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Pick Race and Location.
Pick Race: Warforged
Location: Ruined city with creation forged
Race: Sapient Beavers
Location: Freshwater Swamp Forests
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>Doesn't even provide picks
Oh, this game is going places...
At least the image is nicer then the usual Copypasta that indicates a game DoA.

On the chance this is legit;

>Race: Sapient Beavers
>Location: Freshwater Swamp Forests
>Jelly, forest
Rolled 63 (1d100)


Beaver Men
Bonus: Woodworking+++ Constuction++ Forestry++ Aquaculture+++ Navel++
Negatives: Water Dependent, Herbivores, Won't fly

>Name your people

Select a boon or two and take a negative.

>Great Tail: Male tails provide great stability on land; a powerful smack can leave one with a concussion. And improves swimming abilities.
Melee Combat+++ Navel++

>Religious Favor: Your people all worship the same god. You have been blessed with an oracle, she can perform rituals and magic depending on the god you choose. You can let God take an action for you giving you a +10 Bonus and protecting from critical failure. Suggesting gods is optional.
Religion+++ Magic++

>Aqueducts: Start with aqueducts. Your people passively expand aqueducts improving infrastructure. +10 Bonus to waterworks and swamp expansion.
Constuction++ Earthworks +++

>Allies: Choose a strong alliance with one state of mercenaries. Or be friendly with a lot of smaller tribes on your border.

>Hero: Choose a hero to be near the top of their craft. Warrior, Doctor, Engineer, Mage, etc. They will accomplish feats every few years unless used on the battlefield.

>Write in
Plan early state
>Name The Beaverii
>>Aqueducts: Start with aqueducts. Your people passively expand aqueducts improving infrastructure. +10 Bonus to waterworks and swamp expansion.
>Hero: Engineer

With the Aqueducts boon, we end up with +4 construction(with +10 waterworks), +3 woodworking, +3 earthworks and +2 forestry, +2 Aquaculture and +2 navel(is this a typo? I don't what it means in this context). As beavers we eat barks, leaves and twigs, meaning we can get double out of our land usage by not needing large fields and instead using forests not only for construction materials, but also as a food source. We can also get an early start at civilization since controlling waterways how the first states formed, what historians call hydraulic empires (this is an interesting read about them: https://substack.com/@cremieux/p-147427394). I chose the Engineer Hero(Yu the Great?) because it synergizes quite well with the boon but I reckon any other can work as well.
Name: Since we come from the land of Egiir, we are known as the Egiir Beavers

Boons: Aqueducts and Religious Favor from the god of dams, B'vear.

Negative: Addicted to the abundant salvia divinorum plants, which line the valley and the rivers nearby

Hero: Uy the Unimpressive. He is a legendary unemployed bum that kinda just hangs out. The lad is an absolute unit since he doesn't work much and eats a lot. Also an absolute legend in the eyes of the youth, while somehow still earning the respect of the elders.
Seconding these parts:
Name: Since we come from the land of Egiir, we are known as the Egiir Beavers

Boons: Aqueducts and Religious Favor from the god of dams, B'vear.

Negative: Addicted to the abundant salvia divinorum plants, which line the valley and the rivers nearby

But seconding an engineer Hero instead:
>Hero: Engineer - Levar Button. Though Blind, this Beaver Engineer is recognised as one of the greats of his time. He hides his blindness by wearing a Hairband across his ruined eyes.
Do we really need Religious Favour? The boon seems to catapult the beavers straight into monotheism meaning we could lose having oracles of multiple gods. As for the mallus, having a diet based on salvia divinorum could, imo, limit our options of expansion since the beavers wouldn't be able to settle climates unhospitable to the plant, I also don't like the idea of pick have both plantations of salvia and forests for wood and bark instead of just using the forests as sources if both materials and food.
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Tiefling Folk, from the Caves Of Goon
Bonus: Demonic Magic ++++, Urban Growth++, Alchemy++, Meele Combat ++, Mining++
Negative: Repulsive to Other People, Increased Crime Rate, Hostility to Nature
Quirk: Extremely Lewd Culture

>The Edgyfaggots


>Infernal Earthworks: Early access to wash deposits, black stone and obsidian. Can craft and build with obsidian and black stone.
Weaponry++ Architecture++ Tools++

>Hero: Great Taurus Demon: Your general is a sadistic and destructive beast on the battlefield. Under his command, even the most disorganized warriors become a disciplined, relentless force.
War Tactics+++ Melee Combat++

>State Corruption Increased: The political institutions and structures of civilization are corroded by corruption. Actions will fail due to the government's lack of internal integrity.
>Early access to lava and magma deposits

I love that my ID is red.
this is good
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SFP (Anthropoid starfish)
They live in the sandy seas and shoals creating fish and clam farms, typically forming communal groups with these as a focal point
Every extension is a manipulator and foot capable of generating a new SFP a hold over from their evolutionary roots. Will post full description and stats after class

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