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Note: Just got into 40k lore and 1st time qsting so please please please let me know if I did anything wrong.

“This is heresy!”

A thunderous voice boomed.

“This experiment has been sanctioned by the Lord Commander, The Primarch of The Ultramarines and the son of the God-Emperor.” The old man said, gazing sharply behind his thick circular glasses. “I am The Watch Master. You do well to remember that Lieutenant.”

“Lord Commander or not... I won’t stand for this!”

The skull helmeted astartes watched behind the old man.

“Then you dare defy the Lord Commander?” The old man said.

The said Lieutenant’s clenched fist shook, without a word, he turned around and left. The heraldic black cross on the white bone pauldron shone underneath the white lights. Lord Inquisitor Kryptman removed his glasses and rubbed his eyes, he watched his latest experiment behind a reinforced ceramite-glass window.

“Lieutenant Casus Belli will not be the only one who is against this.” The skull helmeted astartes, Chaplain Gabriel, said grimly.

“I’m aware,” Kryptman said. “But this might be a potent weapon.”

Across the window was a small girl, dressed in a simple red robe. Her skin was white like snow, hair black as the night. The girl’s hooked talon nails sunk into the tattered gray doll shaped as an astartes.


>The girl’s head looked up at the voice-caster. Her wings unfurled and her large droplet-shaped ears perked up.

Health: 25
Intelligence: 5/10
Strength: 2/10
Speed: 7/10, 5/10 (on foot)
Agility: 7/10, 5/10 (on foot)
Perception: 6/10
Sneak: 5/10

Special Ability: Flight, Enhanced Senses, Hive-Mind Takeover (Lvl 1)

>The girl’s head looked up at the voice-caster. The robes slid back, exposing the thick spiky exoskeleton armor on her body. Ninety-Nine’s tail flicked up, the hammer end of her tail thumped on the floor.

Health: 50
Intelligence: 3/10
Strength: 7/10
Speed: 5/10
Agility: 5/10, 5/10
Perception: 5/10
Sneak: 3/10

Special Ability: Exoskeleton Armor, Natural Weapons, Hive-Mind Takeover (Lvl 1)

>The girl’s head looked up at the voice-caster. As her arms hugged her doll tight, the other pair of arms hung loose and her flexible tail also held her dolls. Ninety-Nine’s large droplet shaped ears perked up.

Health: 25
Intelligence: 5/10
Strength: 4/10
Speed: 6/10,
Agility: 6/10,
Perception: 6/10
Sneak: 6/10

Special Ability: Enhanced Climbing, Enhanced Senses, Predator Sights, Hive-Mind Takeover (Lvl 1)

>Write-in with your own ideas!
>>The girl’s head looked up at the voice-caster. The robes slid back, exposing the thick spiky exoskeleton armor on her body. Ninety-Nine’s tail flicked up, the hammer end of her tail thumped on the floor.
>>The girl’s head looked up at the voice-caster. Her wings unfurled and her large droplet-shaped ears perked up.
Of course it's fucking Kryptman.
>The girl’s head looked up at the voice-caster. The robes slid back, exposing the thick spiky exoskeleton armor on her body. Ninety-Nine’s tail flicked up, the hammer end of her tail thumped on the floor.
>The girl’s head looked up at the voice-caster. The robes slid back, exposing the thick spiky exoskeleton armor on her body. Ninety-Nine’s tail flicked up, the hammer end of her tail thumped on the floor.
The punch meat monster build.
>>The girl’s head looked up at the voice-caster. As her arms hugged her doll tight, the other pair of arms hung loose and her flexible tail also held her dolls. Ninety-Nine’s large droplet shaped ears perked up.

>Lieutenant Casus Belli
>The girl’s head looked up at the voice-caster. As her arms hugged her doll tight, the other pair of arms hung loose and her flexible tail also held her dolls. Ninety-Nine’s large droplet shaped ears perked up.

Votes are locked in, I expected the wing option really
The girl’s head looked up at the voice-caster. The robes slid back, exposing the thick spiky exoskeleton armor on her body. Ninety-Nine’s tail flicked up, the hammer end of her tail thumped on the floor. Ninety-Nine smiled.

“Hive-Father?” The child-like voice croaked and let out happy clicks.

Chaplain Gabriel turned his gaze to Kryptman.

“Hive-Father.” Chaplain Gabrield said.

“A parental relationship makes loyalty deeper.” Kryptman said, he pressed the button for the vox-caster. “How are you, Ninety-Nine.”


“Good.” Kryptman said. “Today you will explore your home and meet your battle-masters. You will finally serve the Emperor.”

“For The Emperor!”

Ninety-Nine beamed, her wagging tail smashed the stacked steel blocks and the small chair. There were no cheers per say, but vibrating purrs and clicking noises. Chaplain Gabriel held his gaze at Kryptman which he could not meet.

“And who would that be?” Chaplain Gabriel said.

“I was hoping you would know the best. That’s why I brought you here.”

Chaplain Gabriel paused.

>“Brother Ankhan of the Black Dragons perhaps.”
>“Brother Rylor of the Executioners perhaps.”
>“Brother Skyrus of the Raptors perhaps, he has been flexible in his strategies.”
>“I will meet her myself. Test her purity.”
>“Brother Rylor of the Executioners perhaps.”
Love me some fistty boys. We will become their battering ram!
>“I will meet her myself. Test her purity.”
He'll teach her how to be a proper zealot.
>“Brother Rylor of the Executioners perhaps.”
>>“Brother Ankhan of the Black Dragons perhaps.”
Looks like I'm getting more votes, I'll check back in like an hour. Thank you for your participation so far. Also feel free to add write-ins of your favorite chapters as well.
>“Brother Rylor of the Executioners perhaps.”
>>“I will meet her myself. Test her purity.”
>"Brother Macrinios of the White Consuls, a wise veteran but also a zealot of the Imperial Creed."
You know I was going to put White Consuls, very unique chapter

Votes are locked in
Nu 40k is cringe, but this premise is interesting enough to hook my attention.

Hell yeah, this is going to be good.

>Intelligence: 3/10
We could bump up her intelligence as soon as we get the opportunity. That way, she'll be much more effective working with front line tactics, rather than being set loose and hoping for the best. She'll be much more effective as a bulwark or linebreaker if she's smart enough to understand what's happening. Hell, maybe she'll be good with a heavy flamer or assault cannon to compliment her tail. It may also help her wrestle hive mind control from the Tyranids.

>Tyranid GIRL
I wonder what Guilliman's reasoning is for this, and why Kryptman of all people signed up for this.

>“I will meet her myself. Test her purity.”
It's the most likely response from the Chaplain. A Black Templar, infamous for hatred of xenos even among Astartes, would leap at the chance to prove their own suspicions.
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>53 minutes ago
>Just got into 40k lore and 1st time qsting so please please please let me know if I did anything wrong.
No worries dude, we won't chew you out. Not me at least.
“Brother Rylor of the Executioners perhaps.”

Kryptman raised a single suspicious eyebrow. “Rylor? That bellicose glory seeker?”

“Behind the mask of a brute is a disciplined and honorable fighter, as all sons of Dorn are.” Chaplain Gabriel said. “If Rylor can tolerate her, his cousins will as well.”

“Win over the most difficult hurdles first.” Kryptman said.

The Chaplain nodded. “They will abide by the Lord Commander’s order, but they will question the decision. They will question you.”

“Very well. I will leave this in your hands.”

The ebon twin axes rested behind the red shield. Rylor sat inside the Chaplain Gabriel’s personal monastery, he sat waiting like a statue. He stroked his clean shaven chin, wondering why he has been called to The Chaplain’s personal room. His loyalty was unflinching, and his hate never satiated… so why was he here?

“Sergeant Rylor.”

The raspy voice rang. Rylor stood to his feet, he eyed the elusive Watch Master and a small human draped in a red cloak.

“I assume you are aware of a new weapon in development?”

Rylor eyed the Lord Inquisitor. “I have Chaplain.”

“The weapon is to combat the tyranids by developing a bio-weapon that can hijack the psychic control of the tyranid hive mind on a small scale for now. Sergeant, I will reveal this weapon. You will not react in any hostile manner, do you understand?”

Rylor placed his fist on his chest. “On my honor I will not.”

The Chaplain removed the hood. A small child… xenos thing appeared.

“This is the weapon?” Rylor said.

“It is sanctioned by Ordo Xenos, the Adeptus Mechanicus, and the High Lords of Terra, and The Lord Commander.” Chaplain Gabrield said.

Rylor stood still. “I see. What am I to do then?”

>Lord Inquisitor Kryptman nudged Ninety-Nine forward. “Greet your battle-master, Ninety-Nine.”
>The Chaplain gently nudged Ninety-Nine forward. “Present yourself, adept.”
>Rylor knelt to observe the thing closer, as much as it disgusted him.
>>The Chaplain gently nudged Ninety-Nine forward. “Present yourself, adept.”
>“Behind the mask of a brute is a disciplined and honorable fighter, as all sons of Dorn are.” Chaplain Gabriel said.
The stoic pride of the IF at work, I see.

>The Chaplain gently nudged Ninety-Nine forward. “Present yourself, adept.”
Rylor doesn't seem like the kind of guy to take a closer look without the Chaplain's approval, and Kryptman is likely off doing his own thing meanwhile.
>Lord Inquisitor Kryptman nudged Ninety-Nine forward. “Greet your battle-master, Ninety-Nine.”
>Hell yeah, this is going to be good.
so that's why the trip looked familiar. it's the alt one he used in the main quest.

Well shit it's too late, I wanted to try this idea out but wasn't sure if I needed to make a new trip so here I am. Is it ok to have more than one qst running?
Of course. There's no rule against running multiple quests, anyway. Just don't stress yourself over what's supposed to be fun and don't be surprised when Pangea and Ninety-Nine are competing for a slot in next year's Queen of /qst/..
>The Chaplain gently nudged Ninety-Nine forward. “Present yourself, adept.”

No you should commit seppuku NOW
Not IF.
Queen qst sounds but I don't think I'll care much as long as you guys are having fun

Locked in
not if ?

its no issue
Whoops I meant at >>6100175

The Chaplain is not Imperial Fist
I know, I said he was a BT here >>6100146. I meant that both chapters are successors of the IF and share the same kind of pride that they do.
Oh gotcha kek
The Chaplain gently nudged Ninety-Nine forward. “Present yourself, adept.”

Ninety-Nine formed the sign of the aquila.

“I greet the angels of The Emperor and my battle-master.”

Battle-master? Rylor did not show his confusion, he merely nodded back curtly. Rylor stared at the creature then to the Lord Inquisitor. There was a reason why many astartes chapters did not trust the Inquisition, and this creature’s integration proved his distrust to be correct.

“What would you have me do with this…”

“Ninety-Nine.” Kryptman said.

“Yes, Ninety-Nine. What would you have me do with it?” Rylor said. “Train it for coming battles?”

Rylor eyed the thing hiding behind Kryptman’s leg. Abomination, mutant, and a xenos in all one disgusting package.

“Correct. I want your squad to integrate with her, she will be a great tool for the Deathwatch.”

“Why my squad?”

“Your squad is the most respected in the company. If her integration with your squad is successful the rest will accept easily.”

Rylor stared at the abomination, but an abomination that can hijack the tyranids in the vicinity.

“You are tasking me to take her on missions as well then.”

The Chaplain nodded.

>Rylor shook his head. “I can’t. With all due respect, you are asking me to risk my battle-brothers for a test of an unproven weapon.”
>Rylor nodded. “Very well. I will take Ninety-Nine in.”
We'll have several years to train Ninety-Nine and bump up her stats before she hits the field, right? If so, I dread to think of what happens during the puberty of a Hive Tyrant-Hive Guard-Human hybrid.
>breaking out into literal hives
>destructive mood swings
>strict orders to keep her from males her age until she grows out of said mood swings
>obsessing about how big her exoskeleton armor makes her look
>weekly shouting matches with resident Novamarines

Rylor's going to need to find an outlet for her outside of combat.

>Your squad is the most respected in the company.
There's a hilarious irony in placing her in that squad specifically.

>Rylor nodded. “Very well. I will take Ninety-Nine in, on the condition that I shall see to her training first.”
We don't know how much she knows about Deathwatch battle doctrines yet.
Now that'd be fun to write kek
>>Rylor shook his head. “I can’t. With all due respect, you are asking me to risk my battle-brothers for a test of an unproven weapon.”
ninety nine training arc?
>Rylor shook his head. “I can’t. With all due respect, you are asking me to risk my battle-brothers for a test of an unproven weapon.”

Interesting choice.

Don't think that Rylor won't come back. I keep track of the choices that has been made.
>The half-xeno mutant is left in the hands of a Black Templar, a Chaplain at that
My sides got cramped for a couple seconds thinking about it.
Well, not really, but it's pretty funny anyway.
The Chaplain is not a Black Templar. I'm not sure where you got that idea, anon.
>The heraldic black cross on the white bone pauldron shone underneath the white lights.
Was this referring to another character?
That's for Lieutenant Casus Belli's description.
I see, thanks for the clarification. I forgot space marines lieutenants are apparently a thing now.
No problem, I'll make sure the descriptions does not become confusing.
Rylor shook his head. “I can’t. With all due respect, you are asking me to risk my battle-brothers for a test of an unproven weapon, a xenos weapon at that.”

Ninety-Nine’s tail dropped down with a dull thunk. Chaplain Gabriel nodded.

“I understand.”

Chaplain Gabriel Enochian never trusted the Inquisition. Too much power with no one to answer for. When he was first assigned to this Watch Fortress, having an inquisitor as a Watch Master deepened his worry. Kryptman’s experiment teetered on heresy, and his latest creation would have been heresy if not for the approval of the Lord Commander.

“You have been flinging your authority too much. I had to give him the option.” Chaplain Gabriel said. “Forcing it would bring more distrust.”

“I’m aware.” Kryptman said. “The Lord Commander expects results.”

Kryptman watched the void behind the glass. The Watch Master’s office was dimly lit and vast. Rows of candles lit the corners of the metal interior, and experiment notes rested neatly inside the lines of cabinet files. Chaplain Gabriel stood behind the staircase that led to Kryptman’s table.

“I have other squads that I believe are good fit for it.” Gabriel said.

“Name one.” Kryptman continued to stare into the void.

“Kill-Team Sigil perhaps. They are seeking atonement from their failure, Ninety-Nine can be this atonement.” Gabriel pondered deeper.

“If only Titus was still with us…” Kryptman said, he sighed tiredly. “For now, I want it to study the Lectitio Divinitatus


Chaplain Gabriel returned to his personal monastery. Pondering on what action to take. As much as he wanted to, casting the abomination into the void would be impossible. As much as he found it disgusting, However, The Lord Commander demanded a result and it was a weapon that could save the Imperium. Perhaps this was a test of his faith. After much praying, he came to a conclusion.

>Ninety-Nine would be under his tutelage first.
>Ninety-Nine had to be removed, for the sake of the Watch Fortress. This experiment was too far, he would first gain the support of his battle-brothers.
>Ninety-Nine would be sent to Kill-Team Sigil.
>Write-In (will be vetoed if it does not fit)
>Ninety-Nine would be under his tutelage first.
Casting NN out would go against direct orders, and Kill-Team Sigil would either send her on a suicide mission or be under further disdain from their brothers. This would be the only way the Chaplain could find closure for his uncertainty.
>>Ninety-Nine would be sent to Kill-Team Sigil.
>Ninety-Nine would be under his tutelage first.
Ask Kryptman to deliver us all necessary data on Ninety-Nine. Command words, first imprinting and education, training regime done so far etc.... if Gabriel wants to give her tutelage and training for ensure she can work with a Kill-Team its best he knows what he is working with first. With that information gained, Gabriel can build something. The Lectitio Divinitatus study is acceptable.

>Write-In (will be vetoed if it does not fit)
Questions for Kryptman (i think Gabriel while he doesn't like what he sees, would want some answer from Kryptman. With this in mind i believe some questions are justified. Naturally i don't expect Kyrptman to tell the chaplain everything of Ninety-Nine or answer truthfully to all Gabriel questions, but the inquisitor has to compromise on something if Gabriel will be her tutor) :

- "How much time i have at my disposal in terms of tutelage, before her first mission ? A few years ? A decade ?"
- "What are so far the measures you have used for keep this project secret ? Not just to the Imperium at large."
- "Do you expect her to grow further physically ?"
- "What does..... Ninety-Nine believe she is ? Human ? You have seen her reaction to Rylor refusal."
- "Have you already thought about the kind of equipment, bionics and weaponry Ninety-Nine could use* ? If not, i will make sure of it myself by talking with one of the brothers at the Forge. She will be the weapon the Lord Commander wanted, and will look the part of it."
- "It goes without saying that she will learn about all the other branches of the imperial military. On that note, have you thought on how she could work with them if her Kill-Team needs to collaborate with them in missions ? Or will standard procedure be that she keep to the shadows and avoid to be seen by other allies ?"

*(such has armor for increased protection or stealth, while covering her to the eyes of mortal humans. A trick for make her look like a strange combat automata/servitor variant maybe)
In regard to her future Kill-Team, if Kill-Team Sigil seek penance, then this works out just fine for us. They are obligated to do it with the sin of failure inside their heads.

Though when Gabriel is done with the tutelage, the Sigma Team might have recovered from their defeat.
Support, but I can’t imagine Gabriel would be calling it a “she” just yet.
I also support >>6100621 and his suggestions.

>The Lectitio Divinitatus study is acceptable.
It would be ideal to make sure she's at least on pace with a Schola Progenum student in terms of literacy and intelligence, and a Progena once she reaches the age of one. A bumbling Ogryn would do the Deathwatch no good for their operations.

>Questions for Kryptman
All good questions.
>Ninety-Nine would be under his tutelage first.
>>Ninety-Nine would be sent to Kill-Team Sigil.

Locked in and the write-in as well
>Chaplain Gabriel Enochian
I wonder if he is from the Blood Angels or one of their successor chapters.
Chaplain Gabriel found the xenos disgusting, an abhorrent experimentation against The Emperor. He knew his history and his roots. Even so, she was a weapon sanctioned by the Lord Commander. This bitter fact made him realize that perhaps… this was a test.

“I pledge in the coming battle to bring glory.”

“Lead us to the truth from falsehood. Guide my hatred and let my wrath cleave the darkness… In the service of the God-Emperor.”


The astartes’s right shoulder pauldron displayed a yellow background with a black griffon.

“Brother Thedas.” Chaplain Gabriel greeted.

“I hear there is some xenos hybrid in this Watch Fortress, is this true?”

He nodded. “Yes. A sanctioned experiment that is a weapon against the tyranid. Sanctioned by Lord Roboute Guilliman.”

Thedas looked down. “I see… I wanted to confirm if this was true. Is it also true she was rejected?”

“She has.”

“My brothers and I are willing to take her in. If Lord Primarch believes in this abomination, then so shall we.”

It made sense Kill Team Ultra would, they were not only Codex Compliant but from the successor chapters of the Ultramarines.

“Your offer is noted, brother. I will consider this.”

“That’s all I ask.”

Chaplain Gabriel pondered in the Watch Fortress’s monastery, watching the battle brothers praying or thinking in solace. Many brothers of different beliefs, battle doctrines, and faith gathered here. The Watch Fortress Monastery was not only a place of prayer, but also of peace, to cleanse their mind before the next battle in their eternal duty. The next day, Kryptman’s information on Ninety-Nine arrived via skull servo messenger.


Chaplain Gabriel

Subject 99’s mission will depend on the opportunity that it shows and so her secrecy will also depend on the mission. Her growth is yet to be predicted but to be seven to ten feet tall. Training in weapons is forbidden , not until her natural instincts and bio-weapons have been matured to satisfactory, but armor training will be allowed. For now, 99 is to act as a supplement, scout, and horde control. Her exposure to the wider Imperium will depend on the mission as well. Per discussion Ninety-Nine will be transferred under your tutelage tomorrow.


Chaplain Gabriel absorbed the information. So much said yet few revealed, Kryptman was a model inquisitor after all. A thought appeared in his head.

>He would teach her Lectitio Divinitatus, but as a study material and not as an indoctrination.
>Chaplain Gabriel shook his head, this was not a good idea.

For now, his plan was to…

>Training hall, to judge its barbaric instincts and weapons
>His monastery, to test her purity and devotion
>The Librarium, to scry her purity and devotion
>He would teach her Lectitio Divinitatus, but as a study material and not as an indoctrination.
Gauge how literate she is currently, then assign her pages to read each day. Assign reports and examinations in arithmetic and Imperial history as her learning improves.

>Brief her in his personal monastery to ensure devotion and good conduct, then examine her abilities in the training halls when it is unoccupied
>He would teach her Lectitio Divinitatus, but as a study material and not as an indoctrination.
>His monastery, to test her purity and devotion

Not picking the librarium because we already know she’s probably not 100 per cent indoctrinated/pure, but we do still need to get an idea of where she’s at.
Alright, I'm in~

>He would teach her Lectitio Divinitatus, but as a study material and not as an indoctrination.
This way she can, perhaps, relate better to the world of man.

>The Librarium, to scry her purity and devotion
What's the idea of a final build we go? From votes before, a juggernaut of some kind?
Admittedly, I was late and have no meaningful say in the matter but maybe you guys can build her more as Loyalist Gene stealer?
Here's the idea - Spehs Mareenis are powerful brutes in by themselves, and so a juggernaut would fulfil a similar role, but if she can master psychic/genetic abilities Tyranid have, maybe she can corrupt other xenos to serve Imperium? Eldar can have their jeans stolen, so do tau, hell, even orks wear their pants loosely! Imagine Deathwatch kill team with controlled ork Frontline as distraction, or Tyranid repear doggos as scouts!
(let's not forget the potential of becoming a faction of her own in the future/granting a great gift to Hive Mind)

Anyways, may the four-armed emperor bless you all, pals!
clearance- what I meant is prioritizing infiltration, stealth, and own biology to influence others, rather than individual strength.
>>He would teach her Lectitio Divinitatus, but as a study material and not as an indoctrination.
>Chaplain Gabriel shook his head, this was not a good idea.
>His monastery, to test her purity and devotion
>He would teach her Lectitio Divinitatus, but as a study material and not as an indoctrination.
>His monastery, to test her purity and devotion
>He would teach her Lectitio Divinitatus, but as a study material and not as an indoctrination.
>Training hall, to judge its barbaric instincts and weapons
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>Be me, Marine Malevolent
>Got sent to Deathwatch several decades ago
>Hate most of the bird shits called "brothers" here
>Get up to antics with an Invader and Minotaur once every while
>Things are tolerable
>That is, until Kryptman came in our Watch Fortress a few decades ago
>He's an asshole, but is so honest about it, I kind of respect him
>It makes me mad that I can't hate him
>Seethe more
>Fast forward
>A new abomination slithers out of his lab that he calls "Ninety-Nine"
>50% Tyranid, 50% punk kid, 100% ugly freak
>It's apparently a weapon to control Tyranids or something
>It allegedly got rejected by Rylor's squad
>I don't like it, and most of the other fags in the Fortress don't like it either
>Dislike it more when Chaplain Fagriel decides to tutor it
>Dislike it even more when Kill Team Ultracuck picks up the filth
>Seethe even more
>Fast forward to today
>The mutant scum has now dared to speak in fluent Low Gothic and grow taller
>Group up with Invader and Minotaur to pick on it again
>Spot the overgrown parasite eating rations and reading pulp outside the training hall
>Walk up to and surround it with my bois
>"Hey lab freak!" I say as I slam the wall next to it
>That grotesque mockery of humanity it calls a face rears toward me
>It says "What do you want, pisshead?"
>Say that I "wanted" to let it know what Ninety-Nine refers to
>"Oh yeah?" it hisses with its ugly face
>Tell it that the name refers to how many times it took the Inquisition to put her together because it's so difficult to keep such a hideous abomination alive
>chuckle with my bois
>It dares to give me the side eye and look back into her book
>It replied "You must be pretty stupid if it took you years to come up with that one"
>Take a closer look at the garbage on paper she's reading
>Get an idea
>"What's that you're reading?"
>Swipe the book from its claws
>The creature goes stiff as its face gets a red paint job
>I point to the cover "Let's see... 'A Rogue Trader Swoops Up a Nocturnian Woman Like Me?!' Oh!"
>Fake a dainty little giggle as the Invader and Minotaur begin to laugh.
>I fucking despise Salamanders.
>Our favorite romance enthusiast stands up on its gnarled feet and demands we give it back
>I reply "You shouldn't steal from the Dark Angel, pest."
>It explains that she found it several operations ago
>Explain to it that even the most charred, daemon-eyed Nocturnian looks like a princess compared to her
>Say that it's a good thing she's on a Watch Fortress to keep the Imperial gene pool from becoming filthier
>Tell her that's why we shoot freaks like her on sight
>"What would Chaplain Gabriel think of such impurity? What would daddy Kryptman do if he found out you lusted after young Imperial men?"
>Me and the boys are having a good time
>It screeches "GIVE. THAT. BACK."
>The creature is actually crying lmao
>"I better take this to the Chaplain," I jeer as I wave the pulp in front of her ugly mug
>Its right foot begins to hoof the floor to prepare for a charge
>That's our signal to walk into the training hall entrance and stand in front of the industrial tire like last time
>It got stuck all night when we last tried it
>I begin to goad the Tyranid mutant as it rears forward by imitating Fagrius
>"Ninety-Nine, you are a hideous, heretical abomination! The Emperor cringes at the profanity of such behavior!"
>I stand straight and slap the book with the back of my hand
>The big cockroach is staring multi-lasers now
>"I hereby sentence you to-"
>I feel an armored hand grip my shoulder from behind me
>A deep, rasped voice cuts me off with "burning this cheap literature, chants of penance at the monastery, and assembling a seventy-five page report on the intersection of morality and human genetic purity."
>The bois grow pale
>I get yanked to turn around
>"As for you three," the Chaplain speaks, "you shall be assigned to servitor stool duty"
>Me and the boys spend the next year of off-duty wiping servitor assholes and wiping literal shit off the floor
>Everyone calls us Kill Team Stool now
>Seethe yet again
Great stuff kek
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tha's why I love this board

>He would teach her Lectitio Divinitatus, but as a study material and not as an indoctrination.


>His monastery, to test her purity and devotion

“This is the Lectitio Divinitatus.”

Inside his monastery, Chaplain Gabriel chose to test her purity and devotion. Ninety-Nine sat on tiny bucket with a crate in front of her. He placed the book on the crate, and observed.

Intelligence required: 5/10, not met.

Ninety-Nine picked up the Lectitio Divinitatus with one hand easily, as if lifting a las gun. Ninety-Nine brought her nose and sniffed, her nose wrinkled. Then slowly, carefully, her long prehensile tongue unfurled and licked the spine. Chaplain Gabriel shook his head and took back the Lectitio Divinitatus.

“Do you not know what this is?”

“A book.”

“Yes. It is a book.” Chaplain Gabriel said flatly. “Then why did you taste it?”

Ninety-Nine’s head cocked to the right, as if she was given the most complicated question of the millenia. Knowing the various tyranids that can eat anything with ravenous hunger, Ninety-Nine most likely inherited that disgusting instinct as well. Gabriel paused and asked the Emperor for patience. How would he test her purity and devotion?

“Do you know what a Chaplain is?”

“Emperor’s best friend!”

“I am the Emperor’s will made manifest, it is my duty to…” Chaplain Gabriel saw Ninety-Nine’s empty stare. “I am The Emperor’s… speaker. Do you understand?”

Ninety-Nine finally nodded.

“And I am here to test your devotion and purity.

>Chaplain Gabriel placed a plate of meat on the crate. “Do not eat until I return.”
>“Kneel on the floor. We will pray to The Emperor. If you revere— no, if you love The Emperor, you will stay still.”
>Place a slab of meat on the table. "Do not eat until I return"

A true test of will
>>Chaplain Gabriel placed a plate of meat on the crate. “Do not eat until I return.”
>Chaplain Gabriel placed a plate of meat on the crate. “Do not eat until I return.”
In the name of the Almighty God-Emperor, you will not snack without permission!
>Chaplain Gabriel placed a plate of meat on the crate. “Do not eat until I return.”
Delicious grox steaks, cooked to perfection by brother Ku'san the Salamander.
>>Chaplain Gabriel placed a plate of meat on the crate. “Do not eat until I return.”
Brother chaplain certainly won't hate her for her individuality if she fails...
>Chaplain Gabriel placed a plate of meat on the crate. “Do not eat until I return.”
the 2nd sounds easy with her strength

Difficulty: 7

Rolle me a D4 please I'll take the first five, the modifier is intelligence. So it will be:

Intelligence: 3/10 = +3

D4 = x

X + 3

= Result
Rolled 3 + 3 (1d4 + 3)

Rolled 1 (1d4)

She will do it. She is a good girl.
By first five, I mean I will take the highest of five
Rolled 4 + 3 (1d4 + 3)

She did it. She has refrained from eating the meat until Gabriel's return. It only took three rolls too.
Rolled 2 + 3 (1d4 + 3)

Guess it’s unnecessary but here ya go
Rolled 1 + 3 (1d4 + 3)

Nice, writing.
Ninety-Nine was probably staring at the plate the whole time, wide-eyed and with her tongue hanging out.
Chaplain Gabriel placed a plate of meat on the crate. Without a pause Ninety-Nine grabbed the meat.


Ninety-Nine did as instructed, but her eyes were fixed on the meat.

“Before you eat, you must—”

“Chaplain Gabriel, you are needed in the monastery immediately. There is about to be a brawl if you don’t break it up.” Kryptman’s message transmitted from his helmet-vox. “I will be there as well.”

Chaplain Gabriel pointed at the meat. “Do not eat until I return.”

What started as a concerned protest devolved to a full on shouting match. Inside the Watch Fortress monastery, sons of Guilliman and the rest of the astartes stood on each side. Chaplain Gabriel and Lord Inquisitor watch from the side, wondering when the astartes would calm down.

“We can’t accept this! This is heresy!” Casus said.

“You dare accuse our Primarch of heresy?”

“We accuse him of questionable decisions, Thedas.” Casus said.

Thedas Rackham of the Howling Griffons and Casus Belli Of the Black Templars now stood face to face. Their ceramite armor was an inch apart. The tension in the air grew thick as tyranid swarms.


Chaplain Gabriel stepped between Casus and Thedas.

“You both shame yourselves, save your hatred for your enemies.”

“That thing is an enemy. Abiding that thing’s existence is heresy!” A blackshield astartes said. “You are abetting this heretical existence! The shame is on you!”

Silence suddenly erupted. The astartes on both sides backed away as Chaplain Gabriel approached the blackshield astartes. Any members who were in for at least a decade knew Chaplain Gabriel’s origin. The new blackshield astartes however, did not.
“I understand your concerns, I am as well. However…” Chaplain Gabriel stepped closer. “Do not question my devotion or accuse me of heresy again.”

The astartes behind the blackshield gently tugged him back. Chaplain Gabriel saw the astartes looking back at him.

“We are Deathwatch, the Emperor’s wrath against the xenos made manifest. That is why I have taken this grotesque task. Because I know this stain will mean nothing if this project will result in billions of xenos dead. I have taken this task because my hate burns hotter than any threats of dishonor. I do not fear dishonor for I will bear this sin if it means death upon the xenos. Brothers, bear this dishonor, for your suffering shall bring death upon the Emperor’s enemy…”

Chaplain Gabriel left the room. Bile and shame bubbled in his stomach, but he believe in his words. This shame he would bear, if it meant the death of the vile xenos. When Chaplain Gabriel returned to the room, he saw Ninety-Nine’s tail wrapped her eyes and her hand squeezed her nose. She blocked her sense of smell and sight to resist her urge. She fought against her instinct all because of her love for The Emperor.

“You may eat now.”

Ninety-Nine gasped. She raised the meat with her tail and lowered it into her gaping maw. She did not chew, but only swallowed. A sickening act, but knowing she fought her urges for the Emperor brought a drop approval in a sea of hate. Ninety-Nine looked around then spoke.

>“Where did you go?”
>“Why do you look different from other astartees?”
>“We accuse him of questionable decisions, Thedas.” Casus said.
Imagine if he brought up Yvraine. That would have been a brawl for the ages.

>Any members who were in for at least a decade knew Chaplain Gabriel’s origin.
Oh shit, maybe he's from a renegade chapter. If so, no wonder he took his comment personally.

>“Why do you look different from other astartees?”
Gabriel would probably tell her it's none of her concern if she asked where he went.
>“Why do you look different from other astartees?”
>>“Why do you look different from other astartees?”
>>“Why do you look different from other astartees?”
"Can you tell me a story of the Emperor ?"
>“Why do you look different from other astartees?”
>“Why do you look different from other astartees?”
>Imagine if he brought up Yvraine. That would have been a brawl for the ages.
who dat ?
Guillimans eldar waifu
Long story, there should be pages around any w40k wiki on both sides of how Roboute returned.

In short she is the one that ensured he didn't just die when getting back from stasis, made more or less a pact with him. Head of a new eldar faction, with eldars of any kind joining her. Though not all of them like her with the plans she has and the death god she serves

Locked in
“Why do you look different from other astartees?”

“I am a Chaplain…” He paused to think. “I ensure the battle-brothers are… ready to fight.”

Ninety-Nine took in the information and nodded. Chaplain Gabriel thanked the Emperor for no other questions thrown in his way.

“Are you my chaplain too?”

“No.” Chaplain Gabriel replied immediately. “I oversee my battle-brothers. Your… creator is the one you should seek should you have questions of your battle readiness.”

Chaplain Gabriel placed the Lectitio Divinitatus on the crate.

“Open the first page.”

Ninety-Nine followed the instruction.

“What does it say?”

Ninety-Nine’s mouth stretched up and down. “Re— Reee jow cee.”

“Stop.” He took back the book and opened it. “Rejoice, for I bring you glorious news. God walks among us. Who is this God?”

“The Emperor!” Ninety-Nine said.

“Correct, but are you are also not correct. The Emperor is no God.” Chaplain Gabriel said, he knew this lesson would not go well for the… unique beliefs of the minority within the chapters of the adeptus astartes. “The Emperor is no God, he is the Master of Mankind, the greatest of all humanity. Pray to him as the greatest warrior and man, ask for his strength because he is the mightiest, not because he is a god.”

Ninety-Nine nodded. For now, this would do. The thing’s brain capacity needed to be kept in mind if he wanted her to be educated properly unlike the masses of the Imperium. Chaplain Gabriel took the crate in front of Ninety-Nine and placed the Lectitio Divinitatus inside.

“Your lessons on the Lectitio Divinitatus are complete. We will now test your strength and combat capability.”

In the training arena, when the astartes saw the thing enter. All, even the sons of Guilliman, stared in disgust.

“Abomination… if I can’t kill that thing I’d rather train in a different area.”

“I concur, however, if Chaplain Gabriel is here we will be able to see his prowess…”
Some astartes ceased their training while others continued in their own respective areas. Ninety-Nine twirled to see the black coated ceramite battle-masters. Creatures, weapons, skulls (Ninety-Nine noticed lots of skull symbols) and colors decorated the right pauldron of each battle-masters. Then she saw Chaplain’s, she saw none.

“Why don’t you have a colorful shoulder?”

Chaplain Gabriel held his crozius tight.

“I will tell you when you are ready.” Which was never, Chaplain Gabriel thought. “You have fought before, yes?”

Ninety-Nine nodded.

“Then take your stance, and try to strike me.”

Ninety-Nine charged, her tail coiled and her powerful legs launched her forward. No matter what attack she tried, Chaplain Gabriel dodged them all with absolute ease. After another failed attempt, she saw the weapon coming at her. She raised her arm where her exoskeletons were and braced for impact.
Difficulty of 11. The highest of two rolls will be taken. Roll D4 and add Strength modifier which is 7.

Health: 50
Intelligence: 3/10
Strength: 7/10
Speed: 5/10
Agility: 5/10,
Perception: 5/10
Sneak: 3/10

Special Ability: Exoskeleton Armor, Natural Weapons, Hive-Mind Takeover (Lvl 1)

Still trying to figure stuff out, trying to incorporate dice and qst to think of an easy but fun dice system.
Rolled 3 + 7 (1d4 + 7)

Rolled 4 + 7 (1d4 + 7)

Block the attack.
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I might as well give a quick update.
The crozius struck. Ninety-Nine withstood the attack with her clawed feet firm and her tail firmly propping her up. While the swing was light, Chaplain Gabriel still found himself struck with awe. If Ninety-Nine could be unmoved at such a young age even if it was a light attack she could easily fight an astartes in the near future. Maybe even a carnifex in her full maturity.

Ninety-Nine grinned. This, this he did not like.

Chaplain Gabriel swung his crozius faster and stronger. The assault soon overwhelmed Ninety-Nine’s defense, causing her to curl up into a oval shaped ball of exoskeleton. Chaplain Gabriel lowered his crozius.

“Get up. The soldiers of The Emperor does not cower.”

Ninety-Nine hesitated, but unfurled and stood back up.

“Next time, do not assume your enemy’s first few strikes to be their strength, and when you are losing, make space and think of a way to defeat your opponent.”

“What if I can’t?”

“Then you die.” Chaplain Gabriel said. “Stand up. We will begin again.”

Ninety-Nine has gained +1 Intelligence from “learning” the Lectitio Divinitatus and learning about combat.

After the lessons, Ninety-Nine lay sweating.

“Do you know your way back to your creator?”

“I don’t know…”

“I will have a servitor guide you then. I have other duties I must attend.”

With that, Chaplain Gabiel left. Later, the servitor arrived and had her follow him.

>However… Ninety-Nine saw some astartes entering a place where it smelled delicious
>However… Ninety-Nine chose to explore while she had a rare taste of freedom
>Soon, she arrived back to her Hive-Father
>However… Ninety-Nine saw some astartes entering a place where it smelled delicious
The need for BIOMASS cannot be contained.
>>However… Ninety-Nine saw some astartes entering a place where it smelled delicious
>>However… Ninety-Nine chose to explore while she had a rare taste of freedom
Is there any crew other than astartes and Mechanicus on the ship? Perhaps she can find a new human 'friend', or sense a rogue genestealer in the ship vents?
>>However… Ninety-Nine saw some astartes entering a place where it smelled delicious
>However… Ninety-Nine chose to explore while she had a rare taste of freedom
Bolted to death or look around.
If Kryptman allows her to go around the Watch Fortress, then he has already plenty of measures in place for avoid the creature kills it self for curiosity or stupidity. Gabriel would have not just fetch a servitor otherwise for guide her back. Roboute wants results afterall, not a corpse at least not too soon.

With this being a watch fortress it has no city like other space stations, its entirely military in nature beside what Kyrptman has added. The humans would be mostly serfs and mechnomants and limited in numbers. And if we want to stretch it any Inquisition personnel under Kyrptman, like his own Interrogators, Agents, Retinues and Stormtroopers could be on board too. Of course servitors too be for work, turrets, armed ones etc... if we count those has human.

If xenos would be freely on board the watch fortress would be under attack, the only xenos on board are Kyrptman other experiments. This is a difficult place to infiltrate, to find and with not much biomass. Also heavily defended.

I am not sure what Kryptman did for make her, but if he couldn't find a counter to the Tyranid part of her, then she goes immediately under Hive Mind control upon contact with a splinter fleet of tyranids. The Hive mind is far above a few trillions of bioforms and spreading quite rapidly across the whole galaxy in this new age, while having direct and perfect control over them unless specific brain command units (ranging from a standard warrior to a bioship) are killed, so there is no "but". Human-tyranid hybrids in lore are completely under control of a Patriarch of genestealers. She must not be an entirely human-tyranid hybrid.
>>However… Ninety-Nine chose to explore while she had a rare taste of freedom
>However… Ninety-Nine chose to explore while she had a rare taste of freedom
>However… Ninety-Nine chose to explore while she had a rare taste of freedom
Ninety-Nine isn't too good at sneaking around, so she'll have to watch from a distance or make up some reason for being somewhere.

Because 99 does not know the watch fortress layout and due to the fortress being full of astartes veterans, this will be a sneak roll.

Difficulty: 9
Amount of rolls: 2
Dice: D6
Modifier: +3

Also a warning: I will change the stats into multiples of two.

Intelligence: 3/10
Strength: 7/10
Speed: 5/10
Agility: 5/10,
Perception: 5/10
Sneak: 3/10


Intelligence: 2/10 [+2]
Strength: 8/10 [+4]
Speed: 4/10 [+ 2]
Agility: 4/10, [+ 2]
Perception: 4/10 [+ 2]
Sneak: 4/10 [+ 2]

This time I'll let it be three but in the future that will change. Thank you for playing so far I'm enjoying this very much.

Question: Which faction/chapter are you excited to meet?
shouldn't our int be 4 because we got a +1 from learning the Lectitio Divinitatus and went from 3 to 4?
Rolled 5 + 3 (1d6 + 3)

How does one sneak when they are dragging their tail on ferrocrete?
Oh right, her int should be 4, thank you for the correction
Very close. One more roll left.
Rolled 2 + 3 (1d6 + 3)

>Question: Which faction/chapter are you excited to meet?
I suppose the obvious answer is nids, but I’d love to see 99 merking some tau.
space sharks

and ultramarine successors in general
shouldn't our inteligence be 4 since we got a boost ? also damn, all our rolls needed the very best to succeed

Already made the correction but let me post it again.

Intelligence: 4/10 [+2]
Strength: 8/10 [+4]
Speed: 4/10 [+ 2]
Agility: 4/10, [+ 2]
Perception: 4/10 [+ 2]
Sneak: 4/10 [+ 2]
>Question: Which faction/chapter are you excited to meet?
Some funny episodes I can think of off the top of my head.

>Ninety-Nine finds a hound squig. No matter how many times the Deathwatch and Inquisitors try to get rid of it, it keeps reappearing by her side through the Orkish power of belief.
>Ninety-Nine and marines from chapters like the Novarines and Marines Malevolent throw insults at one another until reprimand from Chaplain Gabriel. This happens repeatedly.
>A book collection slowly amasses in Ninety-Nine's room from missions in city ruins.
>A tech priest puts up with Ninety-Nine's relentless questions about technology.
>Precise smell and taste make Ninety-Nine a prodigious cook.
>Years from now, Ninety-Nine remembers the Lectitio Divinitatus almost by heart.
>Rocks fall, a Genestealer Cult Patriarch dies. The followers mistake Ninety-Nine for their leader and call her Matriarch. Shenanigans follow.
>Someone will deal a soul crushing insult to Ninety-Nine. It will be very sad.
>Ninety-Nine is captured by Craftworld Eldar for their own agenda.

>Rocks fall, a Genestealer Cult Patriarch dies. The followers mistake Ninety-Nine for their leader and call her Matriarch. Shenanigans follow.


>I'm not the Matriarch! Will you please listen?! I'm not the Matriarch, do you understand?! Honestly!
>Only the true Matriarch denies her authority!
>What?! Well, what sort of chance does that give me?! All right, I am the Matriarch!
>She is! She is the Messiah!
>Now feth off!
By the way, this fits perfectly.
>However… Ninety-Nine saw some astartes entering a place where it smelled delicious

Rolls failed, will write an update.

+1 Penance Token, you can use this to add on other rolls if they are not met. You earn Penance Token when you fail to meet the required number.
Brother Thedas and his kill-team made their way through the halls. The Watch Fortress has been tense lately. This abomination sanctioned by their Lord Primarch made other non-Ultramarines battle-brothers question their Father’s decisions. Him! The Avenging Son, The Lord Regent, Roboute Guilliman!

“But that thing’s appearance is grotesque.” Yataghan Varvakin, an Iron Snakes astartes said.

Yataghan polished his lance as the tech-priests went off with his bolter.

“It’s repulsive, I still think we should not accept it. I might kill it accidentally if we face the tyranids again.” An odd accented low gothic came from the astartes with a power armor decorated with fur pelt and tribal markings.

“Why did you accept such a task?” A dour and low voice from Lexius said. His right pauldron was that of bright blue and a white U shaped, a

“Because that thing is our father’s project, aiding that thing will benefit him.” Another dour astartes answered, his pauldron was that of the Avenging Sons.

“It is what Moris said. I do not like the thing’s presence, but we must trust our Lord Primarch.” Thedas said. “Brothers, I know this will be an ordeal, but we are sons of Guilliman, surely—”

They all heard small clanks from across. The experiment skipped across the common area, where battle-brothers could discuss various topics that pertain to their duties. Some would debated which bolters suited better, and some discussed their ravenous hatred of xenos and their varying hatred for the Inquisition. Every astartes worthy of their placement here saw it moving. Then, the vox-comm whined a sharp tune before Kryptman’s voice spoke.

“Subject Ninety-Nine has escaped, retrieve the subject without harming unless it attacks first. Repeating, Subject Ninety-Nine has escaped, retrieve the subject without harming unless it attacks first. Ninety-Nine, if you are hearing this, return immediately. ”

“Uh oh…” Ninety-Nine squeaked.

Ninety-Nine saw the battle-masters staring at her.

>Ninety-Nine ran for it
>Ninety-Nine’s tail drooped down as she walked to the other direction
>Thedas approached the grotesque thing at the same time as Casus Belli.
>it drooped and walked the other way
>>Ninety-Nine’s tail drooped down as she walked to the other direction
>Ninety-Nine’s tail drooped down as she walked to the other direction
As funny as a brawl in the common area instigated by a fistfight between a Black Templar and Howling Griffon would be, I don't think the consequences for our xeno-human hybrid would be positive.
>>Ninety-Nine’s tail drooped down as she walked to the other direction

Locked in
Seems like I missed it. Where's the doot ?
Sorry had to deal with some stuff. Update will come soon.
Ninety-Nine’s tail drooped down as her shoulders slumped. The energy leaked out as she turned around and left. Ninety-Nine followed the smell of oil, lube, and near-rotten corpse. Following the scent made the return to Hive-Father an easier process. Her tiny clawed feet click clacked all the way to the hive-home. Hive-Father stood at the top of the stairs, glaring down.

“Ninety-Nine, this will not happen again, am I understood?”

Ninety-Nine nodded. She looked down at her clawed feet as her tail laid flat on the floor.

“I understand, Hive-Father…”

“To your room.”

Ninety-Nine’s tail dragged as she returned to her room. The ten inch thick ceramite door closed with a thud. The walls of her room consisted of gray ceramite walls lit by bleached white light. Her dolls lay scattered across the floor and a large soft sack and a red blanket waited for her longing embrace. Ninety-Nine dover into her blanket and bed, hugging the soft synth materials and curling up, she smiled as she let out a content chirp. But soon, she found herself bored and sleep did not come faster as usual. What to do?

>Ninety-Nine played with her dolls
>Ninety-Nine scratched against the door hoping the Hive-Father will take notice.

Shot update but I am up and will do another one when it's two or more votes
>Ninety-Nine played with her dolls
let's see how creative she is
>Ninety-Nine played with her doll- No, Kill Team Mu is engaged in combat against a force of unknown monoliths steel blocks
Let's see what goes on in that mind of hers.

Locked in
Kill-Team Rylor fought with glory. Guns were shot. Things burned. Yet, the swarms of bad tyranids continued to spill into the Watch-Fortress. Hive-Father fought with all his might, as did Chaplain Gabriel. The big bad tyranids beaten up many of the battle-masters,

“We can’t hold on!”

“We must fight to the last!”

Suddenly, the swarms stopped. They all turned around as the Hive-Queen used her special power to command them. These bad bugs who fought against The Emperor soon repented, but that wasn’t enough. They needed to serve, to redeem themselves. And she, Ninety-Nine would be the leader.

“You saved us!” Rylor said. “I super regret saying no to you, I’ll never reject you again!”

“Us too!” The other astartes said in unison. “Please join our kill-team!”

“I’m very proud of you, Ninety-Nine.” Hive Father said.

A golden light showered inside the watch fortress. It was the Emperor!

“Ninety-Nine, for making the bad bugs not bad. You are hereby declared as Hero of The Imperium. You can go wherever you want, eat whatever you want and now everyone will be your friend.”

From then on, Ninety-Nine had lots of friends and was loved by everyone. She lived happily ever after.

Ninety-Nine’s voice bounced against the hard ceramite walls. The buzzing from the light filled the room as she stopped her narration. She quietly stared at the ratty dolls. Ninety-Nine gathered the dolls in her arm then wrapped herself with her blanket. She closed her eyes once more, wishing for a wonderful dream.

Lord Inquisitor Kryptman watched as Ninety-Nine fell asleep behind the glass. He sighed, wondering where he went so wrong that Ninety-Nine gained emotions. He needed a weapon, not a child. He removed his glasses then massaged the bridge of his nose. She needed to learn the tyranids were the enemies that were to be eradicated, not some dogs that can be trained.

>Perhaps sending her on a simple mission would do good, a mission that'll make her realize this galaxy was not a kind one.
>Maybe she needed a thorough lesson with Chaplain Gabriel
>“Ninety-Nine, for making the bad bugs not bad. You are hereby declared as Hero of The Imperium. You can go wherever you want, eat whatever you want and now everyone will be your friend.”
This story sure sounds familiar...

>Ninety-Nine had lots of friends and was loved by everyone.

>Maybe she needed a thorough lesson with Chaplain Gabriel
It wouldn't be a good idea to let her know that they know what she was doing, nor to send her on a mission with zero team training.
>Perhaps sending her on a simple mission would do good, a mission that'll make her realize this galaxy was not a kind one.

A more hands on lesson might be good for her.
>>Perhaps sending her on a simple mission would do good, a mission that'll make her realize this galaxy was not a kind one.
>Maybe she needed a thorough lesson with Chaplain Gabriel
A “simple mission” for space marines probably still isn’t the best place for someone who barely understands their purpose.
>Maybe she needed a thorough lesson with Chaplain Gabriel

I agree with >>6104425 as from the sounds of things 99 is just a kid. Better to wait till adolescence much like scout marines.
>>Perhaps sending her on a simple mission would do good, a mission that'll make her realize this galaxy was not a kind one.

>Sent 99 to fight Evil Tyranids in the wild.
>TFW Tyranids refuse to fight. They act like lost puppies instead.
>FML whole Watch-Fortress swarms with Emperor worshiping, puppy-strain Tyranids.
>99 opens a vet clinic as Brother-Chaplin fumes.
>Perhaps sending her on a simple mission would do good, a mission that'll make her realize this galaxy was not a kind one.
>Perhaps sending her on a simple mission would do good, a mission that'll make her realize this galaxy was not a kind one.
us fans of big, innocent and slightly retarded bug girls have been eating pretty good lately
>Perhaps sending her on a simple mission would do good, a mission that'll make her realize this galaxy was not a kind one.
Let the GrimDark begin...
>>Maybe she needed a thorough lesson with Chaplain Gabriel
which quest?

Locked in
Innocentiae Nihil Probat

Innocence proves nothing.

Lord Inquisitor Fidus Kryptman pondered much. After seeing Ninety-Nine’s… playtime, he realized her putrid view of the xenos. This innocent belief that the xenos were redeemable. He held himself back when he saw that, nearly giving her a whipping to correct her behavior. The only reason he didn’t was this action would lead to resentment, he needed her loyalty, and those were not easily cultivated.

“My lord?” Interrogator Darwin said.

The xenos did not have the right to exist. To think she saw them as… convertible. Ninety-Nine’s naivete disgusted him. To be fair, just about everything about Ninety-Nine disgusted him. From her appearance. The way she spoke. And her strange giddy attitude.

“Repeat what you said.” Kryptman commanded.

“Yes, there seem to be a report of a strange sighting and incidents of workers disappearing at Hoxxes V. Seeing how this world has rich resources and diverse biomes, I thought it would be important to report this to you.”

“Hoxxes hmm?”

With Ninety-Nine’s template in stock, recreating another Ninety-Nine would not be riskier than her creation. However, she was an asset that was not to be easily recreated.

“I will order a scout team, send the coordinate to the location.”

“Yes, Lord Inquisitor.”

The cogitator beeped, showing the location. The biome was…

>A logging factory in a dense forest
>A mine consisting of crystals inside deep caves
>A glacial field
>Write-in (think of what will be fun, not what will be easier to play)
>With Ninety-Nine’s template in stock, recreating another Ninety-Nine would not be riskier than her creation. However, she was an asset that was not to be easily recreated.
more like a hundred, am I right ?

>A logging factory in a dense forest
>A sprawling offshore promethium extraction complex
I love oil rig levels, especially horror

>which quest?
Anofelis from The Monster Girl Facility (you might recognise her from the Queen tourny). I think Ano and 99 would get along very well.
I should not say this as a QM but this one sounds so fun
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I'll support the space oil rig.
>I think Ano and 99 would get along very well
I'll give that qst a read.

I did have an idea of being an agent under a monster girls bureau, but didn't like the idea of how repetitive it might get
We got another one boys! Just a heads up, first thread is a bit slow, second is also a bit slow but things really pick up in the third. Guy's first quest so it's understandable.

Also supporting this anon. >>6104913

Time to figure out what promethium smells like
funny how the vote to play as the monster girls failing but the mamono becoming the face of the quest anyway seems like the good type of karma
Dim lights illuminated the black ceramite armor of the Deathwatch astartes. The safety harness descended with a hiss, clasping the astartes like a coiling serpent. The dull humm of the engines accompanied the somber silence. The astartes of Kill-Team Ultra meditated for the mission ahead.

“I’m so excited, this is my first missions I can’t wait, can you?”

Each mission was a sacred duty. The burden the adeptus astartes willingly and proudly carry, weighed more than other astartes. For their actions reflected on their primarch, the great Roboute Guilliman the avenging son. For Brother Moris, his chapter’s stain of—


“I’m so excited that my tail’s out of control!”

Sitting next to a modified seat made to hold Ninety-Nine, her hammerhead tail wagged, hitting the wall on her left then to Moris Talia’s helmet on the right. This too, was a penance, Moris thought.

“Brother Moris are you—”

“Not. One. Word.”

The thunderhawk cut through the thick fog as it descended on the landing pad of Nu-Omega Five. The clasp released the kill-team and the door opened with a rasping hiss.

“This is Kill-Team Ultra, we have made contact with the facility.” Thedas reported.

“Good. Report back once the facility has been cleared of the threat.” The Watch Command said.

“Understood. Thedas out.”

The layers of fog and chilling air ran through the facility.

“Stay close Ninety-Nine, and warn us if you sense anything. Do you remember the sign?”

Ninety-Nine tapped the ground three times, then two more times.

>Ninety-Nine perched on Thedas’s shoulder

>Ninety-Nine lurked behind [Roll for sneak]
Difficulty: 8
Amount of rolls: 2
Dice: D6
Modifier: +2

Reason: Ninety’s build is not meant for sneaking. Considering the facility’s metal interiors, the sound she makes will echo.
Success: She will be able to follow without being noticed by the [unknown] and Kill-Team Ultra. Should something follow them, she will spot it/them first.
Failure: She will make a lot of noises and will look really really stupid.

> Ninety-Nine sniffed the air [Roll for perception]
Difficulty: 6
Amount of rolls: 3
Dice: D6
Modifier: +2

Reason: The facility is for promethium and other gas extraction. Sifting out the scents for enemies will be difficult but not too difficult for Ninety-Nine’s senses.
Success: She will find a trail of a scent
Failure: She will find a trail of a scent inaccurately…
Another announcement

Perception will be switched to Senses. I want to keep it simplified as possible
Also enjoying the quest so far QM!

> Ninety-Nine sniffed the air [Roll for perception]
Do we roll now or do we wait first.
Hey thanks a bunch

Just need to wait for the votes on which course of action to take. Then you roll for it.
>Ninety-Nine sniffed the air [Roll for perception]
>Ninety-Nine lurked behind [Roll for sneak]
Following a scent could lead us into a trap, it might be better to guard against ambushes.
>Ninety-Nine sniffed the air [Roll for perception]
We shall sniff.
Only the failure will lead to a trap, and not the good kind either

Alright, roll for it
Rolled 6 + 2 (1d6 + 2)

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Praise the Emperor, no other rolls necessary.
Rolled 4 + 2 (1d6 + 2)

Rolling for perception
Rolled 3 + 2 (1d6 + 2)

Might aswell win all three rolls.
Little cloth covered Ninety-Nine. A synth body glove covered from her neck to her hips, the rest were covered by the exoskeleton armor. As Kill-Team Ultra moved, Ninety-Nine sniffed the air. Weaved between the scent of metal, unrefined fuel, and sea air, she smelled something raw. A familiar scent like hers. Ninety-Nine tapped the ground three times.

“What do you see?” Thedas said through the vox.

“Not see, smell.” Ninety-Nine said. “I can smell it.”

Thedas nodded, he noticed the lens of the vox-transmitter attached at the center of her chest. Thedas and the rest of the astartes had to bend their neck down fully to see the abomination looking up.

“Command, this is Thedas. Ninety-Nine has confirmed a presence by scent.”

The vox crackled first. “Understood. Investigate the scent. Out.”

“I will go with the abo— Ninety-Nine.” Lexius said. “Track us through the sensor in case of this being a trap.”

“I don’t think there’s any trap. I’d know.” Ninety-Nine said.

“Move to the scent.” Lexius commanded.

Past the halls and refinery machines, Lexius followed the thing below the stairs. The lumens on his helmet illuminated the path. The room grew warmer, and the damp ground became sticky with black substance.

“Hmm…” Ninety-Nine licked the floor. “It doesn’t taste anything familiar. Hey look!”

Familiar. Lexius ignored the word and the unholy implication did not matter when he saw the cocooned corpses of tech priests and workers. He knew what this was, weavers, a subspecies of a lictor that has been seen recently.

Hiveling? Why here?

Ninety-Nine saw the tyranid hiding on the ceiling. The tyranid-friend let out a quiet trill only she could hear.

Our blood. But free. Why separated?

Ninety-Nine cocked her head her throat trilled back. Friend. Don’t be mean. Serve like me! Be friend!

Enemy. You not kin! Must warn hive mind!

Ninety-Nine shrugged. She saw the hive mind link and used her own link to usurp it quietly. One bad bug was easy to do.

>“Battle-master, I found it!” The lictor unveiled its invisibility field by her command and leapt down on the floor and did not move. “See? I found the bad bug!”
>Ninety-Nine knew instincitlly what that meant. She forced the bad bug to come down and unveil itself. Then, she let her natural weapons do the rest
>Write-in (can use hive mind to control the lictor for now or can choose to attack)
>Battle-master, I found it!” The lictor unveiled its invisibility field by her command and leapt down on the floor and did not move. “See? I found the bad bug!”
Ninety-Nine did do the good thing! Now Astartes be best friends with Ninety-Nine!
>Battle-master, I found it!” The lictor unveiled its invisibility field by her command and leapt down on the floor and did not move. “See? I found the bad bug!”
Watch the marines just kill the Nid in front of 99 instead of waiting till she was out of sight to deal with it. At least she should get the satisfaction of knowing her work was met with approval.
>“Battle-master, I found it!” The lictor unveiled its invisibility field by her command and leapt down on the floor and did not move. “See? I found the bad bug!”

Tell the SM first so there's a chance it doesn't get obliterated instantly...kek
>>“Battle-master, I found it!” The lictor unveiled its invisibility field by her command and leapt down on the floor and did not move. “See? I found the bad bug!”
>Break the line and Audibly chastise the lictor for making The Emperor sad. Once it's down, mount the invisible bug and pet it and explain how to be a good subject of the Emperor!
What's the worst that can happen?

I will keep 99 free from grimdark, and, hopefully, befuddle deathwatch and inquisition in the process.
Wonder if that lictor can be taught to go vegan? Biomass is Biomass, right? 99, I believe in you!
>“Battle-master, I found it!” The lictor unveiled its invisibility field by her command and leapt down on the floor and did not move. “See? I found the bad bug!”

This is an excellent opportunity to see what the Space Marine does as well. Will he hesitate to observe the control Ninty-Nine exudes? Or will he immediately put a bolt through it head and cause feedback? Does she suffer from feedback? I theorize that she wouldn't suffer much if she's higher on the totem pole of the psykic link.
>“Battle-master, I found it!” The lictor unveiled its invisibility field by her command and leapt down on the floor and did not move. “See? I found the bad bug!”
wait, the psychic link also makes them feel the pain of others ?
>“Battle-master, I found it!” The lictor unveiled its invisibility field by her command and leapt down on the floor and did not move. “See? I found the bad bug!”

The one and only factor that may keep the space marines from killing it immediately is to exploit it for finding the rest of the Tyranids in the rig. If they kill it, the others will hear and either slip away or corner them, or they will simply have no leads to the rest of the hive. This facility must be very important if they're not nuking it from orbit. I think whatever horrors Kryptman intended Ninety-Nine to see will be where the hive is, anyway (eg corpses, feeding, using corpses as egg incubators, etc).
>“Battle-master, I found it!” The lictor unveiled its invisibility field by her command and leapt down on the floor and did not move. “See? I found the bad bug!”
This bad bug doesn't know the glory of the Emperor, Ninety-Nine! You must let your Battle-master know of their lack of faith!
>Enemy. You not kin! Must warn hive mind!
I gotta ask why don't the others know the instant this one realizes we exist? Does the hivemind run on dialup connection? I'm also assuming tyranids have some sort of psudo individualism going on here based on the fact it talked to us in the first place which isn't a interpretation I see that often when it comes to tyranids.

>“Battle-master, I found it!” The lictor unveiled its invisibility field by her command and leapt down on the floor and did not move. “See? I found the bad bug!”
Well, we know the psychic feedback death of higher organisms really messes with the lower nids. They basically go feral until a higher organism regains control.

Well Lictors do posses a bit more intelligence than other mid-size nid soldiers. this is because they are meant as elite forward scouts and assassins. They purposely locate leaders of sentient organisms to kill and eat their memories to allow the hive mind to better assault the wider population. Kind of like a Mind Flayer.
Yeah, but in this case I feel like we should be fine right? Recoil only works from top down - I don't think a higher organism cares if lower nids die.
>Does she suffer from feedback?
For the sake of the narrative, I really want to. But the lore (as I know so far) is top to bottom as the anon said.
Stay tuned for that answer
If it was only that simple

Locked in
“Battle-master, I found it!” The lictor unveiled its invisibility field by her command and leapt down on the floor and did not move. “See? I found the bad bug!”

A lictor, the assassin and the scout of every hive fleet. Knowing Hoxxes V, it was not surprising to see the lictor here. And it was no wonder why most in the facility were dead with few survivors that had escaped with their life raft. A question rose, why did it still stay here?

“See battle-master?”

“Do not break your concentration.”

As much as it disgusted him not to kill the abomination on sight, no one could ever interrogate a tyranid. He did not let this opportunity pass.

“Did it come alone?”

Lexius watch Ninety-Nine stare at the lictor briefly then it broke eye contact.

“He did.”

“Did it have a plan.”

“He was going to kill everyone but when it saw them leaving, he chose to stay because he knew bigger people would come.” She glanced back and nodded. “Like you, battle-master. It wanted to eat you so he can see your memories.”

“That’s all that matters.”

Lexius’s power sword freed the lictor’s head. The body slumped on the floor. Ninety-Nine stared at the body, eyes wide and unblinking. He could only hope this was the only lictor sent,

“The friend-bug was listening to me… why did you—”

Lexius grabbed Ninety-Nine and threw it to the webbed up corpses.

“Look at the corpses and tell me these abominations are friends.” Lexius said. “Do not, ever, call them friends in my presence.”

“But he was just hungry. He didn’t mean any harm I’m sure of it!”

Lexius shook his head. He held back an insult, knowing full well he was being watched. It was not his place to teach the weapon of morality. That was apparently Chaplain Gabriel’s job.

“This is Lexius. Threat has been eliminated. Brother-Sergeant, we will return to your position.”

“Understood, Brother-Leixus. We will stand by.”

Another vox cut in with a brief crackle.

“This is Lord Inquisitor Kryptman. You are to praise Ninety-Nine for a job well done.”

Lexius paused. “Repeat your command, Inquisitor. I did not hear you.”

“This is to ensure her loyalty stays to the Imperium and the God-Emperor. Do it.”

Lexius stared at the chitinous lizard thing. He pulled every will to not kill the creature in front of him. Now to praise it? Lexius told himself this was just another trial in his duty.

“You did good.” Lexius grimaced as he spoke. “Now follow. We will return to the watch-fortress.”

The thing beamed a toothy smile.

“Really? I really did good?”

“Yes. Now move it.”
Ninety-Nine scurried behind, trilling all the way.

Side story

>The Imperial Palace, Roboute Guilliman
>Watch-Fortress, Chaplin Gabriel Enochian
>Kill-Team Ultra, after the mission
>Kill-Team Ultra, after the mission
>>The Imperial Palace, Roboute Guilliman
>The Imperial Palace, Roboute Guilliman

>"Meanwhile, at the Imperial Palace, the Ultra-Friends of Ultramar were seeking a solution to a dastardly plot!"

Lets see what Poppa-G is up to.
>The Imperial Palace, Roboute Guilliman
I wanna see what Guilliman is up to, and how he'd explain our precious Tyranid project to those around him.
>The Imperial Palace, Roboute Guilliman
Let's see what's up with Big Blue.
>>The Imperial Palace, Roboute Guilliman
By the way, the board isn't 18+, QM. So no five post long Yvraine interlewds. Hopefull 99s project isn't a way for Guilliman to explore... *shudders*
Guilliman wouldn't do that. It's rogue traders we need to worry about.
>The Imperial Palace, Roboute Guilliman
>The Imperial Palace, Roboute Guilliman
How's it hanging. Rowboat?
I guess if we're using the canon timeline, that means we're in M42 and the Imperium has received its atomic Warp wedgie already. Possibly the only reason they're permitting this.
>The Imperial Palace, Roboute Guilliman
speaking of the big G, just watched this vid from dreadanon https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zmmFRi522tc
While the idea of 99 meeting Yvraine and Big G who are dating sounds fun. I try to keep the lore accurate (as possible as I can that is). If I recall they just worked together and went on their way.

Yes this is M42, specifically after Titus has left the Deathwatch

God I hate Leandros, even if what he did was understandable

Gonna be at work soon, I'll leave the votes open.
>For Brother Moris, his chapter’s stain of—
Someday, Ninety-Nine and Moris are going to have a conversation about this. The Tyranid girl will use herself as an example to indicate that even she has a place among the Emperor's forces, so whatever happened in his chapter doesn't change that for him. Moris, upon being compared to a mutant but unable to retaliate because she isn't wrong, will have an existential crisis. Imagine this sort of conversation with Gabriel.
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I'm weak to retarded monster girls.
I don't think she has a horn if it wasn't obvious what she was under the robe. I'd imagine that she would have a small bone crest on her head like a Genestealer's, but shorter. Regardless, that's an adorable picture all the same. Good job.
Kryptman's such a goofy looking motherfucker. Old 40k art was retarded and I kind of like it.

I'm reminded of Professor Farnsworth and his first robot.

I had a shitty day at work. This made my day thank you art-anon. I really mean it. Made my shitty day bearable.
Is it cool if I use this for the next thread anon? And if you have an art-name/other accounts I’d love to share them
I would like to pet this creature.

Do not crush Ninety-Nine. I've only known her for two days, but if anything happens to her, I will commit exterminatus to everyone in this quest including myself.

Damn, QM, hope you'll be able to unwind and get the opportunity to relax.
No. Don't do that.

I'm sorry to hear that. I hope your day gets a lot better.
thanks, artanon
Absolutely adorable.

Oh hey, you are here now. Nice.
>Is it cool if I use this for the next thread anon?
Yeah go ahead, feel free to use any art I make.
I would have preferred her as a winged hive-princess, but big, buff, pure-hearted big bimbo is fine too... Once she grows up. For now she's an awkward, too-large-for-her-body cutie.

And a part of me wonders, given this is the same OP, if this is the same timeline as another sweet girl in the grim darkness of the far future?

>The Imperial Palace, Roboute Guilliman
Someone has some 'splainin to do, Bobby G. Though doubtless Cawl will be thrilled at the gene-heresy going on.

Also, Hoxxes? If we run into a team of Squats, I'm gonna... I don't actually know, but I'll either be amused or exasperated. Probably both.
>For now she's an awkward, too-large-for-her-body cutie.
Assuming that each stat is rounded down after dividing by two, an intelligence of at least 6 could suffice. Assuming Gabriel's tutoring is consistent over the next several in-quest years, she should be on pace with a Progena.

>And a part of me wonders, given this is the same OP, if this is the same timeline as another sweet girl in the grim darkness of the far future?
Do you mean Pangea? I can't speak for the QM, but it's more likely not the case.

Votes locked in

Maybe a collab or some weird crossover AU is possible. But they do not exist on the same timeline
Primarch of The Ultramarines. The Lord of Ultramar. The Avenging Son. Lord Commander of the Imperium. The Lord Regent.

Roboute Guilliman.

Was tired.

Oh so very tired.

Inside a chamber of gray ceramite walls, a large circular machine displayed the thousands of Imperium world. The dark green light bathed Guilliman and his armor. He watched the green light turn red. Guilliman reigned in his strength as he grabbed the rims of the holo-display tightly. He closed his eyes shut tightly in mournful silence.

“My lord… perhaps it’s time you took a rest.” Cato Sicarius said.

“I do not need rest. Not yet.” Guilliman said.

“You said that four months ago.” Cato said.

“I know.”

Cato Sicarius stood guard as did his honor guards, close yet so far away. Guilliman did not attempt to make a joke ever since he found his sons were more… serious.

“Transmission incoming.” The cogitator said.

A metall branch pushed the screen forward toward the holo-display. The screen showed the important content.


He sighed. Everything was absolute importance nowadays.

“Proceed.” Guilliman confirmed.


Yes, Ninety-Nine, a creation from Kryptman and Cawl. If not for their insistence, he would have outright denied this madness. Then again, the whole galaxy was mad. Maybe he himself as well…

“Open report.”

Guilliman’s eyes widened as he read the report.

“It worked…” He muttered in shock. “It really worked.”

For the first time since his awakening, a small ember of hope glowed.

“What worked, my lord?” Cato said.

Guilliman turned around to Cato with a determined gaze.

“The weapon against the tyranid.”

+++[Watch-Fortress REDACTED]+++
++[REDACTED Segmentum]++

After her return, Ninety-Nine was rewarded for her first mission. In her newly furnished room, Ninety-Nine spread her limbs on top of a large pile of blankets, complete with a larger pillow and new dolls to play with. Her life was getting better and better, soon she would even be able to roam free! On top of that she was given another reward. Which was…

>Being able to interact with Kill-Team Ultra when possible
>A cogitator with five (that’s the same number of talons on her hand!) vox-channels
>Being able to eat in the cafeteria
For using her ability to smell to track the tyranid, one point has been added to Senses

Intelligence: 4/10 [+2]
Strength: 8/10 [+4]
Speed: 4/10 [+ 2]
Agility: 4/10, [+ 2]
Senses: 5/10 [+ 2]
Sneak: 4/10 [+ 2]
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2.01 MB PNG
>Being able to interact with Kill-Team Ultra when possible
>Being able to interact with Kill-Team Ultra when possible
>A cogitator with five (that’s the same number of talons on her hand!) vox-channels
is that Chadandrus ?

For updates
>>Being able to eat in the cafeteria
>>Being able to interact with Kill-Team Ultra when possible
Annoying the Imperials?
-=]•[ Strategic. Value. Absolute. ]•[=-
>A cogitator with five (that’s the same number of talons on her hand!) vox-channels

I'm honestly just curious about what sort of programs would be available to Nines.
>"Ci, Ci, Ciaphas Cain! Hero of the Imperium!"

Approved Programming.

Also, It's kind of nice to see Guilliman happy about a hair-brained scheme showing results.
>A cogitator with five (that’s the same number of talons on her hand!) vox-channels
I really can't see Kryptman trying her to roam around. Her eating habits are disgusting by human standards (and giving her a free pass to too much food might awaken undesired instincts). And bothering the astartes is out of the question.

Also, what do her stats really mean? Strength 8/10 took a light blow from an astartes, so are they 10/10? What about an Ogryn, who are generally physically as strong or stronger than a space marine in brute terms (albeit much less skilled and capable). Is a carnifex, a being that can easily knock an incautious battle-brother clean through a rockcrete wall and is described as a living siege weapon, a 14/10?

Regardless, I think part of Ninine's reward should be a biiiig Aquila painted onto her carapace, jsut to make it very, very clear that she's a sanctioned xeno. Even a Black Templar might hesitate for a fraction of a second before cleaving down something bearing the Emperor's holy symbol... Only for a split second mind you, but that's better than nothing!

Man needs a nap. ...If he visits the watchstation to personally check on the project, I can totally see Ninine doing something like giving him her favorite plushie and saying it helps her sleep. The look of sheer confusion on his face would be priceless.
>Being able to interact with Kill-Team Ultra when possible
>A cogitator with five (that’s the same number of talons on her hand!) vox-channels
>>A cogitator with five (that’s the same number of talons on her hand!) vox-channels
>>Being able to interact with Kill-Team Ultra when possible
Her socialization is vital.
>Being able to interact with Kill-Team Ultra when possible
>And bothering the astartes is out of the question.
When on off-duty and not doing anything in particular? Not really, especially if Kryptman orders them to. What >>6106221 says is very much correct, and Ninety-Nine needs to develop a closer understanding of her assigned team, anyway.

>I can totally see Ninine doing something like giving him her favorite plushie and saying it helps her sleep. The look of sheer confusion on his face would be priceless.
The QM was probably planning this, kek.

Locked in, bruddah
Would Kill-Team Ultra be a lesser mortal, they would have shown their displeasure. Each battle-brother listened to their new “orders.” An hour a day, when they were not on a mission at least one of them had to interact with her and show no hostility. Their topic could be anything, any questions they could not answer were to be noted and notified.

“Brother Thedas.” Lexius said calmly

Thedas did not sigh but nodded. “I’m well aware of what you will tell me.”

“Good.” Lexius said again.

“I am not fond of abominations. But the lass did her job.” Nvas said. “What?”

“That abomination can control a tyranid. What will happen if she goes against the Imperium?” Yataghan polished his lance. “The moment she shows a sign of hostility, I’m going to kill it.”

Thedas shook his head. He understood their reluctance and their justified hatred. Even he himself could not bear to look at the thing for so long.

“It, is a weapon created to protect the Imperium.” Thedas said.

“A weapon can be wielded by a different hand should one falters.” Moris finally said. “If my brother can betray the Imperium, there is no doubt the spawn will too.”

Thedas could not help agree.

“Then we shall hope it does not. Or I will slay it myself. And who will be taking turn today? We all have to do it once.”

>Thedas saw no hands raising. “I will do it myself then…”
>Moris raised his hand. “I will.”
>“I’ll see to it.” Nvas said.
>“I want to have my turn done already.” Lexius said.
>Yataghan raised his hand.
>>Thedas saw no hands raising. “I will do it myself then…”
He DID say he'd take her in
>Thedas saw no hands raising. “I will do it myself then…”
He is the one who approached the Chaplain about it.
>Yataghan raised his hand.
You know what? White Scars don't get enough screentime or respect and I think we should fix that.
>Thedas saw no hands raising. “I will do it myself then…”
They're all sons of Guilliman. The one you're referring to is an Iron Snake.
>Yataghan raised his hand.

Iron Snakes are cool. Let's see how he handles Nines.
>>Moris raised his hand. “I will.”
Really? I mean it is Kill Team Ultra, so that makes sense. Oops!
>Thedas saw no hands raising. “I will do it myself then…”
>>Thedas saw no hands raising. “I will do it myself then…”

Locked in

I honestly wanted to make a Black Templar, Crimson Fists, Dark Angels (any chapter or first founding), Lamenter, and Black Dragons.

But knowing 40k, 99 would be fucking cooked even by the Black Dragon I think. So hence Kill-Team Ultra
Thedas saw no hands raising. “I will do it myself then…”

Thedas sat on a heavy duty crate and Ninety Nine sat on the smallest crate available. Ninety-Nine looked up with wide sparkling eyes. Her tails swished back and forth, and her splitting smile revealed her sharp jagged fangs and long tongue. The form was revolting. The girl was not human and not a tyranid, but an unholy combination of both.

“Greetings.” Thedas said.

“Hellow!” Ninety-Nine said.

There was a pause. A long one at that. Thedas sat still, the visor reflected Ninety-Nine’s excited gaze.

“So… how are you?”

“Good.” Ninety-Nine said.

“That’s good.”

Another pause.

“Do you…” Thedas prayed for some ideas. Something. Anything… “want to hear my chapter’s glorious deeds?”

“What’s a chapter?”

“It is a formation of one thousand space marines that are from the first founding chapters that was a legion.” Thedas said.

“What’s a legion?”

“A former organization of space marines. Once led by a primarch.” Thedas said.

“Like Robussy Gyattliman?”

“Yes… like lord Roboute Guilliman.” Thedas said “Would you like to hear the story or not?”

“I have a question.”

>“Who are the other primarchs?”
>“Where are the other primarchs?”
>“Why is The Emproror.” Ninety-Nine’s lips twisted as she tried to pronounce the name correctly. “Not with us still?”
>“Who are the other primarchs?”
>Thedas sat still, the visor reflected Ninety-Nine’s excited gaze.
>Thedas is wearing his helmet

>“Like Robussy Gyattliman?”
Goddammit, QM.

>“Why is The Emproror.” Ninety-Nine’s lips twisted as she tried to pronounce the name correctly. “Not with us still?”
I think she already knows how to say "Emperor" correctly.
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Based art-anon, thank you.
>“Like Robussy Gyattliman?”
So sad to see an early qm death

>“Who are the other primarchs?”
>“Why is The Emproror.” Ninety-Nine’s lips twisted >>6107049
Adorable. The face she has here >>6105779 reminds me of a certain image. I'll be back with that soon.
>''Like Robussy Gyattliman?''
QM I am going to drone strike your home
>“Why is The Emproror.” Ninety-Nine’s lips twisted as she tried to pronounce the name correctly. “Not with us still?”
>“Like Robussy Gyattliman?”
Take her Cogitator away, she's watching too much brainrot.
>“Why is The Emproror.” Ninety-Nine’s lips twisted as she tried to pronounce the name correctly. “Not with us still?”

I love the hint of a strained smile on Guilliman.
>Like Robussy Gyattliman?
Oh no, she really is retarded.

>“Who are the other primarchs?”
>>“Who are the other primarchs?”
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>“Who are the other primarchs?”

>“Like Robussy Gyattliman?”
im going to strangle you.

And I suppose if we had chosen the Cogitator Vox-channels, you would have had her watching episodes of 'My Kreiger Pony'
"There is no redemption except the feeling of the Emperors enemies being crushed beneath our hooves!"
My plan was having a knowledge on the wider Imperium's belief in knowing that the Emperor is revered as God. Then she learns of the famous people, Ciaphas Cain, Celestine, and Roboute Guilliman. One day at a point in this qst, I definitely want to write Celestine accepting her or Ciaphas meeting her as she saves the Valhallans from a winter adapted tyranids. But that's like in the future.

I love the SoB, but it's hard to find a way to let 99 interact without being fucking murdered even if she's sanctioned. She'd be treated so badly that it feels lore breaking if I made them tolerate her.
>Like Robussy Gyattliman?

Good on Thedas for not strangling Ninety-Nine here. I know it took a lot of willpower from him to not to.

>“Why is The Emproror.” Ninety-Nine’s lips twisted as she tried to pronounce the name correctly. “Not with us still?”
>“Why is The Emproror.” Ninety-Nine’s lips twisted as she tried to pronounce the name correctly. “Not with us still?”
Not content with staying merely a space nazi, Brother Thedas will soon become a grammar nazi. It's like Tyranid evolution! But backwards!

>“Who are the other primarchs?”
>“Would you like to hear the story or not?”


With more missions under her belt maybe, like very very hard maybe. For now it's good that the watch fortress forge, made her the custom equipment to wear in missions. Not much combat experience for now, since the lictor was quite isolated. But there will be more opportunities now that she is assigned to Kill Team Ultra.

The only thing that comes to mind for some actual true very border line acceptance is finding or taking back an imperial relic or a STC fragment. If not an outright visible blessing of the imperial faith. Even with many missions completed she would be just seen has the hideous monster weapon ™, made by an Inquisitor and deployed with a Kill Team.
They could treat her well if they don't KNOW she's a mutant. Like, she's all wrapped up and armored or something so they think she's just some badass being deployed with Deathwatch, and then we can have the reveal later and there's either a heartbreaking denial of 99's true form or heartwarming acceptance.
Don't kid yourself, it's only gonna be heartbreaking denial. If anything the Imperial guard is the best bet for heartwarming acceptance given they work with abhumans all the time and since she's sanctioned...

That aside...

>''Like Robussy Gyattliman?''

The crimes thy kind have committed against humanity are not forgotten, and thy punishment...IS DEATH.

>“Who are the other primarchs?”
>“Why is The Emproror.” Ninety-Nine’s lips twisted as she tried to pronounce the name correctly. “Not with us still?”
Let her learn. Let her know of the horrors that infest the galaxy and the depth of humanity's suffering.
A commissar taking a liking to her in the same vein they usually take a liking to Ogryn, except she's a bit smarter.
Exactly. Her commissar will give her plenty of extra rations as rewards.
>“Why is The Emproror.” Ninety-Nine’s lips twisted as she tried to pronounce the name correctly. “Not with us still?”

No matter what, this will lead to a funny/saddening situation for our precious girl. I wanna see that situation.

>“Like Robussy Gyattliman?”

Must've been some sort of defect during creation. That, or the dark future of humanity remains tarnished with the influence of today's kids.
Once she learns how to meddle with other's genes she can make everyone happy and whole!

Imagine the guardsmen that the commissar could execute if he had four arms!
Imagine skiitari that a magos biologis could implant with tyranid bone swords, plating and devourers
File: emp's little girl.png (5.81 MB, 2250x3150)
5.81 MB
5.81 MB PNG
This is a ridiculous amount of art for such a new quest. It's great!
Great art thank you man!

Locked in
“Who are the other primarchs?”

“There is Lion’el Jonson, the Primarch of the Dark Angels. Jaghatai Khan, the primarch of the White Scars. Leman Russ and his Space Wolves. Rogal Dorn, the primarch of the Imperial Fist. Sanguinius of the Blood Angels. Vulkan, the primarch of the Salamanders. And last but not least, Corvus Corax of the Raven Guard. I’m certain you will meet the sons of these legions.”

“I will?”


“That’s a lot of primerchs.” Ninety-Nine said.

“There are.” Thedas confirmed, only to continue the conversation.

The rest of the conversation continued, answering various questions of the astartes. Most answers were what his chapters did and the rest were dependent on the chapters. The conversation dragged on, but Thedas was confident that with most questions done, the next time would not be long as the next time.

“The lictor is confirmed dead and we have confirmation on her hive-control on an actual tyranid. The defense of Hoxxes V have been doubled.” The acolyte said.

The holo-display showed the various world under different kind of xenos threats. Plenty were tyranid invasions. Manufactorums, resource based worlds, hive worlds, but there was one enemy that he had yet to send Ninety-Nine on, but would they present worse or easier threats to dispatch?

“Good.” Kryptman said. “It seems like her tracking ability is better than I thought. Bring up the missions that will launch tomorrow.”

The holo-display projected three worlds. The interrogator read from the data slate.

“There is a request from a manufactorum-world of Hazel, Kill-Team Priad has failed to send the virus bomb payload into the deeper hive. Then there is Mol, a mining world that is currently under an invasion where a scarred trigon has been repeatedly causing immense casualties. Finally, a Paradise World known as Eve has requested our aid after they found a mutant that may seem like a genestealer.”

Kryptman watched the three worlds. His finger hovered over…

May as well see if it works on genestealers. Also should be relatively easy if it does compared to a mother fucking Trygon but not the end of the world if it doesn't. Plus genestealers are particularly bad if left unchecked.
She has two arms, but that's a nitpick rather than a criticism. I love seeing this kind of art, and in the first thread at that. Your art looks very familiar.

Genestealers are a big no-no. There's likely a small cult on the planet by now, hopefully no older than a generation or two.

>The conversation dragged on, but Thedas was confident that with most questions done, the next time would not be long as the next time.
That implies she likely asked where the Emperor is right now. I wonder how Thedas answered that question.

Like >>6107514 said, a full disguise is only going to be a facade that even Ninety-Nine is aware of. As she grows taller, her exoskeleton expands, and her natural weapons become more prominent with maturity, it'd be more difficult to hide what she is anyway. There will inevitably come a time, perhaps soon, when she fully grasps how much of an oddity she is. I don't think she'll stoop to betrayal, but depression is certainly going to hit her like a runaway freight train. Who knows what kind of personality she'll have when that happens. Maybe she'll develop an obsession with Imperial customs and culture to quite literally dress over her insecurities. Alternatively, she'd wear a mask purely out of loathing toward herself, as if she doesn't want to remind herself of how "human" she could have been.

The Lictor was nothing to sneeze at, but we should see what her current weight-class is.
Unless I misunderstand, Hazel seems like the safest option for now. and with a potential to boot - since 99 can, perhaps, appropriate a part of the hive.

Mol seems dangerous, but challenging physically, so it's fire baptism of sorts.

Eve seems like a nightmare of consequences when 99 gets treated with dignity and as a kin. It's easier for her to live among the imperials when she has no concept of, I don't know, respect or actual friends. 1/2 gens might get friendly with her, especially younger ones and kids. And that's a recipe for existential angst when she starts, by comparison, getting the feeling that everyone in the imperium - Everyone - literally murderously despises her.
If we go to Hazel, we're most likely to pick up some tiny gaunts that can become friends.

I fear Eve could sour Ninety-Nine relationship with the marines if the genestealers treat her too well.
4 votes

2 votes

4 votes

So, since this is a plot that will run longer, I will wait for about an hour more.
Would go hazel, but for the fact that this is a paradise world. Besides, it’ll be a good change of scenery for 99.
Well shit I need another tiebreaker or a dice toss. Will back in thirty minutes.
I'll just change my vote to Eve
>we have to go to the shitties planet instead of picking up tiny gaunt friends at the factorum
Lame and gay.
6 votes

5 votes

Looks like Eve won, votes locked in.
Writing now

Kryptman doubted the paradise world wanted to see astartes. Many diplomats, governors, and nobles frequented these paradise worlds. Sending a team of astartes would be a horrible message that the Inquisition did not care for their peace.

“We have yet to test if her ability could affect gene stealers. Eve will be her next assignment.”

It was a good thing that the Inquisition did not care. Krypt man saw the lush forests and valleys of its natural beauty. Rivers and waterfall made for perfect picnic spots, and the weather was always a four seasoned cycle so predictable that they would sometimes be tithed. Eve was a world ripe for biofuels.

“Which astartes, Inquisitor?”

Kryptman rubbed his chin.

This would require an investigative team, but still be a strong combat force.

The Space Wolves had keen senses more than others. Raven Guard successors were ideal for scouts.

“ This mission will have Ninety-Nine locate the gene-stealers, they will either run to the mountains or the forests. I will need a strike team to cripple the cult and have my main force to wipe the rest out. Tyr of the Space Wolves will do, he’s the most level headed there among his brothers here.”

“Inquisitor, will it be wise to send a Space Wolves space marine where the nobles are?”

Kryptman and his Interrogator stared at one another. A burst of hearty laughter echoed inside the room.

“Now, I want—”

>Mawsl, from the Charadons, his stealth capability and melee prowess is perfect for this mission.
>Ranos, The Raptors marksmanship and stealth will be perfect for this mission.

“Then Altai of the White Scars. His skills are plenty and will be a good addition along with Obediah, I doubt the killteam will be happy but a Red Hunter will ease my worries.”

“And the last astartes?” The interrogator said. “Perhaps a human representative?”

Kryptman scrolled through his data slate.

>“Bring in Clay, he will be the face of this Kill-Team. Their job is to confirm, identify, and cripple.”
>Write-in successor you think it fits the most here
the joke was lost on me
>Mawsl, from the Charadons, his stealth capability and melee prowess is perfect for this mission.

>“Bring in Clay, he will be the face of this Kill-Team. Their job is to confirm, identify, and cripple.”
>Mawsl, from the Charadons, his stealth capability and melee prowess is perfect for this mission.
Strangely enough, he might be more tolerant of Ninety-Nine's presence than others because of the chapter's infamous reputation for brutal pragmatism. They deal with Ashen Claws, after all. Other Astartes in the squad would be wise to advise Ninety-Nine to leave plenty of room for him when in CQC, however.

>“Bring in Clay, he will be the face of this Kill-Team. Their job is to confirm, identify, and cripple.”
I have a feeling this will be more for Ninety-Nine than for the locals.
>Mawsl, from the Charadons, his stealth capability and melee prowess is perfect for this mission.

I like the shark marines

>“Bring in Clay, he will be the face of this Kill-Team. Their job is to confirm, identify, and cripple.”
>Mawsl, from the Charadons, his stealth capability and melee prowess is perfect for this mission.
>“Bring in Clay, he will be the face of this Kill-Team. Their job is to confirm, identify, and cripple.”
>Mawsl, from the Charadons, his stealth capability and melee prowess is perfect for this mission.
>“Bring in Clay, he will be the face of this Kill-Team. Their job is to confirm, identify, and cripple.”
No favorite chapters or Raptor love?
>favorite chapters
I have a few favorite chapters, but I want to see what Clay does.

>Raptor love
Raptors are neat.
I do love Raptors, they're as close as we can get to reasonable marines, but I just wanted shark man for now, lol.
>Mawsl, from the Charadons, his stealth capability and melee prowess is perfect for this mission.

I assume we are writing in clay's backstory?

>Write-in- Clay of the Mortifactors.

I don't see enough about these guys, and this should prove interesting.
>Mawsl, from the Charadons, his stealth capability and melee prowess is perfect for this mission.
>“Bring in Clay, he will be the face of this Kill-Team. Their job is to confirm, identify, and cripple.”
I’d love to see some Star Phantoms stuff in future, but they’re a bit too… open to collateral damage for this mission.

Locked in
Clay lazily rested on the hammock that hung in the hangars as he read the data-slated.

Tyr, Space Wolves, expert in melee combat. A polite and boisterous fellow.
Mawsl of the Charadons Astra, they were stealthy as they were creepy.
Altai of the White Scars, an all rounder. A decent fellow.
Obediah, a Red Hunter astartes.

A headache struck Clay. A Red Hunter. It seems that his esteemed Lord Inquisitor wanted to make his life worse than usual. On the bright side, being an interrogator of Ordo Xenos meant comfortable traveling. The not so bright side…

“Clay! Clay!”

Clay prayed for patience. He thought he could hide in a maze of stacked crates and shelves, but her sense of smell already found him. Twice. He was afraid hiding the third time would make her assume this was a game.

“Yes, Ninety-Nine?”

Clay saw Ninety-Nine below the hammock, by The Emperor were her eyes so frightening to look at.

“Are we there yet?”

“For the last fifteenth time, no.”

Clay rested his head on his pillow. He heard tiny taps. Suddenly, Ninety-Nine jumped up to an adjacent shelf. Ninety-Nine’s tail hooked a backpack full of various survival gear as if she was carrying a pillow. If he wanted some sleep, he had to make Ninety-Nine busy, fast.


>Clay brought out a data-slate and turned on the Imperium Children channel. And handed it off to Ninety-Nine. “I have a new task, watch this at that corner and do not bother me.”
>“Go to the armory and ask for a Ninety-Nine special. I’m sure the servitors will help you.”
>“Go to Obadiah.”
>Skip to Eve
Tell her to go to Altai and ask him to help her become faster.
>Clay drew a multi-colored cube from a sack and handed it to Ninety-Nine. "You can turn each row of squares left and right or up and down, like so." He turned the top third of the cube to the right and the middle column upward. "See if you can get each side of the cube to be one color only. It's like a game."
No iPad brainrot for Ninety-Nine. She will be as smart as she is strong.

>Clay drew a multi-colored cube from a sack and handed it to Ninety-Nine. "You can turn each row of squares left and right or up and down, like so." He turned the top third of the cube to the right and the middle column upward. "See if you can get each side of the cube to be one color only. It's like a game."

(Cue the Tech Priest screeching at the misuse of archeotech.)
Changing my vote to Rubiks in the 40th millenium.
>>Clay brought out a data-slate and turned on the Imperium Children channel. And handed it off to Ninety-Nine. “I have a new task, watch this at that corner and do not bother me.”

Alright then

Roll intelligence

Difficulty: 8
Amount of rolls: 3
Dice: D6
Modifier: +2

Reason: She’s barely literate, rubiks cube will test her patience as well as her intelligence.

Success: She is happy getting one side right, not the whole thing, but that’s enough for her. 99 will stop bothering Clay which will make him happier

Failure: Roll either 5 or 4, she’s willing to try later. Roll 3 or 2, she gives up quickly but will have some interest. Roll a 1, she hurls the rubiks cube in anger (must roll a D2 to see if it will Clay)
Rolled 1 + 2 (1d6 + 2)

You can do it, Ninety-Nine!
File: bruh image.png (154 KB, 230x320)
154 KB
154 KB PNG

God please let this happen.
Rolled 4 + 2 (1d6 + 2)

The Emperor wills it!
Rolled 1 + 2 (1d6 + 2)

Good. Ninety-Nine did not throw a tantrum after all.

Update will be tomorrow as always
It's a good thing Clay didn't hand her the pad. Mawsl would only have so much patience with Ninety-Nine humming Baby Shark.
Clay watched Ninety-Nine struggle, but was patient enough to complete the half of one side. Not a bad start, though she gave up in boredom but stuck close to Clay as she was taught to do.


“Make it quick, Ninety-Nine.”

“What’s Eve like?”

“It’s a nice planet full of—”

Clay shot up from the hammock. He stared at the white and purple exoskeleton, the tair with a hammer shaped end, and the black sclera with yellow eyes and vertical pupils. Emperor’s nads! He forgot what he had to hide her!

“Ninety-Nine. With me, immediately.”
Ninety-Nine followed the nice but smelly man to a room full of boxes, trash, and a bed.

“Is this where the trashes go?”

“No, it’s my room.”

“Why do you live where the trash go?”

Now that she realized it, a lot of rooms were full boxes. Clay opened the box and fished out a small red hooded robe.

“Arms up.”

The natural edges on her exoskeleton ripped the fabrics as Clay pulled down the robes.

“Oh for Terra’s sake…”

Clay looked around. There were little options he could find. No armor were small enough for her and the retinue did not have any ratlings. He had to think of a way… later. The navigator did say it would take a couple of cycles and would be fortunate to arrive faster.

Fuck it.

Roll D100

Odd, it is the due schedule
Even, they arrive early

One. Roll.
Rolled 93 (1d100)

Neato, odd it is. Locked in.
The warp travel took as long as the navigator predicted. Which meant Clay eventually found a disguise that worked, with a little bit of ingenuity, threatening tech priests, and stealing supplies of one unfortunate sailor, he managed to create a well made disguise.

“Alright, this final piece should do it.”

Clay tied the final piece in. The welded armor hid most of her features with tough fabric stitched into a robe. Now that he took a step back and looked at Ninety-Nine, she did not look armored but a walking barrel with a raggedy black cloth. On the bright side, her tyranid features were mostly hidden, he only prayed people would accept her tail as a mechanical limb.

“Well… I gave it my best shot.” Clay muttered. “I bet he planned this.”

“My first armor!” Ninety-Nine bounced with ease. “I’m like Chaplain Gabreeiel!”

Clay was glad Chaplain Gabriel was absent.

“I’m sure you are…”

Few days later. Kill-Team Omen, Clay, and Ninety-Nine arrived at Eve. As the astartes exited the thunderhawk, Clay knelt down.

“Remember Ninety-Nine. Stick close to me. Don’t go anywhere without me and do not say anything unless I tell you to, got it?”

Ninety-Nine nodded.

“Good. Let’s go.”

The thunderhawk landed at the hangar located on a white castle perched at a tall mountain. As Ninety-Nine followed, she saw the dull colored city below briefly. The scenery of the surrounding trees and the distant mountains and the blue sky with fluffy white clouds almost snatched her attention. This was a mission after all, she had to focus!

“Good, you’re still following, come along Ninety-Nine.”

Clay and Kill-Team Omen approached a woman in a black and red dress waiting at the end of the landing pad. Clay saw the tall towers in the distance made of white materials in the shape of spires domes under the blue sky. No doubt this city sized castle would be full of secret passages. How wonderful.

“Greetings, Interrogator, honored astartes.” The woman then glanced at Ninety-Nine but did not skip a beat. “And honored guest. I am Madam Kardashian, the Matriarch of Eve. Allow me to first welcome you, would you like a tour of our fine establishment?”

The woman used thick make-up to hide her rejuvenation signs, which Clay easily caught.

>“No need, send us the map data. Bring me to the body.”
>“No need, send us the map data and lead us to the site where the genestealer was found.”
>“No need, send us the map data. Bring me to the body.”
>a woman in a black and red dress waiting at the end of the landing pad.
>The woman used thick make-up to hide her rejuvenation signs, which Clay easily caught.
We could be looking at a Magus. Clay should keep a close eye on her.

>“No need, send us the map data and lead us to the site where the genestealer was found.”
Have other trusted members of our retinue assess the murder scene and secure the body for analysis in a lab.
You know what? Changing my vote to
>“No need, send us the map data. Bring me to the body.”
>>“No need, send us the map data and lead us to the site where the genestealer was found.”
>“No need, send us the map data and lead us to the site where the genestealer was found.”
>>“No need, send us the map data and lead us to the site where the genestealer was found.”
>“No need, send us the map data and lead us to the site where the genestealer was found.”
>“No need, send us the map data. Bring me to the body.”
>“No need, send us the map data and lead us to the site where the genestealer was found.”
>“No need, send us the map data. Bring me to the body.”
>could be a magus
Maybe have 99 run a discreet scan on her?

Locked in
“No need, send us the map data and lead us to the site where the genestealer was found.”

Kardashian did not show any reaction, she merely gave a brief nod and tapped on her data-slate.

“And the suspected cultists?”

“They are in our prison. We will lead you to them once you are ready. Are you ready to see the site?”

“Splendid, thank you. Lead us to the site.”

Ninety-Nine followed them, clanking with each step as they arrived inside the castle. The guests and servants all parted ways for the angels of death, an Interrogator (not that they knew the difference) and one stumpy trash can. Not a single battle-brother spoke as they made their way. Ninety-Nine rankled her nose, everything smelled so awful here.

“This is the site.” Clay entered a small common area. “This is where the man was murdered?”


The white walls shone as an interior water fountain quietly splash in a three prong stream. Sofas and chairs herded in groups. Bookshelves occupied the walls with recliner chairs and a side table. At the corner of the room, white folding screens blocked a grisly scene.

“Ninety-Nine, with me. Kill-Team Omen, remain outside. This won’t take long.”

Clay did not flinch and neither did Ninety-Nine, who seemed relatively unbothered at the fresh sight of gore and hair. Her stomach growled. Clay began to inspect the shredded couch and collected various samples. Ninety-Nine saw the red jam

>She sneaked her tongue to get a taste
>Ninety-Nine tip toed to see what was outside through the window
>Ninety-Nine pinched a string of hair and sniffed its length
Let's see if there's anything peculiar about the hair. It's strange that there's apparently so much of it lying around.
I'd also add that she should let Clay know she's hungry.

If you want to be notified when an update is made and have any questions, please join! I want to make a fun qst oriented server,
>Ninety-Nine pinched a string of hair and sniffed its length
+1. Is there dna analysis in the grim darkness of the far future? We should probably do some victimology.
Destroyed wigs perhaps? I don't think the victim had a lot of hair, if he was a nobleman even with rejuvenant he had lived for centuries. Having less hair should be normal at that age.

What I find strange here, however, is that she doesn't like the smells of the castle. It's strange, in the previous mission there were much stronger smells in the promethium refinery but she didn't seem disgusted at all. And i imagine a refinery would use different chemicals, so strong or awful smells are possible. She liked the smells of Eden outside instead. That could be also a line of investigation ?

>Ninety-Nine pinched a string of hair and sniffed its length
As Clay investigated, Ninety-Nine pinched a string of hair and sniffed its length. She smelled thin mix of human and brood-kin. Pangea shrugged and flicked the hair away. Clay slid the vials into a metal case. Clay and Ninety-Nine exited the folding screen.

“Quite grisly, how come no one heard or saw this happen?” Clay said.

“The guests reported that they heard nothing.” Madam Kardashian said.

“You can’t be serious.”

“Our guests are in a very… relaxed state. If they heard something most likely they would not assume it would be murder.” Madam Kardashian said. “If you have any other question, I will answer but I must go.”

“Notify the guards that I will be arriving to the prison shortly.”

“I will notify them now.”

Ninety-Nine sniffed the woman’s scent. Her nose rankled, she smelled so strong of sweetness and medicine. Such unnatural scent bothered Ninety-Nine’s senses. Why couldn’t people be happy with their own natural scent?

Ninety-Nine followed once again, but her gazes always wandered everywhere. So many fat men and women roamed like free snacks, except they weren’t. Through the iron metal gate, Ninety-Nine descended into a stone wall basement. The guards opened the sliding door of the prison and escorted the retinue. They arrived at the door at the end of the hall.

“Ninety-Nine, with me. You may go guards.”

The guards saluted and left. The prisoners laid on the damp stone floor where their wrists and ankles were cuffed. Their bleary eyes looked up.

“We won’t talk, you can deprive of us with water and food but you won’t break us.” One of the prisoners said.

Clay chuckled.

“Oh you filthy traitor… I assure you I will do much worse. Either you all die here painfully and slowly, or you’ll tell me what I want.”

“Just try it!” Another servant shouted.

Ninety-Nine did not smell any scent of the brood like the jam scene. Ninety-Nine thought about telling him that they did not smell like the brood at all and since that’s what they were here for they should just look at the free biomass instead.

>Ninety-Nine tugged at Clay’s coat “Clay this isn’t what we’re looking for.”
>Ninety-Nine decided to wait, she remembered the rules after all! She’d tell him after.
>>Ninety-Nine decided to wait, she remembered the rules after all! She’d tell him after.
>So many fat men and women roamed like free snacks, except they weren’t.
I think I understand what's going on here. Ninety-Nine is more perceptive than we give her credit for. The planet is being used by the Genestealer Cult to fatten up visitors for shipping out to a hive fleet as a sustained biomass supply. As this is only a meager supply of biomass, it must be a splinter or minor fleet. Kardashian is a Magus and the prisoners are humans that figured out what's going on, and are under the impression that Clay is under her influence.

>Ninety-Nine raised her gloved hand to get Clay's permission to speak, just like Hive Father taught her to!
>Ninety-Nine decided to wait, she remembered the rules after all! She’d tell him after.
>Ninety-Nine raised her gloved hand to get Clay's permission to speak, just like Hive Father taught her to!
>Ninety-Nine decided to wait, she remembered the rules after all! She’d tell him after.
>>Ninety-Nine decided to wait, she remembered the rules after all! She’d tell him after.
>>Ninety-Nine raised her gloved hand to get Clay's permission to speak, just like Hive Father taught her to!
You absolute genius. You have my full and unconditional support here.
Changing my vote to to >>6111021

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