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/pw/ - Professional Wrestling

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>Go ahead, say it.
>You want to, you need to.
>When was the last time you said it?
>You have the right to speak freely, the 1st amendment guarantees that.
>Saying a word doesn't make you a bad person.
>They call each other that word, all the time.
>Are you gonna let society tell you what you can and can't say?
>Let's be honest, they would respect you more, if you just said it.
>Hey I'm not telling you anything, that you don't already know.
>Go ahead. Hit ''post''.
>You must deliver the news. They all need to hear about it
>Twitter personalities have all the scoops nowadays. They're more involved in the business than your average anon.
>So what if there already are 5 Twitter screencap threads on the catalog already? It just means that they're draws. You believe in the supremacy of the dime drawers don't you?
>How many handles are you familiar with at this point? Exactly.
>It's a dying board anyway, you're not making things any worse
>In fact, you're a cut above the rest of the rape spammers and the frogposters. You're on topic.
>And who knows, if you learn from their patterns, people might start posting screenshots of your own tweets on /pw/
>Hey I'm not telling you anything that you don't already know
>Listen to the IWC.
>Haven't you seen what they've been tweeting? All they want is for you to have fun
>That's what pro wrestling is all about. You should be able to do whatever you want with your friends with a smile on your face.
>It's an art, not an industry
>So do 10 Canadian Destroyers in a row
>No-sell a Burning Hammer
>Job to a Kamehameha
>Wear a dress
>And if you have enough fun, you will become a true legend of professional wrestling.
>Hey, I'm not telling you anything that you don't already know.
>go ahead, hit the snooze
>You'll go next week.
>Hell, don't even go at all.
>If God is everwhere, why should we even go to Church?
>He's sitting right next to you on the couch.
>Who even knows if there is a God anyway?
>The Church is nothing but a jewish farce, a way to judge you.
>You have to take control of your own life
>You are your only judge.
>Save yourself the headache
>Do something more valuable with your time.
>And if there is a God, He'll forgive you.
>Hey, I'm not telling you anything that you don't already know.
>Go ahead, correct her
>You want to, you need to.
>Would she be seducing you if she didn't want it?
>In fact, she's probably already lost her virginity at some Summer camp.
>Remember, she wants it just as much as you do.
>Look at it this way - It'll make her a better person in the end.
>Give her a spanking, Get your respect back
>If you don't do it, Kenny Omega will.
>Hell, I'm not telling you anything that you don't already know.
>Go ahead, Adam. Skip leg day.
>Hell, skip every day.
>You've been an indy star your whole life and now you've made it.
>You deserve some you time. Those hours are better spent playing Nintendo Switch.
>It's all a work anyway, you don't actually need muscle
>if anything, itll just slow you down
>But hell, I'm not telling you anything that you don't already know
>Go ahead, post her nudes
>She's a wrestler. It's a wrestling board. You did nothing wrong.
>You're allowed to not like her. You're allowed to call her ugly.
>You wouldn't have even gotten banned if she wasn't the janitor's crush.
>So go ahead. Reset your router.
>Go on your phone.
>Use a VPN.
>You didn't deserve the ban, and you won't get caught anyway.
>If they didn't want you to do it, it wouldn't be so easy.
>And /pw/ will be a better place with the humor you bring to it.
Hey, I'm not telling you anything that you don't already know.
>Go ahead, post something different.
>Who cares if it's off-topic? All that matters is you and the boys having a laugh.
>/pw/ will appreciate your take on which roman emperor was the jannetty
>Its only going to bump another shitty nash thread off the board
>And if the mods delete it, it just means they got worked.
>Hell, I'm not telling you anything that you don't already know.
>Go ahead, it's so easy. Just reply to him, greentext his post, and post a basedjack.
>He deserves it for making a shitty post in the first place
>Hell, you don't even need to reply! Just greentext whatever you want and make you're own thread from it.
>Imagine the (you)s
>Its not like the board can get any worse
>You know you want to. Wojaks are board culture, what's the harm in a little funposting to brighten up everyone's day?
>4chan was made on the principles of defiance and free expression, the mods can't ban EVERY jakker. Why not roll the dice?
>Hey, I'm not telling you anything you don't already know.
>you've used up all of your rolls, and you still don't have that cute girl you wanted?
>Why not pay for a few more rolls? She's bound to show up sooner or later. What's 5, 10, hell, 20 bucks?
>you don't have any problems throwing down 50 dollars for a console game... what makes a gacha any different?
>You've had so much fun so far, and for free! What's wrong with supporting the devs just a little? Just this one time?
>I think you and I both know that she's not "just a .png"
>Anyone can download her off the internet...but rolling her in the game? Now that's a different beast altogether.
>It means that she chose you.
>You own her. And you can use her any way you see fit. She's yours! Your cute wife!
>Hey, I'm not telling you anything you don't already know.
>>Go ahead, say it.
>>You haven't lost your virginity yet, have you?
>>Did Stacy turn you down back in high school?
>>Are you suicidal because you haven't had sex yet?
>>Being a virgin doesn't make you hopeless.
>>You just need to reinvent yourself and become a Chad.
>>Are you gonna let your doubts and geeky looks dictate whether or not you engage in sex?
>>Let's be honest, you do need to reinvent yourself, build some muscle and control your own destiny.
>>Hey I'm not telling you anything, that you don't already know.
Year Old says
Copied my post from months ago, sad shit
You stole it from me
You stole it from me
You stole it from me
based gymcel
saying the n word is like killing a black person
they do it all the time but god forbid a white guy does it

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