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Why are AEW fans like this?
go back
typical aew tattle tail that can't let fans have a good time. has to sit and judge them and then report to reddit for good boy points. if he was so pissed at the shirt guy why didn't he get in his face and say something? typical reddit coward
This is why I’m glad AEW exists, it takes all the greasy fat neckbeard autists that used to be the worst kind of people at WWE events. If you wonder why WWE audiences of together are loud and excited and into what they’re seeing, it’s because all of the contrarian “we are awesome” filth has been contained in a terrible promotion.

Thank god AEW exists.
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>Redditor calling someone else a loser
does AEW have the most amount of recent fan incidents? you hear about something like this at least once a month, whether it be a wrestler being heckled or fans acting like in the OP. it's weird, I think it has something to do with the smaller crowd sizes, but I'm not sure how that exactly is contributing to people acting as they've been
Yeah now you've got retards who get tricked by Facebook scams and jump Rollins kek
That was one time years ago and I believe that was during a tarp era, too.
Dude, making fun of people with straight up autism is cringe as fuck.
Fuck off with that shit you flaming faggot.
It was last Summer.
your sense of time is fucked anon
Post the webm or suck my cock
Doesn't stop you from making fun of us /pw/ posters, does it? Tell me when I'm telling lies!
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Maybe this reeditor is a fucking loser and a tranny, but he is right on this one.
The jackass who rip-offs the t-shirt was Ojama, aka FATSO (ROVERT) aka Hogwheels
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>Why are AEW fans like this
Have you looked at the crowd during a show?
AEW has been a great containment zone for the obese smarks that stunk up WWE shows.
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Grim, dire even.
get a life, bitchtits
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The collision thread literally ignored the Deeb match to discuss how awful Springfield is. Somehow 4 different people lived near it in that tiny ass thread. Myself being one of them. Was completely shocked.
>I was sitting on the side the camera was facing

Yeah, no shit.
>wrestling fan is a manchild

I cant believe it
>fans get so worked they attack wrestlers

Is this supposed to be a bad thing?
Hilltown bro still here, and I still shoot hate the troons in Northampton.
>I was in Springfield and I saw an incident. I went for a piss break and from a window in the bathroom I saw that some colored men were entering the arena in unusual circumstances. I thought it was a surprise return of Swerve and entourage but turned out it was Haitians kidnapping cats and ducks for ransom
There is a video going around of some Haitians in Boston eating live pigeons, we really need to do something about these "people".
Clearly the guy was on the spectrum no sane person attends an AEW show let alone sits on the hard cam side accompanied by imaginary fans
I love how you equate Swerve with subhuman Haitian niggers. Didnt know Zestyland was on that Z shit.
Least racist AEWfag.
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Yeah they’re actual E-tards now instead
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I mean, he had sex. I'm 35 KHV.
I was willing to suspend my disbelief until they mentioned people sitting on the hardcam side. That's horse shit. Everyone knows that's not possible.
man, hire an 18 year old onlyfans hoe at this point
Bro what a mark Bro
Survival of the fittest, if the little shit wanted to be coddled like the baby he is he should go to a WWE show
He wasn't worked by a wrestler or wrestling you dipshit
Vince happened like six months ago and you retards bring it up like it happened this week
because he's KWABOTY, all year
wonder if it was the dude that raped a 15 year old and got off on $500 bail
Springfield, MA is a godforsaken shithole and needs to be tactically nuked from orbit. Holyoke too. Puerto Ricans were a mistake.

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