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Next shows
September 23rd, "STARDOM in NIIGATA", Niigata City Industrial Promotion Center, 1:00PM JST (VOD)
>Saya Iida (STARS) vs Rian
>Saori Anou & Aya Sakura & Sayaka Kurara (COSMIC ANGELS) vs Natsuko Tora & Saya Kamitani & Rina (H.A.T.E.)
>Koguma (STARS) vs HANAKO (E neXus V) vs Ruaka (H.A.T.E.)
>Hina (God's Eye) vs Mei Seira (NEO GENESIS)
>Mayu Iwatani & Hazuki & Koguma & Hanan & Momo Kohgo (STARS) vs Maika & Mina Shirakawa & Xena & Waka Tsukiyama & HANAKO (E neXus V)
>Tam Nakano & Natsupoi & Yuna Mizumori (COSMIC ANGELS) vs Suzu Suzuki & Starlight Kid & AZM (NEO GENESIS)
>Syuri & Saki Kashima & Lady C & Ranna Yagami (God's Eye) vs Momo Watanabe & Thekla & Konami & Ruaka (H.A.T.E.)

September 28th, "STARDOM in KORAKUEN 2024 Sep.2", Korakuen Hall, Tokyo, 11:30AM JST (LIVE)
>Goddess of Stardom Championship Match: Momo Watanabe & Thekla (H.A.T.E.) vs Syuri & Saki Kashima (God's Eye)
>rest of card tba https://wwr-stardom.com/schedule/20240928_korakuen/?mc_id=1083

September 29th, "NEW BLOOD 15" Saitama, Tokorozawa Sakura Town, Japan Pavilion Hall A, 1:00PM JST (LIVE)
>Future of Stardom Championship Match: Rina (H.A.T.E.) vs Aya Sakura (COSMIC ANGELS)
>Hina (God's Eye) vs Miyu Amasaki (NEO GENESIS)
>rest of card tba https://wwr-stardom.com/schedule/20240929_tokorozawa/?mc_id=1088

Previous >>15876795
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We will always support you Hazuki-chan
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these gals are dimes incarnate
Always remember 9/14
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9 11 10
not getting over like when they did it with maika
the dimes are chocolate coins and spudzu ate them all
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>not getting over like when they did it with maika
Because Maika coupled it with genuinely affecting acting, not moping around like an emo teenager
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god i wish i could feed suzu chocolate
Maika is very underrated as a promo and a character worker
Fat mike fag replying to himself again...
If it makes you feel better
>Maika is very underrated as a promo and a character worker
Annoyingly she did a lot of her great post-match promos at the press conferences so they were never subtitled. She just needs to stick with the tough af goofball babyface character and stop trying other things which don't work.
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He does it all the time, brother. He's not called the samefagging schizo pedo for nothing!
Don't reply to me lice you're worse than the fat mike fag lol
Why are you pretending to be the other guy?
Everyone knows you're a cancer to the board and a literal pedo, pedo.
Not this dumb schizo again
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Love how Tamu looks her age but still cute as fuck here.
My obaasan can't be this cute, she's just the greatest
Loved her since she was Ami Miura in AWG. First saw her in Senjo.
Based girl.
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Can't lie, Tam is pretty cute for a hag
Is there any gaijin more dimeless than Xena?
She's been here for ages now and just blended with everyone else at least other gaijins tried to get over or used their gaijins status to made themselves valuable at some point but she's just there doing nothing.
I want fuwamoco debuting in the ring of dreams stardom and challenge FWC to a title match after taking the belts off momo and thurkla
>Is there any gaijin more dimeless than Xena?
Tell me you just started watching this year without telling me that you just started watching this year
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3 January main event
I haven't watched Stardom regularly in a while. Is there a site I can use to catch up quickly, or can some legendary anon give me a head's up?
I watched regularly until Kagetsu's retirement. Sporadically from 2021-2023. And not much at all during the past year.
I know of Rossy's firing and Marigold's founding.
I know that fans aren't happy with Taro's booking.
That's about all.
>I know that fans aren't happy with Taro's booking
Not fans, freeloaders
When the majority of fans aren't happy with something, there's an issue there.
I think those "freeloaders" might've been watching a lot longer than you.
Couple of twitter trannies complaining because their favorites aren't being pushed isn't the majority.
Did I touch a nerve?
No 1 losers
>stong challenge = lost
>red belt = lost
>5star = lost x5
>artist challenge = lost
said nobody ever
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I clearly did
But she chops people hard!!!
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stay in the maricold general lil bro
don't reply to licenonce in here please
Suspect posting times from the last two comments.
Pedoschizo replying to himself again.
I miss the real Momo. The True Heart Momo.
don't tell me what to do bitch
A couple of days ago I dreamt that I was marrying Saki Kashima
Is that a sign?
is this your newest boogeyman?
Yes, brother. It's fate. Destiny. Written in the stars.
Study the language, master pachinko, and Skelly will be yours.
reddit tier comment
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Love Tam, but Sumire shouting "Burikko" plays in my head whenever I see her.
Well, considering that you spent two whole Marigold threads spamming pictures of underage girls and talking about "getting in trouble" if you talked, you're definitely a fucking pedo.
We love Hina and Rina here buddy. Go take your culture war somewhere else
go suck off liceman in the marigold gen
This is my wife bro
>We love
You take that "love" a bit too far, pedo-kun.
Why do you save pictures of underage girls? Do you seriously not realize just how many fucking red flags that raises?
True Heart was ruined by Hat-retard booking her like a joke when he got new toys
Nope. Momo was Rossy's hand-picked Ace. His favourite as well as Sonny's. She was nicknamed the "True Heart" for a reason.
The fans rejected her. They didn't agree with Rossy pushing her into Io's spot.
You need to stop the autistic vendetta against Ogawa, pedo. It's boring as fuck.
You love to see the rare liceman /Stardom/ melty
Stating facts isn't having a meltdown, pedo-kun. This is common knowledge and anyone who knows anything about Stardom could tell you that.
Throwing a tantrum and flooding two threads on the other hand, is having a meltdown.
Stardom with Momo getting pushed drew more than Maricold. The fans didn't reject her, Rossy gave up on her. Now fuck off back to plebbit with your newfag received opinions
>ask genuine questions
>conversation gets derailed
>thread full of samefagged autism
Why even fucking bother?
Not true in the slightest.
Bushiroad didn't want Momo as the Ace. The fans rejected her. Rossy never gave up on her.
You make those threads and spend all day derailing them. Dude, you've got no fucking life whatsoever. You've taken console wars to a whole new autistic level.
Ask something specific and maybe someone can help you
Show me 1 shred of evidence of the fans turning on Momo you dumb schizo
It's literally common knowledge. Not my fault you don't know anything about the history of the company and it's not on me to spoonfeed your already obese ass.
Look it up then come back here and apologise.
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finally a good shindy player in here
I accept your concession. Back to the schizo general with you
>Momo's push
Isn't there any new discourse you can milk instead?
licey doesn't know jackshit about joshi, that is obvious
We just wait for you to get banned as usual and continue on with our lives.
normally lice doesn't post here so we're good. don't know how the 2 people who actually like marigold put up with him though
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Dude, everyone on the board knows who you are and what you do. There's a reason you're terminally online and reply to yourself all the time. Nobody likes you or agrees with the retarded shit you spew.
And you keep bringing up bans every time you get owned. Essentially announcing the fact that you've just reported someone.
Then, being the petty incel you are, you boast about getting the person banned, knowing they can't reply.
Get help. Lose weight. Stop derailing the threads.
>Despite the hectic and chaotic situation, we managed to broadcast it live on YouTube, but there are many things we regret about the technical aspects. I plan to re-edit the recorded materials and archive them in World, so please do so at some point.

Damn I miss Sonny. He wouldn't go to these efforts.
He successfully killed /Kabuki/ with his samefagging and racebaiting /pol/posing so he isn't all bad in my book.
Yeah that's basically all lice does
I was talking about you.
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Why did you describe yourself then?
hello is this the thread where everyone is sexualizing the built for it azm?

You do all of that though, licepedo
>taped up
>tear-stained makeup
>hair a mess
tam is perfect, even if she is 1000+ years old
Please post Hina and Rina right now
Look, she’s not experienced. She’s working hard in the gym for sure, and she must be doing some work on the side in-ring with Daga because she’s trying stuff the other girls aren’t, but she’s yet to get the confidence that Mariah had for example, confidence to letting it all hang out and commit to performing. I’m not being mean, it’s just one of the toughest aspects of pro wrestling to most people. She’s probably an introvert, watch how awkward her dance was with Club Venus at Grand Queendom two years ago and you’ll see what I mean. She may get there, but for now she’s still holding back.
youku has two accounts, puroresu hotchpotch and diconambrose - they routinely upload pirated material from stardom-world

love the merging of koguma/hazukis personal life with in-ring. you know koguma slapping hazuki and then hugging her and saying why do you make me do this to you has happened many times
>Stardom with Momo getting pushed drew more than Maricold
Honestly probably not

I'll never forget when they tried to do the double main event bit with Hana vs Kagetsu and Momo vs Mayu because Momo was already that bland to their fans. They did polls that had Hana/Kagetsu winning, and then Rossy made their match no DQ and made shit up about how it couldn't main event because of that.
i’ve been shitposting for years across multiple devices and connections
is it worth learning to track down individual posters or is it mostly just depressing?
When Rossy wants to push someone, he loses all reason
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Taro Okada and Yuki Nakai will save STARDOM
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Incredible minds on display
P.S. Fix your damn site Elon, I don't want to see this shit
Momo drew more at Korakuen Hall vs Cassandra Miyagi than Marigold did with the top four players they have facing each other in singles
Anou is stupid sexo
Saya is stupid sexo
maribeggars are desperate after getting wwr actwres instead of pre-bushiroad stardom
stop browsing the for you tab and rage browsing english accounts
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Anime Kitto getting 92'd
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worse than kitto as a heel
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>liceman screeches about pedos
>guy named "marigold ace was literally outed as a pedo"
Can't make this stuff up
taro okada thinks he's a character on the show
all tomidka fans are sus
But the For You tab shows me a lot of sexy Asian sluts
I could cum 5 ml inside her
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Just saw the Grand Princess attendance, christ...
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Broke company. Didn't do anything special for the entrances or the matches. Felt like a regular show.
we are at the forefront of the industry because we draw a few hundreds more than other groups
Also run 2x the shows
That would have been stardom in 2025 of fat and ugly mike beat Tam
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protect yunamon
The whole industry is in a sad state. The pie is too small for all these companies.
even the men struggling. noah is falling off a cliff in attendance and ajpw had to go back to making up fake numbers after their little resurgence.
this was so lame and gay I thought it was tarpo
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>noah is falling off a cliff in attendance and ajpw had to go back to making up fake numbers after their little resurgence.
Thats what they get for trying to work with WWE. Never EVER fucking forget who runs Japanese wrestling.
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All Japan is still doing great morons
AJPW drew 1473 at Korakuen Hall today and it looked full to me
solid marigold 2105人
i dont follow male joshi promotions but i will believe you
You watch and bet off to VENY matches all the time, faggot.
i don't watch beny the butchered matches
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lol she got no lines only sex noises

Was the Youtube broadcast watchable? Apparently there were a few issues.
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Find a woman that looks at you the same way Maika looks at booze
after all yuuri who plays starlight kid is an ero wrestler at her core
Then why do they have to lie that they have over 300 in Shinkiba when the limit is 284?
for me, it’s camera 5
Do they need all the fuckin belts, Jesus Christ Kozuen
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looks just like her

you right, melon made it far too easy to accidentally swipe to the wrong feed

ayo is that flowsionfag marigold ace now?
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Rina is too much
daichetty really does suck
>ayo is that flowsionfag marigold ace now?
No that's a different pedo
vince and nick told them to count the staff and popcorn sellers and family visitors as part of the attendance
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Bubbles Shitter
I’m gonna jack my dick off
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Nice selling there, C. Hope your nap didn’t get interrupted
code for yesterday: 325479
can't find one for two days ago
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Careful now
The perfect body
Did you reply to the wrong post or something
I like the shindy players because they’re free to act like total sluts. They aren’t beholden to the idol culture of stardom where you have pretend the fans are your boyfriend
Did your mom have any kids who lived
based code anon
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Rugby thighs
at least 2 days ago was thekla, so nothing meaningful is lost.
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It's Syuri Sunday.
shame about the face though
risa sera wrestled barefeet again
It’s not perfect, but you are a homosexual
I don’t believe you
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mass with syuri
She’s praying to Ares the god of war
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Is there any basis to the Catholicism joke or are you guys just shitposting?
it's just because she's part flip
>Do they need all the fuckin belts, Jesus Christ Kozuen
When you're in kozuen, you're always on the top.
They're the only ones making money and the second one making the most money is basically zoomer kozuen
Put some respect in our cute old ladies.
If rina put something there means she wants to people read it... Right?
Like I said, she’s too much
Poi has been a nonentity white belt champion. I never think about her
I never stop thinking about Poi.
Baby White bros....
Oh yeah, I hate her anthropomorphizing the belt too. Stuff is for babies
who could have ever thought that a natsumi maki's run with a singles championship would be cringe
poi has nonetitty
they need to put the belt on [wrestler] -> anyone disappointed in [wrestlers] title belt run -> argh when are they taking the belt off [wrestler] and putting it on [other wrestler] -> [wrestler] loses belt to [other wrestler] i'm so happy -> repeat
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love the champ
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thanks for explaining to us your thought process
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kek it do be like that (except for Rina)
I exclusively support (repost pictures of) players with <10,000 twitter followers
Is she fucking cleanpa too?
I thought it was spelled Rian?
pits and asshole for me
Rina is the Lamine Yamal of wrestling
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I said Ranna was the Paul Skenes of the current rookie generation and it sent one Anon into a weeks long seethe
If you watched the recording her "lines" are her saying stuff from the crowd.
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I don’t know who that is but he must be cool and awesome
I’ve been unable to detect a whiff of sexuality from Ranna, neither gay nor straight. Very unusual among the joshis
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Post visual players.
Syuri is Catholic
ratna fan is metaposting about his imaginary antis again
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Honestly I don't see a single redeeming quality in this player
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We love you GOAT
a heart trobbing pro wrestling president
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Soya face is the best for me
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aya is very beautiful
God amongst men, thank you anon
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kurara was marking out or pinecider man
these three should challenge for the artist titles
theres four people though
winning smile
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sweet joshi feet
I'm pretty sure it's the Anon who started the FWC thread. Now that's dead and he's stopped replying to himself in there, he's got his feet general back up
Necrobumping 5 dead threads on the log is much better than the fits he used to have in here where he would sit and dump 160 random pics from 2022 for 3 hours straight
At least if you aren't interested you can just hide the thread and carry on
Jolly mike
This nigga buys his suits straight off the rack
i want mike too come down my chimney this christmas.
You are Juan
Santa Claus doesn’t visit Argentina I’m afraid
Maika did a kip up
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Wrong schizo
the maika thread has been on the log for 10 days
Me too brother
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i dress like that
These gals are dimes incarnate
Nice boobs, Kitto!
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Honkler pussy mound is best for me
remember when syuri tried to make saki go sightseeing in philadelphia but saki just wanted to sit on a bench
i was thinking about syuri vs masha slamovich 30 minutes draw from mania week last monday
You think she wears a mask the whole time she's out with the unit or just before photos?
I was thinking about kitto
Dragon Kid's little fuck puppet
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batowl - first day out
Could all this Hazuki frustration angle after her loss for the White Belt and Mayu Iwatani's recent statement about STARS ok situation be the prelude to what could be the possible future departure by both from #STARDOM to join Marigold ? #pw_mg
Retarded twitter tranny headcanon
Nobody else is leaving.
I was told that nobody was leaving
skelly soles
Batowl is stayin
Okada letting them work leaving angles to prop up Marigold. What a cuck!
Why would Stardom be running angles to build for someone going to a rival company
batowl is the tulsa king
Shut the fuck up, rat turd
I'd give her every dollar I have just to sniff her feet.
Saki hips really be popping
Rossy getting fired is a long-term work
He's still on the payroll
this was a fun match. https://www.cagematch.net/?id=111&nr=78145
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Rina Tatsumi
Welcome home Batowl
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Marigold Korakuen happening right now
I'm sure Hazuki wants to wrestle in front of a packed crowd like this!
we shouldn't be too proud to be at the forefront of the industry when we see what the opposition is doing
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Forced AZM prone boning
Genuinely feasible to do a headcount of this picture if you have 10 minutes to waste
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Oh definitely. Other side wouldn't be hard to count either
Thekla and Brapi are the Ohtani and Betts of joshi
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Corner cam work has really improved
Each orange seat row is 46 seats (5-12-12-12-5). Looks 10 seats in each row ringside with about 6 rows. So if we're generous they sold half the ringside seats it's 120 sold and the orange seats are what? 100? That's at best slightly over 200 people in attendance. For the annual tournament's penultimate show
>annual tournament
>implying #pw_mg will still be around this time next year
WWE will prop it up in their proxy war vs AEW
You might actually be fucking retarded, there's around 150 just in center orange seats alone
Fuck off sonny
when is yuki nakai implementing smellovision
No there is not
WWE doesn't need Marigold, if they want to sign a joshi wrestler, they can just throw money at them. There's zero reason to park them at Marigold, it's not like they learn WWE TV style wrestling or how to cut english promos over there.
joshi fans sometimes lose sight of the bigger picture and realize they're watching shows with 300 people in attendance and literally nobody cares
being a joshi wrestling fan is a lifestyle choice
I should have figured people wouldn’t know what a proxy war is, that’s on me
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There are 15 rows of 12 chairs in the central row. 15 times 12 is 180 seats. For 150 seats in the center they'd have to sell over 80% of those. This is nowhere near 80%. It's at best half full so maybbbee 80 people in the central seats. Basic fucking math. Learn your times tables you dumb fuck
maricold fans didn't go to school so they can't read your post anyway
as the frontrunner of the industry we shouldn't bully the smaller promotions
saddest moments in stardom history?
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marigold literally almost destroyed stardom. they deserve it
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>he would sit and dump 160 random pics
imagine posting pics
WAVE without Saya tier promotion
face fucking Kitto
she doesnt want that she just likes to eat food with you and drink bubble tea
too bad
cuddling and smooching kitto
Looks about what ice ribbon korakuens do
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Watching 2020 Shinkaba and then the first hana kimura tribute was a bad idea
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One of Mega links stopped working. The one with naked Syuri.
here you go brother
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i had a dream where i was dating syuri and it was one of the best dreams of my life. she's so visual
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these posts give me life
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Hazuki briefly finds her smile again
Tam and Suzu brawl backstage
hate would get great heat if they made kuara and aya bleed and/or chopped their hair off
ratna ugly
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looks like a downie albino
FAS face
She'd make a great wife.
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hard agree.
stardom won't draw much more main evented by momo and turkla vs saki and syuri
All the visual players out there and this faggot spams ugly bitches like Syuri and Ratna
Next >>15888415
>All the visual players
Stardom hasn't been known for its visual players for quite a while

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