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Another spooky bitch, Hunter?
>Gets worked by stock image
American Psycho isn't le spooky, you retard.
Shitzi has such normie taste in everything. Bitch is nothing but a poser cunt.
If she wears a suit and has a girl boss gimmick? Hot. Another Harley Quinn inspired gimmick? Tired.
It's about a serial killer, retard
Fuck with this bitch and this gimmick. It will never draw a dime.
based, she should kill me
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i love shotzi!
He he he, ho ho ho....
>Shotzi's Morning Routine
>Taking hot steamy giga dumps
Holy fridge-ola
>a gimmick about the result of western consumerism and hedonism taken to its extreme
WWE isn't going to do that.
I see you suitably signed off your reply.
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>I like to dissect girls. Did you know I'm utterly insane?
Well, Shotzi is terrible at practically everything so, you're probably right.
>Black man is de debil
Based racist philipina mail order bride Shotzi.
She's good at working your bitch ass.
I'm looking forward to the cringekino she's gonna be pulling because you need to be a good promo to make this kind pf gimmick work and she clearly isn't the best at what she does kek.


Anyone have that cringe promo she had before being off TV ever since? It might have been for Survivor Series, idk. I think Charlotte and Bianca might have been in the ring too and even they were looking at her with genuine "wtf" faces
and this is different to the Wacko Six...
Oh shit I didn't see that one. Jesus fuck this still hits the same as it did back then GOD
It's bad because she doesn't understand what makes a crazy character at all. She doesn't understand the psychology of it and probably thinks screaming like a tard is all there is to it.

There's levels to playing a mindbroken character and it doesn't fucking help that earlier that night she acted normal and then comes out with this crappy performance/promo. There's a reason people say less is more when it comes to acting. Doing that over the top shit doesn't look cool or good; it just makes you look stupid.
Brother what did I ever do to you? How did I deserve this cringe?
it was so awkward watching her wrestle in wargames, some flip "alt" skinhead girl built like a twig throwing her twig arms literally fighting like a girl, who teaches these girls how to throw a punch?
yeah what a what a shocking
Holy shit i read it all that Keking
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man, fixing this bitch is so easy and yet, they keep missing the mark
>make her gain like 25lbs
>keep the tank girl gimmick
>nu metal theme
>face-heel type that's only in business for herself
>rude, disrespectful shit that likes to cheapshot
>wins dirty
>coochie cutter shorts with fishnets
>heart patch w/ BWC written in the middle
It’s not a gimmick in the works. Mideon is just a schizo who said a Texas Chainsaw Massacre gimmick is what he would give her if he were on the writing team.
>suck my big giant hair mangos
What did she mean by this?
This bitch is dimeless, both in-ring and on the mic, should've been fired. Triple Nose should push someone actually good like Chelsea instead of this bitch and MiaYim
Shotzi is over with me DUDE- HH
Does this bitch even know how to "act"? Gender swapped Bateman didn't work so hot for "American Psycho 2" (Mila Kunis)
Someone post that fucking horrendous promo she did once
where has this bitch been? last I saw her she was botching every spot in MITB. she must give hunter great head
this is the longest 2:27 of my life
What would a proper fem AP even? Some Director-level Stacy who puts up the appearance of being a stone cold bitch but gets slain by miles of cock on weekends before murdering them?
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spookyslop fucking sucks hope the dumb bitch gets a career ender
Why can't her gimmick just be alt slut?
Didn't Dexter and Kross already do this and fail miserably
>american psycho
jesus fucking christ
The fuck does he know
It’s just a gimmick Mideon suggested on Undertaker’s podcast but no one here knows how to read.
She's so fuckin bogged and disgusting
idk how any women who looks likes that, looks in the mirror and thinks all this was a great idea.
Liking Halloween is NOT a personality!
you look like a fat chud lmao
>It’s just a gimmick Mideon suggested on Undertaker’s podcast
There's nothing in OPs pic that suggests that at all, OP's pic is deliberately misleading if this is the case. Thus possibly making OP a faggot.
regretting how bogged and grotesque you are? ROFLMAO
because respect Wahmen Chud you wanna see Alt sluts go watch Burning angels or that Suicide Girls Site lil Bro
Did she actually do that though? nobody ever posted pics
This should have been Sasha Banks!!!

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