to the "Israeli" enemy army at the southern Lebanese border with an assault glider.
New 9/09/2024

This video shows footage of the Islamic Resistance's operation targeting the espionage equipment at Al-Tayhat Hill and Al-Ramtha site belonging to the "Israeli" enemy army, along the southern Lebanese border.
New 9/09/2024

Al-Qassam Brigades:

Within the Battle of Tufan Al-Aqsa the detonation caused direct hits, resulting in deaths and injuries among the occupation soldiers during the large-scale raid that the camp witnessed.
New 9/02/2024

Al-Mujahideen Brigades:

Footage of some operations carried out by the Mujahideen Brigades during their resistance to the zionist aggression campaign on the northern West Bank.
New 9/07/2024

Scenes of the Mujahideen Brigades detonating an explosive device on a zionist bulldozer on Abu Al-Asal Street in Jenin Camp.
New 9/05/2024


Hezbollah military media publishes: Our mountains – Imad
New 08/16/2024

Saraya Al-Quds Brigades:

Al-Quds Brigades shows scenes of its mujahideen bombing with mortar lava the soldiers and vehicles of the Zionist enemy invading the Al-Zaytoun neighborhood in Gaza City.
New 9/06/2024

Al-Quds Brigades shows scenes of its fighters, in cooperation with the fighters of the Al-Qassam Brigades, sniping at the soldiers of the Zionist enemy on the axis of progress in the Al-Zeitoun neighborhood
New 9/03/2024


▶/Chip/ Archives Info

▶/Chip/ Archives Clips

Episode 11
>The Security Forces of the Palestinian Authority... is it too late to join the Resistance?

Twitter link

Foreign soldiers attempting to murder US citizens on US soil
Archived Files

Here it is.
Debunking the State of Israel
Refutation of the Zionist historical claim over Levant.
https://files.catbox.moe/v6i8wj.mp4 6/21/24

Yoav Shamir's "Defamation" 7/30/24
https://youtu.be/CTAjc1OSrmY [Embed] [Embed]

TANTURA 7/30/24
> Massacre btwn IDF & palestinians civilians
>1948 Nabka
https://youchu.be/CTAjc1OSrmY- Non-Google & can Download MP4
https://youtu.be/CTAjc1OSrmY [Embed] [Embed]
Hitler's speech about Palestinian independence

>Do NOT engage with people posting inflammatory remarks about religion, in this case, Islam.
In the most typical hebrew fashion they will try endlessly to deceive you into replying in anger.
>This thread welcomes Christians and Muslims and any faith because it's not a thread about faith.
Nobody in this thread is interested in arguing about your religion.
>This is a thread dedicated to tracking the real time updates of the Israel-Gaza conflict and the total destruction of the illegitimate welfare state known as Israel.
Civil discussion is one thing but shills will NEVER engage in that, only PILPUL, D&C sowing and ragebaiting.
> Both Android & iOS have browsers which support extensions

>REMINDER: NATO, America, and Ukraine pledged their support to Israel within 12 hours of the war
>REMINDER: Russia, China, Afghanistan, Serbia, Iran and Syria all hate Israel
>REMINDER: Israel stole the Golan Heights from Assad
>REMINDER: Zelenskyy likened Ukraine to a "Greater Israel"
>REMINDER: Israel starts wars that displace Arabs, then helps them and Africans immigrate into Europe
>REMINDER: Israel has admitted to possessing nuclear weapons, thereby renouncing its policy of "strategic ambiguity
who is hezbollah and why is it so important if he’s dead?
There are reports of Israeli battleships firing on Beirut now. Anyone know anything about this?
He's a midget from Chechnya. Way overexposed on social media at this point.
Is there actually gunfire? I can’t open up streams right now.
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How long will the muzzie cope go on?
Gayrabs tongue my anus.
Sounded like it. Very loud and unlike any explosions.
Useless Iranian proxy in Lebanon that continually gets assblasted by jews. Now their leader has been blown away by Israel.
How do I care about my country bros? My parents are from Ramallah and I just can’t seem to care.
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all arabs are faggots, lebs, palis, gyptians, yall gay as fuck
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Why are you faggots not stopping the kikes for?
because Iranians are the biggest pussies ever.
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For context, the 2006 Lebanon War saw 1191 people die over 1 month of fighting that saw Dahiye getting obliterated and which heavy bombardment gave its name to the Dahiye doctrine the IDF adopted of razing civilian infrastructure to the ground. Since this current phase of the conflict started on the 23rd of September, just 5 days ago, 700+ have been killed.
What transpired in Gaza paved the way for this latest round. Since Israel saw that it can get away with what it did, it realized that there is no force on Earth that can stop it from killing anyone that gets in its way. Now that it realizes that it can act with impunity, it is more dangerous than ever before.
5k are probably dead tonight and no one is going to do a single thing. crazy how 7 million jews have nearly 400 million middle easterners by the balls
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>nassrallah now
It's not just Middle Easterners.

>Urgent | Josep Borrell: All diplomatic pressure is being exerted to stop the fire, but it seems that no one is able to stop Netanyahu. We cannot rely on the United States alone because it has tried several times and failed.
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They are likely going to use noooks if they would get into a war with Persia because they think they can get away with it.
>there is no force on Earth that can stop it from killing anyone

One step at a time and Greater Israel will be established.
Of course Borrell is either lying about the US "trying" several times and failing or he naively believes it. Eitherway, he's got a point. No one is capable of stopping Netanyahu.
it's honestly amazing how this war has gone so catastrophically wrong for muslims over the past month that they've been nakba-ed out of their own thread and most bumps are by glowies, jew shills, and (I would argue) the silent majority of /pol who hates mudslides, rubbing salt in their wounds.
they look so fucking weak and feminine right now. at the rate things are going there will be an unironic pro-israel general simply because the thread full of muslims looks so fucking bad by comparison
>war with Persia
That would require Iran to actually do something, so impossible
>Greater Israel will be established
unless you breed robots you're still 8m
its like murrica in 50 years stuck in unending sea of other people
If they use nukes no one will respond, so they would indeed get away with it. Also, the danger of nukes is overblown. They're destructive, sure, but not on the scale that people imagine them to be.
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>it wasn't me
wouldnt mind u kikes nuking iran just to laugh at retarded cuck iranians who refused to do anything until it was too late

peacenik faggots deserve death
>unless you breed robots you're still 8m
Israel will get immigrants as they do now.
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>Israel buck broke Hamas, Hezbollah and Iran
Holy shit are we sure that jews are untermensch?


>Diplomatic pressure

Its useless if refusal to comply doesn't result in sanctions and other penalties.They should be talking about UN sanctions on israel instead of writing more strongly worded letters.
Ofc they aren't because if they do the US will but real pressure on them to stop.
Is he kill or not?
you have no idea what you're talking about you primitive sand ape.
israel won't use nukes. putin won't use nukes. nobody will use nukes because using them in the modern world is like trying to kill the guy sharing a rubber life raft with you by throwing a hand grenade at him.
Pretty much, the actors responsible are hiding and/or blaming behind their government/country. They'll keep doing this inaction news bullshit.
Not a win
I thought it didn’t happen?
If you want your fight with Iran so badly then why aren't you attack them militarily instead of these terror attacks and assassinations?
You want to make it seem like a defensive war so that you can involve the US huh?
Who’s winning? Israel or Hezzbollah (Shills may also answer)
Debatable Sanchez Salsa anon.
Spicy situation
iranian foreign minister is begging the UN again.

im going to be fucking sick. these cucks are actually enraging me. they are actually going to allow hezbollah to be destroyed and do nothing
Iran wants peace and nasrallah is dead all while the arabs submitted to israel and the US. So it's obviously Israel.
K/D? Israel
Strategically? the axis of terror
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it gets me hard just thinking this time it will be real.
Israel short Term.
Long Term Hezbollah.
>Serbians have never heard of Casus Belli
This explains a lot
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Around his time last year, ragheads were celebrating the Mohammedian barbarism inflicted against Israel
As the 1 year anniversary rolls around, tens of thousands of mudslimes have been exterminated and their hopes and dreams of any resistance have been annihilated
Fuck with the lion of Judah, you get the claws
Using a noook, even if a weak tactical one would open pandora's box.It creates a precedent and if no action is taken against the user then other states start using them in their wars.
It would be hilarious seeing how the US would try to justify noook usage by israel while they spent the past 3 years whining about how Russian nuclear warnings are immoral and whatnot.
>Massacres of whole villages definitely happened
That's why the Kikes are happy to do it to others.



Precisely. Israeli peremoga. Then comes Israeli zrada.
>Long Term Hezbollah.
Lol explain.
arguing with kikes is futile. the subhuman demons will never give you a real answer they are child killers. Criminals of the worse kind .Honestly filtering them is the best thing to do.
You have watched for year, Israel commit every atrocity under the sun, literally go to the UN insult everyone there, boast about said atrocities, order an assassination from the hotel room and begin another nightmarish bombing campaign, with not just absolutely zero consequence, but an additional $7 billion dollar paycheck. They are being fed the most advanced weaponry on earth, nobody in their vicinity can compete with it and yet you still think that when they inevitably use nuclear arms, anyone is going to even raise an eyebrow? They are going to do it just for the showmanship of it and to display that they can.
Was thinking it would be a good time to carry out some special forces raids in Beirut while the bombing happens.
I mean they can literally bomb around them.
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Unironically Israel
I hate kikes as much as the next guy but Hezbollah and Iran are too much of pussies to do anything to retaliate
>Where the IDF killed many of its own civilians in cold blood to prevent them from being taken hostage and traded back alive
Yeah it was barbaric wasn't it.
Cheked, I ask because Hezbollah/Hamas have admitted their loses in the past, wouldn't be surprised if they confirm he's dead.
Long term is anything after the US Presidential elections, so about six weeks.
I'll bake the next one
You have your casus belli, in fact Netanyahu have been creating the casus belli against Iran for more than 20 years.He was just in the UN saying that Iran is the source of all evil in the world and must be destroyed before they noooook everything.
You have your cause for war, now go and do it.
How does hezbollah win in the long term?
Its for science fren.
Hezbollah may be trying to get him to safety at this moment and is not willing to give the IDF additional clues until he is safe.
Do you guys think the US is going to issue a military draft?
The jews are becoming so hated by the world
That the only question is not if it will happen but when it will happen
I really never thought that I'd live long enough to see either israel or the jews go extinct. And yet here we are, guaranteed that TKD will become a reality

The #1 cause of antisemitism is jewish behavior
By preventing the return of the illegal occupiers to northern Israel.
what i find most bizarre about this is that hezbollah has apparently only lost 437 members since october 7th.

what the fuck are the other 20 000+ members doing?
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>hondunigger malding in anger
you love to see it
The day Israel finally broke him
Your brain is flat faggot.
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you all live inside my balls
but they won't after Hezbolla is wiped off the map
>tens of thousands of mudslimes have been exterminated
rookie numbers
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Yeah, here's first up
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>jews need casus belli
what is murrica
your sister looks indeed built for it i must agree
How is Israel going to achieve that when they could not clear ten square kilometres of Gaza?
Preventing civilians to go back to the north + keeping this tension in the region. Full scale war = bad.
>The day Israel finally broke him
dont you say this every week?
Tired of all this winning
are you in the middle east and have a big nose anon?
nasrallah is dead and israel will continue to carpet bomb lebanon. Simple
Enjoy your peremoga, zrada comes next
>full scale war = bad.
Is it not a full scale war already? lol hezbollah really has so many red lines even after nasrallah has been vaporized.
Muslims have gotten all of their predictions wrong so far
Wow I used to think Israel was the good guys in the middle east but after what I've witnessed tonight I realize I was wrong.
Nasrallah dead or alive changes nothing about Heazbollah's combat capacity. Airstrikes can damage infrastructure and kill civilians but cannot defeat a widely dispersed and bunkered enemy.
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Don't you?
>nasrallah is dead
damn they way you willingly swallow everything the kikes feed you is crazy hasbaragoy
>Airstrikes can damage infrastructure and kill civilians but cannot defeat a widely dispersed and bunkered enemy.

Where do you think nasrallah was hiding? hahahaha
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you should start arming them like you do ukraine so we dont run out of fun!

pretty sure thats evangelicals next move i mean how do you get megido happening without stronk chosenite enemy
I thought Iran was gonna stand with hezbollah? Where did it run off to?
>nasrallah is dead and israel will continue to carpet bomb lebanon. Simple
The war on khamas cost them at least 70 billion dollars already, and the guys are still there blowing up tanks and bulldozers. Hezb is the same thing but with steroids.
I'm afraid destroying their countries won't be enough.
>Kikes were completely unprepared for Oct 7 and entire units of the Givati and Nahal brigades were annihilated by Hamas.
Should I read history instead of arguing with shills
Then you noticed there are no redlines. They'll keep swallowing every humiliation just to keep things the way they are.
>The war on khamas cost them at least 70 billion dollars already

money isn't an issue
Just watch Finkelstein's interviews on Youtube. His histories on this conflict are extremely thorough.
So, how long before we start hearing about MUH ""GENOCIDE""?

I give it about a week before it becomes the main taking point of the Lebanese ""resistance""
they're doing the hussein ark to hezbollah
>War production is. And the US cannot produce despite all its money.
>I thought Iran was gonna stand with hezbollah? Where did it run off to?
that doesnt answer why you swallow everything kikes feed you try again
>Took the entire resources of the Pentagon ten years to pacify Iraq
They let it happen. Look how it has paid off. Most of the people Hamas killed were leftists sympathetic to the Muslims, anyway. It's a small price to pay.
Oof. Post blacked hijabs, bros. BLACKED MIDDLE EAST NOW
The economy is. The economy needs people, and the more time passes, the more we see people just leaving. Their strategy is to keep stretching this shit til the last drop of blood to see if they can collapse the Israeli society before they all die.

If there's a legit total war this shit will be over in a month
porque when you cant even kick them out
just dont like the jews
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Show papers. If you're a Jew you're ass is going to Israel. No questions asked no questions answered.
it's hilarious that kikes think they have broken me.If anything I'm more determined.
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>mfw greater israel is majority palestinian
Sounds kinda optimistic to me but who knows, maybe that's what happened
the genocide is you kikes trying to remove the indigenous palestinians from their land
classic jew trying to obfuscate the issue
>He said that the Israel Defense Forces had killed or captured more than half of Hamas’s 40,000 militants in Gaza, destroyed about 90% of their rocket arsenal and eliminated 23 out of Hamas’s 24 battalions. "We are winning," the Israel premier added.
Fuck, how fucked is israel that he has to say it?
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>>mfw real palestinians are aegean greeks whom the arabs appropriate the name from
Iran needs nukes now.
>we killed so many adult males. they MUST be hamas!
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nation of thieving karens
How much do you hate Israel?
You some kind of spic, wignat Muslim?
so youd rather be called majority arab?
>Iran needs nukes now.
Pakistan has some. Nevertheless, they are the corrupt whore of washington. There seems to be more to it than that. They should apprentice with Kim.
if you look hard enough you'll actually find what really is happening to kikes
Not in the way you think. They need to tell civilians they're in a good position and that they can be safe about the future. If people start to feel unsafe, that's when shit hits the fan. Israeli passport is relatively strong and they can easily go to developed countries.

The groups need to keep "slow cooking" and Israel needs to dismantle everyone as soon as possible. It's a race.
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facts dont care about yo feelings
nasrallah said couple months ago that for every building bombed in beirut they would bomb in tel-aviv. beirut is being bombed non-stop but hezbollah has yet to deliver a response. this war is so over. iran is next.
be honest pajeet, you want to eat her butthole
Assad status?
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Not going to happen because your kiked pedo blackmailed politicians traitors have given everything to Israel and everybody is afraid of US power, because of NATO + nukes.
Jews will, hate to say, get their Greater Israel.
The only force to get them out is not Europe or USA.
It'll happen only when Muslim will unite and wage Jihad.
This is the blackpill. The white race have literally fallen. Too busy with Netflix and the latest iPhone.
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>How much do you hate Israel?
I grew up among left-wing extremists and back then already the plo was always friend and israel the enemy. But as a European, Israel doesn't have as much relevance as it does for the mutts. Apart from all the migrants who bring their wars here.
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>A rocket fired by Hezbollah struck two small cars in a parking lot on a kibbutz housing Israeli soldiers, killing 12 people and wounding at least a dozen more.
>But as a European, Israel doesn't have as much relevance as it does for the mutts. Apart from all the migrants who bring their wars here.
all the muslims in europe are directly because of israel, clown
>It'll happen only when Muslim will unite
So never?
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tel-aviv status?
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>hondunigger just making shit up now to cope with NasrallACK dying and Beirut getting pummeled
Holy kek
i still have no idea how many civvies died in the attack if they're saying the base was under a civ buildings of 4 floors
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You have to realize something.
This whole Middle East powderkeg is just a play to see who is going to be the boss of the Middle East.
Iran and Israel are fighting to get the gas route, and the pipelines to Europe.
It's an economic warfare as well as a political and geopolitical.
Israel wants to extend and be the Greater Israel but they have to take out Iran proxy + kill as many as arabs to achieve that.
Iran wants to do the same but are more vicious and is using 'muh jerusalem' to kill as many as arab as possible.
The Arabs are getting shafted and they will be destroyed because of their own cowardice and stupidity.
Woe to the Arabs. You'll be slaughtered with the help of the kiked US pedo politicians.

I can respect a rope a dope strategy but it's starting to seem like Hezbollah is taking it on the chin a little too much. Are they planning on actually fighting back or hoping Israel's jets will wear out and fall from the sky from too many bombing missions?
Nobody forces the Muslims to smuggle themselves across multiple countries, lie about their background to scam for gibs and rape/murder random people. They do it because they feel entitled.
>all the muslims in europe are directly because of israel, clown
I wrote that. But none of this would have happened without you golems. The jew is just a sand nigger without the anglo golem.
If Lebanon wasn't right next door they'd have nuked them already. 100%. I bet netnyoohoo is gagging to launch them.
funny how nobody is talking about that. it's all just OMG NASRALLAH MIGHT BE DEEEEADDDDD (he isn't)
They will but after a huge blow to the Arabs. Pakistan, Turkey, and other Eastern muslim countries could unite under one banner. They'll only unite when they'll be forced as a defensive mechanism (i.e ww3)
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>wallahi our 72 gorillion precise intercontinental ballistic missiles will wipe out Tel Aviv the minute they dare lay a finger on Lebanon!!!!!

aren't the saudis and co in the blessed camp as per kang bibi
>Open your hearts Goyim
>he hasn't heard of jewish NGOs, the organization that facilitates all that shit
how do you think they even know what to lie about, retard
What’s going to happen to Lebanon? Hezbollah doesn’t seem to be able to fight back
>they will but after a huge blow to the Arabs
two more weeks?
can someone give me a banner?
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Steve lookner isn't there anymore so no more BOOMS
Netanyahu was right. Israel can do whatever it wants, no one can stop them. Iran is next.

Al aqsa flood was a false flag.
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breed, nibba
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pajeet, do you wanna eat his penis like it's a piece of poop?
>Iran is next.
cant fuck with nukes, ask south koreans
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Jews want the normalization so bad so they can officially and legally infiltrate the Arabs. A trojan horse. Look at morocco. They are the first Arab country to have a kike govt, supporting genocide because of that weak king. That's what will happen if other arab countries open the doors, much like jews destroy the white countries from within like right now.
Arabs are so stupid (leaders) that they fail to see that due to their 'I-know-better' attitude towards those filthy kikes.
What did Nasrallah mean by this?
Such is the life of the Hondurangutan
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I'm not a fucking Jew I am not of Judah. Fuck you kike hisss hisss don't make me rattle. Picrel is your god.
They tried feminism in Iran. Like snakes whispering in the ear of eve.
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Are these faggots retarded? It would go so poorly for them

Posted 17 minutes ago
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so not dead? rather mostly rich?
israel is overrated
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2 more weeks.

The jews seem to be doing pretty well so far.
Iran has no nukes, neither any meaningful conventional ability to hurt Israel.

Israel will obliterate their reactors and oil production. Not a matter of if but when. My bet is right before zion don takes office again.
>how do you think they even know what to lie about, retard
Yes, the rabbit hole of so-called refugee aid is deep. And their work begins in the people's home country. Prepaid cards, cell phones, route planning and much more. Once they are there, there are lawyers, translators, tips and tricks. All financed by ngos, who often receive major funding from yew york but also from local goverments. It's the same with the climate cult.
Can we get a hostage status?

>They still haven't been freed yet anon, but we committed mass terrorism and thousands of war crimes

B-b-but it has been 358

>It's ok anon, those hostages, forget about them. Hannibal Directive

So you're telling me you guys kill your own?

>Yes, but don't worry Hamas? Yeah human shields. Trust me bro

OK, but doesn't that mean you know damn well if you were to ever get captured that you're basically dead?

>No anon, you don't understand. We made the pagers go boom
Iraqi resistance keeping the heat on.
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I come here today to wish total annihilation against ZOG
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Just think what the JIDF office looks like right now. That rhey replaced all their jewish shills with poopooish shills. The entire JIDF computer room is now filled with nothing but piles of jeet feces. Which jews of course love, as both jews and poos are fecalphiliacs

Poopoojeets + kikes are unironically a match made in heaven. So many pookike babies are going to be born soon
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Israel is telling the world we are a superpower now. We can do whatever we want and this is our time to officially rule the world after enslaving all white countries. Muslims cannot be subverted due to their strong unshakable faith so they have to wage war. Egypt have been silent when they have a similar, if not, better military but won't move.
The days of the destruction of the Arabs is upon us.
I firmly believe that God will destroy the Arabs for being such coward.
Israel can be challenged but these cowards are getting eaten one by one. First Afghanistan, Iraq, Lybia, Syria, Gaza/Palestine, now Lebanon.
Next will be Jordan and Egypt. They'll go hard on Sissi. Then they'll take out MBS.
It's all going according to plan.
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>long live the resistance!!!

Marvel Studios called - they want their corny slogan back. What are you? Suburban wine moms in 2016 after Trump won?
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>They'll go hard on Sissi. Then they'll take out MBS
that seems to be counterintuitive
>They'll go hard on Sissi. Then they'll take out MBS.
They won't because they're puppets already.
At bombing
This is another ball park
>how do you think they even know what to lie about, retard
Because 145 countries are bound by the same UN Refugee Convention.
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This general has been anything but comfy since the beginning.
America is financing israel with untilimited money
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i disagree
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Meanwhile the Israeli economy is in the dumps, millions have fled, and nobody would ever invest in their economy, hostages never returned, have become the most hated country on earth, and have the myopia to not see that their shortsightedness is going to bite them in the ass. Israelis and their golem are the biggest idiots on earth if they think that they're going to walk away from all this without repercussions long term

No amount of copium is going to change the fact that Israel is a zombie corpse at the moment. The clock is ticking on their downfall. The fact that King Abdullah of Jordan has turned on them means they really fucked up. He was their biggest shabbos goy
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Doesn't mean shit. They are a puppet until the time to remove them is. Just like Hamas was.
They'll try to take over that Moses land back by waging a civil war, military coup or use the same, ''terrorists are launching rockets to us''.
''sissi is funding hamas terrorists''

See, how easy it is.
Actually, they are literally funding the Somali/Ethiopia fud back to the table. Sissi sent warning to the Ethiopians to not do anything silly. Pretty sure foreign powers are behind that.
>Are these faggots retarded? It would go so poorly for them
Just bomb everywhere they'd like to go, roll in after, take some photos, then go back.

Though I'm hoping they are doing this to psych out Hezbollah and they actually land from the port of Beirut and Tyre and link up with the Lebanese Army to tag team. Have Turkey invade to secure the north, and NATO powers do some dumb thing like the humanitarian pier to say they helped.Lot of possibilities for Israel to win.
Why don't khamas just execute all hostages? Khamas have already lost the war anyway, there's no deal or anything to gain back from Israel. Israel is going to the bitter end no matter what.
sisi is a cia agent. Egypt will do nothing. Jordan and Saud are not interested in the poor. They have enough to do keeping their own poor from dropping them off. Erdogan will not give up his position in the center. Pakistan is too corrupt. It's basically just the Iran faction and maybe the Taliban. But Iran doesn't want to provoke American intervention. They want to win without doing anything.
It's just a coincidence with you Juice, rite?
>then v now

Yeah the Palis had their Pearl Harbor/Barbarossa, but the fun has been long over
>Muslims cannot be subverted due to their strong unshakable faith
Is that why Jordan and Saudi Arabia help shoot down Yemeni rockets aimed at israel? Because of their "unshakable faith"?
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Worth It 'tm'
Hostage status?
>khamas have already lost the war anyway
They just need to exist and keep doing the same shit they've been doing for a year. The longer, the better.
agree - 1000 dead Israelis for god knows how many dead Ayrabs is a good trade in the long run
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Good. Kill them all, do not send them to Europe. Kill them. God commands it.
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That's a short-term thinking. Not disagreeing with you beside that millions haven't fled. Couple of thousands have fled.
It's a calculated risk and short term economical pain for a greater good.
Imagine if they manage to annex Gaza officially and take over Lebanon. The amount of lands, oil, gas and political power and fear on the region will make them supreme. That's how it works. They are going all in while Arabs are giving their necks to be slaughtered. An easy calculated move.
and the US will always be able to send billions of dollars to the Israel to prop up their economy back.
Who cares? They're probably dead which means they can't be used as leverage anymore.
Sissy will just fly away if egypt gets fucked hard either by its own people rising up or the kikes anyway.
Bibi said today 101 left.
You playing checkers, they're playing chess
Now that Nasrallah has been confirmed KIA what's the next step?
Iran retaliation status?
>Who cares?
This is your brain on zionism
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why do arabs lose every war they fight?
Israeli economy status?
Sure. Just admit they have been subverted by The almighty US dollar.
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jews have to move on DESU
you cant win crazy
>The longer, the better.
This. Israel's population and economy are becoming weary of war much more quickly.
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I was talking about the Muslim population who would only want one thing is to have their rulers send them to 'Liberate the Jerusalem'. The Arab traitors are hypocrites and are NOT following Islam. That's why they have been put by the West.
If you ask any one of the population, they would gladly take arms and liberate Palestine. It's not up to them
>if we just keep repeating it maybe it'll be true
>why do arabs lose every war they fight?
Today anon learns that history didn't start on October 7th, 2023
Come and get me boys ;)
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Truly myopic
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Not really, it's just being practical. They've been gone for nearly a year now with no sign that they're still alive. They were only ever taken to bargain for the release of Hamas militants in Israeli jails, but with them dead it's rendered useless.
Your level of cope status?
I don't understand why they'd invade. Hezbollah seems completely incapable of dealing with bombings
Kek of course it's a tranimestien
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Tbh it's kinda disgusting watching US so overtly backing what Israel is doing. Putin was also right, America depravity knows no bounds. Maybe the chinks will wake up one day, but I fear they are too cucked due to economy.
that's why you kikes have the hannibal doctrine
>what's the next step?
new leader
red flags
open field rockets
the uzhy
yet it still work on jews somehow
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>why do arabs lose every war they fight?
How retarded are you?
Possibly, but when they're winning it's and having tangible gains (dead enemy commanders) then that will always boost morale. On the other hand, the Iranian-Hezbollah-Hamas axis morale is clearly in its worst state in recent memory.
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you cant lose if you aint playing sucka
destroyed and it's only going to get worse
c'mon, bake the next thread already. I've got some kino memes of dead paliniggers ready to go
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Chinks won't do shit. Putin won't do shit.
The US and NATO own the world hence why Putin and the Chinks haven't made one move since.
Jews and US/NATO/EU are owning the world regardless how depraved, weak, degenerate they are.
>this general for the foreseeable future
God, I can't believe that I actually used to like the jews and israel. I come from an extremely religious evangelical christian family. My entire life I was taught to love israel and put them on a pedestal with jews

However, I started lurking on here in the last week. I was completely shocked and appalled by what I saw from the israel side vs the palestine side. Especially reading the israeli flag posts and finding out that they were the complete opposite of what I was taught my entire life. As of tonight I've finally hit my limit. As this is the straw that broke the camel's back

I will no longer support either jews or israel. I will now spend time learning about the suffering of the Palestinian and Lebanese people. My parents didn't believe anything that I told them that week, and got mad at me and started yelling that I was saying antisemitic things

I also sent screenshots of this thread to evangelist friends and the files within your thread. Most of my friends couldn't believe it. About 25% said I was being antisemitic. The rest were either shocks and disgusted, and maybe about ¼ already knew about this but were afraid of telling others about it without being branded antisemitic

So as of tonight, these jews in these threads, the supporters of israel, and seeing all these files & news that's not in the media. I denounce both israel and jews. Palestine and their allies are now my only concern, and have my full support

When I finally learn enough, and get enough files and evidence. I will force my parents to look theough them. Since my parents go to israel every 2 years for the summers to help on farms for the jewish people. They forced me to do it as a kid until HS. Giving up my summers to work and not even get paid. Being told that I would be paid in the afterlife once we induced the rapture to occur. I can't believe that I was a literal slave to the jews. I think that I'm going to be sick. I need a week off of this topic to rethink my life and choices made
They found a piece of his remarkably hairy ass in the rubble
anime website
what do you expect them to do lol. they don't have an air force
Great copy pasta faggot
>Getting taken hostage is bad
Wow...shocking thought
Putin at least invaded Ukraine.
Kek that's always the excuse for the troops to post their trans/Palestinian loli cartoons on 4channel
thank you
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Do you think anyone is falling for this taqiyya?
muslims are so much better than jews it's insane
just shut up
>Noooo anon, our economy is just fine. Forget the fact that millions have fled and never returned, every major financial institution has divested billions and no sane investor will ever invest in our companies again. Bibi told me we're going to eradicate Hamas and rescue the hostages so it must be true. Also 0 casualties!
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well its not like /pol/ likes jews
>They were only ever taken to bargain for the release of Hamas militants
They were taken in the naive assumption that jews wouldn't flatten Gaza if some of their own were hidden there, any bomb dropped could be hitting a hostage for all they knew.
Of course the kikes predictably took the course of bombing everything despite this.
Just because they don't say it doesn't mean they don't know it. Kim is pretty close with the chinks and his statements on israel and his statements of friendship with iran can be seen as at least an extension of china's view.
Whats even more hilarious is this general has a discord and they are actively seething over how shifted on they are getting tonight lmao
>evangelist friends

honestly curious if this is a genuine attempt by a muslim who has been rendered even more retarded than average by congenital disabilities, or mossad black propaganda to make muslims look retarded and desperate.
I'm betting the former
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That he now deeply regrets. He never thought NATO and the US would back Ukraine to the last Ukrainian.
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>muslims are so much better than jews it's insane
>just shut up
they may laugh but this actually puts fear in kikes. at least the smart ones
It's better than dying, some of the kike hostages were fatter when released than when they were taken.
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Sounds like Hamas' strategy was ineffective then and only made them look like terrorists rather than freedom fighters to the world.
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They do
I come here just to read pathetic copes like this. It’s almost as good as watching terrorist testicles explode from a page.
wdym zoomer evangelicals are too busy droning
These are seriously the absolute stupidest shills in the history of /pol/.
The Nasrallah death was already debunked. Everyone brough upthe other times that jews claimed that they killed resistance elites. They have less than a 5% track record of telling the truth on thie death topic.

Why are shills so stupid. Do they even speak english, or are they simply typing hindi and using a translator? Did they eat paint chips as kids (and adults)?

Worst and most obvious shills ever. I'm a newfag and even I can tell that everything that rhey are saying is lies. And identifying all the shills is super easy from the very 1st post
He should use them so he can finally prove their existence. Otherwise nukes are fake and no one should believe in their existence.
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Arabs have to be more retarded and genetically inferior than negroes. I don't understand how they just sit and let themselves get demolished when they could band together and just swarm Israel Saladin style.
Not really. Most die in captivity after being raped and tortured. A quick death is preferable.
So, did the head hezbol guy get roasted or is he alive?
>I ended up on /pol/ because I support Jews
cute pasta dude
Anyone got the plapjack meme please ?
>H-h-h-he's alive!
using the term "evangelist" when he probably meant to say "evangelical" is a dead giveaway.
cool false history
Correct. He miscalculated the ammount of pain Ukraine was willing to take.

In turn, he needs to up the pain Russia will have to take: full mobilization and total war. But hes too much of a cuck for that.
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i wanna live in your echo chambers
tiktok, zoomers playground is occupied in full
"swarming" doesn't work in modern warfare. airpower is too efficient at mass-killing people and vehicles from above.
we're esl general and proud
why would he, that's completely stupid and illogical kek
>Taking civilians hostage is not a terrorist act
Lmfao. Dumb muzzdog is seething
he had his vpn set to show an american flag. shit, I shouldn't even be telling you this, I'm guessing you are going on the discord now to tell your fellow shitskin to fix his pasta.
They had their golden age in the early to late Middle Ages, something weird happened and no they’ve totally fallen into irrelevance. I still don’t really understand what exactly happened to the Muslim civilisation and why it declined so massively from its heights back then
people say both things all the time, retard lol. i have evangelical friends
>They do
I am sure your public schools are hell but obviously you have the ability to use the internet and can read up on arab history.
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i hate repeated questions
It was ineffective because kikes have no concern for the lives of either jew or goyim.
Jews bombing hospitals and occasionally neighboring countries has been far worse for their PR than Hamas detaining Israelis. Hamas had essentially nothing to lose with the Abraham accords in the pipeline, it was either a naive strategy playing on the notion that Israelis wouldn't bomb their own or a masterful strategy to provoke the kikes into do so thereby showing their true colours.
Either way the muslims aren't shy of martyrdom and it only tends to cement support for their cause.
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>doesn't that mean if you were to ever get captured that you're basically dead?
you have to be 18 to post here
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i forgot the argument starter too busy shitposting sorry not sorry
and yet NATO and the US are still losing in the eyes of the entire world and western proxies are watching what happening to the Ukrainians
American Jew here. I say we just glass the middle east and stop fighting over sand and rocks. It's not the real Holy land anyway, since the real Holy land wasn't fucking on earth.
hmm could it be... oh i dunno... the US/Israel monstrosity tearing the middle east to pieces starting in 2004?
I thought that too but I'm not a retard shill. So i googled it and checked 4plebs. None of it, not even 1 sentence of it is copied. It looks to be legit. Jews just hate that they themselves are turning their hardcore allies into enemies. Maybe you should get baptised anon and regrow your foreskin. You'll be a much happier person and you won't be guaranteed to go to hell. Plus, you won't have to wear that faggot baldspot cap anymore

Prove me wrong. Find 1 sentence that's copypasta. You can't. I tried and failed to find any
It's jewish people like you that probably converted that evangelist kid into hating israel and jews. Great job retard
it actually is the result of the wrong philsophical school taking over. when the mutazilites were suppressed and wiped out by the athari and ash'arites (which became modern sunni islam) it meant the end of their progress.
they got taken over by retards like al-ghazali whose claim to fame was telling people "there's no need to study why fire burns, the flame only burns a piece of cotton because allah wills it, asking any more questions than that leads to blasphemy and disbelief".
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>starting in 2004?
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we talking 'world' perspective or feefees?
yup. jews wanna know where the blowback is, well it's in losing all your allies. when all is said and done all they'll have left is geriatric boomers in the US
Maybe jews? I mean, your empire has also seen better times, but it was probably worth it to help the jews rise.
new bread no kikes
Did these dead hostages tell you this themselves?
Plenty of Israeli hostages have been released claiming respectful treatment, some with claims of being forced to do the dishes or sleep on a bench as their worst indignity.
Of course the Israeli psychiatrists come out a day or two later and say "actually they're suffering PTSD and you can't trust what they say, they're too traumatized".
Compare this to the gibbering wrecks that come out of Israeli detention centers and protesters supporting the rights of prison guards to forcefully sodomize prisoners.
As always the jew will accuse you of doing what he is already doing, you are predictable and frankly disgusting bunch.
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Luckily old Lawrence was already dead and didn't have to see the bong disgrace.
What about "detaining" them without charge and subjecting them to sodomy?
Kek. This evangelist kid really freaks the jews out. A couple of the shills are calling it copypasta. Yet another anon tried and failed when he checked google and 4plebs, 1 sentence at a time

The main cause of antisemitism definitely is jewish behavior. Seeing how many jewish shills pounced to pathetically attempt to discredit it. It shows that they're scared. They're losing all their evangelist support. It went from 75% in 2018 to 28% in 2021. And plummeted since the war began. So, they probably have less than 10% evangelist zoomer support anymore
I’m not talking about empires I’m talking about entire civilisations, Islamic civilisation was the pinnacle of the world from about 500Ad to 1200ad but like the other anon explained they went down the wrong philosophical path
Kek she's so mad it's hilarious
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that's a meme
they had good trade routes and a generally friendly attitude to philosophers and academics, the whole "golden age" was half a dozen geniuses like newton, and it can't have been that great because the geniuses themselves recognized the backwards anti-intellectualism of islamic society
>We are the victims of an age when men of science are discredited, and only a few remain who are capable of engaging in scientific research. Our philosophers spend all their time in mixing true with false and are interested in nothing but outward show; such little learning as they have they extend on material ends. When they see a man sincere and unremitting in his search for the truth, one who will have nothing to do with falsehood and pretence, they mock and despise him.
>Omar Khayyam, 1070 A.D.
Thanks to you we've been hearing about it since the Nuremberg trials
well I have been hearing about the fake holocaust all my life, so probably about two more weeks or so

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