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/pw/ - Professional Wrestling

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What health issues did Saruda have?
erectile dysfunction
he had Kevin Nash Syndrome i'm afraid
>riot over Inoki losing
What's that?
Pretty sure when Vader squashed him.
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Vader was brought to NJPW by Beat Takeshi/Kitano Takeshi to fuck Antonio Inoki's shit up. When he did after Inoki's match with Choshu, people rioted, burned down the building, and it turned into a huge controversy. NJPW were banned from the Sumo Hall for 1 year after the incident.
He was gaped by the yakuza in the summer of 1992
That actually happened?
In his anus I'm afraid
'fraid so
He had liver problems and his surname is Tsurata. Wtf is Surada?
That was his name after making the transition, newchud
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Erectile dysfunction due to severe depression after realizing that he never drew a Jumbo dime in his Saruda life.
Fucking marks. Poojeets tier.
Literally who?
Japanese fans used to be based
contracted hepatitis in 1985
my personal conspiracy theory is that he got it off either abby or baba (since both him and his wife died of liver complications, bizarrely)

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