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/pw/ - Professional Wrestling

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>underwear visible in public
Is Kitto a bad influence on Neo Genesis?
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I could be forcibly hospitalized in some states for publicly stating what I would do to her asshole
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CK is bl*cked underwear
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>see object
>think of black men
You are gay.
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she's pure actually
would wedgie that bratty cat for such displays
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Is this a Back to the Future reference? Kitto confirmed for bro.
thats a grown lady no wonder yo guys are called joshipedos
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Guys, guys, I've been informed that we need to tone down the based joshi threads
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+1 joshi thread
-1 gay rape fanfiction
Nice boobs, Kitto!
Joshi board.
If the whiners don't like it, they can complain to the mods to create a special board for their stupid rape memes and bitchtits posting.
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Based kiddochad
I found a new box of Calvin Klein underwear in my closet I thought I lost and now I’m just like her :)
Kitto makes me erect.
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enter the kittoverse
Can men wear Calvein Klein underwear or is it just something slutty girls wear?
What's the perception on a man wearing them? Femboy?
This is an 18+ forum.
>What's the perception on a man wearing them? Femboy?
why u wanna know?
If a girl wears mens underwear she is a worthless whore. Same if she doesn’t. Who cares.
literally nobody cares about your underpants bro
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Just post sexy kittos
Threads with women wrestlers make transgenders deeply upset because it reminds them of what they'll never be.
Looneytroons be seething over this thread kek
no there's literally people with agp itt asking if wearing the same underwear as her will make them more like her
Looneytroons seethe over every joshi thread, it's why they're always crying about them all over the board
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are you unaware people who follow joshi are always either trans or coomers or both
That sounds like a whole lot of cope you've got going there, troon
what is there to cope over facts
Nice butthole, Kitto!
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Sorry tranny, facts aren't things you just make up in your head, same way as all your wishing you could be a real woman will never make it so.
Cope better. But please, get therapy so you don't rope yourself.
nah I was asking to avoid being called a tranny
I unironically can't find good underwear, I get uncomfortable as fuck and have to adjust my sack 50,000 times a day so I was wondering if this brand I see a lot made good quality underwear for men, and not only women where I see it featured more prominently.
you should get checked for (trans) porn addiction tho.
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I demand full nudes
you are so mind poisoned, seek help, I just called attention to the fact that the joshi fandom is literally comprised of 98% coomers and trannies, which is true, and they make up much of the threads posterbases as well
Nice cope looneytroon
NOT fucking true. FUCK you.
I had a woman and her friend yell "NICE REEBOK UNDERWEAR" at me a few months ago.
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we love kiddo here
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need to slurp on her asshole
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Yeah, pure fucking sex.
women showing the waistband of their boxer shorts is cringe
Nipple tape has go away heat with me
Same, free dem tiddies
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Needs to be kidnapped again and taught decency.
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DJ Kitto on the table.
this bitch is NOT producing the next In Utero!!!!
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>stuff I made up is objective fact
kek, the joshichad haters really don't like when you point out that they're just a bunch of jealous looneytroons
She was so hot just like 6 years afo. What happened?
Seek help dude, we don't want you in our threads.
culo amarillo
no shame in being a coomer here, anon
True, but internal polling indicates that coomers make up about 10% of the commenters in the threads while 0% of the joshichad community are trannies, so the 98% number was objectively wrong.
It's a well-known fact that most haters, on the other hand, hate these threads because they serve as reminders for what those haters can never be despite their very best efforts. They're literally looneytroons.
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>0% of the joshichad community are trannies
don't ever go on Twitter
You'll find bots and weirdos supporting practically anything on Twitter, citing Twitter doesn't strengthen your case at all
Well yeah if you omit "weirdos" from your count the tranny rate naturally drops to 0 but you can't just ignore everything you don't like
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her heel run was cringe so glad she's back to being cute and colorful
Point wasn't to exclude weirdos, the point is that you can find people who support anything.
Trannies watch TV and play video games too. Twitter trannies are out there talking about it. Boom. Doesn't mean most people who watch TV or play video games are trannies.
It formal terms, you're committing a fallacy of composition.
>mudshark underwear
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>weebs don't have high troon numbers
Might as well piss on my shoes and say its raining next time,
You'd know all about what trannies like, huh looneytroon
RIP Steve Albini. King
she should wedgie me
ur right, shes shooting for BIG BLACK, much better sound imo
>wears BLACKED underwear
YOu'll finna know it!
finna know what?
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Makes you want to leave her the YELLOWY right ere
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Disgusting creature.
beautiful creature.
Why is a Yofukashi webm I made last week for /jp/ is on /pw?
Is this Starlight Kid without her mask?
Is this a man or woman, i always wanted to know
cross dressing man. Not trans.
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So you don't know
lotsa fags from here are /jp/ crossies including you
That's one of the reasons i love her
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despy is a lucky man
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>I'm not gonna coom, I'm not gonna co- ACK I'M COOOOOOOOOMING!
Take me back
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The Real True Ace of pw
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THREE Kittos?
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It would be so fun to rape her butt
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imagine that threesome
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Nah. Also need AZM to do the same and slut it up a bit.
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She literally can't keep her legs closed.
Imagine the STINK
Cute women wrestlers shoot themselves in the foot when they hide their faces.

Only uggos should wear masks, in which case it actually helps them.
i think it makes her cuter, more special
>Cute women wrestlers shoot themselves in the foot when they hide their faces.
That explains Kitto's feet
She has a large Korean nose so it’s for the best
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It'll be mega-yen when she unmasks.
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Here kitto kitto kitto...
yuuri thread
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I want Bikini pics of her with no mask
I want to see Kitto boobas WITH the mask on
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accurate starlight kid typing
nice nails
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>Let's take a picture out by the dumpster.
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Startit Boobo
She perfectly captured America here
I actually thought that was Hikaru Shida for a sec next to Kitto lol
Kek! I see it now
I was at that show. The inside was even worse.
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Can't wait for her to try an unmasked run and fail miserably
She would be dimes during the first 3 months of an unmasked run and gradually losing steam.
Then she will be forced to whore out even more to maintain fan interests.
Throw Kitto off the roof to see if she lands on her feet
>you will never be able to lean your head on kitto's ass when shes rolled up upside down
oh wow shes actually very cute
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She should never unmask. She wrestle today on YouTube for free. Why the fuck didn’t you watch
because you didnt fucking tell me about it anon
Please refrain from talking about my wife like that thank very much.
Kitto is Kute.
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I'd rather grab her by the scruff of her neck and nuzzle her chin.
I needed suzu wearing something like miyu here
She’s a fucking SLUT
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We aren't talking about all your female relatives here.
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her butthole must be so kino
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You just know it's perfect in every conceivable way.
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why is that slut showing off her panties?
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you tell me
begging to be corrected
powerful milky-white thighs
imagine those thicc, stubby legs trying to wrap around your head as you lick her pussy
Why do the 2 leads in that poster look like Light and L from Death Note.

Fellas am i just racist?
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Trad Wife Kid
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Need her cone up my asshole
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that's not hygienic
Korean K Popper Kitto.
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Kek. Guess I'm a retard.
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Kitto isn't like that you chud
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I am NOT a chud
Yeah yeah... plus we both know she do be like that
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nah, she's not like that
She makes me like that
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She doesn't care about sex. Just pudding chocolate ice cream bars and zundaaaaa.
Imagine the smell
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uh oh stinky
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Nah she grooms her pussy very nicely. Butthole might be a little blown out from all the Starbucks though
Kittobros... not like this...
Not like what
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Who could have guessed that Mei would be a worse dancer than Fat Suzu?
Sex Pose Kid
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That workout gear is fucking dimes.
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>services the customer
I would ask her for help finding the 90’s alternative section
She has homophobia?
No clue what you’re referring to but it’d be very difficult to be a joshi if you’re homophobic
Her eyes have different colors

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