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Glowniggers are trying to subvert /chip/ via well poisoning. Ignore all threads and posters endorsing Israel, (both sides bad), memeflags, namefags, and thread splitters.
*By posting in this thread you deny *srael is a legitimate state, DENOUNCE and fully CONDEMN the Talmud, and endorse TKD* (Total Kike Death)
*Do not trust happening announcements without link/proof

>Iran supreme leader to speak about the situation
>Nasrallah status: Dead
>Massive strike on Beirut, apparently targetting Nasrallah
>A Houthi hypersonic missile hit Tel Aviv
>The Islamic Resistance in Iraq has targeted Golan using several drones.
>Syrian army units target with heavy artillery the positions of terrorist groups supported by the Turkish occupation in the vicinity of the town of Kabashin in the northern countryside of Aleppo

https://youtu.be/52jV27IlDsw [Embed] [Embed] [Embed] [Embed] [Embed] [Embed] [Embed]

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Islamic Resistance (Iraq):

Islamic Resistance in Iraq targeted northern Israel with 'Arqab' cruise missiles
New 9/22/2024



Published footage of targeting Ramat David Airbase and Haifa military industrial area with Fadi-1 and Fadi-2 rockets yesterday morning
New 9/22/2024


Martyr Izz El-Din Al-Qassam Brigades:

Al-Qassam Mujahideen seizing a booby-trapped military vehicle and drones in the eastern area of the city of Rafah, south of the Gaza Strip
New 9/21/2024


Al-Quds Brigades:

Martyrs of the Jerusalem Brigades in the battle of terror in the camps in the West Bank.
NEW 9/20/2024

Al-Quds Brigades release footage of their fighters shelling the "Abu Mutaibeq" military site with mortar shells and seizing a "Zionist" drone of the "Evo Max" type in the skies over central Gaza Strip.
NEW 9/12/2024


Al-Aqsa Martyrs’ Brigades:

Scenes from the bombing of the zionist enemy forces stationed in the "Netzarim" axis with a 107mm rocket barrage.
NEW 9/14/2024

▶Daily After Action Reports
https://pastebin.com/GWbMvPeg 6/30/24
https://pastebin.com/V7KgCa8W 6/30/24

▶Hamas Memorandum:
"This is our Narrative.. why the Al-Aqsa Flood."
https://files.catbox.moe/zlt9ld.pdf New 1/21/24

>War Crimes Of IDF Updated
its truly over
Jews lost
>News / Clips

Islamic Resistance:

This video shows footage of the Islamic Resistance's operation targeting Jal Al-Alam site belonging to the "Israeli" enemy army at the southern Lebanese border with an assault glider.
New 9/09/2024

This video shows footage of the Islamic Resistance's operation targeting the espionage equipment at Al-Tayhat Hill and Al-Ramtha site belonging to the "Israeli" enemy army, along the southern Lebanese border.
New 9/09/2024

Al-Qassam Brigades:

Within the Battle of Tufan Al-Aqsa the detonation caused direct hits, resulting in deaths and injuries among the occupation soldiers during the large-scale raid that the camp witnessed.
New 9/02/2024

Al-Mujahideen Brigades:

Footage of some operations carried out by the Mujahideen Brigades during their resistance to the zionist aggression campaign on the northern West Bank.
New 9/07/2024

Scenes of the Mujahideen Brigades detonating an explosive device on a zionist bulldozer on Abu Al-Asal Street in Jenin Camp.
New 9/05/2024


Hezbollah military media publishes: Our mountains – Imad
New 08/16/2024

Saraya Al-Quds Brigades:

Al-Quds Brigades shows scenes of its mujahideen bombing with mortar lava the soldiers and vehicles of the Zionist enemy invading the Al-Zaytoun neighborhood in Gaza City.
New 9/06/2024

Al-Quds Brigades shows scenes of its fighters, in cooperation with the fighters of the Al-Qassam Brigades, sniping at the soldiers of the Zionist enemy on the axis of progress in the Al-Zeitoun neighborhood
New 9/03/2024
Bros, Sunnis are celebrating wtf lmao
DId you just say you denouce the talmud and endorse TKD?


▶/Chip/ Archives Info

▶/Chip/ Archives Clips

Episode 11
>The Security Forces of the Palestinian Authority... is it too late to join the Resistance?

Twitter link

Foreign soldiers attempting to murder US citizens on US soil
Archived Files

Here it is.
Debunking the State of Israel
Refutation of the Zionist historical claim over Levant.
https://files.catbox.moe/v6i8wj.mp4 6/21/24

Yoav Shamir's "Defamation" 7/30/24
https://youtu.be/CTAjc1OSrmY [Embed] [Embed] [Embed] [Embed] [Embed] [Embed] [Embed]

TANTURA 7/30/24
> Massacre btwn IDF & palestinians civilians
>1948 Nabka
https://youchu.be/CTAjc1OSrmY- Non-Google & can Download MP4
https://youtu.be/CTAjc1OSrmY [Embed] [Embed] [Embed] [Embed] [Embed] [Embed] [Embed]
ANXIETY TEAM RISE UP, FUCK H.A idc Christ is king
some cookie cutter /uhg/ shit
next he'll ask me to post passport and hand, and demanding to see my superior electric socket.
When your best mates move on, and you're still playing the same game
Any last words fren?
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Just kidding two more keks
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an idiom for an idiot:
>dig someone a grave but be careful that you do not fall in yourself.
the god that made iron appear did not want serfs and he will bring you to justice and you will damn that day because much like the sun, the truth will burn you.
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>Iran's Supreme Leader:

>The Zionist entity is too small to land a major blow on Hezbollah's infrastructure.
All resistance forces in the region stand by Hezbollah.
The resistance forces, led by Hezbollah, are the ones who will determine the fate of the region.
>All Muslims must stand proudly and support Lebanon and Hezbollah in the face of the evil regime.
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/k/ings win again.
>kill all your top commanders
>tis but a flesh wound
yikes. Shiabros how we doin?
wait let's get some things straight
who here thinks khazarian queen is a girl?
>kike shills have been debased to spamming fake threads while regulars sleep
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2 more weeks chud. We’re coming for that ass next.
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>Hezbollah decimated
>Nasrallah evaporated
>Rocket artillery degraded
>Genitals mutilated
>Lebanon evacuated
>All in 10 days
>K/D ~2000 to 0.
Seems like i hit a nerve.You are projecting your mizardi subhumanism onto me haha.You will never get a superior Ashkenazi blonde with Aryan genes lol.Even your brown mizardi girls are rejecting you in favor of Ashkenazi chads.
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Yes, the Jews lost all marbles arabfag, hows the studying going on you palestizi faggot?
>how we doin?
Not looking good, its either troonification by beeper or precision motorcycle blast
Isn't Jesus in druze religion just a prophet or something like in Islam and not son of God?
doesn't seem that there is any winning on your side khokhol...go apply for negotiations instead of being a retarded stubborn child like a muslim or else Ukraine will become like Hezbollah
the fact that I know what a bydlo is should tell you something
but you're a retarded cookie cutter le epic nazi bydlocel so your iq is about 70
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Cry more
would i still be considered jewish if i fucked the mohel in his mouth during metzitza'bpeh ?
does the mohel swallow or is he meant to spit into a vial and keep it for the matzos?
Israel just said they definitely got Nasrallah.
Most of the most loyal supporters of Israel are brown Jews. Most of the high IQ Ashkenazi left ages ago.
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What's going through his mind right now?
Mama Kamala will give Ukraine all the help they need when she’s elected and every single retard Russia cock gobbler and cum drinker on /pol/ and throughout the world will kill themselves.
That's why the kikes are kvetching more than usual.
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Fresh airstrike in Beirut
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JDAM prob
This nigga cries more than JBP
he was right, they still havent done shit
why is this thread so full of filthy kikes?
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Pic probably.
because they're winning
look at the racial composition of the Israeli cabinet, Ashkenazis rule Israel

>muh mutts will save us
mutt-worshipers only learn when they take their last breath
This is called wish-casting. Otherwise known as COPE. 90% of American Jews support Israel. That’s millions of us. Lol
Post nose.
All kikes support jizzrael and their own tribe over everyone else.
>do nothing
dam khameini pulled it again!
Fuck Hezb Fuck Iran Crypto Jews
nigga you aint romanian you just larping maimutze
show hand and passport or sage
my thoughts exactly, at some point they started talking amalekite among one another.
on /pol/ of all places.
What's your background fren?
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>they havent done shit
Yes. They won't do shit kek
what chutzpah, how about you be a real mensch and admit that i'm superior in every way already.
>the fact that I know what a bydlo is should tell you something

Yeah, you learned it from Ashkenazis to larp as them on the internet but we both know that you are a mizardi subhuman.
TMD, TWD and TCD now!
Death to all muslims.
Death to all whites.
Death to all christians.
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Why do you inbred kikes try and portray yourselves as beautiful when 90% of you look like this?
>i made it the fuck up!
>p-please negotiate, we are winning! :'(
The current cabinet are inbred hicks.
I accept thr Jewish people as my superiors and overlords and I am very very sorry for being a bad goyim.
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You're embarrassing us dude...
man you wack af
tutim pizdda mate no copper wires for you mamanigga
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have any major deaths been confirmed yet?
>inb4 cope
just genuinely curious
w- we're friends, right?
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Looks like he lost his knees
this is what happens if you cum in the mohels mouth and let him spit into your shiksha.through a white cloth.
don't do that cuck shit bros.
That's why you deserve extermination.
jews would sacrifice children to baal instead
Everyone but American boomers hate you Mr Shekelstein.
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what did he mean by this?
All jews hate europeans even more than muslisms. Jews want to replace europeans with africans.
These are facts that not a single kike itt will deny.
We must show grace in victory
You a beach ass nigga come to afula i dare you (we beat yo ass rape yp momma yo haircut stank also)
>land of abominations and trannies
Sorry, gonna have to nuke y'all.
unfathomably, utterly, unquestionably, indubitably and totally B A S E D
Your leader is a Zionist Kike.
read his name achi.
Erdogan is awfully quiet
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>leb in italy
you have to go back
Shlomos stroking schmeckles & spurting spooge over this one...
You sound like an ayyrab, prolly from those villages of muzzies around afula. Soon enough you'll be dealt with.
Make Holocaust Happen
Wait wait wait why are we losing bros? Isn’t Allah with us?
“If the world hates you, know that it has hated me before it hated you. If you were of the world, the world would love you as its own; but because you are not of the world, but I chose you out of the world, therefore the world hates you. "
Surely we can do better?
EXACTLY. The ironic part is that the only "smart" kikes (ashkenazi) are only smart because they interbred with Europeans.
The Kike Entity is faggot central shvester.
>muh Hitler though
Hitler lost and killed himself. Hitler was animated by a modernised primitive sentiment, which is "my tribe great, other tribes bad, good thing happen because of my tribe, bad thing happen because of other tribes". So he autistically went ahead with his tribal war against the world, lost, killed himself, got his country split in half and permanently reduced in size, his tribe members expelled from their ancestral lands and the Germans cucked forever. None of this was an accident, people who unite with other tribes and live by universal rules (you may call this civilisation) will always defeat tribes that go it alone and are only out for themselves.

The kikes are following the same tribal logic as the loser Hitler, but this time they're fighting against disunited tribes that hate each other at least as much as they hate the kikes.

Thanks m8, I enjoy talking to real Muslims because they're some of the only people in the world who are able to agree with me.
suge pula puiu evreu
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What I’ve learned over the last decade in dealing with chuds online is that every accusation is an admission and projection of their own guilt. I am thoroughly convinced that deep down inside you admire us but instead of acknowledging it consciously you just double down on your absolute retardation. It’s an ego and shame thing.
lol even muslims are joining the IDF shitting on the axis of shitsistance
wasn't he, along with FIAT of Italy the absolute ruler of USSR's automobile (civilian and military) industry? funny how a guy like that helped to make the "Judeo-Bolshevik" system so powerful...it's almost like the "It's the Jews!" version of things makes no sense...
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Erdogan is happy. Every pro-government Twitter account in Turkey I've checked is in joy. They are glad that Nasrallah, the butcher of Syrian revolution is dead. They even handed out sweets in celebration of nasrallahs death last night in Azaz.
ongelofelijk gebaseerd
shekels or schmeckles Shlomo??? ROFLMFAO
its prob filter fag using israeli VPN because he got so buckbroken. He isn't Israeli just ignore the retard.
Ok I got it sorry
Allah isn't real, faggot.
polacks are basically jews so i understand your seethe towards Hitler
>Talmudic gibberish
Syrian rebels taking over Lebanon whejn
>and then i woke up, i'm still a gayreek insect
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(you) are losing the Evangelicals.
אני לא ערבי יא בן שרמוטה אבל מי שמתעסק ומחרחר צריך לדחוף לו מקל ביססבול לתחת
>translation for lurking niggas:
im not arab you son of a whore but whoever deals and warmonger needs to get a baseball bat shoved in his ass
Post dual citizenship passport.
That's literally a quote from the Bible you fucking retard lol.

And people hate you kikes because you are genocidal, narcisstic, malevolent, hostile,inbred vermin.
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>An Iranian official told NBC: We will soon send fighting forces to Lebanon and the Golan Heights in Syria
Looks like they want some heat
As if Israel isn't tranny land lol.

At least your women aren't expensive thaifag
When they start spamming random anti-Semitic pics you know they have nothing. Not a single battlefield result to speak of
wops meant to you

It's a VPN fag, ignore.
christ literally said this cringe at your stupidity
כן כן, תמציא סיפורים כי נוח לך
אנחנו כאן, ואנחנו נקח את המדינה לכיוון הנכון
תודה לכל השמאל הציוני התחלתם את העבודה אך לא סיימתם, אנחנו נמשיך מכאן

למה כ"כ איכפת לך להגיד שאתה לא ערבוש? ומה עוד אתה מתרגם את זה לגויים
אתה בטח מת על למצוץ זין לגויים.
Guess we all prayed for nothing.
>What I’ve learned over the last decade in dealing with KIKES online is that every accusation is an admission and projection of their own guilt.

Fixed that for you, Goldberg.
palichads status?
are they winning?
Is it over for the jews?
So schmeckles for you right Shlomo?
top kek
These faggots won't do shit it's all talk with these persian carpet fuckers.
This. TKD.
they won't do shit lmao, they're just fighting till the last dead arab
What's the deal with the Haredis?Why are they so hated in israel?
All Jews are in boats back to Poland
Balestine is free at last
you are influenced to hate innocents lil nigga
sorry you dont brain cells and reading comprehension
OK...tick tock shlomos
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Good thing the kikes will holocaust you faggots, please see: >>483090690
Suicidal fags need to go, even if they are White.
curbstomp evangelicals. Hang each and every single one of them.
Force feed them bible quotes and kidnap them to church.
duct tape their eyes open on Revelation 3:9 and beat them. drag them behind tractors and put them onto the sword.
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Where is that funny Shia nationalist lebanese?
Can Xhe even process the absolute rape?
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hes hiding
but bibi's a bitch probably wont take him out just now
I hereby declare that the Jewish people are the most superior race, and that all other races should bow down before them. Thank you for leading us to utopia chosen ones.
you baptised yourself nigga
Why take this loser out? he keeps doing nothing kek
Stop exposing me oy veyvoyyyy
good thing for you you aren't white then, because supporting kikes is about as suicidal as it gets
It's over for poland: >>483090690
Good riddance, but still sad.
your fixation with being called bydlo had led me to use my superior 154 piq on the wais iv intellect to psycho analyze you and I have concluded that you are in fact a bydlo and your parents are useless drunk hicks that you'll live with for the rest of their lives until they die from alcohol poisoning because you're also a poor as fuck incel so there's no way you're leaving their wooden hutt
nasty ass bydlocel muhfugga bix nood
probably shooting at jews, utterly based.
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WW3 status?
he disrespected israel
Fuck off universalism spewing kike rat.

If you don't support your own tribe, no one else will. Being a universalist cuck gets you exploited and replaced. Your race and people are all that matters, and just because Hitler couldn't single-handedly overcome the entire world by himself doesn't mean that he wasn't right.
דרך ארץ קודמת לתורה ולתלמוד
אתה מדבר הרבה על למצוץ אולי תמצוץ לחברים שלך במקווה ?
אחד על אחד אני לקוח אותך למחוזות כאב שאתה לא תארת לעצמך ילדון
He made Iran a laughing stock I say keep him alive
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Ben has access to the satellite weaponry. You guys wouldn't believe what the satellites can do.
The problem is now Iran will definitely get the Bomb. Their strongest proxy has been brutally exposed.
please see: >>483090690
I thank the kike for his honesty in saying what all of them, not just itt, but all of them think.
You’re in no position for such hollow bravado. Check status of your “panic resistance”

They got $2 billion a year in Iranian gibs and 19 years of prep for a new round and look at where it got them
Probably getting raped by the strikes
what strikes nigga. israel barely has limp wristed bottle rockets that put palestinians to shame.
I am starting to think that Israelis are based.
How do they keep winning?
Based. Kikes are fucking filth and im glad people are finally realizing it. We just need to increase general anti-sematism to go along with it.
Dude, I'm a racist anti-semite.
Touch grass not kids lynch niggers
Simple, we simply dare to win
Al Jazeera seething that Israel continues to actively airstrike target inside Beirut. Lmao
of course the hairy mountain ape thinks the enemies of his enemy is his friend who is also his enemy.
>you are influenced to hate innocents lil nigga

Sounds like you're projecting. Tell that to the hundreds of thousands of Palestinians you've butchered you filthy kike rat.
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how can anyone take you seriously what coping tranny lol
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that's exactly what (they) want
focus on who controls and manipulates the goylems
No amount of realizing is going to help us win. Don't you get it? There is nl way to oppose them.
Why is Hezbollah doing nothing? I was made to believe they had a very strong army with millions of missiles and Israel would suffer greatly. Result is they got destroyed in just a week.
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maybe it's finally starting?
im not betting on it but there's a limit to how dumb our government can be
Hezbollah got too big and arrogant for its own good. Hamas is obsessively insular to avoid getting raked over the goals by Mossad like this
kek, takes one to know one amalekite
Totally admire jews because their crimes, nepotism and undermining of host nations. Yeah I absolutely admire them for heinous shit like rigging pagers with explosives and infilitrating tech to make it fail silently (stuxnet, iranian president helicopter). Wow so much admiration, seriously.
>It's hopeless goy! Don't even try to stop u- I mean them!
With Nasrallah dead and Hezbollah buck broken, what comes next?
מזרחי מסריח אפס
>I enjoy talking to... (you)... because... (you)... agree with me.
trust the plan
Iran and Syria are next.
They completely lost their minds.
They’re using a tactic of pretending to be weak to then hit back in a massive counter strike. In 2 more weeks it’ll happen
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demons fear the Lord
>Kikes still being evicted from northern Israel
no worries with the destroyed Hezbollah, epic jewish ground invasion with almost no resistance expected, a real thunder run conquest for the annals of history is coming they're all very excited to do it. thats why they're here coping about a plane turning around because of predicted mass rocket fire in the area
He's not even dutch, he's a foreign jew.
Jesus Christ is Lord
>what if we pretend all these literalwhos are of the hezbolla chain of command, dead; and post about it at the same time while striking some cowsheds in a christian country
it's what happens after a certain amount realizing that helps
said the same thing some bakes ago but i also added that the whole social-economic-political aspect of Hezbollah wasn't properly compartmentalized from the "military" aspect. I wouldn't be surprised if the pager attack happened because some non-military accountant fucked up or sold out.
Dude they are just showing no fight at all, Israel will keep escalating and they will just keep making empty threats. They are finished.
>Peremoga now, zrada comes next
>your fixation with being called bydlo

You are projecting again.You have a fixation with that word because it makes you feel like an Ashkenazi not the brown mizardi that you are.

>nasty ass bydlocel muhfugga bix nood

You are definitively a low iq mizardicell.

>my superior 154 piq

kek nice one, now go clean the ashkenazi boot.
you kikes are way too cocky. remember what happened last time you got too cocky?
that's what i want actually. kikes too
Matthew 10:34
>First quarter peremoga
Wait and see, by the end of this year Iran will be destroyed.
it's not exactly 1967 but it's still kino ngl
>דרך ארץ
אדיוט, פשוט כמשמעו

We've been hiding innthe shadows for too long, time to show the world whom really are the master race.
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there was a italian who is leb coping in previous thread thought it was you
they come out of the woodworks whenever they get to gloat about killing civilians/children
nee hij is nederlands jaapie
>Northern Israel still emptying out
The 'hitler killed himself' narrative is so effective that I claim people I don't like killed themselves when they move away.
god i hope so. i need more dead kikes to print out and cum on
Chud Projection: The Post
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You can't even destroy hamas.
The reports of the emptying are overexaggerated
Better be an hairy ape, than a wallet magnet Gypsy.
איזה קטע, מצאתי את השמאלני העלוב
Nothing ever happens
you're so upset some goyim is still in your head rent free.\
seek help. salvation is in the crotch of the mohel
This is true, Hamas have shown that they are tough I have to admit. But these shiia are just embarrassing.
>reddit spacing
imagine being serb and rooting for someone calledd nasrala
No, you are primitive and wrong. There are 4 archetypes of people in the world

- Savages, like niggers, they'll rob, rape or kill anything in their way
- Barbarians like you, they have a concentric world view with increased hostility and different rules to the outer circles. If you tell them that someone from their tribe robbed a store owned by another tribe they'll rejoice, if you tell them that someone from another tribe robbed a store owned by their own tribe they'll want to cut the other tribe into pieces. They're pieces of shit to deal with because if you're not from their tribe they'll treat you in the worst ways they can devise.
- Civilised people, a rarity. They have universal rules, they're able to work together to achieve great things, they seek to punish misdeeds regardless of tribe affiliation. To maintain the order of civilisation, the civilised must neutralise all those they can't assimilate.
- Degenerates, something increasingly common. The only tribe they might hate is their own, they embrace either anarchism (total laisser-faire) or anti-order (absurd rules that punish good people and reward bad people).

Barbaric retards like you look at civilised people as being on a slippery slope to degeneracy, their non-tribal universal rules aren't a strength, they're just the prelude to degenerate anti-tribal behaviour. You don't appreciate that uniting with other civilised people is beneficial, even though you're from America which was made strong by this very type of unity between Europeans from very different countries. You embrace the same system as kikes, making it tribe against tribe, whereas civilised anti-tribal unity against tribes hostile to civilisation is the solution.
klopt, gebaseerde roemeen
ma lui è un ebreo 'italiano'
>accuse others of what you yourself are (doing)
Go home then, kike.
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>both sides bad
This is objective fact.
I guess we agree on something.
Imagine if palestinians had the same equipement as idf.
אתה תומך בחמאס? כבר דיווחתי על הפוסט
they will wake up on judgement day after which jesus will probably send them to hell from rejecting him in life lmao.
imagine boiling in excrement as an amalekite
אני לא תומך חמאס חביבי אבל צריך להודות באמת שחמאס מצליח לשרוד למרות הכל. בוא לא נתחיל לחיות בפנטזיות.
One side sends muslims to europe while the other fights to death to stay in his own country. One is worse than the other.
sorry i dont a short attention span shill beach ass nigga
Man you are fake romanian who dont know romanian
>inb4 post pile of corpses from 80 years ago
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Dahiya still getting nuked...
Hezbollah helpless
centrists are midwit faggots. it's important to oppose the jew before the muslim said jews bring into our nations.
why mop the floor with the faucet still running?
it's never too late to repent
Why wait for the judgement day? Their future isn't looking so good in the real life.
Based Islamic bros are 100x superior to tranny promoting society subverting kikes.
Jesus is Jewish-Fiction
תציין מה בעייתי פה ? מה הבעיה בלהיות בן אדם שמעדיף מוסר על פני הלכה
אתה סתם כושון מדבר
what corpses.
what happened 80 years ago?
oh right lmao abolutely nothing happened.
True, but muslims have little political influence in the west. If you hate them because they're swarming our streets (as you should) you should also ask yourself who arranged for them to come and stay.
if a nigger converts to judaism, and i call him a nigger, is that considered antisemithism?
Did you know Iran does #2 most transgender surgeries in the world? Surely must be that jewish influence!
CUMASS זה לא ש
מצליח לשרוד אקחי הם מתחבאים בתוך אוכלוסיה אזרחית שהרגנו יותר מדי ממנה מהר מדי אז אנחנו צריכים לרדת הילוך עד שהזומרים הגוים הבכיינים ימצאו וידאו אסלת סקיבידי אחר שיקח תתשומת לב שלהם
take a rest already programming socks. you shilled so hard but your axe wound needs to be kept open.
תגיד את זה לחוקר המשטרה, חתיכת נבלה תומך טרור
post hand and passport saar
it's the one thing that's real.
i will name my first born Hadrian. honoring the one who first instituted the mass removal of kikes and left only 8 jewish women alive, to which all kikes are related.
Has Iran changed their Facebook profile pic in support yet?
no rest today you gypsy, today we celebrate, you have no idea of the joy of people here at the death of this cocksucking rat
The air assault on Beirut continues. Lmao. Hezcuckllah can’t catch a break.
העדפנו מוסר והגוים דפקו אותנו
מאוד פשוט לא?
לא משנה, עובדה שאין את ההצלחה שיש לנו עם החיזבאללה איתם. גם הציפיות שבנינו לעצמנו מה"כוח" שיש לחיזבאללה לא היו עם החמאס.
by god we should send them to him and speed up the process.
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>saying hamas fighters are strong and resilient is terrorism
Retarded kike. I don't see any civilian population in picrel.
that makes no sense because jews did not exist when Jesus walked the earth.
if you want jewish fiction go read the talmud
he's not even dead you mohel in a dress lmao.
amalekites are hilarious
תגיד אתה יודע רק לאיים באינטרנט?
LOL what fucking BS. EU is second.
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>Romans kill Jesus Christ, a Jew.
>Romans realize that fucking Jew cult is still spreading
>Oh hey, why not make this our own shit
>Makes the fancy evangelican Jew cult the imperial religion and put its seat of power in Rome
>Blames Jews for killing Christ
אתה מדבר בכלליות מה קרה ששבר לך את הנשמה רוב הסיכויים אתה סתם מושפע
amen, ameen
That video is antisemetic you vile antisemite
נו ומה אתה עושה בינתיים?
you're brown
it will take a while before the defeat of the Hezbollah trickles down to Hamas
Does the mizardi jews seethe about the holobunga the same as the Ashkenazi jews do?or they just don't care?
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Iran is preparing to send its soldiers to Lebanon and Syria

אחי, תחשוב ממש טוב על מה שאמרתי, להכללה יש כוח חזק
take a moment to appreciate the fact that 90% of the kikes ITT have never seen this footage before because in their media and in their mind, they are winning.
post more ground shattering reality.
אני מתאר עובדות, החמאס קיים אחרי 11 חודש או לא? התשובה היא כן. אז צריך לשנות גישה. לא יודע מה התשובה אבל מה שאנחנו עושים כנראה לא עובד לפחות בגזרת עזה.
>2 more weeks
nigga struck another cow shed thinking it said shahed on the roof.
Iran is gonna retaliate right hezbolla bros??
אח שלי מה זה פה כתב סתרים תגיד מה שאתה חושב בן זונה נשי
בוא בוא לעפולה
The most recent hamas video was really eye opening. Idf sent an unmanned APC that was booby trapped, the hamasnik was complaining israel wasn't sending any soldiers for them to kill as he was disarming the trap.
אתה מדבר עם פייגלה שמתחזה לישראלי ד"א.
חמאס הובס צבאית, לא יודע מה אתה מבין אבל הוא כרגע שווה ערך לארגונים בשטחים. הם לא יעלמו והם לא יפסיקו להלחם אבל חמאס כמפלצת צבאית כבר לא קיים רק אירגון גרילה שהחטופים מונעים את השמדתו הסופית.
לא טעה השר אילהו
צריך להטיל אטום שם ולסיים עם זה
they started speaking philistine out of anger
He's trolling right? Right?
עזה סיםור שונה לגמרי מלבנון ואם אתה מבין את זה אתה טמטמבל
kek i didnt see that one. hit me up please
doubt it was as much joy as we had on /pol/ when hamas killed those little whores at that festival lmao
LOL they banned me over this for 'non /pol/ related posting'
go ahead and ban me again for ban evading you disgusting jew janny.
באמת? הוא נשמע ישראלי
>Al-Qassam that is working with glorified fireworks and self-made sniper rifles is still undefeated
>Hisbollah already on its knees
Apologize to him.
tfu on you pizza nigga leb
kalb ibn kalb ibn sata wa satin sharmuta
בגלל שזה סיפור שונה אז הגישה צריכה להיות שונה
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איזה ישראלי יקרא לחללי צה"ל שהידים?
stop talking Klingon! this is an english forum and that is also considered socially rude, have some class hebrews...
חזבאללה לא השקיע במנהרות לכן זה סיפור שונה
זה מקרה שונה אחי, אין לנו את החופש הביצועי שיש לנו בלבנון כי יש להם בני ערובה ומגנים אנושיים, וגם הדרג שלהם מתחבא בקטאר ואירן
אבל הם לא לוחמים מאומנים ואין להם טכנולוגיה בשיט כדי ממש להתנגד לנו. זה עניין של זמן אנחנו מחכים שהעולם ישכח את ה30 שהם גרמו לנו להרוג כדי להפסיק את הקסאמים ביום הראשון של המבצע.
הם דפקו אותנו בעניין הרפוטציה אבל זה המקסימום שהם מסוגלים לעשות
עניין של זמן
just report them
עזוב אותך מהאידיוט
תכלס, אם לא נפגין כוח יזיינו אותנו
אטום על עזה ועל דרום לבנון עכשיו
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שמע אתה ליצן
i agree. Amalekite lives are worthless.
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צודק למה לא דיינו את הצמרת שלהם בימים הראשונים יש הרבה ולא מעט שאנחנו לא מסוגלים לבצע
one down three to go.
what would Iran actually do if Israel just flat out assassinated him?
Warn them of a retaliatory drone strike 4 months in advance?
פספסתי את זה. מאיפה הוא אתה חושב?

אני חושב שיש לסגור את העניין שם ולהחזיר את החטופים ןלהמשיך להכות בלבנון
אל תגיב לי אוכל חרא
I saw the translation from a twitter link but don't have it anymore.
I only have the untranslated catbox vid.
jews are coping about their failure to defeat Hamas.That's what they are talking about.
anons will report you for talking Klingon and you will get banned...
Nothing. They’re pussies.
>say "oh you really did it this time"
>proceed to do nothing
Ooga booga is that what you're saying? I think I got the word "satan" from your gibberish, funny because martin luther said you're the synagogue of satan.
Tehran will get a 2003 Baghdad Shock and Awe style of treatment if it tries anything.
They never do anything when they get assassinated.
כנראה ערבי משהשטחים, בלסטינים לא חסרים בסביבה. עכשיו הוא עושה לארפ שהוא יעני מתנחל קיצוני.
זין על החטופים 1000 אנשים כבר מתו וזה הזמן להקרבה
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thread theme
This rat is most likely dead himself. No proof of life in a long while.
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>kalb ibn kalb ibn sata wa satin sharmuta

A mizardi subhuman!Ha!
a THOUSAND foreskins? damn dude
Zank you very much
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חחח איזה בן זונה

להציל יהודים זו מצווה חייבים להחזיר אותם
where's the pics and vids of the latest rocket barrages? it's eerily quiet.
you mother called me said you are a gay beach ass nigga keep coping leb teroni
איןעלדזרועעזיםנודר בקבה מלשינים דוקר
he said something like "dog son of dog son of (sata) and whore of (satin)". Maybe he means sheytan idk, modern kikes use the same glyph for sin and shin so maybe he's confused.
Based , end this pedophile practice end mutalation
kinda hard to form any organized response with your entire command structure wiped out
fucking kek
just remembered she was a shiksha
qusai muy kuretz
הערבושים שם אין להם ספק אינטרנט ישראלי

במחיר החיים שלהם נשחרר את הארץ המובטחת
I wanna behead my local rebbai
UAE and Saudi speaking at the UN tonight
Wonder if they'll thank Israel for killing Nasrallah

The Emirati guy is the main reason the Abraham Accords exist
Why do kikes use satan as an insult if they don't even believe in hell? So dumb.
No problem, TKD.
we ashkenazim also know a bit of arabic
wakef wakef wa la ana betuhak
Huge paper tiger. This is one giant shit test that the US and Israel are conducting We might actually bomb the ever living fuck out them in the next year or two irrespective of whether Trump is elected president or not. If Kamala Harris is elected we may actually see Iran and Putin toppled. Kek. What a time to be alive
I think he's fairly limited in his arabic vocabulary so he went with what he had
Fresh bread:

>why do americans with such bravado like they're main characters in a movie
Why do kikes act more entitled than niggers about their welfare? Like I said, kikes will chimp out more over their welfare getting cut off than losing their hostages.
זה הזה שקורא לעצמו בדואין צ'אד
רעש לבן מיואש זקוק לטיפה של צומי מיהודים עם זין גדול
it means sixty six
dog son of a dog son of sixty six whores in arabic beacause he is a shill agent
uumm based?
time to turn those words into action bro
Retard. Hamas is probably down to less than 1/4 of its original size and Israel is not just going to drop their mission and go back to business as usual. Every square inch of Gaza is going to be checked with a fine tooth comb for Hamas tards to be taken out. Each and everyone of them thought they were tough shit and loved the LARP until shit hit the fan and tons began deserting like pussies.
>>Nasrallah status: Dead
>>Massive strike on Beirut, apparently targetting Nasrallah

you think ? nahhhhhhhhhhh cant be

2 weeks right kek laughing stock , go kneel to your paki grooming gangs

w..where did you get my pic

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