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Next shows
September 28th, "STARDOM in KORAKUEN 2024 Sep.2", Korakuen Hall, Tokyo, 11:30AM JST (LIVE)
>Goddess of Stardom Championship Match: Momo Watanabe & Thekla (H.A.T.E.) vs Syuri & Saki Kashima (God's Eye)
>Natsupoi & Yuna Mizumori & Aya Sakura (COSMIC ANGELS) vs Konami & Rina (H.A.T.E.) & Azusa Inaba (H.A.T.E./JTO)
>Momo Kohgo (STARS) vs HANAKO (E neXus V)
>Maika, Xena, Waka Tsukiyama, and Rian (E neXus V) vs Suzu Suzuki, Mei Seira, Starlight Kid, and Miyu Amasaki (NEO GENESIS) vs Tomoka Inaba (God's Eye/JTO), Hina, Lady C, and Ranna Yagami (God's Eye)
>Tam Nakano & Saori Anou & Sayaka Kurara (COSMIC ANGELS) vs Natsuko Tora & Saya Kamitani & Ruaka (H.A.T.E.)
>Hazuki & Hanan (STARS) vs Koguma & Saya Iida (STARS)
>Mayu Iwatani (STARS) & AZM (NEO GENESIS) vs "Timeless" Toni Storm (AEW) & Mina Shirakawa (E neXus V)

September 29th, "NEW BLOOD 15", Tokorozawa Sakura Town, Japan Pavilion Hall A, 1:00PM JST (LIVE)
>Future of Stardom Championship Match: Rina (H.A.T.E.) vs Aya Sakura (COSMIC ANGELS)
>Hina (God's Eye) vs Miyu Amasaki (NEO GENESIS)
>Tomoka Inaba (God's Eye/JTO) vs Rian (E neXus V)
>Sayaka Kurara (COSMIC ANGELS) vs Sọy (Evolution)
>Lady C & Ranna Yagami (God's Eye) vs Ruaka (H.A.T.E.) & Azusa Inaba (H.A.T.E./JTO)
>HANAKO (E neXus V) vs Echika Miyavi (PPP TOKYO)

October 2nd, "STARDOM NIGHTER in KORAKUEN Oct.", Korakuen Hall, Tokyo, 6:30PM JST
>card tba https://wwr-stardom.com/schedule/20241002_korakuen/?mc_id=1102

Previous >>15913280
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I am SICK and TIRED of all these SEXY JOSHIS
We've had TOO MUCH for TOO LONG and I am NOT afraid to say that I have had ENOUGH
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love bushiroad
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Only Chi Chi matters.
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and Sunny
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based Sunny enjoyer
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I think I'm going to watch my first Stardom show tomorrow, who should I root for?

Saya Borb



Saki Kashima
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Tam Nakano
Yes, I like Tam and Poi based on the threads I've lurked.
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hot momo
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please watch queen of villains it's kino
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Poor Chi Chi stuck with those mutants.
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Momo's Tum is first class
What exactly is it?
a wrestling show?
a documentary?
I wish that was me. Looks so fun.
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dramatized biopic with great wrestling and great violence like chair shots etc. it's cool too see how joshi was back in the day.
yunamon and spudzu started stiffing each other heavy after that missed lariat spot
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> <Jessy the Body voice>: all Japanese look alike, is that what you're trying to say, Gorilla??

Movie is KINO, it made me go down a youtube rabbit hole, highly recommend.
Cross Eyed Kid
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I just performed a medical evaluation on Chantoya and can confirm her hymen is still intact.
I knew she was pure
is a documentary series about the life and controversial legacy of the creator of the largest professional wrestling company in the world.
It’s a lot more about WWE than it is his life
what does the R stand for?
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Then you’re going to hate this
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love kitto feets
bushi road really fucked up by not offering sendai a deal. now i can't Rigg and Momo without paying for their direct competitor
Tam, Hanan and Maika
I'm a Bushiroad's employee btw
Ranna Yagami. I am completely serious. Also, Hazuki because she needs us right now.
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>ExV OP without Rian "Lil Size Big Dimes" Rian
the Rannafag is delusional
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your hatred of ranna is turning you into a schizo
me when momo is tagging with turkla
i'm using the free trial of WU too watch momo soon
Phenomenal wrestler
Ugly ass chick
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This is the match
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looking like it drew a marigold 365人
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Gyan! Anons of /Stardom/ may I have your attention please! I would like to wish a super delicious weekend to all Kozuen posters!
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support momo and rigg
I only support winners
>Korakuen 28 is almost sold out

>Only a few seats left for designated AB, so they'll probably be able to fill them up on the day, so it's going to be super-sold out.

>For some reason, tickets for Korakuen are selling well, it looks like they can fit 1200 people

Kek what a red hot promotion
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Trust in the Supreme Leader
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>The next weekday Korakuen Hall event will be on Wednesday, October 2nd ‼

>All seats except arena seats are under 5,000 yen, a great deal

>October 2 (Wednesday)
>Korakuen Hall
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>Last practice before the title match

>Future, the Shrew Tournament and other important matches are coming up.

>I started getting invited to other organizations and I was overwhelmed with the need to do my best as a representative of Stardom, but when people told me at the autograph signing session that they were rooting for me it really gave me strength.

>My beloved Kozuen members were there, and I felt like I was fighting together with everyone! Bon was there too

>I'll be giving it my all tomorrow at Korakuen Hall, the last preliminary match!
Chichi :( I lost
about to start
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Momo and Rigg up next
after the intermission
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lmao the ref
hate is jabroni as fuck
momo won das rite
Momo and Rig will challenge the next match winners I guess
Momo will beat Satomura in her retirement match
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japanese comments translated too english
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>Chihiro and Yuu are tag champ again
BMI 2000 VS 200 KG!!?!?
Nobody wants to see Fatsuko challenge wtf
Literally all of the Japanese fans were praising HATE retard
is it true Okada booked a troon for New Blood
fraid so
Fatsuko and Ruaka is not a good team to try and show how strong HATE is. I don't see how the leader losing to Team200kg achieves anything but makes them look like jobbers again
very disappointing
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I love Yuu so much
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>I don't see how the leader losing to Team200kg achieves anything but makes them look like jobbers again
The leader isn't losing though
your headcanon isn't reality
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>The new champions, Team 200km, will be defending their title for the first time on October 14th in Sapporo!
>The challenger is... HATE!!!
Natsuko and Ruaka will miss a Stardom show for this. Momo probably couldn't make it since she has a match for Diana the day before
not sure what your point is but continue being retarded if you wish
>Although we may look like this, we are usually shy and cannot express our love directly to each other

>so when we face each other, we either laugh or cry

>With the ring, we can be honest.
>Let's all express our love together.
Of course you don't
Sorry lad but Fatsuko is the leader. Try watching the product
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>Le passive aggressive non-reply reply
Watch the product for once in your life you retarded coombrain spammer
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Natsuko just made Kamitani leader of merch.
I watched the product and saw that Fatsuko's red belt win was because of Saya and that Fatsuko's one failed title defense was below a Saya main event
Fat, Fatty, Fatter and Fattest
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Why is Saya up there with the faction leaders and not Fatsuko Whora?
>Why is the only visual player of the faction that isn't a child on the merch for coomer uncles instead of the fat bald slob
There is no need to act retarded just because you are wrong about Saya being the leader
10 10 10 10
Yuu and chihiro are for high test chads only
jesus fucking christ ratna is hideous
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Turn on your monitor lil bro
Double sided dildo in both of their mouths
built for prone boning
Good news, Mina is back in Japan
for me its the retard who seethes over not a getting a (you) in reward for his dumb posts
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>Something that cannot be changed no matter how much we wish or think about it.

>When you say these words, they are very, very heavy and persuasive.

>But I still want to struggle. I want her to come back.

>Tomorrow, I will use my power to bring back the Kamitani of that day.
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Aya has been showing so much skin in these pics I thought she was pure
Phenex finna corrupt Kurara
jesus fucking christ tam is busted
its just a swimsuit abdul chill out
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She's very visual and she knows it
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Why is the leader of H.A.T.E. feuding with an unclebait rookie?
To build up the future of Stardom?
nah you're the unclebait
Kurara's role is that of a Saint
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Watch the product
a player who is likely to become popular was born
is she getting leaner or am i just being hopeful?
Superstar Momo is getting herself right for her mega push
Actually seems smart since Kurara is likely getting her first win at New Blood. Bring her full circle from her debut.
Saya aint the leader of Hate.
kurara is not beating soyi
Soya lida.
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I love her
Some other thread must be breathing easier now.
I want to cum on her panties.
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Typical NeoGenesis behavior
That unit is out of control
jun kasai and his daugther are starlight kid marks
Subtitle your product in English on the show
we have the fat guy to do english commentary now
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Thats Kurara
They just add this?
im a few shows behind?
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You whore!
He's adding commentary to the 5Star Finals and some other previous shows
Live commentary will be the PPV next weekend
Literally everybody in the industry seen Kitto nose.
yes the av industry
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who hasn't
Starlight Kid is allowed to run wild in Taro Okadas Stardom. 02line is now "like that", and Suzu is even fatter. Kitto, as the eldest of the unit, is responsible
Not even a good imitation of her entrance. Can't believe people fell for this
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Imagine a Luchadore who only hides his face from his fans.
I was told Starlight Kid, leader of neon genesis evangelion was pure
Jap fans seem to think there is a chance skelly will turn on syuri
that's not the only thing they've seen
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I don't think even Taro Okada is that insane
Momo losing weight via sex
Kek kittocucks can't rest
SLK is for the boys
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Never change, Mayu.
imagine the dimes of a saya and saki visual heel team
smug pepe mayu
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imagine the smell
stop telling me to imagine stuff
i'll imagine what i want
Pochi is beautiful.
Dogs tend to resemble their masters
I think it took me a long time to like Aya because of how shitty and unflattering this gear is
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God I wish that was my foot
>Why is Stardom so strong? If it's not Stardom, it's not women's wrestling

>It is an undeniable fact that Stardom surpasses other organizations in terms of the quality of their wrestling, their name recognition, the number of fans they attract, sales, and standard of living.

>It's a shame that Stardom is so outstandingly amazing that all the others are weakling organizations.

>What stands out is Kurara's cuteness
wwr stardom's resurgence is in direct correlation with kurara's joining the cosmic angels
imagine how many nuts were busted inside kitto yesterday
looks like another midnight mayu meltdown
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>>Why is Stardom so strong? If it's not Stardom, it's not women's wrestling
>Kurara's cuteness
He knows the way

save Mayu
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That faggot should fuck Mayu more regurlarly so she doesnt have self harming toughts so frequently
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they need to put trigger warnings on R scenes so things like this don't happen
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haruka umesaki is cultivating mass to have a chance to compete with black peach momo watanabe
Sounds like she watched a movie with a rape scene and had flashbacks.
I've been told otherwise by joshi connoisseurs
I hate movies.
>a flashback
Oh no Mayu…
Korakuen is going to sell out because of Toni Storm you dumbasses
Probably not because of Toni Storm.
Sure, maybe, and Toni is on the show because of a promotional partnership that big Taro cultivated
mika iwata had very noticeable vpl during her match with chi chi
Doubt there will be a sell out. They don't release every ticket online [right now there's only small quantity available for one section]. Guessing low 1,000?
I googled VPL but all that came up was the Vancouver Public Library so I still don't know what it is
Jfc that gyaru one looks awful
Bros, please support Mayu so she doesnt kermit sewer slide
You gotta love that partnership!
maika red belt reign was so good her biggest stan would throw her under a bus if it meant getting to whiff one of rossy farts
i would let president okada put me in the dutch oven before we go to sleep
visible panty line
Jfc that gyaru one looks fuckable
Maika got screwed with all the drama distracting from her win and then getting stuck with Gina, Xena, and Waka for eXv because Okada was banging Mina. Hope they let her reset and give her another shot in a couple of years.
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of course tam nakano will pitch for the swallowing team
>is she getting leaner or am i just being hopeful?
She's definitely thinner
mikecels really be out here calling her own unit and a 200 day title reign and the first ever undefeated 5star win in 1 year "screwed"
He's a bigger Rossy Stan than he is a Maika stan
Jealousy trap for Despe...?
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Very demure
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She's 19 and already showing her boobs wtf. I thought you were pure, Honoka.

Lady C Milk Dipper JTO appearance is on YouTube
breaking a lighttube in starlight kid vagina
What is a "Mikecel"?
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I wanna dip my milk in Lady C
If you get what I'm saying
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Love Tam for always giving us some underboob in these bikini photoshoots.
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Tuna and copper
Okay dumbass
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Going into a work meeting and putting my keys with my Sakura Bikini key chain on the table
I really hate that Kurara
Why are joshis so attracted to death match cock? Are death match wrestlers the true chads of the industry?
Shut up Thekla

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