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I just came across this post on X and the comparisons are undeniable. James Gunn shares a lot in common with Vince Russo, they're both idiots who are running a company down to the ground. The only difference here being that James Gunn is a pedophile, while Vince Russo is not.

>both made lame excuses for failure and doesn't take responsibility for that failure.
>both blame other people for their own mistakes.
>both are writers
>both were successful because of the guy they worked for (Vince McMahon = Kevin Fiege)
>both are hacks

I could go on and on, but these two shouldn't run anything.
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My sources say yes.
Sad future for DC Studios then?
Duh! WCW was a sinking ship under Russo. Now DC Studios is a sinking ship under James Gunn.
James Gunn hasn't had a single DC project come out yet in his universe. These people are absolutely retarded.
Synder tards are like the aewtists of film
>they're both idiots who are running a company down to the ground
They haven't even released anything under Gunns DC universe.
Synderjeets are retards
oi don't compare those psychotic schizo's to us, I'd never go so low as to compare any fanbase to those Snyder schizo's
You Gunn pedos are the dumbest people on the planet. DC Studios will fail. The fact that James Gunn endorsed Shazam 2, The Flash, and Blue Beetle and they all failed, should be a huge red flag. Where were you pedos? Why didn't you show up for those films?
And when Superman Legacy flops, whats gonna be your excuse? Whats gunna be his excuse? Covid? The same excuse he made for The Suicide Squad? LOL
The fuck is this guy even talking about?
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Their excuse will be "toxic masculinity" or some shit like that.
You weren't born in the 90's, were ya?
I have no financial stake in it so I do not care if it flops, why do you care Sanjeev?
Has anything James Gunn has worked on for DC even come out yet?
To see Gunn Pedos like you cry. The fact that you even called me "Sanjeev" shows that you care, Gunntard.

The Suicide Squad and it flopped.
Damn. Black Adam crushed The Suicide Squad, yet they still handed the reigns to that groomer?
All of synders shit flopped thats why he was fired
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Snyder fucking sucks. His negative portrayal of Superman makes me want to break his legs with a sledgehammer, still pissed and annoyed by his blue and piss filtered """vision""".

Having said that, I have absolutely zero faith in Gunn who is the penultimate fucking Hollywood weirdo. His stuff will be more like the comics, yes, but probably so riddled with quips that I'll want to an hero in the theater.
Nope. They were financial successes, unlike The Suicide Squad. ------> >>15919176 Try again Gunn Pedo.

>Snyder fucking sucks. His negative portrayal of Superman makes me want to break his legs with a sledgehammer, still pissed and annoyed by his blue and piss filtered """vision""".

Would you prefer Bryan Singer to direct?
How about neither?

Also aren't Snyderfags all pajeets?
Bryan Singer(despite being a pedo) did a Superman film closer to your vision of what Superman is. As for Snyder fans, no they're not. Gunn Pedos are and they're usually woke and left-wing.
why are there unironic snyderjeets posting here?
did you smelly cunts get range banned from /tv/ or something?
They're both geniuses and you are a fag.
Yeah, I've seen it. But that movie still was disappointing because Superman didn't fucking punch anyone.
Snyder website newfag
Is this a bot?
Snyderjeets were bullied off of /tv/ and only post on facebook now
don't care, still watching the Snyder cut
That's why Man Of Steel is a way better and more epic movie.

Why so triggered? Are you Gunn Pedos unable to handle the hard truth?

False. Snyder's the genius. You and Gunn are both fags.

No. But you Gunn Pedos sure act like one.

Receipts or you're full of crap.
they're still all over /tv/ it's fucking unreal how such a mediocre director has such an insane rabid fanbase
Bischoff only had failures after he started working for Vince, his only real success was creating the NWO which maybe you can credit the Hulkster for instead of VKM since Bischoff never worked with Vince up until that point.
The talking fish movie made more money than any entry from Sad Snyder or Glib Gunn. They both suck.
All of these movies are shit, and it has nothing to do with the Hollywood jealousy term super hero fatigue. Post Covid, people knew these movies were diminishing returns and stopped going to see them.

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