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Baseball Edition

>It's Kairi and Asuka's birthday this week!

(Iyo and Kairi got a win over the Lesbian Witches, and had another stare down with the Kweens, so the Sky Pirates seem set for a tag title program with Kween Jade and Bianca.... Also, Iyo and Kairi both won their 1st speed matches, and have advanced in the inaugural title tournament....)

>Kairi is now ok
>We hope Asuka and Dakota can come back healthy soon too!

previous: >>15899339

>The longest running daily wrestler general on /pw/

Social Media:

IYO photobooks:
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here before its unavoidably derailed again
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welp, i was 11 seconds too late
IYO IS THE GOAT (who won btw)
Imagine her spitting on your face hahaha


ape playa
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Iyo Thy
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Daily reminder that Iyo won
Imagine walking in on her using the toilet hahaha
>the one man she desperately wants is the man who doesn't want her
Iyo did a full body shave in the shower this morning
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Damn. This bitch is UGLY.
Except for the bikini area because she gets regular full Brazilian waxes, right?
what's the problem?
She's really not though
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would happily wake up next to every day
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Gain Taste Bitch!"'
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>would happily wake up next to every day
I’m attracted to Iyo but I’m in love with Masami
>worked senseless by makeup and airbrushing
lol she has a face only a hung black guy could get hard for
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Iyo was blacked.
Ohtani carried the Dodgers to a much needed win last night because he saw IYO and was inspired
Yeah inspired to get the fuck away from her as soon as possible
Post only the BEST and most HIGH QUALITY images of Iyo's pits, please!
It's no surprise microdicks like you have bbc on the mind.
And? Why are you so obsessed with who these women have sex with? Ho outside and get a gf.
Personally I'm not pitiful virgin, so I've actually seen women without makeup and in different lighting conditions, this is a concept incels find difficult to comprehend
How do you know they're white?
>Personally I'm not pitiful virgin
I suppose gangraping toddlers counts Kumar.
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>Ho outside
Just like Iyo lol
Many people have been saying this
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>Personally I'm not pitiful virgin, so I've actually seen women without makeup and in different lighting conditions, this is a concept incels find difficult to comprehend
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I wonder if Iyo will support Ohtani by buying the new NPB game.
One of my favourite shitposting gimmicks is to make a triggering statement without context, and leave out a single word just to see if the mongoloids will actually argue against my point, or like in this case, take the bait and squeal about spelling mistakes, it's a fun psychological experiment that subconsciously makes people reveal their hidden trigger points during clinical diagnosis
>My Diagnosis
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This is my fav pic of Iyo she's perfection right here
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Nice EDITED pictures once again.
You're so mad lmao
Wonderful image
POV: You're Jason Luv
Don't know about you guys, but I don't have an encyclopedic knowledge of male pornstars committed to memory, but maybe that's just me
The Iyosimps cannot accept this simple truth. Even their beloved Iyojanny knows and understands Iyo is a Queen of Spades.
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you wish, faggot. that's your your bug looks like without pounds of makeup, photoshop, and filters.
Based Punk heeming Iyosimps lmao the other bug still looks reasonable without makeup but Iyo is pukeola
Sounds a bit gay really, what are xey hiding?
10 inch long, thick and throbbing, stiff dark secrets.
That's just bad lighting
You've been worked by makeup and filters. Iyo is ugly.
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Reminder that Trannimore is blind and loves cucking himself with black porn and regular thoughts of homosexuality.
Remember when you got so worked by bbcposts you started pretending to be black and shitting on wypipo? You can be kinda funny when you wanna be.
I know joshifags like to pretend no japanese women could ever be ugly because they such cute perfect cinnamon buns unlike all the white women who have made fun of me my entire existence

But Mayu is a fucking dog
I just want to point out yurocucks are so fucking retarded they think IQ tests are accurate enough to resolve 2 points.
IQ tests have a margin of error of like 5 points and don't accurately measure numbers above 105ish because they exist just to diagnose kids with being retarded
>literally worked for days because he has a double digit iq
He is also a swedish cuck who enjoys boardgames a little to much. So much so that he leaves personal info out there.
I respect IYO.
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Fuck you faggot
god damn
>yuro cucks
>a country that literally swims in human shit and never went to the moon
>thinks 24 hours is days
>doesn't know how IQ tests work
>doesn't have the best wrestler in the world, IYO Sky
IYO refuses to go to nations that swim in and drink human shit. hence no IYO at blacklash or bash in berlin or clash at the castle
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wow look at those beautiful european women. perhaps i shall marry one
>so low IQ he believes Jews sent men to the moon in a tinfoil spaceship 60 years ago
Kek you sound exactly like black "academics" making up excuses for your double digit IQ.
>dis piece o paper racist n shieet
Btw you are a Euro yourself retard the Sub-Saharan DNA you got during your 3 generations in America hasn't changed your genetic structure that much.
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Blackest city in England by far. I bet she really celebrated that night.
iyoschizo is a bong. He called someone a muppet a while back
Oh dear
Blisstranny is a Norwegian. He said jej a while back
So why does the bad lighting make Iyo look terrible, but Kairi is still cute?
what a seething subhuman yuro. notice how IYO saw what a shithole yurop is and refused to go back. yuros eat beans on toast and swim in literal shit
again, you are so retarded you don't understand what IQ tests are or what they measure or how they are used. 98 iq is literally world average. there is no measurable difference between 95 and 105 iq because the tests aren't made to measure with that resolution. literally the only reason they give them out is to test if kids are retarded and they really don't give accurate date if you are above average.
also you are still seething about swimming in actual shit water
By bad lighting he means well lit and exposing what Iyo (34) really looks like. Remember how he was trying to claim it was a shop at first?
>starts bragging about being average
Notice how the exiled Euro ducks the fact that unless he is posting his essays of cope from a reservation, he is 90% European with slightly mangled DNA because of exposure to Sub-Saharan and Ashkenazi admixture.
Dare I ask.... no title?
There's a spotlight that hits directly on her nose and casts the rest of her face in shadow
The WWE make-up department did God's work making that mutt look presentable.
It's become apparent that the /pol/tard is the Iyo anti
>Remember how he was trying to claim it was a shop at first?
A tacit admission from him that Iyo looks bad.
I usually shit on the glam squad for making the women look like clowns, but Iyo needs it
Yes, it's the /pol/tard rovert Shankism Hennimore Liam Agua. Make your fucking mind up.
You guys are working. She's cute.
No she has no title please stop asking because you know the answer all ready
>the yuro continues to seethe on an American website, in the American language, in a general about an American wrestler on an American tv show.
only Americans are white. yuros literally swim in shit and can't own guns
>mfw the retard yuro is literally eating beans on toast and can't drink the water from his sink because its unsafe
Love Masami's feet and thighs
>American mutt can't come to terms with his polluted blood
Many such cases
>Americans are white
You have Sub-Saharan African, Hispanic and Ashkenazi Jew admixture in your formerly white DNA I'm afraid. But despite how soiled your genetic structure is, you're still a maimed European.
>no image
This is what African DNA does when mixed with formerly white genes. A tragic example of dysgenics.
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This image is based as fuck.
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Who took the most BBC? Masami Odata, Io Shirai or Iyo Sky?
Asuka. She's the only Joshi to ever admit she likes black guys.
Did uncle Shin take the pic?
And she'd heem that faggot.
She would sure know how to "take" "care" of "him" if you know what I mean
You aren't doing yourself and favors refuting that anon's claim with posts like this.
She'd kick his ass like Mickey Gall did to CM Punk in UFC.
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>another thread full of black spam from the terminally online NET cuck
How many times do you need to be told, brothers? Report the cunt and get him banned. It's the only way to save your general and stop this dog shit routine every day.
The only way to save the general is if the Iyo spammer leaves the board.
Americans are white, yuros aren't. you worship blacks and jews and keep posing about black cock and seethe about kairi being christian, you swim in actual shit and you eat beans on toast
>you worship blacks and jews
Your country is an Israeli vassal state and produces 99% of the worlds interracial porn and propaganda. Your Jewish masters only allow your nation to survive because of your slavish devotion to the "chosen people" but you've now outlived your usefulness - the next American generation in minority European descendants (ie. White) and your polluted bloodline will be purged from the world. Reminder that you are an exiled Euro and all your ranting, seething and coping is because your Euro genes make you dimly aware of your status as a discarded Jewish golem.
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Backstage pic of Iyo getting ready for Raw
Toll status: Paid
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>getting KWAB'd by a Hurricane
Not even nature will stop me from respecting Iyo-chan on /pw/

You don't think I've tried?
I like Iyo, but FUCK THE DODGERS!!!!! GO STROS!!!!!!
The fact you think a ban does anything is comical.
Ok cool he resets his router and starts posting again in twenty seconds.
So the inmates run the asylum here?
Man, this schizo loser has ruined every puro thread on this board. He killed Oz and the general joshi threads out of spite and console war retardation.
If you don't want this place to turn into a ghost town like the Marigold general, find a way to nuke him.
kek gunna samefag again you beans on toast faggot?
yuros aren't white
yuros haven't ever gone to the moon
there are zero good yuro wrestlers
yuros can't own guns
IYO refused to go to yurop
you eat beans on toast
the king of yurop is an indian
>admits to ban evading
>spends all day, every day online fishing for the attention he doesn't get in real life
This isn't no life, this is minus life.
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She's so painfully unattractive
Maybe on opposite day
Yet she draws you to these threads like a magnet and you stay in them all night until your chair needs recharged.
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>proves it
It's genuinely funny watching you slowly start to realize this isn't reddit.
No, it's basically a daycare for autistic unfunny shut-ins with negative life.
The only people that talk about IQ tests are insecure brainlets
>autistic unfunny shut-ins with negative life
Explains why you're here
>dis iq tast is racist shieet! i m smurt ya heard? YA HEARD? we needs mo money fa da projects
>one of the unhealthiest countries on the planet
>average weight is obese
>literally crawling with mental illness
>crime-ridden shithole country
>school shooters, stores being robbed, cities burning, random people get punched in the face, the Knockout Game...
>obsessed with race and gender to the point of fetishization
Can't wait to see China crush your brainwasted asses.
>come on for an hour for news
>guy who never leaves
Not the same thing, NEET-kun.
>>guy who never leaves
Literally (You). You were samefagging this thread on Christmas Day and threw a fit when I went to the peedub archive (you didn't know it existed) searched by date 12/25 (you didn't know I could do that) and by opening posts only "Iyo Sky" then laughed my ass off looking at the archived, timestamped history of your Christmas Day.
No, special needs. Not me.
And the fact that you were on here on Christmas Day shows that you're just as bad as the ones who were.
Wasted quads. Here's the archive of your Christmas Day that can be pulled any time of the year.
Genuinely grim. Reminder I've taken this from you now and you'll spend your Christmas Day staring at the wall fuming.
you people take this board way too seriously
Again, not me.
You were here on Christmas Day, though. And you just proved it.
Is it considered homosexual to know the names of every African American male pornstar? Because is sure seems like something a closet homosexual would know
I'm scanning the TJPW general and it's just bros having fun......I don't see anyone rushing in there to make everything about themselves and their boogeymen

Some people really are, for some godforsaken reason, dedicated to the proposition that everyone who dislikes their favorite promotion must be hounded, insult, harassed and run off the board entirely. It's profoundly deranged behavior
>that everyone who dislikes their favorite promotion must be hounded, insult, harassed and run off the board entirely. It's profoundly deranged behavior
Or maybe you're just a bunch of unfunny, unlikeable cunts who need to fuck off?
Imagine you work every day then come online to shoot the shit, only to see shit-flinging autists trying to troll.
It's annoying.
TJPW also doesn't have the resident Bushiroad bootlicker schizo in it to ruin the place.
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Kek you didn't know about the archive, did you?
>Y-you w-were h-h-here
Well no because you can read the pathetic simping and faggotry you were doing Christmas Day and I would have bullied the living fuck out of you if I was aware of it. Like I've been bullying you the past couple of weeks. Now you've shown how thin your skin is and how much of a newfag you are I'm going to take this gay general from you and I wish I'd been there to shit up your Christmas Iyo thread. Just look at pic related. Bitch is cross eyed and you posted that gushing about how kawaii she is.
>Well no because you can read the pathetic simping and faggotry you were doing Christmas Day and I would have bullied the living fuck out of you if
Dude, you're a terminally online incel invalid. You bully no-one.
You were here on Christmas. Shut the fuck up.
Is it considered straight for a failed white man who never had sex to simp for a walled roastie gook he'll never speak to and who is quite literally going through the menopause? Because that seems like something a deeply closeted homosexual would do.
why u gae tho?
>terminally online
Ruined you mentally with that. It lives in your head.
>you b-bully n-no-one
lol you're trembling
Will I look up the archives for New Year's Eve ya lil pansy? I bet you'll be Iyo-posting at midnight to ring in the New Year.
Pipe Down Faggot!
y u cri? u cri every tiem
ur bitch cross eyed lmao one eye on the brass ring one eye on the black ding a ling
Yep, anyone who does must be a massive gaylord who watches gay porn
Again, you've been called that in every thread. You just copied the insult because you're unoriginal and about as funny as an AIDS diagnosis.
You sure know a lot about Reddit.
Yeah, everyone on here is scared shitless of the friendless, terminally online, social reject virgin who thinks he's a tough guy and spent Christmas Day pissing and shitting himself in the Iyo general.
Nah, that's you bitch!
You can smell the insecurity off this post lmao I own your general, I live in your head and I've conquered what you love. I've taken your Christmas Day from you and I'm reading how you spent your New Years.
Sneak peak: LMFAO you sad cunt
Oh wow Iyo switched teams. Now wait for Ohtani to disappoint her again after the Dodgers choke in the Division or Championship Series this year. Dude will retire ringless for being such a million dollar waste.
>I own your general
This is quite possibly the saddest and lamest thing ever typed.
Your one achievement in life is ruining a general on a dog shit website.
>"I-I-I-I-I-I s-s-swear I wasn't here on Christmas! Look! Look at the archives!!!!"
Dude, you were here on Christmas doing what you do every other day of the year - fishing for the attention you don't get in real life because you're an unwanted cunt of a human.
>Bitch is cross eyed
I can't unsee it
I'm married to a woman, that's the definition of straight, how about you though? Why do you know so much about male pornstars, you homo?
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I own your general. Now let's see how your New Year's was spent. Reminder this was my prediction
>bet you'll be Iyo-posting at midnight to ring in the New Year.
Was I right?
You sad cunt.
>You were here on Christmas
nah thats you actually
>I'm married to a woman
>spends 18 hours a day on the internet posting about a fat gook
lol cool story bro
>This was you!!!1!
Nope. Try again. Keep spending more hours of your life looking up old posts. Totally not a waste of time.
Also, you were here on NYE too? My fucking God, man.
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>I own your general.

You are no doubt the biggest faggot on this board.WOW.
You rang in your New Years making a new Iyo Sky thread on 4chan.
>wojak in 2024
>return return return start typing
God I love bullying you sad little cunts.
>unwanted cunt is here all day, every day
>literally spends hours of his time fishing for attention and engagement
>apparently wasn't here on Christmas for some reason, despite being online 24/7 all year round
Yeah, I call bullshit. You outed yourself badly here, unwanted cunt.
You bro you're such a bully. Lmao. You come off as a sad little faggot.
Kek I love your tells you repeat everything that upsets you.
>hey bro check out my knowyourmeme wojak I'm cool right?
i bet the black kids in your high school used to batter you
>Stop ruining muh simp thread. You're going to ruin Christmas for me.
No family?
I just work with what you give me.
You seem like a loser. An unremarkable, unlikeable, unloved, unwanted little edgelord loser who has to fish online for the attention and engagement you don't get in real life.
You act tough on here because you're a dweeb outside.
Anonymity shows a person's true colors, man. And you're a fucking loser through and through.
>I'm married to a woman
Not a single person believes that
kek what a loser
I work at home, I can do anything I want at any time, but I guess having a job is something you don't understand either, I also spent some time buying my wife a new axe and stuff today, she's in a bit of a doomsday prepper phase at the moment
>>unwanted cunt is here all day, every day
That describes both of you.
>redditor armchair psychobabble to cope with getting heemed
I'm genuinely embarrassed for you but I doubt you have the self awareness to understand why.
>Anonymity shows a person's true colors,
It sure does. It shows that you're a sexless virgin simping for a pro wrestler 24/7
The unwanted cunt is now pretending to be a neutral party.
That's how you know he's beaten.
>I work
Stopped reading there.
>cunt cunt cunt cunt cunt
You repeat what upsets you
>terminally online terminally online terminally online
Very obvious tell
>I work at home,
You're a neet. Quit trying to puff yourself up on the internet. That alone shows how much this place means to you. Like it's your whole life
Dude, everything I typed was true. Prove me wrong. What man who is successful in life does what you do? I'm here because I'm a fan of WWE and Iyo. You're here because you're an autist with no life.
>sexless virgin
I know you are.
>The unwanted cunt is now pretending to be a neutral party.
Nah that's you projecting as usual
Says the internet addicted dweeb who was on here on Christmas Day and has literally pissed, shit, and farted himself in anger to try to cover his tracks.
>Prove me wrong
You really don't understand what being anon is, do you? Every fucking thread you show what a sad newnigger you are.
>you're shankism!
>you're rovert!
>you're hennimore!
>you're agua!
>you're liam!
You cannot cope with someone just shitting on you. You need to have a name, a history, a motive. You've only ever existed in spaces with usernames like reddit and tiktok this place confuses the fuck out of you.
>I know you are.
Great comeback.
You can try and cope as much as you want but the archive recorded everything. You were samefagging the Iyo thread alone on Christmas Day. You were making new Iyo generals two (2) minutes to midnight on New Years Eve and then posted anout Iyo through the New Year celebrations. I have no doubt you thought pathetic shit was gone forever once it slid off the catalog.
Holy autism. Get help, unwanted cunt. Please.
Well, it's true. You are. If you weren't, you wouldn't be online right now in a thread you've got no interest in.
>posts less than a minute apart again
Yup, it's the schizo who spams in the puro generals. Fucking called it. Lmao.
He claims he's married. Check and see what the lying simp was posting on Valentine's Day
lmao are Iyopedos really spending their new years on 4chan?
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Looks like it's Temper Tantrum Thursday.
>schizo gets destroyed
>his feelings are hurt beyond repair
>resorts to samefagging
Same tricks he uses in the puro generals.
>gets heemed
>repeats what upset him
Cunt lol. I can tell you're an underage American because now you've been hurt by it and you know it's not a ban younare spamming it. Tell you what lil fella trying typing out an actual no-no word. Call someone a faggot or a nigger. You'll feel better.
>>resorts to samefagging
Quit telling on yourself
>repeats other posters' insults again
>still samefags
My God. What a sad piece of shit human.
I'll ask you one last time to prove that you're not a loser, and if you don't, you can wave goodbye to the (You)s you crave so much.
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Can you stop outing yourself as a newnigger for two minutes? Nobody gives a shit about (You)'s they didn't even exist when this site was good. Not that you'd now ya fat fucking cunt.
Didn't realize you were that illiterate, condolences
Nope, I've been working at home for years, and how about this, I'll blow your mind dude, I HOPE IYO MEETS A NICE MAN AND GETS HAPPILY MARRIED, doesn't bother me, my wife's already fucking hot, crazy, but fucking hot
Which one? My wife's Chinese, there's a different Valentines day every month
>can't prove he's not a loser
>actually doubles down on his loserdom by announcing that he's been on the site for years
Oh dear.
Sorry, unwanted cunt. I don't speak to losers. Enjoy the rest of your night.
>the persona that is ACKSHULLY married and has sex 4 reals u guize but spends 20 hours a day on 4chan arrives
This is your worst gimmick because of pure logistics.
>tucks his tail and runs
Based Bully of Iyosimps 1
Redditor Iyo Cowards 0
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>Nope, I've been working at home for years, and how about this, I'll blow your mind dude, I HOPE IYO MEETS A NICE MAN AND GETS HAPPILY MARRIED, doesn't bother me, my wife's already fucking hot, crazy, but fucking hot
>I don't speak to losers
Good most people think talking to yourself is bad for your mental health.
IYO won antis lost
No family?
Post that at midnight on New Years lol
Only in your demented mind.
I have seen that at least - but not limited to - one person has said that Iyo Sky has no title
Iyoschizo claimed he was black. You now remember all the racist shit he said about Bianca. Kek what a self hating bitch
kek he do be a projecting self hating bitch
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I see the antiIyo microdicks have been out in full force this evening.
The antis are white?
He hates black people because they remind him of his father that abandoned him
>Iyoschizo claimed he was black
Kek worked so hard he changed race.
He's going to regret that. Like when the Yuka schizo admitted to being from India
Another word that upset you that you spam to cope. Are you autistic bruh? You understand that just because it hurt you that doesn't mean it hurts everyone, right?
Many are saying this.
What logistics? Randomly looking at the thread once an hour doesn't exactly require a lot of effort
He's boiling kek
Isn't that the same guy who creepily hung out with an underage Izzy? No wonder he's an Iyo Sky supporter.
>once an hour
lol even in your fantasy you're a retard
>ya sorry boss the iyo sky thread needs me
>sorry gookina we can't have sex i need to check 4chan
>hapa-san? no you have to walk to school /iyo/ is calling
>i know it's christmas day gookina let me post on the iyo thread
>2 minutes to new years? fuck off kids i have to make a gook thread on the chinz
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ITT: terminally online schizos calling others terminally online schizos
>dozens of black men behind iyo
Good grief
Those are nice pits!
shame about the face though but you cant win them all
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I legitimately cummed to the video version of this earlier today
Koitus with Kota
Iyo sexo

Post the webm
Fuck, kill, befriend, marry, marry
Asuka, Kairi, and Iyo looks photoshopped in
as a hung black guy myself, I'm inclined to agree
Unfortunately it was not recorded as it was a private affair between IYO's armpits and I
Iyo wished Asuka a happy birthday.
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Finally, some silence.
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That's right Iyo, yes we do!
You will never be a woman, bitchtits
IYO wishes this was her
Thank God for that too!
Iyo is skinny
and yet her pussy is fat
What an ugly blacked gook.

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