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Pirate Pits Edition

(Though still recovering from her eye injury, Kairi was cleared to wrestle this week. Being the hardcore legend she is, powered through it and is taking one step closer towards reclaiming the titles. The Kookout Kommunity Kweens are surely beginning to get worried as the Sky Pirates keep gaining momentum and get more and more reactions each week. With our Pirate Princess at the helm, nothing can go wrong as we sail towards next week's Raw! We love /arrrrgirl/!)

PREVIOUS: >>15860940

Kairi sings the anti-blues:

Theme of Kairi's Krew:

(Hope last thread's OP doesn't mind that I made this one)
She’s so damn hot.
i love kairi
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slow mo pits
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As the OG OP I approve of this thread! Good work!
She's perfect and beautiful a winning combination
Why do Kairi and Iyo remove all of their body hair from the neck down?
you tell me
Because sex objectively feels better the less hair down there each person involved has
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I'm pretty sure Japs like it bushy
Iyo and Kairi don't. They've accepted and grown to enjoy the smoothness more.
Big news!
I, for one, appreciate the hairlessness
When is Kairi going full monster heel on Asuka and Iyo?
Kairi is too cute to be a convincing heel. Even when damage ctrl were heels Kairi seemed like a face
Exactly. It’s the ones you never suspect….
Princess of mimes - Will Kairi ever escape the invisible box of Kawaii that she is contained within?
Whenever I peek into the Iyo general I am thankful that we have been spared their fate and are blessed with such a comfy thread, even if it's a little slow at times.
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Hardcore legend
We don't have Kairi antis yet
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Iyo fans do spam her quite a lot and are openly antagonistic to certain elements of /pw/. Hopefully Kairi fans know not to be drawn into this sort of thing.

What bothers me is the cold-war like situation I sometimes observe between Asuka and Iyo fans. Hopefully this is just some psycho trying to stir trouble and not a real thing.
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Just the single victorious pit on display here fellas, but baaaaa gaaawwwd it's a good one!
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A would-be anti has shown up on /arrrr/ once or twice - but he was promptly run out of town. We don't take kindly to their types around here.
It's mostly anti false flags in that regard. They have a discord where they plot their moves out(sounds too pathetic to be true but it's been exposed).
I'm thinking a pit gooning session is on the schedule for tonight. I really love being able to jerk off to armpits. It's an unusual fetish but never makes me feel dirty or fucked up because it's so tame and inoffensive. It's improved my mental health desu I used to be into all sorts of depraved porn that made me feel like shit but now I'm back to the teenage mindset of being able to cum for bikini pics and I jerk off way less than I used to and it all around just feels really nice and I've learned to slow down and enjoy it again
That's the spirit! Modesty is hot!

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