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"Wrong, wrong, wrong," you shame the hopeful athlete, "I thought you wanted to be champion?"

Out of the huffing and puffing comes a response, "I do, coach, I swear!"

You stew for a moment longer than is comfortable, on purpose. "Well, then, what the FUCK WAAAS THAAAAT? MY NONNA CAN THROW A BETTER LEFT HOOK." Teeth clenched, you stare at your pupil dead center in the face, then you force your eye to twitch when you have their attention. Pointing at the swinging bag: "ten more reps, let's go. And don't get sloppy, or else I'm takin' off my fuckin' belt again."

The athlete hammers away with precision timing and accuracy - right jab, right jab, left hook, weave! right jab, right jab, left hook, weave! right jab, right jab... The vinyl-on-vinyl rhythm continues on the speedbag as you turn around and fetch yourself the umpteenth beer out of your nonna's garage refrigerator. The cap hits the floor as the tenth rep ends. "Good. Now, thirty more."
You can't get in the ring anymore, due to age and injury, but you can coach other aspiring boxers, the same way you were coached back when you were a prize fighter. You're happy you've found a prospective student willing to do whatever it takes to win.

Their name?
>Tyler Hotchkiss
The wanna-be ladies man of Krilsaw Community College. The thick glasses and abundant facial acne keep this fit young man a pariah instead of a popular kid, though. After weeks of benchwarming the JV soccer team, his soccer coach had the nerve to ask him to put the mascot costume on and do a dance for the crowd. You caught him trying to slash *someone's* tire in a grocery store parking lot, and you told him stabbing is much more effective, and to get at least two, since no one carries two spare tires. He was very thankful.
>Muhamat Zagidov
This crazy military veteran grew up in Russia where he boxed in the minor league circuits as a young man before being drafted. An IED sent shrapnel through his vehicle in a combat zone, and then he woke up dribbling drool down his chin in a combat clinic, with a presumed CTE. After discharge from the Russian military, Zagidov travelled to Krilsaw to stay with his aunt and live on government assistance. You saw him get pissed at a soda machine eating his change, though, and you know he's still got some mean hands.
>Vinnie Mortadella
Your cousin from anudda mudda. His mudda, your auntie Marcella, told your nonna that Vinnie is a good-for-nothing convict who always steals from her and yells at her, and she's worried he'll never find a respectable job. You're over two decades older than the hotheaded "ex-"felon, and he's always deferred to you at family gatherings and treated you with respect, especially since he knew you used to be a fighter. He stole thousands of pills from the corner pharmacy a couple of years ago, got caught, and now he's on probation with nothing to do.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

-The Krilsaw City Amateur Boxing Tournament is in FOUR updates.
>Vinnie Mortadella
What kinda fucking mook steals from his mudda? We gotsa pound some sense into this guy. And pound some more beers
>Tyler Hotchkiss

Zero to hero with some added sex-pest spice. Let's get him in fight shape and laid!
>Tyler Hotchkiss
>>Vinnie Mortadella
>Vinnie Mortadella

He's got cunning hands and he's got balls.

He's also a knucklehead, which means he has three fists to throw.

>The crowd's waitn onna WINNA!
>Vinnie Mortadella
Famiglia sticks together.
>>Tyler Hotchkiss
>>Muhamat Zagidov
Let's get a dumb dagi to scam
>Vinnie Mortadella
>Tyler Hotchkiss
I really want him to win even if he won't. Plus the struggles of being a good piece of shit mentor to the kid would be fun

Also, is our fighter a southpaw with all those right jabs?
5 Vinnie
4 Tyler
1 Muhamat
"Good, Vinnie, good form, good intensity. Now take a break, take your gloves off, drink your milk."

You pass your sweat-drenched, shirtless cousin a full gallon jug of dairy, seal already cracked. He guzzles the entire jug down to the bottom with an intense look on his face. "Ahhh... WOOO! That's good shit!"

Vinnie really shouldn't have knocked over the Family Drug, they are actually some decent guys over there. Cheapest dick pills in town. Not to mention, they have more security cameras in their building than a police station, you're not sure what your crash test dummy of a cousin was thinking.

Recently, Family Drug has been supplying you with a little something else that you've been sneaking into Vinnie's milk.
>Gorilla testosterone. The label ensures that this product is naturally produced and cruelty-free, when you translate it from Mandarin.
>Microdoses of oxycodone. Vinnie's drug of choice. An after-practice treat to help him take the edge off in a way he's familiar with.
>Nonna's psilocybin pills. The orange prescription bottle says they're expired, Vinnie's mild hallucinations say otherwise. The kid's more fun to hang out with this way.
>Hey! Woah! Hey! You would never drug your cousin against his will! Or keep drugged milk in your nonna's refrigerator!

"Get ya shirt on, we're going out."

Gaba County in late summer typically enjoys a warm breeze from the nearby ocean, contributing to a vibrant night life.

Walking up to the familiar green, paint-chipped wood doors at O'Fahrley's feels a little more exciting with your new killer by your side. You've been dreaming of this evening ever since Vinnie's ankle monitor came off. You open up the door and wave your cousin inside, walking in behind him with a swagger and a smile.

"Charlie, two pints of... Whateva. Nothin' too 'spensive, capiche? An' I wants ya to meet my cousin Vinnie." You point behind you without looking as you dig out your wallet.

Mortadella is at a jukebox, squabbling with a Van Halen fan about what we should be listening to. Your cousin is a fine specimen of a fighter. Tall, muscular, arrogant... Not that you're a fanook, or anything like that! All you're saying is, you've got faith that this kid will take home the first place trophy in the upcoming boxing tournament, and more importantly, the $2,500 purse.


Still, your nerves are getting the best of you, so you step outside for a smoke. If Vinnie doesn't win this, you're hosed. Enzo's loan sharks' cars have been showing up at the supermarket when you're shopping, and even circling outside of nonna's house. Today at Family Drug, you think you saw one of Enzo's enforcers following you down an aisle, but you're not sure. Taking another quick peek at your wallet, after today's visit to Family Drug and buying a round of beers - just under $400 in cash, and that's all you got to your name. Luckily, you can't visibly see your mountain of debt. But you can feel it.

When all you've got left is a butt to toss, you toss it.

The boisterous Van Halen fan steps out onto the back patio with a cigarette of his own in his mouth, sloshing his drink. He's a big guy with a big beard and a big beer belly, and a big attitude. "That bald faggot, who does he think he is... Talking shit about Sammy Hagar like that? Fuckin' nerve on that guy..." After his soliloquy, he lifts a glass tulip of IPA up to the sky and downs it, crossing his legs and stumbling, but still standing. He neatly sets down the glass and crisply burps as you walk into the waft of it.

Goading, you mention to him, "sounds like a real asshole, telling you, a grown man, what music to listen to? Prick needs to be taught a lesson!"

"Yeah!" The drunkard tilts his head down and belches again, then hiccoughs.

"Why don't you go and teach him why Sam Haggard was so great? I'll give you 40 bucks if you can get him to admit Ban Valen is the greatest band of the 80's. Here, I'll give you 20 now, and 20 when you're done."

The rotund man's face lights up, and he takes the money and starts heading towards the back door.


Almost as if on cue, the back door of O'Fahrley's opens up, Vinnie pops out and scans the area, then drifts towards you with his trademark cocky stride.

Neither man alters his stride, leading to a bumping of shoulders.
Your cousin starts cussing the big man out.
You start walking toward the pair.

The bearded music fan begins shout-singing in Vinnie's clean-shaven face, kind of in sync with his theme song. "IT'S GOT WHAT IT TAKES, BABY, SO TELL ME... WHY CAN'T THIS BE LOVE?"

Without missing a beat, you saunter behind Vinnie, tug on his shoulder, and exclaim "Woooah! You gonna let this fanook talk to you like that? Knock his sorry ass out! C'mon, Vinnie, this guy's a tin can! Smeah dis queeah'!"

"Wait, hey man, not coo-" the dizzy rock and roller has no time to react.

Vinnie crouches down, then springs up with a haymaker!

>Roll 1d20, best of all rolls!
Opponent: Vinther Ulgsson, Rock 'N' Roll Enthusiast
Ranking: JOBBER

We will be employing the "A-F grading" rolling system. A roll of 20/20 is an A+. Rolls of 1-11/20 are F's, 12-14/20 are D's, and so on.

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-The Krilsaw City Amateur Boxing Tournament is in THREE updates.
-To roll, type "dice+1d20" without quotation marks into the Options field with your post!
Rolled 15 (1d20)

edit to other spoiler: 12-13 are D's*. 14/20 would be a C-. Rolls are converted to percentages then grades. Rolls will not always be d20.
>Gorilla testosterone. The label ensures that this product is naturally produced and cruelty-free, when you translate it from Mandarin.
Rolled 16 (1d20)


>Cocktail from one of the guys from the day, you know. Tried and tested.
>1/2 pill, powdered, Tremorlinol, betablocker; musicians use it, for nerves. Get the kid confident day to day, by the time it's fight night that confidence will be his, even without the betablocker. Some headaches, he'll be fine.
>PLUS, 1/8 dose Epipoetan Zeta; give it to race horses, make them pump blood redder. Give it to Vinny, he'll go twenty rounds with anybody, if he'd just tuck that chin in. He'll sleep a little less, but that's more time for footwork.
Rolled 10 (1d20)

I'll support >>6092806, he sounds like he knows what he's talking about.
fake brands, real drug types and manner of abuse. Focus+ and Stamina+; a small reliable edge not usually tested for below National level.
Rolled 6 (1d20)

Rolled 1 (1d20)

>Nonna's psilocybin pills. The orange prescription bottle says they're expired, Vinnie's mild hallucinations say otherwise. The kid's more fun to hang out with this way.
Pills always make things fun

Here's hoping BoomerRocker drops his wallet during the fight
Rolled 18 (1d20)

>>Gorilla testosterone. The label ensures that this product is naturally produced and cruelty-free, when you translate it from Mandarin.
>TBol to work with the test
>EPO to increase oxygen in the blood to improve cardio.
>Maybe estrogen blockers to avoid gyno, buts it's his body not ours so maybe not
Writing, update coming tonight
Vinnie unleashes a bullet, knocking the poor sucker out of one of his shoes. It took some tinkering (and overdosing, on Vinnie's part), but it looks like you've finally perfected the ratios on the cocktail that you've been shaking into his milk.

"Brrrrrt!! Gratatata! That's right, dummy! Skrrt! I just finna knocked yo goofy ass out!" Vinnie has been watching a lot of hip hop music videos, and taking on the mannerisms he sees.

You bend down and check the chump's wallet and scoop the good stuff. All that was in there was a familiar 20 and some plastic. A worn debit card labelled "Vinther Ulgsson" with an unknown amount of money on it, and a fresh $50 gift card to the abomination known as Olive Garden.

"Unhh..." Vinther begins to stir, but he's still totally floored. You look around O'Fahrley's back patio that feeds into the alleyway. There's a lonely old widow smoking a cigarette who hasn't even looked up from her table. She ashes her cigarette then takes a long drag, staring into the table's empty umbrella hole.

"'Mon, Vinnie, 's'go," you say, setting down an empty pint glass and tucking the fight's purse into your inside coat pocket. You weren't even at the bar for more than ten minutes. You hop in your rust bucket and start heading to auntie Marcella's place to drop off Vinnie. He's focusing wide-eyed on the glow of your car's radio, clenching his fists and jaw, rocking back and forth. Smiling like a motherfucker.
"You really sent that sucker into next week, kid!" Both Italianos start laughing as you burn rubber on a fresh green light. Windows down, the warm ocean breeze blows on your exposed scalp through your greased-back hair. All you can smell is tobacco, your aftershave and the beer on your breath. You'll never be too old for this - if only you had some broads in the back seat, like the old days. Soon...

Vinnie must meet with his probation officer tomorrow. His piss tests stopped last year after he successfully kicked the opiates, and his ankle monitor has been off for a while now, but they still check in with him month to month through interviews. They want him to get a job before they finally release him, and they say boxing isn't a job, even if he were to be a gold medal Olympian boxer. You park outside of Marcella's apartment building, and tell Vinnie you'll see if you can call in a favor and get him a gig as a butcher or something at an old friend's place downtown.

"Thanks, OG!"

You stare skeptically at your slang-slinging cousin, side-eyed. His veins are still bulging from the fight milk, but he's drowsier now from the beer. A radio ad breaks the tension. You crank it up.

"-so come on down and try your hand at the Gaba County Annual Boxing Exhibition and Bean Dip Contest at the convention center, you could win up to $10,000 for each event! Sign up now! Restrictions and-"


Vinnie is unavailable tomorrow. After you sign him up for the Exhibition and call in the favor to get him a job, what will you do without him? Please choose two.
>Stake out the local boxing gyms and scope out the competition for the upcoming fights.
>Make a mixtape with an entrance song for Vinnie, and spend a couple bucks on some ring attire for the kid. (Optional: Choose the song and attire.)
>Butter up Enzo's bookie, Federico Manfredi, with a trip to Olive Garden, and pay off some of your debt with Vinther Ulgsson's debit card.
>Scheme on how to win the upcoming Bean Dip Contest. Youah no cook, buts you's gots ta's pay off da mob's loan shawks.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

-The Krilsaw City Amateur Boxing Tournament is in TWO updates.
-The Gaba County Annual Boxing Exhibition is in SEVEN updates.
>>Stake out the local boxing gyms and scope out the competition for the upcoming fights.
We can help Vinnie by watching his coming opponents and can tailor game plans against them.
>>Butter up Enzo's bookie, Federico Manfredi, with a trip to Olive Garden, and pay off some of your debt with Vinther Ulgsson's debit card.
Spending others money to pay off our debt sounds great.
>Stake out the local boxing gyms and scope out the competition for the upcoming fights.
>Butter up Enzo's bookie, Federico Manfredi, with a trip to Olive Garden, and pay off some of your debt with Vinther Ulgsson's debit card.
Pay off at least part of the debt ASAP, the mob will put the fucking screws on us if we don't. Then we see if the competition calls for a change in Vinnie's formula.

>Make a mixtape with an entrance song for Vinnie, and spend a couple bucks on some ring attire for the kid. (Optional: Choose the song and attire.)

If we let Vinnie pick it will be some no-name runner-up from BET.

Nahnahnah, we gatsa teach him some CLASS, get him back to his ROOTS. Get him off that garbage mulinyan music (No offence Stanton) yeah fuck you too Jabonee Balogna Wopvolone. And you still owe me fie dallaz.

We open CLASS, play him out like a prince:

And then, just when it gets into the tarantella, the dada-daaa ballroom bit, all eyes and lights on him, you cut the track BOOM with this:


>Scheme on how to win the upcoming Bean Dip Contest. Youah no cook, buts you's gots ta's pay off da mob's loan shawks.

There's hotsauce designed to burn through your mouth like it came from Satan's asshole. Vinnie watches the Mutts eat it on the Youse-Tubes; damn near kill the guests every time, now I'm watching this garbage too, it's fucking hilarious.

Twenty dollars for a dropper and the taste, ough, it's fucking horrendous just opening the cap.

So, we buy the budget samplers of the ones that's hottest from the show and got the worst reviews, and we dump it in the pot of anyone who looks promising. We can get a few guys to distract the cook, and Vinny can do the drop; he's got nifty fingers, doncha Vin.
>Scheme on how to win the upcoming Bean Dip Contest. Youah no cook, buts you's gots ta's pay off da mob's loan shawks.
Take some stress of while playing bowling with your last two friends Joe "Uh Campione" Petrazzi and Frank "Romeo" Colomboni, both veterans of the Korea War like you. You need the wise counsel of your brothers.
>Stake out the local boxing gyms and scope out the competition for the upcoming fights.
Ey, look, I’m not saying we gotsa do something a little underhanded, but it’d be awful convenient for Vinnie if one of his opps had a little accident and this’d be a chance to do some thinking…

>Scheme on how to win the upcoming Bean Dip Contest. Youah no cook, buts you's gots ta's pay off da mob's loan shawks.
Unleash our secret culinary wonderweapon: NONNA
Writing, update coming tonight
Update is mostly written, apologies for delay. Will post tonight after work, in ~12 hours.
yaay update!
Normally, on a day like this, you'd be working up a day drunk with the T.V. on in the background, keeping yer nonna's lawn free of the neighborhood punks, and eventually winding up and letting loose at the bowling alley wit yer war buddies. You've got too much riding on this amateur boxing tournament, though. Sorry, Coors Light, Joey and Romeo.

You's gonna have ta get an early start to get the drop on the competition. You hop off the couch after only two beers and turn the radio on very loud so that nonna can hear the ad for the bean dip contest, so you can talk to her about it later. Nonna is still in the bathroom for her early morning routine. You don't want to disturb her, so you piss in a cup in your room, then throw it out the window. You grab your leather jacket and shades, light up a smoke, then hit the road.

It's 4:40 A.M., sunrise. You cruise up to XTREME KILLERZ boxing gym, and park across the street. You're too broke to afford binoculars, but you did buy some gas station beef jerky and a tallboy on the way here. You break out your smart phone and use it as a magnifying glass/makeshift binoculars to get a better view.

The parking lot has some genuine studs coming in and out of it, walking around with big weights and doing high-knees. One guy comes up late, panting deeply from his bicycle ride over. He's less physically impressive than the rest, and as soon as he starts doing high-knees, he trips and falls down over a concrete parking block, clutching at his head and stomach after he gets up. The other athletes seem to ask if he's okay, then head back inside the gym while he catches his breath outside, alone.

It's the opportunity you've been looking for. You hop out and approach. The guy's nose is a little bloody, and he doesn't seem very bright - or maybe he's just dazed. "Hoohoo, youah gonna have ooone biiig shinah afta that one, kid."
The training athlete grunts in response. You decide to plant a seed. "Why don't you come to my home boxing gym sometime next week? No concrete parking blocks to trip over there." While chuckling, you gauge his gullibility and economic status with an ocular pat-down. "I'll get you in fight night shape, for cheap. This gym's membership must cost you a fortune. Whaddya say? First lesson's free." You make no attempt to tell him you'll make him a champion - he doesn't seem to give off that vibe... Not yet, at the very least.

His nose is still bleeding lightly, and his eye is already purpling. He smiles and limply shakes your hand - you've met women with more solid handshakes. The next boxer for you to manage:
>Tyler Hotchkiss, the ridiculously petty and horny college freshman
>Muhamat Zagidov, the mentally disabled Dagistani military veteran
>T'irone Krenshaw, the chubby, lotto-playing albino security guard

"Why don't we take a ride, kid? I'll take you home. You don't wanna train with a scuffed up knee like that. Throw yer bike in my back seat." You slyly shift the conversation to the other members of XTREME KILLERZ, probing your new recruit for any info you can.

He tells you 3 of the boxers in that gym are signed up for the city tournament, and 2 of them are are signed up for the county exhibition, with one athlete attending both, for a total of 4 XTREME KILLERZ. He says the 2 attending the county exhibition are no joke, but the 2 attending only the city tournament are still amateurs. You'll know their names when the tournament comes.*

Later, you hop on the phone with Reuben Seinfeldberg, your old friend and the owner of the local Jewish deli, Just The Tip.

"Favah? What favah? If anyting, you owe me fuh all da free salami you eat every time you come in! Fine, fine, I'll give ya cousin Vinnie a job, but I expect him to work hard and do as I say! And NO funny bidniss!"

"You got it, Reuben."

The trip to the store after the phone call was smooth. You even almost got a silver-haired lady's number at the checkout stand. "These fa you?" She giggled as she held up Vinnie's American flag athletic shorts, and scanned the gallons of milk, and blank cassette tapes.

After several grueling hours of sweating, smoking, Italian curse words and trying to figure out how to record music to a blank cassette tape, it was done. The cherry on top to the rise of your golden goomba - Vinnie Mortadella's entrance theme. A carefully spliced tune demonstrating both age-old tradition and wild, undeniable power.
You fooled around with the cassette tapes too long, and ended up ten minutes late to your dinner date with Federico Manfredi, your loan shark's bookie. He's not too amused, but you order the endless breadsticks, and he understands you're playing ball. He's a thin man with a large appetite. He order the Double Surf, Double Turf and a top-shelf old fashioned, completely draining the $50 gift card. Well, at least you've got breadsticks.

After scarfing down all of his shrimp, lobster, steak, chicken, and fettuccine, Federico gently napkins his face dry, sets his napkin back on his lap, then plainly says, "now why the hell did you bring me here to this slop trough?"

You look around. No one's watching. You slip an envelope over to Federico and nod. He smiles, nods and begins counting Vinther's money that you withdrew earlier. He frowns and quickly stops. "$180? That's not even enough for the vig. The friggin' vig!" He raised his voice only a second before lowering it and looking around. "Look, I like you. And I get it. You're a good guy, you want to pay us back. I get it. But you waste my time like this again, and I'm telling Enzo to sick the dogs on you, pal." Now he's whispering, "you owe us hundreds of thousands. Quit playin' wid us."

Federico stands up and walks away.

"Would you like more another basket of endless breadsticks, sir?"

The big fight is tomorrow night. You've got time for a little more preparation. Vinnie will be fighting three times in the tournament. Choose one:
>Spy on another gym in town.
>Continue spying on XTREME KILLERZ, get Familiar with their boxers.**
>Eat endless breadsticks until you get kicked out of Olive Garden.
>Tweak the dosage in Vinnie's milk (how?)
>Look for the officials of the Krilsaw City Amateur Boxing Tournament and convince them to give Vinnie some leeway in the fight
[-20% purse if chosen (-$500). Bribed refs can help in many ways. All bribed refs will reverse the decision of one fight in a tournament series if the loss was within a "believable" margin (if you get knocked the fugg out, they can't just tell the crowd you won that match!) Bribed refs may also show favor in other ways, such as not checking for loaded gloves, overlooking evidence of doping, not calling fouls on crotch shots, bites and eye pokes, etc. Get creative with your bribes!]

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

-The Krilsaw City Amateur Boxing Tournament is in ONE update!
-The Gaba County Annual Boxing Exhibition is in SIX updates.
*-3/7 of City Tournament opponents are Known!
*-2/7 of County Exhibition opponents are Known!
*+5% grade score on rolls against Known opponents - whom you have gathered some information on. (ex.: 55%, F becomes 60%, D-
**+10% grade score on rolls against Familiar opponents - whom a boxer has fought before, trained with, or whom you have gathered extensive information on. (ex.: 81%, B- becomes 91%, A-!)
>>T'irone Krenshaw, the chubby, lotto-playing albino security guard
This description gives off "out of breath from bicycle ride, tripped over chunk of concrete". I'd also be open to a write-in, but the other two just don't seem the type to do it. I DO hope we end up getting Tyler and Muhamat later, though, in fashions more appropriate for them (probably throwing hands with some girl's boyfriend and committing assault respectively).

>Spy on another gym in town.
See if we can find the heavy hitters, then spy on them more extensively.
>T'irone Krenshaw, the chubby, lotto-playing albino security guard
>Spy on another gym in town.
As much as I'd like to bribe a ref, we should wait until we have more funds and better reasons to do so, like using elephant roids.
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128 KB JPG
>Just the Tip


>Federico Manfredi
>Thin as a dime but eats like five horses
X abuse or worms.

>"hundreds of thousands"
Figliuolo what did you DO

>Muhamat Zagidov, the mentally disabled Dagistani military veteran
Vinnie needs a sparring partner who's tough and capably violent, like the worst this neighborhood's got. Vinnie's opponents will get like this as his fights drag on (bc doped for Stamina and Focus) and they grow desperate at his dancing. Get Vinnie used to angry bullrushes, and at the same time, get the new guy to tame his temper.

Vinnie will be the type to win at last bell by points, Muhamet by towel or TKO; best training synergy.

>Check out another gym's fighters
Spread the odds.

what's the strat behind eating Olive Garden out of breadsticks? Carbo loading? Dis gabagool.
Whoooooah! A man's gotta eat! Besides, all manner of tings can 'appen at a sit-down chain restaurant at closing time! Badabing! (I was gonna wing it lol)
Vote is still open, to be clear.
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Changing my answer

>Go ask Family Drugs a few things:
>What are the top most ordered illegal performance drugs in this city
>Has there been any new drugs gaining traction
>Any spike in orders from regular buyers; who?

Tailor Vinnie's training against cheaters, and also, if we are going to bribe boxing officials later, let's bribe them to drug test for cocktails Vinnie isn't on.

The strat is: tailor Vinnie to win against other dopers, then have the official tests OUT them as dopers. The optics will be beautiful: Even against DOPERS, Save us from these ROID BEASTS!!! Vinnie Mortadella wins CLEAN!

This should work while Vinnie and his opponents are nobodies.
>Tyler Hotchkiss
my mind says to go for >>6097887 and his option, but my heart wants
>Eat endless breadsticks until you get kicked out of Olive Garden
Leaving vote open, update coming Friday night or Saturday morning. Capiche?
You know what, it's also too late to ask Family Drugs for info AND train up Vinnie right now.

We can try that later

So I'm changing my vote AGAIN to

Crystal, Bwoss.
>>Muhamat Zagidov, the mentally disabled Dagistani military veteran
Great to scam money off
>>Look for the officials of the Krilsaw City Amateur Boxing Tournament and convince them to give Vinnie some leeway in the fight
Boxing and bought judges go hand in hand
Rolled 1 (1d2)

1 = T'irone
2 = Muhamat

>>6097556 T'irone
>>6097787 T'irone
>>6097833 Muhamat
>>6098095 Tyler
>>6098631 Muhamat
Tiffany from Olive Garden already collected payment for the meal. She has politely asked you to leave. You told her "endless means endless, bring me my seventh basket." You looked and sounded extremely bloated when you told her.

The breadsticks begin making you sick, or maybe it was Federico's threat. You head to the bathroom and sit in a stall with your head in your palms, sweating.

Your head is spinning. It smells sterile in the bathroom, accentuating your own dirty smell. You have a flashback of Vinther getting knocked out. You look up. Call 1-555-522-9591 for a good time. ACAB. Jenny Martinez is a stupid whore. A sticker of a pizza slice wearing sunglasses, riding a skateboard. You vomit.

It's getting all over the floor, all over your loafers, and a bit on your slacks.

And some on the shoes in the neighboring stall. "What the FUCK?!?!" You hear your neighbor furiously unraveling the roll of toilet paper.

You pull your pants up, buckle your belt and burst out of the stall door in a clattering cacophony, speed by your table, grab two more breadsticks, and football tackle the emergency door, plummeting to the ground. You feel a pain shoot from your hip to your back that you swore was gonna paralyze you. You scramble to your feet and skedaddle to your cahh. Bein' old sucks.

Early next morning, you repeat the routine that netted you T'irone Krenshaw, your new fighter. Whether T'irone is a legit boxer or just a puppet is yet to be seen.

This time, you head over to HOMICIDE DOJO to see what it's all about. The entire gym is covered in Monster Energy logos, despite not being sponsored by them. They have glass windows that let you observe everything happening in their ring from a comfortable distance. There are only two training, and both of the wanna-be boxers are striking hard, but they're making a lot of big-time boxing mistakes, like reflexively throwing illegal elbows, and even kicks. Looks like these "boxers" are just MMA junkies who are trying to get some money and fame from the boxing circuit. You've seen this story before. They won't give the fundamentals of boxing the respect they deserve, so they'll be dreaming about triangle chokes while the ref counts to 10 and raises Vinnie's arm. Your knowledge of footwork will tie these meatheads' brains into knots!

A quiet shout of "shut up asshole!" rings from a distant neighbor's open window, as you beckon to Vinnie with your horn, outside of Marcella's apartment complex.

Vinnie finally makes his way down the stairs, rubbing his eyes. When he enters your beat up sedan, you pass him a gas station breakfast burrito and a gallon of drug milk.

"Here, kid, pound 'em down. You're gonna run up and down stairs at the court building, like Rockly."

"Ya mean Rocky, chief?"

"Woah, kid, I 'on' know you like that."

Vinnie keeps talking, but the specter of Enzo's goons breaking your kneecaps with blunt objects tunes him out. You had a nightmare last night of Federico standing over you, slurping down shrimp and laughing, while a duo of three-hundred pound, six-foot-six goombas beat you into pulp fiction. At least you'll be safe in front of the courthouse, and in front of everyone at the tournament. Then you can catch up on your late payments to the mob.

Vinnie runs stairs until he pukes. Maybe that was due to the gallon of milk jumbling around in his stomach, and not intense exercise... Either way, Vinnie knows that tonight is his chance to make it big, so he goes right back to running up and down stairs.

One epic montage of milk, stairs, vomit and shadowboxing later, and it's almost fight time. You tell Vinnie to stretch inside your car on the way there.

From a periwinkle sky with blushing stars teasing to reveal themselves, you walk in to a very fluorescently lit arena of warped yellow wood floor paneling and dark red wooden bleachers at Krilsaw Community College's gymnasium. The school didn't bother to lift the mechanical basketball hoops up to the rafters or do any sort of decorating, other than bringing out a cheap old canvas banner with the event name on it from years ago.

Before the festivities begin, there are a little under a hundred people, all mingling, finding seats and walking up and down vendor booths. You're home. Choose one or two.
>Talk with the event vendors, finagle a funnel cake for yourself, and some free popcorn for Vinnie
>Vinnie has his eye on some girls he wants to talk to. Smoke a stogie outside, let him have his shot.
>Vinnie has his eye on some girls he wants to talk to. "Wingman" it for him, and try to score something for yourself while you're at it. Two birds with two stones!
>Talk to that no good rat you just now recognized, Donnie "The Dominator" D'Angelo, and see what the hell he's showing his ugly mug at this tournament for.
>Bribe a ref (-$750. Costs more since it's last minute.)

The first fight gets called and there's little waiting. The special guest ring announcer, District 14 Comptroller Larry Johnstone, who looks like a real life version of Dilbert, is announcing the night's events with as little enthusiasm as humanly possible for a ring announcer. Vinnie is up against one of the XTREME KILLERZ that T'irone told you about, Jonny. One of the creampuffs. We shouldn't have much trouble with him. Kid can't keep his hands up to to save his life. "Headshots 'til he hits the floor, Vinnie, capiche? If he starts to guard his face, pop 'im in the stomach, then go back to the face."

You eagerly run off to the sound guy while Vinnie wraps his hands. You produce a cassette tape labelled "MORTODELLA INTRANCE TAIP", and wipe off the pocket lint. "'Ey, buddy. Throw this on ya sound system when Mortadella comes out."

The young sound guy giggles, crumples his face, then says in a cracking voice, "What is this, mister? We don't have a walkman to play this on." You're giving him the eye, so he continues with his solution, "do you know the name of the song on youtube, mister? I'll just play it from there."

"It's not on there, you punk, this song is special, I made it myself," you say with earned pride. "Alright, fine, fine, look up Bon Joni..."

In all the commotion, the referee, who has a much more chipper voice than Dilbert, fills the audience and the fighters in on the rules. You distracted the sound guy from playing any entrance music - the fighters have already entered.

A lanky 19 year old steps in to the ring with your milked up cousin. The referee has to tell the teenager that there is no headgear in this tournament. The kid panics and looks back to his corner, but his gym bro coach is chatting up Jonny's step-mother in the front row. You're still arguing with the sound guy, so Vinnie's corner is empty too, but he's already in the ring, geared up, staring down his much younger opponent, focused on taking his head off. They really should have had weight classes in this thing. Too late now.

The bell rings.

You deafen the sound guy's ear. "Take 'is head off, cugino! They're gonna be callin' him Jonny Two Times afta this one, Vinnie! Leave 'im wit a stutta!"

>Roll 1d20 along with your earlier choice!
Opponent: Jonathan Haas
Known (+1 to roll)

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

-The Krilsaw City Amateur Boxing Tournament is NOW!! (5/7 Known)
-The Gaba County Annual Boxing Exhibition is in FIVE updates. (4/7 Known)
-"Update countdown" is suspended during this Tournament.
(I'm experimenting with how to break down fights and manage update numbers.
Rolled 17 (1d20)

man, sorry for not giving any input before... since poor scumbag coach is drowning in debt it makes little sense to save cash so using money to cheat is a must. It's a do or die "investment" gamble 'till we make it big.

>Let Vinnie have his shot on the girls.
>Rush back to the corner and support Vinnie
Rolled 2 (1d20)

>Vinnie has his eye on some girls he wants to talk to. Smoke a stogie outside, let him have his shot.
>Rush back to the corner and support Vinnie
One day we'll walk back into Olive Garden and eat like a king. I truly believe.
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Rolled 14 (1d20)

>Vinnie has his eye on some girls he wants to talk to. "Wingman" it for him, and try to score something for yourself while you're at it. Two birds with two stones!

Target the one with the daddy issues. You know the one, tarted up floozy, tatts down the back, and tits out like a howwah. You're used to used goods, and hey, she's the type momma always warned you about, and you the type her pops always warned her about; youse gots lots in common!

>Talk to that no good rat you just now recognized, Donnie "The Dominator" D'Angelo, and see what the hell he's showing his ugly mug at this tournament for.
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>offer your one ticket out of debt psychadelics
>cram breadsticks till you spoil someone else' shoes in the Olive Garden toilet
>now schmooze your way to some free funnel cake and popcorn

No one gets it, but these unlock the [Leprechaun With No Rainbow] questline.
>Vinnie has his eye on some girls he wants to talk to. Smoke a stogie outside, let him have his shot.
And while have a good ol' fashioned smoke break shoot the shit with some other smokers if there are any
Solid, with that +1 from knowledge I think our boy Vinnie got an A(-)
Mamma mia has it been three days already? Update coming within 24 hours.
You smack the sound guy on the back of his head as you turn and run to the spotlight. Vinnie's audible but not visible, already throwing combos that smack skin. Your clunky half-jog through the rather calm and seated crowd ends with a run up the steps to Vinnie's corner. You're sweating more than Vinnie is. Two cute girls and what looks like a trashy stepmom, all with slim waists, deck the side of the ring, cheering on Vinnie and spilling canned wine over onto the canvas. Dat's gonna stain.

Jonny's corner is still empty, so you begin coaching amidst the relative silence. You're louder than anything in the gymnasium. "He's using the ropes, Vin, don't let 'im! Cut him off!"

Vinnie outmaneuvers the cowardly fighter and accidentally steps on Jonny's toes, halting his gait and causing him to stumble, setting Vinnie up for a knockdown right hook in the first minute of the first round.

Time slows down.

It's all... Blurry...

Will they call the toe step?

You look left. Then right. You look at the ref, who is looking at Jonny, who is looking at Vinnie, who is looking at you. You follow the chain back to yourself, then look directly behind into the stands.

"...One!" The ref sounds off as a few crowd members let out a cheer, and louder than anyone else are Vinnie's groupies.

The dizziness stops. The only person watching the fight that saw a foul was you. An eight count rocks the amateur from XTREME KILLERZ.

Jonny treads to his corner, finally talking to his coach for the brief second he has before the fight resumes, "coach, I don't think I can do it, I'm scared!"

The XTREME KILLERZ coach doesn't seem to care very much about Jonny's wellbeing. "Just get in there and try your best kid. Remember the motto. KILL OR BE KILLED!" After half-assing his gym's catchphrase, the coach pulls out his phone and begins thumb-punching a touchpad.

The ref sets the fight back in motion, and Vinnie pushes his opponent into the corner, letting out very angry grunts as he steps forward with his momentous punches. You're clutching the ropes and yelling, "hit him, Vinnie, hit him, hit him, hit him again!!!!" Sloshed canned wine and fresh leaking blood stain the ring's floor as the kid seizes up once before waking up. No ten count necessary. Vinnie is victorious in the first round, with a generous amount of time left on the clock. Decision by K.O.!

You jump in the ring and run up to your fighter, bumping the ref out of the way, so you can raise Vinnie's glove to the sky. The crowd, though small, is somewhat impressed, with some of them standing on their feet and applauding.
Nicotine cravings cart you and your fighter outside. You stick a cig in your mouth and pat Vinnie on the back aggressively. You light up as Vinnie's entourage comes out, giggling, cheering and gallivanting. The eldest, with a few silver strands of hair and a few wrinkles, wraps her hands around the sweaty boxer's neck and spirits him away further down the side of the building before you can break down the fight with him. "Be back soon, boss," he excitedly promises, a girl in each arm and one massaging his shoulders.

You exhale a cloud of smoke, and a familiar face emerges in it. Your smile and right eyebrow smirk up in amusement. It's the grumpy old lady you smoked with outside before the first round. She drags her cigarette through a hole in her neck casually, enjoying the easy Krilsaw evening breeze in her thin purple dress which drapes to her knees, and her thin, lightly bleached jean jacket. A voice of dismissive grit and uncaring, gravelly mud asks you without asking, "so you really are a boxing coach, huh? Ooooh. Look atchu. I bet you feel reeeaaal special."

"Yeah, as a matta' fact, I do. Me and the kid have been training like dogs fa weeks. Da hell have you done today to feel good about yerself, ya old bitch?"

The old woman looks shocked and scorns you with a mean look, her black glasses dropping so you can see her pupils. That's when you finally recognize her - it's Phyllis Butterstock, from Nonna's bingo league. The big shot. She wins at least twice a month. Nonna hates this cunt. You look back at her, leery-eyed, locked in a staring contest.

That's when Two EMT's saunter through the night and into the gym with a fold-out wheeled stretcher in hand, radios buzzing. A small crowd gathers and trickles out of the gym as a strapped and horizontal fighter gets wheeled out to the ambulance.

The more experienced Known fighter from XTREME KILLERZ, David Otani, knocked out Vinnie's next would-be opponent, a nameless loser from HOMICIDE DOJO, with a lucky power punch, sending him to the ER. This happens all the time in amateur fights, when an inexperienced fighter forgets to cover up his chin.

Vinnie gets a bye on his second fight for the tournament.
"Wha? I wannit ta fight, though, uncle! I was gonna SKRAA on him! Grah! BrrRrrRrrRrt-" Vinnie starts shadowboxing in front of his girlfriends. One of the younger ones says she needs to go to the bathroom, and they all go together, to increase her bathroom powers.

You lovingly pull Vinnie over by the nape of his neck when the girls are out of sight, and finally congratulate him on his knockout, then tell him to "Pipe down kid, take the easy money. If you wan' a fight so bad, we can find some more drunks at O'Fahrley's to beat on afta you take home gold. You should be thankful for the bye. Now focus on dese next fights carefully, you're up against wunna da winnas."

Otani goes the distance in his fight and takes 2 out of 3 rounds on the scorecard according to all judges, with a boxer from an unknown gym, "RayRay's Urban Fitness Studio". The two fighters touch gloves after the decision, hug, then return to their corners and take out their mouthguard. They look tired.

Comptroller Larry Johnstone grabs the mic and drones, "Wow. What a great display of sportmanship. Sp-sportsmanship? Sportsmanship. Give them a round of applause, ladies and gentlemen. We've got one more fight, then we're going to take a short intermission, so grab some food from our sponsors and sit tight in the bleachers, we'll return soon." The crowd woos and Larry feels internally pressured to unenthusiastically "woo" on the microphone in response before awkwardly walking out of the ring.

Besides getting Mortadella prepped, what do you do during the second round bye and intermission before the final bout?
>Schmooze your way into the ring and onto the mic to give Vinnie a "proper" fighter's introduction.
>Find some small rocks in the parking lot and stitch them into Vinnie's gloves.
>Wander over to the ambulance and observe the HOMICIDE DOJO fighter, his coach, and the paramedics.
>Smoke another cigarette with Phyllis and talk about the bingo circuit.
>($1,000) Bribe two of the judges to guarantee victory, even in the case of Vinnie getting counted out, knocked out or TKO'd.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

-The Krilsaw City Amateur Boxing Tournament is NOW!!
-The Gaba County Annual Boxing Exhibition is in FIVE updates.
-Countdown is suspended during this Tournament.
>>Wander over to the ambulance and observe the HOMICIDE DOJO fighter, his coach, and the paramedics.
I wanna see who this MONSTER ENERGY boxer is
>Wander over and try and pick apart the opponent so Vinnie can have a clear strategy to beat this guy
>>Find some small rocks in the parking lot and stitch them into Vinnie's gloves.
>>Find some small rocks in the parking lot and stitch them into Vinnie's gloves.
>Schmooze your way into the ring and onto the mic to give Vinnie a "proper" fighter's introduction.
Also while we into Mortadella let's go scumbag mode and throw shade on Otoni to get him mad and tilted before the fight. He's some nameless loser mook who might actually fall for it
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We got a lifetime of shittalk backed up; use it to curate Vinnie's image and rile the opponent.

Vinnie's wigg-rapping is terrible. Like a toikey widda studdah. How do we stop him.

can we force him to wear a mouth guard permanently
It's the final hour. The biggest boxing event of the year (in Krilsaw).

You're kicking rocks around the parking lot, thinking only of your massive debt, and winning Vinnie's fight. Over the loudspeakers, the droning comptroller announces the final championship bout will be held soon, and to settle back in to your seats.

You scan the thinning parking lot. Everyone is filtering in. The ambulance is leaving. Vinnie is smirking and nursing a slap on his face as all three of his little birds storm off back to their SUV for who knows what he said. A man in zebra stripes is bickering on his phone, then opens his pickup truck's door and throws the cell phone in there and walks in the building.

You walk up and jiggle the handle and get met by a gust of stale cigarette air - the guy didn't even lock his truck. Not what you thought would happen, but alright. You decide you don't want to get caught holding his phone, but if you take his Marlboros and the coins in his cup holder, no one will be the wiser, heh heh...

You make another 360 degree scan. No one's watching. You bash a tail light to bits with a rock, setting off the truck's alarm. Then you rush inside, playing it cool and playing the fool.
The boxers are already back in the ring without even doing a pre-fight inspection that would be expected from a respected federation's fights.

The referee hears his truck alarm going off, everyone does. Flustered, he tells the judges from City Hall that he'll be right back and runs out. Your time ta shine. You enter the ring, clear your throat and tap the mic you picked up from the floor, causing a large spike of peaking on the sound system, sharply screeching in everyone's ears.

"Ahem. LADIES. AN'. GENNELMEN. Tank yous fa coming outs to da fights tonight," you beam, not looking at any of the dozens of faces in the audience, your own eyes hidden with thick shades. You gesture furtively, "in DIS CORNA... DA KILLA OF KRILSAW. DA GHOUL OF GABA. DA TRISTATE AREA STRANGLA. DA DETONATA. DA DEVASTATA. DA DEMOLISHA. DA ONE. DA ONLY. VIIIIIIINNIIIIIIIIIIIIIIEEEEEE 'DA MOIDARA' MOOOORTTTTAAAADEEEEEEELLLLLLAAAAAAA!!"

The crowd comes to life and cheers. Then your beaming eyes and teeth turn to a gnashed scowl and you point at your enemy. The young man you need beaten to a pulp, to save yer own hide from pulp-beating (specifically, your kneecaps). Your bright and upbeat tone turns sour and less tonal.

"...And in dis corna," you pull the mic away and put one hand on your hip and the other grasps at your forehead in believable mock frustration, shaking back and forth, and you say under your breath, "pfff. Heh. Seriously? Sheesh. Don't dey know Mortadella's gonna skin dis kid alive?" You pick up the mic again and almost pretend to care, "and in dis corna, we have da street rat, Davie D'atano. HOLY MOLY, folks, what a stinka! Dis bum wants to stage an upset, let's hope he doesn't slip on a banana peel!"

The crowd goes flat. You're pretty sure they hate you.

David is a good sport and smiles at you and shouts "that's not even my name, old man! You're goofy!"

Vinnie brays and steps up to David, grill-to-grill, and gets into a shouting match about who is goofy and who isn't. David keeps his cool, but Vinnie's milk-and-drug gumbo is stirring up a chemical tornado inside. Vinnie's feet are planted firm and he begins frothing through his mouthguard, eyes bulging, locked onto his giggling, bouncing opponent.

"Wake up, kid. Show time," you mutter, outside of Vinnie's earshot.

The bell rings.

>Roll 1d20 for Round 1!
Opponent: David Otani
Known (+1 to roll)

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

-The Krilsaw City Amateur Boxing Tournament is NOW!!
-The Gaba County Annual Boxing Exhibition is in FIVE updates.
-Countdown is suspended during this Tournament.
(I'm experimenting with how to break down fights and manage update numbers. Also, I may take a hiatus after this tournament's arc ends.
Rolled 17 (1d20)

Rolled 16 (1d20)

Rolled 16 + 1 (1d20 + 1)

i am rollin' in sympathy
Rolled 7 (1d20)


And I'm rollan to poke at Toots over here... but mostly because I like rolling and this quest doesn't do crit-fail overrides if I'm being honest
Otani cautiously steps forward, letting his lead foot do the talking. His coach applauds him.

Whap!whap! Vinnie says to hell with footwork, I want his head! You exclaim, "hwooooooah," in a very excited, Italian American drawl.

Quick as lightning, Vinnie pounces and meets David 3/4 across the ring in David's corner, catching his young, questionably-goofy nemesis off guard. David is stung, but brushes it off and circles around Vinnie, to the off-center of the ring. David bounces in place with his guard up, ready now.

Vinnie lunges in with an awkwardly long right straight, allowing Otani to get a weak jab combo in. The distance closes, and Vinnie unleashes a massive right uppercut out of nowhere that only grazes his foe, but lands with force enough to put him back on his heels.

Vinnie keeps swinging with big but controlled movements, with David now dodging everything.

Vinnie throws his first series of jabs of the match to his opponent's purple gloves, but David's guard doesn't break.

The rest of the round is teeth-clenchingly tense, with exchanges going both ways, always ending with David breaking off after Vinnie gets the upper hand with a medium-heavy body shot or head shot. You're staring at the fighters, glancing every now and then at the clock winding down on the gymnasium's basketball scoreboard.

Vinnie starts taking off like a rocket, he's lining up his shots properly now. David's on the ropes... A swing and a hit... Swing and a miss... David comes back with force and form, but Vinnie ducks and comes up with a true slobber knocker, putting David back up against the ropes, and, and... and! DING DING DING! Round one is over. A squeaker, but the judges should be in agreement that the round was 9 Otani, and 10 for Mortadella.

Vinnie calls his opponent "goorfy", before spitting out his mouthpiece into his glove and trotting over to you in the corner, cheeks high from his dull white smile. He turns around and backs into the turnbuckle and slinks into the tiny stool you've provided, so he can look into his opponent's corner and scan the crowd for floozies.

It's not so loud that you have to shout. You approach from behind with an uncapped water bottle, encourage Vinnie to drink and whisper in his ear, "You're lookin' good out there, but you're gettin' lucky. Chain together those punches more, don't just throw big power shots, set 'em up. That kid's gas tank is emptying out, he's got nothing, where are you at?" You smack Vinnie's chest several times, leaving it red and raw. You raise your voice into a fierce lion's roar, with your tone unwittingly stating your pride in Vinnie and his abilities. "Get up and get out there. One punch at a time, kid, one punch at a time! Line 'em up! Knock 'im down!"
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You take Vinnie's stool through the ropes, shaking your head. You wish you could have a cigarette in here, ringside, like in the good old days. It's never too late to grab a beer at the concession stand...


Round 2.
>Roll 1d20!

You're getting nervous... Have you done enough to ensure victory? Are you doing enough now?
>Alls we's can do now is give good coaching advice on the sideline and let the kid fight it out. "Let Vinnie cook", like the internet dorks say in their videos, and as Vinnie's been saying during training sessions in nonna's garage.
>Ruthlessly and viciously trash talk David Otani. His motha's a hooer, she sucked off a mooley last night, and, get this, his daddy filmed it! You, though? You wouldn't touch that fetid cunt with a 39 and a half foot pole, and yer not just talkin' about yer honkin' cotechino here, hey-oh! *crotch grab* David won't like it, and the crowd will hate it! But you just love being the villain of boxing!
>Distract the ref. Woah! Your shoes untied, mook! Made ya look! Ahahahahaha! Ya bozo! What? Do yer job, quit lookin' at me an' ref the match! Hey, hey, low blow, low blow! You gonna call that or what? Hey, hey ref! I think someone's rummaging around in yer cahh again! Don't you hear the alarm goin' off in the parkin' lot?!
>Get a beer and blow smoke up Comptroller Larry Johnstone's ass at the concession stand. "I love the way you've been comptrolling." Tell him that it's customary at the ten-seconds-remaining mark in a championship boxing match, to blow a whistle to signify that there is 10 seconds left. It's a shame they broke tradition and didn't do it in the first round, the crowd looked disappointed. Ask him if he wants to do the honors in the second round, and supply him with a whistle. He'll be a hero.
>Drop down from Vinnie's corner and interact with someone (who and how? Crowd, ref, judges, David's corner, Larry Johnstone, Phyllis Butterstock, etc.)

Sorry for the massive delay. Turns out this subject isn't my most passionate or knowledgeable area to write on for weeks and weeks. It's also my fault for having you all roll without choosing anything narratively substantial. I get most inspired to continue by your interactions with directing the story, so that was bad planning on my part. Anyway, I feel like a dirty little flaker for leading you on, so let's finish up this tournament and some other stuff!
Rolled 7 (1d10)

Yay, it's back.
>Drop down from Vinnie's corner and interact with someone
Let's go fire up the crowd and get them on Vinnie's side. Sure, they might hate us, but they can still love Vinnie and cheer him on.
Plus, think of all the money we could make off of merch and autographs.
Rolled 2 (1d10)

>Ruthlessly and viciously trash talk David Otani. His motha's a hooer, she sucked off a mooley last night, and, get this, his daddy filmed it! You, though? You wouldn't touch that fetid cunt with a 39 and a half foot pole, and yer not just talkin' about yer honkin' cotechino here, hey-oh! *crotch grab* David won't like it, and the crowd will hate it! But you just love being the villain of boxing

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