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Previous: >>483093218

Glowniggers are trying to subvert /chip/ via well poisoning. Ignore all threads and posters endorsing Israel, (both sides bad), memeflags, namefags, and thread splitters.
*By posting in this thread you deny *srael is a legitimate state, DENOUNCE and fully CONDEMN the Talmud, and endorse TKD* (Total Kike Death)
*Do not trust happening announcements without link/proof

>Iran supreme leader to speak about the situation
>Nasrallah status: Dead
>Massive strike on Beirut, apparently targetting Nasrallah
>A Houthi hypersonic missile hit Tel Aviv
>The Islamic Resistance in Iraq has targeted Golan using several drones.
>Syrian army units target with heavy artillery the positions of terrorist groups supported by the Turkish occupation in the vicinity of the town of Kabashin in the northern countryside of Aleppo

https://youtu.be/5iLUjqbeyv8?si=MXrOzSi6XlXSMkF2 [Embed]

https://youtu.be/V9q0hzmi73M [Embed] [Embed] [Embed] [Embed] [Embed] [Embed] [Embed] [Embed] [Embed]
https://youtu.be/Ys4pnmsJ0Aw [Embed] [Embed] [Embed] [Embed] [Embed] [Embed] [Embed] [Embed] [Embed]
https://youtu.be/b-2l4B1Zhpw [Embed] [Embed] [Embed] [Embed] [Embed] [Embed] [Embed] [Embed] [Embed]
https://youtu.be/gCNeDWCI0vo [Embed] [Embed] [Embed] [Embed] [Embed] [Embed] [Embed] [Embed] [Embed]






Islamic Resistance (Iraq):

Islamic Resistance in Iraq targeted northern Israel with 'Arqab' cruise missiles
New 9/22/2024



Published footage of targeting Ramat David Airbase and Haifa military industrial area with Fadi-1 and Fadi-2 rockets yesterday morning
New 9/22/2024


Martyr Izz El-Din Al-Qassam Brigades:

Al-Qassam Mujahideen seizing a booby-trapped military vehicle and drones in the eastern area of the city of Rafah, south of the Gaza Strip
New 9/21/2024


Al-Quds Brigades:

Martyrs of the Jerusalem Brigades in the battle of terror in the camps in the West Bank.
NEW 9/20/2024

Al-Quds Brigades release footage of their fighters shelling the "Abu Mutaibeq" military site with mortar shells and seizing a "Zionist" drone of the "Evo Max" type in the skies over central Gaza Strip.
NEW 9/12/2024


Al-Aqsa Martyrs’ Brigades:

Scenes from the bombing of the zionist enemy forces stationed in the "Netzarim" axis with a 107mm rocket barrage.
NEW 9/14/2024

▶Daily After Action Reports
https://pastebin.com/GWbMvPeg 6/30/24
https://pastebin.com/V7KgCa8W 6/30/24

▶Hamas Memorandum:
"This is our Narrative.. why the Al-Aqsa Flood."
https://files.catbox.moe/zlt9ld.pdf New 1/21/24

>War Crimes Of IDF Updated
First for TKD.
Thank you to the Blessed Baker!!!
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khamas won
>News / Clips

Islamic Resistance:

This video shows footage of the Islamic Resistance's operation targeting Jal Al-Alam site belonging to the "Israeli" enemy army at the southern Lebanese border with an assault glider.
New 9/09/2024

This video shows footage of the Islamic Resistance's operation targeting the espionage equipment at Al-Tayhat Hill and Al-Ramtha site belonging to the "Israeli" enemy army, along the southern Lebanese border.
New 9/09/2024

Al-Qassam Brigades:

Within the Battle of Tufan Al-Aqsa the detonation caused direct hits, resulting in deaths and injuries among the occupation soldiers during the large-scale raid that the camp witnessed.
New 9/02/2024

Al-Mujahideen Brigades:

Footage of some operations carried out by the Mujahideen Brigades during their resistance to the zionist aggression campaign on the northern West Bank.
New 9/07/2024

Scenes of the Mujahideen Brigades detonating an explosive device on a zionist bulldozer on Abu Al-Asal Street in Jenin Camp.
New 9/05/2024


Hezbollah military media publishes: Our mountains – Imad
New 08/16/2024

Saraya Al-Quds Brigades:

Al-Quds Brigades shows scenes of its mujahideen bombing with mortar lava the soldiers and vehicles of the Zionist enemy invading the Al-Zaytoun neighborhood in Gaza City.
New 9/06/2024

Al-Quds Brigades shows scenes of its fighters, in cooperation with the fighters of the Al-Qassam Brigades, sniping at the soldiers of the Zionist enemy on the axis of progress in the Al-Zeitoun neighborhood
New 9/03/2024
looks like the nothing ever happens actually happened
wat nou


▶/Chip/ Archives Info

▶/Chip/ Archives Clips

Episode 11
>The Security Forces of the Palestinian Authority... is it too late to join the Resistance?

Twitter link

Foreign soldiers attempting to murder US citizens on US soil
Archived Files

Here it is.
Debunking the State of Israel
Refutation of the Zionist historical claim over Levant.
https://files.catbox.moe/v6i8wj.mp4 6/21/24

Yoav Shamir's "Defamation" 7/30/24

TANTURA 7/30/24
> Massacre btwn IDF & palestinians civilians
>1948 Nabka
https://youchu.be/CTAjc1OSrmY- Non-Google & can Download MP4
Hitler's speech about Palestinian independence

>Do NOT engage with people posting inflammatory remarks about religion, in this case, Islam.
In the most typical hebrew fashion they will try endlessly to deceive you into replying in anger.
>This thread welcomes Christians and Muslims and any faith because it's not a thread about faith.
Nobody in this thread is interested in arguing about your religion.
>This is a thread dedicated to tracking the real time updates of the Israel-Gaza conflict and the total destruction of the illegitimate welfare state known as Israel.
Civil discussion is one thing but shills will NEVER engage in that, only PILPUL, D&C sowing and ragebaiting.
> Both Android & iOS have browsers which support extensions

>REMINDER: NATO, America, and Ukraine pledged their support to Israel within 12 hours of the war
>REMINDER: Russia, China, Afghanistan, Serbia, Iran and Syria all hate Israel
>REMINDER: Israel stole the Golan Heights from Assad
>REMINDER: Zelenskyy likened Ukraine to a "Greater Israel"
>REMINDER: Israel starts wars that displace Arabs, then helps them and Africans immigrate into Europe
>REMINDER: Israel has admitted to possessing nuclear weapons, thereby renouncing its policy of "strategic ambiguity
We wait for iran statement, this time if it's just empty words then I'll be convinced iran is an agent of USA and israel.
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on god. it's time
it's over for the "resistance"

they haven't fired back with any significance at the jews yet, they won't do it whatsoever now it's over
>it was revealed onto me through thine creator
Hezbollah's massive disadvantage on intel ended up destroying them. Huge oversight and miscalculation. It's safe to say that they didn't expect Israel to have so much info on them.
this is not a spy flick
it's just the truth
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Bibi is just gonna keep coming with distractions so the Ameriboomers don't get hit with insane levels of White guilt.
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It's over, it's time for chippies to bend the knee.
Show flag Rakshit.
What meaningful victory have you achieved against Israel? Every time I look at the news it's more reports of people dying in Gaza or Lebanon or wherever.
>Israel is now a global pariah
Just a "moral victory" then?
They were on their main HQ they just didn't expected Israel to go all in.
kekkkkkkk give me back my tax dabloons fucking loser sandniggers and move over for western occupation maybe they'll fix this shit nation and economy
based upon divination. that's what i was saying. you made it up in your chair after playing red alert 2 for a few hours. i get it. but keep your hidden talent hidden.
>Hezb sources say Nasrallah is alive and well, escaped to Iran. Israel is lying.
>Nasrallah doesn't matter he's has been replaced already. We are winning
It's actually over.
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>Nasrallah as the Angel of Death
they'll bomb germany next. israel seems to be alright with bombing christian countries that turned majority muslim due to kikes.
seems like the old adage always rings true.
invent the disease and sell the cure.
1.) wiped out Hezbollahs entire military leadership
2.) plastered hezbollahs spiritual leader
3.) Had 1,500 hezbollah fighters taken out by exploding pagers, most of them high and mid-level commanders responsible for issuing orders. This 1 button push is 60x of the total military losses they have inflicted on the IDF over the last 11 months (25)
4.) destroyed 50% of Hezbollah's long-range rockets and ballistic missiles
5.) destroyed hezbollahs anti-ship missile inventory
6.) Forced the leader of MUH REGIONAL SUPERPOWER Iran into hiding
7.) Displaced 800,000 shia's from southern lebanon
8.) Reduced hezbollah to firing a tiny fraction of their daily rocket capability. They are firing about 50-60 rockets a day (less than 2006) when they should be capable of firing 5,000 a day according to pre-war analysis

The entire IDF military losses over this period has been 2 soldiers KIA
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Looks like Vivid is confirmed to be a poopiejeet
my sides
Also, hiding behind civilians no longer works, and that was their biggest advantage.
>They were on their main HQ
I doubt that was their main HQ. This was an underground bunker, probably serving as the secondary barracks. This and the rest of yesterday's strikes prove that Israel had extensive knowledge of Hezbollah's secret facilities.
The US is the only thing stopping them from getting kicked out of the UN.
sorry for the confusion sar
that effectively happened, anti semitism is mainstream now

but it shows arabs have to be nuke alongside the jews in that region
alright that's enough. filtered that shit
Nice. Gaza is about 30% depopulated then. Lets make it 100 bibi!
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Total Bibi Victory
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Thanks for the bread OP.
BTW, it's misnumbered because the previous one(s) were kike shill OP threads. The cope in palestine title should have been a giveaway
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/chip/sisters how are we coping?
in 2020 when Soleimani got killed and jack shit nothing happened was the warning sign

Second most powerful man in Iran dies and they do nothing. If they won't do shit about that why would they do anything about Nasrallah?
nobody but kikes mentions anti semetism you queer.
It's crazy how many crazy comebacks that slimy kike has made in his life.
there's nothing wrong being anti semitic
How ya coping there /chip/skins? I do believe I’ve never seen anyone get so throughly humiliated and owned by Jews as you. Israel utterly won.
I don't know any of these people outside of Nasrallah.
So if Iran and its proxies simply do nothing then I hope the jews continue to bomb them and all their countries and cities in perpetuity because why not, they won't do anything anyway.
that's why i mention it. it's a non factor in a non kike.
Total jewish victory. There's no point resisting G*ds chosen, we've lost whitebros. Our only option now is to choose to survive in our rightful position beneath the jews or death.

Its ogre
This has proved the UN is an impotent joke.
what exactly have they accomplished, pray tell.
Gaza? lmfao
The idea is that they can wait Israel out.
Lmao nasrallah died, keep coping falselestine niggers KEK
>b-b-but the tiktok zoomers
>two weeks
Iran is next after they finish up with Hezbollah. Going to be very pathetic when IR starts begging the USA and UN to stop.

Retards should've been preparing for this for months but are going to get caught blindsided. And they deserve it.

Cucks deserve to be killed.
the world doesn't hate kikes enough, we need more of that "anti semitism"
Bibi is just doing gambits to save his skin.
Show flag and foreskin.
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>Hezbollah decimated
>Nasrallah evaporated
>Rocket artillery degraded
>Genitals mutilated
>Lebanon evacuated
>All in 10 days
>K/D ~2000+ to ABSOLUTE 0.
Your cope chippies?
Kike bot post
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>The Al-Mayadeen network broadcaster, close to Hezbollah, cannot hold back the tears when announcing the elimination of Nasrallah


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Next bakes I can go back if needed.
How? USA controls Iraq-Syria border lmao and Israel will shoot down any troop transport planes. Complete utter bullshit.
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Destroyed a defenceless ghetto and killed some old guy that whined on tv
What's the source?
As much civil unrest as there is in Iran, it wouldn't take too much to destabilize the country.
Of course then millions would flood into Europe.
There are iranian troops in syria.
>b-b-but the US will-
shut the fuck up goober, the united gays are spain or britain at this point. a hasbeen territory.
Saturn looks after his own I guess.
imagine selling these vintage shoes to kikes in israel at a markup and discounting them by 50%.
wouldnt that be crazy?
I seriously doubt this report.
it was revealed onto me within my slumber
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Did your filters break or something? That post is literally invisible to me since it was typed by a poopiejeet and the filters never lie. Maybe try uninstalling and reinstalling to fix your glitched extension
Also don't give (you)'s to kike shills. It only encourages them to keep shilling
>Our only option now is to choose to survive in our rightful position beneath the jews or death.
Death please. I choose firing squad, no blindfold but I'd like a cigarette before the fireworks.
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Keep coping paki nigger, while you are posting fake shit and memes, israel is fucking bombing all the middle east and destroying your shitty religion
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>Report: The Air Force has now carried out two assassinations in Beirut


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>OMG based Israelbros
>Us (((white christians))) support or jewish brothers
>Israel is winning hard because they kill civilians
>/pol/ full suppart saar!
The absolute state of /pol/...
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israel even lost their shitty little isis proxy war against the arab states and folded like a wet blanket. what you're seeing right now is the rigor mortis of the israeli state happening.
No more gibs for israel since your master and financier has become destitute and powerless.
literal yemeni goatfarmers with hobby drones made sure that the pool was closed to all who boated towards israel.
Face it kike, it's anuddah shoah
Your militias would kill civilians if they could
Nasrallah was a termibally retarded boomer and thought that Amerca controls the jews and not the other way around. Unfortunately, this attiitude is doctrine in the "Axis of Resistance". The whole concept of the Islamic Revolution is unmistakenly influenced by Bolshevism, making Shia Islam a left leaning ideological bloc. See through the content they pour out in their own outlets, its all Imperialism bad this, poor niggers that. Then they go on to suck jewish dick as long as the kike attached frames himself as "anti-zionist". The whole fixation on Zionism as a political enemy while denying the jew as a racial enemy is intrinsically boomerish and retarded, originating both from the inability of Islam to distance itself from the Patriarch kikes like Abraham (a fate it shares with Christianity), as well as the newer bolshevik influence that birthed the Islamic Revolution in Iran in the 20th century. My only hope is that Israel hurts itself by killing all the old philosemitic boomer elite that have spiriritually bend the knee to Judah.
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they're all concentrated in one thread and keeping the other threads sanitized + judenrein. it's the best thing ever.
It's the poo invasion. No country is safe, not even /pol/.
Kys kike memeflagot
All true, Aryan National-Socialists support Israel. HEIL!
Sounds like cope to me.
They have been preparing, but you can't just develop an airforce or anti-aircraft defenses in the span of a year. This hige difference in capabilities was calculated.

What was miscalculated was the fact that Israel would have knowledge on Hezbollah's facilities to be able to hit them.

Iran was never going to go in, because that's what Israel and the US want. It will be easier to defeat Iran now than after 5 years. Iran knows this and they don't take the bait, also because they are coordinating with Russia and China.
you linked the previous to a slide thread baker
just kids in general i'm sure.
>but I'd like a cigarette before the fireworks.
anon, i am sorry, but you might have slavic ancestry.
let me know when you're ready for the real redpills.
>What was miscalculated was the fact that Israel would have knowledge on Hezbollah's facilities to be able to hit them.
I think it was more that they believed Israel wouldn't target those facilities because of the civilians surrounding them. Losing that tactical advantage will be the end of Hezbollah and Hamas.
Sunni Islamism is just as bad. Sinwar was crying about George Floyd lmao
well you're jewish so of course you're a pedophile
thats what u get for memeflagging, u get lumped in with trolls
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as silly as this sounds, this "resistance" doesn't hate the jews enough, and that will be their downfall
the truth is that Islamism is a leftist ideology. Ideology is genetic and all the leftists get subsumed into Islamism.

There is a reason why Leftism is basically non-existent in the Islamic world. All the would-be lefties just become Islamists.
I think that's a more minor reason, because Israel never really gave a shit about civilians. They put these facilities there because they are easier to hide.
I hope Israel nukes Iran at this point for being Pussies
it's not leftist, it's abrahamic
but even if it's abrahamic, it still says in the quran that jews are the enemy

we just have modern muslims who are cucks and think "not all jews"
you have said the actual truth.

Despite Zio narratives most Arabs don't actually hate Jews. Look at how any anti-Zionist Jew gets absolutely worshipped by them.
chip be like
>we r winning frens
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I love the thread theme
Here's another one
That's fair. They never did care, but they were afraid of the blowback if they killed too many civilians. They don't' care about that anymore.
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i was swindled, next bake will be correct.
one last chance

i give those arabs one last chance
It turns out Israel is willing to kill civilians on an entirely new demonic scale. Hard to mitigate that in the short term but long term all it accomplishes is radicalizing more Arabs.
I said on Oct 7th that it was a mistake by Hamas because killing so many jews would make Israel stop caring about killing civilians or international pressure, the 2 things that are key to the "axis of resistance" cause.
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>commander of the 'Aziz' unit
Quran and Hadiths command Muslims to dislike Jews but common take amongst religious Muslims is that Jews are fellow monotheists, worship the same god, you can eat kosher food, etc. Meanwhile Christians are demonized as polytheists.

Until the Islamic world embraces anti-semitism its not going to get better.
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>Hard to mitigate that in the short term but long term all it accomplishes is radicalizing more Arabs.
Odd, Jews are known for having a good sense for the long term consequences of their actions and reflect on their own behaviour alot.
israel did it itself, kikes killed more kikes than arabs did
>still moralfagging
shut the fuck up holy shit
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correct why is that
you don't understand

the gentiles writing this, they know they're next in the future if jews get what they want

because jews want to force the noahide laws on the entire world
How does it change the stance of the Arab governments though?
Arabs are worthless. They literally have not beaten a foreign enemy in 1000 fucking years.

Only Turks have any chance of dealing with Israel.
Here's how Hezbollah can still win:
Saudi and Gulf influence upon Muslims mostly.
it's not like they could do anything about it
I can't believe this motherfucker outlasted even Hezbollah. You gotta hand it to this rat bastard.
ahmed go fuck a goat
arabs kvetching "muh civvies!" is the sweetest thing on earth, because you know they just got their asses handed over to them
arabs don't understand the concept of an eye for an eye

only violent people can beat violent people, arabs are just thugs like niggers, low intensity violence
wheres the egyptian with his """"""sources"""" from yesterday lmfao
Palifaggots got one hell of a beating today. Finish the job, Bibi.
jews are traitors

How a Jewish Manhattan Project scientist quietly helped the Soviets get the bomb

Blood for the blood god, you kikes better escalate even more
well apparently not as much as you
someone told the IDF where nasrallah was after all
Sinwar tried his best.

He realized the only way to defeat Israel is through provoking a massive regional war.

Nobody could've excepted Iran being this utterly cucked.
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How many /chip/ muzzie shitskins have roped?
They have been taking nothing but L's for two weeks straight, and all of their copes turned out to be lies
He has been 100% unavailable to everyone (Even hamas) for over 2 weeks now.

The key will be is if he issues a statement in response to nasrallah's death. If not I suspect he's dead
you're probably jewish though still
not an arab thankfully
Nice thread theme lmao



lebanese also don't like being called arab
doesn't make them not arabs
Yeah it highlights how brics won't amount to much if they don't actually do better on material transfers. China and Russia are too opticscucked to sell AA and real missiles to Iran/Hez where as the US has no problem giving their best toys to every proxy they can think of.
not a lebcunt not an arab cunt not a jew

jews are the ultimate traitors

The Jewish Designers of North Korea’s Hydrogen Bomb

Black flag? Is that worse than the red flag?
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i didn't say you were lebanese you imbecile
Don't respond to the australian poojeet.
How did “cope happening in Palestine” take so long to form?
Semites are all the same. You niggers are fucked once Ashkies die off and are replaced by Mirazhi (Arab Jews).
>saudi, egypt, and jordan side with israel
>lebanon and syria are retarded
>iran won't do shit
TKD in two more weeks i guess
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oh no no no no...!
الله أكبر
لبيكَ يا حسين

i don't know the intricacies of the ethnic makeup of that part of the world

you're a traitorous kike
Report: Israel Passes U.S. Military Technology to China

jews eat white steaks, not being circumcised doesn't mean shit
lowkey guys... its kinda over
can shia dogs get their shit together? you make fun of sunnis for now joining this mickey jihad?
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"not all jews" tier
For not* joining
Shias are the best of the Arabs.

But in the end they are still Arabs! Sad truth.
Their only redeeming quality was supposedly fighting Zionism and they can’t even do that
Rest in peace. they'll pay the cost
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lol thanks for the chuckle himmler.
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mind status: Broken.
someone tell sis no one cares about nasrallah like that
This is the way
This dumb bitch thinks Assad is going to help while Jolani is sitting in Idlib with 100k fighters lol
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This fat fuck wasted the billions that Iran gave him just to get blown the fuck out by Israel at the first sign of trouble.

If he was any more incompetent, I would have thought he was some sort of double agent for Israel.
> its kinda over
It's tempting to think that, but after discussing the matter here for the last couple of days, I don't know if it is. The reason for my doubts is that Jews are fighting dirty and without rules or care for life, however, what I'm slowly coming to realise is that Muslims seem to equally match their callous disregard for life. There's a reasonable possibility the Muslims are simply going to eat these blows and absorb them.

I don't know, we'll see how things unfold.
Yeah delusional. every day assad is in power is a win for him
I can fix her :)
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The cuck faggot needs to purged
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their only "victories" pretending to be poor victims so that the trannies and niggers will cry "free free palishitstain".
Nasrallah never had operational control over Hezbollah. IRGC controlls Hezbollah, 2006 war was completely directed by Soleimani. Fat fuck just gave speeches.
meh. Muslims still outnumber kikes like 20 to 1. Situation now still isn't as bad as it was even in 2015, let alone 1967.
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Aren't you talking about the jews and their holocaust?
I know bibi realizes what he’s done, but it seems like Israelis don’t yet. It’s going to be a long war..
Only if Iran stops cucking. (HIGH DOUBT)
From Total Kike Death to Complete Hezbollah Destruction real quick
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Thanks for the bread baker
God bless the Resistance
Glory to the martyrs
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LOL I need to make a bigger collage
hezb upper command is destroyed but there are still like 50k lower level fighters
/pol/ is fucking laughing at us!!!!!!
Apparently Kikes did get him, rest in peace brother. Hopefully someone crazy takes his place.
I thought Hezbollah had 72 gorillion rockets locked and loaded and ready to blow up Tel Aviv the minute Israel dared to touch Lebanon? What happened bros??
Jews are generally the absolute incarnate of the whole frog and the scorpion thing. They don't think. There is no big picture to them.
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so what's next, kike?
lol embarrassing how easily hezbollah got dismantled, didn't even lay a glove on israel either i'm almost sad for them
that's where i give these arabs one last chance

i give them two week
all the launch pads got destroyed doesnt matter if you got thousands if you cant launch them
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surely every captain can become the chief of staff
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It's unironically ogre. All that is left is to find a pretty Jewess that wants an Arab slave like myself and worship her feet
Beirut and Lebanon is being turned into rubble like Gaza right now, it's all so futile. Morale is in the gutter again, just think about how in a month we'll be sitting here talking about thousands and thousands of more dead along with the Palestinians starving to death and being bombed off-camera, yet still have all these talking heads babble on about escalation, right to defend etc. We aren't going to see justice in our lives, Honduran anon, I won't at least, I hope you're younger than me and might.
so what happened after 92, you destroyed hezbollah i heard then
Nasrallah needs to be replaced with someone who isnt a retarded cleric. Preferably a Syria veteran.
Kys kike.
c u c k e d
>how do you do my fellow antisemites?
>i was thinking we should stop supporting the enemies of Israel
>its hopeless and jews are invincible
>lets just give up and accept that jews will reign forever

Lol. Whoever the jews hate is who I like. No antisemite hops online to side with jews against their enemies.
we didn't just kill the head this time

it's not something they can't recover from, but during a war it's game over.
sorry ahmed
>eviscerating our fighting capacity, domestic faith, youth and global standing to kill some dude means we're winning
shia cuck thread lol
well, i thank your service for increasing jew hatred in the world every day
Kikes, you will not demoralize us. Death is a certainty in life. Unlike you our brothers actually report our losses.
buck broken
She is right though. You cannot dismantle an organization like Hezbollah by killing their leaders, it will just make more people join their cause. The tens of thousands of combatants that Hezbollah has are still there, and their stockpiles of missiles are barely affected. You have been doing this since 1948 and all you have achieved is gift the middle east to Iran, while allowing them to develop weapons that can wipe every city Israel in a matter of minutes.
Thanks for making it fashionable to be anti semetic!!! Its been so nice to not have to hide my power level around hot chicks anymore…. You lost the hot white girls!!! Its ogreeee
>as silly as this sounds, this "resistance" doesn't hate the jews enough, and that will be their downfall

Now some fingerless Hezbollah young officers will rise to the top with nothing but hatred and time and pain on their hands (literally).
I know you are, but what am I?
yeah, resistance here was more than 3 centuries.
The natives will never get demoralized.
See Vietnam, Afghanistan
This is unironically the best part
it's not my leader who just got sent to hell
I know you are, but what am I?
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Hezbollah has already maxed out its support in Lebanon. 90-95% of Shia Lebanese support them.
seething ;)
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when former CIA call you terrorist, you know kikes are fucking up

enjoy that small win while you still can
Kikes literally just carpet bombed and prayed to moloch.
I know you are, but what am I?
and now sunnis getting massacred by jews will also join them
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So when can we expect the ground invasion? America is on a steady decline and eventually wont be able to protect you.
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lmao even
Ik brother, they can gloat all they want. In time it will be our turn.
I am the son of a diasporan Palestinian, I just see reality. It's always been a parallel issue. Israel cashed in their long constructed facade, all the chips were put in by Netanyahu that now is the time they can enact the final solution on the Palestinians. Everyone will hate them for it, but if they do it in time then he'll go down as a hero to his evil people and over time, with the control they have, they will restablish the opinion of the world. They will turn the Palestinians into the native americans.

On the other side, the resistance is trying to survive and slow them down as much as possible in order for the ploy to fail and to try and stop them achieving thier goal before the disdain of the world starts to errode their control structure.

The fact nobody that absolutely nothing is beyond their sadistic villainy, they are succeeding at pace. Nobody can stop the jets so as long as they have the ammunition to drop, they are going to destroy everything.
global gentile generation is forming up kike
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Our dead are in paradise, while theirs are in hell!
>One Nasrallah will now become millions
She's right but literally.
yes yes
victory to the multipolar
just ignore russia being invaded
the collapse of the iranian axis
and the demographic disaster china is about to experience
Hezbollah is explicitly Shia lol Sunnis wont join them.

Hezbollah wont allow a Sunni milita to be formed either since that would be competition.
Thank you so much for unmasking in my lifetime!!! I have to thank all of you demonic kikes! Without you i would not have met the love of my life. We were both united in our anti semitism.
May god protect our warriors
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>just ignore russia being invaded
this is how you know jews are just unhinged and gambling with their lives
the fuck is this schizo on about
shoo troon
Good thing their NATO puppets don't have the time, money, capacity or willingness to keep that ammunition flowing. Nor do they have the capacity to replace the ugly jewess diaspora we've been fucking.
go out side nigger
Wests demographic disaster is even worse.

You really think retarded Latinx and Nafris replacing whites are going to help you lmao
>jew calls you a schizophrenic
>jews most predisposed to schizophrenia
but it's not a collapse
he was killed by an airstrike
nasrallah is dead and you are choosing the oddest way to cope
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lmao post more rafidoid cope
Nasallah being dead ain't going to grow your limbs or foreskins back mate
Great job kikes ! Please start a war with Iran hopefully you guys eventually end up using tactical nukes on Iran and end up killing each other.
I go out and march against you kikes every weekend. Me and my qt 3.14 fellow kike hating woman friend, after we get all upset at hating kikes, we go back to my place and have some of the best sex of my life. So again, thank you demons for unmasking in the modern age, you spent 2000+ years hiding just to unmask in my lifetime and its amazing. Please please dont stop!
nigger stop listening to that faggot Zeihan.
>please dont stop
dont worry this isnt stopping anytime soon lol
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Who is nasrallah bud? I dont care who you kill, i hated you from the moment i was born…. Theres no logical basis to it. I just illogically hate jews and you guys are doing a really good job of making the world hate you too, thus ending ny societal isolation. This is amazing!
more cope from yesterday

Where is CuckraqiSwede?
The reality of Beirut and Lebanon says otherwise. I'm totally beaten today, it's not Nasrallah it was an inevitability he would be killed, he would have known that better than anyone, it's the literal carbon copy of the Gaza approach being done to another city and people. They are even targetting the hospitals first again. Hearing that fucking buzzing drone of death over Beirut in the streams, it's just a nightmare.

Thankfully, I have more faith in the insane perseverance and resilience of the Palestinians and Lebanese than myself.
Yayyyyyy!!!!! Jews are done for!!! We are living through the downfall!! Yayyyyy
Peter "The diddler" Zeihan ? That faggot needs to die from butt AIDS
I think it may stop sooner rather than later for you. Call it a hunch.
Shhhh dont give away the suprise!!!
and then everyone on the bus clapped
You're a jew. Figures.
2 weeks?
it wasn't inevitable. what's inevitable is you jews being destroyed, you chose the most counter productive way to target another political leader. if you don't do a ground op incredibly effectively, Hezbollah comes back multitudes stronger and with determination to retaliate. You put Nasrallah's will into action
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>WMuzD pagers
>Brickphone Motorolas
>2800 maimed or killed, mostly commanders
>top guy gets blockbustered in his secure location
>it's just death throes bro

Are you blind or Muslim?
You really don’t think this is possible? You really are that delusional? Hahahahahahh
Zeihan is a snake oil salesmen.He pretends to be an expert in geopolitics but only selling bullshit and cope.
>they killed ~2000
>we killed 2 tho
>two is two
>it still counts

Charlie Zelenoff, is that you?
Kek and based
you're over playing it
you're a bad liar
What won America won WW2 was an industrial engine that your cousins here smartly gutted and gifted to China. The anti-White policies that help jews stay in power internally, make them weak externally. There are costs incurred when you have the opposite of a meritocracy. Russia will win over Ukraine. China is getting stronger long term. No one has stayed on top forever and ZOG is no exception. Your time will go as surely as it came.
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Why bother when you kill hundreds for them kek
Last real bake was #1771 due to kike interference. Next bake can start at #1772 and fill in the missing, or keep going at #1778.
What did nasrallah mean by this?
Yeah. I'm surprised just how much credibility that lying faggot has, typical urinal cake American parasite. I hope he's gets killed by feral niggers.
I just told you I'm not. I know these threads have been turned into utter cesspits because of the shills, but you are wrong on this one. I'm just sad today, some days are more demoralising than others.
You wish I was lying… hahahah its been so freeing to just be anti “zionist” in public and be praised for it instead of called a nazi chud, life is finally good anons.
Uh huh. Sure.
can 1778 be a leb qt edition, I want to see some leb sluts
the multi polar world
with how much they gloat they don't rely on the west
yet somehow all their weapons have western chips and sensors
Last real bake was if you don't count kikes and shills was like 4 days ago. We having been getting flooded with low quality post.
A feral nigger wandering around the mountains eats him during one of his hikes.
Hezbros, how do we recover?
he meant what he said. now you have to finish the job on Lebanon or at least stranglehold it completely in the next month or just retaliation comes. Your performance in Gaza suggests you'll get punished
now do in russian
That was the first one
Difference is #1772-1776 were renamed to cope happening.
>We having been getting flooded with low quality post.
1pbtid posts, they aren't even trying to hide it.
You think countries can turn away from the Western chips overnight ? Stop being a stupid kike. I'm aware Jews are incapable of thinking beyond their big nose agenda but give it a try. Kike.
you also gloat that ''i ain't no need no USA(men)'' but almost all of your military gear is made by the US/west and they even pay for a large part for it lol.
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Joe Biden here. I would like to thank all the brave lads from Hamas for providing us over 1435 dead sand nigger babies for our feasts here in the caves beneath the White House. They have done a great, great job of sorting through the bomb our homes and day care centers and only getting us the best of the little tykes. And a special thanks to George Soros and Hillary Clinton for paying for the shipments. We will be having a feast this weekend in the caves beneath the White House with the little niggers being cooked up by General Milley for the Democrat elite. Fine, fine eating. Uncle Joe
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restart your router and try something more subtle
maybe it will work
Israel can literally only exist in a unipolar US dominated world which is increasingly looking like a fantasy. Kek.
Idk bro when I baked I just put the number that was next
They are actually paying for vpn nows they decided not to cheap out anymore.
Kek dropping all pretense of Lebanese independence are we?
We'll just bomb whatever troops Iran sends our way
Gurl, you trippin
of course they do
that's why they go through that massive headache
with huge markup
it's free
we have local alternatives that are often better
but they're not free
whatever helps you cope
but the only thing we truly need from the US is vetoes in the security council
This. Oy vey
we follow the same russian account, interesting
NEW BAKE >>483104161
>we have local alternatives that are often better

You don't have big enough production.
New bake should be titled new Nasralla Cope
She's right.
>I can't believe this motherfucker outlasted even Hezbollah
he didn't
Nice slavics whores
>that pic
Holy projection.
>we dindu nuffin
post hand for confirmation
That pic is literally jewish history, shitskin kike
you're literally from africa
Your nappy hair says that it's you.
i'm russian
No, you are a kike. A nappy haired mutt that no one likes. Even your own God Left you and gave Jesus to the world.
You are literally a sandnigger ape
lmao even
you don't have to take your taqiya this far
>lying rat called others liar
Your projection and chutzpah is truly limitless
>an arab calling a russian a sandnigger ape

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