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>Dream Star GP 2024
9/28 Nagoya International Center (Live @ 1:00pm JST)
>Dream Star GP Final: Dream League winner vs Star League winner
>Star League: Sareee vs Bozilla
>Star League: Miku Aono vs Nanae Takahashi
>Star League: Mai Sakurai vs Misa Matsui
>Star League: Kizuna Tanaka vs CHIAKI
>Dream League: Utami Hayashishita vs Kouki Amarei
>Dream League: MIRAI vs Nagisa Nozaki
>Dream League: Victoria Yuzuki vs NØRI
>Dream League: Natsumi Showzuki vs Chika Goto
>Komomo Minami vs Nao Ishikawa vs Myla Grace

>MARIGOLD Fantastic Adventure

10/5 Osaka 176Box (1:00pm JST)
>Miku Aono, Kouki Amarei, & Natsumi Showzuki vs Utami Hayashishita, MIRAI, & Victoria Yuzuki
>Mai Sakurai vs Chika Goto
>Misa Matsui & Rea Seto vs CHIAKI & Nagisa Nozaki
>Kizuna Tanaka vs Flying Penguin
>Bozilla vs Nao Ishikawa, Komomo Minami, Yuuki Minami, & Myla Grace

10/5 Osaka 176Box
10/7 Korakuen (Live @ 6:30pm JST)
10/12 Kyoto KBS Hall
10/13 Shizuoka
10/14 Shibuya
10/20 Nagano
10/24 Korakuen (Live @ 6:30pm JST)
10/27 Shinkiba (Day) (Live @ 12:00pm JST)
10/27 Shinkiba (Night) (Live @ 5:30pm JST)
11/2 Sapporo
11/4 Aichi

Watch on Wrestle Universe (¥1,298 per month)


>Entrance music

Previous >>15898925
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>Flying Penguin (35)
Rossy needs Nanashi
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The only based thing Sonny ever did.
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Thr future ace
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Who's the old hag?
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*saves marigold*
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Have we seen the last of Blue Yuzuki?
The 35 year old rookie.
Who's winning the Dream Star next Saturday?
Sareee vs utami and then it will become an impromptu title match that utami will win
shishita, she's gonna unify it with the natsu bar oral wrestling championship
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If Kizuna was on sale at a flesh market, I would buy her (to set her free).
Utami wins. Then jobs to Chipmunk
My retarded ass can't timezone right now. Is the finals on Friday night US time or Saturday? The twittwr says Saturday but it should be Friday, right
midnight EST on friday night
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Iconlike expressions and promo
why yes, I do have that photobook
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you're never make it here with the wolves kid
49 days
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based giu
>my time in Marigold turned me orange
how did she get so fat so fast
Hate wwe tranny makeup department crested by shane mc redditmahon.
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Seri is not an attention whore, shes a high level athlete and along with Rea, the future of joshi.
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seeing stars with Miku
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i'm loving it
Utami over Sareeeeeeeeeeeeeeee.
Very sexy player.
Her 3 weeks in Florida tanning salons did that.
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mirai rules and is soulful
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Is this the one that heemed her partner and then giulia during the giulia goodbye gangbang?
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When is this cutie making her debut?
they are still figuring out how to hide her cock in wrestling trunks
I want to see her nipples
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I dont speak portugués
I can speak inglés!
Dale mamá con tu takata
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is that mold on their ceiling?
Is called wood
Yes but is that mold on the wood on their ceiling? I'm worried about Seri's cardio if she's been breathing in black mold all her childhood.
Dont be a pussy
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Dead thread
Dead fed
it doesn't look like mold at all, you blind retard
She has to be suffering some kind of condition...
Can't believe a porn star and her sister are living in a mold infested house. What is wrong with them.
where the FUCK are the yamaoka parents
if i speak...
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I'm suffering from a condition called Komomoitis.
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Seri will not do jav in the foreseeable future.
Only after a short but fruitful carreer in puroresu she will venture into the jav business.
Do you speak inglés?
Or maybe portugués
Rossy needs to take Seri's phone away, she's ruining the sales of her future photobook
Shes probably making him the best free publicity, he needs it more than her.
Komomo and yuzuki always hang out together
cute couple
Both are uggos
Absolutely fucking based
OPPW-174 looks like NØRI
maybe on planet blind retard
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She should do a threesome video with her sister
why are the bitches in this company all so fucking ugly?
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>Today is a day off from exams, so I went to Starbucks to relax

>By the way, in the geography test, there was something called the Great Victoria Desert, and I thought, "Oh! That's Yuzuki-san!" and remembered it, and it was on the test and I was able to answer correctly

>The photo shows him being happy after hearing the good news
Can't wait for her gravure photobook.
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New saviour of Marigold
based that means she's peaking an knows how to fuck.
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Officer Kii-tan of the Police
It's a debilitating lack of my awc that's got her looking a little pekid these days.
I'm just happy that my Lil Peach has a friend.
two title matches for 10/7

Twinstar: Mai/MIRAI (c) vs Gochika/Kouki

Superfly: Natsumi (c) vs Yuzuki
>She has to be suffering some kind of condition...
it's called noboyfrienditis
i've got Marigolditis
Nanae the violent
pointing my telescope at Yuzuki for closer inspection
Officer Kizuna, the weed bag is hidden down my pants.
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Easy thousy incoming
>you may now peg the bride
the groom
There's no groom in a lesbian wedding
Lebians don't have penises
Worlds smartest chud
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did they?
get spitroasted and passed around by shindy men players, yes, yes they did
Pedogawa is gonna get cancelled again for simping for Vince
This is the end
Fuck the fuck off. Seriously? Does he understand even WWE is using this doc as a chance to distance themselves from from Big Black Cock Cuck McMahon? Does Sonny tell him anything?
It's amusing just how huge of an edrone Rossy is
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saying someone was great at their profession doesn't condone their behavior, you autists
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Jesus christ
let's see Utami and VENY fuck
Vince McMahon was shit at his job, he almost destroyed the company multiple times and now he's out they're enjoying resurgent success.

So just like Rossy really
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The translation has reached wrestling/joshi twitter, it's over.
Pedophiles and rapists always have eachothers back r
>Vince McMahon was shit at his job
in the last few years he was, for sure. Vince lost his mind and needed to step down. Denying he was ever good is retarded.
BBC board, shrimpdick.
He was bad longer than he was good
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>There’s no doubt that (Vince McMahon) is the greatest figure in the history of professional wrestling in the world
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>how did she get so fat so fast
You do know where she moved right?
>implying she's eating McDonald's fries
afraid so
I just called every wrestling venue in Vegas and told them about Rossy. Sorry Mr. Ogawa. You're not booking any events in our town during Wrestlemania.
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netflix just announce MIRAI autobiographical series coming out next year
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Utami was hanging with Kaji Tomato (picrel) at the same time Maika was drinking with Tanahashi
they're both crossdressers, they probably trade underwear
kaji tomato seems to be a fag
>natural beef flavor
>>By the way, in the geography test, there was something called the Great Victoria Desert, and I thought, "Oh! That's Yuzuki-san!" and remembered it, and it was on the test and I was able to answer correctly
Genuinely cute. I always remember that the tibia is bigger than the fibula because tibia was like tits and big(ger) tits are nice.
natural flavor means it started as beef and they added 1-1000 chemicals to it afterwards, totally natural
>He was bad longer than he was good
Nah it's the other way around
Put "1:00pm JST" in google, result suppose to be equivalent in your local time.
>>implying she's eating McDonald's fries
Have you seen their food photos when they go to the US? They always eat their sloppiest shit.
How will peps and scott react?
blame vegetarians. mcdonalds used to use beef tallow but they protested until they changed to vegetable oil and now we got this crap
they will ignore it of course
Diddy Ogawa taking time out of Chika Goto Photo Book shoots to praise Vince McMahon.
inviting komomo to the freak off
kek what a nugget
komomo would drink the baby oil
I would drink Komomo's oil.
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wonder if Rossy buys his baby oil in bulk
Oh no the black grifter doesnt approve, whatever will rossy do
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I love rookie senshu Seri Yamaoka
>whatever will rossy do
Not sell tickets of I had to guess
Good morning sirs
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The reputation of Marigold in the west is at an all-time low
>The sad thing about this tweet, is people will gloss over it & still watch his new promotion.
I don't really think anyone is watching anymore big bro
dsfm is not for the pedestrian trend following joshi twitter noobs
>The man who brought you 14 year old girl swimsuit calendars, Rossy Ogawa.
He's not wrong
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>you forgot to attach the gigarossy
Rossy's main takeaway from the Vince doc ws that he needs to find himself his own Janel Grant
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fuck police
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badge or no badge Minoru isn't letting his baby girl walk the mean streets of Yokosuka alone
Rossy watching Mr.McMahon and basically going "it's all just harmless bants, isn't it? Vince is the greatest" is not his finest hour.
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Tanaka Family and Associate
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Love how Rossy (no idea who he is) seems to be the last Old Guard booker in a world of testosteroneless spergs, not even Corgan qualifies
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old gay men are ruthless
Yeah he's based as hell
2 handsome players
getting fleeced by komotan at the merch table
I told you they were fucking
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A 42 year old obese virgin xeeted that.
Eel drawing the house for these geeks
I've lost all hope in Utami reach her full potential. She's just a wrestler to pop twitter trannys now, nothing more.
My g-d

the aura of Utami!
I bet she has a hairy butthole
This the problem when there isn't an exact 1 to 1 translation between 2 languages, in this case "greatest" simply means "biggest / most influential", which is accurate, but asking twitter to exercise logic is impossible
lets see Fujiwara vs Eel
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When even the biggest Marigold supporter, Peps Yannik Edwards The 4th, makes up stories like Asahi dying in a car crash I don't have much faith in sub 200 follower accounts to have literacy
Based on Utami's behavior in the Veny match I have zero confidence in her leading the company. I'm hoping Rossy manages to re-sign Sareee at the race track tonight so she doesn't drop the belt tomorrow and leave Marigold.
>Peps Yannik Edwards The 4th
Shouldn't be something like Yannik von Goebbles instead?
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That fake tough guy can't handle a real shooter
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>leave Stephanie Vacquer to me, Giulia nee-chan
Fraid she's not getting passed Kenny Omega.
you just know Kenny keeps some scandalous eromanga next to his kirby plushie
[Breaking] Rossy woke up and tweeted support for Puff Daddy calling him an innovator of the hip hop scene that he respects.
Rossy's favourite physicist is non other than Erwin Shrodinger
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Yup, pic related. Guy is online constantly, makes these threads, and has Rossy on his mind 24/7. Their kind stick to each other.
You need to stop talking about and jerking off to literal whos on Twitter, pedo-kun. They're worthless, terminally online sacks of shit like yourself.
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Rookie senshu Seri Yamaoka is smarter than Komomo because she rode a bike instead of walking around like a tard with a water bottle in her pocket.
Officer Kizuna used excessive force when she tackled me and then proceeded to fondle my scrotal region.
cute lil fucked up grill
That's a man
Black mold in those lungs.
nah, her sister protects her from malign influences
I wanna suck her dick
Komomo can't afford a bike, please understand
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the four pillars of this community
[GOOD NEWS!] She can ride my penis for free.
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>ziønism is terrørism
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We can only dream
Is the schizo umbanned already?
How long until his/her next meltdown?
>when you put it in the wrong hole
Did Giulia kill any chances for anyone else getting the call up to NXT? She's an anti-draw there. Lowest rated segment.
>[Breaking] Rossy woke up and tweeted support for Puff Daddy calling him an innovator of the hip hop scene that he respects.
He then walked off whistling Jim'll Fix It's theme tune
i wonder if any of the people who post giulia these days know about fighter jet sex
i would guess not many
Paul and HBK both recognize that Komomo is a can't miss prospect
we have been telling you for years that most people natural reaction to the wop is boredom and annoyance

The closeted pedo schizophrenic is already spamming shit on multiple threads...
i read a fan who claims that he talked about how good uta takami is with fuka
Why is licemann doing that?
Mental illness and a pathological fixiation.
Just like you...
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Nah u r.
who the fuck is Lice?
how do you know someone you can't see has lice?
Liceman sounds like an 80's super sentai action hero.
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love this goofball. She has yui hirasawa vibes
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I don't know anything about the Mari general lore. Is this Liceman?
Who is Liceman though? What's his story?
>>Dream Star GP Final: Dream League winner vs Star League winner
two of the girls are working double duty? if one of the winners goes second to last wouldn't they be at a disadvantage?
This is rossy who had miku and mirai go on late in the show and then miku fought bozilla instantly for some reason
September 28th (Sat) Nagoya International Congress Center 1:00PM
After the finals, an awards ceremony will be held to announce the winners of each competition.

DREAM League Best Match
STAR League Best Match
Special Achievement Award
Skill Award
Fighting Spirit Award

They couldnt think of new names? Just copied the stardom awards for the five star
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Order of matches. Utami getting a big break and sareee wrestles back to back
kizulus we still in this
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buying Komomo some shampoo so her hair isn't so greasy
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Why did Rossy want to leave Stardom so bad if he was just going to do a shittier version of it?
Rossy will end up still giving AZM the Skill Award
Dear God, she would have been so hot with a toned body and long straight hair.
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my wife and our concubine
Left: Marry
Right: Fuck
left: impregnate
right: impregnate
Absolute perfection. Natural beauty
Must defend Daddy Rossy
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just like this lot waited with their engagement farming when asahi killed herself
eh? Rossy is literally calling him the greatest figure in wrestling
Twitter trannies only started sucking off Rossy when Bushiroad bought Stardom. Every joshi fan was calling him a creep before that.
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trust the plan, patriots
Mayu will help Maricold get to 800 (shoot 650) in Korakuen
of course pedo groomers like newtrans will defend rossy
Tomorrow is the final race of the DREAM STAR GP2024. It's the day when the results of a month's struggle will come out. This is the tournament that will determine Marigold's future. Please come and join us. Since I arrived the day before, I ate Hitsumabushi again.

Future being determined!
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Saree big timed the race track and didnt take a photo with the winning jockey.
Hearing the building is set up for 900 people while Stardom is drawing another 1000 at Korakuen Hall main evented by a turkroach
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She repped sead too instead of the marigold belt. She is really leaving today.
wtf is Sally's problem
Maricold is a dead fed that doesn't have the money to pay her anymore
what does that have to do with disrespecting the jockey at the horse race
Why do the Japanese keep saying Marigold is "real wrestling". Have they seen any matches? Or is it just because Nanae and Sareee headbutt each other and slap each other once every couple of months?
>2 day threads
It's unironically over

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