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>Dream Star GP 2024
9/28 Nagoya International Center (Live @ 1:00pm JST)

>MARIGOLD Fantastic Adventure
10/5 Osaka 176Box
10/7 Korakuen (Live @ 6:30pm JST)
10/12 Kyoto KBS Hall
10/13 Shizuoka
10/14 Shibuya
10/20 Nagano
10/24 Korakuen (Live @ 6:30pm JST)
10/27 Shinkiba (Day) (Live @ 12:00pm JST)
10/27 Shinkiba (Night) (Live @ 5:30pm JST)
11/2 Sapporo
11/4 Aichi

Watch on Wrestle Universe (¥1,298 per month)


>Entrance music

Previous >>15885289
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dying fed
Nice pic of liceman.
Korakuen Hall looking packed out. Rossy won
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Rossy lost
Oh god are we the AEW fans of the joshi world?
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standings before the finals on Saturday
afraid so
>Ticket numbers are demonstrably declining and Rossy's numbers are ludicrous
>Yeah but I like the wrestling so shut up and let me live in my fantasy world
Pre-show pre-match you disingenuous shyster. Hundreds and hundreds more Marigods were doing pushups outside so they were looking real jacked for the girls on the main card
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pre show match between Sareee and Nanae
Can I get a recap of the liceman being a schizo allegations?
Remember when liceman made fun of Giulia and then tried to deny it? He's controlled opposition to Marigold. Exists to make the real fans look like schizos and to destroy the community we build here ITT.
Good thing we have another Korakuen hall show in 2 weeks. That one will definitely draw!
Liam is gay
No but you are. You're whiny enough
they're both right tho
Seri was too sick to work the Korakuen show, but was okay enough to get her nails done? Looks like we got a problem on our hands.
Ignoring any screwy tiebreak situations that still see Miku and Bozilla in play

Utami wins if she beats Kouki
Kouki wins if she beats Utami + NORI loses or draws against Vicky
NORI wins if she beats Vicky + Utami and Kouki draw or Kouki beats Utami

Sareee wins if she beats Bozilla or draws and Nanae and Mai can't get more than a draw
Nanae wins if she beats Miku + Sareee loses + Mai loses or draws
Mai wins if she beats Misa + Sareee loses + Nanae loses or draws
If there is one criticism I don’t understand it’s how people can be upset that Marigold isn’t a bigger promotion yet, I mean for goodness sakes the promotion isn’t even a year old yet and most of the talent there are still greener talent.

I mean it’s like they were expecting it to just be a huge thing right out of the gates, that just simply wasn’t going to happen, they are still in their early days I think the problem is people just want instant results and aren’t willing to give them time to grow.

Let’s just have some patience and let them find their footing. I personally think it’s still way to early to be complaining about the size of the company. Guess that’s all I’m trying to say lol.
pretty sure the mod has already banned you about a dozen times licey
Expect Sonny to disseminate some false info to the dirtsheet writers about how she had a bad attitude soon
peps or scott? perhaps ugtranny_FAN
It will be fire when Mayu and Syuri's movie contract expires, SLK/AZM and the others child labor law contracts are over, and Hazuki shows up at Marigold because she's sad in a promo.
Looking forward to it!
Rossy tried to destroy a promotion because of his ego. Then he talked shit for months. Now that reality is setting in he's a poor victim, it's only a couple months old, it's one guy vs. the world. Really pathetic.
Bravo Satan, you're correct
it was the lol at the end that gave it away
We're still in the building phase, once the tourney is over and Saree gives up the belt the feeling will be restored
Rossy doesn't have the money to keep Marigold going for long. It's going to die within the next couple of years and Utami and co. will tuck their tails and head back to Stardom.
and the grown ups like Saki Maika and (of all people) Rina were doing that to improve the working conditions, while a snake like Giulia was leaving anyway and wanted to burn things down before she fucks off.
licey didn't get the memo about attacking teej instead of stardom now that the buzz has gone
Utami can be Hanako's partner in ExV and Mirai can carry Ranna's and Hina's bags
we get dejimon yes?
If the fans aren't happy with Stardom why do they still do good attendances?
If the fans are happy with Marigold why do they do horrible attendances?
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dave giving syuri and utami 5stars wasn't almost a decade ago lil bro
>2. The booking is bad and Russo-esque. The fans aren't happy with it.
Says who? Herr Pepsi and mouth breather Scott?
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Chipmunk Ace.
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So the response to Rossy lying about attendance is to ignore the question and keep saying it's a young promotion? Futami fans are the worst
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The seats are not filled = Ticket revenues and merchandise revenues are reduced
The income of the players is greatly reduced, and there are delays in payment of wages.

Is the future as bright as they say?
How long can the old man's pocket money hold out?
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fatami guyashita was never good
Utami the Idaho
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He's right tho
Reminder that Rossy exaggerated the attendance by more than 200+ because he didn't want Utami look like less of a draw than Lil Rian
So when Rossy dies from kidney failure we're finally free?
>Rossy literally funded this with his savings. They're fine with money.
I didn't know Rossy had unlimited savings. Must be nice!
it's Big Rian now. she's the michaels compared to little utami
Hazuki saw the Korakuen crowd and snapped out of her depression.
5 star tournament at Korakuen = 1460人

Dream star tournament at Korakuen = 1540人

Suck it up stardrones. Marigold number 1
Did lice eat a ban for his schizo thread?
why is licebro still yapping batowl sat him the fuck down
Seriously though, how did we go from a sold out inaugural show to this in 4 months?
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Kouki has equal facial thirds, a perfect midface ratio, a wide enough jaw, and a perfect facial width to height ratio.
She has good almond-shaped eyes with minimal upper eyelid exposure, perfect interpupillary distance, good feminine brow projection, and an ideal positive canthal tilt.
She has high-set cheekbones, good jawline visibility, good chin projection, and a perfect chin to philtrum ratio.
She has great dimorphism, great skin texture, straight white teeth, nice smile, and healthy hair.
Kouki's lips could be fuller, her mouth is slightly too narrow compared to her nose width, her eyebrows are too high-set, and they lack dark shading and a positive angle, and her face is too compact.
Overall Kouki is a 9.25/10 facially in looks, which is amazing and one of the best faces in history.
Those digits don't lie baby!
thing (new) = intriguing, let me check this out

thing (not new) = it's hat-retard slop booking with worse players than he had in stardom, meh I'll check it out now and again
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The same app says Scott E. is 83% attractive.
hes got potential, he just needs to lose a lot of weight
He wears a cap because he's balding. He will forever be alone
That's an AI video company, it's a scam to steal your face scan
so when is Naho's match
Blame Rossy, who talked a big game and is running a modern Stardom style schedule, despite being a shindy. Then there's of course the fact that he ran Sumo Hall a couple months into the promotions existence, which further fueled the idea, that this is a big time promotion.

But now, that the initial shiny new toy phase is over, the realization has set in, that we're dealing with a roster made up of Stardom benchwarmers + ice cold Utami + a whole bunch of actress shitters, all backed by Hat Retards dull booking. I wonder when the first girls jump ship, like in old Stardom, when the roster had a yearly turnover rate that felt like at least 30%.
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See you in 3 days sweet prince
If I had a dime for every time liceman has been banned I'd send them all to Rossy so he could pay the players for the rest of the year
God if only. That's the only way the promotion will make it another year
Maybe if they get the 17 year old on cards Alfie's portrait buying can fund them a few months
complete batowl victory
I was unperma banned.
God this marigolds thread sucks. Almost as bad as marigolds ticket sales
Why don't you go and FUCK OFF THEN?
why can't gochika's fat ass save us bros?
Don't worry bros, we're bouncing back when we get Mayu, Hazuki, Koguma, Saya Iida, Hanan and the twins next year
She should join EXV. She'd make a great pair with Mina.
Dont forget syuri
when io comes back and joins us full-time everything will be ok
prove it
Too late. The screen is gone.
we will be unmockable once seri yamaoka, shinno ohmukai, kanae miku, asako mia, bulldozer todoroki, naho yamada, char, nagisa tachibana, miria kouga, karen DATE, catherine, the actress who used to play catmask calicoe and ryoko sakimura are all active dsfm fighters
Marigold is already better than slopdump.
Maika would unironically whip her into being a good wrestler desu
>>Dream Star GP 2024
>9/28 Nagoya International Cente
Possible Thousy on the horizon?
Don't forget flying penguin
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matsui-gun kawaii
Calico the prettiest of the bunch
they do the double clothesline spot and their tongue piercings get tangled
she looks cuter without the contacts but it makes the yellow teeth stand out more
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A big 400 would be ambitious
Deep frying their thighs and coating in maple syrup
a thousy in nagoya lmao more like nogoyo
Only God can save us now. Amen
nanae will win so lucky to see 300
Who will be the first person to disappear without explanation and then you find out months later they quit? I'll go with Minami Yuuki
Nagoya generally has a horrible crowd so it won't matter if it's 200 or 1,000.
200 and Rossy will announce 1025人
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The King of Joshi
'Are you not entertained' sareee cludius maximus
Considering the quiet crowd no they really weren't
Your speakers must not work crowd was pretty lively for a Monday holiday midday show petty rossy couldn't get the Saturday or Sunday evening time for these shows
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If you say so
how did we land the NJPW interviewer? She did commentary for the 2nd half of the matches last night
its time for president ogawa to set up a meeting with ayame sasamura
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it is time for flipzuki
A very loud crowd of 200 in Korakuen
Kek the widow gimmick stuck, poor Miku
>The final fast minutes were out of this world and showed exactly why they are two of the best wrestlers in the world right now. It was an incredible moment when the crowd was chanting for Nanae as Sareee was fighting to escape the figure four. It was great to show both how much the wrestlers dislike Sareee and also that the fans want the Marigold wrestlers to get the win over the outsider that disrespects them every time she steps into the ring. Unlike the Aono match, here it was Takahashi, who got the visual pinfall over Sareee and would have won the match if it had gone just five seconds longer. A Marigold World Championship match between them will happen sooner rather than later, and it could end up as the best match of the entire year.
sareee and nanae had the best dsfm dsgp match
Sure thing Scott
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[Good News] the potatoes are ready
I would imagine that Rossy paid her.
Sweaty joshi are so fuckin sexy.
More like one person is over and the fans dont really care about sareee. Has nothing to do with storylines
Love the peps. Then he started his tjpw review talking about how the attendance sucks for tjpw and is getting worse. Surprisingly didnt mention marigolds attendance.
sloppy, SOULFUL paizuri with MIRAI
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the southpaw
>2 non-filled rows of attendance
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MIRAI's post-match interview was very mayucore, glad the people saying she doesn't have charisma are getting proven wrong
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she's always had charisma but lately she really began to let it show
MIRAI and Utami's charisma are so evident when you look at the attendances of the shows they main event
This isn't charisma, she just has lice in her hair
Peps a pedophile like dark flowsion.
attendance doesn't matter to me as I have no stake in this company and am just a fan
Well said
That's fine, bit you can't say someone has charisma when they're very clearly an anti-draw
drawing power doesn't matter to me as like I said in my original post I enjoyed Mirai's post-match interview
the Soulful, Charismatic, and VIsual ACE of Marigold: MIRAI!
dsfm draws more than some indy shows i go to, not all of them, so its still big time to me
Utami Hayashishita says her poor performance in the DREAM STAR GP was influenced by Giulia leaving for WWE:

"With Giulia gone, I knew it had to be me who had to take the lead. But seeing the success of my juniors like (Victoria) Yuzuki and (Amarei) Kouki, I was worried about whether I could handle such an important role, and my physical condition also made me feel like I was being crushed by anxiety."

What a loser.
lol at the random Hulk Hogan signed portrait in the background. Rossy is the ultimate consumer.
French kissing Misa's pussy
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>tfw negative canthal tilt
is it over for me bros?
our former Ace
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Would you pick up Hitchhiker Komomo? Keep in mind: she stinks.
she looks trustworthy
so happy she's getting paid tomorrow. get her a couple nights out of the internet cafe and into a hotel.
NØRI's twitter is @nori_pravajra but every time I think it says @nori_player
Nah shes the most ugly joshi
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komomo is the least ugly joshi
I know u user....
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MIRAI has a trustworthy face.
komomo got a warm bed and a roof at her parents house
They're neighbors in the internet cafe.
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If she stayed with me, we could REALLY warm up the bed.
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>Utami: "my physical condition also made me feel like I was being crushed by anxiety"
Lot of words just to say "I'm a degenerate drunk"
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>Would you pick up Hitchhiker Komomo?
Yes, gladly
g r i m
>Actual scientific evidence that you'd have to be an actual homo to not find Kouki attractive+beautiful.
do you have one of those warm up blankets
once Kouki, Seri, Mai, Bozilla and Mirai go to WWE, she'll be able to reclaim her ace position
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Bear Cafe players
Mai Sakurai makes fun of widows on her tweet and then edits it so she doesn't get cancelled

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Why do they call her Mai Suckaguy?
you are what you eat
why do they call it merrygold
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She eats suckaguys? Is that like some exotic Asian fruit or something?
Windows sucks. I'm pretty happy with my M2 MacBook Air
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i was told that naho yamada is a mega fun girl
Marigold shitters don't deserve to stand in the same building as Big Dimes Chiikawa
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i was told Yuzuki is a bitch
she seems like a pleasant young lady
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>she seems like a pleasant young lady
only when she has sweets
Kizuna Tanaka should do porn immediately
dsf marigold youtube page should produce a japanese girls react to porn series with kizuna, komomo and lea seto
it's tough out there for a naopist
Komomo finally has instagram.
cool of komomo to use our picture together
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I want to lick all the sweat off her
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I tried to feed Yuzuki a sweet and she bit me.
I don't think chipmunks are aggressive
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i dress like that
let's see Yamada's nipples
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oh my
komomo saw the uncensored
is Komomo a lesbian?
Why do you want to see them?
Would you like to see my penis?
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Amarei Kouki is a pansexual, non-binary professional wrestler, stage actress, and gravure model.
jack of all trades master of none
You hate Sonny because he's a cock who acts unprofessional online. I hate Sonny because he used to leak stories to dirt sheets.
We are not the same.
It's one guy and he does it for all the players.
Not funny and really cringe, but he won't stop.
dropkick training with Fuka
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shinnoppu and serippu
cause I am an insane person
I did the people count for the latest golden fields Korakuen and got to 675, which would be in the usual range of 10-15% less than what they announced (for Korakuens).
They are once again lying up, with the usual percentage.
Nobody cares. Stop this shit. EVERY company exaggerates attendance numbers.
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*runs wild on you*
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double trouble
Gochika Support Squad
Why are you so obsessed with these kids?
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going by this pic hes a pedo
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happy little peach
these tiktok dances are cringe
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she's happy because she gets to see Gochika naked, which would brighten anybody's mood
They dont. Bushirosd changed the industry when they started reporting real numbers. Rossy hasnt adjusted.
>Rossy bad
>Bushiroad good
Every company inflates attendance numbers. It's a common business move. WWE and AEW both do it.
I'm not a fan of Rossy, but your autistic obsession with talking shit about him and Marigold is embarrassing, stale as fuck and should be studied by a licensed psychiatrist.
Live batowl
>WWE and AEW both do it.
Who cares about WWE/AEW. Sorry your Dream Star GP sucks, Utami is depressed because Rossy is having her have sex with sponsors, and Marigold is a failure.

My biggest concern right now is with the girls. Getting them out of this abusive Rossy situation and hoping he paid them enough to make rent this month.
Live? Lol very buddist.
>>Rossy bad
>>Bushiroad good
This but unironically
I see now why anons warn each other not to reply to you. I thought the whole always online and mentally ill thing was just a meme.
Turns out you are genuinely autistic and pathetic.
I'm done with this. Enjoy your day.
No idea how anyone can say that when Bushiroad has made a ton of stupid decisions, has ran NJPW into the ground, and has resorted to dumb swerve booking in Stardom which no long time fan of the company likes.
But fanboys gonna fanboy.
Bushiroad saved Mei Seira from sex slavery in Marvelous and what does Rossy do? Immediately starts a partnership with Marvelous because he road the Crush Gals coat tails to success. The man is evil.
>and has resorted to dumb swerve booking in Stardom which no long time fan of the company likes
Why can't Marigold do even half what Stardom is doing then?
If these Marvelous allegations are true and the Crush Gals were pimping out their wrestlers at bars I don't see a situation where Rossy doesn't go down with them. He claims he was responsible for all their success and involved in everything they did.
Not reading all of this but rossy did in fact lose
Kidani has a slap fetish and regularly has the girls smack him in humiliation rituals for pushes.
The Stardom girls are pimped out to the NJPW roster.
See, we can all play your role and be retarded.
So how many posts got nuked today? 50? 100? 3000?
You've been told why in every thread. No idea why it doesn't sink in.
Is there any concrete proof? Any actual allegations? Or is this just another one of your autistic schizobabble episodes?
Hearing komomo tried to quit but Rossy knows the owner of the internet cafe she's living at and he moved to evict her. She came back to protect her family.
Didn't she stop going to Stardom because of how hard the girls were being worked?
I remember reading about her being done with wrestling but Marigold brought her back.
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Passion saves lives
Nanae the sexy
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I wonder if this Marvelous revelation was what Kenny Omega was talking about on his infamous twitch stream where he exposed Rossy.
Since the main theme of Marigot is "Showa era," it was obvious that hardcore fans and troublemakers from the real wrestling world would show up.
uh oh, looks like someone is off their meds again
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Sareee not on the poster for the next tour.
Can't afford the red belt champ for every show. Please understand.
komomo got injured training for wwr and had to go back to her parents house try to keep up licebro
after all, she is an outsider
>Top 4 are Utamid, Midrai, Mid Suckaguy and Midku Aono
Holy grim
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She was on every other poster and Nagisa is a freelancer too. Must be dropping the belt in Nagoya and moving onto Stardom.
Almost went a day without the resident schizo mentioning Liceman.
Reset the clock. Talk about fucking obsessed.
Please be careful pedoliceschizopaki. I don't want to lose you for 15 days ago for evading ban.
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the higher power behind Marigold has yet to be revealed
I see you dont know anything about how japanese promotions are run
I'm an exchange student in Hong Kong retard. Why do you think everyone is this Liceman character?
Yes. Everyone lied. Bushiroad bought NJPW and started reporting real numbers. And people had to lie less because NJPW was making them look ridiculous.
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no Sareee on the Summer Gold Shine promotional posters, either, and that was immediately after she won the title. I guess she dropped it and moved on.
You don't understand the relationship the Sareee has with Natsupoi. It's like the Mayu and Rossy relationship. Poi is like a father figure to Sareee. Once she got out of her Marigold contract she was obviously making the jump. Matsui is also coming. She is sending signals with her "Kawaii" outfit. She will be joining Cosmic Angels.
just take your meds, retard
Try to ignore him. Everyone else does.
Rossy knows she is an anti-draw so he leaves her off even though she is the red belt champion.
crimson belt, get it right please
Sonny called it the red belt on the latest Korakuen show, so I have to defer to his expertise.
the Blood Red belt and the Aryan White belt
Funny, when I get banned, all of my comments are deleted and I'm gone for 3 days.
This tard doesn't even get a slap on the wrist.
Melty monday was yesterday lice
You are free to watch a different promotion that better appeals to your tastes if you like. There are generals for most of them.
well Sonny is a dumbass who doesn't know Marigold lore
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Go Shiozaki says: watch Marigold
I would unironically fuck Nanae.
you just know that bitch can take a pounding
They aren't. But, the little bastards will chew right thru the siding and dry wall to get into your garage.
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He won't. His goal was to ruin this general and drive everyone off. He succeeded.
Does drywall count as a sweet?
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guy in red died during the match
it was a long show
>Brilliant Future
Guy at the top in the middle struggling too. Nothing like showing up to Korakuen drunk at 11am.
looks like the guy in yellow is dead too
dsfm fantastic adventure tour will surely reinvigorate the group
was funny seeing the grandmas past selves be such marks
>He succeeded
Rossy should learn from him since hatman has seemingly forgot how to succeed kek
She's 34, you stupid bitch.
i was told that naho yamada is known as the megafun girl
This Sareee news got me twisted. For the longest time we only looked at who will leave for Marigold. Never thought people would be leaving Marigold.
No wonder this general is dead. It's 99.9% the resident schizo talking shit.
Same guy btw
every time you get banned we can see that you make up 30% of the posts
this changes everything
Can't believe Sally took the old man money and belt and then dipped as soon as the buzz died
Scott E. is having a moral crisis. Does he support Stardom after trashing them for five months or does he turn on Sareee? This is the biggest story Marigold has going.
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