>Calendar for schedules:https://en.puwota.com/puwota tweets out the day's schedule in English and Japanese every at 6am JST https://x.com/puwota>Where to watch:AJPW: https://www.ajpw.tv/NOAH/DDT/Michi Pro/Zero1: https://www.wrestle-universe.com/enDragongate: https://dragongate.live/GLEAT: https://www.youtube.com/@LIDET_ENTBJW: https://bjwcore.com/FREEDOMS: https://www.youtube.com/@freedoms6464Osaka Pro: https://www.youtube.com/@user-bm6he4ct3f
>>16443038>/puro/ General is backBabasan and Inoki-san are smiling
Dragongate news>BIGBOSS Shimizu has been suspended indefinitely, pending an investigation into a suspected contract violation. We ask for your patience & understanding until the investigation is complete. Dec 15 - Final Gate card>Madoka Kikuta, Ryoya Tanaka & Luis Mante vs. Ben-K, Riiita & Mochizuki Jr.>Strong Machine J & U-T vs. JACKY KAMEI & Daiki Yanagiuchi>Ultimo Dragon, Genki Horiguchi, Yasushi Kanda & Toru Owashi vs. Masaaki Mochizuki, Don Fujii, Problem Dragon & Punch Tominaga>Special Singles match: Hyo vs. Kuroshio TOKYO Japan>Open the Triangle Gate Champion Team Decision Match: Paradox (BxB Hulk, Susumu Yokosuka & Kagetora) vs. Z-Brats (KAI, ISHIN & Yoshiki Kato)*Due to the absence of BIGBOSS Shimizu, the 90th champion team have vacated the titles. The 91st champion team will be decided in this match.>Special Tag Team Match: Shun Skywalker & Homare vs. Naomichi Marufuji & Takashi Sugiura>Open the Twin Gate Championship Match: Kzy & Flamita (c) vs. Kota Minoura & Jason Lee>Open the Dream Gate & Brave Gate Double Title Match: (Open the Dream Gate Champion) YAMATO vs. (Open the Brave Gate Champion) Dragon DiaDec 17 - Korakuen Hall card>Ben-K vs. Hyo>Problem Dragon & Punch Tominaga vs. Takashi Yoshida & Ho Ho Lun>Ryu Fuda, Mochizuki Jr., Daiki Yanagiuchi & Akihiro Sahara vs. Z-Brats (KAI, Jason Lee, Yoshiki Kato & Homare)>Ultimo Dragon, Shachihoko BOY & Super Shisa (with Chocoflake K-ICHI) vs. Genki Horiguchi, Yasushi Kanda & Kenichiro Arai>México contra Japón: Luis Mante & Flamita vs. JACKY KAMEI & Riiita>Paradox (YAMATO, BxB Hulk, Susumu Yokosuka & Kagetora) vs. Masaaki Mochizuki, Don Fujii, Toru Owashi & Shuji Kondo>This is DRAGONGATE - 3-Way 6 Man Tag Team Match: Natural Vibes (Strong Machine J, Kzy & U-T) vs. D'Courage (Dragon Dia, Madoka Kikuta & Ryoya Tanaka) vs. Z-Brats (Shun Skywalker, Kota Minoura & ISHIN)>Konomama Ichikawa Retirement Match - Bosou 10 Match Series Revival - Fin: Konomama Ichikawa vs. Hiroshi Tanahashi
>>16443069>>BIGBOSS Shimizu has been suspended indefinitelyHuh?
>>16443079Dragongate has been cursed with either GLEAT luring away their talent by promising them big pushes (Kaito Ishida) or talent that breaches contracts because they'd rather smoke weed in Mexico (SBK & Takuma), who then end up joining GLEAT. We'll see if Shimizu takes his punishment or if he runs off.
I hope some day CMLL can work with other Japanese promotions
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uocsd2osLIQBaka Gaijin is on now
PPP Tokyo is also on now
>>16443069>no mariaREEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE>>16443099Shimizu had a great spot, what a retard to fuck that up
don't let the puro thread die agains fags
>>16444440If no one's posting in it then it deserves to die
>>16444444Digits of death
>>16444444fuck you
>>16444444get fucked
Tokyo Sports 2024 winners>Tag Team: Saito Brothers>Outstanding Performance: Yuma Anzai>Fighting Spirit: Kaito Kiyomiya
Make Michinoku Great Again
>>16445393nah that's you
I'd post more in these threads if I didn't half to wait 10 years for the captchas. Anyway Real World Tag League finals was based. I'm looking forward to hr New Years puro shows.
>>16446935To this years*
Shota Umino's theme is wasted on him.
>>16447636>shota is waste
There are a crazy percentage of cute girls at the brookes bar shows
>>16444444'fraid so
>>16448627Yeah, and Antonio Honda is flopping all over them.
>>16448659>he doesn't know marika tani
>>16448784Meant for >>16448652
>>16443069They were on the greatest Triangle Gate run in company history and now it just ends. What a let down, but Shimizu probably felt like he was never going to be "the" guy when Shun/Yoshioka/J/Kikuta/Minoura/Dia are all clearly ahead of him. Plus ISHIN has surged and Kato looked great in his return. He was always going to peak at funny fat guy, kind of like Cyber Kong.
This topic better be up when I check tomorrow or there will be hell to pay.
>>16449036Probably won't
Anyone seen the Zero1 match that was getting buzz?
>>16448985Well, no he clearly wasn't, but he had some kino matches as Kikuta's challenger
>>16444444It's hard to keep it alive when other threads are constantly getting necrobumped
>>16449202console wars truly killed this board
>>16443038State of those belts
>>16443069>Shun Skywalker (28) & Homare (20) vs. Naomichi Marufuji (45) & Takashi Sugiura (54)>Kzy (38) & Flamita (30) vs. Kota Minoura (25) & Jason Lee (32)>YAMATO (43) vs. Dragon Dia (26)Dragongate has a pretty good youth movement going on.
So were male centric Japanese wrestling threads active at the beginning of this board or further back on /asp/? At this point even the biggest company in NJPW rarely gets a thread outside an event, generals dried up this year.
>>16449650I seem to recall having AJPW, Cyberfight & DDT/Wrestle Universe generals. Eventually they all merged into the puro general but they've all been downed by waifu threads and consolewarring
DDT Road to Ultimate Party 2024 in SHINJUKU has started
>>16449805Don't care
>>16449805Do care
>>16444444well fuck
>>16450240Why didn't you post about it then?
>>16449187Ihaven't paid attention to Zero1 since the Masato Tanaka anniversary show.
>>16445178The full list.MVP: Zack Sabre Jr. (NJPW)Women’s MVP: Sareee (Freelance)Best Bout: Yota Tsuji vs Hirooki Goto, 3/20 NJC Final (NJPW)Best Tag Team: Saito Brothers (AJPW)Outstanding Performance: Yuma Anzai (AJPW)Fighting Spirit: Kaito Kiyomiya (NOAH)Technique: Shinya Aoki (Freelance/DDT)Best Newcomer: Boltin Oleg (NJPW)
From what I could find in the archives, here's the attendance numbers of the top promotions from January to July.>NJPW (84): 162029 fans>Dragon Gate (108): 57891>Noah (59): 43728>Stardom (68): 41840>AJPW (40): 33997>DDT (60): 30337>BJW (94): 17224>TJPW (34): 13928>Marigold (17): 11485>Gleat (19): 8185September:>1. NJPW: 18,175 (13 shows, 1,398 average. Excludes 2 overseas shows with no reported attendance)>2. DRAGONGATE: 6,433 (12 shows, 536 average)>3. STARDOM: 6,191 (10 shows, 619 average)>4. DDT: 5,026 (10 shows, 502 average. Excludes 1 show with no reported attendance)>5. AJPW: 4,926 (6 shows, 821 average. Excludes 1 show with no reported attendance)>6. NOAH: 4,444 (7 shows, 634 average. Excludes 3 overseas shows with 964 total reported attendance)>7. Marigold: 3,382 (7 shows, 483 average)>8. TJPW: 1,944 (4 shows, 486 average)>9. BJW: 1,935 ( 8 shows, 241 average. Excludes 4 shows with no reported attendance)>10. >GLEAT: 525 (2 shows, 262 average)November:>No.1 NJPW: 19,534 (15,987 including 1,022 from 1 U.S. show, + 3,547 from NJPW/Stardom joint show. 16 shows, 1 w/o reported attendance, 1,302 avg.)>No.2 Stardom: 9,207 (5,660 + 3,547 from NJPW/Stardom joint show. 13 shows, 708 avg.)>No.3 AJPW: 9,025 (12 shows, 752 avg.)>No.4 Dragongate: 8,787 (18 shows, 488 avg.)>No.5 DDT: 7,495 (7,106 including 447 from 1 U.S. show, + 389 from DDT/TJPW/DEFY joint U.S. show. 12 shows, 1 w/o reported attendance, 681 avg.)>No.6 NOAH: 4,423 (10 shows, 3 w/o reported attendance, 631 avg.)>No.7 TJPW: 2,230 (1,841 including 405 from 1 U.S. show, + 389 from DDT/TJPW/DEFY joint U.S. show. 6 shows, 371 avg.)>No.8 Marigold: 1,988 (7 shows, 1 w/o reported attendance, 331 avg.)>No.9 BJW: 1,404 (8 shows, 1 w/o reported attendance, 175 avg.)>10. GLEAT - 898 from 4 shows, 224 averageIf anyone can add up August, October, we can get nearly the entire year accumulated.
>>16450456>zsj won mvpa grim year
>>16450524>NOOOOO A HECKIN GAIJIN WON YAMATO HAS FALLENWeebs are parhetic wastes of space
>>16450578It's more that I think ZSJ isn't very good but hey whatever gets you going man
>>16450524This is the single most grim time I can ever think of in Japanese wrestling. There used to always be at least one promotion producing kino with based wrestlers. Now?....it's either bad or average across the board. There's not anyone who really stands out anywhere.
>>16450915Anzai has a little something but he's quite literally stuck in the AJPW phantom zone where he might as well not exist at all
>>16450927Yeah, All Japan has been my favorite Japanese promotion this year. Unfortunately their top stars are big fish in a little pond, and the pond isn’t growing big enough for them. I hope that with Davey Boy Smith Jr. being there, they can get a concrete partnership with MLW.
>>16450964And have all the MLW shitters infest the place, no thank you.
>>16450996Not that anon but DBS Jr is the fucking Triple Crown champ, bro. Nothing is stopping them from infesting in the first place, might as well get something out of it.
>>16450964Kojima is a top guy there, don't know if that would prevent it
DBSJr as champ and Hokuto-gun’s mini monsters are not a great end to the year for All Japan. Having a handful of guys at 5’8” and 300lbs that are less athletic than Jeff Cobb is a shot to the heart of the old land of giants.
Ok but have you considered that rising hayato is cute as fuck?
If Kaito left NOAH would that be the end for real this time?
>>16451194He won’t leave because he rather be #1 in the #6 promotion than #6 in the #1 promotion in Japan
How are we feeling about the two Dome cards?WD looks like pure ass. I am really looking forward to Naito vs Hiromu.
>>16451273I hate two day shows when the promotion don't have enough interesting stuff going to warrant two shows
>>16451273Kingdom is a downgrade with 2-3 solid matches (TV/NEVER/Naito+Hiromu) plus Tana/EVIL will be fineDynasty is just lame as fuck
>>16451042speaking of Cobb>https://x.com/RealJeffCobb/status/1866062450539540829
>>16451273Not gonna watch them live. Not gonna watch the whole things. That bad.
>>16451273Dynasty would be better as a show after the New Japan Cup, at the Budokan or Sumo Hall. Not a day after New Japan’s biggest show of the year. It deflates Wrestle Kingdom.
>>16451273Wrestle Dynasty is literally just AEW jobbers with a vague connection to New Japan coming in to eat some pins. Omega excluded. It is a pure filler card. The main dome show has shaped up decently if you are a fan of the current crop of guys.
>Fourway Junior Tag Title MatchShould have been Jet Setters vs. Ichiban Sweet Boys and that would have been based so instead we have cringe.>Mayu vs. AZMIt will probably be good and no-one will care including me>TV Title ThreewayWould have been based if it was just Oiwa vs. Cobb.>Evil vs. TanahashiWill be terrible, but the live crowd will like it.>Shingo vs. TakeshitaYay more AEW guys taking our titles! Thank you Tony Bakan.>Douki vs DespyDouki has had a good run this year, but I always have a hard time investing in shindy looking guys. Will be good though.>Finlay vs. TsujiThe G1 playoff match was good and I expect the same here. Hard to say who is gonna win since they both have matches on 1.5, but I'm hoping Tsuji.>Naito vs. HiromuPerhaps the only real match on this card that feels meaningful even if it is just two mates having a friendly game.>Zack vs. Umino... No thanks. As cringe as Commie Sabre Jr. can be hopefully he sends Umino away. I expect him to be tethered to Tanahashi's last year anyway.
>>16452042>No based boomers booked Shan't watch.
>>16452042>Fujita wins>Oiwa wins>DOUKI wins>Tsuji wins>Umino winsReiwa generation takeover baby
I'd rather this thread die than have most of the discussion be about shit nihon puroresu
Noah's New Years show looks good, but I'm not sure I can muster caring. I'm kinda over Noah with how it's been booked for the majority of the year. I'm more interested in what All Japan is doing right now.
>>16452107Contrarianism and is a mental illness. Being a hipster isn't a personality.
>>16452107Then let's speculate on Shimizu's suspension in DragongateMy guess is smoking the chronic on his downtime
>>16452281monkey abuse?
>>16452281It's contract season and he was probably caught talking to CIMA about joining GLEAT.
>>16452484so he can smoke weed in mexico with SBK and friends and be on dimeless AAA shows clearly
If we are looking at major cards might as well do Noah too.>Battle Royal Matchfiller>GHC Junior Heavyweight Tag Team Title MatchMeh. Flippy shit to get the crowd going. I miss Harada.>Eight Man Tag Team MatchFiller, but should be fun.>El Hijo del Dr. Wagner Jr. vs. Galeno Del Malbased>KENTA vs. KenohKenta will try so it will be based>Daga (c) vs. EitaDaga is still a shitter.>Manabu Soya (c) vs. Masa Kitamiyabased>Naomichi Marufuji & Takashi Sugiura (c) vs. ??? & Jack Morriscould be based or cringe depending on who the X is. (I'm guessing Yoshitatsu)>Shinsuke Nakamura vs. Ulka Sasakibased, but could suck. Nakamura's quality of work is pretty poor these days, but he should be able to walk Ulka through a match>Kaito Kiyomiya (c) vs. Taishi Ozawabased for being this bold, but it could be a disaster so either way I'm all in.
>>16452956National title and lucha brothers are the only respectable matches
>>16452956>but could suckIf it isn't unwatchably boring I'll be shocked
>>16452674GLEAT will be the #10 promotion in Japan forever. It will be the TNA over there and somehow never die.
Big Coach Prime guy
Maya Yukihi ripped her shoulder big time at a Strong Style Pro Wrestling show.
>>16455572I'll have a coom in her honor tonight
>>16452281Sucks for him but probably earned. Also Natural Vibes has been around for like 7 years now and it's time to end it. Let SMJ lead a new faction with all the loose pieces hanging around right now.
>>16455962If only so that Kzy can finally get that Dream Gate.
>>16443754Dude was in the Kzy generational spot of looking like a threat but never being able to sniff the Dream Gate. Shot Put Slam is still extremely protected.
>>16448985Dude was dimes as Big Ben, but devolved into Rikishi "tribute", Bokutimo Slop, and greasy sleazeball in the last little bit of RED. Dude had potential.
>>16449467They fucking HAD to because CIMA stole a bunch of their talent and the Big Six got fucked by injuries. Doi is winding down is career, Tozawa is in WWE, BXB Hulk is broken down, Yoshino is retired, and there's only so many times you can put the title on YAMATO.
I was kinda fading out of All Japan after that Mid Aoyagi run into DBS Jr. But that tag league was great and now I'm back in again. Hopefully they do something cool for the New Years show.
>>16455994the Homare push is fucking sick though. Dude is 20 and had his debut in September>Part of the October tour's main event (Losing Unit Member Elimination match)>Challenges for Triangle Gate in November>Set to team with Skywalker against Marufuji & Sugiura in the big December ppv
What are some recent shows I should watch bros
>>16456764Tag Wrestling has always been something All Japan could hang their hat on.
>>16457150All Japan’s Real World Tag League finals.Any DDT Korakuen show.NOAH’s Monday Magic shows are usually fun.
>>16457150King of Gate finals was good
>>16458674Doing that in an empty building is quite embarrassing.
>>16459054He's used to it
>>16459811Nah All Japan actually draws when they run their shows. They average like 7 to 8 hundy. see: >>16450496They just don't run that often.
>>16450496I was thinking Marigold was gonna catch friendly games despite only running like half the year, but the attendance has fallen off a cliff following the grand prix. Dragon gating notwithstanding.
>>16443149thanks for the reminder; this chick i follow on X was supposed to be a ring girl but i guess it never happened
Jun Saito double champ coming soon.
>>16450496I did the September/November numbers, and I'll probably do a December + full year count next month. Possibly including smaller promotions if I'm feeling extra autistic. I don't think the January - July numbers are completely accurate (I didn't do those ones) so I'd have to go through and double check all of them
>Don't ever talk to me or my daughter again.
>>16460577There was another anon that did those first 7 months but stopped doing it. I think he did the same procedure that you used, excluding overseas shows.
>>16460389Jun is based and I would prefer him over DBSJr
>>16460970Same. Davey has been okay, but I could never really get into him or his father's work.
https://www.tokyo-sports.co.jp/articles/-/327127>"We won’t poach or use them."* On the 12th, GLEAT President Hiroyuki Suzuki issued an unusual statement addressing the "suspicions" that have surfaced on social media and other platforms. >The suspicions regarding GLEAT stemmed from an announcement made by DragonGate on the 9th. The organization stated on its official X (formerly Twitter), *"Regarding BIGBOSS Shimizu, there is suspicion of a serious contract violation. We are currently investigating the matter, and until the investigation is concluded, Shimizu will be suspended indefinitely from competition."* >Following this announcement, comments on social media and news sites began buzzing with speculation that GLEAT, which includes many former DragonGate wrestlers, might have engaged in "poaching." President Suzuki denied these suspicions, firmly stating, *"Every time these kinds of stories come up, similar accusations arise, but as far as we’re concerned, there’s no truth to us poaching anyone."* >Building on this, he emphasized, *"That said, I want to say this here because I want to avoid situations where Dragon Gate fans feel uneasy every time something like this happens."* He then continued: *"I promise that any wrestler who has left or been released from DragonGate after July 2023, even if they become free agents or join other organizations, will absolutely not compete in GLEAT’s ring starting from today (the 12th). However, we will continue to work with wrestlers who have been part of GLEAT since its inception or who have competed for us up until now, as long as our relationships and contracts remain intact."* >The handling of the suspension itself and the developments moving forward are likely to draw significant attention.
>>16461387did this dude just blackball himself from every 'major' puro fed in japan
>>16461387Dude is really scared of people calling him a poacher. That aside what in the world did Shimizu do lol.
kek ya gotta love the kenster. ya gotta love that angry motherfucker wwwww
>>16461387Moral business practices are crazy sacred in Japan and this guy is overcorrecting just to keep options open with other companies... all while staying #10 in the country.
>>16461387the more time passes the more Gleat looks like a dollar store Dragongate>CIMA and Stronghearts show up after hopping from promotion to promotion>SBK & Takuma is fired from DG, instantly show up in Gleat>Kaito Ishoda quits DG, instantly joins Gleat>Masato Yoshino retires, instantly joint Gleat as commisioner
Eventually Cima’s presence will be nonexistent with the DG locker room. Honestly if you want to follow the guy then just leave and be the pin-eater for T-Hawk in GLEAT.
wasn't new japan supposed to have poached lindaman by now
>>16462523i dont see why he'd go. Gleat must be paying their Guys bank if they can keep them mostly exclusive while only doing a couple of shows a month.
>>16462036i love this aesthetic. manabu looks dimes
>poaching this>contract breaching thatI would love if promotions actually "hated" and competed with each other.
nothing wrong with poaching desu. most japanese promotion have done it
>we should be all friends and work togetherFUCK THAT
>tfw no morishima return
>>16463600The All Together shows this year were massive failures. They should be trying to end each other like the joshi promotions.
>>16461387This thing has to be a Yakuza money laundering business right
>>16462036Based>>16464217Shoot mentally ill unfortunately
>/puro/ has been up for 3 dayscan we do it? can we revive this general?
>>16464798Hope so. It's usually the best thread on this board. Although it's unfortunate that Inoki guy pretending to be a mod sperged out and got perma'ed
>>16464794obviously. In no way can they have that roster and only run 3-4 shows a month.
>>16464720It also doesn’t help that still have a pecking order in the collaboration shows. For example, New Japan must go over ever puro promotion but bends the knee to AEW. And Noah goes over everyone except New Japan and WWE.Collab shows are going to be predictable and uninteresting due to that. Only way All Japan can win a match against New Japan is if it’s someone like Miyahara pinning someone in the low card like Kosei Fujita. Heck, last year at an All Japan show a team of young lions beat a AJPW young boy, a low carder, and one half of the All Asia Tag Team champions.
>>16460844Why so many old Japanese wrestlers have cute daughters?
>>16464794Yes. They are drawing 300 fans per show and putting them up for free on YouTube. There is no income to speak of.
https://x.com/michipro_jp/status/1867590983833313589Based Sasuke still trying and failing to kill himself
>>16465664what did he land on because holy fuck
>>16466110A polar bear
>>16461387kek Shimizu better get used to eating tacos and paying off cops because his ass will be stuck wrestling in Mexican indies
>The game hasn't started yet The Joker fired a gun, Trump (Sasuke) was hit and he came in holding his ears lol
>>16467608im surprised michipro can still turn up an audience
>>16467978Nostalgia is big in Japan
>>16468402naziclown ass take
>>16468451i love clussy
>>16467978who was the draw though? probably not The Great Sasuke
>>16465304>why do athletes who marry hot woman have attractive children it's a mystery
>>16469771Space War is the draw.
>>16470693Why is he a zombie
>>16471045has been for a decade
Folks, we love puro. We love puro, don't we? Not that lousy sports entertainment. Our Oriental friends are making the best - the best - puro.
Puro is dead
>>16451062This man speaks the truth. Hayato will draw the yen from Aunties.
Kota Minoura's new look, channeling/mocking Ben-K
>>16472902I miss himbo Minoura but this is honestly a great look for him. It's like zoomer Chono.
>>16472200Nah I am
>>16471325It will never be his time anon
>>16475214I'll fucking kill you
>>16475423These young boys better be straight
I feel like AJPW is on the precipice of a break out. Perhaps in a couple years from now we will look back on this as the start of a sort of new golden era. At the very least them solidifying as number 2 in Japan would be nice.
>>16476405I hope so.
>>16476405they'll need some sort of TV deal
>>16478281This. NOAH only just got a tv slot after years, and they have a lot more money/influence behind them. All Japan would need to increase their houses and get buzz in Japan for someone to offer them tv.
>>16479228Aren't TV deals in Japan pretty negligible compared to just drawing houses. They already mog Noah as is in that department.
>>16479228What TV slot did they get? If you mean the Abema show then they've had a slot there for years since their parent company owns it
Two bongs until Dragongate's Final Gate show
Is the All Japan show tonight getting streamed?
>>16479920even the midnight deals AJPW and NOAH had in their prime helped out
Dragongate live, first match live on youtube>Madoka Kikuta, Ryoya Tanaka & Luis Mante vs Ben-K, Riiita & Mochizuki Jr.Eng stream - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LQY3G7mrYkoJP stream - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jp-CwlxsRIc
>>16481427Ikemen Jiro is on now
>>16450915I know this is the puro general but the G1 was great and are you really going to shit on ZSJ vs Takagi?
>>16481826NJPW is too mainstream for the annoying puro contrarians, they're never going to say that they liked something from it
>>16481928yup, this anon is correct
>>16481928too many gaijins infesting the puro scene
Gleat × ddt
>>16481955>muh gaijins You will never be Japanese
Any other matches for Big Japan’s 30th anniversary show that we know of besides Sekimoto vs. Cobb?
>>16482488He's right tho
G1 was decent but NJPW has failed to do anything with it and still has no real sense of direction.
>>16482494Sekimoto is the only notable talent they have so probably not
>>16482986Takuya Nomura is goodI miss Yuji Okabayashi he was great
>>16483186Is Yuji retired?
>>16483367He has been on "indefinite hiatus" for over a year I doubt he’ll come back
Solid show from Dragongate with overall disappointing results. At a time where they should be moving stories forward and crowning the next generation, Yamato now has a vice grip on their two singles titles and his old ass teammates just won the trios belts.
>>16483673as I said >>16473502
>>16483673hes dropping both belts to ichikawa so he can retire as double champ
>>16483673I don't mind the trios belts, they are the least important belts in DG imo. But I'm sad that they culminated Dragon Dia's hype from all the extra hype he got from NJPW appearances with a loss.
>>16483673The Z-Brats split down the middle, Jacky turn and next steps for Gold Class should all be in motion by now.
Kzy is taking the belt off of Yamato
>>16484293Anon... his time will never come
>Not so fast pal. You ARE an ajpw dot tv subscriber, aren't you?
what do you think big bros, he coming back next year?
>>16485663Ren would be big yen if he didn't have such a ratty face
>>16486219Must have been a slow week
>>16443069>Ben-K vs. HyoHYO better join Gold Class here after the shit run he's had
>>16470693>>16487448Which one will be worse?
>>16488945KENTA can’t really go anymore
>>16489138Neither can nak
>>16488945the impossible choice. Both will be shit
I stopped watching NOAH after they let Kaito look like a bitch in NJPW. Who the fuck are Ulka Sasaki and that dude who’s challenging for the GHC Heavyweight title?
>>16489689Ozawa is a dojo graduate of theirs that came back from excursion. Ulka Sasaki is a former MMA guy with a 24-10-2 record across Shooto, UFC, and Rizin. He has had a soft spot for wrestling since his youth, but chose to finally become a wrestler after the Nakamura vs. Muta match.
Has /njpw/ been rolled into here yet? It makes more sense than having two Jap generals that don't stay up
>>16489854Are they popular? Why do they get big matches at the biggest show of the year?
>>16489876Well we don't want this thread to turn into 200 seethe posts about aew so no
>>16489887Think of Ozawa's spot as equivalent to when Tsuji returned and immediately challenged SANADA for the world title at Dominion. Except Ozawa has an actual storyline tied in where he's trying to expose Kaito as an immoral fraud. Sasaki is more along the lines of Brock or Ronda coming in with press from MMA giving the promotion a boost.
>>16489887>Why do they get big matches at the biggest show of the year?What about "former MMA guy with a 24-10-2 record across Shooto, UFC, and Rizin" did you not understand
>>16486219Is this a recent cover? Last I saw his cancer was back
>>16489887Ulka is a prominent midcard talent that has name recognition due to his background. Ozawa has been one of the few dojo graduates with a Heavyweight ceiling, so there's some hope for him in the future.
>>16489876We don't like Nujapoo here
>>16491064>Baba + RamenmanHonestly the most based team
>>16491470who are the two caricatures on the bottom right
>>16491534Looks like Robin Mask and fellow brit Dynamite Kid.
>>16490312nah thats from 2022
>>16491064Miyahara unimpressed with dirty gaijin
>>16492802Aw :(He's one of my GOATs, I miss the nigga
>>16491064Kinnikuman stays based
today brothers
>>16488945won't be as bad as ibushi vs marufuji tbqh
>>16495126this'll be dope
>>16495384Peace out Stalker - thanks for the memories
>>16495384Live. Starting of with free youtube stream>Ben-K vs. HyoJP Stream - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XAaGUMt38Q4ENG Stream - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=adEoX4bKzoc
>>16444444hmmm you may have a point
Balor just dropped his tag belt
>>16444444nah u do
>>16495999probably not, though I have a feeling that omoibito is omos
>>16496691Isn't that KENTA?
>>16497029RIP Dragongate youth movement
>[Beppu All Japan Pro Wrestling Special Effects Movie]>It has been decided that a short film will be produced in collaboration with Ultraman series director Taguchi Kiyotaka, hot spring prefecture Beppu, and All Japan Pro Wrestling!>And starring Anzai Yuma and the Saito Brothers!>The contents are a secret, but doesn't this photo get you excited?https://x.com/anzai_AJPW/status/1868946589295034800
>>16497693either yuma is taller than i thought or the saito brothers are shorter than i thought
>>16498219Anzai is 6'2" and the Saitos are 6'4"All big by modern standards but I too thought the brothers were at least 6'6"
>>16495999Knowing the trend, it’ll probably be Satoshi Kojima.
>>16497783whats the occasion?
https://gamebiz.jp/news/397663>CyberFight, in the fiscal year ending September 2024, reports a final loss of 212 million yen, widening the deficit and becoming insolvent... The company also operates DT Pro-Wrestling, Pro Wrestling Noah, and Tokyo Joshi Pro-WrestlingWho is the dead weight here?
>>16499650NOAH and DDT
>>16499650Wrestling in general. They have to lower the budgets or even go pay per appearance. They can stop squeezing the penny when the recession ends.
>>16499650Oof. First thing I would do is review talent contracts and cost to bring in foreigners. NOAH especially put out that call for western talent, hoping to capitalize on someone who would bring in more English-speaking fans, but clearly that didn’t pay off. Ditch guys like Titus Alexander, save the cost of flying them out and putting them up. Then take a look at how you setup shows. Abema covers a lot of general costs, but save some coin by going pipe-and-drape outside of major events. Even New Japan does that on tournament events outside of Tokyo/Osaka.
>>16499650Takagi has said before that TJPW is the only CF promotion that runs in the black. If NOAH and DDT were profitable then their respective heads would absolutely be letting people know (as Takeda did when NOAH had a profitable January last year)
>>16499650gotta be the old geezers at Noah
Ichikawa retirement show was really good imo
>>16499650This is the group WWE chose to partner with?
>>16501074Huge crowd too
Looks like Muto is finally getting a hip replacement. I'm surprised he left it this long
>>16499650i'm curious how the new CF president will do with a full fiscal year
>>16502990having a metallic knee must feel bad desu
>>16504137Old ass nigga
>>16503239Tanahashi is underrated at comedy
>>16503877NOAH having the best production values in wrestling is always weird
So it looks like Suwama might slowly be phasing himself out All Japan. He renamed his promotion and dropped the women's only aspect.
>>16505346abema producers make those
>>16505381I figured it was bound to happen after his “last shot” against Anzai. He’s a legend, but All Japan needs the youth movement to move forward, so the entire Evolution faction should step aside.
>>16504137straightest man in japan
big japan
>>16507669more like OLD japan
"I love Zen Nihon" - DBS JR