yo does LA Knight have a match at survivor series? I haven't been watching and this will decide if I get a ticket
If you get a ticket. Do you want to link up and split some nachos at the show?
man. a traditional 5v5 survivor series game between team LA vs whoever would've been sweet
>>16318974wwe seems incapable of making a survivor series match unless its brand vs brand where we have to pretend they're not the same companyit's pretty damn easy to make real stakes in the matches. the easiest one would be that the survivor get the last spots in the rumble, or the survivor each get a title shot over the next few episodes
He’s doing a sex celebration with Asuka
>>16319363I believe this
>>16319357Some nice ideas, i wanted want to see them every year though. Was Pat Paterson the head creative for the older Survivor Series?
suck-guy-ver she-riesBTFO