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Birthday Week Edition

>It's Kairi and Asuka's birthday this week!

(Iyo and Kairi got a win over the Lesbian Witches, and had another stare down with the Kweens, so the Sky Pirates seem set for a tag title program with Kween Jade and Bianca.... Also, Iyo and Kairi both won their 1st speed matches, and have advanced in the inaugural title tournament....)

>Kairi is now ok
>We hope Asuka and Dakota can come back healthy soon too!

previous: >>15885434

>The longest running daily wrestler general on /pw/

Social Media:

IYO photobooks:
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Reminder that Iyo fucking won
Just ignore antis and talk about Iyo. I don't know why it's so hard for you retards to do this. She's at the peak of her power level right now.
I was told that IYO SKY has no title
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You know who the troll is.
You know what he does.
He's a sad terminally online incel who spams shit all over the board.
Get him banned before he ruins this general like he did the others.
She's about to win the tag TITLES with Kairi.
Stop posting about it. Nice Iyo butt btw.
No title, no tits, but a lot of black semen. Iyo is hood certified.
So what you're saying is that she has no title? Good to know. That is certainly a good thing to know
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Was the problem Bayree and Dacutie all along?

>Stop posting about it.
He can't that's why I'm shitting your general up. He literally cannot help himself. He has to reply.
who revved the antischizo
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So cute
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Bros....it's time to face facts. This is a face only a black man would cum on. Let the brothas have her.
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>hits you with a moonsault
>sits and braps on your face
>exposes your fat pale Scottish lass cheeks to the hardcam
Based Iyo providing the goon material
Kek based hivemind.
omg shes so beautiful
omg theyre so beautiful
Looks wholesome and wife material :3
you made your own thread, go post in that one
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I want to post with my new frens.
I fucking despise CM Punk and his ugly fucking dog Larry. I'm a DogCHAD to an extent, that dog is fucking hideous and I couldn't pretend it's "le cute".
Damn y'all be tripping in this thread too? I just want to see pics of iyo I don't wanna see this shit
ape playa
What happened to your prime suspect Trevor Woodhouse?
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Your crimes will not be forgotten, Iyo Sky Thread.
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Then post pics of Iyo instead of adding to the epic spam
Filters working hard
Them being heels was the problem
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This is one of my fave
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They work better as faces, so the crowd wants to cheer them more now
lol do you faggots have mommy issues or something
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Nah bitch, we just appreciate beautiful women!
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pic unrelated
kek I always suspected they were like this
For me it's the bikini strap sinking into her butt meat
How many times do I have to tell you retards it's not me? It's wild how obsessed you all are because of one thread I made two fucking years ago.

Please take your meds.
Hennimore won.
Your thoughts on BBC Hennimore?
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Yeah she's got a nice ass!
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You don't even think about them while they're blowing your back out? You must have read a lot about stoicism.
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Hmmm....the deleted posts seem to imply the anon who was blaming Hennimore then started LARPing as Hennimore....
Iyo took Kairi to get waxed on her birthday.
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>How many times do I have to tell you retards it's not me? It's wild how obsessed you all are because of one thread I made two fucking years ago.
Where's the body hair?
Around her butt hole. Thick, black and unshaved the Jap way.
Lies and slander! Iyo has no bodyhair below her neck.
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Just want to let fellow Iyobros know that last night she was the only one in that match to get a pop
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Why is porkcuck having a meltdown today? Did Iyo win again?
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Respect Iotica
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>Did Iyo win again?
She always does.
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For those of you who are unaware, Iyo is engaged to fellow japanese wrestler Evil. sadly they have to keep the relationship in the shadows, because Iyo's fans are virgin incels. who would act like tards, and have a melty if she went public with her relationship.
Google AI is written by jeets btw
Did she win a title?
very nice
the fact that kairi wears a cross in shoot photos where she doesn't have any makeup on has convinced me she is a christian. think her parents are or do you think she converted for batman?
yes japan is famously known for its christian population
>she converted for batman?

she was wearing crosses and thanking hulk hogan long before him
she converted for hulk?
one of the baby metal girls is christian and japan had a large enough christian pop that FDR ordered one of the nukes we dropped to hit the main church in japan. either way it doesn't change the fact that even if only 1 in 1,000 japs were christian Kairi could still be christian
>the KAIRI IS A CHRISTIAN retard is back spouting his /pol/ shit about Jews nuking Christians in Japan
I'd actually take the black cock spammer over that retard.
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Around 630,000 nips are going to heaven.
yes like i said japan is famously known for its christian population
why are you jewish?
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the last two threads have been a mess
+1 for black cocks
>be me
>looking at random shit on wweshop to run out the wage cage clock
>look at iyo page
>see pic related is 60% off (7 left as of this message)
Fuck it. Probably won't fit on my belt but it's still cool to have.
>Iyo surrounded by black on all sides
Reminder that Jews sent one of the two nukes on Japan's most Christian city Nagasaki
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It's 10:15 in England. The anti has posted here all day.
>now my enemy is English
Make up your mind bro you have called him 10 different people already today. Hogwheels is Irish btw not English.
I’m attracted to Iyo but I’m in love with Masami
>I will continue to do this gimmick until the thread ceases and no picture you post will ever change that
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The Iyo thread will be eternal.
Not like much is going on right now anyways.
vad är klockan i Södertälje?
They're completely gotten too. They've been trying everything to stop the troll posts but it never works because they refuse to see the truth that it's not one person, it's many anons on the board that are just fed up with their spam.
>three anons at most is many
Nice to finally see you admit it's more than one person. The first step is always acceptance.
Not the guy you were originally talking to. Who's the schizo now!
Still Hennimore.
>thread has been destroyed by bbc posting
Reminder that 'made for BBC' and BLACKED have never been filtered despite destroying threads for almost a decade now but t b h and f a m got filtered inside a month because it upset mods.
Let's talk about Iyos religious views instead.
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Personally I would like some more Iyo lore material.
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>"Just ignore the anti!"
When you do that, you lose the general. Look at NJPW, Marigold, Oz, and the joshi one. You have to report and get him banned or you'll lose this place. When you ignore him, he just replies to himself.
He's known all over the board as an autistic social reject. Take his toy and one joy in life away.
Do something about it.
>autistic social reject
You've been spamming get him le heckin banned! take his frickin toy away! for the last 12 hours.
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>multiple hung black men have fucked that ass and now her butthole is the size of a tennis ball
Nice try, retard. Nobody here likes you. Nobody is going to swoop in and defend your terminally online ass except yourself.
You've been online all day. You reply instantly to every comment.
Consider suicide.

has iyo ever done a stinkface? asking for a friend
She's stinkfaced Jason Luv's crotch multiple times
My last comment was hours ago - >>15899355
You haven't been offline all day.
Consider suicide.
i wonder if iyo has ever slammed her ass cheeks into other women's faces?

imagine asuka's face buried in those fat japanese cheeks...
Why would I? Bullying you senseless is hilarious you're a sensitive squirming samefagging simp faggot who can't cope with being laughed at.
Ironic considering that's all you do. Shit, you just pretended to be someone else as a way to defend yourself from further roasting.
You've been doing this all day. It's Tuesday.
>Bullying you
Lashing out at anons online because you're a friendless loser who himself was bullied for being a retard is lesser male shit.
>he wants to see pictures of men again
Not doing those faggot accusations any favours, unlovedfriendlessfaggot-kun.
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This seems realistic bros

Black people don't type like this.
I should know.
You're a fail troll attention whore who needs constant engagement and validation from randomers online. What a miserable existence.
Please, and I mean this will all sincerity, consider suicide.
It's not like you've ever accomplished anything or ever will. You've been online all day and this spamming shit is the highlight of your life.
Amazing how we're all anonymous and I can describe you down to a T.
Again, consider suicide.
There's been some highly suspect claims that she's done them at house shows (of course with zero video proof).
>Iyo pinned underneath two muscular, masculine blacks
Very realistic.
>redditor armchair psychoanalysis routine
So boring. At least you're still pretending to be black the racial humiliation of that will hang over you. Tell me what you hate about fat white incels with yellow fever the nost.
180lbs isn't fat. I'm lean and eat reasonably healthy.
Meanwhile you had a meltdown a couple of threads ago when someone called you overweight and you demanded to see upper body pictures of the poster who said it.
Stop projecting.
I don't read the posts but I can't help but notice it's been 12+ hours of constant spam without break.
question mark is if Dakota is ready or not. Jade/Bianca could be subbed out but they don't really have much to do on SD right now so it fits while two face teams are feuding some heel group fucks it up
>I'm lean and jacked but I can't post proof because eh....
Cool story bro. I'm 7 foot tall 285lbs.
Yeah Iyofags are never off the board.
>Tell me what you hate about fat white incels with yellow fever the nost.
I don't hate anyone. Hate is for losers.
I don't even hate you. I think you should be pitied rather than laughed at.
I mean, you're a grown man and this is what you do with your life.
MGTOW has gone too far.
I like her but the Sky Pirates got mega over without her there. She might be dimes repellent.
>I'm 7 foot wide 852lbs.
Na that's you I'm afraid. I easily dwarf prime Schwarzenegger in musculature but I can't post proof. Meanwhile you're obese.
Well, we know you're autistic, because despite what everyone says about you, it just bounces off. It doesn't sink in that you're a pathetic blob of sweat and what you're doing here is why you've got no friends in real life.
You project what you're most insecure about constantly. Reminder this was your Christmas Day.
Word of warning, if you don't do something about this terminally online waste of space, you'll lose your general.
It's that simple. This is what he does.
Don't bitch about it when the general is dead and people rarely post. The Kabuki posters saw through him and got him banned. Why can't you?
don't forget a certain meme about the family guy creator's band. if you type the words out 4chan instantly auto bans you for 3 days. it doesn't even need to be reported
>all this seething because some guy posted about Kairi wearing a cross
also kabuki is dead. all the kabuki posters went to /arrrrrrrrrr/
Looks comfy.
You clearly don't.
If you had a life and friends, you wouldn't spend every day of your life on here trying to troll other people and ruin whatever time they're having.
You do what you do because you're a fucking loser, man.
>troll other people and ruin whatever time they're having
This shit general is your life and you are having a panic attack because I'm taking it from you. Now cry harder bitch.
Nobody can get banned from 4chan you technologically illiterate newfaggot crybaby.
Reminder that Iyo won and that it wasn't 6 million
many people are saying this. also it wasn't even 1. the entire thing was a work and they were all eating well and having the time of their lives
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>ywn feed licorice drops to alligators with Iyo
we need to see pics or videos of iyo hitting a stinkface at house shows otherwise it's bogus
So terminally online shut-ins like yourself basically run the site?
Oh dear.
>terminally online
I shattered your mind with that. You actually cannot let it go.
>replies instantly
Not doing those terminally online accusations any favours.
>terminally online
You'll carry that scar mentally for the rest of your life. I'll jerk off tonight thinking about how I've branded you.
? Dude, I used it on you ages ago (because it's true) and you copied me.
Get help. Consider suicide.
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>a much larger, longer and thicker challenger appears
>you copied me
Kek I'm bullying a 4 year old.
You did copy me. You copy everyone who is funnier than you and has better insults.
I'm not going to stop being an eagle because you're a turkey.
Get the incel banned.
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>You did copy me
Iyo was blacked.
>fetishizes black cocks
>demands pictures of anons with timestamps
>saves pictures of men
Nigga u gae

god i wish that was real
Has anyone else noticed how Iyo's English has improved with her last couple of appearances?
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Need webms tho
I think they have more confidence in letting her speak it more. She still has a heavy accent but I think they're testing her out for a singles run without Bayree to talk for her.

tfw we'll never get a real gigi dolin stinkface
Iyo is the GOAT
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Was this a botch or nah?
Can any of you guys explain to me why like every single fucking IYO and IYO/Kairi match the girls come out, there is zero pop from the crowd, crowd seems indifferent and then like 30 seconds into the match they start doing the >lets go IYO, chants and they crowd literally always cheers the same sets like the missile drop kick, the back handsprings/kip up, kairi's walk the plank, the come on, IYO calling for the moonsault and they cheer when IYO or Kairi get the pin.
If the crowd likes them so much during the matches, why is there basically no reaction when they walk out?
TV tapings often have a lot of the casual audience, so they might not be fully aware they're faces now, plus there's the "piss break crew" who are brainwashed into thinking women can't wrestle, so when they see the match is good they start cheering
Saying M.O. Is my M.O.
Neither am I lol

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These are my boys, only for the fact that they have indulged in every nook and cranny of Iyo's supple body! I can only imagine the things that they've done to her!
Thanks for the free bump
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She is so desperate for Ohtani lmao
too bad my astros are finna mog
the real question is: who went with her?
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They are more than just best friends, comrades in arms, or tag team partners; they are truly like sisters, irreplaceable beings

From the bottom of my heart, Happy birthday!!

#DamageCTRL #SkyPirates

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IYO webms from Raw
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>posts calling the terminally online NEET cuck out get deleted, anon gets banned
>terminally online NEET cuck keeps spamming
This site is garbage.
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Based thread MVP Webmchad.
>ywn pound a brewski per inning while iyo munches on dodger dogs
why live
lmao you lost ya seething faggot
Damn the crowd is on FIRE for her
She's so good bros.
WWE fans and Americans in general are retarded. They don't pop because they want more Judgement Day slop but they cheer because they're like "wait this is actually pretty good"
>this is actually pretty good
lmao the crowd noise gets piped in during the match ya fucking mark nobody gives a shit about womemes wrestling except for obese microdick yt losers desperate for any sort of female interaction
Did they pipe in the crowd going crazy in this webm? >>15905089
>5 people in the front rows clapping
>t-the crowd is g-going c-c-crazy
front rows are plants ya fucking virgin mark only fat ugly simps like you think womens wrestling is entertaining
>whoa they're so skillful
no they are fucking shit you're just so starved of female attention and companionship you worship ringrats because they're the only bitches you see
Poor bait
/iyo/ won
the bbc taking event
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If you were unaware lyo has been arrested in her past. and in my opinion should have been charged.
Free bump hours
The rumor is the arresting officer was a strapping black stud and Iyo used her talents to keep herself out of trouble
She was framed
>Americans in general
literally smartest nation on earth yuros are so fucking retarded they shit in the river in france and then swam in it during the olympics
Meanwhile America owns the moon and has the genius of the sky. yurop has nothing because all yuros are retarded
This guy is so mentally broken lmao
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Based. Reminder Iyos grandfather was literally born in Hawaii and her mom was born in New York so she's technically American.
If this is true the bitch should learn english
No title?
Not as broken as Iyo's pussy after the brothas went to town on her thug style
Loving these free page 7 bumps
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>literally smartest nation on earth
Your double digit IQ is how your Jewish masters convinced you they went to the moon in a tinfoil spaceship but they can't get back there after 55 years of unprecedented technological advances because....em....we just forgot how to do it goyim. Oh and we lost all the tapes. All the telemetry data too.
God I wish I could sniff / lick that through the screen
>yuros seethe because she couldn't go to the moon once and literally swims in shit
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>98 IQ mouthbreaker watched this and thought it was reality
Tragic. Can't blame the Jews for flying planes into your buildings afterwards, they knew you idiots would believe anything they told you to
so will we ever find out of she only took the pin vs the the tranny lover witches because Kairi got hurt and they had to change the ending on the fly?
you literally are too retarded to not swim in actual human shit. you are so retarded you are talking about an American woman on an American tv show on an American website in the American language
Doesn't really matter anyway, because she also got a clean pin over Bianca which is way more important in kayfabe
Daily reminder IYO straight up refused to go to yurop this year because its full of subhumans. she went to canada, but refused to go to yurop because yurop sucks and eats semen
Your nation's Congress had to pass a Clean Water Bill to stop your double digit IQ people from turning every river in the nation into a septic tank, retard.
>American woman
lol ya she loves black cock alright
>American tv show
The fact American's were big enough marks to fall for professional wrestling is not something to be proud of
>American website
Jap owner, copy paste of a Jap website
>American language
You're typing in English you dumb cunt and your grandchildren will be typing in Spanish lol
Iyo also got her win back.
Iyo won I'm afraid
Why didn't the Soviets expose America for faking it?
>Your nation's Congress had to pass a Clean Water Bill to stop your double digit IQ people from turning every river in the nation into a septic tank, retard.
and in yurop, every river is a septic tank that you shit, swim and drink out of, top keke
>lol ya she
lol and you are jewish and in a wheelchair. top keke. imagine being so retarded you need a wheel chair
>The fact American's were big enough marks to fall for professional wrestling is not something to be proud of
you watch wrestling, retard
>Jap owner, copy paste of a Jap website
American website invented by the American m00t
>Jap owner, copy paste of a Jap website
we are both writing in American. we aren't spelling like yuros. you are literally a slave who has to learn American because I am so much better than you
Why didn't America point out the first Soviet spacewalk was an obvious stop motion hoax?
You can take this gay shit back to /pol/ now, nobody gives a fuck
>top keke
I can tell you're furious just by this.
>y-you watch w-wrestling
I watched wrestling when I was a child, about as smart as the average American.
>invented by m00t
lmao no. He literally copy pasted 2chan.
>writing in American
You have no language. You type and speak like the exiled Euro you are and you are being conquered by the descendants of the Spanish.
Because it really happened.
>tries to claim she doesn't watch wrestling
>is posting in a general about an American wrestler on a wrestler board
top kek, the absolute state of yuros having no culture that all they can do is talk about American shows they don't watch on an American website in the American language
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Fuck You Bitch!
>y-you have to w-watch my gay t-tv show
I already told you I watched it as a kid. I used to browse /wwe/ to nostalgia bait about Hogan and Warrior. You wouldn't remember /wwe/ though, you showed up from /wooo/ lol
>it was real in my mind
They were both lying about everything, anon. Don't you find it a little strange that 60 years ago the Soviets and Americans were dancing around in space and flying to the moon but after 6 decades of technological advancement and working together they can't figure out how to get any further than the ISS 200 miles from Earth? They just...eh...forgot how.
>Patriotism is just the conviction that your country is superior to all other countries simply because you were born in it. - George Bernard Shaw

Why are you faggots talking about homo politics?
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These threads sure have went to shit lately.
Let's get the thread back on track by discussing bbc
Is the Swede cuck really trying to shit on the US?
Well America is superior so...
Only Photobook CHAD posting rare Iyo lewds can save us now.
You're a simp with low self esteem and you've been talking about dark subjects lately. I honestly think you should get some help. You might have a chemical imbalance which is treatable through medication. At the very least you'd have a real person to talk to.
>yfw yurop is so such cuckboi doesn't have anything better to do than spam about black cocks in a general about an American woman he doesn't know who is on an American TV show he doesn't watch in the American language on an American website
America is unironically the best country in the world. why do you think IYO lives here? and why do you think mama sky dedicated her life to translate naruto into english?
Do you think the Mexican's will rename America after they take it over? It would be a pretty funny bit to just rename the entire place Greater Mexico.
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>America is unironically the best country in the world. why do you think IYO lives here
That's obvious.
>Israeli slave cries about black cock when his nation creates 99% of interracial porn and propaganda
Bobbo is pure
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>gets a Tokyo Sports article for watching baseball
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LWO 4 Life
Big hurricane heading to Florida now, hope Iyo an friends are safe
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I don't know but at least we won't be an Islamic republic like Europe.
I live in the orlando area and it won't be any issue this far island. Just tropical storm weather which is just the average storm in Florida. She'll be ok.
Oh ok, well hopefully everything will be fine then, take care either way
>jewish golem is being eradicated in his own homeland
>w-well what about i-islam!
Kek your masters have trained you well
I don't care what you guys say. I'm still an Iyo fan. Always will be
Why wouldn't you be?
mÅ$åmÎ ≈ ΘÐã±Ë
They have extremely high rates of depression, pls understand.
M.O. Town Records
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Police have yet to ascertain the killer's M.O.
Even teasing saying that name should have you arrested.
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She’s back and supporting both teams since they both have 2 Japs
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>anti posting stops when tranymite is on
It figures
What a site for sour eyes
I've been watching the Dodgers game. Didn't know she went back again. Based on where she's sitting, she's just out of camera frame.
She must be dating the guy
Iyo should streak at the Dodgers game
Wtf why are there two Iyos
So we can share friend
there was a foul ball in IYO's area, but it was so zoomed out you couldn't make anybody out. I'm watching the game and trying to keep an eye out for when the camera goes to her, which hasn't happened aside from that.
I just want to see who she's with, dammit.
Most likely with Tozawa as always. He also always goes to these baseball games with Iyo-chan.
Remember when Iyo was visibly seething when someone on her IG livestream mentioned Ohtanis wife. She ended the steam shortly after.
That’s not how it happened
Ohtani rikes tall women, sorry Masami
The vid is on youtube. It’s 30 minutes. They mention the wife being cute at 6 minutes in exactly. False narrative
IYO (I think) at :04
I dont see her. Also there's so many Japanese people that go to America to watch his games lol
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How is Iyo-chan gonna deal with the Doyers getting bootyblasted in the 'eries by my TiGODs?
Dave Roberts is still the Dodgers manager so I'm afraid they'll be losing in the NLDS again
How does Hennimore's blind ass read and post here?
Iyo tanked the ratings again...
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Dimes incarnate bros
>two ad breaks in the third hour
She never stood a chance.
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Kek what a draw
>15 second backstage segment
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Looking real skanky
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there she is
>old asian lady next to her
Her mom?
She seems terribly thirsty, perhaps I can quench her thirst with my very handsome peen
doesn't look like Mama Shirai
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going back to this clip, you can kind of see IYO at :05, from this angle she's behind the guy standing up in the long sleeve blue shirt. Only this time there's some Japanese guy next to her, and this was later in the game.
Iyo probably just went by herself or with friends from Japan that wanted to go aswell.
If you ain't japanese she's not interested
OK, I admit it. I took Iyo out on a date to the baseball game.
Is this true?
Iyo shaved her arms, pits and legs in the shower this morning
Looks like I'll be making baseball OP's for a while lol
What about her pubic area and butthole?
Hairless, she goes for regular full Brazilian waxes
Waxed Player

Making new

Iyo should've adopted Morgana's gimmick an put a big, wet one on Yu Darvish to make Ohtani jealous.

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