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Glowniggers are trying to subvert /chip/ via well poisoning. Ignore all threads and posters endorsing Iran, (both sides bad), memeflags, namefags, and thread splitters.
*By posting in this thread you deny *Lebanon is a legitimate state, DENOUNCE and fully CONDEMN the Koran, and endorse TMD*
*Do not trust happening announcements without link/proof

>Hezbollah officially announces the death Hassan Nasrallah PBUH
>Iran supreme leader gave his thoughts and prayers
>Nasrallah status: Dead
>Massive strike on Beirut, apparently targetting Nasrallah
>Syrian army units target with heavy artillery the positions of terrorist groups supported by the Turkish occupation in the vicinity of the town of Kabashin in the northern countryside of Aleppo


https://youtu.be/V9q0hzmi73M [Embed] [Embed] [Embed] [Embed] [Embed] [Embed] [Embed] [Embed] [Embed]
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>bomb christian country
evangelic*ls are a plague upon the earth.
bomb enemies...stop trying to make this a religious conflict, it isn't
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>Al Qaeda

Whose death would actually bring peace to the middle east?
I'm tired of the fighting
I think it’s time hamas and Hezbollah unilaterally surrender to Israel this is just embarrassing at this point
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>bomb a Shia militia mostly hated by the Christians in that country
>this is bad for Christians
amazing logic
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I am sleepy but tomorrow you kikes will learn why the regular kike shills never post Negev /here/.
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freyja takes half and gets to choose, so she prolly went
>go to with odin you are not coming with me
get used to it, the New World Disorder is upon us...the West and it's Globalist messianic delusions made the rules and Israel has to live in a World made by this rules
Post the crying al maydin whore pls
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>Whose death would actually bring peace to the middle east?
British Royal Family.
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nuking israel and the surrounding countries will fix the middle east yes

i thought only israel had to be nuked now i think these arab cucks have to go alongside the kike
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It is over. There is no recovery from this.
i'm sure the christians will miss your terrorist org that took over their country
rip bozo
Your own country dominated that space for nearly a hundred years and it never stopped.
When all the sand is glass and the life is completely gone, then it will be peaceful.

Though if you want it done otherwise i'd personally bet on the Israelis and their friends.
unironically all of them except Hamas.

Wrong religion
Wrong religion
Wrong religion
Nothing wrong with them, although they ally with rafida, but kind of out of necessity
Crypto kikes
Actual kikes
>Al Qaeda
I'm not sure what these guys are about desu
Kike agents
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fake and gay fucking bread. jannies go do some labour.
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Desr Abu Ali. So the good news is, you just got promoted
what does it say
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what the hell happens to hezbollah now?
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>Just 2 more weeks.... I swear guys!
So much for TKD, huh? These Arabic nations can't do anything right.
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Maybe the next mudslime terrorist leader needs to wear 2 war rings!
>Hezb sources say Nasrallah is alive and well, escaped to Iran. Israel is lying.
>Nasrallah doesn't matter he's has been replaced already. We are winning
It's actually over
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Israelbros, now that hezb is gone and the shia men are running away like rats, when do we get our shia concubines to impregnate? I call dibs on that crying newscaster lady
>"We are for God and we are returning to Him"
Yandex translator does a kickass job of translating pictures.
You know things are bad when the kikes are telling the truth
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>"If the hollocaust happened, they deserved it."
When did the isreal pm get so based?
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what still gets to me is this pager shit

>hey let's order pagers in bulk
>not have our doggos sniff them for explosives and shit

... then the very next day...
>oh that was bad, now let's not check these walkietalkies we ordered...

wtf man
Allah couldn't protect his most loyal soldier
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Oc, don't you dare steal
Lebs are really hot. We should have a right to their genitals as part of the ancient rule of war
There was no announcement yesterday just some lies from ruters. Even kikes doubted themselves yesterday.
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this isn't twitter ahmed
gotta try harder

i'm so not sorry for you loss
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Elohim blessed us with Lebanese women. Thanks Hashem
Where was Nasrallah killed? In Beirut?
Isn't he always half a kilometer underground? How would they get him?
he also said they're on their own
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rest in piss rat
Bigass bomb.
Bunker buster bombs got to his underground HQ in Beirut
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This video might help you understand how.
they did a train of bunker busters, one alone can reach 30m now imagine what 4 consecutively can do
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Blessed digits, it’s our G*d given right to impregnate every single shia female of age with the blessed seed of Isaac
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Given how world class Israeli intelligence has demonstrated themselves to be over the past 2-3 months, it makes October 7th a bigger and bigger mystery.

How the FUCK could that have happened when they're the pager exploding, walkie talkie exploding, Haniyeh in Tehran killing, Hezbollah slaughtering masterminds that they are?
So this literal retard was still in Beirut lmao
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why is this even a thread. fuck kikes. fuck mudslimes. we have too many gay generals on /pol/.
I am a military idort, explain.
If it was that easy why has it taken so long?
So what they're saying is that Jews have been spared too many times?
feel free to create another thread about michelle obama's penis and pizzagate lad
HAMAS is an extremely closed and purely military organization, much harder to infiltrate.
Political will unironically.
Property of BJC (specifically me)
because if you're about to dump 5000lb of explosives into civilian infrastructure in a capital city you need to be 100% certain you're going to eliminate your target
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Brother ewww
3 main reasons:
1) Hamas is competent and experienced against the IDF
2) Small territory so they don't touch technology, total control of the civillian population so no informats making for intel blackhole.
3) No war for a decade made the IDF complacent.
pol is mostly just paid shills now
so he was there where that bunker buster dropped
Jewesses do not look like this.
Complacency in military leadership. Bibi and co. had tons of signs of an attack incoming but ignored them and did nothing because they didn't want to escalate, in part because of US pressure.

Since July Israel stopped caring about US pressure. They attacked Rafah when being told not to by biden, they then expanded assassinations to hamas' core leadership and decided to finally do something about hezbollah attacks. This is "mad dog" Israel that no longer cares about Biden being "frustrated"
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By allah I will create a harem of shia dogs as my sex slaves
you didnt answer the question brownoid. literally no white person cares about gaza.
In the past 2 weeks Israel has:

1.) wiped out Hezbollahs entire military leadership
2.) plastered hezbollahs spiritual leader
3.) Had 1,500 hezbollah fighters taken out by exploding pagers, most of them high and mid-level commanders responsible for issuing orders. This 1 button push is 60x of the total military losses they have inflicted on the IDF over the last 11 months (25)
4.) destroyed 50% of Hezbollah's long-range rockets and ballistic missiles
5.) destroyed hezbollahs anti-ship missile inventory
6.) Forced the leader of MUH REGIONAL SUPERPOWER Iran into hiding
7.) Displaced 800,000 shia's from southern lebanon
8.) Reduced hezbollah to firing a tiny fraction of their daily rocket capability. They are firing about 50-60 rockets a day (less than 2006) when they should be capable of firing 5,000 a day according to pre-war analysis

The entire IDF military losses over this period has been 2 soldiers KIA
Most Israeli military ingenuity in the last 20 years was focused on Lebanon/Iran directly. Hamas was considered pure nigger too stupid to bother with. So really a massive strategic mistake in resource allocation.
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The KIA was from Hamas no? Hezb has yet to claim a single kill.
It's unironically over, Greater Israel when?
>Hamas after seeing Hezb get annihilated after only 1 week of Israel going at them with kid gloves
>Brother ewww
Kikes get shia lebs Euros get Maronites. No refunds.
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You’re wrong actually, we didn’t lose a single soldier or civilian to hezbollah since the escalation started. The 2 soldiers were KIA in gaza

Which reminds me, hamas was unable to fire anything into israel, not even a single mortar, for over 2 weeks. while Israel is balls deep in gaza
The strong?
I've heard the same quote but instead of the "strong" they used "enemy" saying that jews despise more their most loyal servants than their enemies.
Imagine two sexy Shia sluts licking your cut Jewish shlong and one in back rimming your asshole. And you can fart and she just has to take it like the cheap whore she is.
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He moved. Everyone is saying bunker busters but he's usually much further than even a train of them can usefully reach. What happened is that he had to move to a less secure location higher up than usual to connect with the rest of Hezbollah's senior leadership after the pager and radio attacks took out their comms. It was a 1-2 punch.
yes, the retards actually had him in there despite the events of the last 2 weeks
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The only sad part about last night is that they killed zaineb, nasrallah’s daughter. I would have loved taking turns on the “flower of islam” with my bros while having her recite the talmud
It was my belief that a few hours before the pager attack 2 soldiers were killed in a hezzie drone strike
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>The Al-Mayadeen network broadcaster, close to Hezbollah, cannot hold back the tears when announcing the elimination of Nasrallah


They're not yours inbred fuck.
>freyja takes half and gets to choose, so she prolly went
inkhamdulula iz having 200 boys in valhahllahh
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>maronites lebanese to Catholic countries
>Orthodox lebanese to Orthodox countries
>nuke what's left

why wouldn't this work?
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Finally actual /chip/ and not /uhg/-trannies-tier cope
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Take out Assad while you're at it
I meant since the pager attack since that's when the war switched to new gear while Hezb acted tough. My b.
We get the sex slaves per the ancient and holy right of conquest. Conquer your own Lebanon you dumb nigger.
delicious. link to this with sound
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Kike scum aren't human
Only sex you are having is with brown male hamASS you are raping.
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who is this nigga?
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Here you go bro
Western Christians are slaves to the Jews, whether faggots on here want to admit it or not.
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My alters who are famous in the scientific community, wealthy from their work, and politically involved have requested that the overwhelm of bodies be transported here. And they have been here a while now. With new ones coming in each day. But soon they are going to dump them into a mass grave, which is an old quarry, and he (meaning my alter) is putting some kind of environmentally friendly chemical solution into it to accelerate their decomposition. They already have almost rotted past being able to be identified, he thinks we need to dump a large amount and get rid of them fast this way

Are we aiding in concealment of a crime? If no one ever identifies them and the whole area is decimated, isn't that ethnic cleansing genocide? That's my main question. He insists is worse to leave it up to them to dispose of the bodies, and we know that from the Holocaust. But wow
They are dumb, your mistake is thinking that their africa tier national iqs are a meme and the Ashkenazi average iq of 110 is fake, it’s real too, that is all there is to it
That thot has Israelite blood, she belongs to Israel. All these Jewy looking whores are built to take Jewish cum in all three holes, and impregnated at least 12 times to produce strong children for the Jewish people
Russia is next. Moskau will burn.
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Total Negev Appreciation.
man, arabs are so spiritually weak
I've been laughing hysterically these past weeks at just how inept the Arabs are.
Truly inferior creatures.
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>You're blocked
>country literally ruined because it's too diverse
>Hassan Nasrallah PBUH
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I wonder if this is how our grandparents felt in 67'
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the only thing that would complte this is an idf invasion that would go all the way to beirut like back in '82

Hezbollah have entire secret fibre optic darknets but they can't run an ethernet cable down their own tunnels to a deeper bunker? How would pager radios work underground anyway?

The Nasrallah stories/narratives came out FAST.
If he was somewhere deep down under the Beruit rubble, how could you be certain he was alive or dead? How would Hezbollah themselves be certain?

Is it possible he wasn't even underground at all? Maybe moving to a deeper bunker in the mountains?
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Negev best girl.
Yes.No real unity, that is why israel managed to infiltrate Hezbollah so deeply while they failed to infiltrate Hamas in the homogenous Gaza.
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Guys check out their thread theme, it's a banger.
I've been walking near them a lot lately and they have different smells. Some sweet, and some gross, he said that's from the different stages of decomposition, their gender, and their lifestyle, like what they ate
cute Israeli kids handing out candy to celebrate the death of the rat
>nasrallah starts complaining about irans hesitancy
>gets btfo not even 24 hours later
whats the chance they sold him out to israel?
the guy who made is a top tier ninja, confused the rats with a hitler pic lol, jesus they are so dumb
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btw we named the operation "new order"
cant wait for the goyim to sperg out about this
the copium eventually wears out and Reality will have to be confronted
agreed. Christians should rise up and purge all sunnis, shias, and palestinians from Lebanon. Israel can help
I poisoned their general all day long hoping it would work.
he's a shabbos goy
>what wasn't really a problem when the region was part of empires is now a big problem
Gee I wonder what the solution is then.
To the Jew who snitched in their thread, you motherfucker. YWNBMOSSAD
toplel, rocket Santa

death loving cultists are cyring. LMFAO:
we should carpet bomb the hole district
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you fucking subhuman can you learn how to press the button " space "

you spacenigger monkey faggot retardeded retard

I will cut off your dick and make a lamp out of your foreskin

stinky goy
streets of the shia areas of Beirut*

they're celebrating in the christian areas
Someone you just have to take credit for owning them. I assume they are reading this thread anyways
kek. i didn't know arabs are such bitches.
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Apparently crying is more powerful than nuclear weapons. This is why Iran hasn't successfully acquired one.
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does anyone of you by chance have this comfy hezbollah song that goes
>fidaqi fidqi something something

I can't find.. I have in on my desktop, but I don't have a kvm rn so I have to change cables and that's too much effort

is from sg days
mudslimes are not know for their intelligence
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they look happy

inshallah this shaaid been turned in ashed

he is having gaynigger sex in vallahhah
yes, that's why i said death-loving cultists
thought this only happened in north korea
holy cringe
>victory after victory
his last victory is old enough to vote lmao
all of them
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why this nigger wearing a vest/
Way too fucking old, I thought you kikes had good taste in woman at least.
Guess I was wrong.


please blow your local mossad shell company
>Iranian sources: Abbas Nilproshan, the senior officer who was killed along with Nasrallah at the Hezbollah headquarters in Dahiya, was responsible on behalf of the Iranian Revolutionary Guards for the operations in Syria and Lebanon. He took up this position only six months ago, after the assassination of Muhammad Raja Zahedi (the assassination in the Iranian embassy in Damascus on April 1).
damn two more flags and something will happen for real
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>Way too fucking old, I thought you kikes had good taste in woman at least.
>Guess I was wrong.

You have to go back.
red line status?
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I'm so sick of their all talk kvetching
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How many flags till they raise a white one?
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I fantisie about beheading people lol
I bet you are a cute jewish girl wanting to upgrade your genetic bloodline with superior white semen.You are just hysterical because you are on your period.
Btw I'm the sneaky Jew responsible for them inserting this cope into every thread
>*Do not trust happening announcements without link/proof
Implying Serbs arent inbred like turks
Six Flags Over the Shrine
kikesses are BWC only same with arab hoes
sanest kike

>hamas outlasted hezbollah
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All Jewesses belong to King Bibi. In more civilized days such a king would have a harem of thousands of the sexiest Jewish concubines
ffs get a grip lebanon don't go all nord korea on us

In Romania we can rearrange your guts just like the Romans did with your great great great (...) great grandmother as long as you don't have that pelican nose.
i did it so you can get your fix without resorting to IRL beheadings
Israill B dead ani time bro
>Hamas doing a masscare caused Nasralla to die under a year
Do you have a hook nose or a normal human nose?
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beheading is really funny funnnnnnnii

> I wanna feel the bones cut with a rusty cs:go bowie knife
Obviously - Israel’s
Nope, all mena women lust after BWC 24/7
i stopped watching those types of videos, some of them literally scarred my soul but if their your thing...
Hi bedouin chud why did you stop using your name? Ashamed of who you are?
>thread filled with shilling kikes
>not one single rebuttal
this and dont forget to sage fake threads kiddos
What is the Beirut death toll?
post ashkenazim qt (real one with the asiatic-turkic features not a mutted one with slavic genes) with enormous melons
Obviously- it is all fake and gay, hamas did not do shit and it was false flag by IDF to have a cb to attack everyone.
My abusive mother ruined my life more than anything

IכIf you post a selfie I will post a selfie
atleast Beeddiim goes to the army .

get fat as fuck , while patrooling the izrail da borders

comment theme : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mfiF0NkGQ7Y
Behave! God damnit

heh I knew this song from before
Arabs dont die, the regenerated like mice in the sewegdge system
>My abusive mother ruined my life more than anything
i believe you
Since when exactly? The Nasrallah one probably caused around ~300
>this is "mad dog" Israel
That is to say, typical Israel
and hezbollah claims they killed 2000 soliders iirc
I guess since the 6 apartment buildings
dont mess with obese and fat jewish woman they are heavily race mixed


>0:25 hezboollah nothing , hamas , fatah , hezbollah , nothingnothingo nothing
he's mayorkas, the zionist jew in charge of the american border

who lets millions of foreigners in
so people are just gonna ignore the fact that their hq was under residential buildings, huh? ok
desu there's a difference between planning something crafty (the pager thing) vs foiling the enemy's own crafty plan. They had success when they planned OPs and tracked enemies, which doesn't seem like it was even that hard, but not so much when it came to figuring out what the enemy was preparing.
Lol what were they thinking were going to happen aimming at shitload of idf bases ,
the very few soliders who managed to stay loyal likely died in some airstirke

amazingly you dont seems to see those drone videos anymore,

hezbollah is desprete now
>last name is koval
>likely a genius in some topic
implying he is not a mentally ill jew
forreall 3 letters x y z organism in america?
It's casualties, meaning injured as well. It's a cope to inflate the numbers because even when some dumbass falls and scrapes his knee on his way to the mamad the count it as a casualty.
Since Lebanon don't have the magic voodoo powers of Hamas to count casualties instantly it's hard to know. The estimation is ~300 but they confirmed like 40 or something.
yeah this has to rise... fucking assholes to begin with to put that shit under where people fucking live

pic unrelated
we should have eaten him
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they have nothing
a suicide drone hit the barracks of where my battalion stayed for a training exercise in the north a day after we left
reminder there are real people in this general that think they hit glilot
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Airports closed due to AIDS
I got kicked of the IDF because I am mentally ill
all this kike did is steal schematics conceived by white americans and leak them to soviet jews

every single time i show this event to jews or pro jews, they recoil and say "but this is an individual!" so now all of a sudden jews are a group of independent individuals and not god's chosen people

then i show them the other instances of jews being traitorous, and they leave the discussion

Israeli pleads guilty to shipping US-made avionics to Russia, violating sanctions


The Jewish Designers of North Korea’s Hydrogen Bomb

Report: Israel Passes U.S. Military Technology to China

Perverted jews cant resist slavic and central asian pussy

Some jews are pretty loyal, likely more loyal than you
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Y..you can?
sorry, your words mean nothing, kike
getting mental profile 21 is extremely gay
>Hamas: Assassinating Nasrallah will only strengthen the resistance
What kills you makes you stronger.

Israelis wtf are you doing, stop strengthening your enemies by killing them!!
The weak shall fear the strong. Might makes right.
Right after he told me what was really in those trucks. The birds in the distance were going crazy. And I thought from an anthropocentric humanitarian point of view this is mind bogglingly senselessly horrific. But the faster the human population dips the better it is for the ecosystem. But still when I think about it I feel this strange feeling of pain because I don't understand it and I can't control it. And I feel desperate to be with him now
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I jerked off to the CHirstChurckh shooting videos

I am always disapointed
Lol I aimmed on getting into military jail for the lolz just to get at some organism I am really against, they are still online I assume , but I single handily stopped it. people in green died under those uniforms , in the end of the day I am Jewish I wont let disgusting retardeds (both the pedophiles who made cirmcussion a tihng , which is multiation and should be banned, and ones who push for racemixing )
blah blah blah
i can tell you're underaged
what a post to get kadosh quads on
>1500 dead from pagers
Shills really are cooking some seriously retarded numbers
have you by any chance gone through a bike accident a couple of years ago

asking for a friend
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send an email to the South Tel Aviv Police ,

you fat mizrahi goblin

you dysfunctional kike
But I don't have any better ideas than them regarding this or anything else. So if we fuse all that's going to happen is every shota artist in Japan will get ultra wealthy and I'm just going to hide in a bomb bunker in a tropical place with tons of drawn cartoon little boy comics
>implying I care about bikes
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Even Keith Woods is tired of the coping.
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>Deputy commander of Iran's IRGC Quds Force, Abbas Nilforoushan, was killed in the Israeli strike on Hezbollah's underground HQ in Beirut yesterday
I can not I am horny all the time, even 1/2 after I coom I still dream about pussy, I am a slave to pussy and have every degenerate fetish
motorbike accident
i take it you didn't
you will cum under 2 minutes you fat loser
It's more over than we ever thought it could be...
I wil thikn about your comment next time I collect a piss bottle and throw it on a fat mizrahi
The *ACK*-sis of """Resistance"""
I hate jews so much
i had a lot more military symbolia than a unit tag
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behead your next hypersocial arbinizjan soviet friend
Its a covid mask the joke is , that this army is full of retards
an army tampoon
Lotta dead jews itt. Enjoy the next few years, kikes ;)
You jews are going to die you know that right? You're going to be offed jew brains
Muzzrat shills were claiming he was in Tehran too kek. Entire command structure got heemed in two weeks.
Imagine those big teddies stroking my 8incher
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>embrace fascism
>six million Germans
What da hell
she belongs to me as war booty I saw her first
I don't have "arbinizjan" soviet friends whatever that is.
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I feel so good right now, knowing the holocaust actually happened
Fuck /pol/, Heil Hitler
I'll be on X the rest of my life, actually reaching the normies
Kill yourselves /pol/ troons
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>I'll be on X the rest of my life,
community notes has been hijacked by zionists settlers. LMFAO
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Hitler was a great man.

Everything should be left as scorched Earth before such kikery is allowed.
What christian country you retard
so nothing new?
Lol you can't even have a conquering rape army because you decided to only count the women's offspring as jews. You grow your empire by getting cucked lol
Our strength made a lot of people switch sides, no one wants to be with losers. I have seen more support to Israel in the past week than decades of gay ass "Hasbara" ever did.
I COULD HAVE SAVED HER (from pisslamic brainrot - and then she'd just have to contain the urge to smile while announcing the news instead)
>Our strength made a lot of people switch sides
wait you mean the ultra zionist Musk who appointed a WEF ultra zionist at the head of twitterwas NOT an ultra zionist?
You have my support jew boy
I'm honestly getting to the point where I kind of root for Iran, like the a giant retarded kid who gets bullied for years and just takes it because he doesn't wanna hurt anybody, them one day eventually snaps
>Supporting the country that chants death to America
Traitor, Muzzie, Russian or just retarded?
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Not as much as they'll miss their children you worthless faggot
we didn't bomb christian towns ahmed
No they also chant death to Israel, and Israel is much closer to them. They're gonna take you out first then they won't have any reason to hate us anymore. Cry about it, yid.
Why lie?
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i think you call it taqiya
Well the obvious answer is because he's jewish
nah just the countries. this is some real tikkun olam shit right there.
Slowly, I think I'm becoming pro Israeli. If they stopped sucking the blood of my country I wouldn't even be opposed to us selling them weapons, I think. I hope they remove every Muzzie from the middle east, they're a plague like communists.
>you didn't kill the christians
> you killed the cancer controlling their country
>which means you're christian killers
shit tier mental gymnastics
For an entire year /chip/ chirped how evetything will change with Hezbollah and Iran entering
get fucked palishitstains
Nothing is free and you still have a lot to pay for 7/10
reading comprehension of wet dogshit.
not only do you bomb christians, but also do you bomb christian countries and christian militaries, in fact you even bomb your own allies. shut the fuck up amalekite
no we haven't
the only towns left standing in south lebanon are the christian ones
wonder why
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absolutely nothing of note happened.
>in a side show the kikes solved a problem they themselves created so I heckin' love them now!
tard or larping kike?
Every single Muslim would have to die
now you understand that there is no saving that godforsaken land
t. jew
Your lies aren't believed. You are not taken seriously.
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yeah that's why you're bombing christian villages in bakka, lebanon, L M A O. stfu retard.
there's a muslim under your bed.
2 Enoch 25:3.2
120 countries, how many territories?
Tell me what happened to the christians who lived inside israel, how you persecuted and expelled them too, just like palis.
Al Qaeda never existed
let me just google the demographics of the bekaa
it's hilarious that israeli christians(arabs) rather to live under our rule
More talking about the massacres your side commited against christians during the nakba.

Acting like you guys are good to christians is a laugh. Both jews and muslims are worth less then the sweat on a goats balls.
folks it's gonna be weird next year when the glowies are all dead
>Arabs getting getting dominated by Eurojew
>they won't do shit besides impotent rocket attacks
what happened islamist world caliphates???? I thought jihad was going to erase Israel??!?
Lebanon hasn't been majority Christian coutry for a while now.

In fact, in a cynical sense, Istael's bombings of the southern, majority Shia regions and the weakening of Hezbollah's strength would technically make Lebanon more Christian.
>the christian arabs also ran from a war
the whole 4 of them
You denounce the koran (based) yet don't denounce the torah or talmud (not based).
Is this a fake chip thread or have they really fallen this far?
Of course a jew would downplay the christian population in the levant when they started killing civilians and stealing their homes. Nazareth was majority christian.
I will NEVER support kikes and I will ALWAYS support their death over any other group of human
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By posting in this thread you swear upon the Torah and pledge allegiance to Israel
god I wish Israel would wipe out Hamas and Hezbollah finally, then we could actually move forward in that region. Maybe Palestinians would keep chimping out but would be back to throwing rocks and sticks at tanks and Lebanon could finally move forward as a country without having a sandnigger jihadis dragging their country into war with Israel regularly
>hasn't done shit
>pays taxes (yes you do,one way or another)
your actions speak louder than words, goycattle
No nigger by posting in this thread I denounce all ugly hook nose crooked smile kikes
Bibi won't do it because he need boogeymen. He hasn't fully occupied Gaza and rooted out every single Hamas tunnel not because he couldn't, but because the entire reason he withdrew from Gaza was so he wouldn't have to take responsibility for the Arabs there. He is perfectly fine with allowing Hamas to exist forever and keep killing people forever because he refuses to open the can of worms that is Israel annexing Gaza.

>OP quote
Whore of Babylon energy but ok.
Tbf I didn’t pay taxes on my crypto. But you will never convince me to like those ugly goblin looking kikes.

Even if you destroyed islam the kikes would still be there meddling in all political and financial things
>Now you're messin with a...
atleast to know you can't get rid of us
>he doesn't know about the retroactive taxes for crypto that's coming
do you even know who started cryptocurrency? here's a tip,it wasn't the japs =^)
disagree, I think they will annex gaza and the west bank eventually
>victory after victory
The common thread between all of those of Islam. Islam makes people into savage animals. Why are Arab and Persian Christians mostly decent people but their Muslim counterparts mostly backwards subhumans?
of course a muslim would pretend to care about them
and blame their demographic decline on us
ah yes post number 93568 mentioning the current demographics of lebanon without mentioning who is responsible for the influx of muslims within a close proximity lmfao. disintegrate yourself
nigger writes this in between spitting on nuns
we bombed him to shit I think close to 1000 sorties. nobody asked us though they just did

now look at it...

also my older coworker before this he was down there to do the stuff we did. and he is also this old boomer so he took fotographs BAD PIE.. then he got arrested and accused for being CIA lol.. when they realized the mistake they put up this show fo him in the desert there

I dunno why I say this lol.. is pretty fugged now... bombshit then go away.. is not a good idea
As a rule, I don't believe a thing a filthy Jew tells me. In fact the opposite usually is the truth, ie you are losing
One day the Lord will cast you and your father into the forever lake of fire
>hey come implement our shit
boomer with a photo shit
which way?

he always keked about it because it was fucking absurd lol, it was before I started to work with him
also this might have been putins trigger...
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anyone making a new thread?
Not dead, taken out, as in incapable of fighting
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>Be norwegian boomer
>Be into photos
>Go around with big ass photoshits like chinks or japanese
>Get assignment go to libya because work implementing their systems*
>Great okay
>Sits in taxi going to place
>Ohh that building looks nice
>take photo

I just say system I won't specify what, again I started to work at this company later. he keked as fuck about this absurd nonsense is how paranoid he was I guess
I mean you ask people to come and make shit for you the this is the response lol


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