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This has officially reached nwo 2000 tier
no because they set this angle up back in fucking june or whatever. wcw never planned shit
I'm looking at the most disgusting things I've ever seen in my entire life.
Turn on your screen.
Heyman looks like a potato in a suit.
Not really. They already established the connection months back. Makes sense for Heyman to call in a favor from Punk.
Explain how? This makes perfect sense. Bloodline needs a fifth guy but nobody wants to join them. Punk only does it because of his love for Heyman.
is punk like corpo punk now in kayfabe? I can't even imagine old punk teaming with roman's bloodline in this situation if it was old WWE punk from the early 2010's
This makes perfect sense, lmfao.
Nobody likes him outside of family+ Heyman, and nobody likes Punk outside of Heyman.

That's actually a lot better than I thought it would it be (Rock)
The fed is so desperate. They are shoving CM Punk down everyone's throats. Seriously, thank god for AEW. It is SOOOO MUCH BETTER than whatever this sloppy piggiE shit is, lmao!
As long as it wasn't Seth
Punk brought the Shield in to begin with, there's layers
this is all part of setting up the rollins v punk match at mania
rollins will turn heel on punk as a result of this
this sounds so fucking lame, no one wants this shit
it should be punk vs cody or punk vs roman
damn now i know how to gather all the gayewfags into one thread that isn't for one of their 329k shows
I think Seethe is angrier than Phil, desu.
Outside of the "Make Roman look good" shit, Punk didn't say anything negative about him, even praised him while he was on AEW and that weird WWE show on Fox.
It should have been Brock. You all know I'm right.
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bro just because you want to cut it off doesn't mean you're gonna turn into a woman
Everyone trying to defend this is supporting OP's point. The nWo 2000 was just a bunch of established names thrown together into a faction because they needed to be featured and the writers couldn't think of anything better.

The yearlong storyline involving Sami Zayn's initial association with the Bloodline is an example of unusually good writing for a wrestling show. The "Punk's doesn't like Roman or the Bloodline but he was on TV with Paul Heyman years ago and had a few minor conflicts with the Solo Bloodline months ago" angle isn't so strong. No one who pretends that it is can be taken seriously. Ryback could replace Bronson Reed and some of you would be blasting cum all over yourselves in awe of the "layers."
there was a segment literally like 4 months ago where punk got into a fight with the nu bloodline and heyman begged him to help
no? this makes sense coming from Heyman , an important part of the bloodline
Seff was the retarded part
>he was on TV with Paul Heyman years ago
yeah why would the guy who has been calling himself a "paul heyman guy" for decades in kayfabe and in shoot interviews do anything for heyman
Phil and Roman had a stare down and I felt nothing. Phil can only work gimmick matches because he'll get exposed if he works a regular match.
nah, it was always going to be Drew/Seth/Punk in a match in some capacity
Kek. PDS is real.
They couldn’t get the rock after all his movies flopping? Kek
you are a zoomer or a gayewtist
duh, the rock is the ultimate boss over solo and is actually the reason roman was kicked out and they're holding that til later for the eventual rock vs roman match
Go watch his house show match against Dom. When you work Dom you don't even have to wrestle that much but Phillety got gassed 3 minutes in
They must not be doing well if they can’t convince the rock too come back
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kek i see why the gayewtists are crying
You mean the match from a year ago?
Kenny's match isn't until Jan of next year. This makes no sense
You could poke Phil with a pillow and kill him.
should have told drew that
Would have been super tight if Punk didn't spoil it with his interview politicking bullshit.
Yeah that nigga has not had a singles wrestling match in over a year it's been all gimmick matches. Pretty funny
Not talking about the writing talking about how bad it’s jumped the shark and been dragged out, cm punk joins the bloodline to fight the bloodline…just read over how stupid that is
Yeah, I'm reading over how stupid your writing is. Put some fucking punctuation in there. Goddamn morning, sir.
Nah it's New Nexus Wolfpac.
Shit makes no sense. How is Solo a threat to Roman? Old Bloodline was so overpowered that being down one man in a wargames match wouldn't have meant shit. Technically Roman being the champ for more than 1k days should put his power level high enough to where he could take on the new bloodline single handedly the way Cena took care of the Nexus by himself.

none of this makes sense and I think Paul is in his throwing shit at the wall phase hoping for something to stick
>booking that makes sense is...le bad
i fucking hate the coconut shit but this is unironically good writing
if you want to see dogshit writing the women war games match exist
Yes. Roman was still taking time off post-Mania and Drew McIntyre had the night off. So the writers decided to just pair Punk off with the big heel faction for the night in order to produce their TV show that week. Punk's past with Heyman served their purposes for that night, but this clearly wasn't part of their long-term plans since there was no continuity in the conflict between Punk and Solo until tonight.

The screencap that OP uses as an image captures a moment with no tension whatsoever because we have no reason to believe Punk and Roman have some kind of deep and unresolved grudge between them. That's straight up bad storytelling. Those defending this really do sound like they'd defend the nWo 2000: "Jeff Jarrett hit that guy with a guitar on Nitro nine months ago, then they made up and joined forces, but then Jarrett hit him with a guitar again seven months ago, so it all makes sense and it's compelling."
the story is dogshit idk why they are forcing women wrestling so much
>Drew McIntyre had the night off.
Drew was literally on the show the same night as the Punk Heyman angle.
oh, i know, but triple h has been desperate to book this match since bringing punk back for some reason
they seem to see rollins as a much bigger name than he actually is
If you're a normie or a zoomer that knows nothing about Roman or Phillips past, this makes absolutely no sense. Triple H is like a tweet away from telling everyone to "google it"
rock isn't working war games ya dildo
he's working mania and *maybe* the rumble, and that's it
this angle is really exposing the dumbest posters on /pw/
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can we talk about how Heyman looks like one of those bloated corpses that wash up on beaches? This man's wrist are blending into his hands. that shit can't be healthy.
his face is so fat and swollen that it's making his eyes look chinese
>and Drew McIntyre had the night off.
>when you can tell a faggot didn't even watch the show he's talking about
You mean when he was a face in 2011?
>he walked out when his contract expired only to come back like a week later after claiming he signed a big contract
>one week the WWE roster staged a walkout with Punk being the only one to stay with corporate Triple H
Or when he turned heel in 2012?
>he was aligned with Roman's group The Shield
So I'd say it's quite consistent with his character.
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he should team up with bron breaker
He WAS talking to Bron in the background months ago
Two big stars with the same manager teaming up = wcw 2000
Smarks are retarded
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How do you PDS having fags resist the allure of the rope?
Was Drew there? My mistake then. I wasn't paying attention to the show that much because the storyline was centered around a charm bracelet. The teenagers on this board thought that was deep storytelling too.

Now refresh my memory on this: we have a part-time wrestler, CM Punk, doing a favor for the guy who managed him a decade ago, Paul Heyman, in spite of some kind of uneasiness between him and Roman Reigns. What is the source of the conflict between Punk and Reigns again? Was it anything that happened in the past decade and covered more than a throwaway segment or two? And do you seriously believe that this is what creative was building towards?
lol paul hit the tanning bed
im sure punk is in better shape another injury later
he worked a hell in a cell match that lasted 40 minutes with almost no downtime, he looks fine to me
>I wasn't paying attention to the show
you've established that you are a non-credible witness
Love how you can't hide your butthurt over your gay fed getting overshadowed by a bracelet. Don't pretend you didn't watch it by the way, the beatdown that night was how that angle started
Roman never retained his titles without the other coconuts jumping in to help him, his kayfabe power level is weak as hell.
probably a good idea because bron's girly voice really doesn't suit his "bad ass" persona
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Thank you anon for illustrating my point for me, I wrote earlier in the game thread how Smarks constantly trash on Russo’s booking but this entire bloodline story post Wrestlemania 39 has been Russocore at its finest. Hokey acting, nonsensical swerves, ridiculous hotshots and characters being halfassedly introduced with no buildup or reasoning

WCW2000 would 1000% be called “real graps” and “cinema” if it aired today
No it hasn't?
A non-credible witness to limpdick booking?
>nonsensical swerves, ridiculous hotshots and characters being halfassedly introduced with no buildup or reasoning
lmao that literally none of this is true. you are extraordinarily stupid or intentionally trying to bait
he's a gayewtist so of course he's trying to instill some bad faith takes
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>yeah why would cm punk the guy who originally had the shield as his muscle and paul heyman as a manager do a storyline with Roman. Dropped him out of a helicopter. Makes no sense and zero connection.
>power level
Wrestling isn't an anime you stupid weeb fuck. The fact that some retard a decade ago thought that 1 vs 5 was a good fight doesn't mean people should continue to be retarded.
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mmmmm badass
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so extraordinarily stupid. got it
>Using irony to pretend that retarded shit that makes no sense actually makes sense and isn't retarded.
Why are you so mad Trevor? Aside from the being crippled.and getting raped by your dad things, you shouldn't get this worked up over WWE being so much better than GAYEW.
If you can explain the logic in any of these images, I would love to hear it
look it up yourself lazy
The Bloodline with Sami originally began to dissolve at the 2023 Rumble. It gradually fell apart month after month following that until Jimmy vs Jey + Roman losing the belt at WM40.

Then Roman, Jey, Jimmy, and Sami all made up in roughly 5 poorly written segments over the course of a couple months. Oh and do you know BIG BRONSON REED?!?! What about CM Punk? Do you know him, bro? He used to be managed by Paul Heyman, bro, who later served as the "wise man." It's Russo booking, bro.
hes actually kinda burying you guys with his words rn, ill try to slip a foreign object but the refs staring me down brother
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This anon is right. The Bloodline storyline is Russo tier. It took Sami like one week to get back into the fucking group. Even drones on twitter said this shit has felt rush and soulless
He looks like the biggest autist in the history of the board atm and samefagging isn't going to help
this anon is right, the other guy looks like he's sputtering and seething
Can you imagine anyone getting a pop the level that Punk just got lmao, hell even a Rhea sized pop is a distant dream these days kek
Lesnar coming out would've been kino.
Rock vs. Cody is almost guaranteed for Mania 41
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are you retarded
>two bitches quietly tap out
I'm.l not even in this conversation, I just think you look like a sperg
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I like how when you’re proven wrong you instantly turn into a petty high school girl faggot
I wonder if the brozer is some kind of weird thing the makeup department insists on because it "looks better on TV" like when all of the women had clownish whore makeup.
>Then Roman, Jey, Jimmy, and Sami all made up in roughly 5 poorly written segments over the course of a couple months.
They never even made up properly. They just did like a month of people repeatedly doing 5 minute entrances and taking another 5 to say 5 words.
I bet you cry and squeal about "slow burns" too don't you lil bitch
How long until paul has a heart attack ?
punk still has unfinish business with the rock too
>This has officially reached nwo 2000 tier
Nah that's AEW
Is punk gay? Friendship bracelets and now this?
Might as well bring back ryback and Curtis axel then.
>tfw torn between wanting Drew back and not wanting him near this fucking bloodline shit
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>Makes AEW trannies absolutely SEETHE
Thank God it's not Seethe Faggins.
No, because Hayman and Punk had an angle with the Bloodline a few months and WWE will remind viewers of that with video packages and he commentary team will remind people too. This isn't AEW where you just have to watch Rampage and Collision to figure out what's going on Dynamite.
>The screencap that OP uses as an image captures a moment with no tension whatsoever because we have no reason to believe Punk and Roman have some kind of deep and unresolved grudge between them.
are you legitimately retarded? They're not staring off because they have a grudge, its because reigns has shown time and time again that he doesn't trust anybody, first with jey, then sami. The man is a control freak and he's not sure he can control punk, which is probably what they talked about in the ring. Also for the nwo 2000 bullshit you retards keep spouting, this isn't that deep, punk isn't joining the bloodline, just like cody he will help out for one match as a favor to heyman and then leave and just like the time with cody you stupid niggers will keep crying.
>you need to watch WWE for 15 years for the angles to make sense
he's in that Orton spot
>This isn't AEW where you just have to watch Rampage and Collision to figure out what's going on Dynamite.
this, and even with the details they leave out because that just happens, the fans aren't saying "just google it bro" because you must be a "smart" fan to enter this revenge of the nerds midget building
Don’t you brag about having to watch 30 years of Japan and Mexico to understand are wrestling
holy cope
she/him skunk
The selection of Punk as the fifth member of Team Babyface is even more of a creative abortion by your logic. You make it sound like anyone, be it CM Punk or Dragon Lee, could've run down and Smackdown could've ended with Roman exchanging suspicious "Can I trust you?" looks with the guy. There's obviously supposed to be more to it than that. CM Punk and Roman Reigns are supposed to have some sort of backstory beyond Roman's trust issues and a connection to Heyman. The fact that you've failed to grasp this helps support the claims of those of us critical of this wasted opportunity. (To be fair to WWE Creative, I doubt Punk was their first choice and he may well have been their fourth or fifth best option.)

Back when Roman originally formed the Bloodline and all through the Sami Zayn storyline, Roman's need to impose full control over his stablemates was effectively established as a response to his inability to trust anyone after Rollins turned on him and broke up the Shield. All of this was established years ago back when these storylines were actually well done. Guess what? This build up to War Games is anything but well done and I'm judging it by the very same standard by which I praise that earlier work. As many have pointed out, those "trust issues" that used to be a consistent part of heel Roman's character haven't been all that difficult to overcome of late. The creative decisions that have informed the buildup to War Games have been shit, but they had the potential to enhance the story by effectively introducing the fifth member of Roman's team. Punk *barely* ties into the story and hardly adds to it.

Also for the nWo 2000 bullshit we keep spouting, this isn't that deep, and that's the point. It's a good comparison precisely because the story behind the formation of the '2022 Bloodline feat. CM Punk' War Games team is as shallow as the one that set up that stillborn WCW stable.
>There's obviously supposed to be more to it than that.
no it doesn't? what connection does bronson fucking sneed have with the new bloodline? absolutely nothing, you don't need it for the unresolved issue story because you already have that with roman, jey and sami. As far as punk being not involved with the story goes I absolutely agree, he isn't and he doesn't have to be, survivor series is a cog in this storyline's buildup to wrestlemania and that's all there is to it. There are precisely two other people you could be put in og bloodline, seth or cody and it doesn't help either of them, punk being involved isn't some great storytelling, but it isn't the dumpsterfire you want it to be either. Its very insignificant, and will not devalue the angle.
>a bunch of established names thrown together into a faction because they needed to be featured and the writers couldn't think of anything better.
AEW doesn't even have "established" names and does this every week, still going strong after five years. Don't see anything wrong with it.
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>still going strong after 5 years
So they couldn't get Brock?
Keep coping piglet
It doesn't really sound like you and I disagree at this point. Most of your response is spent admitting that the storyline doesn't make sense.

I understand the general rule in pro wrestling that requires the characters and the storylines they're involved in to be rapidly thrown together just to keep up with the demands of their never-ending year-round schedule. Still, we have examples where exceptionally good ideas, when properly executed by all or most involved, make for exceptionally good shows. These good ideas are what can get talent really over or can elevate a show like Survivor Series into something much more than a pitstop on the way to Wrestlemania. Even if wrestling fans on /pw/ or anywhere else don't realize it, they're implicitly appealing to these ideals whenever they express their opinion.

It sounds like you're far more forgiving than I am with regard to what I see as a number of inexcusably wasted opportunities in the buildup to War Games. If WWE Creative were truly good at what they're supposed to do, the past few shows would have both plausibly incorporated Bronson into the story and established some kind of pretext for Punk to be the 5th Babyface. This didn't happen because the current writers don't seem to know how to write.
It makes no sense and 'It will help the build to Punk vs Rollins even more!' makes even less sense. Rollins doesn't want to join up with Roman. Why would he give a fuck if Punk does?
Why is Paul so tan lol
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>here's that bad ass monster heel I told you about
Seth wants Bronson Reed so he will likely show up to get revenge but mess up and it ends up eliminating Punk. Also, for maximum poetry, Punk crashed Seth's WarGames match last year.

Jey, Roman and Brock is way too powerful in kayfabe. Throw in Jimmy and Sami's underdog never give up attitude and that team is unbeatable. Of course the main reason is that they don't want to have any bad PR with Brock's return and he might even be done with it all anyway.
Nah, it'll be sick, Phil is gonna wear special red CM Punk panties, gonna be kino.
Shoulda been Brock.
The pop was great and the match will probably be coconut slop kino but when Heyman pointed at the tron all I wanted was Brock
heyman doing his best to be even blacker than all the coconuts
looks like he's caught a case of the jd mcdonaghs

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