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/pw/ - Professional Wrestling

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ya muddah
Skye Blue
ask Phil
Obviously Cathy is one of them.
every female wwe wrestler before 2014
>Major Gunns
>Torrie Wilson
>someone i won’t name, RIP
>few nitro girls
>most of the godfathers hos

>Skye Blu
>Anna Jay
>Brit Baker
>Alexia Bliss
>Sasha Banks
>Charlotte Flair
>most of the nXt locker room
forgot one
>Alicia Foxx!!!!!!
>someone i won’t name, RIP
What a faggot.
NXT locker room, desu.
Most wrestlers already live in Florida as well. System is set to get a bunch of fit 20 year olds over there and guys on the roster can come in anytime. Plus, Phil is clearly a coomer and we've seen how often he went there. We also saw Jey with Jaida. Wouldn't be shocked if that's how they justify rats nowadays.
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Awww sweet an incel thread
Nah the the democrat thread is on >>>/pol/
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The GOAT of locker room bicycles
You forgot the bicycle Bautista rode into the payment.
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Why no mention of this bow legged thot
Add Saraya and Chelsea Green
lol, I hope that nigga got sum ass for selling for a 90 pound Japanese school girl. GCW is so cringe.
I think they use the backstage fuckfest as a means of building and maintaining comradery. AEW had good morale in its earlier years because everyone was fucking like rabbits and doing lots of drugs.
Skye Blue
You Tell Me
surprised it took this long to bring up Paige, who got DP'd on camera and all the pictures with the cummed on belt and stuff
daniel garcia

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