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Past Threads
>Rentry masterlink, includes character sheets, shop information, inventory, and general information
>Inquiries: olympusqm@gmail.com

About half a year ago, the world changed forever.

Individuals worldwide began manifesting the qualities of various figures- gods, spirits, heroes, beasts, and monsters- from Greek mythos. The system that caused and continues to facilitate this phenomenon is shrouded in mystery, both in how it functions and why it began its activities when it did.

The protagonist of this tale is the incarnation of Atë, a minor goddess in the grand scheme of Greek mythology, who causes and presides over folly and ruin. She, formerly a miserable but ultimately normal office worker, has since accepted her role as the embodiment of her <Myth>. She, along with her partner in crime, the incarnation of Pheme, titan of rumors and gossip, have been working to expand their influence and stack the deck in their favor against not only mortals, but also rival incarnations. In her own eyes, she is no longer human. Her ultimate goal- the elimination of all rival incarnations and, eventually, complete and total world domination.

After a humiliating defeat at the hands of ADAM, a task force with the sole purpose of liberating the world from divine interference, especially the vengeful <Tisiphone>, Atë finds herself searching for the power to eliminate them- and all the other obstacles that dare stand in her way- for good. In this endeavor, she found herself in China, originally with the intention of scouting it out to prepare for an attack against it, only to be faced with who most believe to be the most powerful incarnation in the world: China’s undisputed ruler, Ye Min. To her shock, she has seemingly embedded a piece of her consciousness into the circuits and microchips that operate a divinity-based electric generator and, far from threatening, has taken a shockingly amicable stance considering the circumstances.

“What do you want from me? More to the point, why haven’t you killed me yet?”

“I have a proposal for you.” Her voice reverberates through the large, empty chamber, tinged with a mechanical tilt alongside a playful smugness, “But it requires a bit of scene setting.”

“I have time.”

“Most true. So much time, and yet, not enough. Not enough to play two games at once. Ah, my apologies, I’m getting ahead of myself.

It is common knowledge- well, common amongst anyone who’s anyone, as they say- that you and Kronos have entered something of an uneasy alliance. However, it is doomed to impermanence. Why? The two of you have goals that are diametrically opposed. You both see any outcome in which the other lives as woefully incomplete. Because you are competitors in the same, zero sum game. At first, I believed the same- this is why I never reached out to you, or for that matter any other rogue entity I didn’t believe myself capable of harnessing or manipulating.

However, then I got an interesting hint. The The Devourer’s Cookbook. Suddenly, it became so clear to me: there are TWO games. One to become the <Ruler of Humanity> and the other to become a <God>.”

“Get to the point.”

“Be honest with me, Atë, do you really even want to rule the world? Oh it sounds so nice in theory, but in actuality the micromanaging of it all is really quite the chore. I hold less than a fifth of what there is, and even that is inordinately taxing. You don’t strike me as the sort to have a grand vision in this sense. No, I’d bet that the second game is more appealing to you- to become the strongest. To become a god.”

“But humans- their souls, their interface with the <System>- are vital in that pursuit.”

“Sure, maybe to get it off the ground. But after? Once you start eating <Interwraiths> and worlds and gods? One little rock- hell, the whole system itself- becomes all but irrelevant.”

“Give me your offer.”

“I’ll keep it brief. I quite like earth. Consider it a matter of sentiment. I’ll let you set up the occasional farm, and grant you essentially infinite wealth and authority while you visit. Well, beneath my own, of course, but you can basically think of it like having diplomatic immunity. I plan to expand the human project- over millennia and millennia, of course.”

“You’re asking for a whole lot here. What do I get in exchange?”

“I will agree to never stretch my reach past the milky way. One little galaxy for me, everything else for you. In the meantime, I’ll support you completely- funds. Incarnation stuff. Influence. Information. I’ll even take care of your little German problem for you. Of course, in the interim, you’ll have to deal with the Penitent- and a few other annoyances- on my behalf. After all, going by the prescriptions of the Cookbook, you’ll hopefully be able to devour the King one day.”

“How would you even enforce this agreement?”

“It’s something of a trade secret. I’ll let you know if you agree to agree.”

>Give an outright rejection
>Ask more clarifying questions (Specify)
>Make a counteroffer
>Agree to the terms
>Run away
Not voting just yet, but LOVE the art for this thread. Great work Mr QM!

Thanks! I'm glad it turned out alright
Ate sexo
>OP Pic
We uh
We're not doing too hot, huh

This sounds way too good to be true
>Ask more clarifying questions (Specify)
We need more info on her enforcement capabilities even if it's a trade secret. She's getting everything upfront with this deal while we only start reaping the true benefits in the very distant future, we need assurance she'll be bound to the terms. Hell, how will she keep us bound if everything goes well and she has one galaxy while we have the rest of the universe?

Even if she answers we should consult Pheme before agreeing.

Also I for one don't want to kill Kronos. I think it would be really funny if we got his soul and he was forced to serve us and live in our world.

No specific input here, but concerns that pop up...

> Protections extended to me extend to my people as well
> I would like a small number of life viable planets in the galaxy, between five and ten. A girl needs a playground occasionally, and there's no telling how hard escaping the galaxy will be.

> I'm no one's slave or servant.

> Can I uh...call a friend? Call Pheme.

I guess the big question is, are we ok with letting earth go as an objective? Like, diplomatic immunity basically means that if Ye Min wins, we win, and we're free to hunt interwraiths and amass power until we transcend the galaxy.

> Wanna help me backstab my pantheon lead and her rival?
much of everything we ever wanted...
>do a reality check
we have miracles themselves that trap people in scenarios they most desire if they chose to accept them as real
other than that
is there even anything worthwhile after the milkyway why does she want humanity so much?

i think its time to do alot of lying or more just not commit to anything we say
A reality check is definitely warranted.

So basically, the deal is Ye Min becomes our ally. We help her become the undisputed ruler of humanity and cede rights to the galaxy to her. That is a sizable cessation, though unlikely be one of concern for thousands of years. We also handle the Uncrowned King, and I'm guessing we're going to need to murder face some local problems.

In exchange she helps us crush our enemies, provides support, and we can enjoy creature comforts within her kingdom. And she cedes the rest of the universe to us, countless galaxies.

So, thinking this through, I'm going to suggest the following amendment based on a few concerns of mine.

> Ye Min will not expand her control and power over the last 16.66% of the galaxy (preferably a continuous spiral arm swathe) until Atë has established control over 16.66% of another galaxy.

I am concerned that there is some sort of barrier or wall between us and the rest of the universe, and I would like a fallback.

It's a good deal for both us honestly, assuming we let go of the desire to have all of humanity under our thumb.

You first check for mental interference- your soul comes up clean.

“I can’t agree to anything this definitive without consulting a partner of mine first.”

“Oh?” The generator asks, seemingly genuinely surprised at the stipulation, “You didn’t strike me as the type.”

You pluck a feather from its resting place, breaking the illusion of invisibility placed upon it, giving a subtle smile as you set it on the floor. “I didn’t strike me as the type either.”

The eye on the feather begins to dart around, and the mouth jutting from its base begins to widen. The feather multiplies, one becoming two, two becoming four, until a small stack of iridescent black plumage rests on the floor, melding together into a purplish-black mass and eventually a human form.

“Athena, is it? Truly an honor to make your acquaintance.” Pheme speaks in polyglot-perfect Mandarin. Well, not <Polyglot> itself, but a secondary effect of a different authority which exhibits a similar function.

If this piece of Min’s soul had a mouth, it would undoubtedly be smiling, “Quite sharp.”

“Not really. I assumed it was common knowledge.”

“Well, more or less. Still, it’s more of a theory than a statement of definitive fact.”

“I’d rather make an ass of myself and gain some intel than remain ignorant and silent.”

“Hmm. Wise. I must admit, I don’t recognize you- though I suppose that’s probably the idea.”

“Well, this is the time for cards on the table, right? We’re working on a pretty big deal. Though, our side would appreciate some reciprocity for the trust given- in regards to contract enforcement.”

“Fair enough. The <System>, as you know, enforces contracts by binding the souls of the involved parties together. However, as you also know, this can be exploited- severed, manipulated, restrung. Indeed, the system is made to be retractable at any time, and thus lacks permanency in any way that matters, on a cosmic scale.”

“So, what’s your alternative?”

“A method used to keep promises, ancient and powerful. The very same ties that were used to halt the King from breaching our realm thousands of years ago. <Oaths>. Inscribed not on a flimsy bit of rope, but etched into the very heart of the user.”

“I have to know- why me?” you interject, “I’m pretty strong, sure, but there are certainly stronger out there, and this is a pretty good deal- someone out there would accept it.”

“Firstly, other than Gaia- an entity who is literally unable to agree to these terms- you are probably the closest being on earth to becoming a <God>. Did you know? Of every mortal in the world of whom I am aware, you have the largest divinity pool. In fact, it really isn’t even that close.”

You nod, and she continues, “Secondly, most people would consider this a terrible deal, actually. Especially those accustomed to positions of power, Earth itself is placed on an inordinately high pedestal.

“Thinking rationally, with just a few thousand humans, plus a constant stream of more to prevent genetic bottlenecking, you could have a population relative to that of a major country in only a couple centuries. Plus, instead of starting from the stone age, you’d have access to both divinity and modern crops and technology.

And yet, they fight tooth and nail for this rock. Why? Because most, already having a position of power here, place an inordinate amount of value in it. They consider themselves <Important>, and that importance rests in something which is, on a cosmic scale, completely insignificant.”

“So why not take your own deal? Round up everyone in China, find some habitable planet, and start over?”

“Sentimentality, as I said. There are some things here- places, geography, culture, memories- which I cannot bear to abandon. Ultimately, I am the same as the fools I just described. But you are different- to you, this world is mostly just a place where people are. Sure, there are some places you enjoy visiting, but it really would be acceptable as just.. a vacation spot.

"Plus, in the grand scale, it doesn't really matter, does it? After all, one galaxy, the whole universe- these things are just stepping stones, to those with greater ambition. There's a reason the <Uncrowned King> and the entity behind the <System> came knocking, right?"

You can't tell if her ambition is admirable or delusional.

“Even so, I still don’t get why you don’t just kill me.”

You see the lights of the generator flicker for a brief instant as she calculates a response.

“I intend to rule as a tyrant.” She declares, “Of course, as you’ve seen, my tendencies are benevolent as far as dictators go, but ultimately, I desire to rule over what I have without contest. This is.. vexing to people. Humans bear an intrinsic desire for freedom. Self determination. Order people to look left, and many will look right just to spite you. That being said, humans are fundamentally rational- their thirst for freedom is superseded by their will to live."

“That’s where you come in: nothing unites people like a common threat. I will become the beacon of light in the sea of darkness, the one and only hope keeping the horrors of Ruin at bay- or at least that’s what the propaganda will say. Even to those who know the true nature of the situation, action against me will be tantamount to suicide.”

Pheme lets out a breathy snicker, “You’re planning to hold all of humanity hostage. “If you kill me, my deal with the power hungry chaos goddess goes down the drain, and our entire species is caput,” basically.”

“Clever indeed.” the generator chuckles back.

“I find your deal amenable, but I have some considerations I’d like met. Mostly. I want a little bit of the milky way: a slice, maybe 1/6th, as a jumping off point. Especially in case it’s inordinately difficult to jump to another galaxy. Of course, I’ll withdraw once I’ve claimed the same portion of another galaxy.”

“I need to consult the mainframe. One moment please.”

A minute of dead silence passes before the generator speaks again.

“A withdrawal has been deemed to be impractical. Instead, you are permitted to keep that ratio- in exchange, we- I- request Andromeda.”

“A whole galaxy in exchange for just a slice?”

“Speaking on percentages, it’s an overwhelmingly favorable deal for you. If it pleases you, if we come to find that it’s truly impossible to escape the galaxy, we shall split the galaxy in half as a form of insurance. Of course, my half will contain the earth. Ah, also, all gifts you receive from me ought to be reciprocated, and vice versa. The reciprocating party can decide what’s fair- of course, the <Oath> will bind you to honesty. Clever, isn’t it? A perfect assessment of utility. <Impetus> is quite the thing.”

>Accept this version of the deal
>Propose additional modifications
>Ask additional questions
>Agree to make such a deal
>Ask for time to come up with our exact demands
>Ask her to teach us how to make an <Oath> so we know what we're getting ourselves into
Mainly I want to go over this with Pheme in private
I want to have some pieces in place for some chosen people we do have sentimentality for, and if we chose to visit down the line and find new people on earth we like, to include them in our protected group

> Would it be cheeky to ask for a binding of honesty to verify everyone being's straight with each other before further agreements are being made? I can think of no one more able to out clever me than the incarnation of wisdom.

> Incredibly nerdy question here, what's the status of dwarf galaxies orbiting the Milky way that would be absorbed eventually into the Milky way?

>Accept this version of the deal (pending Pheme's approval anyway)
Sounds like a solid deal to me, at least in broad strokes. We're the dark queens of the galaxy, the horror lurking in the shadows of the universe, and we can get IHOP whenever we want? Sign me up.
>> Incredibly nerdy question here, what's the status of dwarf galaxies orbiting the Milky way that would be absorbed eventually into the Milky way?

getting really nerdy
the galaxy likely has a habitable zone too, closer to the center there are too many stars in "close" proximity, and the radiation is too high for life working on mitosis as we know it.
eventually our sun will explode and earth will no longer be habitable, galaxies will collide, making the definition of "milky way galaxy" void.
>Propose additional modifications
Maybe not even a modification but a clarification, I'm a tad worried about this line
>Ah, also, all gifts you receive from me ought to be reciprocated, and vice versa.
1. The things she's promised us as part of the deal (farms, money, authority, influence, info, etc) don't count as gifts.
2. Both sides have the right to refuse gifts, so neither of us can overwhelm the other by granting a gift too great to reciprocate.
If the above 2 statements are true then I'm fine with agreeing.

At the levels of power we'll have achieved by then I think we could just keep them separate through personal power.

Plus I'm no expert but google tells me the milky way isn't even that big, it might get absorbed by Andromeda.

Ye Min pauses for a while, briefly this time, presumably to communicate your demands to her other pieces throughout the world. The glow brightens slightly, seemingly indicating a surge of divinity- perhaps a cognitive overclock? It really is hard to tell.

“Let us do it like this. Firstly, of course, a gift can be refused at any time. Gifts of <Action> completed in advance are to be judged based on how useful the reciprocal party finds them- if they find the imposition burdensome, it will denigrate the perceived value of the gift in their minds, and will thus require a lesser gift than the true utility of the gift might suggest.

“Of course, matters regarding the deal itself will be reciprocated mutually, as if they were <Gifts>: this means that I owe you for infiltrations, errands, and victories against the King (though devouring him will not be counted as a gift to me, since it's obviously in your interests to an equal or greater extent) as well as for any information regarding <Interwraiths> and other such cosmic matters. Money, of course, is no object- the market value of incarnation related materials is so astronomically high that the smallest errand tips the scales.”

“Regarding dwarves- we’ll put them all in your name, for now. However, I intend to acquire a majority of them eventually, as payment for my support of you on my end, both from an incarnation and infrastructural perspective. If you’d like, you can sign them over to me in advance in exchange for a <Reciprocal> amount of support- though acting in good faith, I’d recommend not doing so immediately. The whole concept of galactic domination is nebulous as of now, at least to me, so their value is probably as low as it ever will be.”

“As for galactic mergers?”

“Well, we’ll take a snapshot of existing star systems- and the black holes they orbit- effective based on observations made from earth as of right now. Suppose one of my galaxies merges with one of yours, we shall each keep the systems that we held before the merger. And… we shall make an <Impartial> renegotiation after 10 billion years, if it matters by then.”

“Impartial how?”

“These are fun- two little pieces of both of our <Consciousness> will get put in a box, not entirely unlike the one I’m in right now. However, the memories will be shuffled- there will be one <Athena> and one <Atë> who think they’re me, and a likewise pair who think they’re you. All four will need to come to an agreement, and thus, a new pact will be struck.”

>Accept this version of the deal
>Propose additional modifications
>Ask additional questions
>would this system not favor you as the inventor and would this scrambling not make the deal meaningless?
>what of the unobservable universe? and parallel material planes of reality intersecting the slice?

honestly dont really want to do this deal with her
>"A very enticing offer...but I refuse!"
>"It is not enough for me to win - others must lose."

Then just vote against it instead of dragging things out with technicalities
To unmeme this vote and explain it better the offer really does seem too good to be true. Earth itself might be too important to give up for reasons we don't know yet - the System emerged there, the King is trying to enter through there, etc. Ye Min might not even know, or she could be setting up this deal with the knowledge that we'll never be able to collect what she's implying.
>Accept this version of the deal
I'm good with this myself. Conquering earth was never on my bucket list. We'll give Ye Min the world, she gives us true godhood. I'm not worried about earth being special, if Pheme's theory is right the System is literally an automated divinity harvest machine, it didn't originate here.

We gave us on this world a long time ago, why fight to keep it?
>Add a clause of protected people
People for her on Earth or whatever planet we are not allowed to mess with, and for us ones that should enjoy the same protections and blissful lives we get when "vacationing"
this should fall under equal trades so
>Add that, as long as we haven't discovered any other habitable planet, we're allowed on Earth fulltime and are allowed to make messes of places not yet under her control
>"A very enticing offer...but I refuse!"
>"It is not enough for me to win - others must lose."
>>Accept this version of the deal
>Would this system not favor you as the inventor and would this scrambling not make the deal meaningless?

>What of the unobservable universe? and parallel material planes of reality intersecting the slice?

“Unobservable or undocumented parts of the universe will be considered yours, as stated. Any alternate dimensions will be meted out on a first-come first-serve basis. Specifically, if you manage to breach into a reality, it becomes yours. Ah, also, though it isn’t an obligation, it’s probably wise to tell the other party when you’re working on a particular universe- to avoid unnecessary conflict, as it were.”

>Add a clause of protected people
People for her on Earth or whatever planet we are not allowed to mess with, and for us ones that should enjoy the same protections and blissful lives we get when "vacationing"
this should fall under equal trades so

“That can be arranged. Of course, the relevant party will be held liable for any shenanigans- though, at the scales we’ll be working at, one would have to do something quite extreme for it to be any more than a rounding error.”

>Add that, as long as we haven't discovered any other habitable planet, we're allowed on Earth fulltime and are allowed to make messes of places not yet under her control

“Of course- such endeavors will not be discouraged. On the contrary, I shall consider them a gift should the effect be useful enough to me.”

>Accept this version of the deal

“Well, I’d like to go over the contract with my associate here- and a few of my other pals who have an expertise in things like this- but I’ll let you know now that I intend to strike this deal. I need… four days should be sufficient. But, as you phrased it, I’m agreeing to agree.”

“Very well. I await a positive response. Keep in mind that if you come to the deal late- or act against me in the meantime- it shall be put on your tab, as it were.”

You turn and leave, a complicated emotion welling up in your gut, as Pheme disperses into a puff of feathers, following you as you exit through the front door.

>Confer with Pheme
>Confer with Pallas and Dorota
>Confer with Perdix
>Confer with the Pantheon
>Observe the cosmos

Forgot to address:
>Would this system not favor you as the inventor and would this scrambling not make the deal meaningless?

"It shouldn't be. I'll make it a part of the oath that, should it fail to be anything but completely impartial, we'll abandon that method and proceed with a more mundane method of negotiating."
>>Confer with Pheme
Oh boy, I wonder if we made the right decision, but it does put a weight off our chest if we have an ally like that
>Confer with Pheme
Guess we gotta convince the pantheon to side with Ye Min now
We can gain our last member as a spoil of war
Not really, we can use this to spring a trap too, and then ask Ye Min for all the epithets back, consolidate the pantheon to only people under our control
But I like Eris

>Confer with Pheme

You slip back into your <Realm>, then use your door to enter Pheme’s. A sweet aroma enters your nose- is she baking something?

She moves to greet you, lavender apron fluttering as she floats through the air and settles before you.

“Much to discuss, yes?”

You nod, and she gestures you to follow her to her study. As before, you take a seat on her couch as she sits across from you in her armchair.

“So, the deal with Chairman Min.”

You nod, “What are your thoughts?”

“First, let’s start objective, shall we? Firstly, she has essentially laid the groundwork for a much more equivalent long term bargain than the wording of the deal will suggest.”

“What do you mean?”

“Essentially, she’s going to help you, essentially with a blank check, during your time on earth and afterwards. She’s essentially set up a system where you start with all the money and she starts with all the stuff to buy- every major favor she does for you, she’s gonna ask for star systems, galaxies, etc. Of course, you have an essentially unlimited supply of these things, but I’d assume her long term aim is to take advantage of that fact to increase her growing room whenever it becomes necessary to do so by cashing in some of those favors.”

“Still, considering the essentially infinite nature of the cosmos, is that really a problem for me?”

She shakes her head, “If anything, it’s ideal. That is, assuming that both of you aim to use this universe as a jumping off point to replicate the tactics of the King or the entity behind the system- essentially, she’s offering you medium term benefits in exchange for short term benefits, with a mutual understanding that you’ll be fine splitting infinity between the two of you.”

“I do have some concerns about the potential significance of earth, though. Surely there’s some reason that both the System and the King emerged here.”

“Well, it’s possible. Then again, let me ask you a question: how many other intelligent species are out there in the universe?”

“I dunno. Universe is pretty big so, high?”

“Honestly, it’s a heated debate, academically speaking. There are many habitable planets- billions of billions of billions in the observable universe alone. However, we have basically no idea what the odds of life starting on any given habitable planet are, right? Additionally, from rough estimates to the genesis of life to now, it took 4 billion years for intelligence to evolve. It’ll be less than a billion more before the world becomes inhospitable for complex organisms- assuming that’s the standard, and considering how early life started here on earth, that’s a pretty unforgiving window. Us being the only thing cognizant enough to consent to a god’s interference would explain the lack of cosmic horror apocalypse.”

“Still, there are so many planets out there- surely one has SOMETHING capable of drawing in an entity like the King. And we’d certainly know if it succeeded. In such a case, the only explanations for our continued existence would be either <Barriers> between parts of the universe or <Some Special Property> of some locations in general or, in the worst case scenario for this deal, Earth specifically.”

“I'm not so sure- even the timescale of tens of thousands of years is enough for a solar system to move a lot, in human terms. Though, supposing it was large enough, it could explain the discrepancy- the odds of intelligent life are low enough, factor in a locational requirement and suddenly we have low odds, even for the whole universe.”

“Regardless, we don’t need it to happen organically: all we need to do is find someplace with sufficient <Cosmic Thinness> or whatever, and set up shop there. In fact, in the whole galaxy, we probably will find someplace more suitable than earth.”

“Agreed. Now, onto personal opinions,” she leans back in her chair, sighing deeply, then crosses her arms with a slight pout, “I really don’t like it.”

“I get what you mean.” You agree, pouring yourself a glass of wine, “It feels.. cheap. Like using cheat codes in a video game.”

A timer rings, interrupting your moping session.

“Ah, it’s done!”

“What are you making?”

“Cream puffs. Let me go deal with that real quick.”

She leaves, allowing you to collect your thoughts.

>Think of more questions about the deal (specify)
>Ask for other strategy or intel (specify)
>Ask about <Arts> and <Rituals> (specify)
>Wait for her to wrap up
>Leave to do something else (specify)
>Who is to say the system only exists on Earth, sure, it's Greek inspired, but it would probably use the other planet's mythology for them, wouldn't it?
>or the King trying to breach only this reality and on only this planet.
>plot out an amendment to the deal if it turns out that Earth is the only "special" planet after all
>>Ask about <Arts> and <Rituals> (specify)
push her for the other ritual she didn't tell us about
>wait for her to come back
Asked all the detail questions I can think of, other than “ do you want to back out now before she has my soul signature?”

Rather not do this, she’s having fun keeping it secret and she’s the one being we absolutely trust
>Ask about <Arts> and <Rituals> (specify)
Had a chance to look over the Shaman's ritual?
> Like using cheat codes in a video game.
An apt comparison. I voted for the deal, but part of me oddly hopes that Ye Min get assassinated somehow, and lands us back into the madhouse. Like, taking the deal makes sense, but it feels too easy.
We do know Dove wanted to take her down
Oh no, she might want to take us down too now that we’re teaming up
Ideally when we finish our current adventure I'd like to really focus on mastering Sunday Best. I feel like that's our best physical combat improvement we can make.

Pheme returns, plopping back into her chair as you collect your thoughts. Surprisingly, she’s empty handed.

“Where’s the food? Did you fuck it up somehow?”

You see her lips part slightly in confusion as she pauses for a moment. She sounds out a chuckle as they contort into a smug smile.

“Never baked before, hmm?”

A frown subconsciously emerges on your face: cooking, particularly baking, was a passion of your mother’s. One of the few that stayed with her til the end.

“Whether it be bread, tarts, cheesecake, or cream puffs,” she lectures, flicking her wrist in a flash of onyx divinity, “It is paramount to allow your baked goods to cool after you take it out of the oven. With some stuff, it doesn’t matter if you eat it hot and fresh, but with some things, especially ones that have setting times, fillings, or cream toppings, proceeding prematurely can ruin the whole dish. If I filled up the puffs now, for example, the whipped cream would melt.”

“...isn’t cream already a liquid?”

She looks at you like you just asked if the earth orbits the moon.

“Cream is, sure, but whipped cream is a colloid. A foam. The air inside is what gives it the volume, structure, and texture- and the cohesion to stay as a nice filling instead of a soggy mess.”

As she wraps up her explanation, a dish with a tall glass lid, bathed in black light, settles down on the table in front of you. Precipitation creates a fog-like effect on the cold cover as she pulls it off, revealing a platter of appetizing (though admittedly slightly sloppy) cream puffs.

“I thought you said they weren’t done?”

“This is yesterday’s batch.”

“If you have all of these, then why make another so soon?”

She picks one up, poking out her tongue to lick up a stray bit of the filling, “When I was a kid, my grandmother used to make these. She had an old book of recipes, but.. my father lost them. After we moved, he put most of the family stuff in a storage unit and, well, despite having all the money he could ask for, he neglected to pay. So, it’s gone forever. There was something really distinctive about the taste but I still haven’t gotten them quite right.”

You pick one up, popping the whole thing into your mouth. A hint of floral fragrance melts onto your tongue, complementing the subtle sweetness of the cool cream and choux.

“What’s in these?”

“Rose water.” She answers, biting down on the one in her hand, “Did you know? My grandparents on my father’s side actually immigrated here from Turkey. Rose water is one of the cornerstones of Turkish cuisine, so I thought maybe it might be that.”

“Were you right?”

“Maybe. I think I’m on the right track with it, but something is definitely missing.”

“Regardless,” you say, reaching for another puff, “They’re tasty.”

She smiles, “I’m glad you think so. So, did you have any more questions?”

>Who is to say the system only exists on Earth, sure, it's Greek inspired, but it would probably use the other planet's mythology for them, wouldn't it?

“Hmm. It’s possible, but the progression’s been too fast. Maybe it was introduced recently, but if it was a long enough time ago, even as brief as a few decades, we’d probably already have multiple gods running around if that were the case.”

“I dunno dude, maybe there are? The universe is big enough.”

“Well, you aren’t wrong about that. Regardless, if you think it’s significant, some sort of “Earth specialness” clause might be in order- though I’d be surprised if she didn’t push back on it even if she didn’t have such notions at all.”

>About the Shaman’s ritual?

“It’s masterful- but that's all I can really say. I’m like a kid who just learned how to do Chopsticks on piano looking at Bach compose- the difference in skill is too great for me to draw any meaningful conclusions. I think I’ll need to do a bit more research and practice first.”

>Hang out for a bit
>Ask additional questions (specify)
>Meet with another associate (specify)
>Practice an <Art> (specify)
>Investigate China
>Investigate the League
>Hang out for a bit
>Practice an <Art> (specify)
Your's Truly. Let's focus on that until just before the meetup. Though we do need to decide what to do about that.

Feels like a good opportunity to murder our way to the top.
>Hang out for a bit
>Meet with another associate (specify)
Eris. I want to try getting her and the rest of the pantheon on board. Infinite wealth and authority are pretty easy to share, after all.
Eris wants to destroy the world. Ye Min wants to make it a Utopia. They're in direct conflict.
Goals aren’t always static
Gaia’s existence has already changed Eris’ plans once
I bet we could talk her around
Or even find her another world to destroy eventually
>Hang out for a bit
>point out that she seems happy
>Hang out for a bit
>Practice an <Art> (specify)
Yours Truly
See what <Atë> has to say

For the deal I also want to know which other deals she has struck already

>Hang out for a bit

“Well, since I’m already here, wanna hang out for a bit? It’s been a while since we’ve actually done anything, y’know, not world domination related.”

“You know I’m game. What’ll it be?”

“Trash TV?”

She smirks, rising from her seat.


“Dude, is this bitch fucking serious?”

“I know, right? Total ho.”

You shift underneath the blankets, reaching for a clumsy handful of popcorn as a reality TV show (pure slop) plays. The two of you had spent the better part of an hour mocking the melodramatic goings on, treating it as if it were much more real than it probably was. Currently, a mid twenties Mexican woman is attempting to gaslight her pudgy pushover American “husband” (it’s a ‘married at first sight’ type deal) into ignoring obvious evidence of her flagrant unfaithfulness.

“God, that dude is such a fucking worm, though. I have ZERO pity for him. Like, even if we assumed that he’s getting paid to be a doormat, you’ve gotta be spineless to put up with someone talking to you like that.”

“Well, that’s not super uncommon, especially in guys. Put a big enough rack in front of their faces and their backbone and brain make a joint exit.”

You snicker, putting a hand in front of your mouth to shield the couch from any stray popcorn bits, “Trueee. Still, it IS pathetic.”

Pheme chuckles, agreeing with the sentiment as the argument rages on in the background.


After binging more of the show than you’d like to admit, Pheme decides to turn in for bed. Due to all the travel, your circadian rhythm is thrown off enough to remain fully alert, with enough energy to spare to train <Yours Truly>.

You close your eyes, your own soul washing over you as you delve into the sunset and the sea.

Every time I see all those options I feel how accurate woefully incomplete is

Let's pay Eris a visit. (Also, damn it, I meant to say Sunday Best!)
I can back this if possible but I don’t think we have a contract with Eris

It was a long time ago, but the two of you signed a nonaggression pact.


>Strings: Eris

Threads appear on your hands, and, as before, you ignore the ones on your fingertips. Coiled around your wrist are four strings- black, gray, gold, bronze. You exhale- you can do this. You survived Perdix’s world, and you proved that you can exert your soul over others: in the soulscape of the <Lotus Tree>, and in the <Revenant’s Parade>, you proved that <Yours Truly> can allow you to impose yourself over the souls of others.

Killing the incarnation and stealing possession of their soul- those are the two things you can’t do. The <System>, of course, will stop you, but you can alter the soulscape a whole lot so long as you don’t try to do that one thing. You remember wreaking havoc on the <Island>, flooding the world, slaughtering the people below, and irrevocably altering the landscape. You also know that the subconscious world of a person’s soulscape creates tangible, real world effects on their personality: fear from the tree, conflict from Brigita, and trust and affection with Marie.

You calm your raging heart- the fear of death looms over you as you tug the golden thread. After all, though you aren’t allowed to kill Eris, you, the invader, probably do not bear the same protection. Regardless, you’ve steeled your resolve: even if you don’t fully subjugate her today, you’re determined to find a way to master this aspect of <Yours Truly>.

Dazzling yellow light bathes you as you fall through the abyss.


You descend onto the ruins of a building. Golden fragments of buildings, infrastructure, and even natural features like forests or trees surround you. Golden sand has, in some places, melted into misty yellow glass on the ground beneath, cracking as you step on it. The ruins of towering skyscrapers loom over you, still glittering with a yellow luster even as they lean and crumble under their own weight.

The city is completely uninhabited, even by corpses. However, despite the lack of bodies, the stench of charred flesh is almost unbearable, and you can’t suppress the feeling of being watched.

Eventually, you turn your eyes up: bathing the world in shimmering radiance, a blinding manor hovers in the sky above you. At a glance, you recognize it as Ashley’s.

>Explore the city
>Fly up to the manor
>Investigate the smell
>Investigate the feeling of being watched
>Fly up to the manor
It's polite to say hello
>>Investigate the smell
she's rotten to the core

and I still want her gone, not as a friend
>Investigate the smell
most interesting thing

>Investigate the smell

The stench of burning, of melting skin and the rancid, wretched aroma of boils roiling and bursting, fills you with unpleasant memories of your recent brush with death. As you dwell on that negativity, you feel the resolidified pavement beneath you quiver.

Something is underneath the ground.

You close your eyes, dredging up memories of pain, the agony of disfigurement. The city trembles. The isolation, the feeling of being treated like an eyesore by everyone: family, peers. Mom. The world shakes violently the crumbling edifices of the buildings around you collapsing in on their own weight as a deafening rumble threatens to annihilate everything.

“I’m gonna have to ask you to stop.”

A familiar voice rings out behind you. Familiar, but.. not Ashley’s. You wheel around and, to your shock, a telltale grin you’ve grown accustomed to seeing flashes back at you.


Her smile widens, “The one and only. Atë, was it? Or do you prefer to go by Rosa Huber?”

Hearing her not recognize you- or rather, not recognize <you>, stirs an unpleasant feeling in your gut that’s difficult for you to articulate.

“Either is fine. Why stop me?”

“You were about to level this place to the ground.”

“Already looks pretty leveled to me.”

“Well, it’s a fixer-upper, sure. But look, really look. This is all 24 karat gold! If we can find a way to harness this place, we could sell it for a fortune!”

“Sell it to who? And for what?”

Her mouth moves, but it’s like she’s talking underwater: only the formless thrum of a voice carries through as she attempts to explain.

>Keep talking with “Pheme”
>Ignore her and continue what you were doing
>Explore the city
>Fly up to the manor
>>Keep talking with “Pheme”
>Ask if we should pan for gold down there
>Fly up to the manor
An illusion created for soul defense perhaps?
Support. Let's see what "Pheme"s project is. Does Eris want to be Pheme? Sees her as a protector?

>Keep talking with “Pheme”

“Regardless,” You say, sitting down on a vaguely chair-shaped bit of golden detritus, “I can’t understand your desire to defend this place. It’s already a ruin- even if there were earthquakes and stuff, all the actual gold would still be there. If anything, it’d be easier to harvest.”

She cocks her head in confusion, “Ruin? I mean it’s not perfect or anything but it’s not like it’s in shambles.”

“What? The buildings are all collapsed, the plants are all dead, and there aren’t even any people down here other than you and me.”

“What are you talking about? The city is filled with people.

You cast your gaze back at the city. The aroma of burning meat tingles at your nose. A smoke without fire. The world is silent.

You shake your head, “Not a soul.”

“You’re delusional. How could you not see the value in all of this? Doesn’t tearing it all down seem like such a waste?”

You pick up a golden stone from the ground, casually fiddling with it. “Hey, Pheme. What’s this place called, anyway?”

“Not sure. I’ve nicknamed it ‘El Dorado’. The city of gold.”

“Would you like to rule El Dorado?”

“Of course. It’s the only rational course of action.”

“Did you ALWAYS want to rule El Dorado?”


You rise, smiling with recognition as you turn to look at the city.

“Did you know?” You toss the rock, catching it in your hand, “Nothing in this world has intrinsic value. Instead, how much something is worth is based on how much you want it- and how much other people want it- relative to other things.”

“Marginal utility theory, I’m aware.”

“Precisely. Thinking about it, it’s irrational to covet a city for its gold if the whole world is made of the stuff. Why would anyone buy it if they can just pick it up from the ground?”


“Everything is worthless in a vacuum, Pheme. Isn’t that right?”

She remains silent and perfectly still, more like a statue than a person.

You chuckle, an auxiliary pair of arms jutting from your shoulder blades and cracking, bending, stretching into a pair of fleshy wings. You lift off the ground, observing the ruined remains of the world beneath.

A ruined city, an empty world. The smell of suffering and a pile of worthless gold. Pheme remaining behind, insisting that it would be more valuable to preserve and rule it than to lay waste to garbage and create something new from the ashes.

This, you conclude, is how Eris sees the world.

>Explore the city
>Destroy the city
>Fly up to the manor

>Destroy the city
>Dig up things better forgotten
We know a thing or two about how baggage limits a person in the soulscape.
>Explore the city

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