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مجموع وفيات اليهود
Glowniggers are trying to subvert /chip/ via well poisoning. Ignore all threads and posters endorsing Israel, (both sides bad), memeflags, namefags, and thread splitters.
*By posting in this thread you deny *srael is a legitimate state, DENOUNCE and fully CONDEMN the Talmud, and endorse TKD* (Total Kike Death)
*Do not trust happening announcements without link/proof

>Nasrallah status: inside Schrödinger's box
>Massive strike on Beirut, apparently targetting Nasrallah
>A Houthi hypersonic missile hit Tel Aviv
>The Islamic Resistance in Iraq has targeted Golan using several drones.
>Syrian army units target with heavy artillery the positions of terrorist groups supported by the Turkish occupation in the vicinity of the town of Kabashin in the northern countryside of Aleppo

https://youtu.be/52jV27IlDsw [Embed] [Embed] [Embed]

https://youtu.be/V9q0hzmi73M [Embed] [Embed] [Embed]
https://youtu.be/Ys4pnmsJ0Aw [Embed] [Embed] [Embed]
https://youtu.be/b-2l4B1Zhpw [Embed] [Embed] [Embed]
https://youtu.be/gCNeDWCI0vo [Embed] [Embed] [Embed]






>Guide to Israel-Palestine conflict
>1948 Nakba Documentary
https://youtu.be/Bwy-Rf15UIs [Embed] [Embed] [Embed]
>Evangelicals are useful idiots that betray Christians and Jesus.
https://youtu.be/nHT-SjIM0tA [Embed] [Embed] [Embed]
>Former US Marine: Hamas are freedom fighters, US government the real terrorist.
https://youtu.be/OgKVRtUczRg [Embed] [Embed] [Embed]

Islamic Resistance (Iraq):

Islamic Resistance in Iraq targeted northern Israel with 'Arqab' cruise missiles
New 9/22/2024



Published footage of targeting Ramat David Airbase and Haifa military industrial area with Fadi-1 and Fadi-2 rockets yesterday morning
New 9/22/2024


Martyr Izz El-Din Al-Qassam Brigades:

Al-Qassam Mujahideen seizing a booby-trapped military vehicle and drones in the eastern area of the city of Rafah, south of the Gaza Strip
New 9/21/2024


Al-Quds Brigades:

Martyrs of the Jerusalem Brigades in the battle of terror in the camps in the West Bank.
NEW 9/20/2024

Al-Quds Brigades release footage of their fighters shelling the "Abu Mutaibeq" military site with mortar shells and seizing a "Zionist" drone of the "Evo Max" type in the skies over central Gaza Strip.
NEW 9/12/2024


Al-Aqsa Martyrs’ Brigades:

Scenes from the bombing of the zionist enemy forces stationed in the "Netzarim" axis with a 107mm rocket barrage.
NEW 9/14/2024

▶Daily After Action Reports
https://pastebin.com/GWbMvPeg 6/30/24
https://pastebin.com/V7KgCa8W 6/30/24

▶Hamas Memorandum:
"This is our Narrative.. why the Al-Aqsa Flood."
https://files.catbox.moe/zlt9ld.pdf New 1/21/24

>War Crimes Of IDF Updated
>News / Clips

Islamic Resistance:

This video shows footage of the Islamic Resistance's operation targeting Jal Al-Alam site belonging to the "Israeli" enemy army at the southern Lebanese border with an assault glider.
New 9/09/2024

This video shows footage of the Islamic Resistance's operation targeting the espionage equipment at Al-Tayhat Hill and Al-Ramtha site belonging to the "Israeli" enemy army, along the southern Lebanese border.
New 9/09/2024

Al-Qassam Brigades:

Within the Battle of Tufan Al-Aqsa the detonation caused direct hits, resulting in deaths and injuries among the occupation soldiers during the large-scale raid that the camp witnessed.
New 9/02/2024

Al-Mujahideen Brigades:

Footage of some operations carried out by the Mujahideen Brigades during their resistance to the zionist aggression campaign on the northern West Bank.
New 9/07/2024

Scenes of the Mujahideen Brigades detonating an explosive device on a zionist bulldozer on Abu Al-Asal Street in Jenin Camp.
New 9/05/2024


Hezbollah military media publishes: Our mountains – Imad
New 08/16/2024

Saraya Al-Quds Brigades:

Al-Quds Brigades shows scenes of its mujahideen bombing with mortar lava the soldiers and vehicles of the Zionist enemy invading the Al-Zaytoun neighborhood in Gaza City.
New 9/06/2024

Al-Quds Brigades shows scenes of its fighters, in cooperation with the fighters of the Al-Qassam Brigades, sniping at the soldiers of the Zionist enemy on the axis of progress in the Al-Zeitoun neighborhood
New 9/03/2024


▶/Chip/ Archives Info

▶/Chip/ Archives Clips

Episode 11
>The Security Forces of the Palestinian Authority... is it too late to join the Resistance?

Twitter link

Foreign soldiers attempting to murder US citizens on US soil
Archived Files

Here it is.
Debunking the State of Israel
Refutation of the Zionist historical claim over Levant.
https://files.catbox.moe/v6i8wj.mp4 6/21/24

Yoav Shamir's "Defamation" 7/30/24
https://youtu.be/CTAjc1OSrmY [Embed] [Embed] [Embed]

TANTURA 7/30/24
> Massacre btwn IDF & palestinians civilians
>1948 Nabka
https://youchu.be/CTAjc1OSrmY- Non-Google & can Download MP4
https://youtu.be/CTAjc1OSrmY [Embed] [Embed] [Embed]
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War with Iran when?
Israeli land invasion when?
Hitler's speech about Palestinian independence

>Do NOT engage with people posting inflammatory remarks about religion, in this case, Islam.
In the most typical hebrew fashion they will try endlessly to deceive you into replying in anger.
>This thread welcomes Christians and Muslims and any faith because it's not a thread about faith.
Nobody in this thread is interested in arguing about your religion.
>This is a thread dedicated to tracking the real time updates of the Israel-Gaza conflict and the total destruction of the illegitimate welfare state known as Israel.
Civil discussion is one thing but shills will NEVER engage in that, only PILPUL, D&C sowing and ragebaiting.
> Both Android & iOS have browsers which support extensions

>REMINDER: NATO, America, and Ukraine pledged their support to Israel within 12 hours of the war
>REMINDER: Russia, China, Afghanistan, Serbia, Iran and Syria all hate Israel
>REMINDER: Israel stole the Golan Heights from Assad
>REMINDER: Zelenskyy likened Ukraine to a "Greater Israel"
>REMINDER: Israel starts wars that displace Arabs, then helps them and Africans immigrate into Europe
>REMINDER: Israel has admitted to possessing nuclear weapons, thereby renouncing its policy of "strategic ambiguity
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fuck jews fuck jews fuck jews fuck jews fuck jews fuck jews fuck jews fuck jews fuck jews fuck jews fuck jews fuck jews fuck jews fuck jews fuck jews fuck jews fuck jews fuck jews fuck jews fuck jews fuck jews fuck jews fuck jews fuck jews fuck jews fuck jews fuck jews fuck jews fuck jews fuck jews
2 more weeks
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It would be Hezbollahs only chance. Which is why I think it won’t happen
hezbollah is doing fine. just because they're quiet and you heard kike media feed you a story you think they're finished lol

did you expect them to be able to shoot down israeli bomber planes or something
Now that Nasrallah has been confirmed KIA what's the next step?
Israel won.
They aren’t doing fine. I get you don’t trust the media but we all saw the streams. Beirut is getting rocked and tons of civvies are dying
>tfw the skills shortage at Hezbollah is now so severe that even they will soon start importing Pajeets to fill the gap

It’s so fucking over
Announce king sandnigger's death already
imagine being the niggers this is happening to and thinking your side is winning
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>king sandnigger's
you called?
he's been dead 50 years :(
poor dude
>Now that Nasrallah has been confirmed KIA what's the next step?
Unfucking Yemen and the Red Sea probably. Israel gave them a taste a few minths ago, I am waiting for them to seriously bomb the Friday marches.
Iran is the last boss after that and will be finished with a real big nuke.
clearly flesh wound
It does looks like Hezbollah has been throughly annihilated.
Reminds me of shock and awe
also syrians celebrated it harder than jews newfag
Hopefully he died quick
I'm sorry, but did Palestine already lose? Oh, that's right. The war isn't even over yet. In fact, it's only Autumn. Does not having Jerusalem and Tel Aviv count as a loss? Is that what you're saying? Because if you're saying that I can assure you that you're wrong. Why would you make this topic when the war is still on? The Palestinians are still fighting right now and they have been the best terrorist cell in The Middle East for how many years now? They're fighting one of the poorest countries in the world who just happen to have a lead because they're feeding off American tax dollars and gear. But you know what? They still fucking suck. Hamas are one of the strongest fucking militias in the world, they went 4-2 since their existence and would of won the Six Day War if Egypt didn't choke. Maybe you should shut the fuck up before you make retarded topics like this. You know why? Because you're going to be embarrassed when the Palestinians win and someone bumps this topic. Oh look at that, the Americans just retreated from Afghanistan, just like the British did. Are you a fucking drunk? Are you retarded? Are you autistic? You are a fucking idiot and you should never make a topic on this board again and I'm fucking serious. I almost have a feeling you're the only guy making all these anti-Hamas topics because you're a faggot hater who doesn't like the team because they're good. Fuck you, be good at something in YOUR life and then maybe try to troll these fucking soldiers on the board, like I give a fuck. It's so easy to spot out your threads now, you're a retard. Always doing stupid shit like this. Why don't you try to be a good poster? Just for once? For once in your fucking life try not to make a topic like this. That's just you, you're always right at getting it wrong. Fuck you. You are nothing.
houthis are living on borrowed time until the U.S. election. basically regardless of who wins it, the marines are going to be putting a boot up their asses within a few weeks afterwards. biden being worried about the sandnigger vote was their whole strategy.
hezbollah is alright and are playing the long game by only targeting israeli military infrastructure but there will come a time where israeli civilians also become targets the same way israel attacks civilians in lebanon
>Beirut is getting rocked and tons of civvies are dying
Bombing civvies doesn't win wars, it often loses them.
There's an old expression:
>A jew will sell you the rope to hang him
Either they embark on a campaign to occupy the entire levant (good luck) or all they'll be doing is pissing off people they have to live beside for the forseeable future.
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No one will do anything. Majoosoids are buckbroken. It's over. Iran will adopt state atheism once all the pozzed students rise up in two more weeks. Few understand how plausible that is, Iranians are mentally pozzed enough to do this.
>The sources told Tasnim’s correspondent in Lebanon that none of the senior leaders of the Lebanese resistance movement have been martyred in the brutal terrorist operation launched by the Zionist regime on Friday evening.
>The Zionists’ operation tonight has ended in failure, they confirmed.
>This comes after rumors circulating on social media suggested that Nasrallah and Safieddine were targeted during the Israeli regime’s large aerial assault on the Dahiya neighborhood of southern Beirut on Friday.
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does heaven nassrallah regret doing assistance front for khamas instead of doing nothing or going all in?
which kind of livestock do you mean when you say "israeli civilians", abdullah? chickens again? horses this time? I know it can't be goats, because you know your fellow durka durkas will want those for sex slaves after allah grants them victory
>Bombing civvies doesn't win wars, it often loses them.

Maybe for the IRA lol but not for real armies. Otherwise Hiroshima and Dresden was done by the losers.
>Now that Nasrallah has been confirmed KIA what's the next step?
He hasn't been confirmed dead
also lebs would love to announce dead civvies they didn't shy for it 5~ days ago.. and now they're not so its probably not bad
right, he's fine, just like Mohammed Deif is fine, he's just living on a farm upstate with grandma now, where he has plenty of fresh air and fields to run around in with all his terrorist friends
>also syrians celebrated it harder than jews newfag
Are you still pushing that one video of the one baklava store that gave out free stuff?
Wearing a Nike shirt? They really are dumb motherfuckers.
you have a point you jews are indeed animals moshe
>hezbollah is doing fine.
Their leader is possibly dead. That's not "fine".
>t-t-they're alive!
syrian rebels would rape their dead mothers if it means assad goes
i dont think you know how bad it got lol
it's arguable that the bombings of Hiroshima and Dresden didn't aid their respective war efforts at all
whether these events corrode or bolster support for Hezbollah in Lebanon, I couldn't say
I've been taking notes the past 300+ days in /chip/ about how zionists behave and delude themselves. I can firmly say without any hesitation they are mentally ill. I am in the process of writing a book with all the evil comments that they've written. Unbeknownst to them, I'm going to make a lot of money off of their hateful comments while simultaneously red pilling people to their subhuman behavior
the cherry on top of this shit sundae the muslims are eating right now?
just yesterday there were intense rumors that Yahya Sinwar is has been dead for a couple weeks now, as he suddenly stopped communicating after a certain airstrike on suspected high-value targets in mid september.
if hamas can't dispel the rumors that he's dead, the collapse will come on very quickly.
hey we'd know in 5 days max its not deif who didn't do any public statements on fortnight bases to keep the mystery
What about Hindus, don’t forget them too
And fundamental Christians
Hostage status?
Hmm you could argue that for Dresden but the Japs were very much prepared to fight to keep fighting right up until Nagasaki. Either way guess it’s irrelevant here.
you can stop coping bro, its over
How does any of that help rescue the hostages?
Give us free copies tho.
>syrian rebels
They only existed in your tall tales. Kurds, Turks and burgers had boots on the ground.
Kikes aren't fighting Imperial Japan or Nazi Germany, they're fighting fairly impoverished sand people who aren't really much of a threat.
Leaving aside the fact that it's the jews squatting on land that doesn't belong to them it gives off a schizo lunatic vibe to just bomb urban centers indiscriminately when you know your enemy can't take out your aircraft.
Interestingly the Germans got a lot of shit for doing that in Guernica back in the day on a much smaller scale with a fairly tame death toll by comparison.
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>if hamas can't dispel the rumors that he's dead,
lebron tier press conference now
tranime lost, svyjvks won
tranime lost, ragecomics won
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>my autistic compilation of shitposts will make me rich
>I'm not the deluded one, you are
>syrian rebels
al nusra terrorist group aka israel/usa proxy army ftfy
It's sausage now.
Indians I've met in real life aren't like the ones who post on 4chinz. The zionists I've met in real life, on the other hand, are some of the most mentally ill evil people I've ever met. When you got jews in America who are vehemently anti-Israel, you know zionists have fucked up big time
It was the Soviets blitzing through Manchuria that convinced the Japs to finally surrender.
What do you guys think the Beirut death toll is now?
after hamas actually killed a group of hostages to stop them being rescued, they completely closed off any negotiations for the forseeable future, while also deterring israel from attempting direct rescue operations.
the new strategy is to literally purge north gaza with a complete siege (no food) to force hamas to move the hostages out in the open.
Why is Hizboallah doing nothing? this is so embarrassing. What a bunch of sad losers.
It isn't about the material, it's about the writing style anon. You're too stupid to figure that out and I don't blame ya since you grew up in the third world and can't afford books
This. Many jews with swastikas here today. I wonder what that means.
>after hamas actually killed a group of hostages to stop them being rescued,
Who told you this?
I think they’re afraid of America bombing and invading them even harder than the idf did
>after hamas actually killed a group of hostages
You actually believe that? Wanna buy my home on the moon?
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Jews are pushing hard with their fiction tonight. Big coordination between shill talking points, fake hasbara and civilian murder.
The whole Nasrallah story is of course a complete distraction.
Jews are desperate for a comprehensive at this point.
What a bunch of weak faggots kek
hamas said so directly. abu obeida made a statement about it.
New cope dropped
Stop arguing with jews in good faith. It’s a fucking lie they tell themselves as they murder babies.
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Seeing as how this made all the kike shills go into a tizzy trying every kike shill tactic in the book. It shows that it makes the kike shills seethe, and there were probably at least 20 posts about it minimum in the reply chains. Kikes can't stand that kikes are the reason why goyims hate israel and the jews now. Even the former cheerleaders of israel and the kikes have woken up. Evangelist support among zoomers is rock bottom now. No wonder ADL's Greenblatt was freaking out about a loss of generational support across the entire political spectrum

And since I saw how many kikes tried to claim the fed up christian kid's blog post was a copypasta. With another anon trying to fact check it and failing to find any evidence via google or the chan archives. I'll leave it as already fact checked, and any kike claiming otherwise MUST POST PROOF of their claims that it's a copy & paste job
I reject your (you) and denounce your satanic species.
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I doubt it, it's not something you would admit to even if you did because it just gives jews something to kvetch about.
I'm mining some gold for my book. They have no idea how bad they're going to look to the normies
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They are lobbing some rockets at north israel right now.Looks like even when their entire high leadership is wiped out they are still going to continue lobbing rockets to israel.
israel needs to do a ground invasion.
I wouldn’t be too happy. Anything is possible
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The problem with argument you are trying to make is that Hezbollah has announced all their causalities in this conflict including the particularly crippling one that killed 13 commanders and 1 senior commander. If they had news of Nasrallah's death they would have announced it
>Interestingly the Germans got a lot of shit for doing that in Guernica back in the day on a much smaller scale with a fairly tame death toll by comparison.

Yeah and who won the Spanish Civil War? And as we all know Hitler decided to tone it down after Guernica right?

Point is bombing civilians doesn’t mean shit about whether you’re winning or losing a war. Im sure if I told you a month or two ago that Israel would be curb stomping Hezbollah without any meaningful retaliation you would be doing your usual cope rant, yet here we are.
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>lobbing some rockets at north israel right now
kek sad

They are done.
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abu obeida made a statement about it you dumb coping mudslime
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As long as the org exists, it isn’t really over till it’s over
I posted an article I found online earlier saying that the IDF is prepared for a ground invasion. Idk why they’d even entertain the idea but it’s still weird that it’s being discussed even. Maybe they think the same way- that Hezbollah needs to be completely eradicated.
>killed directly by the occupation
oy vey, khamas forced us to shoot them
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followed shortly by:
note the timestamps
Abu Obeyda lmao This is the new cope? Ignore the fact IOF killed hundreds of the hostages, just ignore that part please
Well at least they are forcing you to waste your AA on crappy Grad missiles so when your war with Iran comes you will be low on AA.
>here’s is the jewish pilpul that followed
geg, leaking mudslime
Americans pay for it.

I don't think an invasion is necessary at this point kek
You know whats wild, bibi went to the UN to speak about peace and ceasefire, and the ENTIRE time they were planning this escalation. Let it be a lesson for the cucks of resistance, you talk peace, bibi is planning on killing your children and wife. The houithis seem to understand, everyone else is being fucktarded.
>appears to confirm
Kek, fucking kikes making shit up.
I don’t think so either, but the article was written an hour ago. Lots of other articles speculating this too
Bro you don't understand, he saw it on Twitter. It must be real
>low on AA

Ha, I’m sure they’ll be fine. This isn’t the bombing of Belgrade in the 90s lol
it's jeremy fucking scahill. is he a jew shill now?
>hezbollah is alright and are playing the long game by only targeting israeli military infrastructure but there will come a time where israeli civilians also become targets the same way israel attacks civilians in lebanon
>ATGMing random houses in Kiryat Shmona for the last 11 months and doing fuck-all to materially aid Hamas

I'd have more respect for you if you just said they were dealing an eye for an eye for 2006.
May I just say that this whole hostage discussion is completely ridiculous, and anyone who gets upset about it is just embarrassing themselves. Nobody who has anything to say gives a shit about those few people. On both sides.
They can pay for it but their ability to convert their freshly printed monopoly dollars into new AA missiles is not that great.We can see it from the ukraine war that the US MIC is actually quite pathetic.They can't even keep ukraine supplied with sufficient AA.
it’s not even a direct quote, just a jewish reinterpretation. (i.e. lie)
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Did you forget that Israel has nukes? You're a nuclear armed pariah state, like a significantly less based North Korea.
It's easy for me or anyone to mock the muds for their cowardice but we're not the ones that'll die in nuclear hellfire at the hands of bloodthirsty kikes if Israel starts getting its shit kicked in. Well maybe you will.
>Point is bombing civilians doesn’t mean shit about whether you’re winning or losing a war.
It tends to, if you know where the enemy is then you don't have to resort to bombing at random to pretend you're doing something.
>Im sure if I told you a month or two ago that Israel would be curb stomping Hezbollah without any meaningful retaliation you would be doing your usual cope rant, yet here we are.
The longer this draws out the worse it gets for the Israelis, it costs a lot to maintain constant readiness for AD and across three borders.
If the kikes actually go into Lebanon instead of sperging out then you may have a point, bombing was never going to break Hezbollah because they basically run southern Lebanon and nobody has much love for the jews there.
A few civilians dead leads to dozens of recruits or at least sympathizers for Hezbollah, they're not just going to give up if you bomb them enough.
>They can't even keep ukraine supplied with sufficient AA.

It’s because they don’t want to not because they can’t.
>Hassan "Ghost of Beirut" Nasrallah
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>It’s because they don’t want to not because they can’t.
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Why are 4trooners obsessed wit North Korea? It's a shithole.
>It’s because they don’t want to not because they can’t.
We did not want ukraine anyway.
the US barely has any manufacturing left at this rate. where they going to buy these AA missiles? China?
>North Korea? It's a shithole because we can't subvert their government
most of the f-16 destroyed now

My theory: they've actually become atheists so now they're scared of the meaninglessness of their fight compared to the nothingness of atheist death. They don't welcome martyrdom anymore, they're scared of it.
Why did the Hezbollah Leadership neglect hunkering in after Hamiyah's death? Clearly Israel sought surgical strikes, group got to complacent and now has to bear the consequences.
>implying the US wants to see Russia defeated and collapsed

Lol the situation is perfect for the US which is why it is the way it is. Ukraine has just enough to hold off Russia but not to inflict a real defeat on them - it means Russia is bogged down and wasting men and resources for this. The US is bleeding Russia on the cheap. China loves this too.

try to think please
>IAF continues to bomb Dahieh targeting underground missile storages believed to be anti-ship missiles
just to show them who's boss...
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Atreides,Ordos or Harkonnen?
I love the fact that you've been coping non-stop for the past 2 hours
What a dumb fucking response, are you actually fucking retarded by chance? Go back to sniffing glue at the kiddie table.
you're obsessed
>ERM, le corrupt yellow kikes that destroy their own country are le based and better than normal kikes ACTUALLY o algo
Not a bad idea in itself. And china would probably even do it, but the burgers are slowly running out of things china wants. That's why china is doing everything it can to decouple and is using the mountains of dollars on which it sits to do so.
>calls people obsessed but keeps replying to my comments

:D the coping is off the charts today lmao
They can't, not without starting to strip the AA from their own bases all over the world.That's how depleted some of the US assets are from the ukraine war.
posted a nigger award
Away with you, unbeliever.
obsessed lmao thank you anon for making me laugh so much at how pathetic you are. You've been one of my go to anons for making me laugh
is a nigger award
Except the goal isn’t to occupy Lebanon. It’s to decapitate their leadership, destroy their arms and prevent Iran from attempting to build them up again. All of this is working so far - with or without civilian casualties.

And I’m not sure how much more sympathy Hezb can win when they already enjoy near total support from the Shias. Meanwhile Christians and Sunnis are pissed at them for taking the whole country down with them.
axe wounds leaking above me
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Why did you leave reddit?
as if i yearn for respect from a donkey like you the aid to gaza comes via egypt and the aid to west bank comes via jordan, 2 countries that are allied with israel it is not a walk in the park to materially aid them. hasbaragoy does your brain not have a start button?
Spoken like a jew
No one in those countries side with jews and everyone there knows without Hezbollah the kikes would have annexed Lebanon decades ago already

No Christians and Sunnis aren't pissed off at Hezbollah. Kikes have shown their true face

They are not attacking the leadership, they are killing as many civilians as possible .
Get paid more post here
>axe wounds leaking above me
Sounds like a pretty typical night for a pozzed nigger like you.
Yereytak khreet ou ma hkeet, I’m Maronite - thought my flag would have given it away. We’re all rejoicing that Israel is finishing what they failed to do in the 80s.
you sound like a leaking troon
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No you're just a jew
No one supports kikes besides kikes themselves and retarded Americans evangelicals
How do you know what that sounds like? Oh right, experience.
Is Nasrallah even in Lebanon? Its really bold to assume hes in the middle of Beirut and not in some Bin-Laden tier hideout.
>It’s to decapitate their leadership, destroy their arms and prevent Iran from attempting to build them up again.
If you think an organization like Hezbollah isn't prepared to replace their leadership then you are suffering from severe delusions, you don't just magically destroy a religiously-motivated group by killing a few of it's leaders.
>Meanwhile Christians and Sunnis are pissed at them for taking the whole country down with them.
Just like the Afghans blamed the Taliban every time the US bombed a wedding or goat herder?
They know what you are and they know where fault lies when a kike jet bombs their house.
Show flag ya khara
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george floyd and Hitler and India and svyjvks and Rage Comics and the shvrty WON and 4trooners and 4troon and tranime and north korea and niggerpan are cringe as hell and LOST
>hello fellow Maronites
Kek, do you get paid extra for trips?
projecting troon above me
Be careful when you use this name. It is the copyrighted property of the cia. The man never really existed btw.
This gaylord fucks trannies
>مجموع وفيات اليهود
Bad translation for TKD (its more like total kike casualties) what you want is:
الموت لكل اليهود
Is that the best you 4trooners can do?
>projecting troon above me
Yeah I figured you for a bottom.
It simply doesn't matter, israels goal isn't decapitation or any of that shit, to understand the plan you need to listen to the rabbis

They say 2/3rd of kikes have to die for israel to rise in power

The kikes in charge are willing to sacrifice millions of kikes to force America into intervening in the middle east once again full scale invasion style

That would be another holocost style power move by jews

So by killing as many civilians as possible, they want to push for the neighbours to invade israel or strike hard at israel so that America can intervene

Fuck off kike
/qa/ lost
um, sweaty trannies have axe wounds
You are a tranny connoisseur, so I'll take your word for it.
but you keep switching from le based kangaroo white nigger to the maronite rapefugee so you cant blame anyone for mistaken you since no one really cares
Are this shiia faggots going to do anything? I'm getting bored of these sad losers.
Has anyone else noticed the extreme drop in quality of the shills? Jeets even manage to make something unpleasant even worse.
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>You are a tranny connoisseur, so I'll take your word for it.
also vooting exist in lebanon and christcucks at best divided with half allying with nassrallah and the sunnis likes that someone pretending to fight israel
Doesn't look like it. Almost impossible for Iran to save face unless they destroy you. 100% cucked.
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Eh, neither of you live among a Maronite diaspora and it shows. Every one I’ve met is a massive philosemite and prefers speaking English or French over Arabic.

Carlos Ghosn (a Maronite) caused a big scandal in Lebanon a few years back for visiting Israel.
I'm guessing that's your girlfriend.
Iran too is then finished. They have lost face, no one will ever believe them or ally with them again. Even the Russians and the Chinese.
this dumb nigger can't read
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>Iran too is then finished. They have lost face, no one will ever believe them or ally with them again.
Definitely adding this one to my list
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>people who got exodus'ed jew style are still pissy about the people kicked them out
no shit
Most are inside their bunkers wearing their soiled diapers right now. Blasting vpns for those 1 post reply comment isnt helping.
Where’s Iran?
I don't care, you're a jew
jews are the enemy of mankind
Getting so fucking assmad while trying to be a le ebin troll that he quoted the wrong post.
I know you can't
They are a joke. If they had fought and lost at least I would have had respect for these faggots.
at this point even the less wiser of them knows that the best course of action is to retreat, lick their wounds and rebuild using the hard learned lessons, i am however 60-70% sure that the Hezbollah is finished as a social-economic-political-military organization...the "social-economic-political" part makes the "military" part extremely exposed to infiltration and sneaky tricks of all sorts.
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As unfair as this looks, there must be massive civilian damage for people to see how jews really are. This war will be both a military but also a PR defeat for Israel.

If any other nation on this planet would start such a war with an undeveloped counterparty, they would already be sanctioned at the very least.

You gotta go full schizo to consider yourself intangible when you are geopolitically surrounded by potential enemies and still think you have the upper hand. American taxpayer money can only get you this far.
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>fellow whites
Yeah that’s my point to the room temperature IQs ITT who can’t process the fact that some Lebs prefer Israel over Hezbollah and have good reason to do so.
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Jackson Hinkle hasn't tweeted in 11 hours lmao
>this is fine
The entire existence of the shiia is in danger now, they have been shown for being the weak faggots they are.
>Carlos Ghosn (a Maronite) caused a big scandal in Lebanon a few years back for visiting Israel.
If Maronites love jews so much why would it be a scandal?
At least try, your rabbis' historical squabbling over the minutiae of religious laws has more subtlety.
Iran Barkley retired 30 years ago anon
Based 180 IQ Phoenician Gigachad. Who else could have pulled off an escape like his?
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Israel just proved that Iranian air defense is worthless. Hezbollah was obviously counting on Iran to prevent Israeli jets from overflying Beirut to drop huge bunker buster bombs on their headquarters and strongholds. Since Israel was able to do this, it means Iranian air defense technology is a joke just like the rest of Iran's military.
true kataeb fags died with whats his name gemayel and sharon cucking off support
His career ended

RIP Iran and Iran’s friend Lebanon
Lebanon doesn't have air defences mutt.
Setting up an air defence network is a complex and costly task and a militant organization like Hezbollah can't do it.
Iran have their own air defence systems in their own country.They recently got boosted by S400s.
hezbo nogs can we get sinwar style leader who dont care about k/d or other sects feefees
>t. happening and tkd enjoyers
>Part of the opposition in a powerless government
At least they won't be massacring any more refugee camps with jews covering their back.
nobody cares about your respect moshe
It only cost him 12 million and his escape helpers went to jail in Japan.
There needs to be enough death and destruction caused by kikes (using bombs made by white countries because kikes can't produce shit) for the global gentile coalition to emerge

Right now people are subconsciously learning about the kikes
This will create a gentile identity once they realize they're not alone in becoming anti semitic
The global gentile generation is being raised as we speak
>Lebanon is 2/3 Muslim

Gee I wonder too.
I'm pretty sure Iran Barkley is still alive anon
>Why did the Hezbollah Leadership neglect hunkering in after Hamiyah's death? Clearly Israel sought surgical strikes, group got to complacent and now has to bear the consequences.

For one, I wouldn't call levelling a whole building to kill one mid to low-level commander surgical but the IDF has air superiority and has infiltrated the organization of Hezbollah.
Just about
I'm not saying they don't exist, I'm saying they are jewish and you are a jew
northern territory status?
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Emphasis on "some", and anyway who gives a shit about what some Jewloving faggot immigrant thinks about it.
Reading that post in the last thread and seeing how severe the shift was in the amount of shill posts devoted to it in the various reply chains. It got me thinking especially after reading the non-jew replies to it. So, I joogled it and it's really fucking bad for the kikes. I found a few studies that did 2018 to 2021 but couldn't find any studies post-war to see how much more the support has fallen off a cliff.

Support for Palestinians rose by 5x (500%) vs 3 years earlier in 2018
Support for kikes fell by more than half to 33% from 69%
I also saw 75 to 33% support, 68% to 28% support, and this study too. All are horrible news for kikes, since the entire world had shifted to support palestine more than israel, among the younger generations. Evangelicals are the highest support group in the world besides kikes themselves, and these numbers are horrible for the kikes


my prediction is that the only reason hezb hasn't gone full scale war because they raised their sect gdp to above average from untouchable status they were at
they probably think full scale war might damage that
which is bad news for fun seekers like ourselves
like who cares to go back to stone age when all of your fellow lebs are there with you and you get to kill massive numbers of jews ??
If you guys want a commentary into the mind of a zionist, just know these guys have no long term thinking. All the comments here show it
That’s not bad for a guy worth 100 million and definitely better than facing certain incarceration in Japan

>escape helpers went to jail

Lol as if anyone cared about them.
The reason Hezbollah hasn't escalated to full blown war is domestic backlash not any of this
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>Part of the opposition
the weak ones too the other side are saudi servants
pretty fucking quiet for a long while now lmao. also theres more lebanese refugees now lmao.
southern lebanon status?
beirut status?
dahiye status?
iran retaliation status?
oh yea and nasrallah is dead along with the entire leadership
you may be interested in /g/, it's filled with schizo kikes
the board isn't subtle about its overlords either as the sticky has 2 jews and satan's anime daughter
yup it's all immediate gratification
not unlike niggers
oh neat well let me know when you stop having so many displaced jews because they can't move back north
>domestic backlash
that they can easily quash because they've got nothing not even AKs
its a choice, they thought israel would stop after pagers attack and they've been wrong for 11 months
>exterminating your enemies is losing
thanks for the nugget of wisdom Turdeau
they are living in hotels
what about the lebanese displaced people? are they in hotels? lol
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Buckbroken the country
jews have no sense of long term nation building because they want to control every country, they think that way because they're talmud enjoyers

Theore they chimp out at civilians, the more non jews realize how psychopathic jews are
This will end with the emergence of a global gentile generation
A generation that actively identifies as non jewish, as gentiles
By some I meant the Christians, who are a minority in Lebanon, even if most Leb Christians support Israel - so thanks for proving my point with that.
>exterminate toddlers and babies
>create a global gentile generation
>earth becomes 110th place to kick jews out

Great plan for sure
hezb might live in a stone-age lebanon but they'd be still having an arsenal worthy of modern small armies even with full scale war
doo it
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was nasrallah there or not? people are saying they missed
Christians in Lebanon do not support israel btw
I hate jews, but honestly they are kicking your asses. Yeah, Whites aren't in a better position, but we had Hitler, so at least we tried.
It doesn't matter at this point. The point is that they are getting bombarded and they are doing nothing. They are finished forever.
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I didn't ask you kike, I asked White Aryans
Israel is cooked, especially considering for zoomers who are just being to be politically aware, this genocide will be a core memory, they will never forget nor forgive what Israel has done, and the boomers who gag kosher dick are clocking out of the workforce and political sphere
even if some arabs refused to pay for the reconstruction of lebanon the others would and the west pays up in these situations especially with israel being the culprit
even assad gonna get his neetbux
He's right though. They aren't doing shit.
Good luck finding those here kek
if he was dead it would've leaked by now
Hezbollah's main focus has always been to keep the yids out of Lebanon, and they were never too keen on helping a group of duplicitous Muslim Brotherhood niggers that fought them in the past.
Why get lured into a destructive conflict with Isn'treal when they can just wait for their terrible demographics to wither them away for another 20-30 years?
Go fuck your mother, toady.
gee i guess israel should invade southern lebanon then? :^) surely that'll be easy with hezbollah defeated :^)
And it took so little, hamas has shown so much more fight than these sad losers. No wonder Shiism is such a failure. Sad.
İf jews get destroyed by Iran they lose
İf jews keep bombing toddlers and children and Iran does nothing significant in response, they lose

Kikes will need a 9/11 like event to force Americas hand, they're already preparing the ground for a trump assassination with all the trump Iran assassination attempts propaganda

Jews will attempt to kill trump and get Iran blamed for it

The most recent unsourced reports say Iran smuggled anti air rockets into America to shoot down trump's jet

Only kikes with the CIA could pull this off
Not necessary. The Lebanese will now tell Hezboallah to fuck off you are a bunch of useless faggots.
shit calculations nassrallah just died and no one is interested in jordan like lebanon so better drop the larp
they just ordered the airport to close lol
20 years ago you would have said the same about young people “never forgetting” Iraq and 50 years ago you would have said the same about Vietnam - yet here we are.
>muh zoomers
one of the top anti-Russia shill in the media here is a guy that was a commie in his youth and travelled to the USSR all the time...young people love trendy causes until comes a time they have to put food on the table. Anti Israelism among young people in the West has been around since the 70's
>if he was dead it would've leaked by now
It took months to dig out the 9/11 debris, this will take weeks maybe to find the body if any part isn't dust.
They can just be bombed.
Yeah, Hamas are definitely the most respectable. I don't care for the Palestinians that fled to West.
Jews aren't really losing. Only in the context of China v. USA, but that could take a while yet.
That only works in low intensity conflicts

kikes being the retarded geniuses they are, decided to accelerate their greater shitsrael plan

For that they started their unhinged indiscriminate bombing of civilians in the region, hoping for a neighbouring country to fully commit to an open war against kikes

That means kikes start being recognised as the psychopathic rapists and murderers of toddlers and children that they are

Who's gonna want to side with kikes after that besides retarded evangelicals?
yeah but they were never told that Iraq was the brainchild of zionist partisans in the Project for the New American Century who also had offices in the Pentagon


wait wtf, here and in America, the pro Russia guys used to be hardcore anticommies and hated the USSR?
Pretty much, manpads are pretty well kept under watch, by everyone even by the ragtag literal whos in libya, african warlords and kike proxy in syria.
Hezbollah is a voluntary insurgent group not a conscript regime army, they can’t just use overt shows of violence to silent dissent constantly or for very unpopular policy. If they do it would kneecap their recruitment base and lead to an uprising against them
America will never fight another major war unless a 9/11 Mossad style attack happens again. Talk to anybody in this country and 99% will tell you what I just told you
>50 years ago you would have said the same about Vietnam -
Pretry sure Hillary Clinton was a vietnam war protestor for a time also too. Prople change and time heals impressions. Hell Charlie XcX removed the Gaza trend pretty fast.
young people love trendy leftist causes that was my point that's all...
Islam and muslims are embarrassing, 2 billion of useless unproductive faggots. Just convert to judaism or Christianity and be quiet.
Hostage status?
>who's gonna want to side with kikes after that besides retarded evangelicals?
The entire Arab world?
We are living through peak jewish power right now
They can do whatever they want because America is supporting it unconditionally

That will not last
who gives a shit about the hostages?
most are the kind of people who attend those electronic music, neo-hippie, synthetic drugs fueled festivals..."bombs away!" i say
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>food in the table means you gotta support israel
Lmao stfu retard boomers supported israel because of holocaust and hollywood guilt
Right wing was always anti semetic and theyre returning to those roots
See that's the issue, because 90+% of Americans also rejected getting involved in ww2

I'm afraid enough magatards would enlist to fight and die for kikes in Iran, after kikes assassinate trump and blame it on Iran
>That will not last
I agree, but we're possibly talking about decades before that really ends. That's kind of the blackpill. I think Muslims though should try to do something given their history and rhetoric, but for now it's all talk and I'm not impressed.
portuguese jews are just fucking lol
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Are you enjoying the show anons? we just started
Yeah America is on the verge of economic collapse. The economy is being held by rubber bands and bubblegum. Once the recession hits, IDF is fucked
bro stop I'm starting to feel bad for these niggas
It's boring because nobody is reacting.
zionism mental illness
Arrogance before your downfall. Very poetic.
2 weeks
I mean, with the exception of Vietnam and Korea, America’s involvement in major wars have mostly begun with a surprise attack on US interests - Spanish-American, WW1, WW2, so I don’t think 9/11 was a game changer in that regard.
People have been saying that for many years now. Guess what? Economy still functions and Israel gets more money.
I hope it's two weeks. The sooner the crash happens, the sooner you'll be at your funeral and we'll all be on /pol/ celebrating
Have all the kike VPNs been raiding chip too?
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Let's not forget that great atrocities committed by the Ottomans weren't the acts of a victorious and prospering power, but the violent thrashings of a sick and dying old man desperate and vengeful on their way to the dustbin of history. Israel is no different.
It's 2024 and the two wars I have to watch for entertainment are Slavs butchering each other over some depressing village or Jews bombing Muslims who won't do shit. This is lame.
I don't really see the connection.

They've been squatting in it, as if they're tethered to the general.
Our boys are still punching at least.
you may wanna check who lives there lol
Kikes have started allowing conservative golems to openly be racist against nıggers

They're allowing the discussion of blacks and iq, boosting conservacucks that speak about race and iq but filtering out those who mention kikes

the goal would be replacing the dying evangelical population with based race realist conservacucks
We may see a decade of complete jewish domination before the fall
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>shoots palestinians
What's this strategy called?
Exactly. They will not forget, just as the boomers never forgave the national socialists based on all the jewish propaganda about the their fake genocide. Being able to view countless evidence of the genocide, much of which even the jews themselves are posting. Reading and watching the jews and israelis say the disgusting shit straight from their own mouths. It's simply redpilling generations across the globe

So, just as how the boomers hold those deep core beliefs in bring pro-jew and pro-israel, these generations will also hold these views for life. There's not enough jewish shills on the internet ro counter everything with jewish propaganda, and youth generations even liberals no longer trust the MSM. So, they view the reality of what's actually happening and it makes israel and jews look evil as fuck. No need for fake propaganda like they used to make the germans look evil as fuck. Jews themselves and israel are the best walking advertisements to support Palestine and hate israel.
I thought Palestine didn’t exist anymore. Isn’t the goal to make it all definitely Israel? You are Israel or you are dead, kinda thing?
kek they have joined us based
Anon you should touch grass more often. If you actually know what the fuck you're talking about, you know the Fed is in panic mode
Which threads/generals are you coming from?
jewish false flag operations
I had a feeling they'd start shooting again once the sun came up. Part of the insane air raids were to try to bait them into shooting back probably. Since spotting aerial patrols at night is hard. But now they're easier to spot, much safer to fire off rockets.
>Bombing Palis

Thank you Axis of Resistance, very cool!
Yeah, they will be libs or cons if it serves their interest. I respect that about them, because they can adapt and think long term.
>#Urgent| Huge explosions heard in the West Bank after sirens sounded in the West Bank settlements.
Intifada activated?
They raised the rates and are cutting them. It's part of the business cycle.
there's the west bank sirens
No it’s just Hezabollah’s much vaunted retaliation
I think those three groups failed miserably at carving their dreamed states from the empire and labelled the defeat of their respective revolutions genocides

And kurds were the ones who massacred armenians funnily enough

If something happened 109 times it will happen again so kike downfall is inevitable
Notice how kikes are breaking their sabbath. You know shit is getting real for them. Normally they go quite on Fridays. Also new baker needed
jewish lies
nobody thought of iraq as being a jew thing at the time
They'll probably go quite soon
thats just jew cope
>they don't actually hate us! they just...like doing "the new cool thing"! ARRGHHH
Careful with that cope kike
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Thank you Hezbollah (or whatever is left of them) for helping us finish off the Palestinians
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Based, Ramlah is indeed Israel you're right.
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yeah i thought it was Bush being actually retarded about the Middle East and Arabs, I never knew there was an insidious jewish conspiracy against Iraq (led by a guy convicted for spying for Israel in the 70s)
cutting rates = panic mode
One lone interceptor explosion over the West Bank. The bombings are an obvious tell that their air defense supplies are taxed.
They might have paid for more already but it still takes time to manufacture and ship them.
>Switching to the winning side after getting BTFO

Italian mindset
so settler jewish terrorists don't exist anymore?

interesting cope from a kike
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Doomed empires often resort to atrocities on their way down, and Israel is a doomed empire.
The only heebs that are breeding are the ones that contribute the least to Israel's defense and prosperity.
>I think those three groups failed miserably at carving their dreamed states from the empire and labelled the defeat of their respective revolutions genocides
I think the Turks were asshurt that their caliphate was dying and took it out on what remained of their slave castes.
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>the new cool thing
he's forgetting hippies sons ordered the bipoc and lgbt worship and now they have israel on the crosshairs
>idiotic anti-italian shit
yup, it's a kike
Didn't think you kikes would throw the jewish terrorist settlers under the bus so quickly
>east of tel aviv
>its the west bank
did you enjoy the idf attack today north of haifa? LMAO
How can our heroes turn this battle around?
אבל זה במדינת המתנחבלים...
This may have actually been an arrow missile explosion. Some sources saying it was Ballistic missiles that they fired.
They know the economy is decelerating, so this is how they guide it by making it easier to borrow. You could argue this is pointless, because it isn't really effective for stopping a recession, but it would be a lot worse if it was harder to borrow during that time. This doesn't mean the economy is ending, just bad times for for the poors as usual.
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I'm surprised how easy it was kek
>idiotic anti-Italian shit

Okay Mario from Jersey this isn’t the 1890s anymore nobody cares about wops enough to be anti them.
The Turks had betrayed the empire themselves
Why bother holding vassal states full of indigenous people who want independence

So here's the argument, armenians wanted more land than they have today but failed to fight for it, got destroyed on the battlefield

greece had advanced significantly into anatolia but got kicked out, they got cucked out of that as well, got beaten back badly

Same for assyrians

Basically these three had territorial claims over what is turkey today but failed to win their fights for them, simple as
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Maybe if they got off their asses put down the hookah and did something.
It was a British protectorate then.
they need to beg troons to block roads all over europe and beg for a ceasefire again
>#Urgent| The occupation army radio confirms that a rocket launched from Lebanon fell near the city of Ramallah
What's near Ramallah that's worth throwing a ballistic missile at? Military checkpoint?
As I was saying, settlers jewish terrorists being targeted
lots of weewoos
You are in cope mode
You know the gentiles are seeing all this shit kikes are doing
Doesn't matter who wins here, kikes will meet ovens again
no one really cares brother
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>We never wanted to win anyway
at this point i am pretty sure they're deliberately only targeting arab cities and villages lmao
literally all of red markers are arabs
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settlements perhaps?
It's not that we don't care, with the golem protecting the kike no one can do anything

The god of jews is America and the us dollar not hashem
what type of cope is this?
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>Kikes falling to read the room
Kill as many toddlers and kids as you want, it will only accelerate 110
All our most powerful ammunition is stored in Ramllah, don't you dare fire there again or there will be pain.
How do you feel about evangelicals dying out
Friendly fire
>settlements don't exist goyim
You know it's getting bad for kikes when they have to send jidf operatives to shill on 4chan
>CHAD karmiel
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Go crazy
go stupid
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Easier to kill Arabs so they joined in I guess.
You know kikes have been kicked out at least out of 109 places through history

You know it will happen again
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classic; made by famous by the movie rush hour
but i thought youre winning and the idf will never enter gaza and the houthis will end israel and hezbollah will humiliate us?
how did it all go so wrong? because of the evangelicals?
you do have less AA there and in wiki it counts as israel losses
chad move
not a kike, read my post history.
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all in time
when do you invade lebanon?
chad move is flying in on paragliders and kidnapping music festival attendees
They dont even need to at this point since they have no amswer to these air strikes
when we feel like it. so far you seem to be dying just fine to airstrikes lol
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Its more likely to see palirats and lebcucks drown themselves in the Mediterranean than this
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a bit more than that.
the 109 was countries, doesn't include being kicked out of cities.
If I were Hizboallah I would just quit now. What's the point of them keeping fucked like this?
quit or all in
it will be quitting then.
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bro these muzzies are no Russians or Vietnamese, they are very weak.
>The bombing of Dahiya resumes until morale improves
stallone pisses me off with his weak gay ass didn't hear no bell after mickys balls of steel one
kikes getting bombarded all over israel
drago living rent free is cool though

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