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A lot can be said about Tony and his shitty booking, but sometimes things need to be put into perspective. Vince had these four under contract at the same time and still lost 70% of his audience. Let that sink in.
brock is the only draw and he eventually left
Because Vince can’t book.
Fan's left because they grew up and became ashamed of having had watch the attitude era. You guys are too young to realize this, but imagine being in a study group in college or book club and being like "oh yeah, I still watch that show where they eat dogs and cut each other's dick's off"
They didn't lose 70 percent when these guys came up, the dip was already ending and they experienced a bump with new talent for a while even though they were adding even more live shows and programming.
The reality is that the AE became a fad for casuals plus had regional fans and old-timers because they had WWF, WCW, SMW, ECW, and every territory feeding them talent. That ended and WWE only had Cornette with an old ring and a bottle of Sprite, yet still made stars, then he left and they fell off in new talent until new Indie talent, etc. were brought up. Viewership dipped as tons of old wrestlers left or retired and they were on their own.
There were nearly 10 million people watching Monday wrestling in March-April 2001. By the end of 2001 it was barely half.
But now we all know Vince's decisions were entirely based on who he wanted to see fucking prostitutes while he jacked off.
Brock was never a draw
If Austin never turned heel, the wcw invasion wasn't botched, and Triple H remained in the midcard where he belonged, WWE would have never tanked. Especially because 2002 onward had a better roster than the attitude era, just the shows were boring
got pushed too hard as a boring babyface and was never allowed to be a heel and it ruined him for a long time
Ended up leaving before he could really make any sort of impact and when he came back he got stale very quickly until they actually let him cut a damn promo and it turns out he's great on the mic
Rather shit wrestler who's size couldn't always make him appealing
Batista is the 2nd best wrestler in that lineup and #3 isn't particularly close.
Yeah, because Cena, Orton, Batista, and Lesner were a significant downgrade from the Attitude Era stars. Vince did lesser business with lesser talent. News at 11. The AE was lightning in a bottle and to this day WWE never really knew what to do after it ended.
When Cena Orton and Lesnar are actually trying they shit all over Batista
>Monday wrestling
Why are you counting WCW?
Vince got so lucky WCW were retards and ECW couldn't utilize Austin properly
Austin was already cooling off before the turn.
WCW invasion didn't matter that much as they only used the newer guys, there were many fans of the older WCW not factored in.
They would have tanked no matter what as they hotshotted the business and the fad was ending. Fans had seen everything.
I disagree
Even a cooled off Austin was hotter than everyone to come after him
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>being in a study group in college or book club

What a fucking loser. You should've had sex, unironically.
There were never 10 million people watching anon, this is just what the wrestling companies used to work advertisers with. People just used to constantly flick between Nitro and Raw and were double counted then in the (at the time) inaccurate Nielsen ratings. That's why when WCW went, there weren't millions of people who just stopped watching wrestling altogether
>le motivated Orton meme

>why am I counting the wrestling audience in a discussion about the wrestling audience

There were though, it's exactly what those numbers told us.
>ECW couldn't utilize Austin properly

Heyman was going to put the world title on him in his debut.
And then what?
ECW was never gonna be bigger than it was
That has nothing to do with utilising Austin. ECW pulled better numbers than WCW by their ends.
Bingo halls pulled better numbers than WCW by its end lmao
There weren't, there were 5 million people getting double counted
Do you think RAW & Nitro were pulling the same numbers in 2001?
Leviathan would've been over
Brock unfortunately got worked so hard that he got addicted to alcohol and pills, and doesn't remember most of 2002-2003. No shit he was leaving.

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