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File: PXL_20240830_085635516.jpg (5.38 MB, 3472x4624)
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You are bored out of your mind. So fucking bored. You moved country for this job, it was meant to be a great opportunity to grow your skills and develop your career. Instead after a month you have not been added to the team group chat and they've not given you a single piece of work. So you're sitting at your desk, again, bored out of your mind with nothing to do. You need to do something or you are going to go insane. The only thing you are limited by is not wanting to lose your job.

>Grab another coffee
>Go to the canteen
>Explore the building
>explore building
File: PXL_20240830_094756708.jpg (5.79 MB, 3472x4624)
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5.79 MB JPG
You walk to the foyer, the room you work in is the ground floor. There are stairs leading up to the other floors and down to the underground level. Behind you is the courtyard which leads to the other connected sections of the large office. In front of you is the entrance.

>Go up to level(1-5)
>Go to the basement level
>Go into the courtyard
>Exit the building out the front door
>>Go to the basement level
>>Go to the basement level
Sorry, go in a bit of shit with security and loitering around. Going to stop so I don't get in any real trouble.

finish your shift op
>Escape security and go to the basement!
Very immersive so far, OP!
>Escape security and go to the basement!
>Kill the CEO, according to the directions in your manifesto
Ahahaha, nice thread OP
>Go pee on the men's bathroom toilet seats
Rolled 9 (1d20)


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