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Glowniggers are trying to subvert /chip/ via well poisoning. Ignore all threads and posters endorsing Israel, (both sides bad), memeflags, namefags, and thread splitters.
*By posting in this thread you deny *srael is a legitimate state, DENOUNCE and fully CONDEMN the Talmud, and endorse TKD* (Total Kike Death)
*Do not trust happening announcements without link/proof

>Nasrallah status: inside Schrödinger's box
>Massive strike on Beirut, apparently targetting Nasrallah
>A Houthi hypersonic missile hit Tel Aviv
>The Islamic Resistance in Iraq has targeted Golan using several drones.
>Syrian army units target with heavy artillery the positions of terrorist groups supported by the Turkish occupation in the vicinity of the town of Kabashin in the northern countryside of Aleppo

https://youtu.be/52jV27IlDsw [Embed] [Embed] [Embed] [Embed] [Embed]

https://youtu.be/V9q0hzmi73M [Embed] [Embed] [Embed] [Embed] [Embed]
https://youtu.be/Ys4pnmsJ0Aw [Embed] [Embed] [Embed] [Embed] [Embed]
https://youtu.be/b-2l4B1Zhpw [Embed] [Embed] [Embed] [Embed] [Embed]
https://youtu.be/gCNeDWCI0vo [Embed] [Embed] [Embed] [Embed] [Embed]






>Guide to Israel-Palestine conflict
>1948 Nakba Documentary
https://youtu.be/Bwy-Rf15UIs [Embed] [Embed] [Embed] [Embed] [Embed]
>Evangelicals are useful idiots that betray Christians and Jesus.
https://youtu.be/nHT-SjIM0tA [Embed] [Embed] [Embed] [Embed] [Embed]
>Former US Marine: Hamas are freedom fighters, US government the real terrorist.

Islamic Resistance (Iraq):

Islamic Resistance in Iraq targeted northern Israel with 'Arqab' cruise missiles
New 9/22/2024



Published footage of targeting Ramat David Airbase and Haifa military industrial area with Fadi-1 and Fadi-2 rockets yesterday morning
New 9/22/2024


Martyr Izz El-Din Al-Qassam Brigades:

Al-Qassam Mujahideen seizing a booby-trapped military vehicle and drones in the eastern area of the city of Rafah, south of the Gaza Strip
New 9/21/2024


Al-Quds Brigades:

Martyrs of the Jerusalem Brigades in the battle of terror in the camps in the West Bank.
NEW 9/20/2024

Al-Quds Brigades release footage of their fighters shelling the "Abu Mutaibeq" military site with mortar shells and seizing a "Zionist" drone of the "Evo Max" type in the skies over central Gaza Strip.
NEW 9/12/2024


Al-Aqsa Martyrs’ Brigades:

Scenes from the bombing of the zionist enemy forces stationed in the "Netzarim" axis with a 107mm rocket barrage.
NEW 9/14/2024

▶Daily After Action Reports
https://pastebin.com/GWbMvPeg 6/30/24
https://pastebin.com/V7KgCa8W 6/30/24

▶Hamas Memorandum:
"This is our Narrative.. why the Al-Aqsa Flood."
https://files.catbox.moe/zlt9ld.pdf New 1/21/24

>War Crimes Of IDF Updated
>News / Clips

Islamic Resistance:

This video shows footage of the Islamic Resistance's operation targeting Jal Al-Alam site belonging to the "Israeli" enemy army at the southern Lebanese border with an assault glider.
New 9/09/2024

This video shows footage of the Islamic Resistance's operation targeting the espionage equipment at Al-Tayhat Hill and Al-Ramtha site belonging to the "Israeli" enemy army, along the southern Lebanese border.
New 9/09/2024

Al-Qassam Brigades:

Within the Battle of Tufan Al-Aqsa the detonation caused direct hits, resulting in deaths and injuries among the occupation soldiers during the large-scale raid that the camp witnessed.
New 9/02/2024

Al-Mujahideen Brigades:

Footage of some operations carried out by the Mujahideen Brigades during their resistance to the zionist aggression campaign on the northern West Bank.
New 9/07/2024

Scenes of the Mujahideen Brigades detonating an explosive device on a zionist bulldozer on Abu Al-Asal Street in Jenin Camp.
New 9/05/2024


Hezbollah military media publishes: Our mountains – Imad
New 08/16/2024

Saraya Al-Quds Brigades:

Al-Quds Brigades shows scenes of its mujahideen bombing with mortar lava the soldiers and vehicles of the Zionist enemy invading the Al-Zaytoun neighborhood in Gaza City.
New 9/06/2024

Al-Quds Brigades shows scenes of its fighters, in cooperation with the fighters of the Al-Qassam Brigades, sniping at the soldiers of the Zionist enemy on the axis of progress in the Al-Zeitoun neighborhood
New 9/03/2024
Iran doko...


▶/Chip/ Archives Info

▶/Chip/ Archives Clips

Episode 11
>The Security Forces of the Palestinian Authority... is it too late to join the Resistance?

Twitter link

Foreign soldiers attempting to murder US citizens on US soil
Archived Files

Here it is.
Debunking the State of Israel
Refutation of the Zionist historical claim over Levant.
https://files.catbox.moe/v6i8wj.mp4 6/21/24

Yoav Shamir's "Defamation" 7/30/24
https://youtu.be/CTAjc1OSrmY [Embed] [Embed] [Embed] [Embed] [Embed]

TANTURA 7/30/24
> Massacre btwn IDF & palestinians civilians
>1948 Nabka
https://youchu.be/CTAjc1OSrmY- Non-Google & can Download MP4
https://youtu.be/CTAjc1OSrmY [Embed] [Embed] [Embed] [Embed] [Embed]
muzzies getting btfo by basedraelis- love to see it
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Bruh look at this dood

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>Hezbollah decimated
>Leadership dead
>Rocket artillery degraded
>Communications evaporated
>Genitals mutilated
>Lebanon evacuated
And they have yet to claim a single kill since it started. This is complete and utter domination akin to the 6-day war. You lose Hezbocucks.
Kek hezbollah bombing palirats and helping smotrich burn down hawara
the rhetoric in these threads sure turned around once all the circlejerking "frens" realized they hedged their bets on literal inbred goat(male) fuckers and are now too ashamed to post again
they also cheer for those rockets even though it hits them
Iran has been real quiet recently
Not to mention all lebflags evaporated at the exact instant we bombed the dahiya
I miss Druzebro:(
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this is one of those people that have been shillling hezbollah for years. i remember when he thought hezbollah was gonna launch an all out war because the idf took out 3 hezbollah fighter last year. lmfao
I saw him post after the dahiya bombing, he said his mother was pancking, god bless her soul so i guess he is with her calming her down.
Lebanons need to rise up aginst the shia invaders
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feel like absolute shit, just want steve back
lel, what a pathetic way to be defeated, with a bang and a whimper.
All the other places she mentioned are on the offensive
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Good day to be an Israeli
midwit take
So most Israelis want Trump to win? The last thread had many Israelis talking about how they like Trump. Why for Israelis love Trump so much?
We broke this nigger....
Im surprised he wasnt in the hezbollah bunkers when it happened
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>Hamas attacked Israel on Oct 7
>Hezbollah attacked Israel unprovoked on Oct 8
i guess that means Israel is winning when even the propaganda accounts are demoralized and don’t know what to say
Didn’t they try to say that their motives had something to do with the al-Asqa mosque? What was happening with the Al-Asqa mosque that caused them to chimp out on a random music festival?
No, all kikes are retarded ultra liberals.
Israel is the most woke and gay country in the world.
shut up kike
In the last thread they were saying How Biden doesn’t do much to help them, or even impedes their progress, and that Trump did more for them? It seems that they like him. Trump is pro-LGBTQ and all that shit anyway too.
The kikes trotted through the mudshits' precious sandnigger hut, and they got butthurt.
Because he is the first and only us president who openly treated us like allies and not pets, we have whole settlements, city squares, and even playgrounds named after him, he made the miracle of the abraham accords, and he did it without causing any war, trump is a hero and amerimutts are too dumb to realize
westoids are so cucked that being anti-fag is suicide
Buck status: Utterly and irreversibly broken
You can tell Israel is winning when the mudshits start crying about how unfair everything is and acting blackpilled and demoralized and the Israel flag posters are all energized.
It’s like the meme of the muzzie celebrating when Israel was attacked, then sobbing and crying about “genocide” when Israel retaliated.
Where is the un?
Were being genocided :(
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>The IDF eliminated the leader of the terrorist organization Hezbollah, Hassan Nasrallah

>The IDF spokesman announces that yesterday (Friday), the IDF killed Hassan Nasrallah, the leader of the Hezbollah terrorist organization and one of its founders, along with Ali Karchi, the commander of Hezbollah's southern front, and other Hezbollah commanders.
It is official, press S to spit.
nothing as usual. Except for some days on Ramadan, Mudslims can pray in Al Aqsa all year long. If Israel wanted they could've just strike it in less than a second. They have Israeli police there to stop jewish extremists from disrupting peace. It's just a made up rumor by muzzies to attack Israel unprovoked then use it as an excuse for western audience, a tactic started before Israel was created.

He's pro-lgbtq at a normie level not at an kike or dem or antifa level.
Like 20% of Israel is lgbtq.
I thought you could tell when all the memeflags flooded the board crying about how everyone hates jews
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It's official
>Hasan nasrallah dead
ali karaki is the guy that survived the assassination attempt in dahiye btw
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Its over...
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you mean no more nasrallah speeches? oh no
>i guess that means Israel is winning

It looks like it now but we shall see what's gonna happen in the next few months.The war isn't won by israel yet.They need to really devastate the Hezbollah army not just try to demoralize them with targeted assassinations.Early tactical victories can turn into strategic defeats.
Faking ceasefire talks only to surprise attack Hezbollah turned everyone except the USA against israel.
They act like warriors online talking about conquest and forcing Islamic rule on the west, then they get butthurt and act like helpless victims when they’re losing and talk about “muh human rights”. War is ugly, but it’s kinda funny how they go from being badass warlords to “muh human rights, we need the UN!”
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nyoooo this is jewish propaganda, he's still alive!!!!
Reminds me of your kind tbqh
>two moar weeks
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Who has the "Its over" Nasrallah meme?
Yes give them 2 more weeks so they can reorganize and make more threats for 2 more weeks
You have to remember the man they follow was a warlord who “conquered” and raided a bunch of villages, this is what they idolize and thing is the peak example of a “righteous person”. In a way, they only understand brute force and respect strength because their religion is that of a warlord who conquered tribes and “mercifully” made the survivors follow his rules and do everything he wanted.
Oh it's literally all just Mossad, nevermind lol. Enjoy your circle jerk.
I'm centrist and I recognize trump will be really good for us but I don't want him to win.
he should've been in jail over this but the majority republican supreme court bailed him out of conviction. there are prosecution documents detailing that he asked pence to fake the vote, and he even alluded to that himself in a speech on January 6th. listening to it with context is fascinating. I suggest you read the whole thing if American.

I want countries to be run by honest people and think criminals shouldn't be allowed anywhere near politics. I also think that most Americans should vote against him on principle, you do not want to set a precedent for allowing a corrupt president, for the sake of the future of your country...
can we all at least agree that hezbollah has the worst opsec ever? they really presented themselves as an organized military force and have proven less effective than a literal somalian militia
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It's over
>I'm centrist
There's no hard evidence muhammad existed but you are correct on the broader point.
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Somalians managed to shoot down a few US choppers. These niggers couldn't even shoot down a drone.
They look like some poetry club kek
toll status: paid
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It's over, Disclose.tv made it official...

Why would the Hidden Imam allow this to happen?
O captain, my captain!
In multiple two more weeks you will still be at war with Hezbollah and the Houthis will still mob Eliat trade all the while iran will start receiving Russian tech and gear and secretly develop noooooks.
Then when Netanyahu travels to the UN to whine about Iranian noooks nobody is going to give a crap because he lied and deceived everyone way too many times.
right economically
left socially
center on authority scale

also nothing wrong with being gay if you keep to yourself so yes, t.
Hidden Imam crouching paper tiger
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great job kikes, what now?
Iran is trying to assasinate Trump openly and now he started talking about signing a deal with them.
He got ultra cucked unfortunately, the man is a coward.
this is what winning looks like to arabs btw
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>right economically
>left socially
a cultureless, cosmopolitan neo-liberal...did i have you figured out or what?
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These guys are next :D
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Now I go jerkoff to hentai while blasting loud music. Do not interrupt it's a special moment.
BTW what the fuck happened with the reporting of the pali student protesters.
New semester and there was a story about one protest then nothing.
No one live streaming them.
I know they're still protesting.

The same thing happened during the floyd riots, there was antifa protests in Portland daily and live streams and news then all coverage stopped, even though they were still protesting.
Why waste ammo on these useless faggots?
>Iran is trying to assasinate Trump openly and now he started talking about signing a deal with them.

Its probably Mossad tried to false flag failed assassinate him to turn him into an anti Iran warhawk but he just cucked and now wants a deal with them lol.
That's precisely what has happened. Iran doesn't give a fuck about Trump, just more of the same whether it is Trump or Harris or the next dork.
RIP Druzebro
Fuck him. These motherfuckers are the most evil cruel pieces of shit when they have the power, and when they don't they cry like a bitch. My hatred for them knows no bounds.
Theyre damaging the Democratic party so they decided to just ignore them.
Iran + UN commies next
this faggot doesn't even live in lebanon, he's spent his entire life in the UK
>New semester and there was a story about one protest then nothing.
>No one live streaming them.
>I know they're still protesting.
there is a story in the Talmud, of Rabbi who once took a donkey, put a tree sapling on its back, and walked it around Jerusalim.
one the first day, everyone was shocked, pointing and laughing and making a fuss from this strange sight.
on the second day, the laughed less.
on the third day only a few paid attention.
after a week nobody gave a fuck about the donkey.

people have a short memory, the live from happening to happening.
nobody cares about the muslim protests, we will do what we must to secure a future for jewish children, the goyim will cope and seeth for 1-2 days, and then forget
May I help you?
He is one crybaby faggot
Israel kills austere religious scholar Hassan Nasrallah
hes was alive after dahiya bombing, i hope we didnt get him in some of the after bombings, he was a kind man
I wish to walk the streets of beirut as a tourist in my lifetime
Please let this be
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Israel outsmarting Sissybollah once again, how do Chippies cope?
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goodnight sweet prince
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Based Destiny sama
>These motherfuckers are the most evil cruel pieces of shit when they have the power, and when they don't they cry like a bitch.

You are literally talking about jews.
They are either whining about white supremacy and the holobunga or they are gloating about their ethnic cleansings and warcrimes in the Middle East.
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Israel is the dominating force in the middle east, arabs cant compete
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Kike claiming Nasrallah got sent to meet his goats. They really don't give any quarter to their enemies. Entire Hezbollah staff got heemed in the space of two weeks.
> Joking about the Holocaust
Youre an evil coward.
>Nasrallah status: inside Schrödinger's box
how many "top leaders" does Hezbollah have? They seem to be killing a new one every few days
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kek some based rabbis made an obituary for the rat
what about Netanyahu 15 year tenure or whatever
One of the things Trump is saying, is that he would deport a bunch of the mudshit protestors from wherever they came. One of the real criticisms of Trump, is that he doesn’t do most of the things he says sadly. American jews largely support mass immigration ect, that’s one reason you see so much antisemitic sentiment on /pol/, but if mass immigration was reduced, this could benefit Israel as well with all the foreign muzzies ect coming to the west and trying to push their sharia rules and voting for their own interests
Nasrallah went into unplanned early involuntary retirement
Time to open the champagne boys
our boy is still still in the denial stage
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Friendly reminder that Hezabolla is actually winning. Economically.
>israel saved us from the weekly 4 hour long nasrallah cope speeches
i kneel
>...and that's a bad thing!

no not really I'm closest to something like a nationalistic classic liberal
fuck immigrants. my people, my nation and my culture above all else, but give people maximum freedoms in economy and personal personal choices and provide good welfare. includes being gay if they want to but don't actively fund any inclusivity programs. small government, govt serves you not the other way around.
Why do Jews support mass immigration
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>Wooden doors
>6 million cookies
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im sorry goy, im just not gonna pay for it is all
4D chess fags are so tiresome, they'll claim he faked his death as a clever ploy to operate in the shadows without kikes going after him. It's the Hidden Imam all over again.
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>Report: The Lebanese Minister of Transport has banned Iranian planes from entering the country's territory
Pool is officially closed Irancucks
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I'm starting to doubt they even have advanced missiles...
Thank god Muslim terrorists are as retarded as they are

Hezbollah wiped out in a week
>Israel are the real terror-ACK
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Lmao. Look at this fag.
>Socially conservative
That way I can switch back and forth between liberal economics and conservative.

You can't because you are socially liberal, therefore you get fucked in your ass. You have no recourse because you're going around saying it's okay.

Don't believe me? I've met tons of liberals that brag about their FHA loans.
Extra 2-300 /month
For insurance on the fucking loan
For 100k house you pay 87k for that extra fee. You're getting fucked in the ass. I did that math back when you could get a house for that.
FHA = "Fuck His Ass"
desu I never expected that after the blunder that was the gaza war. we should've just done lebanon first and then saved face.
wouldn't the uk arrest him for supporting teerrorism lol? i thought you country is against that
Good morning /chiב/!
Happy to celebrate cuckrallahs decimation with you all, and on a shabbos no less.
After almost a year fucking around in this general id like to wish you all a happy copening, may we see you kvetch endlessly
I don’t know. In America a lot of the jews are liberal. But a lot of the jews in Israel seem to recognize the dangers of mass importation of foreign cultures such as the muzzies into the west.
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looking foward to his twitter meltdown in a few hours.
hey gib me dat
I don't see Jews tormenting other Jews and foreigners who are not constantly attacking them. Apart from a few extremists, they are normal people. Muslims on the other hand delight in harassing non-muslims and establishing authority through violence and coercion, as written in their terrorist manifesto called the Quran, and after the likeness of their pedophilic caravan-robber false prophet.
It took too long, I want to go back to travelling again, fuck these Lebshit pussies
>Above average looks (from a Jewish pov)
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reports all over the middle east on people ransaking abbasid era ruins in search of rare ummah copium
Who's that? Is that the young turk?
Wooden doors were made gas-tight with felt and served their murderous function both in the delousing and in the homicidal gas chambers
never trust amerimutts fren
>give people maximum freedoms in economy and personal choices
you mean let people self-destruct with the natural but doubled-edge swords of wanting to reproduce, wanting resources and wanting to climb to the top of the pack?
freedom never worked and never will, great civilizations were created by restricting people's freedoms and destroyed by giving people's freedoms...the individual must submit to the collective and the rules that keep the collective glued together...
...and yes, im a fascist.
hes some 19 year old faggot that reposts telegram news onto twitter, i highly doubt the government give a shit about him
>yes OKAY you got the leader of the enemy organization BUT was it worth the uhhh *checks notes* 5000000 civillian deaths???
they'll always have an excuse. remember when they defended haniyeh's death as "BRO YOU JUST KILLED THE CHIEF NEGOTIATOR" or wahtever line
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okay but what now
Once we are done taking out the trash, a lot of Modern military hardware will suddenly be found in old Chezch warehouses
These Hezbo faggots are useless they won't do shit. It's over.
Why would USA not want a strong Israel? Doesn't make any sense.
They are literally mandating woke/diversity politics for corporations in the west with their ESG rating while in their ethno state committing ethnic cleansing.
enjoy your shabbat, laugh at lebanon, pray for peace
its honestly fucking retarded that they waited 11 months i hate this leftoid government
>lied about baby soccer balls
>lied about roller coasters
>lied about electrified swimming pools
>lied about skin lamps
But the death showers are 100% real and true
They face pressure from the “free Palestine” faction which largely votes left/Democrat in America. They’re trying to adjust their rhetoric in such a way to make both sides happy or not piss off one side too much.
So Israel removed the menace of Hezbollah and now Lebanese government is making moves to take power back?

Is there gonna be a round 2 of waltz with Bashir?
how is that leftoid behavior you moron, leftoids would've gone after lebanon first as a proper enemy rather than dreg in the mud of gaza and let the hostages rot.
thoughts and prayers bahahaha
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Why are you siding with nazis?
should have eliminated both gaza and lebanon on day 1, we have the means to do it. dragging it out this long is a waste of time and resources
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Sure thing buddy.
Did /chip/ get hijacked by Israel supporters?
Based turk fuck islamists
>bla bla bal but barbara specter
yeah yeah keep scapegoating us because some leftist niggas being leftist niggas low iq serb nigga
No it’s just that all the lebs and Palis are dead now. Remember no refunds!
I think it's more of a "we would like to have an airport, please dont remove kebab".
now you flatten dahiye and destroy the port and impose a siege
You ok third world brownoids? Looks like another leader of yours is dead.
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do you also deny the Jasenovac concentration camp?
yeh but westerners are too bitch made for that kind of operation, so you have to add theatrica and dilute it enough so it's safe for western consumption
Where are the core samples of your mass graves with 6 feet of ash? Why the fuck didn't they use Sarin when they had 12,000 tons of it?
how many more warnings, speeches, flags.
So it's confirmed, nasrallah is dead?
Makes me respect hamas and palestinians more to be honest.
we need to keep up, even accelrate the bombings, untill even the lebcuck army will see their weakness and expell hezbotards from lebanon
It's jidf outsourcing to pajeets.
no cope left for chippies. Literally none
>Why the fuck didn't they use Sarin
Trauma from WW1, Hitler didnt want to provoke a gas war.
Original anti Israel posters are all dead now, their entire families too
how come Hamas is not wiped out?
westerners are not a party in this war and whatever they like or not they will forget after a week
I used to TKD post and what not but I have an aversion towards showing support or grief for the side of the pathetic losing cucks. They did nothing, they touted bombing fucking antennas on the Lebanese border as great victories, they made empty threats of retaliation, weren't gonna do anything and got utterly btfo. Total failure, rest in piss khommies. Kkkhamas is still based, but the rest can go to hell.
That’s how you know Israel is winning right now basically .
I’m not saying it’s good or bad, it’s just the reality.
Oh but killing kikes with hydrogen cyanide was just fine for him? Fuck off retard
>yeah yeah keep scapegoating us because some leftist niggas being leftist niggas low iq serb nigga

If tomorrow israel would gets destroyed and you would migrate to the west then immediately you would go from israeli blood and soil zionist to being a pro diversity woke faggot and if later israel would get re established and you would migrate back you would become a zionist again.
and you wouldn't see anything wrong with this.
This how jew works.
Why not? Are you jewish?
didn't they use engine exhaust to kill them?
my belief is that they can organize and form hierarchies within the freed, decentralized economy. the government can be an alternative to this in a fascistic system and provider an artificial hierarchy but I don't think it's necessary, because people organize by default, there's no need to push it.

obviously because the government serves the will of the people, ideally, there should not be any planning except for anti Monopoly laws, lobbying be made illegal and tax and interest rates be kept as low as possible.

for culture I am for nationalizing tradition much like what we already have here, many many holidays and tradition is taught as an elective at schools.

socially as long as you're Jewish have sex with whoever you want I don't care. so yeah I'm almost describing Israel but with less waste (we spend a lot on bullshit)
They used delousing agents to cure the inmates from parasites. Turns out the kikes were the parasites.
US don't want to deal with home land pressure against military aid
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a new dawn rises on the hills of the levant, THD
Hezbollah was our mega project, Hamas was just a nuisance ironically
What are the Jews up to in Serbia?
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I could easily HEEM every Hasbara in this thread
>According to a report by Haaretz, the page was created by Israeli citizen Gilad Cohen, whose social media activity began in 2014 across platforms including Facebook. The report suggests that he has been employed by the Israel Defense Forces for around two years.[2]
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some more based Syrians
theres no pressure the planes work just fine, load em up and send em
More importantly, why use furnaces, or gas when your in poland and half the year its 5 degrees outside. Put them out in a field and let jesus take the wheel. The entire story makes no sense, the forest and wolves would have disposed of them easier then whatever joke story about ovens and gas chanbers.
Only if a Serb would claim that it had bending shotgun trap and roller coaster death train into incinerators.
your faith in "The Human" is considerably higher than mine...let us agree to disagree
Now, after being crushed, Hezbollah
playing the victim card is inevitable.
That our enemies are so cartoonishly stupid is both a blessing and a curse
I think you meant snlg (sandnigger lover general).
If something like this will happen i will organize native European Defence Force and kick Islamists out lil nigga (in minecraft) and probably will go back because of insecure low iq nig like you
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> Dont like antisemitism? Huh, you have to be jewish.
All the hizbocucks/paleshits supporters overdosed on copium
>t. Hans Fickmeineranus
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>He really thought all the arab shills were real people
How does it feel being a useful idiot?
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This but unironically. Retvrn to pile.
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Never 5get /sg/ - Shitskin General
They don't have much power here but the few ones i saw are shilling for Hungarian and Gypsy rights and denouncing Serbian majority but when the same ones go to Hungary they shill for Gypsies and denounce the Hungarians.
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>shiasisters.... not like this....
>Fuck him. These motherfuckers are the most evil cruel pieces of shit when they have the power, and when they don't they cry like a bitch.
but what did hezbollah ever do wrong?
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Bella Hadid and Dua Lipa on suicide watch
did iran sell hezbollah?
Did you guys changed the comfy to cope just now that Nasrallah is dead ?
Because this is the most hilarous shit I've seen for a while
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I'd meet you halfway with a benign AI dictatorship
God killed the haters
what do we make of the Hooti missile that was intercepted?
Jews are gypsies are basically the same thing, of course they would side together.
I dunno Hezbollah bros we might need another meeting to decide whether to launch the 6 trillion black missiles of Allah as revenge for our entire chain of command getting wiped out.
>If something like this will happen i will organize native European Defence Force and kick Islamists.

yeah right.Well observed jewish behavior suggest otherwise.You would just team up with Muzzers and brownoids to pull down the white men.If the Muzzers become the majority and took over then maybe you would try to ally with the Whites but more likely you would find another minority to ally with like Pajeets.
Delusional jew.
The Muslim cowardice is truly something to behold
lefty jews in te west are the most despicable people but you israeli chippers dabbing on sandniggers are alright lol
It got rid of shills posting here for about 2 hours.
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more like the resistance was defeated so totally there's not even room to cope. embarrasing that hamas lasted a year but hezbollah crumbled in two weeks and a couple of bombs.

my guess is after lebanon syria falls next, then iran gets color revolutioned, maybe the houthis resist in their piles of sand
jews are like gypsies on steroids.
t. bydlo
Imagine being there with Moses and actually hearing God speak and tell you not to make idols and be so scared you have Moses go up the mountain. But then you make an idol before Moses can even get back and Moses has to beg and beg for you not to get obliterated. Then you still disobey and try and BS with the rules. Have Christ come to help you, but still so stubborn that what was intended as your messiah has to try and spoon feed you while the gentiles can walk up and talk to Jesus and immediately have faith to be healed and respond perfectly to his questions. The woman with the daughter for example with the but even a dog argument. Then still posting on this board obviously not having learned anything in 2000 years plus.
So when are you gonna take over Gaza?
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Eternal mudslim and Nazi seethe
Rent free big time today
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>t. жид
Is Syria even a real country?
>spent his entire life building an arsenal he never even got to use
Share your Negev chans pls I'm saving them.
I denounce mohammed as a false prophet.
Now that being out of the way, I also deny that the holocaust happened.
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>That's it kikes we are getting serious now!!
I'm sending you a band new pager right now, special edition
I don't have many
>The Israeli occupation issued an “evacuation order” of the Bahman hospital in Haret Hreik in Beirut’s Dahye.

oh no no
im not doing shit, but gaza is getting genocided and 1.9 billions of muslims are just shutting up and taking it. if hezbollah is defeated and iran has sold out who is going to stop them? the will keep killing people to form a greater israel with US support and nobody will do anything. being a psychopath pays off if everybody is too much of a pussy to stop you
Every day I wish the holocaust had really happened. Today is no different.
This war is boring compared to the 2006 war. The main difference is that Israel has Iron Dome this time but even back then the unguided Hezbollah rockets didn't do any militarily significant damage. Israel tried to bomb Nasrallah back then too but failed and we still don't know if they succeeded this time. Oh yeah and the pager thing was kind of funny.
TKD till my casket drops
Maybe Israel should actually win there before genociding instead of chimping out
ruh oh
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>entire Hezb leadership and thousands of militants dead or injured in a single week

We don't just bark we also bite muzzies.
>Well observed jewish behavior
>Im nooooticinggg ughhh
Go drink russian cum lil nigga and stop projecting serbian history if you dont believe its your problem
milos oblic was based lil nigga
I need tanks to roll wtf
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Tell me how the dwarf Hasbulla can fight with a whole country???
it's easier to do it with the excuse of the war, the made a bet on iran cucking and won
LMFAO should've known brown subhumans can't wage a war.
Sausage status?
Why didn't this nasrahhal neckbear just stick to the tunnels?
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kek, Lebcucks chickened out.
Iran expelled from the levant
you cant grasp to joy people here are feeling, im surprised no vids of people handing out baklavas in tel aviv, i guess since its shabbat
the main difference this time is the superb intelligence on hezbollah. seems the israeli intelligence apparatus spent the last 18 years infilitrating hezbollah and lebanon to the point of being able to sell them pagers and walkie-talkies ( who knows what else) made in israel.
I'm sure it is, yet they still can't actually take any territory even when they're only fighting one faction
Pissrael is pissing.
So you admit the idea of that the IDF has been fighting a proxy war against themselves
The jewish story about being a slave in Egypt is also bullshit.
They were a tribe in northern Egypt in vassalage to the Pharaoh but having high autonomy.When the old Pharaoh died and Egypt had temporary chaos the jew tribes started chimping out and looting and burning settlements.When the new Pharaoh led an army against them they ran away.Then they wrote how they were slaves and built the Pyramids and gods chosen and sheit.
iran seems infiltrated too, the new president is gigacucking after the previous was exploded in a helicopter
As always Abu Ali says it best:
>A minister of Hezbollah diverts an Iranian plane...
>A new era in Middle East...
>This is what deterrence looks like.
Pretty much. Probably a bunch of bitter hezbollah members that Israel managed to pay for information
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Sounds like you guys agree that Israel creates proxy armies to fight against to justify increasing military budgets
they don't need to take territory when they can just kill everybody with bombs and take it later
"Abu Ali" is idf you fucking retard.
Damn, some new info dropped! You used to say they switched out the real gas chamber doors. This juden/judenbot is slipping! Shut it down, Shlomo!
This is nonsense. Who believes a single man is in charge of everything?
And crossed the sea and shieet. Unfortunately there is no evidence Jews were ever present in Egypt proper.
I don't know but Israel bombed the Hezbollah HQ in Dahiya back in 2006 too. Seems pretty stupid of the guy to go back to the same place that Israel attacked before. That's why I don't believe he's dead until we get some external confirmation. People are reacting like this all hasn't happened before.
The serbian is right though. You hate europeans and christians more than you hate arabs and muslims.
No worries, Russian nuke day is on it's way to you swamp dwellers
i don't know what does that even mean, israel wants a greater israel and neutralizing their neighbors, that seems more important to them than selling burger weapons
They're literally only killing civillians with those bombs not combatants. It's a waste of time if all they're doing is encouraging more to join Hamas
yeah iran too. the only people who don't seem to be that infiltrated are hamas. which is ironic because they're weaker and closer
What's in the plane?
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Majoosbros... not like this... we can't stop losing...
>milos oblic was based

There are no jews i hold in high regard.
>It's a waste of time if all they're doing is encouraging more to join Hamas
the trick is killing them all or shipping them to europe, and they are derranged enough to do it and nobody is stopping them
Well if this guy doesn't show up with a new speech soon, he might as well be dead.
they really fucked up with october 7th and trusting iran
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Pretending to be dead is 12D chess
Of course you are, you're a kike. Kikes love the social debauchery and a government which does nothing against their huge corporations.
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K/D ratios betwene idf soldiers and civilians? Subhuman behaviour.
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i pity the poor nigger in charge of making these posters
So there's no proper solution to the problem Israel created for themselves.
Urgent #Hezbollah:

We targeted a movement of #Israeli enemy soldiers at the Al-Sadah site with artillery shells.

>Hez still raining hell on these kikes
I thought they were finished.
>t. doesn't understand political scales
Cant pity the dead
>muh warcrimes
Sweet tears of cope mmmmm delicious.
>''Jesus is boiling in excrement in hell''
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Picrel is NOT a warcrime.
Nope. And the only people i see claim that lebanon is happy is just israelis. Not actual lebanese people.
it's semen, abdul
based on what you say this ?
The shitty jpgs of quotes from medieval\leftist jewish niggas ?
We respect christian nations and in general christians are good people and normal the turk in adressed it very well >>483084459
Hezbollah probably has tons of pre-recorded videos of Nasrallah prepared for exactly this eventuality. Even if he's dead, they can keep trickling out the videos over the next few months to keep up morale.
Yes. And not a single kike itt denies this.
With jews you lose.ryhv
>cam on luvs whos gonna shag me bom
what problem? the problem is being solved and they are achieving all their objectives with no pushback.

im not saying i want jews to win, im just saying they are winning. hezbollah and iran shouldn't have started this shit if they weren't willing to fight full put. what did they expect? that israel would be reasonable and they would negotiate with israel? lmao
What about this kike?>>483086828
I find it disgusting but also imma be real with you it was written by a medieval nigga so get off your high horse lil nigga

lol get fucked shitskins. simple as. nothing more to add really. now Iran has no proxies kek. lets see what they can do now absolute pathetic cowards KEK thid was so easy its unreal.

the entire islamic world is one huge joke. we can take all 50 shitskin countries combined on.
they probably just crop the photo and put it on top of a template you dumb tranny
Hezb have got to sort out their opsec, they really fucked up in the last few weeks. Plus they should have taken all the major Israeli airbases out of commission.
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>We respect christian nations
Remind me how did this whole fight with Hezbollah start in the last couple of weeks?
>First kike permoga, next kike zrada.
The people who got expelled by jews from south Lebanon are now a constant stream of recruits for Hezbollah.
respect is reciprocal
Oh fuck, there's one.
I base it mostly on surveys from the US where support for affirmative action increased among kikes when it was worded so that it would hurt Whites. In every other group the support for it decreased in that case, even among the niggers.
So yes, that and the quotes.
Fresh bread
what about all your lies shill you will never be a woman pizza nigga
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this is what disrespect looks like in the middle east
>respect christians
אתה מפחד מהגוים? עד מתי אנחנו לא נגיד את האמת?
יהודוע הפרוע היה האויב הכי גדול של היהדות
מות לכל נוצרי בעולם, רק כך אפשר להשיג צדק
then go touch grass lil nigga
>More dead Hezbollah soldiers than Hezbollah has soldiers
Kikes really are stupid
>can't push in and occupy because of tunnels
>sending them to Europe will just let them create an entire generation of people that hate Israel and Jews with a passion
לך תבלע זרע יחד עם בן גביר, שניכם למקלחות ומהר.
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>call kike out on his lies
>hurr durr what about all your lies
מצאנו את הערבוש הכועס
בקרוב נזרוק אותך לים, מוחמד
you seem to enjoy posting that guy and i can see why but i have no clue who he is...got a quick QRD or a link/video/etc?
דרך ארץ קודמת לכל דבר
אנשים טהורים הם חפים מפשע
מה הפשע שלהם שהם נולדו שונים ?
אתה סתם ראש אסלה
Hezbollah claims it has 100k soldiers, also the 40 thousands is Gaza not Hezbollah
If you could remove either islam or christianity from the world, which one would you choose?


לא ערבי, אבל לא משתמט אפס כמוך. גם דרוזים אתה רוצה להרוג יהודנאצי מטומטם?

gay question from gay man people should work together for kingdom of god on earth
>/pol/ is now pro-israel
what a great day.
>We respect christian nations and in general christians are good people and normal the turk in adressed it very well

The anti Christian themes in western entertainment mostly came from jews.Now it become mainstream.

>leftist jewish

Doesn't matter.
A jew is a woke leftist in the west and a hardcore zionist in israel, its just how jews operate.

what "army" you retard kek, you losers are hopeless, there is no chain of command anymore, no hezballah, just a bunch of armed 80 IQ shitskins running around cluelessly KEK YOURE SO PATHETIC ITS UNREAL
>>sending them to Europe will just let them create an entire generation of people that hate Israel and Jews with a passion
how is that their problem? they will blow up or stab a couple of european civilians, doesn't affect them
Allegedly no chain of command. Twitter screencaps aren't proof
Kek. It's a tough one to answer now, isn't it?
We both know the answer though 8)

now you see Iran begging for normalization talks, let all shitskins know and remember what happened. lets see you raise a finger on us again desert niggers.
im not western jew lil nigga not all of us think the same
It won't affect them as long as no one decides to enter into politics, then it will
>Fucking kikes revelling in first quarter peremoga
Zrada comes next.
>Doesn't understand how militaries operate.
Sad kike sack.
You realize that Israel’s relationship with God is the only thing that means anything right? You can’t even comprehend the might that is over your head always. the fact that you aren’t humble in any way is beyond terrifying.
>Nasrallah is fine
copebros...i don't feel so good

shut the FUCK up pathetic nigger kek. just stfu.
All hezbollah fan boys ACK-ed themselves after running out of copium

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