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They're actually getting destroyed by a simple aerial bombardment campaign. The same strategy that completely failed against the Taliban, North Vietnam, etc. What the fuck have they actually been doing since 2006? How did they become so weak?
I guess an insane amount of infighting on how to respond, Iran forcing their hand, chaos from so many top commanders being killed, and general 75IQ camel jockey intelligence
They can't do anything.
Hoping for an Israel ground war makes them sitting ducks to an air campaign.
Now that there's no more hiding behind residential buildings they are getting demolished.
There's nothing they can do without anti air.
Arabs are embarrassing faggots
Muslims are pathetic losers
I’m thinking (and I’m a dumb ass who’s not a veteran or a military tactician) they they’re waiting out the bombings in their tunnels and *hoping* that the idf will invade
The problem is, is that the IDF won’t invade. They’re gonna get infinite resupply from the US, so they’ll stay trapped in there until bunker busters kill them or the rubble traps them
>How did they become so weak?
Mossad has had Hezbollah under a microscope since 2006 and likely heavily penetrated their organization with informants based on the pager attack and its success.

Guerrilla warfare doesn't work if you know where all the fighters and their hideouts are down to a meter's accuracy. Which is why Hezbollah has been taking body blows for the past two weeks, while Hamas has been able to just pop back up whenever the IDF withdraws from parts of Gaza.
>they they’re waiting out the bombings in their tunnels and *hoping* that the idf will invade
what good will that do when all their commanders except the one at the top is dead?
they get replaced after death, fast
with no communications?
hamas would have been eradicated in 2 weeks unironically if it wasnt for GaySA forcing Israel to abandon the seige and to turn back on the water z electricity, and to coddle and feed the sand nigger jihadis

US is the reason why hamass lives
Carrier pigeons? lol idk man I’m not a tactician like I said
Just a few days the anti-semites and shills were saying that Israel lost against Hezbollah in the 2006 Lebanon War. They were posting this video as evidence Hezbollah won:

Hezbollah may have won that battle due to the incompetence of the general and due to an unwillingness to risk soldiers in a battle that would accomplish little.
See this video instead to see that Hezbollah did not win:

but may recent events put to rest the inane idea that Israel lost the 2006 Lebanon War. I suspect after recent events are finished, Hezbollah will be no more.

meanwhile Iran is nowhere to be found
>What the fuck have they actually been doing since 2006
Fighting the last war. An entire technological and weapons revolution happebed since 2006
The only honest post. The US is keeping Hamas on life support, otherwise if the US wanted to, it could make Palestine disappear tomorrow.
They are an ideological enemy. The leaders don't actually matter very much since Islamic terrorism is leaderless.
If Trump died, MAGA could replace him just as fast. Right? Same thing really. Wouldn't affect things one bit.
No air defence, russians dont help
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>hamas would have been eradicated in 2 weeks if it was not an Israeli creation since day one
you kind of underestimate the support america has for your shithole once boomers are gone its literally over
It's easy. Give them thousands of M777s, 2 millions shells per month, 20k Javelins, millions of drones of every kind, hundreds of western MBTs and thousands of APCs, F-16s, tens of Patriots and other western air defense systems, 5 billion dollars a month to keep the economy afloat, isolate Israel diplomatically and impose on them the biggest sanctions ever, and then they would win. Oh wait lmao.
And kikes are venomous snakes.
Threads that aged poorly.
Since the news broke about Nasrallah potentially being killed by Zionists I've been hella depressed.

Hamas is like 80% destroyed. Most of Gaza has been reduced to rubble and anywhere from 50,000-200,000 Palestinians are dead. Hizballah was able to be taken out almost completely within a little over a week. Yemen and Iraq will most likely be destroyed next. If Iran does anything – literally anything – they'll be met with force not just by Israel but by America too, possibly NATO.

I have no hope anymore. If Israel can't be destroyed by decades-old resistance movements what chances to we have of freeing ourselves from our oppressive overlords? What chances do we have of destroying capitalism and overthrowing the system that oppresses us in our countries?

Israel was supposed to be a paper tiger. October 7th proved how fragile the Zionist entity was, that it had a weak spot that could lead to its initial destruction. But after an 11-months long campaign of genocide and all-out regional war it seems like Israel isn't going anywhere. I truly believed Hizballah would be the nail in the coffin and destroy Israel once and for all since they were an actual organized army. But alas.

The pager attack on the Lebanese resistance last week is what did it for me. If Israel can do that you know our governments can pull something similar on us. Imagine being involved in a large-scale uprising in Canada or the USA and all of a sudden your iPhone explodes and you're left maimed. That's evil. In fact, the one thing this war/genocide has done is set in motion a new, much more horrific form of warfare. Imperialist countries will soon use the tactics Israel uses to genocide Palestinians and Lebanese on their own citizens. Mass surveillance under the guise of "anti-terrorism" will be 1000x worse in the upcoming years than it was in America under George W. Bush and the Patriot Act. Just wait.

I need reassurance to know there's still hope left.
hit nothing did nothing im in here
we didn't need those cities and tens of thousands of jews anyway
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>kike concern troll gets ratted out by satanic digits.
A sign.
I'm legitimately depressed.
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tl;dr jeet, go back to india
It's only civilians being bombed though nice try kike
I'm not even Indian.
You're retarded
Ok on second thought you're jew shills
From the river to the sea Palestine will be free (from Jews)
>Now that there's no more hiding behind residential buildings they are getting demolished.

This was all that prevented the us from bombing themselves to victory in every previous war but it comes with lasting repercussions.
They have been infiltrated to the core by the Mossad.
Even their weapons are probably sold to them by the Israelis themselves with some tracers hidden in them so they know where they are stored.
The pager attack killed their communications
The leaders are all dead
They are in complete chaos and I doubt there is any kind of organization left.
Even though there is nothing I hate more than Israel but I’ve to admit it was well played by them.
Based, the shilling in this thread is off the charts. Pretty clear for everyone to see.
Also we have video confirmation of rocket impacts from Hezbollah's latest salvos
as well as medevac choppers in the sky.
Because they need to treat people for "anxiety"
Also rocket debris that fell on Nablus.
Looks more like a jettisoned rocket booster from a 2-stage ballistic missile. There was one arrow missile explosion in the sky and reports of a ballistic missile impact near Ramallah.
Hence why the pajeets have changed the script from ISRAEL STRONK to
"I'm a faggy loser who is losing hope I'm totally one of you sarrs"
welp, time to put on your a-rab wedding party vest and make it count

Iran fed Hezbollah to Israel. Sounds insane, but it explains everything. They made deals with Israel/US. I say this as someone from the south. What else explains the cuck behavior from iran and constant assassinations of top officials, Haniye and the previous pres? They were betrayed, but the brainwashing is too strong on the lebs for them to see it.
>Langley/tel aviv psyop thread
Get real, no war has been won from the air, no one buys your bullshit.
>ballistic missile impact near ramallah
so theyre shooting palishits?
>Even their weapons are probably sold to them by the Israelis themselves with some tracers hidden in them so they know where they are stored.
>The pager attack killed their communications
>The leaders are all dead
>They are in complete chaos and I doubt there is any kind of organization left.

And this is why I'm fucking terrified. Anything IsraHell does to the resistance our governments will ultimately do to us when capitalism goes into uber collapse and the people start rising up for real.
They aint omniscient, the Iranians are the rats, they sold their own proxy.
So you're an actual Lebanese from the south of Lebanon?

>Iran fed Hezbollah to Israel. Sounds insane, but it explains everything.
Why would Iran do that? Where's the logic?
They aren't even doing anything remotely strategically valuable. All of Hezbollah's weapons are up in mountain tunnels and bunker busters don't work on precambrian rock. They're literally just bombing civilians because it's the only thing they know how to do. The assassination may have happened, but what fucking military organization has a FBI top 10 most wanted poster as it's command structure? An organization that size will have thousands of commanders. The fact that kikes believe their own propaganda with this shit is exactly why they can't even control Beit Hanoun for more than 3 minutes (the first town you see when you drive into the Gaza strip, which they bombed almost completely to rubble).
>What else explains the cuck behavior from iran and constant assassinations of top officials, Haniye and the previous pres?
What do u want them to do?
Iran has probably realized it’s a losing war with no hope. The US and the west will never leave israel and there is nothing they can do
Neo won after he stopped fighting agent Smith.
*mic drop
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>I say this as someone from the south

Iran should have stepped in right after October 7th and aided Hamas in destroying the Zionist entity. That's what Hamas originally believed was going to happen, that there would be a full-blown critical mass and all of the Palestinian people's allies would come to their aid.
>The same strategy
their entire higher command was obliterated in less than 2 weeks
the US or any other army has never accomplished something like this
We don't need Israel destroyed, we need every jew to go there and stop fucking up our Western countries.
That logic is retarded.
What does Iran gain from selling out their own proxy?
Only sunna can defeat the globohmo, shia are good on skirmish levels only, sunna are who conquered the world and built civilizations. Unfortunately at some point, shia were only abut killing sunna and hence built their strategy on that, so once they go against different strategy out of the sudden, they will lose.
Zionism is the biggest evil in the world today. It HAS to be destroyed.
You digging God again or still chasing that gold cow? Sincere question.
The Iranians themselves are infiltrated. They can assassinate all of their top officials in one day if they wanted to.
They thought they can threaten Israel with mutual destruction. But their attack on israel in April proved to them that they are completely powerless. The US and the whole west will rush to the rescue and only few (if any) missiles will reach israel.
Don't get too cocky, gilad, so far you were only fighting DIY and puppet armies, keep going and you will face the real wrath that will send back to galut like before.
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Taliban are the real indo-iranic aryan master race
Arabs are just not built for this
Sorry Mr Shekelberg but you need to feed the mohammeds because otherwise you are Hitler.
Yeah, well im just a parttime armchair political analyst so

Perhaps the deal was too good to pass. Iran could have exchanged the intel for nuclear/promise of safety. But Iranians are not dumb to trust them. They know that even if Israel was to try to hold the land, that they will face an Iraq style resistance that will be costly in many ways. Iran is using religion to prop the shia populace for a long time. They tie their socalled resistance to the west with the story of Hussein against Yazid, but in reality they are very hypocritical. In Syria, they stood with a dictator of a religious inclination that they consider to be heretical. They aided the US with the Afghan bs, they facilitated the transition in Iraq from Arab control towards a Persian one. Why is it that the so called iraqi resistance doing nothing to the US there?? But they launch a drone or 2 @ israel that doesn't do much. I dont trust them.
bro they missed my fucking city lmfao i'm in Acre
no alarms
they suck lmfao i barely head a boom bro
arabs suck ass
I would argue Iran's new president is a liberal and a sellout but he doesn't control the foreign policy, the Ayatullah does.
They didn’t sell them. They just stopped trying.
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With what leverage?
Fuck off Achmed, nobody gives a fuck about Israel. Only about the money we give them and about the kikes that are here. You need to go back, and the jews need to fuck off too. Stop shitting up our western countries with pedophilic desert religon conflict. Anyone who attends either a pro or anti israel protest here needs to be shipped to the general middle east in a container.
Word salad but I get your point.

But they've destabilized your society, no?
3000 super soldiers of allah?
The question is the following
Can someone be elected in Iran without the approval of said ayatollah?
Sitting at home smoking gardah and then fingering your son is master race?
Because they haven't gone into a hopeless all out attack while the us has a huge amount of hardware stationed nearby?
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>What chances do we have of destroying capitalism and overthrowing the system that oppresses us in our countries?
if you hate capitalism as a financial method its one thing but why you must be a fifth column cunt?
if you truly born where your flag suggest, supporting people who will chop your head off because you refuse to worship their pedo prophet won't benefit you in any way
idk what you mean in both terms
The only reason those fucks would be here is because of you kikes.
It's like two hands clapping real wrath? Are you prepared to see REAL WRATH? I capitalized it... for emphasis and Holiness. Are you really read for that wrath, my friend? That is a day coming fast but should so be very dreaded by anyone sane. So I suppose you shouldn't get too cocky seeing God could drown you just as easy as them if He so wanted. So... where are we? Peace terms? Who is claiming to rule? Don't mind me, I'm just the insane arbitrator trying to broker peace between God and the world before He burns you all up.
Being a mudshit retard yelling Allah and being an 70iq Arab monkey vs being a Chad communist guerilla fighter who studied scientific socialism
Watching jews tell the exact same lies over and over again is exhausting. Nobody ever pogromed yids out of hate, they were just tired.
Why didin't the muzzies do all that? Just form a muslim-nigger alliance against Israel from all the surrounding states, use clever diplomacy to isolate them, get hyper-super sonic missiles, drones and all other weapons from russia, Iran and North Korea and then attack from all sides all at once

How can you non-whites be this incompetent?
Seeing jews and their useful idiots show a couple of explosions and acting like the entire country and military has been defeated by pissrael means nothing kid
Have you guys decided to be obedient to God or follow your own selfish desires. I just said it with slang but I think I got my answer... sorry for what is gonna happen soon then, bro. Take care, goodnight.
Shock and Awe doesn't work against Muslims. The US learned that the hard way in Iraq.
Low IQ question.
Do you know how many times they have done this?
Muslims are racist against niggers. Russia and North Korea are infidels. Iranian shias don't believe in a couplebof hadiths that sunnis do believe in and therefore it's war until destruction. Islam is a retarded religion anon.
Hezbullah is a political and militarily group. It’s extremely centralized and its leadership is essential for it to function.
Taliban and alqaeda are decentralized and their leadership is just a figure that unify them but they don’t really need them to function.
Good qrd.
hatred for Hezbollah in Lebanon has only grown since 2006. Pretty much every non Shia in Lebanon wants Hezbollah out.
It's tactics 101 though, exploit your enemies weakness, avoid playing to their strength
Islam doesn't allow surrender. That's why you keep seeing Palestinians whine and complain to anyone with ears, while still refusing to surrender and attacking israel. Pathetic. Not that the jews are any better, they would probably behave in the same way if they were the underdog.
Why is it always a butthurt belter or a polenigger who gets triggered when Russia gets mentioned even remotely? I couldn't care less about Hamas or Hezbollah, I just gave an example about the westoid hypocrisy. That was all, butthurt subhuman filth.
Muslims aren't a race and you have 0 idea what islam is
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this is not true, its what they say and you ironically believe them
Reports of explosions in Tel Aviv without sirens sounding.
Good point.
No one said that.
That's like saying we won after shock and awe.
This will just foster more extremism and terrorism.
Hezbollah just literally cannot do anything right now against these airstrikes.
It might be better to put on a memeflag next time if you're going to talk shit about other countries, instead of a flag of a pile of filth on top of ancient ruins.
They just hid in caves though until everyone went home, lmao
>kikes don't push mass immigration across the western world
>it's those pesky freemasons
>by the way "your" government sent israel another billion dollars this month

Sure thing kike.
Ok, arabs are racist against niggers. Happy? Now get off our white board.
This is Japanese owned and created by a kike. How is this white exactly?
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Maybe it's time for you to come up with a more interesting and less lazy flag.
Go back to r*ddit.
any terror sect have a hierarchy
and the more structured it is the more capabilities it have, there is nothing essentially different between these organizations, they are all a combination of militias and drug cartels
>They’re gonna get infinite resupply from the US
Do you think we will leave our brothers in the East to fend for themselves? The zionists have launched war upon Christians and brought Jihad to the West.
We may become free from zionist occupation and be a free people.
Most of the muslim governments are western puppets. Any government that goes against Israel has to be against the west too.
If they side against the west they will be isolated and sanctioned (ex. Iran, Syria, Iraq before 2003) There is no clever diplomacy when the US (the west) is sucking the jews like there is no tomorrow.
>get hyper-super sonic missiles, drones and all other weapons from russia, Iran and North Korea and then attack from all sides all at once.
Israel will not stand there waiting for them to attack. It will drag the US and the west to a war with them before they become a serious threat (ex. Iraq).
How does a meager population of 7 million people get away with literal ethnic cleansing and civilian strikes
more sirens
>>kikes don't push mass immigration across the western world
its the lefty filth and some of them are jews
with the same sense you must blame all the white people as well because some of them are white?
I've never been on Reddit you nigger
Imagine thinking you can be a mudshit and effectively insult a Dutchman. Your insult bothers me about as much as a fly that requires more than one swat.
Probably not living in a dense jungle or deeply-ridged mountain range, you dork
Every """Dutchman""" in this board is a m*roccan until proven a hohol. Now fuck off and don't (You) me again, faggot.
You have to go back.
Do what? USA belong to Israel, no amount of diplomacy can change that.
Is this the level of conversation to be expected of netherlandoids? Very poor performance indeed
Alqaeda and Taliban didn’t function like a big synchronized group. They were small independently acting groups who owed allegiance to their leader.
>asamalamala ramadan durka durka muhammad jihad
Alright buddy. Your prophet fucked a 9 year old btw.
There was no vote on mass immigration anywhere. It was forced upon us by your agents in our government. Same as in every western country that foolishly let you in. The jew is the enemy of all free people, his 80 iq golems are fodder to distract people from the truth.
>shitskin cope
>canadian flag
Colour me surprised
>syrian flag

You a vacationing German forklift operator?
Doesn't your country literally have fag pride parades and abortions like it's some sort of sacrifice ritual? And you have a problem with a male marrying a female? LMAO these westoids I swear to Allah. Go and enjoy your drag story hours, puberty blocking sessions and whatever other tranny activities you're into
Ohhhh just realized why it's so important to the jews to make them think it was just the battery exploding. They know that they won't be able to pull off the "Add PTFE toan intercepted shipment" but are hoping to keep their enemies scared of comms.
Difference is the Muslims in Palestine and around Palestine are fighting their real enemy and not “the left” or other phantoms. MIGA is all about Trump. Hezbollah is about survival.
His country also has millions of shitskins like you,show some gratitude you inbred cousin fucking nigger
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you can get the mongol out of the steppes but you can't get the mongol out of the fingol
Can’t come too soon.
>No war has ever been won from the air
Why isn't Assad helping Hizb?
Too smart for that
Why are kikes scared to invade? If Hezbollah is destroyed they should do what they threatened and go occupy the land. I suspect jews are trying to provoke a response from Iran or Hezbollah that makes the US intervene on their behalf. Jews cant even genocide Palestinians they have blockaded and surrounded. They couldnt overthrow Assad and they're in an objectively worse position than in 2003. They have the American and European empires at their disposal and they can't even get the beachfront property from a barely equipped militia. China, Russia and Iran are way more difficult than that.
these are mostly UN initiatives and policies and most of the involved seat members are unsurprisingly mudslims
Yet somehow our country is still not a sand colored mass of filth. Even while enduring such subversion, we mog the shit out of your rat dens you call countries. I would tell you to go back to your 9 year old slampig, but maybe spare her the child rape, and use the village goat instead. It's already taking at least 10 inbred muslim cocks per night anyway. No bacha bazi either, don't try to be a cheeky kike.
They thought israel wouldn't bomb civvies to get to them
is our turn soon?
Typical rookie mistake. They think the kikes are like the Russians or something.
the whole country is fucked, not much he can do.
your country had a legal pedophile political party don't ever dare to lecture others about pedophilia Geert
some of them where just isolated fanatics but ben laden had its own 40-60K core of loyal goatfuckers
He has a low level civil war in his country. Syria isn't in a position for direct conflict but they do help weapons get to Hamas and Hezbollah. The nothern part of Israel is uninhabited so Hezbollah is still having some effect. In the 2000's jews could just do regime change at will like with Saddam and Gaddafi but that obviously isnt an option for them any more.
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they also thought Westerners cared more about goyim babies than ugly perverted scheming evil kikes
Viet here, what to do?

Isreal is fighting wars like Sun Tzu, bliztkrieg and no siege.

They are not like the mutts.
Listen, you zionists: Get out of Palestine. You are not safe. Leave your stolen land. Pack your belongings and evacuate the region. Artillery operations continue.
Nigger that party existed because we never even thought of that possibility, it was banned immediately. And the faggot that ran it is in Thailand because he can't show his face here. Meanwhile muzzies are raping everything that has a single hair below the waist and they justify it.
Not much to expalin, syria will get raped even harder than it has been in the last decade. There is a reason all these muslim shitholes don't dare to even throw a rock at israel, they know it will be the end of them
>They're actually getting destroyed by a simple aerial bombardment campaign.
This is the lie that the reader is supposed to take as fact.
>The same strategy that completely failed against the Taliban, North Vietnam, etc. What the fuck have they actually been doing since 2006? How did they become so weak?
This is a bunch of hypnotic verbiage designed to take the place in the reader's mind of any skepticism about the above claim, so the reader simply files that away as fact.
Genuinely no-one is thinking about you
Nobody and I mean nobody that lives within striking distance of Israel doubts the jews capacity to attack civilians. The Dahiya doctrine is named after a city in Lebanon because kikes were bombing civilians there in 2006. If that wasn't recent enough they could just see what the IDF were doing in Gaza. This is a lesson White people will eventually have to accept. When you fight jews, they'll target your children.

I think I’m on the Jews side now I can’t help but just respect strength
>fire some bottle rockers that don’t do anything will save us
They’ve been doing this for 11 months now. All it does is guarantee more ass bearings for lebanon
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1 million muzzies displaced in Lebanon now to displace 90k israelis most of which are Arabs
I'm getting kind of fatigued about all this Isn't-real A-rab shit. Send in the ground troops or make peace already. It's so tiresome.
How are things in Iraq right now?
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Do you side with the jews who control America and Europe given their culpability in the Great Replacement? I hope you at least stay true to your philosophy when America dies and the pendulum of history swings the other way on jewish power.

>Nigger that party existed because we never even thought of that possibility, it was banned immediately.


Founded 31 May 2006[a]
Dissolved 2022[b]

>And the faggot that ran it is in Thailand because he can't show his face here.

it's the complete opposite, he was free in PedHolland but in Thailand he was arrested
so you were on Bin Laden's side on 9/11 ?
No I’d prefer it if all Jews went to Israel, that’s where they belong not in the west. Also america will never die
idk man, i dont follow local news anymore
Yeah 9/11 was balls out dick slapped on the table
>some of them where just isolated fanatics but ben laden had its own 40-60K core of loyal goatfuckers
Bin laden was more like a king who they owed allegiance to. But he wasn’t really micromanaging them. The groups know what bin laden wants and do what’s necessary to achieve that.
The same thing is in Gaza now and soon with Hezbollah if their leadership hierarchy disintegrated completely
Isn't child rape allowed in algeria or whatever shithole you crawled out of?
If these leboshits don't launch everything they have right now then they are the biggest losers of all time. Imagine having all those missiles and just waiting for them to be targeted and blown up. Bunch of loosers
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>bin laden
Jews did 9/11, shlomo
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Jews are too scared to send ground troops. When you have so much wealth, having more to lose makes you scared to take casualties. Netanyahu is counting down the days till Trumps back in office and 9/11 2.0 sends the goyim to die for Israel.
>netanyahu is bombing lebanon to return arabs back to their homes in the north
ok lol, silly pajeet
They didn't invest in air defense to keep enemy fighters from flying directly overhead and dropping large bunker buster bombs. Even Armenia which got destroyed by Azerbaijani drones had enough air defense to keep jet fighters away from their cities and large military bases. Jet fighters are dangerous because they can carry much heavier payloads that can do a lot more damage than drones or even cruise missiles. I thought Armenia had the worst air defense performance in history but Hezbollah seems to have topped them in that category.
To be fair I celebrate 9/11 every year like this too. Fuck AmeriKKKa.
You are not dealing with a few artillery rockets and launchers. This army of Mujahid are heaviy equipped with MLRS pods and guided munitions to repel ground invasion. We have strategic support to maintain operations in the way of Allah but you do not have the means to take South Lebanon. So it is time for you to leave Palestine.
uoh big alarm again
I guess you're right, there was apperantly no legal way to ban them. But he would definitely not be safe here. And they obviously never got a seat in parliament.
How many casualties?
i love watching retards with no perspective argue about shit they have no idea about on /pol/ its truly incredible how ignorant most people here on ANYTHING that they talk about.
Your brain on too much religion.
It is time for you zionists and illegal settlers to evacuate. The region is being decolonized in the way of Allah. We have the strategic support to sustain these operations in the region, to liberate invaded and occupied territories. This is what you have sown in the Nakba.
>pager attack success
it killed like 15 people that were actually in hezbollah.
If Hizballah and Hamas can't win we can't win either.
Israel would have legitimately just nuked them. Why do people suddenly think you can destroy a nuclear country from outside? Israel is crazy enough that I believe they really would have used nukes if they were desperate.
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Keep speedrunning the true shoah. It's coming.
Yeah if only Hezbollah could fight kikes as much as a White guy in America like you has. You should give them lessons on how to deal with surviving at direct kinetic warfare with jews. Going all out could get them nuked. It could get the US to invade. Maybe Iran is close to having nukes. Maybe playing the long game is in their best interests when ZOG is on the decline. Israel obviously thinks war now is in their favor. Sometimes the Fabian strategy is the only viable option when you can't win outright. It's easy for you to judge when your family isn't on the line. If you hate jews and want to see them defeated welcome to the club but don't call on someone else to do something when you aren't willing to do the same.
More incoming.
Iran should have come to Hamas' aid on October 7th and attacked the Zionist entity for good.
>They're actually getting destroyed by a simple aerial bombardment campaign.

nah. 2006 war was also all about aerial campaigns and it didn't accomplish shit.
You do realize that bombs kill people and can destroy critical infrastructure, don't you? If Israel wants, they can destroy all of Beirut. Will you still cope and say that they didn't accomplish shit?
You should go there and offer to advise them. They've survived and gotten stronger while being America/Israel's number 1 enemy for 50 years. You probably know what that kind of political, economic and military pressure and sactions are like. The Iranians overthrew their jewish ran government in the 70's and lived to tell the tale. You probably have some similar success against ZOG. Go tell em like it is. They need your guidance.
Drones incoming from the east. Iraqi bros joining the party.
So he's blatantly threatening the USA by saying if you don't support us we'll false flag you.
You're legitimately retarded if you thought sandniggers stood a chance against Zionists- the most ruthless and committed ideological force this century.
The point of the bombing is to secure greater Israel. So long as Lebanese still live there and can make parts of Israel unlivable then kikes wont have accomplished anything. Kikes can't even secure Gaza and the West Bank.
>Zionists- the most ruthless and committed ideological force this century.
Agreed , you gotta give them credit
But are they really?
But taliban mentioned by OP are muslims as well.
Maybe this jew is right >>483068904
Maybe aryan genes in pashtun blood made them better fighters
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Absolutely. He's also signalling to the leftist/optics jews who run America. Help us or we'll escalate.
If Hezbollah was destroyed then why do they need to call 3 reserve battalions to the border?
All Hamas and Hizb needed to do was make life in the settler-colony unlivable. Destabilize IsraHell and cause millions of Zionist settlers to flee.
why was i forced unto this
Do you think White people stand a chance against jewish power or do you accept our cause to be lost? I'll root for anyone that fights against jews. Why not root for the enemies of ZOG? Win or lose all resources jews have to put towards external enemies means they have less for us. No empire in history has ever stayed on top forever. I don't know will win but jews will certainly lose.
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What's to stop them for killing or displacing all the Lebanese?
Nut-in-yahoo needs to be tried as a war criminal and hung by the neck. He's making regular Israelis suffer. His people are not all bad. most of them just want to enjoy life like the rest of us. Get rid of him and let them make peace once and for all. It's all so tiresome
this... why cant we realize we are all fsh and bones.. doomed to live a short life, with pathetic bodies susctible to disease...instead we just kill. and murder eachother
This is not twitter, faggot.
Taliban can't fight like a modern armycan fight, they just don't give a fuck about casualties because all they're defending is a society of goat fuckers, boy fuckers, and rocks. America made the mistake of thinking that if you defeat someone, they surrender. Not islamists, oh no. They'll just continue to pester you despite a 100:1 k/d ratio. And if you leave, the islamists come right back and even claim victory as if you didn't just give up because you got tired of BTFOing them left and right. They're a bit like the black knight in Monthy Python.
What stopped jews from overthrowing Assad? Why dont jews just kill every White person tomorrow? What's stopping them from killing everyone in Gaza? Jews arent all powerful. Israel has a population of 9 million. Iran has 90 million. There's 300 million Muslims in the ME.
>They're actually getting destroyed by a simple aerial bombardment campaign.

Evidence for your claim?
IsraHell has tried to assassinate Assad multiple times since the Syrian Civil War started, you mong.
come on man have some common sense.. people are dying for fairy tails...
So much ignorance from your post, I'm happy stuff are changing and Israel is here to last, hypocrite cunt.

God is eradicating our emenis and hatful people like you and a lot of people as ee happy about it(no just Jews).
You want to kill all Jews now you as are the ones who's getting killed.
I don't hate Jews. I want to see Zionism and Zionists fully eradicated. Zionism is the biggest enemy of humanity.
/sg/ when
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>What's stopping them from killing everyone in Gaza/Syria?
Because it makes them look le bad and takes time and effort. If they want to they could do it (relatively) easy with America's help if need be. How could Gaza/Syria/Lebanon prevent it?
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The enemies of the Taliban and allies of America practiced the boy fucking called Bacha Bazi. America isn't called globohomo for no reason. Don't give ZOG credit by insinuating they fight faggots or pedos. As Epstein showed, that kind of shit is everywhere in our halls of power. America sucks and the people who hate it are completely justified. If you aren't a jew, shitskin or a homosexual, America is not for you.
Ok Jew.
another barrage for the entire galilee
this, especially the last part.
>Israel has failed to assassinate assad multiple times

They've also failed to do color revolutions in Iran and failed. That's my point to what's stopping Israel from doing everything. They can't do everything because they can't do everything.
You're a cringey faggot
>They're literally just bombing civilians
And what do you think Hezbollah and Hamas did all these years? Firing at civilians and hiding among them.
Just look at satellite view of Israel and Lebanon, in Israel you can see military bases, in Lebanon you can only see the UN bases, of course you can't see Hezbollah because they are either in civilians homes and partly underground (probably also under or among civilians homes). I'll give them some credit that some small part of the bases are not among civilians. You blame other for propaganda and can't see you fall for one yourself.
>Firing at civilians and hiding among them.
Zionist cope. You deliberately target civilians.

Also everyone in Gaza is a civilian.
At this point I think you just doing a mixup of things and blame it all on Zionism.
Why is there a practice of fucking boys in Afghanistan in the first place? Did America tell them to do that? How about the Turks with their basically identical practice? I'm sure it exists in the American elite, and probably worse, but you don't see Americans openly talking on camera about how many little boys they fucked. American society is not AT ALL accepting of pedophilia. If anything, America is a little too neurotic about age difference.
You're wrong because jews want to genocide Gaza but they aren't. If they could do it, they would do it. Jews aren't reserved in their savagery. They think they can't do it, otherwise what's stopping them?
The latest numbers show anywhere from between 50,000-200,000 are dead in Gaza. That's a literal genocide.
Bearly any to none.(Didn't see any reports)
But you would not believe in anyway, you believe what you want to happened and loe to your self (luckily for us that's our enemy's mentality)
IOF is known to hide their casualties.
I listed the reason why they don't 110% try and kill everyone. Tell me how Lebanon/Syria/Gaza can prevent Israel/America from exterminating them with bombs and missiles? They have no defense against it.
you are one
USA pussied out from bombing Pakistan. Israel has no boundaries they will find you and they will kill you plus Hezb was an actual threat to Israel therefore they cared more about infiltrating their command structure while US just wanted to wage forever wars.
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They could just not vote for Hamas every year. Seems pretty easy lmao. Imagine voting for a party that ensures that Israel gets to squash their worm asses into mush whenever they feel like it. Pathetic. They should learn from the Polish people and just become a vassal state that unclogs some toilets for them every now and then.
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I still have no idea who's really winning any of the wars going on
Just 2 million more to go then jews can get that beach front property.. Actually genociding a people must be pretty tough. I guess we'll never find out since jews are pivoting to Hezbollah. If jews ever worked up the courage to go boots on ground in Lebanon it would be a good time for Hamas to get some attacks off.
The jews keep using technology on shabbos so they're all going to hell. So they lose.
>arabs are racist against niggers

so what?
Oops posted too early.
I imagine iron dome is empty up there by now.
Fuck you and your god damn crying about "muuh civilians", there is no such thing as a harmless or peacefull muslim. Look at the history of Lebanon, look how those freaks behave in countries like mine, who took them in when noone cared. Where are those gratefull muslims protesting after the millionst knife attack? Where are they, saying: This is not my islam? No where. They dont integrate (some turks did, yet the majority didnt) they identify as muslim or "part of ummah" first, never as german, french or swedish. Fuck all of you, we took you in with open arms and you mistook empathy for weakness. There can be no peace or coexistance with islam, islam is the cancer that rotts our world.
haitian refugees are eating pets
Who can White people vote for to kick jews out of power? Who can we vote for to stop White genocide? Palestinians like White people have two options. Don't fight back and die. Or fight back and at least some of the fuckers with you. Jews don't accept our existence. What is there to negotiate? You have a severe misunderstanding of jewish power.
Keep em coming boys.
Religion in general, tribalism, money, and your mom are the cancers that rot our world.
I think they might be firing ballistic missiles right now. And that's why the alarms start broad and then narrow down.
Reports of 15 explosions heard in Nahariya
>ben laden
You sound like a jeet
>Ignores the fact that they do the same to us.

>Also everyone in Gaza is a civilia
So now they don't even have guns?
Holy retard.

Yeah and I'm copeing.
At least I don't cry about civilians because I know what war is like and not delusional. If Hamas and Hezbollah cared about civilians they would have organized differently. You just throwing stuff without any proof.

And without Israel Jews won't be save, history already showed it(not just in Europe but also on Muslim countries).

They try to kill us and the now get it themselves.

If it was on us you wouldn't care.
You just like to hide your true believe behind concealed words like I don't hate Jews only Zionism but don't care and even support when they kill Israeli civilians. As I said you probably makeing a mixup and turn Zionism as boogyman to blame everything on.
Lie more muzzie it's the palestinians who are against the two state solution and think Israel doesn't have the right to exist. If they stopped chimping out they would be perfectly fine.
>Claim to care about civilians
>Show map of Hezbollah firing at civilians
Dumb Muslim
>If anything, America is a little too neurotic about age difference.
The Shill just outed himself
Jew boys going around buck breaking all the Muslims
Only cuck white boys get intimidated by Muslims
Religion, Tribalism and Money are the pillars of every single islamic country. There is not a single islamic dominated country that a sane non muslim would be able to live in, without beeing discriminated against. I think islam is not comparable to normal religions, these fucks need a 30 years war, but quick. Otherwise we will all be living in the stoneages again soon.
This is the truth, like it or not.
There's not a single country where those savages succeed at integrating themselves, killing every non muslim is their goal as stated in their book.
Zionism might be the root of all evil but at least they don't blow themselves up in our cities, they don't rape and murder children in broad daylight, they don't make bbqs with our pets. All muslims are worse than orcs.
Their entire strategy is to hurl missles, without guidance systems, towards israel and pray they hit something. I could build a sandcastle, throw a rock from it, and hit a jew, faster then they put a hole in the desert. WTF do you mean how are they losing?
>No air defence, russians dont help
Russia has good relations with Israel so it's doubtful they would provide Hezbollah with air defense. Israel even helped Russia develop its drone industry. If not for Israel Russia would have almost no drone manufacturing capability to support its Ukraine invasion.
your idea falls apart on one thing - there is zero trust in deals with the west, Iran has learned it first hand. There is no possibility of such deal, since west would just betray it and attack Iran at first opportunity.
Russia is allied with Iran and helped them plan their missle attack on Israel. Putin helped keep Assad in power when Israel and America tried to overthrow him. Russia has been arming Hezbollah and Hamas. Zelensky is a jewish puppet of America and Israel. Russia is using Iranian shahed drones against Ukraine. Jews control America and America is in state of war with Russia. The Israeli Likud party leader went on RT after October 7th and threatened Russia. Vid related doesnt seem like good relations to me.

We do not know why we are here. This is self evident. Anyone who engages in religion to cope with that hard truth is brainwashed/gaslighting themselves and therefore ....pretty retarded. This includes muslims, jews, christians, buddhist, mormons, athiests who treat atheism like a religion, voodoo witchdoctors, hindus, and your mom.
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I'm against jews controlling America and after figuring them out, I understand why everyone hates them. There's no such thing as a White Nationalist who supports jews
Every jew is a combatant. You have mandatory conscription. Jews should be treated with the same mercy and compassion you show others. When the time comes for White people and jews to fight, you should be treated with your own morality, not ours.
Maybe so but for some reason Israel doesn't sanction Russia and Putin still meets with Netanyahu on a regular basis. Russia cooperates with Israel's enemies but never takes any action against Israel itself. That's about as good as relations can get these days between Russia and a western-aligned nation like Israel. There must be some advantages for both Russia and Israel for taking this diplomatic stance.
It sucks that we just sent them 8 billion dollars when they dont need help. Working class White families are struggling and yet our politicians serve only jewish interests.
>getting muted for such an exquisite comment
my sides
satan lost
You're a moron if you believe the only videos released by IsraeL . They have an embargo on media, nobody is alowed to show the damage Hezbollah is inflicting. But they deliberately release footage of iron dom rocket debris falling into fields and chicken farms and pretend it's Hezbollah. The truth is that Hezbollah consistently bombs military targets and you won't see any of it in MSM.
They lost 50,000 men killed versus 2,420 American losses.
Russia helped Iran plan it's missle attack and is arming the enemies of Israel. You cant get any more opposed than that without going to war. This jew at the institute for the study of war summed it up best. "A Russian victory is an Iranian victory." America is so close to Israel that we're prepared to go to war with Iran instead.


And the goal is to make life in the settler-colony unlivable. That's the real genius of the resistance.
Only damage was a window frame that fell out or some shit
That's only a bonus for Israel. The point of the attack was to sow chaos and distrust among Hezbollah operatives. Killing some of them and permanently maiming others was meant to add confusion and fear to the mix.
It was a very successful operation and now they were able to get their leader with an airstrike, showing that they have up-to-date knowledge of whereabouts of all Hezbollah higher-ups.
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Dang, jews are so invincible. Since they arent facing any threats maybe we can stop funding them and sending our troops to die for them
>He's making regular Israelis suffer. His people are not all bad.
It's the Israelis who want him to escalate. They are all bad.

Don't be one of the dumbass Muslims who believe it's not all jews. It IS all jews.
They literally walk like jews. I'm not convinced they're human.
Everybody in Lebanon is a civilian too.
>if jews can bullshit, why can't we.
The only difference is that (((they))) control the media and we don't.
I watched last night, Israelis hit every single intended target with precision. And I once watched Iraqis hurl rockets directly into sand. What I can tell you is you best pray your guys don't hit anything important during one of your crap shoots. It'll make what they did to you last night look like a school yard fight. That's coming from a fellow kike hater. >>483084211
They are the most prideful, yet also quickest to cry victim. More so them the joows
>Most of the muslim governments are western puppets. Any government that goes against Israel has to be against the west too.
>If they side against the west they will be isolated and sanctioned (ex. Iran, Syria, Iraq before 2003)

This every singe time US has killed or dethroned secular or nationalist muslim and pushed for more radical islam. They even did it with taliban. Pashtoons had their own ancient pashtoon laws that emphasize honor bravery mercy etc. US started funding mosques and taliban to make them more muslim.

At the core islam = globohomo. Most Muslims blindly obey mufti that obeys saudi scholars that are crypto jews. Subverting that system is easy since bulk of muslims culturaly dont really question authority.
It is indeed all jews. They get a thrill when the children of their enemies are maimed or killed. Itamar Ben Gvir has a portrait of Baruch Goldstein on his wall. Its like that jew Mark Potok at the SPLC tracking the White population decline on his wall. Jews are uniquely evil which is why antisemitism is so common.
>gloves coming off
They plot, and Allah plots. But Allah is a retard and bad at plotting lmfaooo
>they are getting destroyed
No they aren’t. They SAY they are getting destroyed. Not even fucking Hamas was destroyed and they turned Gaza to rubble. They indeed hit them hard tho, but we’ll see.
>which is why antisemitism is so common.
Yet, nobody's doing anything about it. Least the goyim could do is all refuse to go to work one day. I'll believe in the widespread antisemitism when I see it.
>fellow kike hater
>shamelessly sucks jewish cock
Just be proud of siding with jews. Own it. You dont have to pretend for us. We're used to jews here. That's your team. My team's existence is dependent on the jewish team being destroyed. Israel's existence depends on White people being slaves of jewish power until exinction. Let's just be honest here.
>brown magic
so they raped him to death
lol, you faggots remind me of MIGAtards, the eternal losers.
I used to think these were jewshills and some of them are. The others, though, are just dumbass goyim. We really are, collectively, cattle.

>Iran wasting all of the Obongo Gibs $$$ for nothing on these Hezbollah fags.

Common as in spanning continents, civilizations and time, not as in a successful anti-jewish organization.
Yeah, it's useless then. They're running everything and meet no meaningful resistance.
Only old evangelical boomers here are really pro-zionist. People that go online to defend jews are either jewish, paid or both. Jews dont rule with a popular mandate which neccessitates a robust online influence team.
Why can't I hate both equally, while acknowledging that sand niggers are entirely outmatched. This entire situation is what I'd call a win win. I get to watch the complete annihilation of Arabs, while also watching jews get occasional fucked up. I also get to watch levels of cope, from both sides, not seen since the beginning of Ukraine.
Imagine being a militia in 2024 and not having a single jet

Hezb might as well throw stones from the border that’s how effective their rockets are

Also Hezb getting absolutely BTFO and daddy Iran abandoned them its kind of hilarious really
No one stays on top forever. America is for sure dying and when it goes so too does international jewry. I don't know will win but long term jews will lose. They're the scorpion stinging the frog carrying them across the lake
I know that's largely true but it can't be the whole story. I have seen a young white Ben Shapiro listener on video. They exist and they are on the internet.
I, too, believe they will lose. But it won't be in our lifetimes. And I'd like to see it but most likely won't.
Too bad America has to go with it. Or maybe not America. The United States. I'd be less wistful about that.
There is hope. Just not hope in using a rifle and winning sovereignty. This isn’t the 1700s anymore, crude archaic weapons are not going to deter world powers.

The hope is in the weapons of tomorrow; weapons that can kill millions in one strike. AI drone swarms, genome specific virus’s, fusion weapons, fission weapons.

That is where your hope lies. A single man in theory can deploy a drone swarm, a single man could in theory deploy a fusion weapon. A single man in theory could deploy a genome specific viral agent.

There is much hope for the future. But that hope is in new powerful weapons. Those that try to convince you to approach the situation using analogue technology are just trying to sabotage you.
Can’t wait for all the black market nukes for sale after this shithole implodes
Only one of those groups controls America. Only one of those groups is actively genociding our people. Jews have to lose or we go extinct. Its just pragmatic to side with every enemy of jewry. What is bad for jews is good for us. Nazis who survived the war like Otto Ernst Remer thought as much. So did the ones who went to work for Egypt.
destroying terrorists is a hell of a lot easier when you don't mind massacring civilians and hostages indiscriminately. Imagine every hostage situation when you can just shoot everyone on sight. You can also solve bad neighboorhood with drug trafficking this way. You bomb the entire region until there's nothing left. It's also a good argument in how to empty overcrowded prison. You release neurotoxic gas, you wait for an hour or two, and when you come back you have a ton of new open spots. Honestly, laws are a problem, they make things way too complicated. Israelians really opened my eyes on this one, why the fuck should law prevent me to kill someone evil ?
>Nazis who survived the war like Otto Ernst Remer thought as much. So did the ones who went to work for Egypt.
And any White Nationalist worth listening to. (Pierce, Rockwell...)
Prime example of concern trolling. Should be in a textbook.
I'm not so sure Israel can negotiate itself out of this war, now or in the future. A war for your existence has entirely different moral implications. The same goes for Hamas, almost anything they do is justified.
only united more
this conflict has done nothing but unite people lmfao
>The same strategy that completely failed against the Taliban
the taliban lost the military engagement in less than a month.
they ran to pakistan.
after that it was 20 years of social engineering with low iq mohamedans.

vietnam got fucked beyond belief.
they resorted to living in mud tunnels.
Only zombie hitler is a match for the jews
They can. People are saying Israel have their back against the wall but they don't, in fact they keep pushing for more war and destruction despite having many opportunities for a ceasefire.

Here is a declaration from yesterday : https://youtu.be/d3dmRtW892o?t=899

I know israelians will say arabs want peace but they don't mean it, but it factually wrong. People are willing to do it and committing to it, and times and times again have proven that no arab country can threaten Israel with the occident and the US protecting it. The arab countries have two choices, peace or annihilation. They've been asking for peace but Israel doesn't want peace, and the only way they will accept peace is if arab countries accept to be annihilated (see the settlers in the west bank, the surrounding of gaza, etc...).
There's no hope you retard, it's joever TOTAL jew victory
There you go again, crying like a bitch like you do everytime the jews curbstomp you. Go kill some kikes, or go extinct. Makes zero difference to me. Not my problem.



>oh no what the jews been saying for literal 30 years was true all along
its ok Hanz. we are the light to show you the way. you will remove them too now.

maybe we dont want you dead and its just shitskin propaganda is that an option muh redpilled incel ? nah right .... oh well kek. LIKE WE GIVE A FUCK anymore kek.

you have AOC. whats your fucking point retard.



imagine prepping a proxy for 40 years, coming up with power structures and devisions, spending billions only to have them all killed in a week.

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