I miss this thread so I’m making it again, even though the format’s offCurrent Tour - Road to The New Beginning2/4 - The New Beginning in Osaka2/19-2/28 - Fantastica Mania3/6 - 53rd Anniversary Show3/7-3/20 - New Japan Cup3/29-4/4 - Road to Sakura Genesis4/5 - Sakura Genesis4/11 - Windy City Riot
>>16927698Here for the Goto Revolution
>Carmen Sandiego edition
>>16927698goto will finna choke again
I was looking for this thread last night. Thanks OP
>>16928140We got this Gotochads
>>16928179Choke on this chinko, nigga
>>16927698This should only be made during the big shows. No reason for it now.
>>16928179many are saying this
>>16927698Finally, some good fucking food. I'm onboard for the goto revolution! Expecting solid kino from the never and global title matches too.
Hirooki Go to the polls
>>16927698Here to laff at gotoetty.
>>16927698Oh shit Goto is tonight?
Kitani is the current front runner for J-KWABOTY. For reference the past winners are:2024 - Kota Ibushi2023 - Kota Ibushi2022 - Kota Ibushi2021 - Kota Ibushi2020 - New Japan’s Western popularity2019 - Michael Craven
>>16929207Kidani sorry
>>16929207Still Tony
>>16929205Next week, the 11th
>>16929205No I fucked up the OP, Junior title’s tonight
KEK WHAT A BALDING BITCHhttps://x.com/GabeKidd0115/status/1886660669027881256/photo/1
>>169292072023 belongs to either Kento jobbing to Nakajima like 3 times or Kaito
>>16927698If Goto doesn't beat Zack, who does? I assumed Goto was winning and then losing to Finlay, but it's unsure if Finlay has re-signed at the moment
>>16927698Pre show match in 10 minutes, main show starts in 40>Main Event: IWGP Jr. Heavyweight ChampionshipEl Desperado vs Kosei Fujita>6th Match: CHAOS (Tomohiro Ishii, YOH, YOSHI-HASHI and Hirooki Goto) vs TMDK (Hartley Jackson, Robbie Eagles, Ryohei Oiwa, Zack Sabre Jr.)>5th Match: Los Ingobernables de Japón (BUSHI, Shingo Takagi and Yota Tsuji) vs BC War Dogs (Clark Connors, Drilla Moloney and Gabe Kidd)>4th Match: Just 4 Guys (TAKA Michinoku and Taichi) vs BC War Dogs (Taiji Ishimori and SANADA)>3rd Match: Hontai (Tomoaki Honma and Boltin Oleg) vs Los Ingobernables de Japón (Hiromu Takahashi and Tetsuya Naito)>2nd Match: Hontai (Jado, Master Wato, Shota Umino and El Phantasmo) vs United Empire (Jakob Austin Young, Francesco Akira, Great-O-Khan and Jeff Cobb)>1st Match: Katsuya Murashima and Hiroshi Tanahashi vs Daiki Nagai and Togi Makabe>
>>16930056my bad there is no pre show match today
Damn, can’t watch today
Daiki Nagai is pure dimes. Let him skip excursion like Fujita did
Why the fuck did they make TJP captain again?
theyre copying the hair bit evil just did with tanahashi with much worse workers
>>16930258O'Khan and Umino in a hair match sounds kino
Noticed they did a couple none finishes today
I'm not sure Desperado was supposed to win at WrestleKingdom so him losing quickly isn't as much of a longshot.
All I can think about whenever I see Fujita now is him explaining that he’s an ass man and a Pieter fucker while Oiwa talks about his ear fetish
No Jr vs Hvy match at the Anniversary show, Akira vs Despy instead
you rike me now ? am I badash now ?
so, do you guys think Finlay is leaving or nah?I think it would do no harm for him to stay a year longer in Japan and see where it goes, 2024 was the best year he had in his career.
>>16930558Goto vs Tana too then?
>>16928219picard on the holodeck lookin ass
Take the belt off this anti-draw twink.https://suno.com/song/4f45b550-4d28-45c3-8ab4-88b69b29bc46
>>16930617Since the mention of his newborn during the WK build I presumed his absence from the current tour had to do with wanting to be with his child. How much that extends to working in America remains to be seen. He could either be Ospreay's opponent on Wednesday or the 500th mystery person in NXT soon. Right now EVIL is the one that has me more puzzled. He was on the initial New Japan Cup poster but not the newer one. If his absence is a work but they actually have a special match for Tanahashi (like a title shot against Zack or Goto) at the anniversary show then I have no clue how/when he would come back.
>>16930874EVIL is coming back to retire Tana
>>16930874It's very likely he let his contract expire, and also he took out the BC stuff from his X bio and began following Triple HI think he's either just about to leave or doing that on purpose to get more money on his contract
>>16930966Do you think Finlay will put someone in War Dogs over as the new leader before he goes? Gabe seems like the obvious pick but that'll just increase the speed that Tony poaches him in
>>16931009I think that even if he's leaving for WWE, they still would let him do a final appearance so he can get jumped and kicked out of the Bullet ClubWWE generally let the wrestlers they sign finish their business before going there, unless the talent themselves specifically does not want do it (Like Vaquer, who just left without putting anyone over or dropping her title)
>>16930223He's Inoki's student and he's popular and he's good in the ring and he's good looking
>>16930966I feel like more would be said about his future from sheeters like Dave or SRS if his future truly was in question.
>>16930223He's the only one staying in NJPW. Cobb is on the way out
>>16930874I think it’s a work. If not, he can make mad reactions from smarks for doing the 00’s Jeff Jarrett match formula.
>>16930056Better show than the ELP vs. Cobb Korakuen.
>>16931174I agree that it's strange that there's no coverage on it, but WWE has gone out of their way to either shut down dirtsheet sources within the company or to leak wrong stuff to mislead them, like the whole Bliss affair recently or the Vaquer signing (to the point where she was backstage at NXT shows and no one knew prior to her signing being made public) so it's not totally out of the question, I think.
My predictions for New Beginning.Tanahashi TakagiKhanSANADA TMDKTakeshitaNaito, HiromuTsujiSabre
>>16930223Cobb gave his notice, which is why ELP got the win yesterday and why Cobb has been shitting on UE's captain storyline in interviews.
>>16930622If Goto is winning then that is actually a good call. He's super popular again with this push happening, and Tana will likely stay out of tournaments to earn any opportunities. Have Goto win and elect Tana for one final title shot at the Anniversary show, then he can drop the belt to whoever wins the New Japan Cup.
>EVIL and Finlay both missing at the same time Are they planning another gay ass BC civil war?
>>16932054Has anyone ever mentioned what all the writing actually says?
>>16932272FUCK JUST 4 GUYS
Sanada joining War Dogs one of the all time worst heel turns. Completely ruined him.
>>16932382They clearly turned Sanada heel because they had nothing else for him
>>16932382It would have been worse for him to be stuck in the mid/undercard with his "I'm a top guy now" gimmick still intact
>>16932382EVIL in HoT is another one. Ex LiJ people all get ruined eventually.
>>16932506EVIL has been the only guy capable of getting heat in the company over the past 3 years, I can't blame them really
>>16932550Getting heat like having so many shit matches that New Japan had to address it during a press conference?
>>16932682Go watch some nWo 2000 and get back to me newfag
>>16930617My guesses>FinlayThis is his last full year with NJPW, due to being a dad now. I would expect him to keep the same rhythm as last year with appearances, minus missing the opening tour.>EVILStill believe this is all a storyline. NJPW is bad with updating their sites, so if they do so, it's because of a larger game rather than a real change. I could see him spending more time in America and going on the KENTA/gaijin schedule, but he's not gone from the promotion.>CobbSplit on whether this is his final year or if he's already finishing up. Either way I think he won't be a big factor in plans moving forward.>KiddHe's not leaving until he gets a run with the world title. If they give him that this year, I could see 2027 as the year he leaves for AEW.
what happened to this goofy nigga they poached from NOAH
>>16932213i tried friend. still some good info. if you can find a picture where the text is very clear and legible i can try again
>>16932922Out with foot injury back in September.Probably will be back sometime in the spring.
>>16932808>>Cobb >Split on whether this is his final year or if he's already finishing upSeems like he's finishing up
>>16932382Fascinating! Thank you fren
>>16933327he sees how good samoans have it in the wwe. its basically a free top guy spot.
>>16932922Foot exploded when he fell off the apron. Like every part of his foot was damaged. They needed to repair it with two surgeries and he needs to relearn to walk on it. I expect G1 at the earliest, and even then probably an appearance at the final instead of working the tournament.
when is he coming back
>>16933327His sugar mama is based in Japan. So either he's moving onto WWE with some real cash offer or he's taking CyberFight money from NOAH and getting the WWE bridge like Hijo de Wagner Jr.
>>16933327That’s quite sad
>>16934482In the G1, he's going to win it and take the title off of Zack and semi main event WK against Shota
Yasuda is off the cards again after having is mouth smashed in Korakuen 2 days ago. Also Jr title prelude match added to the preshow in Osaka.
>>16933327Never got a chance at the top after that monster G1 run
>>16928179probably but I don't care, I still believe
>>16936889why jeb cobb making that zesty ahh dreamwork face
>>16933327Work. He lives in Japan and his kid goes to a Japanese school. If anything he’s angling for an office job
>Tanahashi beats Makabe>HoT show up to jump both of them>a hooded man nails them from behind, which turns out to be EVIL>suddenly Cobb hits the ring on them>asks to be in Hontai because fuck TJP>Hontai/HoT feud continues for 5 more years>Cobb & Oleg tag title run
Super J-Cast Paywall leaks>Tony wanted Gabe vs Kenny to be a ten minute squash and tried to get the booking changed last minute>Kenny had to explain to him that wasn’t going to happen>Gabe was so angry he ‘threatened to beat-up Tony’>After the match Tony pretended that he wanted that match all along>They’re having a rematch at forbidden door>Baron Corbin is debuting in New Japan Cup doing a Jack Perry run (not contracted)
>>16934055Pretty sure he and Henare rejected wwe. Will find the interview
>>16937303I know henare did. but i do wonder if the changing environment has allured them.
>>16937317Henare is shoot anti-american, can’t see him ever moving to Florida
>>16937285Tony bothers me in a special way
FantasticaMania cards any minute now...
>>16937285>Kenny doing a "I'm back from injury and dunno if I can still go" gimmick in AEW>Tony still wants him to squash someone I'm starting to think Tony doesn't understand wrestling stories
>>16937285Maybe Chris heard about this
>>16937285Call me a mark, but I believe that Gabe is mentally ill enough to let this affect his relationship with AEW and Tony. I see him going to WWE now
>>16936889https://x.com/njpw1972/status/1886973866771407335There are 3 wrestlers who are doing the leave njpw storyline. Not 4 since kenta left silently
>>16938425https://www.njpw1972.com/553731>Yujiro on the tour but no TMDKWack
>>16937562Isn't Henare the one that posted random shit about islanders being genetically superior or something? He's too wild for the American IWC, lol
>>16937285I don't believe this, but I want to
>>16938291Tbf if Im told my opponent's boss wants me to get squashed in 10 minutes after all that build and intrigue I'm in a fighting mood too
>>16938291everybody wants to jump to WWE now, because Netflix
>>16937285I can 100% see Tony wanting Kenny to squash Gabe in order to make him look strong for his return on Dynamite
>>16937303Cobb did turn them down, but that was a few years back, not at the same time as Henare who said no in late 2023. Cobb is also 40, and while his endurance has actually improved, he has lingering injuries to his back and knees. His safest bet is to either move down the card in NJPW, get paid by AEW (who don’t care about the state of wrestlers) or move over to another Japanese promotion where he can thrive (ex. Bulldog Jr. getting the triple crown in AJPW).
>>16937229>Cobb & Oleg tag title run>managed by tanahashi
>>16938639henare is probably as close to a maori supremacist as you can get without being like a violent terrorist or something. he also does goofy alpha male shit like not beating off to preserve his fighting spirit. i think he mentioned piss drinking at some point? henare fucking rules. might be the only wrestler that social media made me like more.
>>16937285>Super J-CastWhy do you smarks (smelly marks) believe anything?
>>16939474from all the "sources" within New Japan these dudes are unironically the most credible, as most of their stuff come from them hanging out with the gaijin talent in Japanpretty sure they said that Zakku was going to get a huge push at the start of last year
>>16939542I think everyone knew ZSJ was getting a push due to the talent that left earlier in the year and someone needing to fill the void
Scared for Finlay in WWE. Obviously he'll get the debut pop and push but 3 weeks in I don't know man. I don't see how the most mid gaijin in NJPW does well , even a nepobaby.
>>16939692There's definitely an incentive for WWE to book him well, to encourage other NJPW wrestlers to pick WWE over AEW.
>>16939622Yeah, everything is SO obvious. I also knew he was winning the G1. I also knew ELP had cancer and that Jey Uso was winning the Royal Rumble. I'm a genius!
>>16939692they have like 15 Finlays already, that kind of character/look is over done
>>16939979anon please tell me you could guess Zack was winning the G1lie to me if you have to
If Finlay really is leaving, who gets Gedo as their sidekick?
>>16940128Kidd, who then leaves. Then Drilla, who then leaves. Then Jake, who then breaks his other foot.
>>16940128year long arc where he comes out to manage taichi without explanation and with much protest until eventually taichi just kind of accepts him. then gedo costs him a championship match against goto. why? vendetta
The insiders are saying that Tony Khan is evil bro it's fucking real bro please trust me bro
>>16940757Is there a single person who left NJPW who wouldn't have gone to WWE if there was no AEW?
>>16940858Ospreay wanted to raise his black son in Essex instead of Florida, so maybe he would've avoided it.
>>16940757It sounds more like those Super J Cast guys are upset that their boy got suspended at Dynasty.
>>16940128Jake ree
>>16932289SO WHAT
Super J Cast said that one of their uncles works at Nintendo and the new Switch is launching in June.
>>16939692I think he'd have a decent to good run in NXT and would probably be NXT champion, specially since the men's division has no one elseHe has no chance at all to survive in the main roster currently
Here's the link to the NJPW Tamashii show that's airing right now since it fits in with the thread. Was taped back on January 11th but it's a good way to kick back and watch some free wrestling. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RTVDdgJHJ14
>>16942883agreed. Sometimes is hard to spot this type of stuff when it's airing but I've been checking YouTube to find promotions airing their shows on there.
>Tanahashi was facetiming Gabe for an hour every day when he was in a psychiatric hospitalHe is too nice for this business.
>>16943039Based Ace
Gabe said what real ones have been saying: him, Tsuji, and Uemura the 3 for their Gen
>>16945610Hirooki Netero looking good!
>>16945626I hope Yuya comes out after the Global title match in Osaka
>>16945626I wanna include Oiwa but the most he's been showing so far is just "very good". I hope he gets some good opponents for New Japan Cup.
>>16945926He's low key getting mogged by Fujita
>>16946057Fujita mogs all of them but he's also a Jr so he's safe
>>16943039does he know english? based ace anyway so wholesome
AI-fueled hologram Inoki should be Tanahashi's retirement match.
>>16946256He should postpone his retirement for a decade until this technology is made
>>16946256I do wonder who will be Tanahashi's last opponent. Shota seemed like a shoe-in, but I've got some doubt after his reaction at WK.
Is the super jr tag leauge worth a watch? It’s on samurai tv atm
>>16945707Great call, he did beat Tsuji when he hot injured. I just want him in the cup, since I see him and Gabe as the front runners
>>16927698what in the gook undertaker shit is this
>>16945926I feel like Gabe and Henare would be good opponents for him. Some quality NEVER style
>>16946273It should be a dream match. Some big name from AEW.
>>16946273If Shota, Uemura, and Gabe can all get that spot if they have a quality year. Naito is always an option, especially since you can link it to retiring Muto
>>16945626I love how he made sure to bury Shota Umino right before saying this
>>16927698Why is NJPW protecting the Zack vs Taichi match? Would be a perfect filler defence for Zack that crowds would get behind
that last Fanmani day looks better than any NJPW card in months
>>16946411After they completely missed the easy layup of having Taichi challenge Naito in Sapporo last year I just assume Taichi doesn't want a world title shot for some reason.
no Douki no watch
>>16946443eatin pretty good ngl
>>16946411They aren't protecting it they just don't want to book it, just like they didn't want to book Zack vs White
The G in IWGP stands for GRIP
>>16946327This. It should be Cope.
>>16947660this annoys me since some of these matchups they avoid could be decent draws, remember how they spammed Okada/Tanahashi?
>>16946273Tana wants Nakamura, he’s been talking to William Regal about it
>>16950434This is the match the Japanese fans are asking for, too.
>>16950434For his last opponent? Idk. He seems more interested on ending with his new/current talent
>>16950473My friend’s uncle who works at Nintendo
>>16950533Nobody gets over in someone else’s retirement match
New Beginning in Osaka is fully sold out now
>>16951510Usually true but Tanahashi wants these kids to look good and get a piece of him so he might want to have a deal like Liger's last match (old gen rivals vs new gen rivals) over some grand nostalgia match that'll overshadow the Tokyo Dome main event
>>16952085It broke my heart seeing they have commemorative shirts for Zack's title run coming out on the anniversary show because the pop for Goto winning would be insane.
>>16952085who was the draw?
Shota Umino fucking sucks
>>16952824Can you post it?
>>16952838The 2 men who the 2 Gs in New Beginning stand for
>>16952872Tbe GRIP (Oiwa) and the GAY(Zack)?
>>16948140The G in IWGP stands for Grim.
>>16952085Didn’t even have to cripple Alex Coughlin and Henare to do it this year
>>16953055HENARE beat them to it (also Coughlin was already crippled before the match)
I think Cobb is just trading factions but I'll wait for insider-kun or Dave to tell me shit
I might just be that nigga
>>16953259people have been saying that his kid even goes to a japanese school, so it's likelyor he might just go to NOAH or some shit
>>16953509And I say I'm Mr Gannosuke. Do you believe that too?
>>16952934If Zack wins, 'fraid so.
>>16941282Ospreay is Kween-pilled?
>>16953911no, his wife had a son with a black wrestler and Ospreay decided to take care of both of them after the dude died
shota umino fucking sucks
>>16953918>Have friend>Become rich and famous>Friend kills himself>Support friend's widow because that's what he would've wanted>anons cuckpost because they have never experienced friendship
>>16954162He wanted them to start fucking?
>>16954162>Support friend's widowVery disingenuous wording.
>>16954162I feel like Ospreay often tries too hard to be the "better man", like him going to Tony Khan and asking to job to Swerve so he could help him stablish himself as championit's very easy to make fun of him for shit like that or having a wife who has an onlyfans and the son of another man
>>16954162You would have more of a point if he took care of them financially only. He opted to start banging the widow and adopt the kid outright. I guess you could make the old wartime argument that it's better that a bro lay in your bed than some random guy you'll never meet, but it's a very soft argument considering dude killed himself over pretend fighting notoriety and Ospreay watched the funeral via Zoom.