>cancels slopdownthank you for your service!
>>16427589In case anyone was confused why the singular cripple keeps spamming these threads it's because he's really mad that he can't take down these threads >>16424594>>16419188>>16424737Speaking of which I gotta go bump them brb.
>>16427589based lachlan saved fox and killed comcast with one stroke of the penhistory will look back fondly on him and 2023 specifically
>>16427662>>16427669Don't let Trev the cripple replying to himself make you forget that he swallows his dad's cum
>>16427681why are you obsessed with people performing fellatio on their fathers? projection?
>>16427694>I DONT BLOW MY DAD YOU DO!You have to be more specific Trev. I only bring up you blowing your dad because you admitted it. Don't be mad at me.
this will be what drives the drones into committing mass shootingsbe sure to lock your doors when it happens
>cancels the feeling in trevor's lower body
>>16427724praying for people named trevor and also paraplegics that day. WWEschizos will go on a RAMPAGE.
>>16427724I think you meant to post this. That's the date where you're going to try and watch Rampage and remember it was cancelled.
>>16427736is that the date slopdown gets cancelled off broadcast tv? oh no, wait, that was back in september my bad
>>16427743Smackdown will be on USA on that exact date (Getting paid more money) Rampage on the other hand you'll have to watch on Max. But older episodes. Because there will be no new episodes. Due to it being cancelled like your legs.
>>16427743Lmfao>>16427736You took time to find that calendar image and got btfo 80 seconds after posting it lmfao
>>16427752isn’t raw also being moved to a streaming service?
>>16427758You mean I took the time to find a picture of the date where you will no longer be able to watch Rampage because it was cancelled. Still waiting on a comeback btw.>>16427759Raw is moving to Netflix to honor their $5 billion dollar deal, we've been over this. Did you ever google what billion means? I know you being an AEW fan weren't familiar with that word.
>>16427736I go outside most fridays
>>16427772>AEW out of nowhere/pw/ has the best schizos, folks. who needs /x/.
>>16427777AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!!!>>16427778What's wrong? you're not mad that I bring up Rampage being cancelled are ya?
>>16427752If Smackdown on USA (3 hours) is so valuable why did Comcast cancel USA?
>>16427794Smackdown is 2 hours right now. Are you implying that they are going to go 3 hours for even more money? Are you talking about Spinco? the company that will be owned by Comcast stockholders? oh no the retard thought he was cooking again! Btw why was Rampage cancelled? do you know?
>>16427787what is your official diagnosis? how much are they prescribing you?
>>16427798If more money were the case they'd brag about it to shareholders. You seem to not understand how companies work.
>>16427802Nothing. I'm not on any medication. If I ever get to the point where I'm tweeting 200 times a day like you maybe I'll look into something. >>16427808You mean the WWE? did they announce that they were going 3 hours? again you thought you were cooking but continue to just show how fucking stupid you are lmao.
>>16427798do u know about CST Industries or Thomasnet? get to know #bbk
>>16427816why do you assume your perception is correct? am i truly this mysterious fat crippled irish? or am i chinese? or a robot.
>>16427824I don't. All I know is that Rampage was cancelled and AEW only got $150 million dollars. Really terrible deal.>>16427827You are in fact the crippled Irish yeah. Take a picture of you standing up. Prove me wrong.
slide thread to distract from Giulia’s win. Fuck off cripple
>>16427827You’re talking to the guy who spent over 12 hours denying that 5 was a smaller number than 10 the other day
>>16427840Stop replying to yourself. I know you don't have a comeback but let's focus on Rampage getting cancelled.
>>16427816>I'm not on any medicationyeah no shit lmao
>>16427851>How much are the prescribing you?>Uhhhh yeah you're not on any medicationThis fat cripple can't even keep up with his own shitty comebacks, no wonder he keeps spamming silos. Btw thanks for admitting you tweet 200 times a day Rovert. Anything to stop you from killing yourself is a good thing.
>>16427816maybe you should be>>16427831maybe you should find out who they are before u @ me
>>16427865you post here 500 times a dayi assume you also have a x account where you post just as much there too
>>16427870Maybe I should be what? on medications? if I ever tweet 200 times a day I will. I tried @ing you on Twitter you blocked me.>>16427874>7-12The cripple really is in Ireland with that dirty carpet and socks AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH!
>>16427891I do? have you counted them? you know there is literal proof of you having almost a million tweets right? also almost 100k posts on F4W before getting banned
>>16427893>amerimutts don’t know flagsim shocked
>>16427907You're 100% right on that, I have no idea what that flag from some shitty country is. Also are you implying that people don't own flags from other countries? I also wouldn't own an Irish flag. Can you imagine living in Ireland lol
>>16427905you can't hide your mental illness and you're sperging out on here obviously literally any time i show up here
>>16427924You have been bumping an NXT ratings thread for a week. I've literally got you so mad you can't even sleep because of me lol
>>16427920any american that leaves the house should know what the fucking irish flag looks likeyou really must live in a grain silohow can you not have met any irish people?
>>16427932I live on the West Coast. I know you only know about potatoes but if you think there is a large population of Irish fucks in the West Coast you would be mistaken. For the record I'll take Mexicans over Micks anyday of the week.
>>16427874Your room looks like it smells like shit.
>>16427874you got siloboy absolutely squealin lmao
>>16427954>>16427957Trev the cripple is still replying to himself AHAHAHA
>>16427938You never saw a movie with a pub scene or anything? You must literally only watch wrestling
>>16427965So you think watching a movie with a pub scene means I know what shitty country that flag is from? are you always this retarded?
>>16427969You’re a fucking thick cunt.
>>16427969any actual american 100% knows what the irish flag looks because of all the stolen valor americans than claim irish heritage. guessing you're not actually from the west coast but actually from somewhere like India? would explain the obsession with AEW....
>>16427938trying too hard
>>16427982You're a poor Eurofag. That is where that the flag in question right?>>16427983When did I say I didn't know what the Irish flag looks like? like I know you're fucking stupid but you can't just make things up.
>>16427994Cry you dirty mick.
>>16427938imagine getting so worked by an imaginary irishman that you start to simp for illegal aliens
>beats the SoCal Schizo clean in less than five minutes
>>16427996You’re dumb because you don’t know what the flag for Ireland looks like.
>>16428008>ImaginaryLol. The Mexicans here work Trev. The ones I see are able to keep their jobs as baggers.>>16428010I do know what the Irish flag looks like. You already tried that one.
bt keeps taking L after L kek
>>16428026Fraid not. That's all you I'm still not banned after your mass reporting kek
>>16428021Do you stare at them lustfully from the silo as they pick all your parents crops?
>>16428032No I don't live with my parents. Remember I'm not crippled I don't need my parents taking care of me. Are you still mad that Illegal Mexicans actually work unlike you? LMFAO
Trev the diabetic cripple having another melty I see. Did NXT Deadline rape Collision just like NXT rapes Dynamite?
>>16428021You thought another country’s flag was Ireland’s, see >>16427893 you thick cunt.
>>16428042Try again Rovert >>16427920 you fucking retard.
>>16428040No one thinks your parents also live in the silo
>>16428009based, seems like we’re all btfoing this thick cunt lately
>>16428047You're right because the silo thing was your failed attempt of getting something over after you exposed yourself as a pedophile.
>>16428049You still talking to yourself Trev? Why you ignoring me. Still want to talk to you on Twitter like you said
>>16428045You didn’t know what flag it was and thought it belonged to an Irishman meaning you thought it was the flag for Ireland, you thick cunt.
>>16428060>You're 100% right on that, I have no idea what that flag from some shitty country i> I also wouldn't own an Irish flag. Can you imagine living in Ireland lolYou really thought you had something huh you dumb fuck lol
>>16427938>Bitchtits has never been to an Irish barlol this is nearly as embarrassing as when he didn't know what it means to have sex wearing a raincoat.>>16427996>That is where that the flagThis is why you need to stay in school or, at the very least, get a GED folks>>16427996>When did I say I didn't know what the Irish flag looks like?kek he thought a red-blue cross was the Irish flag
>>16428068See >>16427893, you thick cunt.
OHHHH TREV WHWRE ARE YOU!? I thought we were going to chat on Twitter?
another all timer from the human grain silo holy kek
>>16427893>>16428057>>16428081>Still want to talk to you on Twitterkek Silotits really wants that shillelagh ooft
>>16428077You already tried that one, I never said I didn't know what the Irish flag looks like. >>16428080Right, I said you live in Ireland and have another countries flag. Is your diabetes affecting your eyesight again?>>16428086Again just because you got ousted as a pedophile you will never get this silo thing over.
>>16428090So Trev the cripple is backing down AHAHAHAHAHAHA OH NO NO NO
>>16428090that's why we call him bvllvert he is actually only in that wheelchair because his legs cannot support his massive dong
>>16428104Stop replying to yourself Rovert.
>>16428090bitchtits is lusting for mick dick kek
>>16428104holy based lore>>16428098>sees flag that is very clearly not the Irish flag>HA YOU LIVE IN IRELANDJesus Christ Bitchtits, is your ODD so bad you can't even admit this mistake?
my man literally posted a pic of himself standing up with the flag of his own country (that was NOT Ireland) in it and this dude said “you really is in Ireland” lmfao
>>16428108Trev the cripple is backing down AGAIN AHAHAHA. Use a voice mod to hide your Irish accent
>>16428109I didn't make a mistake. I said that (you) the Mick had someone elses flag. Again your diabetes is affecting your eyesight.>>16428116>my manHahahahahahaah!
>>16428120Judging by your ability to recognise flags, you'd call any accent that isn't "wh*te" >>>/trash/ like yours "Irish">>16428130>I didn't make a mistake>elsesoops
>>16428140Correct I didn't make a mistake. Thanks for clarifying that Rovert. And for the record I still have no idea where that shitty flag is from. No one here knows. Except you and the multiple people you're samefagging as
fuck u silo sikoa
>>16428158I know what country it belongs to because I went to school. You thought it was the flag for ROI lol
>>16428140>>16428159Is that your way of you dodging? Like why say talk to you on Twitter and than back down like a bitch Trev? Trev is shook AHAHAHAHA
>>16428166Of course you know the country of the flag you bought. But again no one else here knows because no one else here cares about anything outside of the USA.
I just want to remind everyone that Trev said he wanted to talk to me on Twitter and than when I agreed he backed down because he is a fat Irish mick LMFAOOOO
>>16428167>>16428171>>16428189Jesus Christ one more and he'll have a streak matching his chins, look at those timestamps!>samefaggingironic>no one else here cares about anything outside of the USA.Not everyone is a flyover podunk shithole dweller like you
>>16428226Trev the cripple just typed a whole lot of gibberish because he doesn't want to admit he asked to talk on Twitter and than backed down like a bitch LMFAOOO speaking of lots of chins >>16419188
>>16428250>gibberishIt's perfectly readable to anyone with a high school level of literacy.I'd rather blow my fucking brains out that talk to you on Twitter. Imagine how vile your voice must sound. You definitely haven't got the guts (ironic) to post a recording proving otherwise.
>>16428270i bet he sounds like bix
>>16428270>>16428278>Talk to me on Twitter>WAIT YOU AGREEED? UHH I DON'T WANT TO TALK TO YOU!You don't have to type these essays just to admit you're backing down like a bitch. Wait so you asked me to talk to you on Twitter. And now you want me to record my voice while you don't talk? AHAHAHAHAHAHA WHAT A SCARED DIABETIC BITCH!
>>16428287post voice or leave.
>>16428287rovert wont fuck you tranny
Damn this was an epic hogwheels melty
>>16428294well he certainly mindfucked him because the siloboy is here ranting and raving about him 24/7
>>16428290>>16428294You can hear my voice on Twitter. You said I was scared to talk to you. Don't back down now Trev you diabetic pedo bitch. Trev you're a virgin in your own fantasy. Stop talking about fucking.
>>16428270>that talk to youSER
>>16428301>Trev replying to himself again>He's always ranting about me uhh I mean him!Stop dodging bitch
>>16428287I literally don't even use Twitter. Multiple people on here think you're a retard, retard.>>16428302post your @ then>>16428301kek gottem
So if I'm reading this correctly Rovert asked to talk to Chadtits and after Chadtits agreed Trevor is backing down? talk about grim
>>16428312how many times have you thought about "Trev" today? be honest. also post voice lmao
>>16428318>>16428322>I UHHH SWEAR I DON'T USE TWITTER!So you want me to post my account, for everyone in here to see. And then you want talk LMFAOOOOOOO Trev wants to hear my voice because he dodged his own challenge AHAHAHAHA
>>16428338yeah i think most people are simply expecting you to not be a pussy and post your @ and voice
>>16427634Thanks for showing us how you spam the board
>>16428344>>16428350>I CHALLENGE YOU TO TALK TO ME ON TWITTER!>UHHHH WAIT NO I MEAN YOU POST A CLIP OF YIUR VOICE WHILE I REMAIN MUTE!I know you're scared Trev but you don't need to be that much of a bitch
>>16428344I don't. I fully expect him to live up to his sobriquet and be a Bitch(tits)>>16428320>ChadtitsI love how even in his own fantasies gassing himself up, he still admits that he's a fatso with tits lmao
>>16428355you don't have to broadcast how scared you are lmao
Jesus Christ bitchtits is absolutely MOGGING hoggers ITT
>>16427874>tiny feetYou know what that means
>>16428356>>16428363>Replies to himself>YOU SEE HES THE SCARED ONEI know you're not used to the concept of multiple people because you always samefag. None of that changes you being too scared to talk because you're an Irish fat crippled mick LOLLLL
>>16427874>4:52AM>Sunday, December 8, 2024>Faroe Islands>Argues with /pw/ at 4:52am in you're path
>>16428373>I know you're not used to the concept of multiple people because you always samefag.IMAX level projection
>>16428368found the manlet
>>16428382So you dodged? AHAHAHAHA
>>16428368size 46 btw
>>16428388I would never ask to speak to you on Twitter. Pretty sure nobody ever would.>>16428380It's clearly daylight in that photo, sers.
>reminder: Bitchtits is THIS level of shut-incelHe fucking HATES it when this gets posted btw
>>16428405>>16428411You quite literally said that I was scared to talk to you in Twitter. Why are you backing down like a bitch after I agreed? Don't forget that what Trev is leaving out of that screenshot is that he said he only made it to 2nd base in his own fantasy LMFAOOO
>>16428411kek what a virgin bitch
>>16428405Do you not own any lighting in your shack? You do not need daylight to create shadows
>>16428422Yes exactly Trev. You admitted to being a virgin in that very thread AHAHAA
>>16428411lmao I remember him sperging out on the raincoat, hard to blame him on account of the silo upbringing thoughanyways fox cancelled slopdown
>>16428440I too remember you saying that even in your made up fantasy you didn't have sex because you had no protection. The only play you've gotten is your dad ass raping you LMFAO
>>16428394>size 46 btwBut enough about your waist
>AHAHAHAHA he doesn't know what a jimmie hat is KEKYeah, or he's under the age of 50. I'm leaning towards the age thing.
>>16428426>he can't tell the difference between natural or artificial light>>16428422>>16428440The raincoat is honestly a better shitpost over the silo, you can tell it really bothers him. Especially since it reminds him that he's never touched a woman kek
>>16428463>first result for "jimmie hat" is a redditor not understanding that referencelol stop telling on yourself Inceltits
>>16428466>Maybe if I keep replying to myself he will stop bringing up that even in my own fantasy I'm still a virgin Yo Trev don't think that I forgot that you still dodged Twitter because you're a fat Irish Mick AHAHAHAHA
>>16428466You're such a fucking faggot. That's your new sobriquet. Thanks for the new term to find your posts by, btw, only you would be retarded enough to use a word like that
>>16428454I don't think I've ever heard you talk about having sex with women. You talk about pedos and gay stuff constantly but never anything about grown women. Why is that?
>>16428475Your search results are cultivated based on your browsing history, so you're telling on yourself by being on Reddit all the time
>>16428479Now he's angered by verbiage beyond sub-GED level kek. >>16428482You finna know!
>>16428482>>16428491What do you mean? The last time you got mad because I said I had sex with your Mom remember? Wow you're leaving out a lot of details. To be clear I said you're a pedo and that you get raped by your dad. Which you agreed to both. Don't forget this is still you trying to change the subject because you dodged a Twitter chat that you asked for AHAHAHAA
is rovert ridin' solo on his wrestling figs again?
>>16428504Yeah this is legit the highest meltdown he has ever had. Apparently he is afraid to chat on Twitter because he's fat lol
>>16428504nah that's bt ridin' silo
>>16428508>btHe doesn't want to say "that" word again. We must be approaching 50k instances of him spamming it.
>>16428501Only incels make "your Mom" jokes after high school>>16428489I don't use Google lol>won't even try denying that it was him>>16428508KEK GOTTEM
Bitchtits having a melty and doing the J O B to Hogwheels wasn't on my christmas list, but I'll take it all the same.
>>16428479you sound mad>>16428482kek he isn't going to like this
>>16428520He's been jobbing out to BVLLvert the entire time he's known him, ever since his first overture towards him (Bitchtits is a spurned homo is what I'm saying)
>>16428514>>16428520>>16428520>ONLY ONCE A.MAKE MOM JOKES>Btw in my own fantasy I'm a virgin Well I know you're into underage girls so I thought a highschool level joke would be perfect for you. Also notice how he didn't once bring up him dodging he's scared AHAHAHAAH
>>16428501>hears "sex with women" >can only think of momsvery weird
>>16428532Don't look now but he's replying to himself again, this is when you know he's really upset.
>>16428491>sobriquet There's 6 results in the archive, 4 of them (spanning 2+ years of post history) before today which are all by you and 1 making fun of you. You spend a lot of time wondering out loud about other people and their education levels, and whether or not they're out of touch with society, and here you are memorizing archaic terms that aren't in common or literary use, and that even well-educated people would categorize as pompous, overly-obscure dickhead language. It's not even latinate so you can't hide behind that either. Grim.
>>16428532have scientists managed to locate and isolate the First Contact between silotits and BVLLvert on twitter?
>>16428540>he never heard the word sobriquet and was so confused he had to check the archive
>>16428532>>16428542>cuckhold terminologygrim
>>16428540that's cool and all but have you ever considered that you just got triggered by a single wordprops to based lachlan for cancelling slopdown btw
>>16428535>>16428542>Talks about being attracted to underageJoshis>Yes the Mom thing is weirdAnother self own by Trev the crippled pedo! Btw don't forget you dodged AHAHAHAH
>>16428520judging by this current meltdown he's hitting the meth pipe pretty hard
>>16428534>ONLY ONCE A.MAKEThat's not how you spell high school Bitchtits. No GED?>>16428542It was probably a DM>>16428540lmao the pseud-int MELTIN'
>>16428560You know you lost when you have to start using the picture you got from the gay sub you were browsing. Btw this homo actually added the QOS lmfao
>>16428475I looked it up on Google and Bing, and the top results are UrbanDictionary and Jimmie Johnson hats. Could it be you're making things up because you're a fag with no argument? Wouldn't be the first time.
>>16428565Why were you posting selfies on a gay sub?
>>16428270>that talk to youkek>acts like mistakes by other people are the end of the world>has to pretend his own mistakes never happened or his arguments implode
>>16428563You would know exactly how to spell highschool eh Trev the pedo? Btw don't forget you're not even bringing up you dodging anymore. What's scared crippled bitch AHAHAHA
>>16428535lol Bitchtits is the guy who had the meltdown over "t. Mommy issues">>16428567>he only knows 2 search engineslilbruh is getting debatebro blueballed
>>16428573That's not my selfie, thanks for admitting you were browsing gay subs lol
>>16428577>Maybe if I keep talking to myself he will stop bringing up me being a pedoSorry Trev not only will I not stop bringing it up. I'm also gonna keep talking about you dodging LMFAOOOO
>>16428586don't you ever get tired of doing the job lmao
>>16428577>that talk to youNo GED? Is this why Rampage got cancelled?
>>16428593You asked me to talk to you on Twitter and than when I said yes you backed down. You got raped just like your dad rapes you.
>>16428574pseud-int BOILIN'>>16428576>Bitchtits thinks knowing how to spell "high school" is difficultGED>>16428579gottem
>When you make a grammar mistake, it means you don't have a GED>When I make a mistake, it means you're mad AND you don't have a GEDThis is why nobody respects you in real life and you have to pull your gaywad act on /pw/ at 5am
>>16428614>Once again admits he's a pedoTrev the cripple is so drunk and angry right now he just said "gottem" to someone who said he is in fact a fag browsing gay subs LMFAOOOOO WHAT A DUMB CRIPPLE
>Raincoattits constantly talks about parental incest and gay sexThis isn't even funny, it's just sad. MFer needs serious help.>>16428593It's the only way he's ever gonna have anyone on top of him loool
>>16428629>pseud-int uses a cat to avatarfag while admitting he's on here @ 5 AM localJesus fucking Christ.
>>16428633>Stop talking about my dad raping meDon't forget that Trev isn't only mad that he just exposed himself as a fag. But he's also mad because in his own fantasy he's a virgin. Also he's mad because he backed down on Twitter lmfaooo
>>16427589kek they really did this
>>16427874I know you take lots of drugs so you probably don't remember, but this post is from this thread.>>16427874>>16427874>>16427874Do you see the flag? It's from the Faroe Islands. Local time in the Faroe Islands is 5:37AM right now
>>16428652Let it go lil bro and post chest
>>16428655Now you're setting because you got exposed for seething at 5am lmao
slopdown got cancelled it's true. maybe if they took the title of romanetty sooner they could have avoided this fate, but alas. vince turned out to be a bbc cuck too obsessed with shitting on prostitute's heads to worry about his dying fed. sad state of affairs ..................
>>16428637Reaction gifs aren't avatars by the way you dumb fucking retard
>>16428639I'm not mad. I almost feel sorry for you. WWE clearly was just an escape from your shit childhood.Unrelated: when's the last time you held a nude woman in your arms?
>>16428532>(Bitchtits is a spurned homo is what I'm saying)Now it all makes sense
>>16428655We don't post our most recent Grindr messages here>>16428661let me guess, we don't sign our posts here>HE DID IT, HE DID IT, YESSSS, HE ENDED HIS POST WITH IN INSULT
>>16428668>WITH IN INSULTuh-oh spaghetti-os!>>16428661>UH IT WASN'T AN AVATAR IT WAS A GIFlol you're still on here BOILING @ nearly 6 AM
>>16428666>I'm not mad>Crying at 5AMYou're a 55 year old cripple who spends all his time on here and on Twiter, you shouldn't be feeling sorry for anyone but yourself. The last time was like 2 months ago, when was the last time you only made it to second base in your own fantasy LOL
silobros......... not like this .......................
>>16428676turn your monitor on mate
>>16428678Trev you've been getting raped worse in here than your dad rapes your asshole lmfao
>>16428633He's wolfie. He's legitimately obsessed with incest and ass rape
>>16428676>bitchtits admits he's also seething on here @ 5 AMNoticing a pattern.>Bitchtits pretending he's into womenlol>or that women are into himLMFAO
>>16428676>ltime zonesholy grimola. these pigs needs to get a clue, and FAST
>>16428680Monitor is on mate, remember I saw you saying "gottem" to this >>16428579 which was literally a comment saying you browse gay subs like the fag you are lol
massive amount of spelling errors from this "bitchtits", I think hes a dirty brown person from India and not Pakistan.
reminder that this current melty started over a week ago when bitchtits came clean and admitted he wasn't allowed at thanksgiving due to children being present
>>16428688It would explain his seething hatred of the Irish. And 92 posting.Notice he did not deny having WWE as his only escape from a shit childhood.
>>16428669I already showed you my time zone, don't you remember? I changed the clock on my PC to Cairo, reloaded 4chan (which changes the time on the local page), screenshotted and posted it, and you suddenly stopped responding because you were too stupid to think of a comeback.Where should I be from today? You're stupid enough to believe anything, so how about I'm from Azerbaijan today? brb
>>16428689The siloed one REALLY REALLY likes women
>>16428693could just be the meth
look like someone need to take her meds, turn her monitor on, and get her ged kek
>>16428696They act the exact same way and have the exact same enemies. bitchtits is so clearly wolfie and iyoschizo
>>16428695I think he also once admitted his neighbourhood doesn't have any minors residing. Noticing a pattern...>>16428697>I changed the clock on my PC to Cairo, reloaded 4chan (which changes the time on the local page),lmao Bitchtits thinking he's slick when he's such a redditor he doesn't even know about 4chan optionsI don't remember this conversation I never had with you. Do you really not believe multiple people clown on you?
>>16428689It's 9:48 PM here, thank you for confirming that you are in fact in Ireland seething at 6AM now. Again you already admitted to being a fag here >>16428579 so you can't really get away rom that one.>>16428691Yes you are in fact in a timezone where it is almost 6AM and you're still seething.>>16428693No errors here Rovert. That's just your diabetes kicking in again
>>16428697>I changed the clock on my PC to Cairo, reloaded 4chan (which changes the time on the local page),
slopdown got cancelled kek. raw too from what hear KEEEEEEK
>>16428695That explains why he spent Christmas here last year
>>16428695Don't look now but Rovert the pedo is trying to change history. This whole silo thing started because I said he couldn't be within 100 ft of children (because he is a pedo) and then he said that 100 FT would be too far from basement to dinner table. Because remember he is in fact a pedo>>16428700Yes I do in fact like women Rovert, I'm not a homo LMFAO>>16428711Now that would be you, I remember you saying you couldn't be near children (Your nephews) because you're a pedo
200+ posts of hogwheels/bitchtits schizo kino.
>>16428709a lot of the more schizo things about this place made a lot more sense when it became clear bitchtits was also iyofag
>>16428722>>16428727>Still replying to himself>Trevor admits he was here during ChristmasAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH the pedo can't help owning himself
>>16428712kek Bitchtits is spending his Saturday nights FUMING in here, why don't you go visit an Irish bar? Some nice lass might teach you how to put on a raincoat.1 (You) in that post btw>>16428723My only sibling doesn't have children.
sufferin succotash son, will this fat piggy EVER stop squealing about the new dealy???
>>16428711>I don't give a fuck what time it is in Bangladesh, saar. This is not your board. You're not wanted here.>kek projection like this is yet another reason why I don't take (You) seriousLY>lel the only person sitting around here is (You) waiting to screech about all the things that BULLied (You).> >reminder: the pseud-int lives on the West Coast meaning he's writing up all those screeching diatribes in the middle of the nightDefinitely wasn't you lilbro. I wonder what I was thinking, my bad.
>>16428731>6 am>I'M TOTALLY NOT THE ONE SEETHING HEREYou keep talking about Irish bars, is that where you failed in your own fantasy to get laid? Wait so your best lie is your only sibling not having nephews. So you do admit to being a pedo though? AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!
Honestly Hogwheels do you ever get tired of always losing?
>>16428730Bro, I'm going to be honest with you. You've called every single person on this board trevor or hogwheels at some point. We all think you're a paranoid schizo based on that alone.
>>16428724I'm Team Bitchtits but that motherfucker is constantly shooting on me>>16428714Try it yourself lilbro. Search bar: Change the Date And Time. Do one thing: change it to Kathmandu, sir. Do the needful.
>>16428743>anything that contradicts what I say is a lieThis explains a lot about your inability to process reality.>>16428739lol it's nearly 6 AM and you're boiling over shitposts from months ago.It really hurt when you found out you weren't even as smart as you thought you were, nevermind pretended to be eh?
>>16428736afraid no>>16428756How many times did he call you rojama?>>16428751afraid so
>>16428751I've only called (you) Hogwheels and Trevor. Don't get it twisted. Just like so far (you) are the only person who asked to chat on Twitter and than dodged like a bitch lol>>16428757Wait. Is your new cope that it isn't almost 6am? are you going to pretend you didn't say you only made it to second base in your own fantasy. Can you not keep up with your own lies?
>>16428763>He's still replying to himselfLOL
>>16428763>afraid noso she admits she will never stop squealing. sad. very sad .........
everyone posting in this thread is an obsessive obese loserexcluding me obviously mods please delete this entire board
>>16428739kek this is like the shit you see taped on the wall of a serial killer den
>>16428757Kindly review the attachment, sir. It is just shy of noon today, I am about to going and purchase some tasty naan bread
>>16428772I would be a little afraid, but you're crippled so you can't kill anyone except your own heart lol.
>>16428765Just to prove a point bitchtits you mentally ill retard. >>16428751>>16428693this is you calling me rovert and then telling someone whos not me that hes also rovert and the only person you call rovert
bitchtits is iyoschizo
>>16428772yeah, bt really do be giving off that aura i'm afraid
>>16428765It's not even AM where I live kek.>only made it to second basePorktits saying this when it's 2 more bases than he's gotten to in his lifetime kek>>16428777That post was mocking (You) lilbro
>>16428712>>16428780you just mass reply to multiple different people and call them all rovert shoot mental illness
>>16428776Even a retard like Bitchtits knows how to change timezones on here lol. Literally the post above yours even says it.
>>16428724watch this
>>16428780>Stop calling me by my name!This could have all been solved by that Twitter chat you wanted remember? but you backed down like the bitch you are.>>16428783I've never once posted about Iyo on this board, I know you're mad you lost but let's focus on you dodging the Chat and NXT getting raped.>>16428785>Still talking to himself>>16428787It's the screenshot! this proves anything. You already admitted to being 6am don't backtrack now. That wasn't directed to me, there are multiple people here making fun of you Trevor.
>>16428789>STOP CALLING ME ROVERT IT'S NOT FAIR!>>16428795So that's why Trev always talks about a GED, no wonder
>>16428798>this proves anything.kek how Freudian. Everything after this in your posts reads like a madman attempting to convince himself.
keeeeeeek it looks like we need a third game thread to commemorate the cancelation of raw piggies are squealin so hard i'm afriad
>>16428795KEK, bitchtits got worked all fucking night by a falseflag what a mentally ill schizo as evidenced by him calling multiple different people Rovert.>>16428780>>16428785Both of us can't be rovert you mentally ill gyno patient.
>>16428798>ChatImproper! No GED? He won't deny never knowing a woman's touch either.>>16428806a LITERAL falseflagsupreme kek
>>16428803Is this your cope of you seething at 6am dodging a Twitter chat that you asked for? sounds like you're coping>>16428806Rovert is once again seething about being called Rovert LOLLLL>>16428808Correct, you asked to chat on Twitter than backed down like a bitch. What do you mean? I told you I had sex recently when you asked, you're the one who said in his own fantasy he only made it to second base. LOLLL
>>16428771kek you're more right than wrong>>16428763Bitchtits '24 is completely unable to pick up on sarcasm, he keeps friendly fire (You)ing me>>16428794Tell it to Sobriquet-bro. He's afraid of computers or something, can't figure out basic system operations.
>>16428795based>>16428806Everyone is Rovert. And Ojama. And WOS ('memba?)>>16428815lol Bitchtits pretending he fucks. At least he's been shamed into no longer going "your mom" because even he sees how much it undermines him.
Bitchtits pretending he didn't see the post revealing he got worked by an American all night, kek ya love to see the reality denying bitch.
Hogwheels got destroyed in here
>>16428818Stop replying to yourself
holy cannoli this pig is squealing!!!
>>16428818You're replying to your sobriquet boogeyman now. Can't you do anything right ya pseud-int? Oh no...>he keeps friendly fire (You)ing meOr maybe you're both intolerable shitheads even to each other.>>16428825You know something's got him bad when he just flat-up refuses to acknowledge it. Not as humiliating as the raincoat saga but it's a worthy runner-up.
The iyoschizo aka bitchtits didn't go to college and lost his job. Probably shoot does need a GED
>>16428824>Still replying to himselfWhat do you mean? remember when I said your Mom you were fuming about it for a week, even talking about "YOU NEVER FLEW TO IRELAND!">>16428825Oh I saw it. Just once again proves that the Irish crippled mick is here.
>>16428795the silo-ence is defeaning
>>16428832>>16428833>>16428835>>16428840>>16428844>RaincoatJust to be clear you're talking about you not using protection in your own fantasy admitting you are a virgin right? and again you already tried that one. I have not once posted in any Iyo threads, the funny thing is you taking a screenshot of you being there. Another backfire for Trev the pedo!
>>16428835Wal-Mart really did fire him, afraid so.>>16428838>EVERYTHING PROVES MY DELUSIONS RIGHT!I don't fume about anything you do, Pigtits. Although I am disgusted when you start up the pedo fanfics.
>>16428795thats a good trick
>>16428833>flat-upSobriquetbro seethed jej
>>16428849>Walmart did fire him>EVERYTHING PROVES MY DELUSIONS RIGHTYou can't even keep track with the bullshit you say. And use I have you fuming on here daily. Disgusted? Trevor you can try and back track all you want you ADMITTED to being a pedo.
>>16428848lol not a single post you're massreplying to even mentions the raincoat, way to let us know it bothers you.>>16428844>silo-encekek>>16428854Here's a resource you sorely need:https://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=Flat%20up
>>16428848holy schizoli take your fucking meds dude
>>16428857Acknowledge this>>16428795
Hogwheels has been doing upper body workouts his entire life in the form of pushing his chair meanwhile bitchtits has the body of a fat 35 year old butch lesbian, I think that hogwheels takes him in a 1 v 1.
>>16428795lmao silotits is fucking shook, not sure ive ever seen someone get worked this hard. what a fucking twist.
>>16428861I flat-up refuse to go to that link. I flat-out refuse to go there as well KEK
>>16428871no lies detected
>>16428857>And use I haveBitchtits nothing you say matters you refuse to acknowledge observable reality. Watch:>I am not Irish nor have I ever been to Ireland>I am not a pedophile (for me it's a honey @ 23)>I am not homosexual (too bad for you huh?)>>16428873The raincoat one is funnier just because it's such an unforced error by him
>>16428795bitchtitsetty ETHERED
>>16428861>Switches browsers again>>16428833> Not as humiliating as the raincoat saga but it's a worthy runner-upYou can't even keep track of your bullshit because of all the samefagging you do LMFAO. >>16428864You've already tried that one Trev, like I said I don't post 200 times on Twitter daily.>>16428869I did, I already said that means that I am still talking to the Irish mick. Scroll up so you don't look retareded
This entire thread is just Carter talking to himself
>>16428795bitchtit bros
>>16428861>>16428875And just by the by, I'm the first one who mentioned UrbanDictionary in this thread. CTRL-F is your friend but you flat-up refuse to use it kek
rapedtits with shades of nash
>>16428871>>16428873>>16428877>>16428878>>16428879Don't forget again this is all Trev the pedo and he is still trying to backtrack admitting that he is a pedo.
>>16428889he got 92'd in this thread kek
>>16428885Carter has talent. Hoggers does not
>>16428871>>16428873>>16428877>>16428878>>16428879i always post in these threads about /pw/ being an upper body business and hogwheels likely has more mass from pushing a chair and you never refute it, I have nothing to do with your schizo faggotry but you have flabby tits that hang.
>>16428889>>16428898>I CHALLANGE YOU TO A TWITTER DUEL>NO WAIT I DON'TYou got crushed Trev.
>>16428875>>16428887So you know what Urban is but you're still this dumb and uncool? No wonder you got so upset when exposed as some pseud-int.>>16428890>State multiple facts Bitchtits cannot handle>refuses to even address them
>>16428878the raincoat thing was funny but not surprising because he's clearly dumber than dog shit. this one has the added bonus where he's clearly ignoring it instead of doing his usual mass reply schizo bullshit because despite being fucking retarded understands how bad it makes him look lmao
>>16428908Lol what? I have addressed it awhile ago, you're thinking of not addressing you admitting you're a pedo.
what is wrong with this pig? if i were his parents (not possible as i would have raised my son right) i would have him put in an institution. maybe he need to take a shower, hit the weights, get a clue, get his ged, and hug his mother .......
>>16428907So are we getting the Twitter duel?
You almost have to respect bitchtits for jobbing to multiple opponents and hogwheels for close to a threads limit, he's a good solid worker here on /pw/ even if he always does the job.
>>16428882>retareded>>16428907>CHALLANGEG-E-D! G-E-D! G-E-D!
>>16428914>Replies to himselfI've addressed it multiple times actually. I remember saying that you in your own fantasy had to lie about only making it to 2nd base.>>16428917Trev is still fuming cause he dodged his own Twitter chat LMFAO
Option 1) Sobriquet-bro, of his own volition, said flat-up because he was thinking of picrel -- which was submitted by Barbara_Bangkok and has 0 likesOption 2) Sobriquet-bro meant to say flat-out but said flat-up instead because no matter how much English he learns, he'll always be ESLCombinationof“straightup”and“flatout”bros, I don't feel so good....
>>16428920>>16428921>>16428922>>16428930Yeah are you ready? or are you gonna continue to dodge like the bitch you are. Don't forget you asked to chat with me and than backed down because you're a 55 year old morbidly obese mick.
>>16428795yeah i knew something had to be going on in this thread when it was nearing bump limit
>>16428933>>16428936You are an Irish pedo. And no there is no honey at 23 that was your own fantasy rember?
>>16428917A grain silo is like an institution.>>16428916>I am not Irish nor have I ever been to Ireland>I am not a pedophile (for me it's a honey @ 23)>I am not homosexual (too bad for you huh?)>>16428914It's so much funnier because it was dumb just that it outs him as a shut-incel. We knew of course however the confirmation? Resplendent.
>>16428922Your posts on here are flat-up storking traj KEK
>>16428939I'm not him I just wanna see the Twitter duel. Hogwheels we need you to step up and Twitter duel bitchtits like a man right now!
Trev you deleting replies now? OH NO NO NO!!! >>16428933
>>16428947>remberim the guy who pointed out I thought you were indian but I'm not hogwheels, you are a mental patient.
>>16428921He's too stupid & shameless to understand humiliation. Speaking of which...>>16428931>>16428953>muh likesYou're desperate pseud-int. No matter how much you make your little serial killer dossiers on me, you're never going to feel better about your delusions of intellectuality getting shattered.
>>16428795a cautionary tale to all the young workers on this board - go into business for yourself at your own risk. your opponent can always do the same.
>>16428951>SiloDon't forget this still comes from him being outed as a pedo. Yes I agree that it is very funny that you had to lie about your own fantasy not getting laid because you had no condom.
300 posts of bitchtits doing the J O B.
>>16428980fraid the fuck so
>>16428980>Doing the jobRovert don't forget that it's 6am where you live and you still lost. Btw you dodged Twitter LMFAOOOO
>>16428974>lie about your own fantasyThis is how deep the Bitchtits ODD goes.>>16428980Another hundred more and he'll have one for each of his lbs!
Bitchtits got cancelled
>>16428980afraid motherfucking so
>>16428980so it seems
>>16428988He got cancelled from society and is now in a silo because he's a pedoSILOPEDOOH NO
>>16428986Correct you lied about only making it to second base. Even in your own fantasy you didn't have sex because of you not having a rubber. Still replying to himself AHAHAHAHAH
>>16428795by god almighty, it can't be
>>16428988>>16428991>>16428993>>16428996Don't forget that this is all still Rovert and he's mad because he dodged a Twitter chat that he asked for. Yes he is afraid because he is a cripple from Ireland. Never forget LOLLLL
>>16428998>This is a lie>but also it didn't happenHe's actually unhinged kek
>>16429010>all rovert even doe i'm the third (You)
>>16429017passportbro literally broke him
>>16428980it do be like that
rovert, make a new game thread, i haven't had enough bitchtits tears for the night
>>16428965Fing of it is, lad, me picking on you is like you picking on Bitchtits '24. You understand that, right? We're both picking on people far beneath us.Thanks for the new material btw, flat-up sobriquet-bro. Remember how much you used to say "rejected AEW midcarder"? I wonder what else I can BULLy you into not saying kek
>>16428795put me in the screencap
>>16429017>>16429019>>16429031>>16429032>>16429033>>16429038Is this all still Trev seething because he dodged a Twitter duel?
kek he's typing hard right now
>>16429054He's still not mentioning the Twitter chat he himself brought up LMFAOOOOO
>calls condoms "rubbers">doesn't know what "raincoat" meansyou just know this mf has asked at least one AI "what does sex mean"
>>16429061No one calls it a raincoat. That's just something you picked up on your fave site Urbandicontary to try and act like you get laid when in reality in your own fantasy you don't have sex lmao
i used to be on team bitchtits but he lost me as a fan when he switched boogeymen from ojama to rovert
>>16429072id prolly be a virgin too if i lived in a silo lmao
>>16429078>id prolly be a virgin tooNo "prolly" about it Trev, you already admitted to being one. Mr 2nd base (In his own fantasy) lmfao
>>16429038You're not like me, though it's patently obvious you wish it were the case. For someone who desperately wants to cultivate a perception of intellectualism you sure got RATTLED by "sobriquet".
>>16429050BITCHTITS YOU MOTHERFUCKER STOP (YOU)ING ME YOU FUCKING BITCH or I'm never coming to your aid again. Asshole.
Trev is broken
>>16429096>PrinceLmao no wonder you get ass reamed by your own father>>16429097Shut up Trev
AND NEW>>16429103>>16429103>>16429103
>>16429096>Prince - 19999When do you think this song was written? 1998? Normal people do not say the following words any more: jimmie hats, raincoats, honeys, fly, dope, the mad notes, wack.....I can go on
>>16429097>>16429114pseud-int boilin'. Why the fuck do you keep bringing up "jimmie hats"? Exactly how brutal was the humiliation for you when you didn't know that one either?>.....oh these are my FAVOURITE
>>16429096Wait so it seems like Hogwheels really is 55 years old. His terms are from the 90s and late 80s lol
>>16429127>Bitchtits is such a shut-incel he doesn't know expressions that have been around for decadesYou're only burying yourself here, Siloboy.
>>16429159>Trevor is such a boomer he only knows old sayingsYou've buried yourself hours ago after you asked to chat with me and than backed down like a bitch. Pedoboy.
>>16429179I along with the rest of humanity would never ask you to chat with me. The post likely doesn't actually exist kek>old sayingsYou called them "rubbers" kek, nobody's used that since the 80s
>>16429123I know they are, you've used them yourself. Do you not remember? That was the entire genesis of me searching through all your usual terms on the Archive, I wanted to find any posts where YOU used ... while making a point. And I found plenty.Literally all you have to do is stop being a gaywad hypocrite and 90% of my criticism of you would disappear immediately. But you are addicted to the power you get from treating others differently than you treat yourself.
>>16429207You quite literally asked me to chat, you said I only talk about you on here that I wouldn't be man enough to talk on Twitter. Also are you really saying that rubbers is an old saying that doesn't get used? I know you're mad you lost but come on Trev
>>16429217>he still doesn't know why I'm making fun of his [mis]use of ellipsesI don't give a shit about "power" lol. You can't even speak English. Psych is WAY beyond your level.>Do you not remember?Pseud-int slowly cottoning on that not everything is about him
>>16429207>I along with the rest of humanity would never ask you to chat with me. The post likely doesn't actually exist kekOr he got worked by someone larping. This is the same guy that got scammed out of $500. He's not very bright
>>16429220No link?>rubbers is an old saying that doesn't get used? Afraid so.>>16429233kek what's the $500 lore?
>>16429223Look it up, pussy. And you can post the screenshot yourself because you got me banned for posting the screenshot the last time>>13506200>So you admit it's not a channel? You might say RAW was...CANCELLED...from TV?Your words, not mine. Also a great example of an unconventional use of ellipsis, the same type you criticize from others. Typical hypocrite behavior.
>>16429244No link to you asking me to talk to you on Twitter? You asked how could you forget. No one uses Raincoats. You're just lifting yourself as a boomer
>>16429253You're so upset you STILL can't figure out why I make fun of your [mis]uses. Really living up to your pseud-int sobriquet.>he's seething over posts from FEBRUARY>>16429258>just lifting yourselflol what dialect is this supposed to be in? "No GED"? No link?
>>16429244>kek what's the $500 lore?A guy claimed he had the real names of pw users. Bitchtits paid $500 for the fake list
>>16429267So you do know how to use the catalog. So you understand my post was from August, pointing out your non-standard use of ellipsis in February, correct?Explain to everyone, if you could, why it's OK for you to use ellipsis incorrectly but it's the end of the world if someone uses 4 dots instead of 3. Go ahead, we're all waiting patiently.
>>16429271what a mark>>16429274kek he's SO close, he might actually shed the pseud-int sobriquet!...NAH
>>16429282Any dumbshit can go to Thesaurus.com and find and use a word like fulgent or adroit. It takes a native speaker to know not to use a word like ADROIT to describe a pro wrestler, and if you do, you'll be 1/1 on 4chan doing it. All your buzzwords are the the passcode, the Open Sesame I type into the Archive, and suddenly a huge amount your post history unlocks.It's not really serial killer-esque, but it is a fun detour to take when you're getting a little too big for your britches and need to be knocked down a few pegs.
>>16429329>Any dumbshit can go to Thesaurus.comI know, you just proved it.>suddenly a huge amount your post history unlocks.Why do you think I care about this? You can be as mad as you like. Making your own existence a Hell of your own design isn't my problem loool.A shame you'll never find the Open Sesame to make you feel better about getting exposed as pseud-int.
>>16429356That's just the thing tho, innit? You're so predictable, so boring, so mundane, you run through all the same routines repeatedly because that's what you're comfortable with. You aren't comfortable breaking out brand new complex constructions and novel word choices. You've stopped growing. As a result, it makes YOU incredibly easy to spot in the Archive, but me? You've no idea how to do it because I'm constantly metamorphicating into something else.Now go drop metamorphicating into the Archive. 0 results. Will I say it again? Probably not, but if I do, it'll be to you directly just to fuck with you. That's my intelligence level, and you don't share it and never will.
>>16429394>You've no idea howI don't care. Also don't have a wounded ego so doing little serial killer checks like that aren't necessary.>That's my intelligence level, and you don't share it and never will.Correct, I'm not a tryhard pseud-int.btw: archive isn't a proper noun. And here I thought misspelling "..." was embarrassing!
>>16429394>I'm constantly metamorphicating into something else.We know. You're also wolfie and Iyoschizo. You think you're slick, but you can't even differentiate your gimmicks. You talk the exact same way so we know it's you
>>16429440Nah this isn't Bitchtits. He's somehow dumber than someone who doesn't have a GED. KWAB.
>>16429267The "dialect" was a typo. That has nothing to do with you dodging like a bitch lmfao. Also no one uses Raincoats. You're old as shit Trevor.
>>16429462>Also no one uses Raincoats.Well, as we've established (You) obviously don't KEK
>>16429467The difference is no one uses the slang Raincoats while you don't use them either in your own fantasy or real life because you're a virgin KEK
>>16429460Yeah lilbro I'm the serial killer but you've been trying for a year now for me to drop my credentials. I have to explain to you what a flat adverb is and correct you saying flat-up instead of flat-out, but I'm the insecure one without a GED, right? kek>>16429439You do realize your hardline prescriptive grammarian tendencies give you away as ESL, right? No two native born speakers would ever argue about things like atypical ellipsis usage or what words should and shouldn't be capitalized in low-register colloquial settings.You owe it to yourself to read an Intro to Linguistics book lilbro, I think you would learn a lot. Then you might learn how it's so easy to pick you out in the wild even without Reddit-spacing and greentexting.
>>16429499I've literally never once put in any effort when engaging with (You) lols>but I'm the insecure one without a GEDno I said you're stupider than NoGEDtits, but thanks for self-reporting. You're definitely insecure though.>You owe it to yourself to read an Intro to Linguistics bookIs that why you're like how you are? Explains a lot.>Reddit-spacingHaven't you repeatedly begged me to come join you there?
>>16429495>nobody uses ithttps://letmegooglethat.com/?q=raincoat+condom
>>16429531I'm not generally this pedantic because everyone has their own way of speaking. But the way you constantly act like a little fag every time someone makes a minor grammatical mistake is grating. You can't just talk about wrestling and have a battle of ideas, you're constantly trying to chop people's legs out from underneath them and take the easy way out. It's coward behavior and you deserve to be put in your place for doing it.>I've literally never once put in any effort when engaging with (You) lolsExplains the errors in judgement as opposed to saying that/than, the the or other orthographic oversights
>>16429553>A less commonHoly shit Trevor really is an old boomer LMFAOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!
>>16429579Thanks for agreeing that I don't put in any effort with (You).Notice you dropped the "spacing" this time, I guess even a dimbulb like you noticed the hypocrisy.>to be put in your place Laughing at how I've occupied the cavernous dome of a pseud-int's headspace (rent-free) for at least a year? While I'm here, you should get all those pesky intrusive unprompted homoerotic thoughts looked at. There's a LOT of them.
>>16429592Commonality does not reflect chronology, NoGEDtits.
>>16429628Trev took 5 mins to answer because he was mad he lost. Old boomer thought it was a popular term but the virgin lost like he always does LMFAOOOOOOOOO Btw still waiting on Twitter you scared bitch. You said I feared you remember? LOL
>>16429645>WHY DIDN'T HE REPLY IMMEDIATELYpoor Bitchtits lol
>>16429651>Doesn't deny he's an old fat boomer who thought people used the term raincoatTalk about fucking grim. But yeah... virgins gonna virgin.
>>16429660I haven't Bitchtits this desperate to flip his pignorance in a long time. Remember when you thought a raincoat in sex was to help with "wetness" lol?
>>16429674>I haven't Bitchtits thisDamn Trev is getting sleepy, this dumb fuck can't even type anymore. Right because I made the joke that you can't get a woman wet because you're fat. You're so mad that you outed yourself as a boomer. Raincoat LMFAOOOOOOOO
>>16429680>I made a jokeYou did, but not for the reason you think so. He truly believed it was a literal raincoat.
raincoat = chaqueta = handjobIf you're wondering why not-Hogwheels is going so hard, that's why, he wants to talk about handjobs with you
>>16429694A bit esoteric, no?
>>16429610Coming from the man who literally sits around fixating on the few words of every post so he can break out>Turn on your monitor>We don't sign our posts here>But enough about youOr any of your other gay ass one-liners you use because you're too stupid to just engage with the arguments. The Arch--excuse me, the archive, remember? Every buzzword of yours is another 50-100 posts I can pull up and see all your sucker-bitch behavior on full display.You have the most fragile ego on /pw/, by far, and we've got the post history to prove it.
>>16429692Correct I made a joke about you not being able to get anyone wet. You're mad because Raincoat isn't a term anyone uses besides fat boomers from the UK. Emphasis on fat and boomer. Btw for anyone who doesn't know the full story Trevor said that he didn't have sex with someone because he didn't have a Raincoat (For anyone not a boomer Raincoat means condom I guess) so in his own fantasy that he made up he didn't get laid because he didn't have protection. This dude could have said he hooked up with Anna Jay but even he knows in his own fantasy he doesn't stand a chance LMFAO
>>16429716>Trevor>UKFlagtits once again showing his lack of a GED>>16429710Yeah that's not proving me wrong li'l pseud-int. You're extremely upset that I belittled your intellect (lol) nevermind that I won't engage (You). Still mad I won't join you on reddit?>fragile egonahyouare(he thinks I'm the only person who uses these btw, he's enterting Bitchtits levels of schizo)
>>16429740It's exactly as I described earlier, prosaic sobriquetbro. You use literary words that nobody uses in normal conversation, even in a high-register situation. You call other people shut-ins, but your vocabulary is demonstrative of someone who sits around using words but never speaks them verbally, only types them out.Everything out of you is a projection.
>>16429740Correct Trevor you do in fact live in the UK. Why you keep talking about GEDs I have no idea.
>>16429740>entertingSER(You do see how annoying that is, right? Imagine I no-sold your entire post and only focused on your minor typo. Then once you rightfully called me out for ducking you, I insisted you were bubblin' and boilin' and need to wash your tits. There's no way you can't understand how juvenile that kind of behavior is when you do it.Beggin ya to leave the past behind, flat-up bro. If e-drones are being e-drones, then put them in their place. It's not that difficult. Call Dave an idiot, SRS a dipshit, AEW isn't worth 2 billy and proudly state you root for the upstart despite their ups and downs. Anyone fucking with you from there looks like a bootlicking idiot. But you don't get to have it all ways at once, and play the "my billionaire > your billionaire" game.
>>16429791>he thinks Ireland is part of the UKBitchtits really is the perfect WWE consoomer.>>16429784>>16429837>doublereplyinglol>your vocabulary is demonstrative of someone who sits around using words but never speaks them verballyThis is an obtuse way to cope with knowing you don't have the biggest vocab gun in /pw/Glad to know you're upset however. The schizorant was just icing on the crap cake. At least you dropped all the homophobic epithets. Can't imagine why.>he legit sat here seething and re-reading my post for 10 minutes
To commemorate this thread I will now call you ‘Flagtits’
>>16429892>>16429901Ireland isn't part of the UK? Granted all I know about it is potatoes but I was sure it was. Btw don't forget that you're an old boomer who says "raincoat" lmfao
>>16429901I want my credit sir!>>16429944>but I was sure it wasOf course you were. That's why you believed the Faroe Islands was its own flag. Why would part of the UK not be using that flag? G. E. D.
>>16429944No, Flagtits, it’s not part of the UK, just like how you thought the flag of the Faroe Islands was the Republic of Ireland’s flag
>>16429892I can call you more gay names if you want. It's no more despicable than calling people retarded, downie or otherwise making fun of their mental ailments.
>>16430083No I'd rather you come to terms with your own sexuality thanks. Maybe you & Flagtits can go out. Make sure to wear a raincoat!
>>16430086Sounds like something a transsexual AGP would convince themselves of>This person called me a fag>This person called me a tranny>That must mean they want to have SEX with me!>I should up my dose of titty sprinkles tonight, heeheeIf only the world worked the way your mental delusions tell you it does
Passportits still seething in an all night melty
>>16430094>trans shit outta nowhereI don't think you want to have sex with me...actually now yeah.>AGPdon't know what this means but I'm sure it's a self-report kek
>>16430012>>16430031>>16430106>>16430107I can't believe you wasted hours of my time just to dodge. I own you now Trevor. It's legit over >>16430104
>>16430107the word tranny was 1st mentioned hours ago>>16428294once again sobriquetbro, it's the height of faggotry to insist other people not act in certain ways, but you yourself deviate from those norms constantly.
>>16430127Bitchtits-levels schizophreniaTell me again anyone else is gay when you know whatever the fuck "AGP" means pseud-int>>16430118>implying your time has value
>>16430147If you don't know what AGP means, then how are you so certain it relates to sexuality? It could be something about wealth, height, anything.Self-report
>>16430147>Admits he dodged I mean more than yours. I'm not a fat cripple who's a burden to my family. Your own parents have to wipe you lol. Btw you dodged. I won.