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Rika Birthday edition!

Watch on Wrestle Universe - 1,298 yen per month.


9.28 TJPW LIVE TOUR 2024 AUTUMN @ Shinkiba 1stRING, Tokyo (LIVE)[18:00 JST]
10.6 All Rise '24 @ Korakuen Hall, Tokyo (LIVE)[11:30 JST]
10.13 TJPW LIVE TOUR 2024 AUTUMN @ Kasukabe Fureai Cube, Kasukabe (VOD)[13:00 JST]
10.19 TJPW LIVE TOUR 2024 AUTUMN @ Yume Messe Miyagi West Building Hall, Miyagi (VOD)[13:00 JST]
10.27 TJPW LIVE TOUR 2024 AUTUMN @ Ryogoku KFC Hall, Tokyo(LIVE)[12:30 JST]

Happy birthday Ririko
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Cute Doragon
smdh I cant trust you guys to do anything right
>5 days since WP
>No update on Runa's injury

Is it over jellyfish bros?
this is the threado
Haru had a long twitter space yesterday but I don't speak nihongo so I don't know if luna was mentioned
can we stop with the retarded double thread shit
It was mostly her talking about Kamen Rider. She watched Kamen Rider Heisei Generations Forever recently
there is a uug group member always showing her ass on my algo
I don't mind it because the other guy's OPs are always zero dimes
we have a new no lifer now
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>can we stop with the retarded double thread shit
Its all so tiring. These guys just want to constantly put the same people over and over. Who hasnt gotten an OP in the last month? Those are the ones who should be getting OPs.
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Himawarriors are so talented
We had 2 show posters and 3 Miyus in a row, this change means people are waking up against OP tyranny
rabu doratles
Ishizawa Ririko is 34 years young
>Who hasnt gotten an OP in the last month?
its easier to look at who has lol
a lot of those got multiple ones too
121milly Daisy Monkey and Arai always get them so you know its the same person
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happy birthday to the dragon in the year of the dragon which has turned out to be a very disapppointing year of the dragon for white dragon fans
you are forgetting the android op but i think hes the same one that did the last op since it was arai
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You can tell who's the Post 309 no lifer because all his threads have Shitoh OPs and random spam like "poop" or trying to mirror the other thread to gain traction.

Now that we've seen two good threads in a row, he's here complaining several times about lack of diversity and double threads lmao
you are correct but its very sus of you to not include android op. he posted arai and the last thread was arai. nice diversity.
sex with miyu yamashita's bum
How about this, next thread should not include anyone from this list or Rika for the next couple of threads. We have a lot of members on our roster. Whoever is going to make the threads, pick someone new each time.
This list >>15916341
i sense a uta takami op
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I look forward to seeing the confidence inspiring games of Shino Suzuki
the one who should make the ops should be someone that doesnt hate on certain girls cause theres clearly some bias going on.
Prime sexing period right now.
I think that is where she poops from.
i sense a hikari noa op
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God why are her nipples so hided
I'm craving some oyakodon
Double belt Kamiyu has been a lot of fun, but I have a feeling Xia is going to beat her at Korakuen. At least she won’t be losing to a complete nobody
I'm a yukicker.
Has it? They've basically just been entrance props for her since she won them
Nobody wants a fat sisters, the cat, yamashitter or maki shitoh OPs
lob borb
did they forget about mizupyong's spw title shot or are they gonna do xia vs mizuki at some point
poop poster is based, go be gay somewhere else
World Chinese Day.
where should i take my beautiful wife ririko on her birthday
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Update #2: Hyper Misao is still the only one to have her keychains sell out. What can we learn from this?
the more lewd you are the better
This would look very different if these morons would ship internationally.
KFC Hall?
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>licks sword
>draws yen
You realize that they don't make the same amount of these things for everybody, right?
like THAT player
Which is different from every other title holder in every other organization how exactly?
they generally defend them more frequently than she has
shut the h*ck up batowl
You know she's a grade A helicopter mom
SEA shindies can barely afford to operate as is, they were never going to have her defend at shows because they won't run until she comes back to lose it
From what she's said her mom has always been pretty chill and supported her in doing what she wanted, while her dad was against her working in entertainment and wanted her to get a regular job
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keep my shart burning
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>Strategically concealing mom's oppai
Toga will get an OP when she wins the PoP in a 6 star banger
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It's Toga Thursday.
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Wika Tootsumi.
seek medical help brother HH
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don't even try to bullshit us, brother
Oh we don't have to worry about a Toga op ever? That's a relief
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Pom and Raku have arrived in Thailand, and there’s been some consumin’ goin’ on
yet i still want to fuck her there
i dunno what that red sauce gimmick is but it looks delicious, that sauce looks intense
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Kamiyu was a celebrity guest at some pet adoption charity event in Hokkaido
Finally we have a good OP. Rika Tatsumi, the White Dragon. That's what she calls herself, This Is White Dragon. Its a great nickname right folks? I love it. Today's her birthday, Rika's birthday and we put together an absolutely wonderful thread, the best thread to celebrate that. Can we have a round of applause for Rika?
Rika is amazing. Four years ago Rika could afford to have a birthday party for less than the cost of a locking apartment door. But thanks to the Harris-Koda inflation, prices for tiny birthday cakes are through the roof. The yen is weak. Very weak. But still nobody can afford to buy anything. We're going to fix that. We're going to make birthdays great again.
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spectacular jaw
Is Runa not okay?
How does the duck keep doing it?!
spudyu yamaspudta
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I’m sorry but this feels like manufactured drama. And if it’s not it’s rank incompetence on HIMAWARI’S part and I don’t think we should trust her with the other players.
Is that a plate of chicharron?
Is she related to "The Dragon" Fujinami Tatsumi?
I think it’s a shoot. See that metal keychain on the duck’s head? That makes the duck top heavy, plus the chain is liable to move around unexpectedly, meaning that keeping the duck upright is going to be very tricky
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Correct! She is his daughter, having sprung forth from his forehead like the goddess Athena
She uses two of his moves
>goddess Athena
i think she's in aew
i hope kenoh senshu streams with raku and pom on his channel
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You now remember when Athena made her one and only TJPW appearance in Philly and got sprayed by Misao.
i have no recollection of this
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I am grateful for the many years of pure kino that the White Dragon has given us
why did koda book zara instead of athena?
It's apples and oranges. Maybe Koda was specifically looking for an up-and-comer. Plus Athena is busy carrying ROH
I would love to spy on Rika while she bathes in a hot springs
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not the dmm collab I was hoping for
It was pretty funny when that NOAH announcer kept spamming his country's flag to Rika on it because it had a dragon on it.
up up girls made a music video about doing that.
the role of Rika is played by Aya Kajishima
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thanks koda
why not the whole roster?
can someone please get these niggers to start international shipping
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>himawari is my biggest webm folder
Does anyone have a link to a video where someone eats Namba's poop?
DMM don't want any filthy gaijin money
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Korakuen Hall portraits are up
id like to sample the hero desu
>white background
but I was told Hako was no longer being used? whats with these lame portraits?
Kek what an ugly nigger
do you think she's the only photographer that takes pictures with a white background?
What's dmm
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It's a conglomerate that does a lot of shit but I think in this context it's one of those online remote play claw machine websites.
>there's a Kamen Rider Luna
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The sirens that ensnared Odysseus' crew looked like this.
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birthday sex with doratles
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a supporter of legalizing same sex marriages just became prime minister of Japan. USD/JPY has tanked in response.
finna same sex marry a tokyo joshi player
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can i pay for WU using a prepaid debit card? i want too watch WP
After all Papa Endo will see her daughter in a wedding dress one more time
wants to get rid of the requirement for women to take their husband's surname too. japan is cooked.
Bollywood Akeem is celebrating
any of you guys watching sendai soon? it looks kino
The yen tanked when gay people couldn't get married anyway

More marriage, more money.
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It's up!
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I wonder if they bumped into Kenny at the SNK booth
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>Tomorrow is Shinkiba!! I'll be having my long-awaited first singles match with Tori-san...!! We've been talking about wanting to do a singles match for so long. After about 1 year and 9 months... it's finally happening!!! I'm totally fired up! Please come and cheer us on at the venue!!"
Will Kaya Toribami become a 'Metaphor: ReFantazio lady' in 2 weeks?
Look how happy those people are in the presence of a gun
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I liked listening to her streaming Great Ace Attorney
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Happy Friday to all who celebrate

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