What health issues did Saruda have?
>>15958873erectile dysfunction
he had Kevin Nash Syndrome i'm afraid
>>15958873>riot over Inoki losingWhat's that?
>>15958883Pretty sure when Vader squashed him.
>>15958883Vader was brought to NJPW by Beat Takeshi/Kitano Takeshi to fuck Antonio Inoki's shit up. When he did after Inoki's match with Choshu, people rioted, burned down the building, and it turned into a huge controversy. NJPW were banned from the Sumo Hall for 1 year after the incident.
>>15958873He was gaped by the yakuza in the summer of 1992
>>15958881>>15958931That actually happened?
>>15959016In his anus I'm afraid
>>15959016'fraid so
>>15958873He had liver problems and his surname is Tsurata. Wtf is Surada?
>>15959057That was his name after making the transition, newchud
>>15958873Erectile dysfunction due to severe depression after realizing that he never drew a Jumbo dime in his Saruda life.
>>15958923>>15958926Fucking marks. Poojeets tier.
>>15958873Literally who?
>>15958926Japanese fans used to be based
>>15958873contracted hepatitis in 1985my personal conspiracy theory is that he got it off either abby or baba (since both him and his wife died of liver complications, bizarrely)