>Stardrones and AEWfags tried to cope and lie about Giuliashes literally great wtf
>>16345670wow she's wrestling a literal who, how cool
>>16345670How cool is that?
>>16345670>Whenever a wrestler refuses to negotiate with AEW, suddenly reports come out that they are "problematic backstage", "not very good", and the evergreen "we never wanted them anyway"Uh huh, yep, afraid so
>>16345760that’s every AEW match
>>16345841>b-b-but AEWthat didn't take long
>>16345670What's that thing on her face supposed to be? Looks like some Egyptian pharaoh shit
That mask looks like an Alien facehugger that's fucking her mouth.
>>16345859Its covering up the walls damage
>>16345670most people who actually have seen her knew she was a good signing regardless of where she ended upnot sure what retards you're listening to unless you are reading mentally ill people commenting on YouTube and Twitter
>>16345864subtle hint that she enjoys a good facefuck
>>16345670wish she'd SHIT on me
>>16345851Grand Slam = cancelled
>>16345670>>16345929Stardrone here, I’m rooting for her success
>>16346138many do, its just one guy trying to stir shit
>>16346161I think ice ribbon fans (both of them) hate her but stardom fans really shouldn’t
>>16345929She's all style, no substance, so perfect for american TV wrestling. Good for her and happy that I don't have to see the attentionwhoring wop's slopfests in Japan anymore.
>>16346171Stardom (console war AEWfags larping) fans hate her.
>>16346246300lb of flab typed this
>>16345670>shes literally great Yes
>>16346247nah, thats you
She's a serial traitor and she was never good.
>>16346247Stardom are not thrilled with the AEW relationship at all
>>16346330*stardom fans
>>16345893She's cute. You must be gay.
>>16345670Wouldn't say great but really good. I can unfortunately see some of hesitation in her steps and moves. But she is a total package all in all. It'll get ironed out and she's improving all the time... or rather adjusting to the style.
GeesE have lower expectation, no wonder they like her style
>>16346330Nah, they are thrilled Tony is taking Mina away
yeah it's a shame she had to go to NXTBET instead of straight to the main roster, now I have to miss out on her for a year because no way I'm watching the jeet/igger brand
>>16345670what power rangers series is she from?
>>16345929The weak must fear the strong
she's already boring to me they should have never debuted with those two girls
>>16345670>nobody cared who i was until I put on the mask
Stardom hasn’t had good red belt matches since Giulia dropped the belt. They were extreme coping
>>16347952Crimson Cannon Empress > giulia