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Watch on Wrestle Universe - 1,298 yen per month.


9.28 TJPW LIVE TOUR 2024 AUTUMN @ Shinkiba 1stRING, Tokyo (LIVE)[18:00 JST]

ugly ass op pic desu
The leader of UUG
The leader of TJPW
My Princess of Princess champion, Watanabe Miu
aniki rulez
Maybe she'll sell 3 more portraits with the tag belt
>Zara Zakhar walks out
there will be no title defenses until nobember (except kamiyu vs xia maybe)
koda should sign mizunami desu
I don't want that obese fluorescent ape stinking up my favorite promotion
>misao walks out
>nobody walks out
Is Runa okay?
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Here are the prediction results
tsunami finally got her
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It's not looking good. A shame that Haru's big win was tainted but such is life
There was torrential rain and mudslides today. She's gone
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I look forward to seeing the confidence inspiring games of Shino Suzuki
Storylines progressed: 0%
Challengers announced: 0%
News delivered: 0%
Meiko's coming
All of that is wrong. Try harder with your bait next time
>misao hobbles out on crutches
At this point I care more about future HYPE shows than I do about regular TJPW
>misao rolls out in a wheelchair
Group photo bros... We've been robbed
you know its grim when the cope is "but the matches were good though"
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MVP of the night and Shoko
I like this growing fetish of chopped chests
Shoko's prominent sweaty tits were MVP
I don't think it was grim, I'm only complaining that little was set up for the future, I thought the show was decent enough, despite a few cursed moments
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I wish we could get 2 a year instead of 1. 1 in the spring and 1 in the fall.
Not excited for part timer tag champs desu
the guest commentator (not tani) is apparently interested in becoming a wrestler now
The only thing that will rekindle my interest is the reappearance of Ami Yumola
Koda hasn't realized he can't fuck around like before with Marigold on the same service
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>So cool that the folding chairs were shaking
Miyu is so fat she causes small earthquakes when walking
>Alright, Shoko Nakajima! Don’t cry! We’re going for the tag team titles!"
kyokyo is kill
only two stars were made tonight, one fucked up her leg and the other fucked up her finish
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So who the fuck is gonna beat Miu?
And who the fuck is gonna beat Arai?
I don’t think most noted that a lot of the girls where eschewing their customary friendly interaction at the end of the matches, bitter and sore loser like. I think Koda’s moving the company in the direction of meaner, edgier players. We’re witnessing the birth of teej’s attitude era.
>So who the fuck is gonna beat Miu?
>And who the fuck is gonna beat Arai?
Miyu looking like she venting a belch she didn’t like the after taste of.
Save us, Tanuki
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HOLY SHIT thats actually bad
down from 868 last year
this is what happens when you don't build up your the top matches and hardly promote the show
Wow, I simply can't believe that putting Ryo, Moka and 121million in title matches didn't draw
The only logical choice is bee now that the tag titles are lost. Miu will have an extended reign, look for daisy monkey to break up. Bee and Miu will team up, Rika and Arisu will team up as well, big show down at max heart, Miu will drop the title to bee at summerslam.
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Ice, ice baby
Ice, ice baby
a year ago who wouldve thought arai, miu, arisu, and suzume would go in as champs in the last big tjpw show and absolutely tank the attendance
they didn't tank it though, the dimeless challengers and complete absence of build did
they are the champs and they take the blame. no way around it.
Moka is not dimless.
you can have heaps of good talent up and down the card but it won't mean anything if the booker\promoter doesn't know how to sell a show
Sweaty sex with sweaty Miu
I have a crush on Shoko desu. Also, they killed it in their match.
How do we feel now that we're the number 3 joshi puro promotion?
nope. koda takes 100% blame for booking them against challengers that the fans care little about and then doing nothing to try and get people to actually care
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nice show lil bro, great job establishing your new gen
It will be satsfying when we finally get the big Raku push that carries us into number 2.
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Wow, 2000 people. Very successful.
>Toga: "When it comes to Sekiguchi-san and Mahiro-san, I don't think I'm losing in terms of being good-looking. I lost the match, but in that aspect, I'm winning."
Well their attendance should shoot straight back up now that maki and miyu are champs again
Watched the show late. Did ske48 perform in this show? If not then that might be the reason for the low audience
No apparently it's soley the champs fault, which is good, because two stalwarts just got the belts so they should start drawing like Magical Sugar Rabbits.
Why did Koda think putting Ryo Mizunami to headline his idolshit promotion was gonna hold people's interests?
Runa is fucking dead and rotting. Stop arguing about meaningless bullshit and pay your fucking respects to the dearly departed
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oh yeah mahiro did win a match card of the year
Aino was gonna win but she got injured
That's not much better
Itoh just won the tag titles with a broken wrist. Ryo was always the planned winner
>Player Runa Okubo returns on crutches. Heading to the special event. Her right knee appears to be tightly supported. Her voice sounds cheerful, and she's interacting as usual.
normal, since it was only number 2 for a little bit after ice ribbonetty collapsed
runa apparently went to the hospital before coming back for the meeto. a true worker
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Can OF anon post the rest of this set
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Goddamn miyu is so boring
Change your fucking gimmick!
I tapped out after the semi-main to get a little bit of sleep, is the main worth going back to watch?

Enjoyed the show a lot by the way, I think I'm going to stick around. Thanks for putting up with my retardedness in the last thread.
Yes! Mizunami is a tough opponent, and she and Miu had a hard fought battle
This bitch is so fucking ugly.
This is almost Marigold levels of bad.
nice to see spudzu spudzuki lost some weight
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Moka bros...where do we go from here? After losing back to back title challenges, what can we look forward to?
Jobbing to the '23 & '24 generation
Last year I was told there was going to be a Stardom x TJPW partnership, why did it decline?
idk who told you that, but they were probably high
Misao is a millstone around Shoko's neck.
Is it safe to say marigold took a cut out of tjpw ticket sales?
Marigold just made every promotion weaker
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Marigold has made no new fans who weren't already into joshi, so either fans expanded their time and money budgets, or it's eaten into existing ones
no, there's basically 0 crossover between their fanbases. the only thing affecting their ticket sales is koda's shit booking
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Seeing Moka lose brought out a rare Kiso smile
Yeah, most of marigold's fanbase are former stardom fans. Maybe if Rossy had poached someone from TJPW when he was on his poaching spree for marigold, but that didn't happen. So marigold is moot in regards to TJPW's attendance.
But I'm not so sure it's the booking either. Some of the most popular members of the roster have been champions for most of the year, yet tickets sales have been mostly flat.
The fact is that joshi wrestling in general, even in stardom and marigold, has been stagnant. Doomposters won't care about that point. They'll doom post about TJPW anyway. But the real challenge for TJPW is in marketing. There isn't much room for growth within the existing general wrestling fanbase. They need to reach out to non-wrestling fans
I'm a crossover fan, so you're wrong.

And speaking of crossover, WU is carrying them like cuck behavior
you aren't japanese. domestically, there's always been very little crossover between fans of tjpw and other joshi promotions. they're much more likely to only watch tjpw and men's promotions like ddt or njpw
No Hikari no crowd
Wakana-chan presenting the new player, Ugg Lee.
the difference between nipponjin and chinamen is striking
sex with miyu yamashita's bum
I’m still waiting for the Miyu graduation notice. One day
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Rika looks like the lead singer in a 70's glam rock band
tjpw is struggling to draw because they don't put on good matches
The difference between miyu's strikes and xia's strikes is striking.
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need part 2 now
She should move to america like everyone else and get a wwe tryout instead of just dipping her toes into ameriland
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They're normal people who shop around, and change their sensibilties over time by going with alternatives
spudyu yamaspudta
I see you aren't familiar with japanese wrestling fans
I feel like TJPW and DDT, CF in general, reaches out to non wrestling fans more than most. TJPW does those all women shows, DDT books boy band members, and they're always going on comedy or variety shows to try and introduce their product to non fans.

People meme about the Mizuki viral photos being useless, and something CF has no control over anyway, but I have seen a few people who have asked "who is this and where do I see them?"

TJPW is also doing shows in new areas, like Gifu (Mahiro's hometown) and Nagano (Rika's hometown). The shows in rural areas like the outdoor one in Okayama to increase tourism and do shows in places where wrestling doesn't normally happen.

If there was some magic bullet to increase publicity, they'd have done it by now.

Maybe they can do a Marigold and become a plaything and feeder for a western promotion while making up attendance numbers. Then they can be number 2 again.
Silver lining is that sticking the boring team with the tag belts means the Twitter gif watchers aren't happy either, because all they care about is Miyu and Maki dominating and having singles gold. Another tag title run satisfies none of them.
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regular mahiro was mogging "beautiful mahiro" pretty hard
Thank you to Rika's butt and thank you to her perfect muffin top
Oshirin had shoes with red stripes on? Please don't leave Oshirin
I like that Miyu spreads her legs when she bumps, that's how you know she's a loose woman. And maki doesn't, that's how you know she's not. I like that about them as a team. They should be known as the loose & tight connection.
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>This is my first time meeting Toga. I thought, as expected, she's quite handsome… but then I noticed that her occasional smile is really adorable, so this might be a dangerous sign. The pose is the RVD one that the person before me also requested. But apparently, Toga herself has never actually seen it…
where the fuck did she pick the rolling thunder up from then
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I saw Goodie Raku with the Devil!
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It probably was just suggested to her by someone. While the players do have a lot of creative control over themselves, we know that Koda, Takagi, and probably others will give suggestions and notes
>If there was some magic bullet to increase publicity, they'd have done it by now.
The magic bullet is having an actual marketing budget to do publicity blitzes, buy magazine covers, basically make sure the wrestlers and promotion are everywhere and visible like what Bushiroad does with Stardom. But CyberAgent doesn't seem to really want to invest to them the way that Bushiroad does with Stardom to be able to do that. Although without Kidani, Bushiroad might not do the same thing. Having the guy running the entire parent company be incredibly active and personally invested in having the wrestling promotions succeed is NJPW/Stardom's biggest boon compared to CyberFight.
Since Haru won't have a tag partner for the next 9-12 months, it's the perfect time to put her with Rika or Miu
don't understand why some are complaining about the op pic. Maika looks okay here.
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sex with their bums
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Just finished watching WP, what workers daisy monkey are, though. They'd always bump their asses off. Bet they are getting singles pushes after this
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>Bet they are getting singles pushes after this
lol lmao even
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the pure strength of the cyclone
Damn, she actually couldn't lift off from that right leg. Poor Runa.
Is Wakana one of the only ones who actively started watching other wrestling to study and draw inspiration from?
Of all words of tongue and pen, the saddest are, "Luna's parents were right again"
yes, but you wouldn't know it from watching her matches
>finished her match
>came back for the meet and greet
put some respect on my ace's name
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beloved fan artist tasomi_cherio was moved to tears by her hero's triumphant victory
Business is actually good bros, don't worry.
Fuck off doomer cunt
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I can see Suzume being the one to beat Arai though hopefully not at the 10/6 show because that would, I think, stop Arai from breaking Rosa's bogus record.
kek what a life saving tanuki
Okubo Runa has a job for life with CyberAgent
While it's impressive that Haru was able to deadlift Runa's fat ass like that, they should have improvised and just gone with the cross armbar as the finish.
she won't be at the 10.6 show, so the record is already secured
Well it won't be very long
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get FUCKED bitch
kyokyo together forever
As expected. I dont think some of you that actually thought Shoko would be cool with teaming up with someone else while Misao is out with a serious injury understand the concept of a bond. Shoot I dont think Koda would even consider it.
kek based
Koda often doesn't consider good ideas. Getting Shoko out from under the thumb of a comedy wrestler is too smart for him.
I admire Syoko's undying commitment to never winning the tag belts again
They really need to hire literally anyone other than Akki for English commentary if they sincerely want to build a larger overseas fanbase. He was being a whiny annoying fag the entire time about the matches that didn't fit his own personal tastes instead of just doing what he was paid to do. I hate him so much.
Kyoraku Kyomei are the underdogs now. The story is there.
neko is apparently still walking with a limp almost a year after her surgery
>if they sincerely want to build a larger overseas fanbase
They don't so keep crying bitch

So they're sending TJPW wrestlers to a show in Chile February 9th. Maki and Miyu are confirmed so far but more are going
That's the price we pay for Mei and Uta. Unless of course we didn't get Mei and Uta. Or Mei and anyone. And instead we got Emi burying one of our best for no reason other than Koda doesn't have a clue. But that would be stupid.
It'll never happen Misaoschizo.
Akki is as much of an annoying, self-absorbed asshole as every other jeet on the planet made even worse by the fact he knows he has job security because he's parasitically attached himself to and groomed Mei.
You don’t know what that word means
>He was being a whiny annoying fag the entire time about the matches that didn't fit his own personal tastes
What did he say? I never watch english commentary
I'd rather not have Mei if it means having Akki on commentary. I watch with Japanese commentary but I know a lot of western fags outside of /tjpw/ watch with English and having him screaming like a monkey, not know anything about anything, openly deride shit, etc. just gives a bad impression. Also he's ugly which shouldn't matter because you can't see him but it does.
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This is one of the most retarded post I’ve ever read
Is that a south american anime expo
This is how Wakana-chan will carry me to the bedroom on our honeymoon.
pom is a mark
He was seething about the Mahiro and Kakeru Sekiguchi tag team because he thought it was stupid and wrong that people think they look alike (even said TJPW was "evil" for pairing them for that reason), screeched endlessly about how the Raku x Ram match "isn't real wrestling," bitched about the Max/Aja/Pom x Rika/Aino/Shino match for similar reasons plus shitting on the guest ref for having fun with it, things like that. He was just being a slimy little worm the entire time. The only improvement is that he finally stopped saying "god dammit" every few words.
Re: Raku x Pom, one of the things he said that really stuck out to me was "couples have ruined most things in the world and now they've ruined wrestling." Totally braindead.
Sorry I meant Ram
Maybe she came up with it on her own in practice, not realizing it had already been done. It's just a roll into a flipping senton.
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Im back. I been banned for months.
Haru keeps posting but not at all about Runa.

Is Morinaga okay?
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I can't believe it...Moka had the best title match of the night...
Or her European clutch/roll up pin or anything that wouldn't require Runa to push off an injured knee/Haru to grab her by the legs at all.

But they're young. They've only been in the ring during an injury once or twice. Neko got hurt in a match with them, I think. I remember them trying to work around an immobile Neko and then basically they stood around outside the ring with her doing the "holding her out of the ring so she can't break up pins" spot.
maybe on planet retard
My issue is that his voice is in the clips that are spread around and go viral because he's on English comms and is overbearing. There's a reddit post about a cool Shoko/Emi chain sequence that I can't even enjoy because he's screaming at the top of his lungs for Emi.

I get that she's his boss and that he respects her, but calm down.

I miss Chris.
Love batowl
>screeched endlessly about how the Raku x Ram match "isn't real wrestling,"

Was he joking? He's done plenty of bizarre comedy matches in Gatoh
She probably just saw a clip of just the move and thought it was cool. There's a popular Japanese wrestling account that posts clips of finishing moves
Get fucked twitter gif watcher
Obviously but if that's the only thing people will see of the friendly girls, don't embarrass us.
Shoko should be an obvious choice, since she’s down with the lucha. Toribami fits the bill too
Looks like it. TJPW should probably try to show up at more anime cons. That’s a non-wrestling fan crowd which would probably still be receptive
Kek that's hysterical coming from him
My armpits smell like burger king.
I sorely miss Chris and Drew.
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this is you
He was probably trying to be a heel commentator, which was a bad choice. So I’m not going to defend how Akki did on commentary, but at the same time this other guy is getting worked and taking the comments too seriously
I wish he would try to be an english commentator and speak proper english
Is he also a heel commentator when he forgets basic stuff about the company all the time despite being paid to know what's going on? Everything is new to him all the time. New gear, new moves, new music, even when they're not new.

A real Art Donovan over here.
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It's chile not mexico and it's an anime expo, no one cares about some lucha nerds, they wanna see cute japanese girls
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how you know
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>they wanna see cute japanese girls
wow, too bad they sent Miyu and Maki
literally the two cutest
the difference between heaven and earth
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>Yoppy and Himappy formed the Fluffy Legs Alliance, and I tried hard to join them. But since I'm clumsy and did the sewing myself, the fur scattered everywhere, and it ended up being a mess, so it went straight to the trash.
>I wanted my hair to be more like a fluorescent orange, but it ended up turning more brownish, and now people are saying I look even more like a dog… What a shame... Inugami (Dog-eater).
chinese bird
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Kaya is such a team player
White girl and not chinese.
stfu bath towel
so was maki actually injured?
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Toribami’s boots with the fur are no more
Yes but this was always the plan, hence why they went ahead with it even though she was hurt. Just like how Aino was injured but still made it to the TPC finals.
Wish Xia and Rika took a photo together.
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Rika’s new gear really does it for me
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Rikas new gear
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>9/22 Tokyo Joshi
>Chiba - Makuhari Messe International Exhibition Hall 6
>Attendance: 756 people

>8/31 Gatoh Move
>Tokyo - Korakuen Hall
>Attendance: 854 people

We thought Marigold would weaken Stardom but it actually weakened TJPW...
Fuck off doomer cunt
bathtowel your opinion on kira summer's pink nipples?
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I don't think Marigold weakened anyone judging by the show they're running as we speak
Those are different venues, though. Also, AWG was filling Korakuen on the few times a year when they'd book the building, and they're not considered popular. It's the rarity that draws, like TJPW before they ran Korakuen every month.
Can't believe they sold the place out /Rossy

What is Ezigen anyway? Can they not afford a ring skirt?
She finally got a star like chinese flag.
protein brand
they sponsor NOAH as well
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Speaking of sponsors I thought I noticed some new ones on the mat at WP. Were those new or have I just been oblivious?
Wow that's "Aniki maine event" bad
The ones in the corners of the mat definitely seemed new. Not to mention the Queri ring posts they've had for a while now.
God I want to squeeze Rika's muffintop so much
so misao and shoko are the ones beating maki and miyu? weird that shoko just brought that up.
Pretty sure it was new. It was WINTICKET, another CyberAgent subsidiary
They're going to win the belts at some point. The question is if it's six months from now or a year or two years from now. Shoko is built to suffer as the big kaiju underdog and she's way too fucking good at it for her own good
depends on how long they hold the beltos and when pami comes back but they do have history and who else can you see pinning itoh/miyu
>who else can you see pinning itoh/miyu
Rika and Aino if that's really a thing.
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>the kyokyo fag is writing fan fiction again
>who else can you see pinning itoh/miyu
Aja and Max
not a tag team
not a tag team
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kyokyo do the fusion dance in the middle of the ring and prevail against 121million
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Runa is dead I'm afraid.

Just means we get to laugh harder when thry don't win the belts(again)
>Raku and Pom Harajuku will be away in Thailand, and Yoshiko Hasegawa will be absent due to scheduling conflicts. Runa Okubo will be absent for a while due to an injury sustained during a match.
>Toga teaming with Mahiro again
I don't like where this is going
don't worry, her team with wakana is all but locked in
Based Haru crippling her janetty
i dont know sir, im starting to think they are getting closer to victory
Runa is the Michaels.
I don't know. Koda keeps putting them together while Miu has the belt, and don't underestimate his eagerness to give Aino title matches.
kek based
So possibly out for a year with an ACL tear? Damn poor Runa
121million will hold the belts until at least GP. Once the Max Heart starts up, we’ll have a better idea of the contenders. The tag division still needs time to rebuild. Maybe some new team will emerge during the MH or maybe a team such as Venyu will be allowed to contend
>The tag division still needs time to rebuild
Koda has had almost a year to start rebuilding and has made zero progress in doing so. You shouldn't assume he'll start any time soon
still not a tag team
yea im interested in seeing how the division will be by the time mh starts
no more or less than Ryo and Aino and Koda still stuffed the belts on them over KyoKyo
Has this or anything been confirmed? I only saw that she was checked out at the hospital then returned for signings.
I wouldn’t say zero progress. Wakana and Himawari had a title match. Haru and Runa had a match that felt a lot like a title match. And Mizuki and Shino have been paired up often enough to feel like they could become official at some point. I’m not saying any of those teams could beat Miyu and Itoh. I’m just saying some progress has been made rebuilding the division
Someone asked her and she only said that it wasn't fractured. So at best it's a sprain, at worst a full tear
that was at ittenyon and misao and shoko always have their annual special match
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Rika is getting cuter with the years, somehow gaining more charisma and rising up the portrait sales ranking, but she's still stuck in 6-women tag matches with random shitters. Explain this phenomenon
Nope no details at all yet. We probably won't know until she's scheduled to return
I unironically hope Runa is okay
I remember an interview where she said she was felt intimidated when she held the PoP. Maybe she just doesn’t have the ambition. But I do think she should be champion again at some point. She’s very popular and can be counted on to give a good match against just about anyone
Me too. I know with the roster growing so much it means more injury news. But it makes me really sad whenever anyone is out for a while. Even Neko. Runa is only a teenager
What phenomenon? She's won literally everything except the princess cup. First triple crown champ. She was IP champ just 10 months ago. She had a POP title match just 2 months ago at SSP. She's booked plenty strong even without a belt. Do you even watch any shows?
Rika getting more Chineser
Will Chinese medicine heal Runa?
Kyokyo calling their shot but not winning is absolutely, unless one of them retires suddenly, something they're doing on purpose so the eventual win makes sense. I know the company has fooled us before with the Maki thing, but I don't think Misao or Shoko are leaving any time soon. And at some point, they'll be the only ones left to do it. Koda will just default to them because they are seniors to everybody else.
Yoppy mentioned a while ago that she's not on the tjpw show at shinkiba on the 28th. Wonder what she's doing instead.
No. Until we know anything, it's a meme like her dying in an earthquake
Yeah and I really don't want her to have to be out for a year at this point in her career. Haruna and Misao are at least set in their place on the card by now. Runa is just a kid, already has school and protective parents, and I'm afraid she would be discouraged falling behind Haru and Uta if she has to spend months off of her feet.
garshans have a live that day
She said she didn't enjoy being champ at all because of the pressure, but they're always working. She also said in the build to her challenge against Miu that she wanted the belt again and was ready.

Rika is my favorite so I want her to get a real title run with fans and have her get her win back against Miyu, but I know that's a lot to ask.
I think Runa still wants to do this, and she got injured on a nothing spot. It could have happened in any part time job/after school sport. Hopefully her parents don't pull her out because of it.
that was the last time we will ever see Okubo Luna
I couldn't even last a minute watching the English commentary. Zero charisma or passion from either one of them
I hope her parents don't Hikari her from existence in the promotion
The mysterious 6 week break she took in 2021 confirms that was a shoot. She was seriously considering retirement because her title run killed her passion for wrestling temporarily
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YUMI has secretly become an idol again
put the filters back on kudasai
Hassy's horrible photos will haunt these girls forever
She retired from working at fetish clubs and kicking old men in the balls for money?
Yeha my penis will.
nah, i think she still does that
her title run killed her passion for wrestling four months after it ended?
could just be contract timing and putting off a decision i guess. its hard to tell because she put on excellent matches during her run, but its hard to know how much what we see fulfills her own expectations. she couldn't really receive the full appreciation of the fans either due to the covid nonsense, the pointless masking and silence, that had to be difficult on everyone.
whenever she has a title match it seems like she does a majority of the interviews and lore building. she seems to love building the narrative around her matches, which made her the best champion in my view. then to be followed with Miyu's lore of "i kick hard."
No wonder she wears 6 pounds of makeup
Yea her reign was still during the silent era, unable to do meet & greets, no streamers and of course, she dropped it at a show with zero fans.
This is what TIEO would have wanted. May she rest in peace.
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Forgot the pic.
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I honestly wonder if that was more of a factor than holding the belt. I remember reading that Misao was very discouraged and hated her time in Neo-Bii because she couldn't interact with the fans.
I misremembered the interview quite a lot. She did say that she didn't enjoy the pressure of being a champion, but it didn't kill her passion for wrestling. She said she felt free again when she dropped the title, but when she had to take time off in September 2021 she suddenly felt burned out without knowing why and wondered if it was worth continuing
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has anyone here ever kissed a 37 year old asian woman?
I thought that break was something family related. Although I think you’re right about her almost quitting during that time
I like it. Sounds like something homicidols.com would recommend
thanks for the correction and the link, anon. i'd never read that.
i'm glad she ultimately decided to continue. i hope she'll be willing to undertake the challenge of holding the belt again sometime.
TIEO loved the Nakajima vs Sakura match
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this fun fact definitely seems factual
Sung by herself?
yes she wrote and produced and performed the entire 'toddler tunes' album herself
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When will Runa return?
TJPW is apparently getting $100 mil tax credits from the country of Chile for this show.
no they aren't
new thread
prove it
make new
the new thread has an ugly pic again
No one but a no lifer troll will ever make the threads again.

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