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You’re Hangout Red: A pothead dropout of mythic status, you’ve got cryptid tier fame among the other losers of your dead rust belt college town. They all want a piece of your time, audience with the lord of losers himself and tonight’s no different.

Its 7PM on a Tuesday, you’ve just walked out of your job four hours early after having a cart induced mental freakout of radical proportions, it’s leaking in your pocket and your breathe reeks of artificial corner store bubblegum.

Your phone goes off in your pocket-there it is-tributes for the rat king. You can only choose one of the three callers

your objective is to have a good time and avoid autistic situations-you have a legend to uphold.

Every potential pick in your phone possesses the following three stats that can affect your legend ,RISK, POWER, and AFFINITY each one is rated from -10 to +10, with 0 as the average.

RISK: The social and mortal risk that comes with being in the vicinity of someone. Positive is danger and excitement, negative is safety and social exclusion

POWER: Abilities and general social skills, a low power companion could be embarrassing to have around or a source of little entertainment

Affinity is your friend’s opinion of you, your actions will determine your standing with them, their overall effectiveness, and the quality of rewards.

Tonight you have three options. Who do you call?


RISK: +8

You met Lawton three weeks ago at smoke shop when he threatened to turn the cashier into a t shirt while palming at the gun in his pocket because they wouldn’t sell him a hot knife A squinty eyed redneck, but he’s on your level, maybe even above it. A powerful mutant


RISK: -3

Ashley’s a regular caller, a daily one, always staring at you with her huge ass eyes that don’t blink-you hang out with her once a month if that, mainly out of guilt for a mentally dubious art school fling that won’t go away. She gives you a headache, and there’s some funk going on. A regular sultan of stench



-10 to affinity and social power rolls when his own party is summoned

You’ve known John for several years and you still don’t have a read on him, the man’s practically a copy of you. Consider him your best friend and rival. He’s your opposite everywhere it counts, he’s fit, suave, a man of god, straight edge , and you can’t tell if he hates you or not despite lifting your whole gimmick for himself, but with all of the vomit decorated edge filed off.

John’s double Achilles heels are his 26 year old virginity and his own party, a group of autistic dudes that fucking love magic the gathering. hell reeks where they tread, you’re not a fan
Interesting concept, I'll go with:
>LAWTON PURPLE (no relation)
Gotta' keep growing our rep.
The yin to our yang. The best of frenemies.
Give me Ashleigh Green.. I don't care how her vagina smells
Lawton Purple
And why haven't we blocked that skank already?
maximize risk

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