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People need to strat training for combat again.

If people think you're an easy target, you're getting assaulted. You need to learn to defend yourself.
I once cared about nips but seeing how they speak about white people, fuck that. White people are the niggers of Asia? Let's see about that, buddy. You don't know a nigger.
imagine relaxing around niggers for even a single moment
LMAO japanese people getting rekt by Blacks will never not be funny X'D
I’m half jap but I couldn’t give a shit about japan, such a cucked hive mind nation.
Take care of busy Yoshi. White black yellow brown, if they dispect your community, culture, calm, restore it, take them out. Still way Way WAY more locals.
Japan is too beautiful JAPANESE.
That's just cope. Don't take it seriously.
At least you guys will learn how to not be cucks, you should take some lessons from south korea on how they mogged Johnny Somali
Could have been LA... man this video cracks me up when I'm having a bad day.

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Okay but keep whining about some random white tourist being goofy in on of your temples once every 6 months. You deserve this.
don't care
they deserve it
They’re pretty red-pilled on jews now. It’s odd.
those were spics and bongs
>Japs getting robbed by Africans smaller than them
At least they're not lvl 70+ gorilla niggers we have to deal with in the states.
They should be able to handle it.
How did those niggers get there and where did they come from? Also niggers love Covid masks because it conceals their identity when they commit crimes
Stop linking to fucking Twitter. Half of us are banned.
That's why they killed him.
whining or goofing off?
I wish he break they jaw.
Nips claim to hate whites until they have to interact with literally any other group of people
>Bans guns
>Gets robbed by third worldies
It's like clockwork. Asia and Europe need to find their balls and start packing heat.
the one doing pullups at the temple was a spic
the deer kickers are chinks
the ones who broke the bell rope at Yasaka shrine were drunk brits and germans
And this is coming from BLM country lmfao
niggers are waging a world wide war of terrorism
>Man defending his phone
Any source that phone is actually his? Maybe he snatched it from the other person and they were all helping trying to get him to return it.
And yet the Japanese blame white tourists
He'll do something any day now anon
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>There's no way you'll be taken away.
>tfw he loves his smartphone so much that he shared what he said to it with the world
unfortunately that is excatly what they need to do. If they don´t tolerate minor bad behaviour from whites, they will go berserk over shitskin behaviour. All they are doing is drawing a line.
Holy shit people need to see this
Tell the blacku monkey to go home!
Where's the roving gangs of nog rapists in America?
So nigs cry in the streets and rob other nigs? Beats roving gangs of rapists.
Notice how they targeted one of the few obese Japanese people?
This is your sign to get /fit/ boys.
do they? proofs
Japs don't mind, at least they aren't white people who might speak loudly in the subway, those are the real enemies of Japan.
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japan has fallen
Brother Donald needs to do something about this shit. For Shinzos honor.
I wish the US had the amount of blacks, jeets and others. We've got nothing to say because our problems are a million times worse than Japan. Same with Britain, France, Germany, Canada, etc.

Never underestimate Japanese. Their social conformity is what prevents them from chimping out but they definitely can and will do something eventually about this. Their problema are fixable, ours isn't.
Jap dogs are just still salty that their asses got BTFO’d by American nukes during WW2, so whenever a foreigner does something bad the average jap mind hyperfixates on white people. Them being so insular and culturally closed-off from the rest of the world fuels this as well.

My country is probably the only asian country that’s ultra redpilled on everything, we have hard unspoken limits on every brown skinned foreigners with a VISA who enter here, and we keep an eye on whitey in case they get rowdy, who we then publicly cane and humiliate when they decide to FAFO.

God I love my country.
In 300yrs from now on all the fake, gay and retarded bullshit of [current year] Clownworld will be communicated in the form of fairy tales and myth yet again. Keep that in mind.
What, like giving 500 billion$ to the "black community" in reparations like he wanted to last time? Yeah he will surely save us all
>Oh yeah well your country is in bad shape too. Take that fellow white man!
No shit. All of us countries are under occupation. And your guns haven't saved you. That was my point when I replied to you, if I really need to explain it.
That's a funny way of saying "I'm a mutt"
>Nips claim to hate whites
it's funny considering their obsession for whites
if you read hentai and manga you know what i mean
Where are all the highschool gangs patrolling the city and beating up bad guys on their territory?
How do these monkeys even reach Japan lmao
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that's the price of democracy
Air dropped from a jewish plane
Bongo Bongo Bongo I don't wanna leave the Congo oh-no no-no
Every US embassy has a nigger spawner in them
They were marooned on an island and forced to fight each other to the death
This is played in reverse! The black man is giving the Japanese man a free phone.
Niggers need to be made extinct.
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Almost there...
It's Japan in the year 2025. Everywhere you go you hear music made by Blacks from around the world; even rural areas aren't safe. Imagine watching those Japanese women twerking, presenting their cheeks to the nearest foreign bull, while their mothers rejoice at the beauty of progress, and their fathers contemplate suicide for the tenth time this week. Japan will be flooded with millions of migrants: Berbers, Arabs, Africans, Filipinos, and even the odd Swede. Swarming around the locals, they set up their shitty peddling areas, crowding out native businesses, erasing the refined and elegant Japanese scripture with an asymmetrical, distorted mess of different languages in shops, on signs, and even in manga.
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As the Japanese are reduced to a marginal interest group in their own country, even their laws will not be safe from immigrant protests. First, they will be lobbied, bullied, and shamed into accepting their new feminist laws. Women will get preferential treatment in all areas of employment, until there are no more suitable men that out-earn them, and the men will be reduced to shit-tier service sector labour, and involuntary, depression induced NEETdom. Next, they will start writing their legislation in multiple languages; to show the inclusive nature of the state, and to welcome the new Japanese to their tolerant new home. This is just the beginning though, eventually, once the Japanese population becomes the minority, the language of legislation will be converted to the most inclusive, universal, and progressive language of all: English. By this point there will be nothing unique left of the Japanese. They will be lonely and depressed, they won't have kids, and the remaining children will either be atomized, isolated men, or globalized, booty bouncing, diversity loving thots, desperate to improve their status by dating the biggest, strongest, urban beast they could find.

This is the future of Japan. Just sit back, relax, and enjoy the collapse.
>Muh GDP strikes again
Japanese have a clear opportunity to start carrying Bokken again and training with them. And wearing them daily for defense.
nigger tier reasoning
People in glass houses shouldn't be throwing rocks. Japanese can still be xenophobic and are notorious for abusing criminals and asylum seekers. They just need that spark to go banzai blitz again.
He's probably a basement troll whose butthurt Japanese don't see him as "the good ones."

Black, white, brown, Japanese don't care. They don't like foreigners. That's why they had 250 years of isolation until globalization forced them open. Whites have raped, robbed, and caused trouble to them in the past as well as blacks, muzzies, etc. I can't fault them. Japan for the Japanese.
I'm mentioning it because I called it in 2019.
I know my country is fucked and pretty much non-white at this point. I'm just saying that countries that people thought would be safe are not safe.
Just apologize to Musk and he'll let you back on. Swallow your pride, my dude.
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>even the odd Swede
I kek'd, and then I cried.
>White people are the niggers of Asia?
Not white people. White people are decent people. Americans are the niggers of Asia. And his assessment is 100% correct. Americans are the niggers of the planet. OPs video is just another typical example of American "culture". Everyone looks down on you. Even your wife and your kids do.
they didn't know better and whites are a bit more disorganized than asians, they seem to be experiencing real nigger activity now so they probably have a better idea of what that is, prior they'd have no idea
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Japan, find the (((banker))) jews and root them out before the whole country is fucked like the USA.
The Brits say the exact same thing about you. Word for word.
The enrichment is just getting started, Japan.
Japs have no built up cultural immunity to nigs, so it's sad to watch them tear through their society. It's stunning to see how quickly they begin doing damage. Hopefully your government proves more responsive and rational than western govs (and less jewed) ant ceases this nigger importation experiment immediately
>Japan, find the (((banker))) jews
It's literally our ambassador to Japan, Rahm Emmanuel. One of the vilest of the Obama Jews.
Thanks for proving my point. Nig on.
lmao literal niggers do suck lol
A few key tips to winning a street fight.
>fight dirty
>fight as if they're trying to kill you(they are)
>use a weapon(gun works best)
>don't care how you look or what others will think
>kick them in the balls
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this is racism in action.

if the black man was white, you wouldn't bat an eye.

why does it only take one single occurrence of a black person doing something bad for you to hate ALL black people?
>Yameruuu! Nigeruuuu!

Gets beaten to death
how do we protect gookmoot from the melanin menace
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balls obviously, but neck or throat or a simple headlock will do wonders
Didn't read, kys pajeet
Prejudice is a survival tool, makes predictions faster.
You dont go swimming with sharks because you have a prejudice that they will will eat you.
>But hey, it might be a trained zoo shark! You speciesist bigot!

Also, despite being %13 of the population...
Asians are more of a racial enemy than niggers. Only weebshits and low IQ people think otherwise.

Better yet, avoid street fights or run from them. You're much more likely to survive this way.
The chinks definitely, but most Japs prefer to stay in their country and they only really congregate in California and Hawaii
Blacks / nips
Opposite sides of the same coin.
All sub-human.
Go prepare another pot of buckwheat you scoundrel.
Japan is going to go imperial again over these niggers and it'll be glorious.
A bit of context.
The guy in the vid is known as the vigilante of Nara. He harasses chink tourists who harrass the deers in Nara.
The place in the vid is Takeshita Street or just Harajuku. It is known for clothing stores.
Some niggers operate some stores that sell counterfeits. Some others work as their touts, similar to how they grab people to their bar. One thing they hate is people taking photo of them. Because they are illegals who dont want to be ided by cops. So they are probably not robbing his phone but to get him to delete any photo. Still its fucking bad. In any case this video is from 4 years ago so who knows maybe they were artested.
What are you doing in Canada, Devon Stack?
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LMAO no wonder japanese women aren't reproducing.
it's hilarious how worldwide, no matter what nation they end up in niggers are always the same
Your flag is a funny way of saying that you're fat and dumb.
>Their problema are fixable, ours isn't.
no they aren't. they are barely having kids and have already begun wholesale replacing their population with niggers and jeets. they are a few decades off from minority japanese
No one is safe with Jews on the planet
Japanese men need to start killing niggers in the streets with katanas
there are innumerable examples of blacks acting like monkey retards in other race's countries, look at mine
And give them to little old ladies because those are the primary targets
Hm.. But it's, not only whites, all nations, a big problem how some... Sort of tourists behave. That's incredible and if saw the decades long war between these rioting tourists and the natives, like in Mallorca or Venice, I can understand that the natives paint a picture. It's mostly English or American guys, or some French, Dutch etc. So, skin color white - it's the whites. Long story short that's not OK either but sadly they will see the true horror in Japan, with all the niggers and we all know who's following them. No, idiot, not the Jews. The Asians. "No stop anon" , you say? "Japanese are Asians themselves!" Right... But... There's a special kind of, the Japanese don't have the best relationship to, historically, so to say.

Just behave normal, that's a thing most people just can't do. Not in their own homes, and not while visiting a foreign country with an completely different culture.
Japan is an occupied nation. In case you forgot slant we beat your fucking ass and occupy you to this day. Japan is whatever the U.S. wants it to be as we own them
You will never be a woman.
You will never be white.
You will never be a man.
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Do you not understand proportion?

If niggers are a 2, whites are a 4 and Asians are an 8, then whites are niggers of Asians, and niggers are the doubleniggers of Asia.

That said, LMAOing at this Chink thinking he's brave for defending his property in a country where the threat of violence is almost nonexistent.
Try fighting back with a Brazilian mugger and see where that bravery takes you.

Happy you fucking Japs get assfucked by the niggers and jeets you imported
at least those aren't white people, RIGHT?
fucking slant eyed faggots
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this, had to clear out the vanguard that would have spoken about the nigger horde masses swarming the nation
What are you doing online? Grab a shovel and go do your civic duty in Valencia. God knows the govt won't help them.
Kikes really have no end goal do they, they just get off being society wreckers and griefing people. How exactly does exposing the on looking world to shitskin behavior by dropping them on the most suffocating civil societies and letting them run amok like this advance any objectives other than making the whole world hate shitskin races more so?
LOL you're talking to your fellow American and yeah they're under US occupation but what I can respect about Japan is that they haven't totally swallowed the liberal Kool-Aid like we have. They have no scruple being bigoted against outsiders. We lost that because of muh multiculturalism.
Their end game is you being dead, your culture stolen, and your race entirely forgotten.
True, but if you have kids or a slow wife then you are just a subhuman piece of shit for leaving them in the dust

I grew up in a rough neighborhood and I had to fight a few times to survive. Fighting is the last option and I still have scars from the time I couldn't hold them off and had to run.
they literally voted for this and actively request even more niggers to be delivered for cultural enrichment purposes.
Lmao at the Japanese girl scuttling her ass backwards in the sand like some sort of disgusting crab creature.
You should see the older generations of Europeans. It's the same thing. People were bigoted towards those from the next town over. It's just the luxury of not growing up around browns and blacks. Think of it as racism-triage.
God bless Singapore, I been there once and it was lot of fun. Much love from a burger
nips are terrified of interacting with nips from another part of the country, of course they'd piss and shit and cum the first time they saw a White person.
>How exactly does exposing the on looking world to shitskin behavior by dropping them on the most suffocating civil societies and letting them run amok like this advance any objectives other than making the whole world hate shitskin races more so?
That's exactly the goal. The more people focus on shitskins, the less they focus on kikes. Kikes want all the blame and hatred aimed at somebody other than themselves.
As much as I hate that nigger jon jones take soms notes from him and poke niggers in the eye and kick their knees out
I am a heterosexual white male of Anglo-Irish-Italian origin who has fathered three white children with a woman of German-Irish origin. We are 100% European.
What lil takashi gon do?
Let it stew until he erupts. Japanese are conditioned to never act out until they lose it. People mistake patience for weakness.

Context is obviously important, but maybe don't take your slow wife and your kids to places where this kind of stuff tends to happen, which is avoidance. Obviously there are exceptions and if by some anomaly you did everything right and are in a do-or-die situation in an upper class neighborhood's local event or maybe if they broke into your home looking for action, then yes, you need to quell the danger there and then.
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>A spaniard thinking they have any ground on to talk shit to anyone
Niggers are very dumb, generally, but their predatory instincts are remarkably acute. I've foiled at least a couple rounds of the knockout game simply by looking them over while passing them on the sidewalk. Just a quick "yes, I see you nigger" look transmits your awareness of what they're up to and it disarms them.
Sure you are, apu
no (You) for a memeflag
2 more weeks
if you are afraid of borderline retarded race that die of starvation after their ebt cashflow ends and murder themselves on daily basis over new nike jordans than you are stupid
I'm pretty sure when they say "white people" they mostly mean North Americans. You guys have been fucking the world with your bullshit for more than a century.
>You guys have been fucking the world with your bullshit for more than a century.
The English said the same thing about you in the 1500s.
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Are cellphones the modern day bicycle?
Since that phone has all the logins and data for his gacha games that Jap would defend his phone to that extent. Niggers need to realize this.
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It's hard to determine what you foiled if they were even intending anything, but yes, be attentive and never relax around blacks. Just don't show fear, because they will pounce on that.

Also, dressing like you have nothing on you is good, and keeping to a scruffy look helps. I'm out of shape right now, but when I was fit, I was getting a lot more attention, not just from girls both cute and repulsive, but also from guys who want to prove something. So being an out-of-shape slob is a good defense against niggerdry.

looked staged
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This is now an America vs The World thread because europoors wouldn't stop talking shit.
It means all whites everywhere. They’re all the same. Whites love to send their colonial mentality slaves to the east to shit everywhere since they’re now too poor or dead (boomers) to go themselves
Caning is one of the best antidotes to low-level crimes like graffiti and littering. The people who do these things have low IQs, so it's pointless to coddle them with patty-cake measures like fines, which they won't pay, or moral shaming, which they lack the brain tissues to effectively process. But they do understand physical pain, because it is tangible and immediate. Feral criminals must be made to fear the consequences of acting upon their base impulses.
Nip sissy-bois will be captured and brought back to Albion for cheek-clapping.
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It is destiny that the Bame will rule Nippon, just as they rule Albion.
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You are a homosexual and a fiend.
Why are you posting your homoerotic interracial fantasies on here?
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This poster is confirmed a pajeet. Two Jeetdex copes in a row.
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Japan should have kept its lowkey militarist elite. Bourgeois politicians like him, even if they meant well, were just not cut out for the kind of world we live in now.
what a loser. what a big baby. I dont think he has autism he's just a fucking pussy

"listen, listen. do you have any money on you?"

>if the black man was white, you wouldn't bat an eye.
if the black man was white, this wouldn't have even happened
They were giving off pre-attack cues (licking their lips, balling fists, glancing around etc)

Very well then. What other pre-attack cues should we know about? I know about placing one foot behind the other is a sign for positioning for a sucker-punch
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The Nips are ultra-xenophobic, but their xenophobia is largely impotent. Not as impotent as rare whitetoid xenophobia, as they'll at least openly discriminate against foreigners etc. But ultimately, they'll never do what needs to be done, and they'll share the same fate as the whitetoids.
>le nigger no machi
Imagine living in a shithole lmao
We wouldn't have to if it weren't for judaists and their pet negroes, brownoids, and jeets.
lmao you are delusional they are all stuffed in metropolitan areas and japan is small sized country if someone is fucked that's japan
This post is what gooning everyday does to a man. Learn from this.
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Me when non-whites complain to me about other non-white groups.
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UUUU yeah! Diamonds... I want you to read me Bame conquest bedtime stories...
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unfortunately when faced with a group, your best option is blast em back to hell, or hightail it and regroup. Picrel is an exception, not the standard, though may we all be so lucky to come out on top like this guy.
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I'm Bame, we can't be gay. Only the sissy-races we clap are gay.
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Kek, gooning? me? Pic related is me. I clap all the time. I'm a 300lb Bame bvll.
hot take
but true
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Seriously, who do you thinks going to win, pic related or...
>Nips claim to hate whites
not really
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.... or these sissy-fags?

The Nip, because the Nip is real
Not-subhuman races should team up and exterminate every nigger, jeet, muslim and kike.
Imagine a world where only 90+ average IQ ethnicities existed.
Remember the dumbass guy who took his girlfriend for a walk at 3am in fucking Brooklyn
>posting same sissy shit in various threads
>Im not gay
Seek help gooner
>white people
They mean you gringos
stop making things so cheap
low prices attracts low quality. You don't see this shit in monaco
bro its japan
niggers shouldn't even be there
This is why I carry a knife. If anyone tries to take anything from me I can draw my blade and stab them in the neck repeatedly until they are dismembered and then I can soccer kick their head down the street. And then I'm going to mug their corpse and take whatever they had. Sort of a reverse robbery.
With noggers, the other big one is pulling up their pants.

Otherwise, we've covered the major cues.
this is the answer. i bet they end up doing it too.
That's what I've been saying. They're so "honorable," yet they constantly disrespect us by calling us gaijan and portraying whites as filthy pigs in their media. We'll, now they're getting a real taste of filthiness and disorder by the subhumans their zog'd leaders are letting into their country en masse. Soon, they'll yearn for the days when only white euros or american tourists/wage slaves lived amongst them; most of whom tried to assimilate and respect their culture. Oh fucking well, enjoy your brown future.
Asians made a mistake.

They thought if they just stayed meek the problem wouldn't touch them.

Instead of teaming up with whites, they turned a blind eye and avoid being associated with whites.

Asians could have helped a lot, mocking the white supremacy psyop, showing how Asians have higher income than whites, lower incarceration rates.

Whites are cornered, because ONLY a non-white can abide for them. Whites aren't supremacists, they just care about their own like everyone else. But it's hard to fight that (((propaganda))) AS a white person.

Asian could have culturally obliterated Globohomo when it was weak. Instead they looked away.

Now Globohomo gained so much momentum unopposed, Asian politics is showing signs of metastasis. Niggers dancing on their bus, robberies. It's only the beginning.

If nips are smart, they would start using their katanas against aggressors. It should be allowed by law.
The best thing about black people wearing saggy pants, is they will never be able to outrun you if you move fast because their pants will fall down and trip them. And if you choose to stand and fight, they will at some point use their hands to pull up their pants which leaves their face and neck exposed for my dagger thrust.

>pulling up their pants.

The only thing more important than avoiding a street fight is booty. A man's butt.
>t.literal who flag
I fuck white men.
Yall japs seem to have a problem that is plaguing the rest of the world too. Cant afford compassion or disconnect from these problems anymore and try to hide in the crowd. The whole crowd is you trying hide. Don't you remember that violence is truth and wether you like it or not, you're compelled to defend you're or die? And btw fuck google.
>Try fighting back with a Brazilian mugger and see where that bravery takes you.
You say that as if you're proud of it. No wonder your entire country is a complete uncivilized favella shithole. You'll never, ever be a 1st world country, be sure to remind yourself of that every single day.
In fact, it is an undeniable fact that some white people in ZOG are unilaterally imposing DELI on Japan.
Most of the white people who come through the Japanese media are left scum.

They are constantly brought up about the war 80 years ago and attacked as "xenophobic" and "fascism."
The West has nothing to say about the shitholes of other non-white nations in the Middle East and the Third World, but only Japan receives extraordinary attacks on the same standards.
That's why Japan hates gaijin.
White people have not honored their obligation to their vanquished enemies because fuckin faggot boomer communist traitor retards and their hippy pussy coward bullshit government insurrection. Fuck them. And fyck tge women behind the problem.

At which point it's no longer self-defense and can easily be argued for murder which can land you 25 years to life in prison. Mind you, I don't feel sorry for anyone who plays the stupid game of fucking with random people, and I certainly won't feel sorry for anybody who gets killed brutally as a result of trying to mug the person who killed them prior to the attack. But is this worth 25 years to life for them trying something that stupid on you, when you could have ran off and kept your bearings? They'll call you a bitch and a faggot, but then again a guy who'll walk up to you like that doesn't care about honor anyways and probably has a death wish. Don't get dragged into his life by him imposing his death wish upon you.
>gets attacked by a pack of niggers
>complains about kurds and chinese people
Even nips are too scared to call out nigger behavior.
There was a major difference on how I was treated before I started lifting to after I started lifting and got swole.
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U: tiny pink lv 15 entering Gaur Plain (ガウル平原) metro station
*You Will Know Our Names (名を冠する者たち) starts playing*
>niggers being niggers all over the world
this is why black women abort black baby boys en masse, they are saving the world one nigger at a time, and miganiggers want to stop them
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Oh look another jewish D&C post used to get the goyim to hate each other

>hurrr I hate x group they deserve to get zogged!

fuck off rabbi, that's not going to work.
I was born in the wrong century. I'm built for slaying my enemies directly with an axe. I have no time for modern civilization. The axe is more efficient. If I have an enemy I want to bury my axe in that enemy until he dies. Consequences be damned. Enemies are for killing.
>"he'll do something any day now" said the swede as his family was raped and beheaded by muslims in malmo
They got jontron?
Actually people need to learn how to love. Love is the perfect defense.
Those illegals gotta go back fren.
I miss Abe.

You need to stop "loving" little kids, Moshe
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is it something "racist"?

How did you get banned from X/Twitter? I got permanently banned a few years ago from Reddit because I was being Antisemitic. Got a new phone a couple months ago and have now got another Reddit account but haven't said much due to the fear of getting banned again. In fact, I got banned from a bunch of subreddits when I did say something.
>chinks harrassing animals
No surprise there. Thanks for the input, japbro
checked and spit your shit indeed
>nig on
The first thing the Bolsheviks did when they secured their victory after WWII was go after China.

The Jewish bankers went after Japan.
not really. xitter's translate is just bad.

>You can't do it for free. Four years ago, when I got into a fight with a group of foreigners, I was about to lose my smartphone, but I defended it. You will never be taken away. And the power to stand up to the Kurds and the Chinese is also offered.
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Sure you are.
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shalom, rabbi
>And the power to stand up to the Kurds and the Chinese is also offered
what did the jap mean by this?
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Look at this beautiful white American child. It is of Anglo-Irish origin. Only 1% African DNA
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Literally this guy is an annoying streamer and just a nigga who just happened to be born in Japan.
However, there was a Chinese who kicked a deer in Nara Park, so I appreciate that this guy is patrolling.
Black people in asian countries are mostly meek since they are either soldier or student (not fake student for food delivery)
I never understood hatred on black online before i go travel to western countries
They were most vile piece of shits ive ever met
It must be nightmare to meet that kind of shits everyday and so i thanks to God everyday about my country is peaceful
You have to be logged in for the API to work.
Japs hate chinks in general, and their government has recently shut down some "anti-kurd" protests after an increase in anti-kurdish sentiment since 2023. there are only like 3000 of them living in japan so it's anyone's guess why they're being targeted. I assume it's because they basically live like gypsies and nigger the place up wherever they go, and the japs just want them mass deported before they start breeding more.
I lived long enough to see the Japs create a real Goblin Slayer vigilante group and attack niggers and browns.
I can die happy
ching choong chong
he's being too dramatic and everyone else is too chill for a robbery
it's defo something else
I'm more german at 25% than you'll ever be, mohammed.
You're making the classic mistake of confusing whites with jews. Whites once admired your culture but after jewish-masonic infiltration of our cultures western nations now hate any country that isn't self hating. What you are witnessing is the ZOG propaganda machine using the same tactics on your nation that it did to ours.
glory and honor to all defenders of Japan.
>japan has fallen because of some dryass normie twerking
if that's the case,it fell 50 years ago
Japan has had an active dancehall sub culture since the 80's and they have a number of active afro sub cultures as well,all of them have only grown since the inception of the web
they get along with african and Caribbean niggros just fine
it's the American niggros that are the problem,since they represent everything that's wrong with merica on steroids
pol tards only see the world in a way that fits in your narrative
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sure you are, D'aquarius Chaim Smith
>kanye visits tokyo
>now black people think its cool to go
>its ruined
When did israel get an agitprop outpost in austria? Or is it just a VPN rabbi.
>xitter laid off the people in charge of translate to pinch pennies
musk is so based
Those 3,000 kurd gathered in one city and are building another Islamic state in Japan.
Saitama Prefecture used to be an attractive commuter town for Tokyo, but now 3,000 sand niggers may proliferate over generations.
It's no good not to be wary of this
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>muh masons
>muh jews
it was you anglos. This is everything you vermin fought for. This is the world you created.
Death to America.
Death to Anglos.
you should start forming vigilante death squads and clear the infestation out yourselves before it gets out of hand. your leaders are westcucked and aren't going to do anything about it.
As usual, India wins. Japs focus their ire on whites. We slither in under the radar. We are so fucking tactical espionage action tier. Just walking in like Snake in a cardboard box. Fuck you.
Your flag looks like my toothpaste and no, I don't use cologate.
they can't tell the difference between you and the kurd turds. you'll be excised with that tumor.
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gotta be a fucking leaf
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You mean, "Espoonage"?
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i know japan seems like it will be docile forever, but are they waking up at all?
In a real country that nigger would be dead on the spot. I hate this gay fucking planet. Even nigger filled Africa will kill niggers for doing this shit.
This attitude is why americans can't legally defend themselves against niggers, the refuse to take the political battle and just live according to the bullshit rules made by jews and leftists. None has to let niggers into their countries
No, it's clear that Jews are leading the charge, but some people in ZOG say, ``It's unfair that the Japanese can be racist when we can't do it.''
Although the suicide rate and birth rate are not much different from those in most developed countries, they are exaggerated and attacked.
It must be some kind of psychological operation.
When you lay in a cardboard box in the street, that makes you a homeless person, not a super-spy. lol.
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>it was you anglos. This is everything you vermin fought for. This is the world you created.
Hi, sholmo.
Right? Like to even get a plane ticket is expensive as fuck. How are they doing this?
>I once cared about nips but seeing how they speak about white people,
You saw a meme post made by a white leftist or jew. You're a shill who wants us to be indifferent to the shitty behaviour of niggers
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>It must be some kind of psychological operation
Duh, the push the same exact propaganda here.
>Why don't white men work
>Women aren't interested in white men
>birth rates are too low, we need immigration to survive
It's all classic demoralization tactics designed to make you just wanna give up and jerk off and play video games all day. Don't listen to it, no matter how bad it gets, always remember: the jew fears the samurai.
>without a gun
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What happund?
they're literally funded by rabbinical immigration NGOs. rabbis literally go to these third world nations and try to convince niggers and browns that western nations are paradise and that they'll have everything given to them for free, then they buy them plane tickets or organize migrant caravans, etc.
probably talking about Ryan Carson, a leftist activist who tripped over a bench and then got stabbed in the neck by a feral nigger and bled out in front of his girlfriend, who then refused to identify the suspect because she didn't want to be racist.
>Those 3,000 kurd gathered in one city and are building another Islamic state in Japan.

In London, in the 1960s, Islamic ethnic groups started forming enclaves in specific boroughs of Greater London. Today, pic related. Tokyo will probably share the same fate, their borders are open, almost western style.

Japan today = Britain in the 1960s.
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Japanese people are the equivalent of some weird bird species like the New Zealand moa and the niggers are the maori coming and hunting them to death.

They don't have any concept of niggers nigging because their worst criminals were yakuza guys running construction scams and russians in roppongi.

Based but we need to save the women.
>Most of the white people who come through the Japanese media are left scum.
All of them are jews.
Why did you create mexicans, faggot?
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Since we all know it's the NGO's I wonder why nobody ever targets the NGO's. I often say that if I was in charge I would declare those NGO's as terrorist organizations and I would use drone strikes to take out all of their offices around the world. If we decapitate the NGO's by killing all of the NGO members, they won't be able to push mass immigration anymore.

It feels like the people in charge actually want the mass illegal immigration so we'll never see an official government response like destroying the NGO's which means the task will have to fall to brave vigilante assassins or possibly black market hired hitmen to eliminate the NGO problem. If I had unlimited funds I would arrange it myself but I'm too poor to hire hitmen.
Degenerate AI slop

I'd like to think when you went to western countries you mainly interacted with relatively affluent ones at tourist areas or in nice places. Now imagine what the poor ones are like. They grow ever more entitled, louder, and violent the poorer and dumber they are.
Stop sucking jap dick you said weeaboo.
Also degenerate, soulless AI slop
Seething jew shill
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This is /pol/, put some fucking effort into your memes you pathetic piece of shit.
You are a disgrace to what we have created over the last 2 decades.
Even a simple screencap from a literal nigger TV show has more soul than your worthless slop does.
Don't forget the Chicano culture over there!
In fact, Kurds began living in Japan 30 years ago, in the early 1990s.
If we assume that the second generation has already begun to be born, we were already wrong 30 years ago.
Perhaps we'll be able to see the sights of London sooner than the time between 1960-2024.
Shut up personal army faggot.
are you seriously crying about people using AI images? Look buddy, I'm an artist and nobody is more personally affected by AI replacing artists than me. and you don't see me whining like a bitch about it. If your art is good, you'll be fine, and if AI can replace you easily then you weren't that good an artist anyway.
Did You americans woke up at all?

Same answer
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I hate niggers anyway.This just confirms that I am right.

I utterly respect Japanese culture and dont want to see it destroyed because one day if I ever manage it, It would be an honour to be allowed to come there and be among the natives and learn more. Sincerely.

Were not our elders were not responsible for their actions but we all share the same humanity and I'd pick your culture over mine currently
Finally some one says it. Asians hate white people more than any other race except Jews.
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You don't belong here. You belong on Reddit with the other AI loving retard who worship kikes like (((Sam Altman)))
Shut up gay faggot.
Stop being so fucking pathetic and put effort into your fucking life.
You are like the nigger who complains that white people don't pay him enough in welfare. You can't create anything on your own and want jewish algorithms to do it for you.
Fuck you. Didn't read your post, will never read your posts because you are below any white person here.
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Heh well you can't do anything about it because I am here and I'm going to post an AI image in every thread just to spite you for being a cunt to me. Eat shit and die faggot.
The majority of the Nigerians are from the Yakuza themselves who imported them for muscle and the rest is Jewish NGO's and government/banking officials.

America loves sending black servicemen to Poland and Japan for a reason.
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What's the context of this post, is he flexing on the chinks and kurds?

"Oh? A synogogue in Tokyo? Sure! What harm could it do?"

A few years later
Retard. I'm not going to defend Logan Paul screaming and acting like a retard at their shrines.
Then get your cousins to quit their shit-jobs here and go back to your area. They stink up the place.
Training has nothing to do with it: present day men are soft, weak cowards. Train these pussies all you like, they don't have the resolve to use it.
Why don't Japanese lynch some niggers?
Set an example and blacks will stay the fuck away.
chinks and kurds in Japan are similar to India in Canada

Japan doesn't have a bad impression of India yet, but it hates Kurds far more.
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Asians HATE White people MORE than NIGGERS

Personality I hope Japan gets culturally enriched by niggers, jeets and muzzies
and thus began the great negro yakuza wars
You imported them, rabbi.
if they were white they wouldnt have done it in the first place you fucken faggot as cannuck cunt
They are not wrong. Whites are on the bottom of the totem pole in Asia, even below Indians and that says alot. Nearly every white man that lives in Japan is a socially autistic pedo weeb English teacher, most Indians in Japan come there to work engineering jobs. Do the math
>drunk brits
Absolute worst kind of people. Maybe even worse than drunk finns.
nice trips but you should have hidden your indian flag
I am literally insulting Indians in my post, but you are too low IQ to realize
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makes me sad that japan has to learn this the hard way like western countries are, but it's good to see japan reacting to it like sane people and fighting back

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