when I use /pw/ memes on other boards it attracts other /pw/ anons and we defend each other with our memes but on /pw/ we console war what mental illness is this
>>16554544This is wrestling
>>16554544It's like having a younger brother.When you're with your brother, you bully the shit out of him all the time. But when someone else bullies him, you step the fuck up and got his back.We're all brothers here.
>>16554556(continued)Also helps that a lot of the hate is kayfabe. I take turns shitting on both companies while taunting fans yet I watch both on occasion. I'm more inclined to jump in on the WWE side but I probably prefer AEW out of the two.Many such cases, I'm sure.
>>16554556>>16554582Makes sense. We look out for each other
>>16554582>I take turns shitting on both companiesI lean heavily into picking the AEW side because naturally the war is going to be lopsided but I can make the switch and have done when I feel the demand is there. Everything is a work brother and you should know that before solving your first captcha here
>>16554608Exactly! When I'm elsewhere on the web I promote all wrestling, regardless of the source.>>16554615Well put. That's like half the fun of this place. I get into flame wars with people here at times but it's always important to keep in mind that it's all in good fun.We're all just bustin' balls
>>16554544It’s big brother/little brother mentality, I can beat up my little bro but if someone fucks with him I’m straight up fishhooking someone’s eye out
>>16554556No, I hate all of you little piss ants
>>16554582I spent years on this board and /asp/ defending WWE during its worst period spamming “record profits tranny” and other buzzwords. I had hundreds of pics saved of cringey AEWtists to respond to any discussion of AEW. Now that people love WWE again and everyone hates AEW, I switched to defending AEW and calling everyone sloppers.I just love being contrarian bros!
>>16554905Lmao. Based but you probably triggered me countless times when AEW was shitting on Vinceslop every week
>>16554544Same for every circle/fandom/interest group.You're a faggot and worse, probably watch AEW.But if I see some 'rasslin fan on other boards they're still above other retards.
>tell myself it's just a gimmick>legitimately get worked nearly every day
>>16554544when i see you working other anons form other boards into shoots with /pw/tisms i just finna help ya. /pw/'s like a family and nothing is stronger than family and it is too goddamn funny to see marks having a melty over silly comebacks.
>>16554544>>16554556>>16554608>>16554582>>16554941Why /pw/ users are such assholes man children in /pw/ and are the best anons you can see outside their board? What is the cause of that?
>>16554987clearly means the users of every other board are somehow even worse than us
>>16554987Honestly no idea. maybe /pw/ anons are more refined and matured then others and know everything is a work.
>>16554987Like I said, we're all busting balls here. And we go hard here, I literally have no energy to fight with people elsewhere.Plus we understand kayfabe. Most people outside wrestling have no understanding how that works, yet it runs the world.
>>16554881Oh, well, you personally, we all hate you.Most the rest of the people around here are fine.
>>16554987Well, you see. /pw/ have a very strong culture finner based on drawing the dimes by being heels or faces; (You)'s in a nutshell. Console wars and boogeymen are nothing but a worked shoot and everyone here after a while, know it is just kayfabe. When you're on a another league, it's good to have a tag-team that knows the business to get over and draw the precious dimes. 'rasslin's a part theatre and theatre all a work into the psychological aspect to get a story over and pop the crowds and /pw/ users are better with the 6th art than the others. tl;dr: Forming a tag-team with you will make you both get over and make everyone have a good match and draw. Rather than go alone in the match and try to bury you just to finally get himself worked into a shoot or exposed as a jabroni.
>>16554987oppositional defiant disorder
>>16554544No more brother wars, brother
>>16554987You are using /asp/ memes and running into /asp/ies on the other boards, not lim/pw/rists
>>16555136So this is what /asp/ users look like huh?
>>16555175who is this a chad?
>>16554905Stop working me into a shoot you cunt
>>16554544The enemy of my enemy is my fren
>>16554544You tell me.
>>16554918>>16555194>tfw you’ve been called both bitchtits, ojama, and rovert numerous timesCHAOS CHAOS
>>16554544We’re just stupid niggers
>>16555182looks like a pedophile jew to me
We are enemies on /pw/ but brothers in arms on other boards
>>16556044I've been called bitchtits, ojama, rovert, liam, hogwheels, hennimore, wolfie numerous times.
>>16554550*PLAP, PLAP*>*PLAP, PLAP, PLAP*
>>16554582I shit on both companies, but more WWE because I genuinely haven’t watched AEW in over a year so I wouldn’t even know what to shit on them for lol
>>16554544Every other board from /sp/ to /vr/ to /r9k/ know /pw/ for>still tonyHonestly tony is a bigger joke in /sp/ than /pw/ since there are no jaguars or fulham fans that autistically defend him
It’s simple:/pw/ = The Boysother boards = not The Boyseven wrestlers who hate each other respect each other as the boys
You guys are such faggots
>>16558454We don't sign our posts here
>ranking different boards >ranking usersthis shit is reddit2 but what did I expect from fat wrestling fans
>opinions are reddit
>>16554544Kek I found some /pw/ chads on either simp city or the other major one. Someone posted a megamind picture and I replied no milly.
>>16554987Because the biggest console warring faggot schizos never leave /pw/ and the few of us that actually come here and banter with each other post on other boards
I have no actual ill will towards everyone except for Koreans so yeah, i don't hate you guys
Stare at your own face
>>16554556No, I fucking despise everyone on here and would probably call the feds on them if the feds gave me $50 thousand I wish you’d all would die. The other boards I go on are cool
>>16559581Sadly, they have no personalities outside consolewarring, it's really quite sad when you think about it
>>16559951Shame you can't be cool as well, you belong hereOne of us - now, then, forever
>>16554544Because /pw/ slop actually becomes funny when it leaks containment here, partially because no one gets what it even is. For example, I always pop when I see a 92/KWAB meme on another board even though it's pure cringe here.Best way to describe it is how Bret Hart was the top heel in America in 97 but a huge hero everywhere else.
>>16554905POST FOREVER
>>16554905What a heel!
>>16554544It is the taliban mentality. We can fight with each other but outsiders are always the number one enemy
>>16554544It’s brotherhood anon. Nobody can make fun of your brothers except for you.
/pw/>ok how you know>you tell me>so you dont know>afraid soOther boards>ok how you know>*long ass shit or google link*>so you dont know>*ass devastation*