>WWE Network has been CANCELLEDWhat the fuck do we do, sisters...
>>16316411I will want to watch old stuff and I refuse to give Netflix money. What do?
>>16316411>..and brought over to about a billion normiesWonder if we get rid of the superbowl soon in favor of WrestleMania. Looks like WWE won and even got their inside man into the White House. Might even be illegal to watch AEW soon.
>>16316411There's always pirate streams and VK
>>16316592>Looks like WWE won and even got their inside man into the White House. Might even be illegal to watch AEW soon.kek trannEs are so retarded
>>16316613yep WWE trannies do be low IQ and poor and uneducated and transexual, I'm afraid
>>16316613How many of the pics with Triple H in the White House do you want me to post? Or the video of him shaking hands with Trump a few days ago?
>>16316631Sorry ya gaping wound stinking tranny, AEW is the Trump fed.
>>16316592>>16316613>>16316626>>16316631Can't both feds just like Trump? Why does everything have to be a console war
>>16316411oh no
>>16316411I’ll be watching the archives on peacock, foreigner.
>>16318365We don't claim him, but trannelite wrestling does!
>>16318391Okay but why did you sign your post?
>>16318346>>16318374kek they are fucking BUBBLIN' that the trannE fed has been called out
>>16318418more like GAY LORDY hahaha LOL