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Glowniggers are trying to subvert /chip/ via well poisoning. Ignore all threads and posters endorsing Israel, (both sides bad), memeflags, namefags, and thread splitters.
*By posting in this thread you deny *srael is a legitimate state, DENOUNCE and fully CONDEMN the Talmud, and endorse TKD* (Total Kike Death)
*Do not trust happening announcements without link/proof

>Nasrallah status: inside Schrödinger's box
>Massive strike on Beirut, apparently targetting Nasrallah
>A Houthi hypersonic missile hit Tel Aviv
>The Islamic Resistance in Iraq has targeted Golan using several drones.
>Syrian army units target with heavy artillery the positions of terrorist groups supported by the Turkish occupation in the vicinity of the town of Kabashin in the northern countryside of Aleppo

https://youtu.be/52jV27IlDsw [Embed] [Embed] [Embed] [Embed]

https://youtu.be/V9q0hzmi73M [Embed] [Embed] [Embed] [Embed]
https://youtu.be/Ys4pnmsJ0Aw [Embed] [Embed] [Embed] [Embed]
https://youtu.be/b-2l4B1Zhpw [Embed] [Embed] [Embed] [Embed]
https://youtu.be/gCNeDWCI0vo [Embed] [Embed] [Embed] [Embed]






>Guide to Israel-Palestine conflict
>1948 Nakba Documentary
https://youtu.be/Bwy-Rf15UIs [Embed] [Embed] [Embed] [Embed]
>Evangelicals are useful idiots that betray Christians and Jesus.
https://youtu.be/nHT-SjIM0tA [Embed] [Embed] [Embed] [Embed]
>Former US Marine: Hamas are freedom fighters, US government the real terrorist.
https://youtu.be/OgKVRtUczRg [Embed] [Embed] [Embed] [Embed]

Islamic Resistance (Iraq):

Islamic Resistance in Iraq targeted northern Israel with 'Arqab' cruise missiles
New 9/22/2024



Published footage of targeting Ramat David Airbase and Haifa military industrial area with Fadi-1 and Fadi-2 rockets yesterday morning
New 9/22/2024


Martyr Izz El-Din Al-Qassam Brigades:

Al-Qassam Mujahideen seizing a booby-trapped military vehicle and drones in the eastern area of the city of Rafah, south of the Gaza Strip
New 9/21/2024


Al-Quds Brigades:

Martyrs of the Jerusalem Brigades in the battle of terror in the camps in the West Bank.
NEW 9/20/2024

Al-Quds Brigades release footage of their fighters shelling the "Abu Mutaibeq" military site with mortar shells and seizing a "Zionist" drone of the "Evo Max" type in the skies over central Gaza Strip.
NEW 9/12/2024


Al-Aqsa Martyrs’ Brigades:

Scenes from the bombing of the zionist enemy forces stationed in the "Netzarim" axis with a 107mm rocket barrage.
NEW 9/14/2024

▶Daily After Action Reports
https://pastebin.com/GWbMvPeg 6/30/24
https://pastebin.com/V7KgCa8W 6/30/24

▶Hamas Memorandum:
"This is our Narrative.. why the Al-Aqsa Flood."
https://files.catbox.moe/zlt9ld.pdf New 1/21/24

>War Crimes Of IDF Updated
>News / Clips

Islamic Resistance:

This video shows footage of the Islamic Resistance's operation targeting Jal Al-Alam site belonging to the "Israeli" enemy army at the southern Lebanese border with an assault glider.
New 9/09/2024

This video shows footage of the Islamic Resistance's operation targeting the espionage equipment at Al-Tayhat Hill and Al-Ramtha site belonging to the "Israeli" enemy army, along the southern Lebanese border.
New 9/09/2024

Al-Qassam Brigades:

Within the Battle of Tufan Al-Aqsa the detonation caused direct hits, resulting in deaths and injuries among the occupation soldiers during the large-scale raid that the camp witnessed.
New 9/02/2024

Al-Mujahideen Brigades:

Footage of some operations carried out by the Mujahideen Brigades during their resistance to the zionist aggression campaign on the northern West Bank.
New 9/07/2024

Scenes of the Mujahideen Brigades detonating an explosive device on a zionist bulldozer on Abu Al-Asal Street in Jenin Camp.
New 9/05/2024


Hezbollah military media publishes: Our mountains – Imad
New 08/16/2024

Saraya Al-Quds Brigades:

Al-Quds Brigades shows scenes of its mujahideen bombing with mortar lava the soldiers and vehicles of the Zionist enemy invading the Al-Zaytoun neighborhood in Gaza City.
New 9/06/2024

Al-Quds Brigades shows scenes of its fighters, in cooperation with the fighters of the Al-Qassam Brigades, sniping at the soldiers of the Zionist enemy on the axis of progress in the Al-Zeitoun neighborhood
New 9/03/2024


▶/Chip/ Archives Info

▶/Chip/ Archives Clips

Episode 11
>The Security Forces of the Palestinian Authority... is it too late to join the Resistance?

Twitter link

Foreign soldiers attempting to murder US citizens on US soil
Archived Files

Here it is.
Debunking the State of Israel
Refutation of the Zionist historical claim over Levant.
https://files.catbox.moe/v6i8wj.mp4 6/21/24

Yoav Shamir's "Defamation" 7/30/24
https://youtu.be/CTAjc1OSrmY [Embed] [Embed] [Embed] [Embed]

TANTURA 7/30/24
> Massacre btwn IDF & palestinians civilians
>1948 Nabka
https://youchu.be/CTAjc1OSrmY- Non-Google & can Download MP4
https://youtu.be/CTAjc1OSrmY [Embed] [Embed] [Embed] [Embed]
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this general was the best.
1772 threads of mental gymnastics and pure cope
Press F to pay respects
Just got off work, whats has gone for the last 24 hours?, Nasrallah is kill?
What happened to the missiles the houthis launched yesterday and supposedly hit US ships, was it confirmed?
still no certainty that Nasrallah was eliminated thou...
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>Believing all this cope
even if he's alive we probably will never see him again
>Nasrallah is kill?
Hezbollah is saying no, jews are saying yes.
Good morning frens.
A great victory yesterday
Shitzbollah was a paper tiger, their entire leadership,, including iranian advisors was nuked and they can even bomb haifa, never mind tel aviv.
We were threatned with hellfire, we got poppers, the cheap chink kind.

Dont stop frens
Why? If he is alive there is no reason why he cant make video messages like he does all the time, he actually would need to show proof of life to stop demoralization
There's still no fucking update
huge Israeli attack with bunker buster bombs on a Hezbollah HQ in Dahieh, the Hezbollah stronghold in Beirut. Initially lot's of highly contradictory information from both sides medias but slow and steady it is starting to look like Nasrallah was killed...still no certainty thou.
All 3 currently burning in hell
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Neither Israel nor Hezb confirmed or denied anything directly.
Scraping bodies from the underground may take a while...wait a few days.
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We iz winin n shit' kafir!
For 11 months?
is there a strategy to hezbollahs rocket attacks today?
You're right I just glanced at it, PressTV is quoting "Hezbollah sources" are saying he's alive but no official announcement yet.
khamanei is alive
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hudhud status?
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Mudshits taking the L will never not be funny.
Generations of literal retards dying over useless non-arable land because it was promised to them by a charlatan goatfucker's writings.
Akshully in 2 weeks we will certainly reaponds derrrpppp
Finally someone updated the pic, good job fren
He's dead and they're preparing a formal statement
Since the news broke about Nasrallah potentially being killed by Zionists I've been hella depressed.

Hamas is like 80% destroyed. Most of Gaza has been reduced to rubble and anywhere from 50,000-200,000 Palestinians are dead. Hizballah was able to be taken out almost completely within a little over a week. Yemen and Iraq will most likely be destroyed next. If Iran does anything – literally anything – they'll be met with force not just by Israel but by America too, possibly NATO.

I have no hope anymore. If Israel can't be destroyed by decades-old resistance movements what chances to we have of freeing ourselves from our oppressive overlords? What chances do we have of destroying capitalism and overthrowing the system that oppresses us in our countries?

Israel was supposed to be a paper tiger. October 7th proved how fragile the Zionist entity was, that it had a weak spot that could lead to its initial destruction. But after an 11-months long campaign of genocide and all-out regional war it seems like Israel isn't going anywhere. I truly believed Hizballah would be the nail in the coffin and destroy Israel once and for all since they were an actual organized army. But alas.

The pager attack on the Lebanese resistance last week is what did it for me. If Israel can do that you know our governments can pull something similar on us. Imagine being involved in a large-scale uprising in Canada or the USA and all of a sudden your iPhone explodes and you're left maimed. That's evil. In fact, the one thing this war/genocide has done is set in motion a new, much more horrific form of warfare. Imperialist countries will soon use the tactics Israel uses to genocide Palestinians and Lebanese on their own citizens. Mass surveillance under the guise of "anti-terrorism" will be 1000x worse in the upcoming years than it was in America under George W. Bush and the Patriot Act. Just wait.

I need reassurance to know there's still hope left.
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khamas won
are they out of the game now?
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Did you hear the boom? No sirens though, did the retards shoot at sea again?
They have shown more balls I have to admit. Hizballah are a fucking joke
>Generations of literal retards dying over useless non-arable land because it was promised to them by a charlatan goatfucker's writings.
and naming his successor
October 7 was just as fake as 9/11.
central israel is attacked now?
new nassrallah is based
Its an obvious pasta, don't give them (You)s.
What about erdogan?
Honestly I think they got him. In the long run this is probably going to backfire, nasrallah was so passive. Its likely they get a real unhinged maniac in charge now whos actually going to bombard tel aviv. Kikes never know when to stop, they always go overboard.
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>Hamas is like 80% destroyed.
Your country is shit because you're golems killing yourselves to help occupy Syria and fight pissrael and lebanon, it couldn't happen to better people
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new nassrallah liberating jerusalem
I heared two booms, i live near haifa, butt yeah i saw some news about them bombing mossad sharks near tel aviv again, nobody even bothered to do an alarm
Its over for you, soon the right shall rise again in muttmerica and evropa, and the mass deportations will start, come back home to the desert so i can bomb you
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>boomerless right
remember the trigger for Hadrian genocide of Judeans, a.k.a. the Real Holocaust, was because the Jewish terrorists absolutely went apeshit at the Romans/Romanized populations in Judea lol

> Archaeological evidence confirms widespread destruction in Judea, as every village in the region exhibits signs of devastation from the revolt. The majority of Roman-period settlements in Judea that have been excavated exhibit destruction or abandonment layers, indicating a significant settlement gap above these layers. It appears that Jewish settlement in Judea was almost completely eradicated by the end of the revolt
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Don't losing hope, bros.
>Nasrallah is kill?
>Hezbollah is saying no, jews are saying yes.
What does he say himself
Why are muslims such weak low IQ shitskins can science explain this
Mandatory thread theme:

The spider is dead, his country of webs will soon cease to exist
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>Fire a missile at Tel Aviv
>It lands in the sea (again)
>doesn't even trigger the red dots of victory
We overestimated Hezbollah by A LOT
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They really hate water kek
keep living in fear
>If Israel can't be destroyed by decades-old resistance movements
hmm because Israel is thousands of years older than islam?
Look what is under the mosque in Jerusalem.
Temple walls builz by jews, taller and more massive than the mosque.
The mosque on top is temporary occupation of what rightfully belongs to Jews. Some day it will be gone, when muslims stop claiming jewish land there will be peace.
"sadwoman" cool pic faggot
you can't claim land cuz some of your shitty ancestors lived on it 2000 years ago
Never buy electronics on ali express frens

We bought the land fair and square, some was conquered in retaliation to arab agression and warmongering.
We unironically did nothing wrong, once the arabs stop fucking with jews the landgrabs will stop
All of the officers who can aim were nuked
I really didn't think Iran would fall this easily.
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ngl i read that as shadoman
you do this you cement yourselves halfway. hamas and iran count as 25% and 50% repsectively.
lets fucking go
>We bought the land fair and square
Can I see the receipt?
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Why so many kikes active here now? Kinda funny that their arrogance merely exposes who they really are to those unaware of the evil nature of these subhumans.
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anglos are good goys it was free
iran are piss scared to use even 1% of their power to subsidize hezbollah because they know the 'big war' they've been preparing for is inevitable (against america) and to stand any chance of surviving they need 100% of their power available

the irony is they'll still lose

war is the losing option for everyone who couldve guessed that?
Got em
You can't buy land and declare it as your own country you dumb squatter. That doesn't make any sense and you know it.
mutts swore off wars iran are waiting out storm to bring nukes to the table
There is no big war. They’re just going to launch all their convention weapons at pissrael
we bought manhattan for beans and you know it. it was totally fair, and legal tender.
the free market always benefits everyone.
If iran was smart they would figgt the conventional war they and israel want, if america tries to get involved pull out the "surprise we have 50 nukes and a dozen sarmats putin gave us fuck off"
Yes the US will take and hold Iran, I'm sure that will go well for them.
Biggest long-term threat to Jewish hegemony is the slow fading of the white majority in the states and Europe. Post-WW2 whites were turned into compliant golems and it's not clear Jews will be able to successfully repeat the process with non-whites. Blacks and Arabs definitely don't give a shit about holocaust sob stories. Plus Jews won't be able to hide like chameleons among non-whites the way they currently do with whites.
Doesn't mean they won't try and often succeed. For instance Jews are big on importing pajeets to the west because jeets are the perfect compliant managerial class to act as handlers of the brown masses. But they'll have to be bribed, they won't be like Biden and the rest of the boomer generation who serve Jews for free because they genuinely love them.
So abu ali express works for aliexpress holy shit
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>Hezbollah decimated
>Leadership dead
>Rocket artillery degraded
>Communications evaporated
>Genitals imploded
>Lebanon evacuated
And they have yet to claim a single kill since it started. This is complete and utter domination akin to the 6-day war. You lose Hezbocucks.
leave your house then colonizer
why would they need or want to take and hold it? they'll just destroy it until they can rebuild it with their own puppets
Palestine isn't Manhattan you dumbfuck. The kikes bought land and property as private citizens and they took far more land than was purchased by them anyway. Just say you took the land because you could. You have no moral arguments that succeed and you know it retard.
Holy shit are Arabs actually accepting their inferiority or is this a troll post?
Who exactly was paid to give Israel to the jews?
It seems that if it was the British government there would be some record of that.
Gimme yours then bitch
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not a huge fan but i love the way he makes both muslims and amerimutts seeth
They are unable to do this to Yemen, Iran is an even bigger ask.
>hamas was firing 3,000 rockets a day at its peak
>hezbollah cant even manage 10% that
wtf happened
Shit that was the boom I heard I thought it was a M84 being dropped on Gaza
To be fair, he is a Canadian so you can't really expect much
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Yemen cant do shit, these niggers cant even feed their people, Iran can only raise weekly cope flags
He looks Polish.
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That or Arabs are just a pack of inbred caveman that can't fight for shit in a real war.
I hope some sand nigger analy rapes and murders you kike
If hezbollah doesn't even have the capabilities to ground israeli planes then what are they wasting their time for? why did they even enter this confrontation without being at least 99% sure they could cut off airbases
I'm just depressed. Really depressed.
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Well he's making you guys lose your legitimacy in the world and that's what you guys need to exist so IDK why you think he's your guy. If I were you, I'd keep to the perpetual victim bs script like you normally do.
>Yemen cant do shit
Has the pool been reopened?
>Iran can only raise weekly cope flags
Nigger they've spent decades integrating their forces into countries that neighbor you, kikes have done nothing but alienate everyone around them.
I would be too if I was a kike like you
>We bought the land fair and square,
Only 1000 square kilometers
>some was conquered
>in retaliation to arab agression and warmongering.
The only aggression was from jews. Ben Gurion did a coup in 1948, its not like anyone voted for "the first prime minister"
The british mandate for palestine explicitly called for a mixed jew and arab state with a jewish minority. Arabs sort of went along because they were promised nothing would happen to them, there would just be more jews around. The mass murders ordered by Ben Gurion were 100% jewish aggression
>Well he's making you guys lose your legitimacy in the world
goyim were always satanic and biased aginst us, as Ben Guriyon said, it doesnt matter what the goyim say, it matters what the jews do.
the goyim will fall in line
He is lol. His real last name is Mileikowsky
Their victories are centuries ago. Since then Arabs/Muslims lost basically all the wars they fought and their frontiers shrunk by more than half. Israel a country run by Jews whipping their ass is very humiliating. But Jews have never been stronger in 3000 years.
you are a woman and your right side dominated (emotion) brain does not let you be a good judge of character or properly grasp politics and strategy, this is why in saner times man did the thinking and decision making for you
False the Mandate was explicitly for a Jewish homeland
>The only aggression was from jews
tell me you dont know anything about the I/P history without telling me you dont know anything
Sand niggers always lose when they fuck with ISRAEL. Israel always wins, baby! If I was a gambling man, I would bet on Israel winning. Trump must be right when he called Israel “the greatest nation on EARTH!” TRUMP 2024 MAGA & MIGA
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Alright then “kraut” piss off back to Scandinavia and give “Deutschland” & the rest of the Germanic world back to the Celts, or do you think you Jews deserve special treatment?
>The british mandate
the british were a colonial occupying force, nobody cares what their fake illegal mandate was
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I love Jews like you who say the quiet part out loud. Now can you please tell your comrades in the west to do the same?
That's the problem with you, kikes. You are only going after symbolic victories with no real substance.

You took out Hamas' leadership, but your soldiers are still getting killed in Gaza while your hostages are still pissing in plastic bottles 30 ft below earth.

You put on a boom boom show by hitting Yemen's port but you're still getting drones and missiles even deeper into Israel.

You took out Hezbollah's leadership but the north is still uninhabitable.

Not sure what victory you're talking about. Your borders have shrink and your economy is in free fall.

Your government is scrambling to dish out these meaningless symbolic victories to retarded Israelis like you before Oct 7 anniversary because it failed miserably to achieve it's own war goals (Defeat Hamas, return hostages).

But hey, if you feel victorious, how about you spend a weekend in north or even at the south bordering Gaza?

You won't.
What the fuck are you on about. Quit being an edgelord and be serious. I'm Palestinian. Just not born there. Myself and any other Muslim would actually be fine with you guys if you weren't constantly oppressing Palestinians. When the Christians conquered Jerusalem they killed the Muslims and the Jews living there side by side. That was Muslim controlled territory. You should remember that there were times of peaceful coexistance.
You have no idea how entertaining it is to watch them go from "we will kill them all!" to "boo hoo we are victims, israel is murdering babies". Hopefully the happening so far is just the beginning of total islamist slaughter.
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The sandniggers talk a big game like they’re fearless warriors, but then when they’re losing, they go to the UN and claim to be helpless victims of “genocide” and “apartheid”.
>the british were a colonial occupying force
Colonising and occupying land belonging to whom, exactly?
How can I become Jewish? What do I have to do marry a khazarian milker or something?
>False the Mandate was explicitly for a Jewish homeland
No it wasnt, at one point in the 20s the british even cut down the allowed jew migrant quota because they expected that jews would become a majority by the 1970s. That was around the time that the US closed its borders and made it hard to emigrate, so many more jews chose palestine but the brits said no, too many.
And the Balfour declaration is explicit about this. Mix jew and arab country
Beautiful well made cope post, keep cooking.
>tell me you dont know anything about the I/P history
I know a lot more than you do.
First tie a noose, then cut off your foreskin and use the blood to paint a star of david on your forehead then hang yourself
Ok, explain to me the Hebron massacres of 1929.
>I'm not able to refute a single point
Oh shit yeah I forgot about the foreskin shit I ain’t cutting part of my ding dong off fuck that
hezbollah didn't say shit. they're still looking for his body
>t.Illan Pappe
>the british were a colonial occupying force, nobody cares what their fake illegal mandate was
They were the government at the time, after they replaced the ottomans. And they were not colonial, since the whole idea of the mandate of palestine was to eventually give controls to the locals. There were also mandates in Iraq, Syria, Egypt, because the brits and the french had no plans in just holding that land forever and turn it into some kind of australia. Even though they could, they made explcit plans to build up these countries and release control.
>to the locals
ship arrivals are now locals/
Why didn't Iran gift Hezbollah their S-300 clones?
>missile, meaning it has guidance
>hits the sea
fucking how?
futuristic location predicting missile
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FAGrallah status?
Too big not easy to conceal, also has to have radar which would just get insta killed. They mainly have manpads
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>New Hezbollah missile attack

>Ok, explain to me the Hebron massacres of 1929.
A nothing burger, literally. And it was instigated by Yosef Klausner, he led thousands of Chuds to the old city of Jerusalem to wave flags, harass arabs and chant Hatikva, just to provoke an arab reaction.
Really though isn’t it better that all the Jews go to Israel, gets them out of our hair and if they didn’t have it they’d just set up Zionist lobbies to get a homeland which is exactly what happened
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iran's vise president : we'll punish israel's crimes in the international stage
>ship arrivals are now locals/
Whatever, they would give control to the people actually living in the land, since the brits had no desire to be in palestine forever. They just had to hold the land after WW1
>still getting killed in Gaza
Not really, the last IDF KIA in Gaza was like a month ago
The Shia mind works in mysterious ways
CUMASS bros... not like this
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>Ok Ahmed to hit our target we need to shoot exactly at 220 degrees
>Don't be silly Muhammad Allah will guide missiles for us the jews just hide our successes
Something like this probably
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>Kike propaganda fools even kikes
>jew instigating a riot means we can cut heads of children in Hebron
outed yourself as a one sided a-historical brainlet.
>inb4 the 1920 riots where thousands of mudslimes going into Jewish houses and bashing kids skulls was justified cause of jewish instigation
iran need to stfu with their taqqiyya no one is believing it and no one is asking for it
How about some Buk systems?
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>Nothing happened
>But it was instigated by the Jews actually
>So it was your fault it happened
Oh look an inbred Arab, what a surprise.
>Isn'treal losing and desperate to pull the US in to a land war before November Presidential elections.
if you enjoy, White Western bourgeoise leftards seething go here:
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>jew instigating a riot means we can cut heads of children in Hebron
Thats how riots go, You start a riot there will be blood on both sides. Arabs did not start that one.
Plenty of arabs died too.
my guy, there is not AD system in the world that can save them from the IAF. the only way to defeat the IAF is to have the best air-force in the world.
k let gazans voote fag
why cant everyone just hug and smooch
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>if only you knew how bad things really are
Continue the attrition game against Isn'treal.
GPS guidance being spoofed? A lot of their weapons is literally civilian, cheap chink technology bought from Aliexpress, half-decent electronic warfare made by competent people can make mince meat out of it
jidf twitter poosting been cringier than prime aids you filthy retard rapebaby
>Nothing happened
Nothing of importance happened. Jews just exploit the smallest and most irrelevant violence tp justify atrocities 1000 times worse. Its not like you give a fuck about some dead rando in 1920.
And many arabs died in these riots too, which again, were instigated by a jew. A right wing "Jabotinsky" jew.
khazars have no connection to the levant, want a jew homeland? goto siberia or khazaria
>Arabs did not start that one
except it was pushed by Husseini because he was losing power to the proletariat Nashashibi faction and he wanted to keep his relevancy. You're literally excusing mudslim chimping out based on mostly false rumors. KYS!
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>except it was pushed by Husseini
That went on for years and nothing happened. Husseini had thugs that would harass jews in the old city, that never led to anything.
Things got bad because one jewish chud took an army to jerusalem to start a fight.
>muh bar kokhba
god i hate jews so fucking much
hitler nailed the pilpul attitude so fucking hard
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Iran is about to unleash its deadly stampede again!
ok I'll give you a (you) since you're so desperate, but drop the memeflag we all know it's some combination of red green black and white
>admits we took out the leadership of the terrorist organizations
>no w-wait y-y-y-you see those are only s-symbolic victories!!!!!!1111
goalposting, etc, you're brown, etc, you lost, etc
>And they have yet to claim a single kill since it started

the hez rockets are still coming, israel imposed a media blackout, see: https://seymourhersh.substack.com/p/netanyahus-lebanon-gambit
He is probably brown, but compared to me you are also brown
no this time its harsh letter to the UN
>Hezbollah missiles use Iranian tech
>Iranians use US GPS technology in their key weapons systems
Kikes are stupid and assume the rest of us are as well.
I am going to report you to the turkish authorities for the lulz
>were instigated by a jew
yes yes totally not by waqf orators or the husseini family etc all was instigated by jews. Its literally the same excuse mudslims use today:
>there were rumors of jewish extremists trying to destroy al Aqsa!
>therefore we can commit terror attacks in Tel Aviv and shoot rockets!
I'm sorry, but did Palestine already lose? Oh, that's right. The war isn't even over yet. In fact, it's only Autumn. Does not having Jerusalem and Tel Aviv count as a loss? Is that what you're saying? Because if you're saying that I can assure you that you're wrong. Why would you make this topic when the war is still on? The Palestinians are still fighting right now and they have been the best terrorist cell in The Middle East for how many years now? They're fighting one of the poorest countries in the world who just happen to have a lead because they're feeding off American tax dollars and gear. But you know what? They still fucking suck. Hamas are one of the strongest fucking militias in the world, they went 4-2 since their existence and would of won the Six Day War if Egypt didn't choke. Maybe you should shut the fuck up before you make retarded topics like this. You know why? Because you're going to be embarrassed when the Palestinians win and someone bumps this topic. Oh look at that, the Americans just retreated from Afghanistan, just like the British did. Are you a fucking drunk? Are you retarded? Are you autistic? You are a fucking idiot and you should never make a topic on this board again and I'm fucking serious. I almost have a feeling you're the only guy making all these anti-Hamas topics because you're a faggot hater who doesn't like the team because they're good. Fuck you, be good at something in YOUR life and then maybe try to troll these fucking soldiers on the board, like I give a fuck. It's so easy to spot out your threads now, you're a retard. Always doing stupid shit like this. Why don't you try to be a good poster? Just for once? For once in your fucking life try not to make a topic like this. That's just you, you're always right at getting it wrong. Fuck you. You are nothing.
Haha Mutt which country is failing?
>>inb4 the 1920 riots where thousands of mudslimes going into Jewish houses and bashing kids skulls was justified cause of jewish instigation

Not that this comes as a surprise to anyone (me included), but the Israeli claims that residential homes were storing large missile Arsenals turned out to be bunk.

Vid is their claim https://t.me/CyberspecNews/64344

Given how hard they've bombed those residential buildings, including on the ground floors, if there were any bombs in the basement none of them would be standing.
But surprisingly, they are all standing despite multiple hits.

Just compare the results from any ammo depot bombings in Ukraine.
>the hez rockets are still coming
im sure the fish are very afraid
literally clap for me poosting
we are west saviors tier cringe
Lol, that picture
Fuckin sandniggers man
Bullshit, US can't do military shit against Iran without losing thousands of men and dozens of bases.
>yes yes totally not by waqf orators or the husseini family etc all was instigated by jews.
It went beyond mere fiery speeches. The je2s took an army of right wing fascist youth to Jerusalem to clash with the arabs.
An orator can only do so much, but actually raising an army to start a fight is what led to the riots, not Husseini giving speeches. As if jews didnt gave fiery speeches too.
holy shit sunnis hated this nigger more than we did
They could use stealth bombers and tactical nukes
lift the media blackout, if hez was truly kill then the north would be repopulated, this hasn't happened, ergo you are celebrating prematurely
>Five minutes into the first quarter of the game and kikes are busy convincing themselves of victory.
you probably also think that the instigators of the 1947 civil war were jews too right? Lehi and Irgun right?
>t. 25% of his country lives in Australia
There are a lot of videos of missiles cooking off after IAF airstrikes:
>you probably also think that the instigators of the 1947 civil war were jews too right?
>european jew gives speech in Jerusalem
>this means its totally cool to slaughter orthodox kids who lived there for millennia in Hebron
the arab mind is a curious thing
the new KHUMASS leadership obviously declared jihad on the sea
What a fucking stupid comment.
that's not an argument
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>more than jewish trannies
>european jew gives speech in Jerusalem
It was not a speech, it was taking an army to jerusalem to fight with arabs. The one giving speeches was Husseini
I don't understand why you're arguing with him, it's just a standard Arab that lives entirely separate from reality. If he said we shouldn't have killed the mizrahi jews that saw themselves as palestinians he would at least be somewhat rational. But he isn't it's just another Arab cope poster probably on VPN.
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>Hit an empty field
>Claim victory because some Jews went to their shelters
This is literally why their dying for right now. Unserious terrorists.
LOL yup. Go read Benny Morris or Shabtai Teveth and not Khalidi or Pappe then come back ok? <3
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so not the winners?
> i ccan't ffiind a response..hmmm...YOU'RE BROWN!!
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the funny part is that there is literally no way the kikes can ever win on a strategic level. no matter what victory they achieve, it will only ever delay their liquidation by a few years

every year, the number of secular kikes in israel declines while the number of hasids and muslims increases

every year the white ZOGged countries that they leech off of die

all they had to do was not kill their hosts, but that's a tall order for jews
Who’s winning the war and why?
That won't help as Iran is a massive country and the US will still lose multiple bases.
probably a 48'er if Id have to guess. Or, god forbid, a tel aviv buck broken leftie.
>might is right and iron wall isn't first isralites attitude
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I can't even criticise, that's based and ballsy. In a world of pussy leaders who promise kikes not to hurt the leaders of their enemies (Cucktin), these guys do decapitation strikes in a capital city.
I just don’t buy it, Iran is shit scared of American military just like all their enemies are that’s why they still have the bases
>that's what he picked to reply to
bullseye, you're brown
yo momma
The Kike airforce, exactly like the US airforce, is fine operating in permissive environments. An enemy with a layered integrated air defence system and long range cruise missile counter-strike capability and the IAF would be fucked.
Beirut is burning
Hezbbolah has fallen

We stand at the gates of Beirut
With two and a half million men
With six thousand tanks in our ranks
Use them as battering rams

Artillery leading our way
A million grenades has been launched
The shias must pay for their crimes
The wings of the eagle has been broken

Marshall Bibi’s orders:
Serve me Beirut on a plate!
Disregard their losses
The city is ours to take

The price of a war must be paid
Millions of fish has been lost
The price must be paid by the men
That started the war in october
Where's the announcement? He is obviously dead.
You’re arguing with a Kiwi, they’re really not that bright. As our great PM Bob Hawke famously said “every time a New Zealander moves to Australia, the IQ of both countries goes down”.
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Don't know what kind of leftist you've met but they don't usually deny reality, they just have a bleeding heart faggotry.
Yeah yeah Iran is le scary, don't worry they already said hezbollah is winning so they don't need to get involved.
Zhabotisnky was right about arabs
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Wonder how Haifa is going?
all the people making the announcements are dead too
You wouldn't be cool with having the 3rd best air force and while not defeating IAF, you could possibly avert some conflict because of the threat of costly stalemate ?
Some of these comments are retarded, and only a few are high quality.

lol look at all the browns in this thread
so were the 109 cunts
Kikes have accelerated the progress of the Eighth Decade Curse.
Assad did play his cards wrong. However talks between him and erdogan, have they made some sort of secret deal?
>air defence system and long range cruise missile counter-strike capability
you mean like the ones in Iran?
>Israeli Weapon Damaged Iranian Air Defenses Without Being Detected, Officials Say
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Idk bro he looks kinda jewish, just sayin.
I was checking out some anti-Hezbollah Arab accounts a few days ago and the hatred was genocidal. These guys somehow want the rafidah dead more than they want the kikes dead. Kinda shameful desu but on the other hand btfoing the Ali worshippers isn't entirely a bad thing.
What is there to be shit scared of the US military? Lost in Iraq. Lost in Afghanistan. Lost in Syria. Lost in Yemen.
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Is Hezb really waiting on their response or they are incapable of one? Where is it I dont understand? Did we actually took down the talent that was responsible for the launches or what, what is going on?!

well, Pappe and Meir Pail were leftists and they dont mind denying reality but yea point taken
he looks semite, just like us
I see you have zero way of refuting me other than going for ad hominem. It would be best for you to remain quiet, maybe then you'd hope the issue would be forgotten. Instead you HAVE to talk back
I repeat myself: Yosef Klausner took an army to Jerusalem to start the riots, he may or not have given a speech at some point, does not matter. Hes the one that physically started the riot.
And Husseini is the one that only gave a speech. He gave many speeches, nothing happened until a jew decided to fight him.
The riots were started by jews, you can say instigated by arabs, but physically started by jews.
>Muh red markers
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yea why would iran raise 2nd red flag if he isn't which is very retarded also to spoil hezb announcement
saved kek
>Kike media says
>When the loss is so obvious even a Jew can't lie his way out of it
shilling a bit in the bunkers, watching the Iron Dome fireworks, enjoying the spectacle that comes from the occasional rocket that will land (people love to watch destruction and fire as much as we hate to admit it), taking delight that all of it is a cope/face-saving attack that is the consequence of Israel's convincing KO...sometimes life in Israel can get so boring that, deep inside, many enjoy this shitshow...
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This is b8 right?
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truly, the defenders of lebanon
Yeah/nah that's a mix of hardware, software and wetware, with a bunch of variables. I bet they don't let just any schlomo loose in an F15, nobody would be in infantry if that were the case.
And one more thing, the riots were a nothing burger. Nobody gives a fuck about any of these people, you certainly dont but you use the death of some kid in 1929 to justify politics in 2024. As if you actually care. Dont you get tired of such hypocrisy?
>Kiwis now resorting to falsely attributing famous Aussie quotes to their own “leaders”

The inferiority complex is just unreal. I’ll be sure to say hi to you when you finally realise your dream of becoming a nightclub bouncer in Sydney.
lol how brown are you
your skin = not light = brown
You’re brown .
you're a rapefugee
the funniest part this war triggered by only 5 missiles, i only heard 2-3 booms myself.
even our advanced AI systems have no idea what these dumb niggers are aiming at
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Imagine if these retards were fighting in the Ukraine war.
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omg literally go read a book ok?

is this new codeword for murrican?
Nope, a quarter of New Zealand’s population lives in Australia - look it up. Most of them work low tier jobs like janitors or nightclub bouncers or just collect welfare which is higher than the average wage in nz.

It’s like how poles all flooded Europe in the 2000s, but at least you had the excuse of being held back by communism
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Kek, just few more days ummahsisters , Persia will fight for islam
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lol i guess we really nuked the only people who can aim and now its Abdul the village retard launching these missiles
>Dont you get tired of such hypocrisy?
You know the answer to this, why even bother?
Nah in Australia that honour is reserved for New Zealanders. Their government throws a fit whenever we try deporting them.
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very girthy
>some undesirable elements
Just some undesirable elements? Thousands of chuds in jerusalem beating and spitting on arabs?
Anyone would say thats a far bigger agression than any speech by Husseini. The riots were physically started by the jews
Doesnt matter if you now say it was only a few bad apples. Like anyone believes an army of rabble rousers that assembled to fight arabs was peaceful
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another angle, why is there a sleeping bag on the roof? did shitzbollah crash their slumber party?
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>The moment Israel stopped updating the Biden admin in advance is the moment they started operating effectively
I wonder what this could mean
>Fell in the Palestinian village called Hawara
When Smotrich called to burn Hawara I didn't expect Hezbollah of all people to help him.
here's muzshit media saying that the Iranian foreign minister is saying it

it wouldn't hurt if you weren't so ashamed of it
>Joseph Borrell, the European Union's foreign minister, after the attacks in Dahiya:
>"We are exerting all diplomatic pressure to bring about a ceasefire, but it seems that no one can stop Netanyahu."
>"...it seems that no one can stop Netanyahu"
cosmopolitan, globalist westoids can't simply match Bibi's power
it reminds me how the hohols didnt tell the amerimutts about the Kursk offensive, which is why it was so succesfull.
amerimutts are absolutly the worst allies, but we are not naive arabs, we lived among eurocucked goyim for millennia, we know their tricks and how to BTFO them
Pathetic that these cucks' only gameplan is lobbing some rockets that don't do anything. When Muslims fight each other they go full Abu Hajaar but when they fight the kikes they suddenly become lazy and helpless.
Plenty of arabs died in that riot, they spread everywhere.
Irrelevant. The Kike airforce like the US airforce has never done anything serious except drop weapons from 45000 feet.
Based Abu Ali said it best:
>It seems that Burrell decided to join the Likud campaign :)
clearly a troll that was debunked. The Arab riot that followed was actually violent as was rumored about the Jews because Arabs Muslims are violent animals. Run along now, you're done.

it literally feels as if US are actively sabotaging us lately
big gorilla Austin will have to learn to operate under this new set of rules, mutts are incompetent and corrupt buffoons that drag anyone down with them
>Iran has added many more new and advanced centrifuges since then
>Israel hasn't launched another airstrike.
He's just too powerful... the power of not giving a fuck about optics and red lines
>Based people get violent when their land is taken
kek, the hypocricy
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>which is why it was so succesfull.
>Kikes accusing others of being violent animals
>it literally feels as if US are actively sabotaging us lately
They are the only thing keeping your country afloat, I hate golems but you should at least pretend to appreciate their gibs.
>it literally feels as if US are actively sabotaging us lately
>goalposts after being thoroughly btfdo'd
won't work. you've outed yourself to be mentally brown
welcome to the club there are 2 of you now
>Leading Israel to its end
>The Arab riot that followed w
What is this supposed to mean? The arab riot that followed the jewish riot?
Are you going to divide the riot into sub-riots, and call out the arab parts?
Anyway you arrange it, it was started by jews. Physically started.
That people in hebron would be alive if the Jabotinsky chuds didnt mass an army to terrorize arabs
trvth nvke
We can appreciate their gibs while acknowledging the Biden admin is incompetent, with a lot of staffers who are pro-Hamas and could easily be leakers.
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>Kike accusing others of being brown
which land was taken before 1947?

im done with you troll

yea also that ceasefire bibi plane trick two days ago
>an enemy with a layered integrated air defence system and long range cruise missile counter-strike capability and the IAF would be fucked.
yeah no. israel has multiple SEAD and DEAD mechanisms. any multilayered AD would get mapped out and taken out. remember the syrians had the one of the biggest AD network in the '80s. out of the 30 AD batteries they had in their network, 29 were taken out
>There are a lot of videos of missiles cooking off after IAF airstrikes
The video I posted shows locations in Beirut.
The video you posted is from the countryside.
Assad keeps making excuses not to make a deal with Erdo. So, Israel should destr-, I mean liberate the people of Syria from that dictator too.
The amerimutts thought they got us, but we btfoed them in the end
Muslim mind* we have to experience the exact same shit.
>if you kill your enemies you lose
Sadly this isn't EU4, no one cares about Israel's "aggressive expansion", those that were on Israel's side are still on the same side. If they neutralise Hezbollah not only are they doing something beneficial for themselves but also many Christians and Sunnis see this as a good thing. Like imagine you're Lebanese and hate Hezbollah, hard to hate what's happening right now.
>In the 1980s
You didn't include a key element of my response which was accurate cruise missile (or quasi ballistic missile) retaliation. US planes can only fly continuous sorties if extensive infrastructure is available 24/7 to service them.
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>Isreal's aggressive expansion out of northern Isreal.
Your people are ingrates, all they've done for you (to the detriment of the american citizen who ultimately funds your "state") and you act like a pack of spoiled faggots.
The blackmail you have on them must be good for the burgers to put up with so much of your shit.
Fresh bread
>Jeffrey Epstein is dead but his hard drives are very much alive
>any tension
Has this retard been in a coma for a year?
u got deboonked sweatie, no amount of wishful thinking will make ur wet dreams of Hezbollah officers giving u a nice bussypounding from behind while u launch missiles at tel aviv (sea) come true
ur just gonna have to deal with it
Nearly all of iran Forex comes from a fucking island were they have the port to export oil it can even be taken by a few drones, Iran was expecting the usa to contain israel to previous hamas conflict parameters.

What the morons have not realized is that the us leadership is already under attack by ukraine and europe for being too moderated and Israel actually has enough autarky to go rogue if needed, not their ideal scenario but they can and in that scenario it's more likely israel using nukes than monke because if monke throws a tiny tactical nuke, then poland, finland, turkey, south korea, japan and taiwan start to develop nukes asap and russia becomes landlocked everywhere except vladivostok encircled by 4 other nuclear powers 5 if you count us bases there.

But Israel without us support?What would they lose if they lacked already support by using nukes, literally nothing.
The amerimutt government is spreading chaos, if they really supported us they would let us kill our enemies while they are weak, the only president who really helped us was trump
If Nasrallah really died yesterday that has to be the dumbest fucking move by them ever. We have an entire week of us killing top commanders in Dahiye. Wait, I know, lets take king Hezbollah himself and have a meeting in Dahiye. Like, this is legit baffling.
>if they really supported us they would let us kill our enemies while they are weak
Both US presidential candidates have pledged to support kikes in a war with Iran, you have the go-ahead and are reluctant to even invade Lebanon ffs.
The US funds your genocide and protects you from (justified) accusations of war crimes while you bitch about them not doing enough.
When it's all over and TKD is a foregone conclusion I'm sure it will still be somebody else's fault.
>You didn't include a key element of my response which was accurate cruise missile (or quasi ballistic missile) retaliation.
you seriously think there launchers won't get taken out? and even if they get a chance to fire some cruise and ballistic missiles, the us and israel has good AD to shootdown ballistic and cruise missiles
Good vibe, reminds me of Sabaton "Ghost Division"
You are talking out of your ass the israeli air force interception capabilities are even higher than the usa since the yanks were too corrupt to integrate those systems and tried to develop independently and then cancelled.

Israel is the only country with multi layered intercepteion capabilities a massive advantage that the usa just realized some months ago when they realized they could only produce 400 patriots per year for ukraine and that would only last for a week with gluide bombs and retarded drones.

Israel is the only country that can economically intercept ballistic or cruise missiles but by "economically" i mean at least 10x cheaper than the west or vatnik military hardware, that's still a ton of money for overrun attacks hence why previosu conflict with hamas started with massive rocket barrages.

it's honestly pretty weird the longer this goes on hezbollah seems like a "appear stronger when you are weak" and hamas a "appear weaker when you are strong".

How the fuck hamas still has ammo almost a year on and months encircled is insane, entire militaries in europe have lower stockpiles.

On the other hand hezbollah made their entire doctrine muh missiles barrage and they seem to have been massive larpers all this time.
Dude they're just batoning uppity kikes. This is soft treatment. Arab countries just shoot protesters. Over here they let people get mauled by dogs, baton them while they're getting mauled, wait until someone walks past a wall and water cannon their head against the wall, push protesters in front of moving riot vans, and dump people out of their mobility scooters into the path of a moving riot van. The police brutality first world title is currently held by a dutch cop who fired at a tractor that drove around him in a huge arch, when it was already way past him and driving away, hitting very close to the 16 year old driver's head, then arrested him and charged him with attempted homicide on the cop, until a video of it came out, and people gathered outside the police station where he was held. All of these things happened in a first world progressive country. A baton is nothing.
The US has terrible air defenses for long term war they are just realizing it now, their systems work but they are not economically optimized for modern warfare, won't be suprised if Ukraine starts using shit like super tucanos donated to intercept drones and cruise missiles at some point due to retarded us defense systems being bottlenecked in production.
Jews want Trump to win for sure
What’s the general feeling about Trump in Israel and Israeli media?
but he was reffering to cruise and ballistic missile. not super-cheap drones
How did Trump help you? I’m not saying he didn’t, I just want to know why you guys like him so much.
Yeah there have been celebrations in places like syria shit is pretty insane from anyone with 100+ iq in Tehran, they encouraged a sunni militia to chimp out against israel to boycot a peace deal with saudi arabia.

Then when they got encircled they started to throw drones and literally missiles that reached space due to their long ballistic path over saudi arabia, egypt and jordan (which is the last thing you would want if you wanted to boycot a peace deal with saudi arabia).

Then they got Lebanon Hezbollah it and now literal sunni groups in syria are celebrating this shit while hezbollah is part of the reason you managed to not lose syria all because they got into this in theory to save a sunni group that they encouraged to go to total war.

In all honestly either there is something going on behind the scenes we don't know or the old lunatic us warhawks like John Bolton were right and Iran leadership is truly schizo.

This crap now has put them at a position were the only force that helped them keep syria can collapse on itself.
trump is a corrupt criminal and I don't want him to win even though I recognize that he's setting up to start a war with Iran which will be good for my security and the stability of the region.
I hope for the sake of the American people that he doesn't win because of the fake elector plot (the actual coup plot that isn't covered in the media not jan6 riots)
like you will be too, you fucking kike
No the yanks cancelled their ballistic interception capability project in the post soviet collapse if i am not mistaken (at least officially), they biggest shit they have is thaad which is not on the level of arrow 2 or 3.

Tough i would not be suprised if yanks have a secret one they went full schizo in the cold war after all.
>The IDF announces that Hezbollah terror chief Hassan Nasrallah was killed in yesterday’s airstrike in Beirut.
patriots have a near zero success rate. other systems aegis is bad against real threats like ballistic missiles, and modern antiship missiles and drones, marginal, and not cost effective against cheap drones. iron dome and arrow are most effective against missiles in boost phase, useless against houthi missiles in terminal phase. most distances from lebanon and israel is so short, its within range of most artillery.
>we will continue to bomb them anyway
The Israelis have a multi layered system
Iron Beam
Iron Dome
David Sling
Arrow 2
Arrow 3

Basically a rocket for every interception but even for example david sling which is better than patriot is cheaper due to being multi layered (same reason space rockets have stages), this is why finland bought it one david sling interceptor was cheaper than a patriot by a ton of money they could get 9 david sling missiles for 1 patriot interceptor.

The yanks literally paid for half of this israeli stuff but never integrated it themselves and kept buying cold war shit like Patriot that works moderately well against what it was designed for but stuff like gluide bombing makes it obsolete long term and from an economic point it's retarded to have a single stage rocket vs multi layered like david sling that reduces costs per interception and dramatically increases range.
>and not cost effective against cheap drones

As for the drone thing, iron beam was designed for that but israel became very silent about it, which makes sense in the context of a neutrality pact with the vatniks since they don't want to send stuff to ukraine and they literally have all the military toys that make western cold war shit seem museum tier.
yes and they arent very good, even in the last Iranian mass attack most of the cruise missiles, drones were intercepted by non isrealis, mostly u.s, and the ballistics missiles and drones went through anyway.
>they literally have all the military toys that make western cold war shit seem museum tier.
lmao, their army is reservists more poorly armed than holhols.

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