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Glowniggers are trying to subvert /chip/ via well poisoning. Ignore all threads and posters endorsing Israel, (both sides bad), memeflags, namefags, and thread splitters.
*By posting in this thread you deny *srael is a legitimate state, DENOUNCE and fully CONDEMN the Talmud, and endorse TKD* (Total Kike Death)
*Do not trust happening announcements without link/proof

>Nasrallah status: inside Schrödinger's box
>Massive strike on Beirut, apparently targetting Nasrallah
>A Houthi hypersonic missile hit Tel Aviv
>The Islamic Resistance in Iraq has targeted Golan using several drones.
>Syrian army units target with heavy artillery the positions of terrorist groups supported by the Turkish occupation in the vicinity of the town of Kabashin in the northern countryside of Aleppo

https://youtu.be/52jV27IlDsw [Embed] [Embed] [Embed] [Embed] [Embed] [Embed]

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Islamic Resistance (Iraq):

Islamic Resistance in Iraq targeted northern Israel with 'Arqab' cruise missiles
New 9/22/2024



Published footage of targeting Ramat David Airbase and Haifa military industrial area with Fadi-1 and Fadi-2 rockets yesterday morning
New 9/22/2024


Martyr Izz El-Din Al-Qassam Brigades:

Al-Qassam Mujahideen seizing a booby-trapped military vehicle and drones in the eastern area of the city of Rafah, south of the Gaza Strip
New 9/21/2024


Al-Quds Brigades:

Martyrs of the Jerusalem Brigades in the battle of terror in the camps in the West Bank.
NEW 9/20/2024

Al-Quds Brigades release footage of their fighters shelling the "Abu Mutaibeq" military site with mortar shells and seizing a "Zionist" drone of the "Evo Max" type in the skies over central Gaza Strip.
NEW 9/12/2024


Al-Aqsa Martyrs’ Brigades:

Scenes from the bombing of the zionist enemy forces stationed in the "Netzarim" axis with a 107mm rocket barrage.
NEW 9/14/2024

▶Daily After Action Reports
https://pastebin.com/GWbMvPeg 6/30/24
https://pastebin.com/V7KgCa8W 6/30/24

▶Hamas Memorandum:
"This is our Narrative.. why the Al-Aqsa Flood."
https://files.catbox.moe/zlt9ld.pdf New 1/21/24

>War Crimes Of IDF Updated
Since the news broke about Nasrallah potentially being killed by Zionists I've been hella depressed.

Hamas is like 80% destroyed. Most of Gaza has been reduced to rubble and anywhere from 50,000-200,000 Palestinians are dead. Hizballah was able to be taken out almost completely within a little over a week. Yemen and Iraq will most likely be destroyed next. If Iran does anything – literally anything – they'll be met with force not just by Israel but by America too, possibly NATO.

I have no hope anymore. If Israel can't be destroyed by decades-old resistance movements what chances to we have of freeing ourselves from our oppressive overlords? What chances do we have of destroying capitalism and overthrowing the system that oppresses us in our countries?

Israel was supposed to be a paper tiger. October 7th proved how fragile the Zionist entity was, that it had a weak spot that could lead to its initial destruction. But after an 11-months long campaign of genocide and all-out regional war it seems like Israel isn't going anywhere. I truly believed Hizballah would be the nail in the coffin and destroy Israel once and for all since they were an actual organized army. But alas.

The pager attack on the Lebanese resistance last week is what did it for me. If Israel can do that you know our governments can pull something similar on us. Imagine being involved in a large-scale uprising in Canada or the USA and all of a sudden your iPhone explodes and you're left maimed. That's evil. In fact, the one thing this war/genocide has done is set in motion a new, much more horrific form of warfare. Imperialist countries will soon use the tactics Israel uses to genocide Palestinians and Lebanese on their own citizens. Mass surveillance under the guise of "anti-terrorism" will be 1000x worse in the upcoming years than it was in America under George W. Bush and the Patriot Act. Just wait.

I need reassurance to know there's still hope left...
>News / Clips

Islamic Resistance:

This video shows footage of the Islamic Resistance's operation targeting Jal Al-Alam site belonging to the "Israeli" enemy army at the southern Lebanese border with an assault glider.
New 9/09/2024

This video shows footage of the Islamic Resistance's operation targeting the espionage equipment at Al-Tayhat Hill and Al-Ramtha site belonging to the "Israeli" enemy army, along the southern Lebanese border.
New 9/09/2024

Al-Qassam Brigades:

Within the Battle of Tufan Al-Aqsa the detonation caused direct hits, resulting in deaths and injuries among the occupation soldiers during the large-scale raid that the camp witnessed.
New 9/02/2024

Al-Mujahideen Brigades:

Footage of some operations carried out by the Mujahideen Brigades during their resistance to the zionist aggression campaign on the northern West Bank.
New 9/07/2024

Scenes of the Mujahideen Brigades detonating an explosive device on a zionist bulldozer on Abu Al-Asal Street in Jenin Camp.
New 9/05/2024


Hezbollah military media publishes: Our mountains – Imad
New 08/16/2024

Saraya Al-Quds Brigades:

Al-Quds Brigades shows scenes of its mujahideen bombing with mortar lava the soldiers and vehicles of the Zionist enemy invading the Al-Zaytoun neighborhood in Gaza City.
New 9/06/2024

Al-Quds Brigades shows scenes of its fighters, in cooperation with the fighters of the Al-Qassam Brigades, sniping at the soldiers of the Zionist enemy on the axis of progress in the Al-Zeitoun neighborhood
New 9/03/2024
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kiryat schmoona sisters, what happens now?


▶/Chip/ Archives Info

▶/Chip/ Archives Clips

Episode 11
>The Security Forces of the Palestinian Authority... is it too late to join the Resistance?

Twitter link

Foreign soldiers attempting to murder US citizens on US soil
Archived Files

Here it is.
Debunking the State of Israel
Refutation of the Zionist historical claim over Levant.
https://files.catbox.moe/v6i8wj.mp4 6/21/24

Yoav Shamir's "Defamation" 7/30/24
https://youtu.be/CTAjc1OSrmY [Embed] [Embed] [Embed] [Embed] [Embed] [Embed]

TANTURA 7/30/24
> Massacre btwn IDF & palestinians civilians
>1948 Nabka
https://youchu.be/CTAjc1OSrmY- Non-Google & can Download MP4
https://youtu.be/CTAjc1OSrmY [Embed] [Embed] [Embed] [Embed] [Embed] [Embed]
Settlers deserve to be driven from the lands they occupy.
Israel and Russia always win
With the threat gone we can begin discussing the reduction of funding sent to Israel
Kikes deserve total death, but faggots who do everything wrong even down to what they worship deserve nothing nice.
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Especially hilarious considering this is the same schizo who claims every big explosion in Ukraine is a nuke.

עם ישראל חי!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
so nobody can stop the jews? was the resistance really not prepared for a full out fight? just expected to get concessions from a few rockets but was not willing to go to war?
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>Hezbollah decimated
>Nasrallah evaporated
>Rocket artillery degraded
>Genitals mutilated
>Lebanon evacuated
>All in 10 days
K/D ~2000 to 0.
>respect christians
אתה מפחד מהגוים? עד מתי אנחנו לא נגיד את האמת?
יהודוע הפרוע היה האויב הכי גדול של היהדות
מות לכל נוצרי בעולם, רק כך אפשר להשיג צדק

מוות לנוצרים ומוות לערבושים
Didn't Russia supply Hezbollah with missiles?
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What was in the plane?
No bro
Russia supports Iran
Ukraine ftw
looking back in hindsight i would gladly accept being taken hostage and dying a slow agonizing death in gazaif it meant palestinian genocide, not the shitty one happening in gaza with tens of tons of humantarian aid but an actual one
>t. lives on Indian burial ground
he unrionically claimed to be a nuclear scientist that used to work for NATO, the man is derranged
תוכיח שאתה ישראלי, מה שם צומת הפרי בשטחים?
Everything comes from Iran. Israel and Russia have a 50 billion dollar pipeline deal with baku.
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Khmelnytsky was right.
We need to build gas chambers and concentration camps, apply the final solution to the PQ (Paleshtinian Question).
Are you talking about the majoos?
What's baku?
Azerbaijan capital.
Slava Ukraini
Putin cucks must be put down.
>צומת הפרי
קללל, תפוח
עכשיו לך תלקק לסומלאנים בתל אביב
you fell for retarded mudshit chest thumping when literally the only thing they can do is shoot rockets, cry to the UN and beg for ceasefires
אשכרה ישראלי ועוד כזה מטומטם. צבא עשית בכלל? גם את החברים הדרוזים שלנו בוא נהרוג? לך דחוף מקל בתחת יאפס.
you're a radical bro
there's a massive decrease in Anti-Semitism on /pol/ today, lmao.
Christians in the middle east are chill tho. Even arab christians in Israel are super chill. I legit have no problem with them. Gemayel was Lebanon's saving.
October 7th proved "Israel" can be defeated.

Your colony is a paper tiger.
we will never know, Iran cucked and the pool is closed
They are still organized enough to lob rockets into your demonhive every 30 minutes.
Putins mother is Jewish, and Russians are very much the mommas boy. I’m sensing some deep Jewry here. Good thing they’ll all be dead in 50 years and American youth has no intention of supporting Jewish interests any further.
IDF is going to take out Iran's supreme leader soon. Then Iran will raise their 5th red flag of revenge, but at that point the Persian civilians will start their revolution and take their country back from the Islamofascist regime.
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Even their leadership is completely destroyed like the idf claims, what's gonna stop them from emptying all their stockpiles into israel?
crossdressing weirdo
this is based as fuck.
Iran has infinite red lines they imported form russia in exchange for missiles
IDF claimed he was killed in 2006 too. Until Iran releases a statement then I won't believe the news.
Assassinating a head of state goes against international law.

דרך ארץ קודמת לכל דבר
אנשים טהורים הם חפים מפשע
מה הפשע שלהם שהם נולדו שונים ?
אתה סתם ראש אסלה
הנה דוגמא למזרחי המצוי
הצבעת לביבי ובן גביר נכון?
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I have a hard time choosing my favourite ukrainian, it's either bandera or sviatoslav.
Yeah, secular nationalists too. It wouldn't be right for people who do everything wrong to miraculously defeat their enemies. The Arabs shall be trampled by abhorrent demonic kikes until they retvrn to proper Islam, unite under one caliphate and effortlessly walk into Israel to make sheeshkebabs out of all the kikes they find. Which won't ever happen, Arabs are doomed to atheism, idolatry, internal division, westoid envy and being literal faggots.
judeoniggers itt comfortable enough to speak amelikite, as i live and breathe.
This is a great way to ensure red lines are never crossed, which low IQ kikes can't comprehend
You're against secular nationalists? What are you, isis? They're the only based arabs.
If our government plays their cards right we might actually reach peace in the region
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<חברים דרוזים
ס"כ עוד ערבושים, לזרוק לים עכשיו
I'm just realistic, bro.
Christians burn in hell for ever and ever, and I'd gladly hasten their way to get there.
Israel should grow some balls, not only take back the Temple Mount, but also demolish the churches within Yiroshalayim - and threaten the Vatican with some of our nukes if anyone takes issue with that.
Stop being weak and the world will respect us.
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hezbollah really spent all that time and effort building an underground base and producing gay little videos just to get wiped out effortlessly lmao
>>watch my b-ACK!
Why do they always gloat bros? We just want wholesome $500 rocket fun war and they respond with some alien tech shit. Then they gloat as if they didn't know they'll win.
Antisemites on this website are unserious impotent zoomer retard fucks. Actually, that’s most antisemites. Being a zoomer is not mutually exclusive to that either.
A successful land invasion by israel would but they are not capable of that.
If they can't start a US-Iran war then their north remains like for a long time.
who's that ?
yemenite goatfarmers buck broke you so bad.
sea is closed
>>watch my b-ACK!
Kino not recommended, i feel im going to have a heart attack from the anxiety
I am endorsing Israel after this operation.
>Group of top commanders gets killed in a Single strike
>"hey everyone who is left lets all meet up!"

I'm sorry but this kind of retardation deserves to be destroyed. Idiot Nasrallah made Hezb a propaganda tool and degraded it's military fitness. He thought thousands of rockets compensate for that. Hamas on the other hand did the opposite. Sinwar toned down the propaganda, even signalled cooperation before paragliding into the jew camps kek. What a lovely day that was. 11 months later Hamas still exists with their own politicians not beleiving IDFs jewish lies (what a surprise).
It is because I was asleep. Dont worry I'll get it back up to appropriate jew-hating levels soon
i got my temu order just fine cope more VPN shill \ mamanigga
What happens with the tens of thousands of Hezbollah fighters who are now mad as fuck their boss was whacked?
shills are full on damage control today huh
But for a long time hezbollah was actually holding itself back, limiting itself to only a few strikes to the galilee.
They're supposed to change tactics now.
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>Antisemites on this website are unserious impotent zoomer retard fucks
you're some shalomwaffen fuck, who gives a shit what you think you mixed race mutt. go cut your girlfriend
srop stealing my shitposts bro
kek, the arab shills are getting desparate
You can only get peace if the USA physically destroys all of your opponents for you.You can't even wipe out Hamas.
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Your grandparents obviously didn't.
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drone strike on a vehicle on the edge of the beqaa valley
Not if Iran declares war, which is probably the main reason they don't kek. He must be scared shiftless, probably getting rid of all his electronics
The better question is, where are all the hundred thousands of rockets that they promised to shoot at us all over Israel? Thats right. It seems to me that without the leadership or communication, their entire system starts breaking.
cope status?
ZAMN why would bolsheviks do such a thing?
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What is he going to post when he wakes up?
cant stop wont stop.
wont stop until every shia runs from lebanon
Even in jewish fantasies they're too scared to invade Iran. Theres still 2 million Palestinians in Gaza and Hamas is still there. You kikes are too scared to invade Lebanon. You didn't depose Assad. You're surrounded by hundreds of millions of Muslims. Iran and Russia are getting stronger while America hegemony is dying a little more each day. I used to think kikes were crazy for being so paranoid but now I can see why you worry all the time.
I love how commies use international law when it benefits, the only good thing of the Ukraine war is that monke destroyed international law and states are now being forced to act rationally in their interest.

Iran has been using proxies for insane shit like attacking the world main trading line, hiding behind international law won't help anymore because even western european cucks are no longer trying to enforce that shit anymore.

That would require whatever replaces hezzbollah to somehow reform lebanon in a new pact and Israel and the Syrian Alawites getting together to clean syria without pissing of turkey.
Jew on jew rape, that's why.
in the sea apparently
I'm not anything, but the God of the Muslims made himself pretty clear as to how things should be done, and secular nationalism isn't one of those things. People want to be Libyans, Yemenis, Iraqis, Jordanians, and for what? They're pathetic, no one respects them, they're weak, irrelevant, hated by their neighbours as well as by the powers of the world, internally divided. They're supposed to unite as Muslims, not be divided into shitty little republics and monarchies based on Protestant models. Look at Egypt, the secular cucks have been persecuting the Muslim Brotherhood for like 7 decades, all because they love kufr secularism so much, they've even been making deals with kikes. They'd rather persecute the only Muslims who says they want to do things right than kill a single kike.
you the wristlet camel herder from shtahim what a chud lol
You’re mentally unwell. You’re also projecting. Don’t beat your mom up next time she tells you to get off the internet and get some sun, okay?
Kek. The vatnik got a real awakening. Maybe Hitler was right, huh, Ivan? kek
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Hezbollah actually formed a small part of the lebanese government, no reformation could ever fix that shithole.
"חפים מפשע"
אחי, שיטחנו את עזה, אילו חפים מפשע יש? צריך פשוט להפגין את הכוח של האריה היהודי

רק ביבי
סמולן מסריח לך תזדיין

>wanting peace with ayyrabs
Look at this leftist faggot.

Smite the shepherd and the sheep will be scattered.

Yes total goyim enslavement soon, G-d willing, may hashem be praised.

Gaza will be dealt with soon, we just needed to incpacitate hezbollah to start implementing the death camps.
They missed their chance for a larger organized missile attack on israel but what they can and will do is sustained smaller attacks every day.
The northern border still remains a threat for israel.
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I denounce the donkey tranny false god yhwh and condemn the kike menace
This is hilarious, did you write this?
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this guy should pivot to comedy lmao
Palestinian secular nationalists were such a big threat to zionism that israel had to create hamas to compete against it.
Secular nationalism worked here and it will work in the middle east.
You are spreading NAFO propaganda, Israel is losing bigly, they are bombing empty fields as always and Hezabolla is winning bigly, just today Hezabolla launched 300 hypersonic missiles that all hit Tel-Aviv
Don't stop fighting and don't fall for Jew demoralization lies
You mean Judea and Samaria? Which we will soon cleanse and then deal with stinky leftists like (You).
Yes, why?
Unironically russia and the muslim world will cease to exist this decade. I have not a single doubt about it.
don't worry sweetheart your dress makes you look feminine.
My grandparents survived lil nigga apex jew predators
Same pics every time how about you talk to your bosses and ask for a new program
yall bunch of shills tfu on you
It doesn't need complex planning and organization, just look what hamas did with their small arsenal. An order could be given out to shoot everything at israel starting from say, 24 hours and it would be enough.
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You are either lefty trannies or mudslims who dont want to live in your 3rd world shitholes. You will never be jewish
You failed to even displace one palestinian from gaza loser.
Lebanon is weird because it's technically an apartheid state since some posts are reserved for specific religions which in reality are ethnic lines and the demographic has changes like reverse racism in burgerland to support blacks and against whites that makes 0 sense now that whites on the 20 year age are a minority.

Yet Lebanon post civil war foundation is kind of like this, the army is aligned with the christians and hezbollah with the shias and the sunnis kind of there in the middle.

Yeah it's a shithole in it's current state but not an unfixable shithole if they play their cards right.
מה אתה מפגר אנחנו מדברים על נוצרים אתה מתבלבל לך תעשה קצת גיו גיטסו כושי קטן
oh wassup druze bro
This behavior is why they are getting ethnically cleansed every 70-100 years.
Just look up the Roman-jewish wars.They bullshitted the Romans 3 times.At the last war the Romans had enough and deleted judea and their silly temple.jews still seething about it.
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>its afraid
relax faggot, none of this shit ever happened. you can't survive what never was a danger.
your shizophrenic disposition even angered some loincloth wearing retards in the amazonian jungle, are they antisemetic as well or are you as a mongrelized subspecies of the amalekite the problem?
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ISRAEL!!! I kneel! I take back all the times I called you a yid, you really are the chosen people.
Are you really a Lebanese druze?What is the political opinion of lebanese druze?You guys even had militias in the civil war and then kind of suddenly went under the radar.
Are you sure this isn't a relative of yours?
This is why I like ukraine.

now it's time to deport all the goyim, sudanese, eritreans, flips nogs, xtians, mudslimes, chinks, mongoloids, mischlings to southern gaza or ukraine
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>we were just playing jewboi
You alright jordan bro you can stay.
Maybe coping about ground invasion will make you feel better lebAnon.
Welcome to the right side, now kick the muzzies out of your country before it gets destroyed. And no kvetching its the Jews fault won't help your cause.
They can't coordinate it's very apparent.
>some rat trying to run away
B-e-a utiful.
please ignore him he's just a deluded messianic fuck, we'll deal with him like nasrallah later on.
You're using logic that's the problem. Stop thinking for yourself and start obeying Allah
>Secular nationalism worked
Yeah it clearly works so well, just Two More Centuries and surely secular nationalism will achieve something in the middle east
It made my day, thank you
Notice how the world goes to shit right after Israel is founded. Our ancestors buried this land for a reason. It’s reconstruction was the greatest mistake in modern human history.
all you can do is slander and lie moimutze nigga
Ahahahaa, cope, Ivan. A kike would rather kill one christian european than a thousand mudslimes.
We tried to warn you about the kikes, but you didn't listen.
It is an unfixable shithole, it should be annexed by syria. The christians in lebanon want to be the ones rulign the country even though they're justa small minority now.
Brother i hate this i hate hezbollah and how stupid they are
Go back to syria or whatever islamist place you came from.
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only 1 (one) remaining
Why is yiddy so brown?
Im a right wing Russian pidor, idi nahuy dalbayob.
No druzebro we need you, your people are strong and you might have an opportunity of a lifetime Lebanon can be free.
slandered your way out of how many barber shops who specialize in curly haired amalekite hairdo's?
sure 100%
you just influenced beach ass nigga
>safe place
right... the same people that couldn't protect haniyeh
You are jewish.
Hes already here in Israel in a cushy home after ratting out all his terrorist buddies.
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>Residents of Shebaa (Border village) in South Lebanon were ordered to evacuate their homes
Ground operations are starting soon
If you live in South Lebanon, RUN.
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how do i volunteer for the idf? i want to die for my jewish masters
Syria is still in a civil war and the Alawites are in no condition to get into Lebanon they are barely holding syria as it.
I just want out for my family man and me but im anxious cause who know where those fuckers are like i live in an area where it got bomabreded (5 min from where i live) havent slept not recommneded
Many of their stockpiles are blown up and a lot of their leaders died in the days it happened so they don't know which one is still operational and which one is destroyed.
Right now these random hourly small barrages all that they can do but they can do these forever.
post hand and passport shill
If you’re an American citizen and have paid taxes to the government you are already an IDF volunteer
pretty easy as a sw*de. just open your front door and take a 30 minute walk you impotent dog. you'll eat a grenade in no time.
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It's over chip fags, and to that 48 arab israeli faggot who was larping as a jew to make people think Jews hate Christians and druze, nice try LARPer, people caught on.
>seething so much your insults stop making sense
Kek. Picrel is your real country, it has your ancestors buried in it unlike palestine.
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It's over
These guys don't matter at all. The only thing that's relevant is the country's collective will to fight and the weapons they have to fight with. Do they have any of either? It doesn't appear so.
kek. you think he is chilling with this guy?
Why are my people so fucking delusional. This is why we get into wars we can't win just to casually lose a couple hundred thousand lives.
Keep seething atheist, nothing will ever save your fellow murtaddin. A few million cowardly kikes who don't even have proper infantry should be a piece of cake for hundreds of millions of Muslims, but godless micronationalists can't get anyone to fight for them.
Look at this very thread. Next time the whole world should get together and shoa the jews all at once. No fleeing from one country to another. But they are cockroaches, somehow they will still survive. I think they will remain Gods punishment for the rest of the world until the end of time.
Jew rats have completely infested this thread and they keep breeding and multiplying by the hour, once the Jewish infestation begins it’s very hard to stop it, it’s over
>winning bigly saaar
Many, but definitely not most if the early videos they were posting are real.
Keeping up the same rate of barrages is going to make them look very bad, giving no incentive to israel to stop hitting them harder.
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stumbled your way out of /uhg/ did you amalekite, no wonder it's so fucking empty.
I'm still depressed.

What Israel pulled in Lebanon this past week and a half is making me realize extreme state repression is imminent.

Soon western governments will be doing the same thing to activists in the west.
>Jews hate Christians and druze
those people do exist in Israel but they dont use the internet let alone /pol/ lmao
You're the reason we can't have nice things

Electing incompetent people based on faulty extreme ideology that threatens to bring us all back to the stone age.

Ben gvir is incompetent and stupid
Smotrich is incompetent and stupid
Bibi has been at the ruling chair for too long, this got to his head.

Our country is monopolistic and corrupt but no one's doing anything about it.
Druze bro, if you are reading this, please get to safety, dont die for shia dogs
Is Beirut an option in any way? As I understand only Dahiya and Shia regions are getting hit so the further you can get away from those the better. Also unless they're underneath you there's a strong possibility you will not get striked. Stay safe and good luck.
The PLO fought quite well in lebanon, and hamas are nationalist islamists not full blown isis and they;ve doone infinitely more damage to israel then jewsis.
What did you expect, your country is full of jews.
Based king. (Island dwelling inbred thought that was an own kek)
nigga you just spamming photos of dead people only influenced people and shills do stuff like that
get with the program lil nigga
Death to pissrael. Their economy can't sink fast enough.
Beirut will get flattened in the upcoming days
tekil 3a allah (isa mawjoud kek)
I still cant believe that after the last week with all the Dahiye strikes they decided to make yet ANOTHER DAHIYE MEETING. This is legit unbelievable.
based muwahid, hizbolate is the best example of what happen when you have no proper tawhide or aqqidah in your organisation, your members are easily bought and those you are easily infiliterated and betrayed (which is why hizb al late leadership got so easily and quickly decapetated they are completely infiliterated), without mentioning that you attract a lot of low iq morons instead of high iq muwahidine, you also attract cowards who have no will to go all in on the kufar and those do nothing that actually harm your enemy's, it is not a coincidence that all high casualty's events against the kufar in the last 30 years where done by Sunnis, "but but uh uh all hizbolate cucking got them the support of useless western commies and some wignats online", yeah sure this will really show the kikes
You don't really believe this, do you?
hitler had the right idea, just the wrong targets
such turncoats place in high level places can do more than ratting out, this is a technological world, they can install software and/or hardware backdoors in computer and coms systems among other things...
kek sea is closed good one
pissrael lost
doubt, we dumped the dahiya doctrine and were very careful to bomb only the shia regions and their accursed dahiya, the mordor of beirut.
thanks queen im a bit far from the shia dogs my the hit yesterday was close got hit (5 min from my house) and im just been pretty anxious on where those dogs are hiding havent slept
can anyone explain what the point of a ground invasion is? why don't israel just keep pounding them from the skies instead
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last terrorist mentioned in the song has been eliminated
He's prob the arab from last thread that tried to argue Jews are the problem. I think he thought larping as super Jew will get the thread to show our "true colors". He is a retard ignore him please.
Tanks roll?
Ah yes, antisemitism is a perpetual threat that will never go away therefore Israel will always need military funding. Did I read your mind? Maybe it’s time to start wearing a tinfoil yarmulke.
>t. marius chaufer taxi
we still need to get dua lipa, and mia khalifa
so glad to hear you are safe, be strong for your mother!
you cant win a war with just air power
we need to go in and take them out, if its just airstrikes they can hide until the war is over
Jews are master shit posters, every single one of us has a persona and is just trying to say shit to get a rise out of you.
when we come to /pol/ we don't play the same game you do, motherfucker. there's no civil discussion to be had. my flag guarantees replies and for you to feel safe, justified in exposing your ugliest parts so freely, so I will fuck around with you to the maximum and slowly continue to destroy your board
you and I are not oto davar ackchi
yes unironically, there is no way both for our dunya and akhira except the muwahdine way
the secular nationalists are the most useless and cowardly and traitorous group of people in the muslim world with them you lose both in the material life and more importantly in the after life
Today I learned Mein Kampf was a shit post
>Notice how the world goes to shit right after Israel is founded.

It was a power up for the jews and they used this power up to shit up the goyim more.
No longer comfy happenng? :(
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>Im a right wing Russian pido-ACK
Хoхлинкa cпpятaлacь oт тцк в Изpaилe. Cкopo тeбя oбpaтнo дeпopтиpyют и oтпpaвят пoдыхaть зa нapкeтa
Notice how the Jews are all posting at the same time, this is coordinated
> what chances to we have of freeing ourselves from our oppressive overlords? What chances do we have of destroying capitalism and overthrowing the system that oppresses us in our countries?

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funny how israeli special intelligence service never attacked israel.
>we dumped the dahiya doctrine
Zahle (my christian city) was getting bombed yesterday and today
appreciate it i am trying my best queen, if ground invasion happens i need a safe way out lmao
you're indeed a pidor, just not russian.
Tel Aviv will burn in the next two weeks
Lmao nasrallah dead now palestinians get one more strength boost
I am starting to regret all my jewish jokes. Please don't bomb me.
Islamists are the most pathetic people in the middle (not as pathetic as israelis though).
They launcedh a rocket only once into israel, and then immediately apologized saying it was a mistake.
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Good faggot, learn your fake allah is powerless and kike wins since kike is smart.

These people don't exist within a framework that matters, they are faggots who don't do anything but harass bedouins in the WB and ultimately will die out like the 48 trash that we have in our cities.

It's over facistfag, the Jews won, all you can do now is post dead jews from 500 years ago while the jews shishkebab your mudslime friends.

Muslims are retards belijikifag, haven't you learned that from living around them for so long ?
they always bomb christians and say muslims used them as human shields. i can't wait for them to bomb hamas leaders in germany.
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the fuck happened to that "real" thread where hamas and hezbollah fans posted, basically another remix of /sg/ like /chug/

did they give up?

also i hope hezbollah is fucking destroyed/disbanded, literally sandniggers who keep dragging lebanon into war because of MUH ZIONISTS
>These people don't exist within a framework that matters, they are faggots who don't do anything but harass bedouins in the WB and ultimately will die out like the 48 trash that we have in our cities.

meant for >>483088694

Don't worry, no one gives a fuck about singapoor.
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I can post recent dead jews if you want.
plo was a useless organisation, they never did any real damage to the k*ke, and it was them the ones who wanted to sell out and cuck for israel, arafat wanted "peace" and submit to Israel in the 90s and was a massive cuck and the modern plo is literally a kike puppet
I'm sure you did but just incase, did you pack emergency shit to gtfo ASAP? Like a bag with essentials, important family belongings, water water and more water? If you get a call by Israel to leave you wanna be ready to move and also it will keep you busy to withstand this.
No need to do that when we're going to gas them, genius.

כן כן, אותם נוצרים שאנו מאמינים שהולכים ישירות לגהנום
אותה דת שיש לה את החוצפה לטעון כי באה להמשיך את היהדות
תגיד, אתה הזוי? שנאת נוצרים הינה מצווה

Those were the jews of yore, today we stand as masters of the world and all you goyim shall bow before us.

>deport undesirables
How will we settle the land, retard?
We'll deport them to the US and Europe in exchange for more jews.

אין, ישראל הראשונה מתה, תפנים את זה
עשיתם עבודה יפה אבל אנחנו נמשיך מכאן

סמולני טיפש
how did a pole become so based
They said /chip/ wasn't comfy anymore, so they went back to their discord until the shills leave and /chip/ becomes comfy and they can post their A.I images again in peace
Tell me where did islamists do more.
Atleast the PLO won against the israeli backed phalangists in lebanon.
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c'est la vie
>trusting jews
you only make this mistake once you stupid nigger
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They're depressed af prolly, took too many hits these past weeks
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>You're using logic that's the problem. Stop thinking for yourself and start obeying Allah
>>Secular nationalism worked
>Yeah it clearly works so well, just Two More Centuries and surely secular nationalism will achieve something in the middle east

It's not about "secular" but about overcoming divisions to be able to be effective. There's a reason why Zog is completely comfortable with Isis but strongmen like Saddam H needed to be removed at all costs.

If you understand "Esau's Gambit" you will realize that the way the Jew works is by pitting 2 of their enemies against eachother so they always have an ideological position to retreat to. The way you overcome that is by doing the hard thing and genuinely building relations with powerful interests that you have tensions with.

There's nothing secular about this. Sallahu eile salaam did all kinds of partnering and overcoming divisions, even making peace with his former enemies in Mecca, even when the terms were less than favorable. Because that's what wise and serious leaders do when the cause is important enough.
>Keeping up the same rate of barrages is going to make them look very bad, giving no incentive to israel to stop hitting them harder.

Well that's what they are capable right now, maybe it gets better once they re organize themselves and iran sends new weapons.
israel can't keep up this intensity of bombings for long.Their airplanes need repairs and maintenance and pilots need rest.This is likely why they started using their ships lately.They couldn't bring all the needed firepower just from aircraft and they partially substituted it with naval firepower.
The holocaust should have happened fr fr
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go to gypsy disco
yeah we packed everything and ready to leave i am just worried about being bombed cause of shia dogs
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This dumb arap larper can't even spell שמאלני, what a fucking idiot.
>all high casualty's events against the kufar in the last 30 years where done by Sunnis
Yep, and in the last year the contrast between 7amas and Hezbollah is stark. Hamas literally flew in (mad lads) and when into kibbutz to fuck shit up, then they started putting explosives on tanks by hand. Hezbollah was basically just posturing from the comfort of Lebanon. What you believe in makes the whole difference.
well its either that or dying so idk if u wanna die be my guest
Should have posted your weener when you had the chance
yeah secular nationalist where the biggest failures in the muslim world history there where never bigger and more humiliating defeat then those that where dealt to the secular nationalists, without mentioning that they where just a westernization and secularization and liberalization force on the muslim world
Post more xitter buttblasting
nigga is making holohoax jokes. told you it wasn't real.
tell them about the fingernail shlomo. how they made you grow out your fingernail up to 2 meters and pushed it in your skull while the evil mensch doctors laughed.
a real crowd puller that one.
I accept the Jews as my rightful overlords and I'm very sorry for being a bad goyim.
סמולני אפס
Kantsii kysyä jutkuilta poistaisko ne ennemmin islamin vai kristinuskon maaimasta. Kantsii kysyy nopee ja voi yllättyy.
Same in english.
2 more weeks
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Im laughing so hard right now
kys cuck
תשמע אתה מוח של ציפור
literally walk you idiot. is there some invisible force field preventing you from leaving your country and walking to an area that isn't actively being bombed because there are muslims under their bed?
>תגיד אתה הזוי
היחידי ההזוי פה זה אתה בוא לעפולה נלחם קרב אגרופים
ממתי יש גהנום ביהדות חתיכת מושפע חסר בטחון
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>memeflaggot being a shitskins faggot
>many such cases
לך תחבק ערבי
Imagine being such a perfectly primed and brain rotted chud that you don’t even realize you’re doing unironic “2 more weeks” posting. Nothing is going to happen to Tel Aviv. Iran will be blown to fucking smithereens if they try something and Russia will get their shit pushed in decisively once Kamala is elected. You unironically should grow out of your retard radical phase and try integrating into the real world.
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>Iranian media: The supreme leader of Iran is expected to make an important announcement shortly regarding the latest developments in Lebanon.
What is he going to say /chip/?

ignore the shill please.
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tldr shill
You guys tried to convince me in previous bread how you are just normal people and don't hate Europeans and Christians lol.
You aren't supposed to openly say what you just said, dumb jew.Probably a mizardi low iq brown jew.Go lick the boots of your askenazi masters lol.
I have never seen anyone buckbreaking muslims so bad as Israel bros. The domination is so bad that even muslim cope threads cannot cope anymore.
it's the shabbat, ofcourse they come here to shit up the place
נראה כאילו אתה סתם זורק מילים/משתמש בתוכנת תרגום
so far the only tangible military results against Israel were made in 73 by secular nationalist regimes
Take your pills schizo
So what now? Either Iran does something big or they will loose all the power projection in the region (whatever power projection they have left kek) Israel can't keep getting away with it
Fuck christians, in particular.
I feel kinda bad for the anti Zionists now

Come on guys , don't lose hope

We can still lose
yeah and now imagine if al dawla al islamiya was in control of the sham and Iraq or gaza instead, and if the world wide didn't start a coalition to destroy them in their infancy, Israel would be destroyed in less then week
זה שאתה אוטיסט שנמצא כל היום עם כבשים לא בעיה שלי יא הומו גיי ראש אסלה מושפע
Jewish shaheeds for the greater cause of the kingdom
Yeah, I know.
The holocaust should have happened.
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They will flee to India and live among street shitters of hide in America under a false name.
what am i shilling exactly?
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Muslimbros I'm confused, aren't we winning?
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Breaking news: Khamieni to issue a statement soon

My prediction: TWO MORE WEEKS
Secular nationalism is based. We will never unite with the Mauritanoids and the Omanis or whatever. The idea that we share anything meaningful in common is a dumb lie.
Now imagine mohammed himself sitting on buraq along with mahidi with zulfiqar borrowed from ali. That would be game over for Israel.
Only some retarded ylilautists believe that kikes don't hate europeans.
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Never before I have seen so many Jewish flags in /pol/.
אני לא גר באיו"ש

Kill all christians, christian holocaust when?
>Those were the jews of yore, today we stand as masters of the world and all you goyim shall bow before us.

What if the USA gets too brown and retarded(mostly because of jews pushing for diversity) and you lost control of it?
What if one day nobody is vetoing anti israeli initiative in the UN and you actually get a UN sanction?
we conquered it and naqbaad them out of it
tranny tactics lil nigga you just spam
tutim pizda mate maimutze
Israel has mastered the art of buck breaking muzzrats. Last two weeks have been savage against cuckbullas.
I finally understood the logic of the world, that the real struggle is between order and anarchy, and that proper Islam is the only form of order for the Muslim world. God told us how to achieve and maintain order, every time we disobey a rule, anarchy spreads. We stopped executing heretics and apostates, and after a few centuries of struggle they took over, now because of this kikes, adulterers and sodomites are to be worshipped.

The Jews didn't force anyone to become atheists nor nationalists.
>כן כן, אותם נוצרים שאנו מאמינים שהולכים ישירות לגהנום
אין גהנום ביהדות יא דפר
Only Indians and Zionist Jews are giddy about it.
Precisely everyone else on earth is throwing up in their mouths over it.

This really isn't something to gloat about. It's truly shameful.
There's no glory in mass-murdering children.
Uh, so this leaves Iran and Syria as the next dominoes to fall. Is Greater Israel back on the menu?
the big problem ahead is the Western globalist establishment dangerous game of importing all this genetic trash to the West to fractionalized/dilute the nations, they might lose control of this game (in the recent decades they have a good track record of fucking up) and the West end up under the political control of ethno-parasitic/egoistic dark/brown skinned genetic trash...this is THE problem for Israel
sugi pula dragu mei, sugi pula cu mujdei
אתה גר בבית זונות ואמא שלך צריכה לנקות את הפה שלך עם סבון יא הומו מושפע
Browns and retards are easy to control, especially in the west.
They slurp goyslop like no tomorrow.
Muchblike our retarded haredis.
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> I need reassurance to know there's still hope left...

Nope. None left.

Sorry kid all you WILL get is more homosex, brown-black immigrants and complete demoralizing bullshit.
>Kamala vs Putin
You're a fucking retard
>Kill all christians, christian holocaust when?
You need WW3 for that shvester.
Im Lebanese born in Italy (Maronites who fled the war) and most wops think I’m a Germanic/balkan nigger cause of my hair eyes height skin tone and hair colour.
finally admitting you got a cock you crossdressing faggot lmao
amalek nigga i don't speak babylonian
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>Swedish flag

Can't lie, I keked bro.
>Kike first quarter peremoga
Zrada comes next, kikes.
You already outed yourself by calling IDF shaheeds, no Jew will ever say such a thing now begone shill.
I know, again. I know what you are.
Hitler should have gassed you all.
>european/christian holocaust
Can you tell that to the two finnish flag ylilautist cucks as well? I tagged them in one of my previous posts.
You (whites +muslims) all keep on talking about mass genociding us day in and day out here for as long as I remember. You would be giddy as well if you were seeing us getting buckbroken by china so don't try to be a moral fag.
gayreek genes, you're certainly related unironically.
There is no endgame for the ZOG. They are slowing destroying the West via parasitism with no improvement on sight.
I don't give a fuck about some cookie cutter bydlo who's simultaneous failed life and became an incel chud
a bydlocel
Inshallah Yemen will be destroyed soon
Mexicans and Black people hate your guts m8. You only have mind control over white boomers.
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If it was as simple a matter as launching some missiles at some apartment buildings, they'd have done this long ago—we know there's nothing the noses wouldn't do. They wouldn't be so subservient to the U.S.

They've overextended themselves so much. Blackmailing and bribing and gaslighting works well for awhile. Having evolved no shame response to lieing enables the Jew to project power and influence far beyond their essence. But the drawback means they've made 20 times the enemies as well. People are slow to react, but when the stock market really truly does crash or there is a genuine changing of the guard, all that bad karma they built up is a huge liability. And then after the brutal decoupling the Jews will once again talk about how they're victims. And the cycle starts over again.

I think they literally WANT it. It's their essence.
the flag is partially white so you can't see the cum on it
did your father pay for your dentist school there fake romanian shill ?
>Kikes knock down buildings with US bombs = smart
Siding with kikes means you want to replace White people in Europe with shitskins. I know that, Mr. Poo.

A jungle asian can't talk, your women cost 40$ to fuck
Kike demoralization post.

If you seriously thought a bunch of sandniggers would be the ones to enact TKD then you're delusional. Kikes must be defeated domestically before jizzrael can be taken off the map.
New bread:

The sabotaged that iranian presidents helicopter stuxnet style if you know what i mean. Given their clear history of state organized terrorism and gaslighting these jewish niggers have likely in every world trade center explosives deposited just as outlined in their elders protocols.
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The jews see themselves as sampson but they're terrified of spelling one 2-syallable work correctly kek.
איך יצאת מתל אביב יא הומו? יאללה תחזור לשם

האמת תמיד גורמת לכעס בהתחלה
תנשום עמוק

We're becoming middle eastern, we don:t just steal the land and food, but also the language and terms.

>Does it consume maintream media?
If the answer is yes then that goy is a golem.

And? Any acts of glory require (heavy) sacrefices.
na kaleni suka yoptvoymatj
my secretary is jewish and i might do her mouth like a mohel for your insolence.
The UN walkout is the event people in America saw on the news when they were awake.
Haredis are subhumans?

>Browns and retards are easy to control, especially in the west.

They will be in power that means that the US is going to be shit.It will be weak and incompetent to such levels that they can't even help israel like how they can now.
Imagine the entire US diplomatic team is going to be like David Lammy and doing chimp noises in the UN to help israel.
does this mean that al-mayadeen is going off the air?
>noble, beautiful and worth keeping
dude was a serial cheater abusing his position to fuck actresses, fucc that noise
Don’t ruin my 40$ Thai hookers you stupid jew
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why did you betray your brothers and sell them for islamist\baath niggas ?
>there's a massive decrease in Anti-Semitism on /pol/ today, lmao.

No there hasn't you filthy kike rat.
My sense is that this is a key historical moment for Iran, on par with the war with Iraq. All of their political and geopolitical efforts of the past 30 years are at stake, and there are only options: back down and lose everything or attack and unleash an all-out regional war. Either will have profound impacts on Iran for decades, so they must choose the right one.

The fact that Israel has pushed Iran into such a crucial situation shows that its doctrine of escalation has been a complete failure.
TKD kike rat.
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>Talmudic education
Kamala will give Ukraine carte blanche (and all the material aid it needs) to BTFO Russia within its borders much like how the Biden administration has given Netanyahu the go ahead to BTFO terrorist organizations in the region and just defaulting to Israel’s right to defend its autonomy while shrugging and saying “uh, they didn’t tell us” when something like the deep strikes In Lebanon take place all the while not condemning it. All of these things are good things. BRICS can eat shit and so can Iran and its proxies
Exactly. People are short sighted, they see Israel as an overwhelming enemy when it's not. I'm convinced that Khalid ibn al-Walid with the army he had 1400 years ago could just walk into modern Israel and put all the kikes to the sword. It's not about technology or economics or superiority, you could just unite, walk in and stab all the kikes. The real problem is the weakness of the Arabs, any little amount of power they can project is turned against their neighbours. Look at Moroccans and Algerians, the first thing they did once they became independent was fight over a strip of sand, just to decide of lines for their "nation" on the map. Fix the minds of "Muslims" and they'll all demand a caliphate, have a caliphate and Israel will empty itself before you even started walking in their direction.

They haven't defeated Israel. Microgains once 51 years ago only prove that your way doesn't work.
>speaks russian
>romanian flag
the jig is up shill dilate
>dude was a serial cheater abusing his position to fuck actresses
Was his name WEINSTEIN?
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don't worry they will do another meme missile and drone barrage which will not affect anything, allowing them to cheer to their fellow sandniggers how they are fighting the good fight against those evil zionist kikes

just like when that other meme strike they did when fucking soleimani himself was droned

what a fucking pussy ass nigga country lmao
No one but boomers consume mainstream media anymore Mr. Finkelstein.
Ukraine has already lost. More than six months ago in fact.
kek i still don't know what i'm supposedly shilling for. just total juden death
Lol no
It really mystifies me why Hezbollah did not cripple Ramat David and the other airbases days ago when they were launching these massive airstrikes.
I agree. The mudslimes should man and do what Hitler didn't. Make the holocaust happen for real.
We found the filthy Paki
you dont know anything but slander and spite
fake Romanian
Literally everyone who isnt a boomer hates kikes now. If the internet wasn't being massively censored,you would have already been driven out of the west.

Your days are numbered.
no it was goebbels
terminally online behavior
Actually yes. You just haven't recognised that continuing to fight doesn't mean that haven't lost the war. In other words, like most people you are an amateur at this.
You are pathetic and contemptible, you deserve to stay weak and irrelevant, you are not based when you've achieved nothing. You live in a country ruled by an Englishman who makes deals with the Jews.
>no I don't want to unite with my fellow Muslims, th-they're not Aryan™ enough
>muh tribe/race muhfuggah
>The idea that we share anything meaningful in common
You don't share anything with them because you're not a Muslim anymore, you share more in common with faggots in Tel Aviv who like to get fucked in the ass while high on drugs because you believe many of the same things as they do
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Could have fooled me because a Jew named WEINSTEIN did exactly the same thing.
here's some more slander.
sunday worship is due to kikes wilfully steering the masses towards damnation over the bible ordained saturday sabbath.
Stfu neckbeard
give a single attack where the plo did even 1/10th of the damage Hamas did
bibi let it happen cuz he wasnt polling so good and he needed a reason to start a war
don't think for a second that was an oopsie woopsy fucky wucky

just wait till you realize 95% of the lebanese people dont support hezballah and just want to grow olives in peace. but they cant say shit for obvious reasons im aure your big brain can figure out why.

desu, you have to be stupid to be anti israel. this is what you get. you are stupid. because this could have easily been assumed by any intelligent person on the globe, which many did assume correctly, and are on our side while the palirat shitskin side has the support of literal antisemites and lepards and buck broken losers.
Lol seethe harder kike rats.
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>They haven't defeated Israel. Microgains once 51 years ago only prove that your way doesn't work.

Oh I think there's been some other secular regimes that've achieved some "tangible results" against them.
you're the one flossing threats but okay
The more brown White countries become, the faster they drop their support for pissrael. The kikes caused this.
Sad, yet ironic.
wow such a scandal *yawn*
you mean that defeat where countrys that combined outnumbered Israel like 20 to 1 and had far bigger military's and economy's still got btfoed against a country with no strategical depth and even with the element of surprise and forced to where on the back foot
Lately israeli poster grow on me
Very based i have to say

there wont be a ground invasion. because youre correct. if Lebanon allows any proxy to operate within we will just glass Lebanon until they remove them. wanna bet this is gonna be the narrative from this point forward ?
it is always amazing and pleasure to find intelligent and sincere brothers like you in this shit hole of a site despite how rare it is, it is a real white pill that there some people like you out there
>Ah yes, antisemitism is a perpetual threat that will never go away therefore Israel will always need military funding. Did I read your mind? Maybe it’s time to start wearing a tinfoil yarmulke.
I don't think he's advocating to keep funding them. I think he's asking if you really think our politicians will seriously consider cutting off their funding.

Isreal can kill every dunecoon in MENA for all I care. Or the muzzles can eradicate the kikes. I don't really give a fuck.

Realistically we're probably a few election cycles away from restricting their funding, and a full generation away from cutting off their funding.

Kikes will chimp out more over their welfare getting cut off than their hostages getting killed. Dunecoons will push their children under a tank for welfare.

We should glass the region.

you dont have to leave. remove yourself from hostiles and dont have missiles in your house. when and if (they wont) ground invasion begins you can throw candy at our soldiers and nothing will happen to you, because we are used to dealing with them among civilians in the real world.
>Thinks he can win with airstrikes
Dumb kikes
assad won thanks to air superiority retard
>Missiles in your house
Each fucking Kike household stores kike soldiers. Each kike household is therefore a legitimate military target. Your own reasoning, dumb kike. Despite what your satanic talmud says. What goes around, comes around.
>it should be annexed by syria.
hello mahmoud, how's your wife/sister doing?
> The christians in lebanon want to be the ones rulign the country
>even though they're justa small minority now
try 41%, "small". maybe of you animals didnt shit out 7 children per family per year, maybe you wouldn't be a minority of thieves and beggars

it is better for everyone to have an educated minority of Christians ruling than a hoard of inbred desert dwellers imposing sharia law. I thought it was obvious

nobody tried to "convince" you of anything, we can sniff your low IQ from the screen and troll you. what else can be done here ? have rational political debates here ? LOL.
>RuAF softened up salafist rebels
>SAA and Russian forces moved in on the ground to do the rest
also being the president helped
*majority of thieves and beggars
why do americans with such bravado like they're main characters in a movie
>Every kike accusation is a confession
You would know is the population of Christians stable in lebanon? Or is it shrinking?
more like flattened, why is it that both the russian intervention and ISIS splitting up the FSA saved him from total collapse?
Israel stands with Ukraine
Russia is literally just a bigger Iran
Same shitty tactics of shooting rockets on civilians and yapping about redlines
>Notice how the Jews are all posting at the same time, this is coordinated
Holy fuck some of you dunecoons are retarded. They would have BTFO Hezzbo 2 weeks ago, but they had to get their shills coordinated....... Just like the sandniggers had a celebratory chimp sperg out after Oct 7th, now the kikes are having their chimp sperg.
Hard slogging dirty fighting on the ground was necessary to take back ground from the salafists. Ignore this lesson at your own peril, both the kikes and the Americans always get this wrong.
it is shrinking because you filthy animals are literally out-breeding us, and we do not want to birth a gorillion babies each year that we have no way of financially supporting or educating
Hi 1PBTID kike shill.
you're a handsome person with a healthy social life and a ten figured bank account
I just entered the thread retard ofc I only have 1 post
Kill yourself newfag
You people disgust me.
okay juan d'arc

shut up retard
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King Bibi should have the right to consummate every Jewish wedding
Nigga i am literally a Christian myself. I know from experience here the difference between muslims and arab christians is like day and night
Hezbolla is so bad. I actually believed it was competent based on some of the posts here. They turned out to be worse than Hamas. Lmao Hamas outlasted hezbollah and simwar still lives. Iran is next
You know you're not convincing anyone
It's unironically over. I'd urge you to leave for Europe before things get too dire here too but that's your motherland.
oh, my bad. I say a German and immediately assumed a syrian. I apologize
Also i heard once that lebanon is full of syrian mudslime welfare leeches since the war is this also true?
europe has been infested too. why bother. at least I have a church at a 10 minutes walking distance from my house here
yes. the UN pays them, which allows them to work for less than half normal wages, which in-turn buttfucks the economy even more
And the only reason Haniyeh got killed was because he stepped in Iran. He was safe in Qatar and in Egypt. Lol it seems Iran is taking the “resistance” down by itself
You buy time, you never know.
so, hezbollah in shambles..
from hezbollah top officers 1500 dicks blown off, 500+ blinded. entire week of bombing hezbollah rockets and now their top chain of command is all killed and nasrallah killed after them. beruit told to evacuate before being the idf bombed hezbollah weapon storage as if it was gaza. im not a religious person but i'll go to synagogue tonight
Honestly I'd like to see you win against the ukranians, mainly because im Russian myself, it's just a shame that Ruissa is quite friendly with Iran
So tragic. Sadly in Germany lebanese have a bad stigma for them for being criminals. I don’t know how familar you are with them but these people are actually not lebanse but some weird arabs from turkey which fleed to lebanon and now are in Germany which habe huge mafia families of like 2000 people each. But they always say they are lebanese its sad
תחזור למרוקו יא חור תחת
Don’t stop posting
still on the fence. I still have one year left in uni, so maybe after I finish my degree. Tho I hear tech jobs are on the decline everywhere, so maybe computer science wasn't the best choice. idk anymore
>lebanese have a bad stigma
I've heard about it. My uncle once traveled to the united states for a wedding, and he and the other lebanese we put aside and searched again, separately
>huge mafia families of like 2000 people each
but this is the first time I hear about this. thanks for sharing

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