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The land is covered in sand. The desert stretches out as far as the eye can see. Far north, a lonely mountain breaks the horizon, there should still be a small city situated at the bottom.

Onorato is not there yet, but hopefully he will be there soon. His hometown, pillaged and razed, holds nothing but death for him. And so he wanders through the rising desert sun, in search of food and work.
Here's to hoping he can evade slavery or worse.

What was Onoratos previous occupation? (Choose one)
>Write in

Welcome to Medieval Post-Post Apocalypse quest! This quest will work more as a collaborative story than a game, do not be discouraged by setbacks and/or death. The quest will be a little experimental, so bear with me :)
>Gay prostitute
Onorato was a Winemaker, who made alcohol from the few grapes the town manage to grow. This wine added some much needed trade value, ensuring the town had extra supplies to battle hardships.
While it will no longer benefit the town, it provided Onorato with some valuable work experience.
Profession: Winemaking
Skills: Cooking, alcohol tolerance
Inventory: Bottle of wine, dull dagger
Clothing: Tattered civilian clothing

As the mountain draws ever nearer, a small village creeps into view outside the city walls. The poor and unfortunate have gathered here, most of them refugees, beggars and alcoholics. A priest walks through the masses, giving out blessings while holding a book.
While most of the buildings look rather run down, a couple of them look decent(ish) enough:
A makeshift church, with men of the cloth hanging around it.
A seedy bar, alcoholics lie strewn around it alongside bottles and vomit. Some of them even look dead.
A building with a large shoe drawn on its walls, maybe its a shoestore or something?

Where does Onorato go? (Pick one)
>Shoe building
>Walk through the town, explore a little
>City walls
>Write in
>Walk through the town, explore a little

Do you run a city mayor quest at some point QM?
>>Shoe building
Onorato manages to get inside without stepping in vomit somehow. But once inside, he is met by even more vomit and drunk people. Fortunately, a lady is busy sweeping the vomit. Not so fortunately, she is not using either a bucket nor water, she is merely sweeping it right out the door, coating the small stairway up to the door.
The smell is ungodly: Sweat, vomit and spilled low quality alcohol creates fumes Onorato can barely stomach.
Blinded by the smell, Onorato is unable to discern from where a voice calls out to him.
Voice: Hey, pretty boy over there! Sit down before you slip and die!
The voice laughs, then has a caughing fit. Onorato recovers from the bad smell somewhat, finally able to ascertain his surroundings.

Behind the bar counter stands an old man, laughing and caughing. He sounds like the guy who was just talking to you. There are several bar stools in front of the counter, one of them is empty.
Two tables have been pushed together. Seems like a bunch of people are playing cards, betting money and valuables. To Onoratos surprise, two holy men and what seems like a nobleman are playing with the group.
In the back are some stairs going up, with a guy counting valuables behind a little counter. The man is actually somewhat presentable and he seems to be writing in a ledger.

Onorato steps back a little, letting the washerlady sweep more vomit out the door.

What does Onorato do? (Pick one)
>Sit down next to the bartender
>Join the people playing cards
>Walk over to the presentable guy in the back
>Write in

Yep, I have been meaning to go back to it soon™ Unfortunately I did not archive the last thread.
>Walk over to the presentable guy in the back

What was the quests name again? I could probably find it on archive.moe for you. It’s an ad-infested site but it’s usuable with an adblocker and should be archived there since it’s archives most 4chan threads. You could also just convert over to a google doc or something later.
Finishing up on some stuff, letting the vote run another five-ten minutes ish

Sure, that would be lovely! I can put the name in the qtg, id rather not talk about other quests in this one :)
>>Join the people playing cards
>Sit down next to the bartender
Rolled 1 (1d3)

>Three way tie
The guy in the back seems interesting. Judging from his clothes not being filty, he might actually be of some importance. Perhaps he can provide you with work?
Making sure to not slip on any dubious substances on the floor, Onorato make his way over to the man. Before he even manages to say something, the man speaks without looking up from the valuables he is counting.

Presentable man: If you are here for the job, just walk right up

Easy enough. Onorato can hear some muted banging from above. Skill-Winemaking: Through the shouting in the bar he can hear a muted sound from the wooden ceiling, a very familiar sound: A bottle, rolling. Maybe someone dropped a bottle upstairs?

What does Onorato do? (Pick one)
>Walk up the stairs
>Talk to the guy first (What would you like to say?)
>Attempt to peek up the stairs before comitting to anything
>Write in
>Attempt to peek up the stairs before comitting to anything
>>Walk up the stairs
Onorato looks at the guy, deciding he could probably peek up the stairs before deciding what to do. He walks up a couple steps, peeking around the open door at the top of the stairs.
Inside, a man is laid out on the floor, his face bleeding. Walking around him is another guy, drinking heavily from a bottle. After chugging the entire thing, he drops it, then grabs a new one from a small table. Skill-Winemaker: There it is again. Bottle hits floor, then rolling. This guy has probably had a couple bottles already.
The two of them are bare chested and breathing heavily.

As Onorato peeks, the presentable man on the bottom starts speaking to him.
Presentable man: What are you doing? Go on now, he will be angry if you are later than you already are.
The mans stare is rather intense. Onorato gets the feeling this guy wants him to walk up immidiately.

>Walk up stairs
Onorato decides it best not to make the presentable man mad. He walks up the stairs and enters the room. To announce his arrival, he knocks on the doorframe. The room stinks of sweat.
The man with the bottle looks at Onorato, for a moment in surprise. Then he smiles wide, dropping the bottle he just opened as he walks towards Onorato.

Bottleman: I was wondering when you would be here! Take off your shirt and lets do this.

The guy drags the bleeding man to the stairs, then pushes him down. As the bleeding man loudly roll down the stairs, Bottleman locks the door, then walks over to the opposite side of the room. He takes a stance of sorts, as he raises his clenched fists.
This guy seems to want to beat you up.

There will come times when Onoratos skills will be decided. For these sections you may spend the characters starting skill points to determine their ability. The skill can improve (and worsen) as time passes.
Current skill points: 5

How good is Onorato at fistfighting? (Choose one. The number in brackets indicate skill point cost.)
>A: Dogshit (+2)
>B: Bad (+1)
>C: Poor (0)
>D: Fine (-1)
>E: Good (-2)
>F: Really good (-3)
>G: Incredible (-4)

How does Onorato proceed from here?(Pick one or more)
>1: Roll with it, fight the guy
>2: Talk to him (What do you say?)
>3: Write in

Feel free to ask if you have questions, and I will clarify
Oh, and im going to sleep. Next session starts tomorrow around the same time this started (ish)
>G: Incredible (-4)

I like the idea of a winemaker that's just absolutely amazing at fighting. They just get shitfaced off their own wine and start beating the coins out of people.
>1: Roll with it, fight the guy
>>Write in
Water Farmer.
>>B: Bad (+1)
The dainty hands of a wine swiller

>1: Roll with it, fight the guy
>2: Talk to him
"Come here, you lushly poltroon!"
Preparing some food, writing soon
>Roll with it
Onorato looks at the scene unfolding before him. Might as well commit.
He takes of his shirt, taking a stance. The left side of his body faces his opponent, with his left leg facing directly forwards. Left hand raised and clenched, his right hand relaxed and open.
>Talk to him
Onorato mocks the guy, calling him a coward. The mans smile turns to a frown, as he responds.
Bottleman: Noone calls me a coward! You will eat your words!
The man kicks off from his spot, dashing faster than expected towards Onorato.

>Incredible fighter
Onorato takes a quick step back for better spacing, then opens his clenched hand. With it, he catches the fist flying towards him, pushing it aside. While the man is confused, Onorato punches the guy in the chest with his right hand, now clenched. As he does this, he takes a step forward with his right leg, packing more force into the punch.

But its not over yet. Before the man gets the chance to recover, Onorato repeats the same motion with his left side: Left leg forward, left hand punches. This time the stomach.
Then he repeats with the right side: Right leg forward, right hand punches. This time the face.
Onorato keeps this up, essentially walking the man all over the floor and into the wall while punching him.
When the man hits the wall with his back, his upper body covered in bruises, Onorato sees the fight is won. He did not even have to use any fancy moves.

Certain actions and decisions may paint Onoratos personality and how he acts. This can change with time. (This will influence how a write the parts you dont directly vote for)

How does Onorato conclude the fight? (Choose one.)[/]red]

>1: One more hit for good measure
>2: Beat him to a pulp
>3: Leave him alone for now
>4: Let him have one free punch
>5: Just one fancy move...
>6: Write in

How does Onorato continue from here? (Choose one or multiple.)[/]red]

>A: Talk to the guy. (What do you say?)
>B: Ask for money for winning the fight.
>C: Inquire about the 'work' the presentable man was talking about
>D: Walk downstairs, talk with the presentable man
>E: Write in
>4: Let him have one free punch

>D: Walk downstairs, talk with the presentable man
>Just one fancy move...

>:) Inquire about the 'work' the presentable man was talking about
I ended up more preoccupied than I anticipated tonight, my bad
Next post tomorrow, vote remains open
>B: Ask for money for winning the fight.
>Let him have one free punch

Onorato lets up his relentless attack, backing off to give the man some space. Looking him over, Onorato may have gone a little too far: The man is beaten and bruised, blood trickling from several contact spots including a busted lip. Yet he is still standing, now against the wall.

Onorato drops his guard. If the man is still eager and good to fight, now is his chance.
>Inquire about the 'work' the presentable man was talking about

Onorato asks about the work the man downstairs was talking about.
Bottleman: Hah, you are just messing with me. You fought good and well, I will personally see to it that you are hired when I speak with my holy superiors at the meeting tomorrow.

A man of the church? Fighting with his fists in a disgusting bar? Onorato has a hard time not letting confusion show on his face. The bottleman does not seem to notice, as he stares empty downwards, clutching at the more severe bruises.

>Ask for money

Onorato is thirsty and hungry after walking through the desert. If he wants food and drink, he will need money. Hopefully the man is willing to part with some wealth right away, as Onorato would like to eat today rather than tomorrow.

Bottleman: Sure, you may have some money. Its in my shirt pocket right over there.

He points to a shirt neatly folded right next to the table with several bottles of alcohol on it. As Onorato turns his head to look, the man speaks up, his voice growing louder as his sentence continues.

Bottleman: But you may only grab it after you beat THE MIGHTY CASSIUS!

As Onorato turns to look at the man who calls himself Cassius, a fist meets him square in the jaw. For half a second of the burning sensation and the question of whether he broke some teeth, Onorato recovers, reacting as Cassius attempts to kick his shin.

>Just one fancy move...

Skill-Incredible fighter: Unfortunately for Cassius, this is one of Onoratos favorite places to get attacked: Onorato drops low, catches the leg with both hands, and in one smooth motion throws the leg to the side while catching the other leg.
This trips Cassius, and for the moment Cassius is still in the air with neither leg holding him up, Onorato locks his fingers together high above, then sending them hard into the mans chest sending him to the floorboards.

With a loud thud, Cassius lands on the floor. The man groans, as he arches and contorts on the ground. Onorato moves the shirt, looking for the money. While the shirt is folded nicely, it is dripping with sweat, the coins inside it slick to the touch. Onorato picks up a shirt, likely owned by the guy thrown down the stairs, and wipes off the sweat. They still stink, but whatever, its still money.

>Walk downstairs, talk with the presentable man

Onorato puts on his shirt, then walks down into the bar area. Several people look at Onorato as he comes down, some whispering between themselves while not-so subtly pointing at him. From somewhere, a person imitates Onorato: "I call this one, the wine presser!"

At the last step down the stairs, Onorato steps in a large pile of vomit. Right next to it sits the presentable man, seemingly unfazed by the close proximity of the vomit. The washerlady notices the vomit, running over in a hurry to clean it up.

While counting his valuables, the man asks:
Presentable Man: How did the interview go? If it went well, I suggest you return here tomorrow night.

How does Onorato proceed?(Choose one or more)
>Ask about something (specify)
>Do something (specify)
>Talk to someone else (who)
>Ask bartender for food and water
>Write in

>Ask about something (What exactly is the job we’re interviewing for?

>Ask bartender for food and water
>>Ask about something (What exactly is the job we’re interviewing for?
>>Ask bartender for food and water
Onorato steps out of the vomit puddle on the floor, letting the washerwoman sweep it away as best she can.

>Ask: What exactly is the job we’re interviewing for?

The presentable man looks up from his valuables and into Onoratos face

Presentable man: You will serve the true church. Money and a place in heaven is guaranteed if you fulfill your duty over the coming weeks. That is, if Father Superior deems you worthy tomorrow night.

The man smiles, his hands performing the sign of the cross over his chest while inaudibly muttering something to himself. Noteably, his hand moves to his left shoulder twice, Onorato is used to this motion only being done once.

Presentable man: You will get more information tomorrow. Make sure to be here before the sun has set.

With that, the man shoves the valuables into a box beneath the counter. He takes out a new box, spilling its contents on the counter then looking them over. Silverware, small daggers, coins and crosses litter the countertop among other trinkets.
Onorato moves over to the barcounter, since the presentable man is seemingly much more interested in his valuables then further conversation.

>Ask bartender for food and water

The bar has emptied somewhat since Onorato was last down here. Making sure to pick a seat with as few stains as possible, he asks the bartender for food and water.

Bartender: Sure thing, handsome! We dont have water, so I hope beer will do!

Onorato would rather not drink beer right now, the smell permeating the bar is close to making him sick already. Before he manages to speak up, the bartender grabs a wooden mug, dunking it into a large open barrel with liquid in it, then putting it on the counter. Looking into the mug, the drink that was served looks like piss. No odour though, Onorato is unsure whether that is alarming or not. He is thirsty however...

Does Onorato drink the beverage?(Choose one.)
>A: Drink it all, quench the thirst
>B: Take only a sip, a taste cant hurt
>C: Leave it, look for water later
>D: Write in

Bartender: Be right back with some food!

The bartender slips past a small opening in the wall, apparently fetching some food. Hopefully the food will be decent.
As Onorato sits there, waiting for his food, the bar slowly empties as the light dims outside. Weird, he would have guessed more people went to the bar after dark. Those playing cards from earlier pull the tables apart, most of the people leaving. Two men of the cloth remain, drinking beer while talking in hushed voices.
The washer lady slows down her sweeping somewhat, her shoulders dropping as she seems to relax for the first time during her shift, however long that shift must have been.
A cloaked man sits in the corner right next to the entrance, playing with a knife. He throws it weakly into the ceiling, waiting for the knife to fall down naturally. The cloak hides his face, only stubble on his chin is visible. The knife falls down onto his table, he picks it up, then throws it into the roof again.
As Onoratos gaze wanders around the bar, it is brought back to the barman, as he throws a plate with bread and eggs onto the counter. The eggs look good, but the bread seems rather stale.

Barman: Eat up now, I will close the bar in twenty or so minutes.

How does Onorato proceed?(Choose one or more)
>1: Eat all of it
>2: Eat just the eggs
>3: Dont eat any food
>4: Talk with the barman (specify)
>5: Write in

>B: Take only a sip, a taste cant hurt

>1: Eat all of it
>>Talk to the Barman (You know anything about the church around here?)
>A: Drink it all, quench the thirst
>1: Eat all of it
>Talk to the Barman (You know anything about the church around here?)
Rolled 1 (1d2)

If 1
>Only a sip
If 2
>Drink all

Writing soon ish
>Only a sip

This beer seems shady. If something smells bad, it is usually bad. Oh well, one sip and thats it.
Onorato puts the mug to his lips, letting a small amount of liquid enter his mouth...
It tastes like piss. While he is still thirsty, he would prefer not getting sick right now. No wonder there is so much vomit in this bar. If only Onorato could drink some of his own, homemade wine...

>Eat all of it

Onorato pushes the mug away from him, then starts to eat the food. Surely enough, the eggs taste like eggs, and the stale bread tastes like stale bread.
While the bread is very dry and the eggs could do with some salt, it is still food.

>Talk: You know anything about the church around here?

The barman looks around the bar, then hunches over the counter, closer to Onorato. He talks in hushed voices, likely so noone can hear what he has to say
Barman: The church is the poor folks only sanctuary in these times. Father David takes care of the sunday mass, while his acolytes do the monday mass. I thank the lord every day for their service, without their prayers and holy water rationing, us the poor would have died like dogs many years ago.

The barman wipes a tear from his eye. He seems moved by the church and its men, the volume of his voice increasing as his fervor shows. Onorato attempts to eat the last piece of bread, and reluctantly takes one final sip of beer to swallow the food. The men sitting behind Onorato that was playing cards earlier seems to have stopped talking altogether. Onorato has a feeling they are looking this way, but his gut tells him he should not turn around to confirm his suspicion.

Barman: We are not allowed into the city you see, unless they need us for menial work. There is a church in there too, but they are all a bunch of heretics I tell you. Never seen them outside their precious walls myself, but rumor is, they still believe in the pope! The insolence!

The barmans voice grows louder, his anger overtaking him. He looks over to the cloaked man in the corner, then immidiately simmers down. Onorato observes the cloaked man in the corner of his eye: He is no longer playing with the knife, just sitting there without moving or making any sound.
Silence lingers in the bar for what feels like a whole minute. Eventually the barman speaks up.

Barman: Well uhm, nevermind. We are closing for tonight, so, leave!

The barman gets out from behind the counter and practically kicks Onorato out of the bar. Weirdly enough, the other patrons left inside are not forced out along with him. With the insistance of having Onorato out of the bar, the barman seemingly forgot to demand money for the food and beer.
Outside, the small steps up to the bar are caked in vomit and other unidentifiable liquids. Onorato jumps over the steps, barely avoiding landing in a large puddle of puke. Somehow, the air outside feels much more fresh than the air inside, despite the large amounts of vomit spread all over and around the entrance.

Onorato cannot stomach thinking about puke one more second and distances himself from the bar. When he has put some distance between himself and the bar, he inhales deeply, taking in the warm but evercooling desert wind as the sun sets.
Enjoying the desert winds, he looks at the crowds of people as they scurry along with their busy lives. Some talk in large groups, laughing. Others walk in pairs, holding hands.
Onorato would have been just like them, if his hometown was not razed. Friends, loved ones, his entire community, gone in the wind.

How does Onorato feel about his current situation?(Choose one)
>A: It is freeing to not be tied down somewhere
>B: I miss my close friends
>C: I miss the community
>D: I will avenge those I have lost
>E: God is my strength. I am alive thanks to him
>F: Write in

When the sun sets tomorrow, Onorato should return to the bar if he wants to "serve the true church", as the presentable man said it.
Until then, Onorato needs to find a place to sleep. It would also help getting some water, he is still thirsty.

Where does Onorato go?(Choose one)
>1: Church
>2: Shoe building
>3: Walk through the town, explore a little
>4: City walls
>5: Wait around for a moment
>6: Write in

>B: I miss my close friends

>3: Walk through the town, explore a little

>I miss my close friends

Onorato looks up at the darkening night sky, as the moon creeps into view on the horizon. The sands caress his ankles as the wind blows around him. What he wouldnt give to share this moment with his friends, like he always did.
Just one week ago he could, but he was busy brewing wine. The wine he was making then, was in part to make money, and in part to share. Onorato fishes the bottle of wine he has with him out of his satchel. Profession-Winemaking: The deep red liquid in the bottle is of the highest quality. He made it himself one week ago, and intended to share it at the next opportune moment with his friends.
This moment may never come. Onorato puts the wine back into his satchel, taking a deep breath to clear his mind of the past.

>Take a walk, explore

Onorato walks through the crowded streets of the town. The people are weak and miserable, their poverty and poor health visible on their tired faces and frail bodies. The most unfortunate are left begging next to the gutter, holding out cups or hats in a desperate attempt to earn a pittance of coins. None of the cups or hats had money in them, as far as Onorato could observe.
Quite a few times while he was strolling, people were subject to pickpocketting, some were noticed while others were not. Those who were noticed trying to steal quickly got themselves a real good beating, almost always drawing blood. Fortunately, noone tried their luck on Onorato.

That is, until suddenly a hand grasped inside his pocket, pulling out all the coins he earned earlier. Skill-Incredible Fighter: Onorato quickly grabbed the arm of the culprit, and threw them to the ground. The small pouch containing the coins opened, as many of the coins scattered in the dark alley. Under the torchlight of a nearby store, Onorato looked at the pickpocket on the ground, as they were trying to gather the coins into the bags.

To Onoratos shock, he realized the pickpocket was a kid. No more than ten or so years old, the boy was visibly malnourished, his tattered rags and lack of shoes showing his poverty.

This boy is someones son, someones friend. Onorato cant help but feel pity for him.
Onorato takes the pouch after the coins are collected inside, then hands some of them over to the child. The child stares at the money in its hands, then starts sobbing as he clutches the coins hard in his hands. It is not that audible, but Onorato believes the boy is saying "thank you" as he cries.

Onorato cant hang around too long, as he still needs a place to sleep before it gets too dark. He spotted several places that he could potentially sleep, all of them in varying degrees of shadyness.

How does Onerato proceed?
>Sleep at a cheap tavern
>Sleep at the inn you can barely afford
>Look for better lodging options
>Walk around some more, explore
>Talk with the kid (you may specify what to talk about)
>Write in
>Look for better lodging options
>>Look for better lodging options
No post today unfortunately, next post tomorrow
Vote remains open until then
>>Sleep at a cheap tavern
>Sleep at a cheap tavern
Rolled 1 (1d2)

If 1
>Look for better lodging options
If 2
>Sleep at a cheap tavern

Writing soon
>Look for better lodging options

The night is still young, and every place so far have been subpar. Onorato continues walking down the alleys, leaving the kid behind.

While most of the buildings have many inhabitants, they all seem shady, rundown or both. As Onorato walks, things seem like they get even worse. He ends up in what seems like a slum, most buildings being made from rotten wood and various debris.
The people seem incredibly poor, many of which have their bodies mangled and twisted in various ways, severely scarred or lacking an arm or a leg.
The air is pungent, and in the air is a feint sweet smell. Onorato gags each as the smell hits his nostrils, his stomach aching to empty.

After checking another few places, Onorato finds another two possible spots:
One tavernkeeper seemed like he was willing to let Onorato have his own personal room for all eternity. The tavernkeeper promised he would protect Onorato with his life, if necessary. The tavernkeeper is a bit of an alcoholic, only demanding Onorato pay with his one bottle of wine. While the tavernkeeper seems a bit out of it, Onorato believes he could be trustworth enough, at least for one night.
Right next to the watchtower connected to the city walls, a small community of beggars and vagrants have made their own little sleeping spot. Hay and sticks for bedding, and a small campfire to keep the latenight chill at bay. The community members take turns staying guard, making sure noone gets stabbed in their sleep. Would be very cramped and not too comfortable, but it would not cost Onorato anything. That is, if noone attempts to steal anything while he sleeps.

As Onorato walks alongside the wall, pondering his options, a small rock falls down in front of him. Looking up, a person seems to jump from a particularly tall slum building and onto the city walls. The person barely makes it, raising a thumbs up in the direction of the slum building. What follows after, is another two people jumping over, both of them making it to the wall.
Onorato believes he could attempt to scale the slum building, jumping onto the wall. Life is likely much better there, if he can make the jump, and not get caught attempting the jump.

How does Onerato proceed? (You may vote for the options previously listed)
>Trade wine to sleep at the tavern
>Sleep with the vagrants for free
>Attempt to jump the wall
>Write in
>Trade wine to sleep at the tavern
>Attempt to jump the wall
>Trade wine to sleep at the tavern
No post today, hopefully I can do one tomorrow
Vote remains open

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