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ever since i fell from apple tree that summer, i begun to see you.
and seeing you.. befriending you.. ended me up here.

really should've kept you a secret from my mother, har har.

sleep left me a little ago and i don't know why.. but i feel like i could start seeing a little more than you.

..i'm scared to do it all by myself.
tell me what you do see, or what you'd see.. and i'll try to see it too.
I'm sorry to hear that you've suffered so much from our friendship, I hope that things will change for the better soon! Maybe we should see something pleasant but small to start start out with, like a plate of flan.
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let there be flan.
oops, forgot to bring spoon with it.
if someone suffered from our friendship, it must be you more than me.

remember the times when i've used you as a punching bag? then pillow the same night?
then.. eh, nevermind. bygones bygones.
>devour the flan
It's okay, that's what friends are for.
Let's make a spoon, then.
Oh, there's a house in there, does this mean the flan taste like home? If so, is it the one you have or wish you had?
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yuck man. flan tastes like meds.
not even the fake strawberry kindergarten flu syrup kind,
more like purely bitter white dust that you chug along with sort of nasty tap water.

i mean.. that's all i've tasted for past years.
that or the non-taste of oatmeal and such milquetoast.
i could've lost track of all other flavors by now.
i've dug through it just to pull house out. an unfamiliar house.
bit small for me, or even any of my fingers to move in.

don't think i wished for this, no.
That's pretty interesting, is there anything you could see inside the house? Also maybe we can try "seeing" the same house again to determine what might come with it next.
Are you tired? Do you need to sleep? A good night's rest is always important.
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i had sleep moments ago. i'm well.
my eye bags are just genetic, doctor said.
well maybe not doctor but someone, something did say that to me this one time i think.
beep beep
no sign of life or un-life detected, only void sir.
it's like staring at teeny skull sir, mouth all AHHHHHHH
give me orders, do we fill this baby up with fresh catalogue?
or let someone live? do i knock the door and squat on the property? stretch it ? give life? kill it so it would haunt it's own corpse and form a haunted house? my head hurts sir, beep beep
Think of a bed, or someplace to rest.
Maybe pillows would do well in that house.
Make it a small house headed boy.
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voilĂ .
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place to rest....

ah, i'm in hammock.
i've never slept in these, but people made it seem like it was the comfiest thing.
paired with the eternal sunset and laughter of beach, distant oil rigs.

but where is this supposed to be strapped to? i might fall and die if i don't think of it soon enough.
maybe not death, but a little hurt. and that eventually leads to death for the most.
and i can't die this quick, i got my homeboy to take care of.. and you.
On one side it's tacked on your hopes and dreams, on the other it's being held up by the shadow man.
Who are we? Who are you? Oil rigs and beaches, sunsets and hammocks. These things may have answers, they may not.
Falling to your death is almost like falling asleep if you think about it. Aren't you comfortable enough to fall? Aren't things so tiring?
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i'm carte, and you are my friend. that's we.
i might've lived in warmer place before. if we are to believe any of these sudden impressions.
who's comfortable enough to fall?
wasn't every dream about falling a nightmare to you?
Hello Carte, it's a nice name. And these little memories sounds nice, too.

>who's comfortable enough to fall?
>wasn't every dream about falling a nightmare to you?
That I do not know, surely someone dreams of falling. If it was a nightmare for you, then it must've been for me too.
>If we are lying on the floor we might as well get a cushion
Well it looks as though the whole room is a cushion really

Speaking of hammocks what would happen if we saw something a bit larger, like a tropical beach?
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yes. the entire room's a big pile of cushion, no sane person would ask for more.
but i want one more. can we get one more?
...of course we can.
there's no one to say sweetie, we already have these back in our home
which i'd reply,
ma it's on sale, just snag it now. you got coupons for that. coupons that will expire next week and we won't get to afford any that time, the deal time's now, ma!
then.. uh..

the pillow's a tropical beach.
did we share dream all this time?
oh no.
i suppose we'd have to try again with the size experiment.
but i'm not mad at these two for getting all fused up.
i can hear the waves when i rest my head. warm like sun-glazed sand too.
Share dream? That I do not know.
But what I do know is that the sound of the waves and the feeling of the beach are wonderful things. Do you remember anything else when you rest your head? A peaceful night's rest is good for you, that I can say for certain.
How would you feel about seeing your old room? I don't want to dig up any bad memories, but it doesn't sound like it was too bad.
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i remember pennies squashed in railroad.

sleep is yet to come.
when i'm tired with all this sightseeing, it surely will.
don't have any terrible memories about my room. i'd very much like to see it again.
... *shaking hands. wrinkles under brows
i cannot seem to make it happen however.

but homeboy's eye window begun glistening.
in a hue that is familiar.
Perhaps you should look in.
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okay, in there i see...

there it is, the room.
and little me came along too.
How very nice. Can you open anything from there or look around? Perhaps tell the little you in there to do things?
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no, and no. i'm still outside the house, the homeboy.
but i could try talking to little me.
"hi, i'm you from long future."

"i become big floaty eyeball?"

"...ya. that is the natural order of things. you will become big floaty eyeball.
now can you pass me over that diary? "

"....NO. i'll call my mom and make her look at you."

"don't do that. she'll think you're crazy. will lock you up in funny farm. don't."


" she won't come, because i did not imagine her yet. now throw your diary out the window will you?"

".... "
that dumb kid hid under the table.
did i do this wrongly?
would we be able to even read a diary that small? i htink we will have to convince the young you to read it to us. Do you remember anything about this time of your life, like any worries or things you were looking forward to?
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"psst. crawl out and read me diary"


"if you do, i'll tell you the winning combination for lottery. then you can get a mansion in woods and live with vampire servant.
yes they do exist, just wait few more years and they'll begin to pop up around your town, then the whole country, then everywhere."
that was not too hard.
sawry for lying you, but we really are that bored.
as you can guess, that kid me is obsessed with pale bloodsucking people. or any other things that did not exist.
very much looking forward to meeting any of them.

and worries, well.. dunno. surely these solved itself, or wasn't a big deal at the end.
because.. look at me. how fine i turned out to be? ha.. ha...

uh.. where are these pale jay legs coming from...?
i fear that kid also can "see".

.. what i should do?
get rid of them before things turn chaotic?
or let it be...
To let things play out, for who knows what this might be. Or to get rid of it, and stop any fear in your mind.
I would recommend the former, because to my eyes strange creations happen in the most beautiful of dreams.

Would you be able to change things later if you'd like? It is something to think of, and to make sure one has plans ahead.
So was this an actual person or was he like an OC or tulpa?
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okay then, let it play out. the game i might lose.
i've told homeboy to close his eyes if it gets too hot in there. i hope that's enough.
jay smith was very much a real person, that came from his own real mother.
not sure about that one though.
"Invite Me" what an odd shirt. I hope Homeboy is doing well.
I imagine the little you must be happy to see a vampire, as far as Jay Smith counts as one at least.
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home's well built. he could take about one or two more middle income family.

and yes, little i appear to be smiling there. all smiley face.
she'll get bit by smith at some point, i'm sure.
not that i care of.
tap tap
ah, shadow man's leaving to work.
i'd like to wave goodbye but he always seems to linger beneath my back.
that's what all shadows do i suppose.
do you have something to say or do?
i'm not sure if i do.
Perhaps a polite farewell will do from me, since he took the time to get our attention.
From the looks of his hat it seems like it will rain. I wonder where he works. Perhaps in an oil rig, far away.
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because my hands are tied and facing him directly is not an option.. i have to use my secret telepathy to send the most cordial, heartwarming sendoff quote to him.

i hope he did receive it.
ya. that silly hat must be there for rain.
or maybe for oil. rain of oils. oil rain.

... shouldn't have thought about that too hard.
That is unfortunate. Perhaps you can conjure up an umbrella hat of your own on your head? And an umbrella for Homeboy too, just for good measure.
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A shower of oil pours down from the heavens. How strange of a thing this is.
Would the little you and Jay be surprised?
Can the rain be stopped?
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rain did stop.
not by my will, it simply poured out itself till there was none.
my island pillow is now real island. sort of.

hmm, let's pretend that i live here, legally for moment..
would any mailman bother to come here just to toss me few papers and sail away seven sea back to his home and wife?
perhaps once in a year occasion. it'd be like a holiday.

i could make him some palm tree leaf salad.
the residents of homeboy stays silent.
i think they are too busy playing to care about all this water.
or they've made a fort and hid there.
or dead.

i'll check if they're dead in a minute, or two.
What a nice palm tree. I wonder how the coconuts from it taste.
There seems to be a fish like creature that smiles beneath the waves. It looks like shadow taken form in the deep.
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let us not worry about the deep.
all we need is one or two sip,
from coconut i conjured up, yep.

it tastes like meds.
a fake strawberry syrup one.
It seems like that little pillow island in a sea of oil has given us a little crabby neighbor.

And it is unfortunate that the flavor is so medicinal to the palate. Hopefully there is something better later on.
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everything better, is there on later.
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"hello carte."

"do you still... see things?"

i will tell him what you tell me, friend.
"Nope. Nothing at all, zero strange visions here doc. The weirdest thing here is being bored I guess."
Perhaps ask why you're here? Surely simply having innocent thoughts doesn't warrant being in a suit like this one.
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no, doc.
i don't see anymore.

i also don't see reason why i'm stuck here.
let me go will ya?

"if you indeed are not seeing visions, then it will be allowed."

"..gradually, suppose.
once every week, to cafeteria.
then twice a week, to lobby.
thrice a week, our garden.
four times, sidewalk.
five, park.
sixth, library.
seven, your home. back in life. "

" out there, you'll notice that you aren't really "seeing" some people anymore. some people that were near.
i hope you're ready.
i hope you're bracing for that fall.
last time you weren't, so when you fell you were hurt much.
you were put into box of pillows so you wouldn't fall and hurt yourself again, after all."

doc surely uses same words alot.
he went away.

cafeteria huh?.. wonder how that would be. buffet of meds i'm bracing ..


I am still here, if you can hear.
Perhaps not as you'd recall, but still around nonetheless.
We are still here, so you havent been out of this room since you got here?
I need SEX!

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