By now it should be appallingly obvious that neurotypicals do not like us autistic people. They do not hire us, they do not want to befriend us, they definitely don't want to date us and many of them even refuse to rent to us! This is the reason why we high-IQ autistic people need to start self segregating. Forming our own exclusive businesses, social groups, and living spaces is the only solution to the dire problems that we face.
>>78703081I kind of agree. It'd be one thing if they seemed willing to work with us on some level or could at least look past our negative traits in favor of our positive, but they don't seem to have any interest in doing so.
>>78703130>if they seemed willing to work with usWho? Normgroids?There is no way in hell that I am ever going to associate with those fucking cunts.
>>78703081But I don't like you people either. Why would I want to be surrounded by spergs?
I want to start a software company that only hires high-IQ autistic people because I would honestly rather die than contribute to the wealth of Jewish, Indian, and Chinese, corporate executives.
For sure. A lot of the time either zeroed in on for bullying because you're a little different or a boss will just give you more work to do when they notice you are capable.
If you want to participate in a community that only allows high-IQ autistics then join here:/dcEJQM9BrC
>>78703081Sorry pal, your agency friends are a bit tied in in Georgia rn...speaking of which, didn't some assburger supremecist make veiled threats a few threads ago when he got called out for being a retard?
The psyop retards made another thread.
>>78703081Would be 100 % male and would die out in one generation since female autism does not exist and all women hate austic men.
>>78703963And within 2 hours of a mass shooting too...So did one of them do it or they're just unlucky?
>>78703739Why would I want to associate with any of you ever
>>78703081Some people find my autistic mannerisms charming
>>78703988Shooter is a 14yo. Sounds exactly like the edgy, stupid teens who would fall for the autism apartheid psyop.
We high-IQ autistic people need to form our own exclusive communities. This is because we vastly differ from neurotypicals in terms of goals, capabilities, and interests. The average high-IQ autistic male is incapable of having a family but they are definitely capable of proving an entire textbook worth of real analysis problems. Our desired life outcomes are divergent enough to justify economic, social, and physical separation.
I want nothing to do with normies. I do not want to fund their lifestyle while they either denigrate or ignore me. I do not want to have to work for horrible "people" in order to survive.I want nothing to do with normie rumor networks.I do not want to hear about their partying, sex, and nigger worship. I do not want to be "friends" with someone who already has dozens of other "friends" who they have little capacity to care about.We are simply too different to peacefully co-exist with normies.This is why we need Asperger Separatism.
>>78703081I have aspergers but IQ is not highstill can have a job (in IT) at least and people are mostly nice to me. Still sucks being unable to have a proper normal life tho.
>>78703081A bunch of socially awkward misanthropes living together and being forced to tolerate each other's weirdness? I'm sure that'll last.
>>78703081Stop with this stupid image and asperger separatism bs. Society needs autistics to function, the neurotypicals (narcissists) suck at running the world and it's evident from the lack of stability and wars going on. They need to separate from postmodernism and being addicted to narcissistic supply. We don't need to change they do. It's only logical. Also don't use that color scheme and flag retard, nobody is falling for your fedpost psyop.
>>78704493>Society needs autistics to function,Exactly why we ought to separate from them...
>>78704492"Autistics" dont have problems communicating with each other. "Neurotypicals" don't have problems communicating with each other. Only when the groups are mixed there is communication issues. The thing is that "neurotypicals" (narcissists) are top down processing thinking which is automatically inferior to bottom up processing which is what "autism" is. It's just that bottom up processing "autism" is pathologized by the medical system. Autism doesn't exist. The pathologization of bottom up processing is what exists.
>>78704525>Only when the groups are mixed there is communication issues.Thank you for justifying my ideology once again.
>>78704508No cuck, they need to change. They are currently ruining the world. Stop saying we need to separate. It's stupid.
>>78704538It's not justifying it, it's showing how stupid it is. You lack reading comprehension.
>>78704493Lmao meanwhile in reality normies have legalized SWATing the autistic with red flag laws because they do not want you faggots to commit yet another mass shooting like the one that just dropped this morning.
>>78704539It's the first step in a played out "pathway to violence". Literally every single time some retards with grievances choose to "separate" from society the first thing they do afterwards is plotting terrorism. It's so common the security field literally calls it that in the counter-terrorism literature. This was the first iteration of sperg Waco btw: >>78703201Think: this company has no product or plan beyond getting a bunch of vain mental cripples that hate society for [reasons] and no life experience to back it up into the same room. Sounds like the FBI's wet dream.
>>78705118Why are you so obsessed with preventing us from having our own social groups? You normies have your frats, bars, and soccer teams. Why can't we have our own too?
>>78705118>It's the first step in a played out "pathway to violence". Literally every single time some retards with grievances choose to "separate" from society the first thing they do afterwards is plotting terrorism. It's so common the security field literally calls it that in the counter-terrorism literature.Where exactly did you read this from? Please cite your sources.
>>78705952Academic paper for your trouble: same approach is being applied to school shooters which is the modern autistic stereotype in the popular culture. I recommend you stay on your best behavior given the most recent headline perp fits the autistic wanker profile to a fucking tee.If you want a marginally less violent example, look at the MGTOW faggots who spend their time seething about the continued existence of wah-mins rather than idk just going their own way?
>>78706321So basically you are saying that I am a future terrorist just because I only want to be friends with people who are like me. Got it. We've got a real Sherlock Holmes here.
>>78703081An aspie society would not survive. Imagine putting a group of aspies together and letting them fend for themselves. Theyd all be dead inside 2 months.
>>78706389That is literally how ISIS, Al-Qaeda, Attomwaffles, etc. recruited. People like you means faggots with grievances who plot terrorism instead of gittin gud at shit grade school children master. There is a good reason people are suspicious of separatist movements.
>>78706493>There is a good reason people are suspicious of separatist movements.I do not car what a bunch of retarded strangers think. If they can have their own fun with their group of friends than we can have ours.
>>78703081so basically we should be jews?
>>78703081can I be an honorary aspie if I just have schizoid personality disorder?
>>78706597>so basically we should be jews?Unironically yes. They rule the world after all so adopting their strategy is a smart idea. At least for our own benefit that is. But I don't want to get kicked out of 109 gamestops though lol.
>>78703081>asperger separatist>saves flag as jpegget the fuck out of aspergia
I wouldn't want to work with me, let alone many people like me. Jesus, we're insufferable. The whole autism/aspie society thing is ridiculous. It would fall apart faster than a Seattle farm.
>>78703081your women cuck you for chads it will crumble lmao
basedi dont think im autistic but we definitely need to get highly narcissistic individuals filtered from society
>>78707729alsowomen weaponizing women looks very distinct from men weaponizing men. be conscious of stuff like that
>>78706519You will care a lot when they sick the cops on you, for good reason too.
>>78705901The only thing you have in common with this "fweind group" is poorly defined grievances against society and a desire to lash out against innocent people you perceive (key word here) as part of the conspiracy for why your life sucks. Why should we allow new terrorist groups to run amok when the current ones are already killing too many people?
>>78708248as if you fucking subhumans don't make our lives a living hell, totally is our fault and not you evading from your own admittion for treating people who are different like shit. >you kill le innocences!I wonder where socially isolating people into being unable to socialize until they develop anti social behaviors lead to, I wonder. Take your moral fag and shove it up your ass
>>78708468l2balance of powerIt's in all your spergslop, but somehow you dumbfucks refuse to learn. Keep in mind multiple generations of high school graduates can now name at least one petty sociopath like this they went to school with who just wanted the dx as a jackass pass to force his cringy, perverted, and just plain obnoxious and dumb antics onto others and escape accountability. Either shape up or fuck off. Adults don't have to put up with your faggotry and will happily tell you to your face since there are no longer any misguided teachers to suppress legitimate criticism of your behavior. Actions have consequences, even for you. Why should other people willfully allow you to rape and murder them because you're to stupid, lazy, and entitled to put minimum fucking effort into socialization as everyone else?
>>78708468How are we making your life a living hell? By telling you to fuck off when you act like a twat? And don't give me that bullshit about "you didn't know" because the truth always comes out as you did, you were warned, repeatedly, and you still persist.
>>78708468>for treating people who are different like shit.Autism definition: not worshiping the ground you walk on and getting free money, tendies, and blowjobs from supermodels on demand. Ain't happening no matter how you much you screech.
>>78708468Way to tell on yourself, sperg. You DO actually want to create a terrorist group then. Keep talking, I'm sure the agency would love to hear more!
>>78703081fellow autists are pretty cruel too though. I know many who will use any small thing to put me or others down to feel better about themselves and try to fit in with normies or get up the normie hierarchy.many buy wholesale into discriminatory beliefs like racism and hatred of women just to be edgy and use that as social capital among their even smaller autist groups like edgy 4channer discord assholes.I wish autists were less political and opportunistic than normies but they're not that different, they just use other reasons for their social politicking.
>>78708585lol imagine being so retarded you think that your fellow faggots with the same mental disorder will have solidarity with you.
>>78708662that's what I'm saying, there is no "autist solidarity" possible like the OP thinks.
>>78705009You sound angry also narcissism and anti-social behavior has nothing to do with autism. You're retarded.
>>78703081Just remember that all self-proclaimed """autists""" must show proof of autism, either doctoral diagnosis or you're out.
>>78708674It's a fedpost to trigger dumb people or convince people to believe in it. It's easily seen through. The feds waste their energy on dumb things and that's why the economy sucks, they need to do cheap victories to look good instead of doing something useful.
>>78708724They wouldn't waste time with it if they didn't get some sort of ROI. They did this with other harebrained schemes and still got medically certified dum-dums to fall for it. Dune coons: [dot] eye-ess slash u9UrgLiterally retarded wigger they got to tattoo an octopus to his back to promote a d00d weed pawnshop: here on /r9k/ at one point they managed to get the sort of retards who thought Chris MOTHERFUCKING Chan had mass appeal as a martyr for autism rights to shill the plot FOR FREE. (pic related)Imagine failing a test that you had the answer key to and were allowed to take in. Master race my ass. How does it feel to be even more retarded than a goatfucking cousin marriage product, autists? This is even an more ham-fisted, lowgrade version of what the glowies deployed on sandniggers at their mosques and later wignats on discord, and got recorded in media outlets for decades from all across the political and respectability spectrum.
>>78703081>neurotypicalWhy do feminists like using this word? Why can't you just say "healthy"?
>>78703081>high IQ autistictiny skinny obese whalewet firea rock solid, spherical empty vacuum of nothing
>>78708706The autistic are notorious for being arrogant little shits, well past the point of narcissism. And they regularly engage in anti-social behavior since they lack social cognition, theory of mind (the idea that other people have different perceptions, experiences, opinions, and thoughts than the perceive) and therefore lack empathy. This is doubly true for the fake self-dx cases since they just want the label as a "get out of jail free" card. Remember: Autism was once classified as a form of psychopathy for very good reason.
>>78703081you can't start or run a business or do anything. you need normies to wipe your ass. retarded faggot
>>78703081Wow. The fascist autist is tricking other spergs to join his discord.I really liked your idea but your retarded posts on your discord shows you're a low functioning sperg at best.I'm better off alone. Fuck you, retard
>>78709169Screenshots? It would be a favor to other anons to expose it for what it is.
>>78709177He posted a NAZI flag with the autism symbol instead of the swastika. Do you need more evidence, retard?He's a low IQ turd high on his own farts.
>>78709224The point is not to get more evidence that he's an autistic nazi. The point is to get more shit to point and laugh at the autistic retard for.
>>78703739Nazi scum. Go suck nigger cock in prison, lel.
>>78703081This has already been done, it's called the Jews.
a retard society would be hell on earth they would all be diddling each other's kids constantly
>>78704166Rizz 'em wit dat 'tism boi
>>78708856Like how you sound? literally no self-awareness lol. Autism is only considered psychopathy by people with top down processing who want to dictate because of their wish to control others. Autistic have bottom up processing and a personal drive for autonomy. Micromanagers, control freaks, dictators, and top down processors hate that and project their arrogance, and psychopathy on to "autistics" with projective identification. Do shadow work and read Carl Jung.
>>78703081I've already been doing this for years anon, it's pretty comfy
>>78710525This is a well-established and widely known historical fact:'d do well to read a fucking book, nigger. It would help you get your zoomoid therapyspeak terms right for once.
>>78710525>an autistic leader genocides my Jewish race noooooo!and we will continue to rape your kind, anon. You will be pushed so far back into recession that you will be going back to going on your knees and sucking us off to promote your shrilling as it should. You are subhuman, always will be. Dismissive faggots that have no form of beauty and corrode it.
>>78708563I'm not denying the accusations, these are justified behavior but it is only problematic when we eventually get violent back you resort to nigger behaviors and haven't been considered "dangerous" because you don't take action you supple the milk from autistic leaders that explain your unintuitive mind. We have been behind progress and reform while you shrilling kikes safe edge into what we build because you know it benefits you. You are so ashamed to eat from its honey while criticizing the hand that feeds you like a rape victim staying with its master because there is no other provider for xher "girlboss" shrilling. Like the Jews you assimilate genetically, ideologically, and parasitize off social progress. The schools that you normal fags show tier your sexual prowess hierarchy was built off us without it you would be grungling niggers trying to bash each others skull in to mate, oh wait you already do that. You believe you are so "advanced and progressed and change" when all you do is cling onto superficial constructs while acting upon your repackaged subhumanity. And when we want it back you cry victim in your gooning circle like niggers you are when we are sick of being antagonized. Actually kill yourself.
>>78708529holy shit you sound like an estrogenic foid>tsk ugh shape up or fuck offcry harder, your foids still simp for us while you jerk off your twink penis to this cuckoldry and cry black pill online or resulting to eating chicken, lifting metals, and injecting yourself with jewhormones like a repressed tranny shrinking your dick worse than a chink on estrogen. >perverted degenerate pushingas if normies aren't sex driven behemoths next to niggers the only perverted artists (aliebt I also criticize) still has more culture and articulation than normgroids do. >>78708552you give us blowjobs when you use the technology we made. cry harder. no it's the fact you infiltrate our groups like refugees and cry when we aren't accommodating.
>>78703081You can't make a society. You're too bad at communication even if you have a higher IQ on average. Communication is what makes us a society.
>>78711167Communication between autistics is just as good as communication between neurotypicals.
>>78703081and how do you propose to go about doing this? the second anyone gets wind of this it'd be subject to tons of scrutiny, criticism/jokes, and may even be potentially illegal
>>78703081I guess I'm doing this already sort of, on a small scale. Have an adhd partner who is similar to me in many ways, and we've both decided to be neets. The only people I interact with regularly all seem like they have autism ngl, even if none of them are diagnosed as far as I know.
>>78711795>Communication between autistics is just as good as communication between neurotypicals.nta (I'm the anon from the post above) aren't different types of autistic people at varying levels of communication? I'm not so bad that normies can't stand me at all but on the flip side I think a lot of autistic people wouldn't like me either
>>78711884Nta but of course certain personalities will always like or dislike each other. But the main issue is that studies have proven how neurotypicals instantly dislike any autists they meet, even if the autist in question is trying to mask as hard as they can and act as normal as anyone. But, neurotypicals can essentially tell that you're "different" from extremely small cues, and they will dislike you for it instantly. This is also why most autists have social anxiety and such issues, it comes from 90% of the population essentially instantly disliking you upon meeting you and treating you worse than others.Most autists don't give each other instant uncanny valley feels, but most autists do give normies these uncanny valley feels.
>>78711883>Have an adhd partner who is similar to me in many ways, and we've both decided to be neets.OP here, that is literally the opposite of what our organization intends to be doing. We most certainly desire to be hard-working industrious citizens by we have been prevented from participating in employment due to communication barriers. Once we have our own companies we will not have to deal with that hindrance. Plus it must be male-only so no relationships will be permitted.
>>78711926yeah I get this feeling more and more. I usually like people that others find "off"I've also noticed this trend in loser social circles too. you can get along with some people that are losers and nerds but even these people play their own type of social hierarchy games
>>78711932we should also enhance gene editing and technological advancements as well as enforce birthing pods
>>78711932>Plus it must be male-only so no relationships will be permitted.Autistic male OP is a faggot, like clockwork.
>>78711932nta but do you have any sort of plans for this? what specifically are you looking into doing? I have some ideas but they're all outside my area of expertise and most involve something like robotics or some sort of physical creative work that requires skill
>>78712030Sometimes yeah, but I always felt like I'm 200% more likely to find someone who likes me and doesn't instinctively dislike me, if it's someone who's also "weird". Finding people like that can be a bit hard though because usually we aren't very social at least irl. This is also why I personally get along with adhd types well, they're social enough to make the "first move" when it comes to getting to know each other. Two autists are just more likely to never talk to each other beacuse neither takes the first step.
>>78712074what's your definition of weird here? I find that a lot of people who pose as weird aren't the kind of people that like me and idk whyit could have something to do with my race, most of these sorts of groups are dominated by white and Asian people. not sure where I really fit in but fuck it I need to achieve something with my life
>>78712096Someone who's noticeably awkward, or has very non-mainstream hobbies/interests usually. And yeah if you're not white/asian maybe it would be harder. I live in yurope though and I assume you're american, maybe it's a bit different there.
We need to implement this asap before it is too late.
>>78712052i will volunteer to suck everyone's dicks while they are busy working so you don't have to worry about it just cum and keep going with the fbi these days
>>78710985>>78711029lmfao the days of the lone genius working alone in his lab to advance humanity ended almost a century or more ago. Every single SIGNFICANT (no your ebin viyda daem developer doesn't count) development was made using teams of people working together, something impossible for the autistic due to their social deficiencies. As a matter of fact, the few times some autistic asshole makes it high enough to contribute it just gets itself run out for some lolcow behavior and gets kicked back to unemployment because what little it offers (it doesn't do shit at work) isn't worth putting up with its insufferable personality.
>>78713973The reason the US doesn't have high speed rail is because of anti-autism medical system and rugged individualism retard. Take your lone genius theory and shove it because that's what the US did believe in with hyper-individualism and that's why there's atomization and no high speed rail and China has built so much high speed rail and Japan has high speed rail. They support their "autistic" scientists and engineers.
>>78713973Except the normies are stuck reproducing that one thing the said lolcow did to solve their problems and is onto abandon that and from something new. Which hasn't disproven my thesis on how normies aren't parasitic it's just a passive aggressive addition that even you can't refute, so we have an agreement to something even though you have not verbally admitted. Then normgroids will be crawling back to have another issue solved while putting up with their "insufferablity" that is nothing really to be proud of. >was made using teams of people working togethertell me how draconian jargon represents any of this whatsoever? I think you misunderstand a failed normie to an autist and manage to pinpoint what alot of them will become without positive reinforcement onto autists to avoid self criticism. Oh speaking of development teams, a lot of consumers would prefer the insufferable lolcow if it ment better quality games, a testament to normies so called "self pride" despite being so egotistical. But they move onto better things.
>>78713973one last thing I forgot to add, I'm still >>78715437 btw. Autists are more blunt about their affairs, even though I don't consider it as honest it is still comparable to how normies have to actually lie and hide their thoughts, tucking their tail between their legs like neutered dogs to keep the peace. It's only insufferable because you aren't able to do that, unless you find the courage to express it on the social scapegoat, when approved by others to retain inside of a safe edgy net with no real personality. Your personality actually has to be determined by others approval and it is funny how you say these elements somehow makes normies "socially better." Somehow that is better? A cowardly sheep fest with a superiority complex more like.
As if retards were able to work together kek
>>78714783China is an even more authoritarian society, especially nowadays when criticizing winnie da pooh will get you partyv&. This is exactly something an autistic retard would do since it is arrogant enough to think it is above the rules and "be blunt" (your term, btw), and actually get sent to a concentration camp for anti-SOCIAL activities. Need I also mention that chinese culture has always been highly collectivist, so autistic fuckwads will have even less room for forcing their faggot antics onto others? I mean ffs they have a SOCIAL Credit Score system.>>78715437>muh gaymesThat's all your little mind can comprehend? So much for muh autism saving humanity.
>>78716206It's always hilarious when soft white spergs who grew up in the west think they'd "make it" in an actual jackbooted authoritarian dictatorship like China or Russia. They always think they'd the the ones in the boots when it's nakedly obvious that they'd be the ones getting stomped on. They also like to bring up muh rules (which they enforce on others in their little power fantasy) but fail to consider that not only will they get the most hardline interpretation rammed up their assholes but also the societies are so corrupt that literally everyone bends the rules for all sorts of stupid, petty reasons (READ: DO NOT FOLLOW THE LAW AND WILL NEVER GET PUNISHED FOR IT BECAUSE THEY BRIBED THE COPS) into horseshoes and have no problems escalating things well past the typical workplace mobbing autists are subjected to in the west.
>>78703081>high IQ autisticfunniest thing i have ever heard. they make smart idiots now?
>>78716307Asians btw are even more judgmental and vain than the average wipipo because of the whole "face culture" thing, which asian kids complain about all the time. Basically the only thing that matters to them is LOOKING (key word here) good to other people, which autistic meltdowns do not help with. Asian families are even crueller to their autistic fucktards because it makes the family look bad to the other bugpipo around them.
>>78716206>SOCIAL Credit Score system.Yeah, western countries totally don't have an equivalent lol. >>78716436in the west the definition of "autistic" has become so broad as to not mean anything anymore. Asian culture is "autistic" based on current western views on autism.
>>78716803Western countries will actually give you a chance to correct your behavior before the knee gets placed on your neck. China will just kick down your door on a whim. It's hilarious how western culture is the most tolerant by far of the autistic yet you faggots still melt down with assault rifles.
>>78716832You sound mad, stop melting down lol>still melt down with assault rifles.If an "autistic" person melts down with assault rifles. It wasn't autism, it's called anti-social personality disorder. And if the person was "autistic" and went on a spree, it's because narcissists and psychopaths projectively identified their anti-social traits onto the "autistic" person. Autistic is literally intrinsic bottom up holistic thinking. Only in an anti-social environment, an "autistic" person becomes violent because of the projective identification psychological weapon/manipulation that narcissists/psychopaths do to "autistic" people. Holy shit you are low IQ.
>>78716864So then any """autistic"""" who ever worked with a team isn't a true autist to you, which means that nobody with autism (your definition) ever contributed anything of value to humanityYou played urself. gg no re.
>>78716864Autistic people aren't really capable of thinking.
>>78716881Nope, that's not my definition at all.
>>78716803Just because a culture superficially has different standards of behavior for emotional display in public doesn't mean it's LE AUDISDIC!!!! How in the fuck does that make sense considering you are constantly expected to think about how OTHER PEOPLE perceive you and your family, and act accordingly to gain face, which would require a theory of mind, or the concept that other people have different perceptions, thoughts, experiences than your own? A lack of a theory of mind is considered a hallmark of autism btw, and the root cause of why they're so annoying to be around. And can't forget about the concept of social cognition either, which is how you would plan your face-gaining actions.
>>78716894>anyone who makes me look bad isn't LE AUTISTICWords don't change meaning whether or not you're losing the argument. I thought you faggots were all about LE RULEZ, or is that just only when it's in your advantage?
>>78716892Not an argument. People say people philosophers like Kant and Wittgenstein were autistic. Obviously they were capable of thinking because they changed culture a lot.
>>78716902>>78716864If you want other evidence, look at the Virginia Tech shooter, who came from and was raised in Korean culture, another East Asian society. They thought he was possessed by demons for his autistic mannerisms ffs. And look what fucking happened.
>>78716916Imagine being so autistic you try to argue your way out of an insult. Couldn't be me!
>>78716902>lack of a theory of mind is considered a hallmark of autismNo that's solipsism and narcissism. Narcissist literally don't perceive others as external objects.
>>78716916>people say smart people were retardsNot an argument.
>>78716935That's dumb and feminine. You're a pussy.
>>78716939Boring zzz. Copycat swagjacker.
>>78716950Don't try to argumentmaxx if you don't know the meaning of words.
>>78716936 READ A FUCKING BOOKFor an autist whose fixation is psychology you sure suck fucking shit at it.
>>78716923"autistic" people only become violent if the culture praises and rewards violence. autistic is bottom up processing, intrinsic motivation and holistic thinking.
>>78716965People with solipsism and narcissism are more psychotic and have less theory of mind than "autistics" People say people are autistic if they have a routine or are sensitive to noise and light. Theory of mind is worse among solipsists and narcissists.
>>78716966So you're telling me they're shallow-thinking meat-robots? Finally something right from the bawwtism dindunuffins crowd. Too bad the rest of society doesn't want to get fucking ventilated so we'll be happy to use the law to keep you from doing so. Action/Reaction: isn't that all you animals respond to?
>>78716966most autists begin self harm and are violent toward their parents from too young of an age for cultural factors, usually like 3-4. the only bottom up processing that is a defining feature of autism is that they are violent for no reason.
>>78716983nta but it's possible that narcissists have worse theory of mind but autists still don't have any theory of mind.
>>78716984No because the "autistics" that do the violence have been turned into anti-social personality disorder by society, they end up doing in a different ways instead of following the normal accepted path of policeman or military or something. The policeman or military path is for the extrinsically motivated people. "Autistics" turned into anti-social personality disorder don't always commit violence either. It's only if they have access to guns and are angry, aggressive and misanthropic.
>>78716995> but autists still don't have any theory of mind.Not true, the definition of autism has become so broad as to include people with excellent theories of mind.
>>78717028But then those people have friends, social lives, and relationshits so no true autist!!!!!!people would take you more seriously if you stopped contradicting yourself
>>78717017Autism tantrums are autistic, not societal. Society tries everything they can but autistics just do violence.
>>78716959You're still being boring and you didn't make an argument, you're just doing a baseless assertion.
>>7871702899% of those are self-dx cases who just want to use the dx as a get out of jail free card. It's pretty much "yuo can't gibb me detention, I'm wetawded!!!!" for grownups; too bad it hardly works since adults are allowed to freely dissociate from obnoxious twats.
>>78717038Yeah forget about all the wars going on right now by neurotypical people running society. It's the "autistic" violence that's the issue. You're a retard lol.
>>78717041You literally just claimed that some people think a few smart people were retarded. That's not an argument.
>>78717041>boringlmfao tell me you're a fucking childish moron without telling me you're a childish moronif the average autistic's brain is stuck at the grade school level, is it any wonder why they're so prone to actual fucking pedophilia?
>>78717054That's not an argument and a misrepresentation of what I said retard lol.
>>78717053>warsIsn't that a classic autisic fixation?
>>78717017you mean ADHD
>>78717062You're being a childish moron with your insults right now. Literally no self-awareness. You're acting like a grade-school level person.
>>78717053Are you comparing military conflicts with autists randomly hurting themselves and everyone around them?
>>78717067Gaslighting is not an argument. I can literally still see your post right now.
>>78717078Military conflicts are chimpouts. Look at the difference between chimps and bonobos. Chimps wage warfare because they are violent and tribal chimps. Lol you are so dumb.
>>78717053Most people in the west don't know anyone fighting in ukraine or israel, africa, or wherever, if they can even find any of it on the map. Meanwhile look what just hit the news yesterday and keeps happening...If you look like the most pressing threat, guess what people are going to do so you don't massacre them? You really think they're going to play nice when there is a very real risk you are going to literally go ballistic?
>>78717098>chimps invented tanks and the internet, trust mebet. have you ever seen a true autist? they are violent.
>>78717090I'm in an argument with multiple people right now and you are just posting assertions without explanation. So I don't really care what you are saying when you aren't explaining it clearly. I know you are mad at what I said so you keep going.
>>78716206this can go for any field of cooperate business you just have the need to simplify arguments to avoid thinking so hard to prevent mental burn outs on 4chan discussions, lmao. so much for superior neuraltypical communication skills
>>78717111>words words wordsStill not an argument.
>>78717107The whole point of what I'm saying is that autism has become so broad as to not mean anything. Now you are saying "true autist" No true Scotsman fallacy.
>>78717117What in the fuck are you even talking about? Are you just providing evidence that the autistic have extreme deficiencies in communication? In that case, thanks for proving the point!
>>78717126Then why does anyone even complain about being "autistic"? It's not like they have any actual struggles
>>78717121Boring zzz. not an argument.
>>78717077Can't even think of an original response, or insult even. Has to repeat the last words out of order. I mean shit, even the earliest iterations of ChatGPT could do a better job than the autistic in a verbal slapfight.
>>78717130Because people blame "autism" as a cause for bad things when it's anti-social personalities, and narcissism that cause the issues. If you misdiagnose the issues, they never get resolved retard.
>>78717128>I can't readmaybe you are, probably are undiagnosed usually retardation occurs in undiagnosed spergs to be fair
>>78717140That's what you are doing. Literally no self-awareness lol. You copied everything I was saying.
>>78712203Canadian but close.tbf maybe I'm just talking out my ass, I'd have to try and join a group.and what kind of organization were you thinking of? most fields seem to already have a bunch of companies competing already, whether theyre established players or recent startups. it all seems hopeless without contacts and/or nepotism
>>78717152>Spergs can't read>Autistic people are hyperverbal with large vocabularies Pick one retard.
>>78717155There's nothing to argue against because you're out of anything of substance. Every single one of your points has been picked apart and proven to be false, both factually and logically. Most rational people would concede at this point, but you insist on continuing to humiliate yourself for some reason. Wait, I know the reason: Autism.
>>78717183>Baseless assertion and false narrative with no logical reasoningOpinion discarded. I'm not humiliated just because you say I am lol. How egotistical, arrogant and pretentious.
>>78717197Acting smug is not an argument. You lost. Deal with it.
>>78717197Isn't waiting a few hours hoping your opponents go away then circling back to get the final word in to declare victory a classic 4chan autist arguing technique? Way to out yourself as a vain mental cripple, retard.
>>78717148Explain why all autistic people have narcissism.
>>78717231That's what you are. You are the one acting smug. > but you insist on continuing to humiliate yourself for some reason. Wait, I know the reason: Autism.Literally no self-awareness lol. Read Carl Jung and do shadow work. You are obviously lacking theory of your own mind.
>>78717133Maybe you shouldn't try to argumentmaxx when you don't know the meaning of basic words.
>>78717244People are allowed to argue against you and prove you wrong. Deal with it. Facts don't care about your feelings.
>>78717236That's what you are doing. You don't have to reply, but you keep coming back. I'm just bored of seeing this retarded autistic separatism movement equating autism/aspergers with Nazism. That's all you retards do is equate something you don't like, with a historical loser or negatively connotation word. That's type of boring psyops I see on here all the time and they are just really really boring zzz.
>>78717241literally everyone is narcissistic you dumbfuck. if the average normie suddenly wasn't liked by others they'd be narcissistic too
>>78717253I'm not even talking about feelings dum dum. Get some reading comprehension. You didn't say any facts. You just made baseless assertions, false narratives and acted like your word was true.
>>78717266>having narcissism means you are a normieI was more asking how it's possible to call yourself autistic if you aren't a violent ape.
>>78717168I don't really have to it wasn't about consistency at this point because I see how pointless it is to have a conversation with you. So I insult you to entertain myself at this point, it slipped past you. Your lack of self awareness is the cutting edge of how normies are incapable of communication. And you shown me time and time again, hopefully you, being the stunning example of this conclusion of this thread is suffice that autists can indeed form a cohesive society. It was funny how civilized it was until normies began to ruin it. Quite a shame.
>>78717278>false narrativesYou mean facts you can't disprove, like established psychology about the autistic mental disorder? Facts don't stop being true simply because you don't like them.
>>78717264You actually think that's a pro-autism post you're responding to?lmao you're not just autistic, you're also retarded.
>>78717282>So I insult you to entertain myself at this point, it slipped past you. Did I ask or do I care about a random strangers insult? lol. I can go do something else and I'll completely forget about this in like an hour haha. Also you don't sound entertained > It was funny how civilized it was until normies began to ruin it. Quite a shame.That's not entertainment and amusement retard, that disappointment and sadness lmao.
>>78717282>anyone who disagrees with me is a normieFucking called it: Spergdesia will have Sperg ISIS within hours, and nobody is going to volunteer to help because it's just that worthless.
>>78717292Okay there is no established facts about anything. Because the DSM isn't the word of objective reality. They are constantly wrong about a lot of things. Go ahead and list the traits of autism. I'll wait.
>>78717319Now psychology doesn't real? Facts and definitions don't change whether or not you're losing the argument.
>>78717297No learn comprehension.
>>78717324What facts? Go ahead and list the facts.
>>78717331>NO ULooks like you're out! Better luck next psyop, retard. You gonna circle back to martyrizing Chris Chan now?
>>78717309the original fag I am insulting is either aself deprecating autist, an autist who got btfo by autist groups or by another autist, or is a normie. Has to be one. >>78717307>Did I ask or do I care about a random strangers insult? lol. I can go do something else and I'll completely forget about this in like an hour haha. Also you don't sound entertainedwell, yeah, since you returned as loyal as ever or unless you get off to strange men insulting you. >That's not entertainment and amusement retard, that disappointment and sadness lmao.hopefully you feel better soon anon:D
>>78717319>They are constantly wrongBaseless assumption.
>>78717281just to clarify I'm not the same anon as the person you were replying to before have you seen how norms can be violent and stupid, especially in group situations? it's just that they do it when it's socially acceptable. that's all there is to it
>>78717345I have no mental connection to Chris Chan. I don't even know what you are trying to say cuz it's irrelevant lol.
>>78717354It's not socially acceptable that's why they get punished for it. I'm talking about how autists are constantly violent at random times. It's literally called "sperging out" even if a norm tries to do it (extremely rare)
>>78717341The ones you refuse to read from reputable peer-reviewed journals of the scientific community:>>78710832>>78716965For some autist whose fixation is/chooses to argue using psychology you sure don't read much about it considering you're completely ignorant of basic facts taught in freshman psychology classes. Hell, you never directly address the point and just flip into whataboutism and other logical fallacies anyone can see right through.
>>78717348>unless you get off to strange men insulting you.This is just pathetic. You keep asserting that I'm insulted, just stop. You don't define whether I'm insulted or not lol.
>>78717359It is relevent, because you autism supremacists actually tried it last year: >>78708823
>>78717379Whataboutism is literally just a made up word. It's just called reversing your own insults back at you because you have no self-awareness. And it makes you mad so call it whataboutism to dismiss it.
>>78717350Copycat swagjacker.
>>78717395It's exactly what you were doing when you were talking about "narcissists" here >>78716936>It's just called reversing your own insults back at youORLY? I thought that was something a "grade-school level person" would do (>>78717077).
>>78717403>reddit terminologyNot an argument.
>>78717412>It's exactly what you were doing when you were talking about "narcissists" hereNope. You know less psychology than me. >>78717412Yeah and? That's what you're doing. So I'm doing it back to show you how annoying you are.
>>78717395>logical fallacies doesn't real>unless I do itSo much for the assburger "impartiality and fairness".
>>78717354Violence is only good if you act like violent thugs or abuse weaker people if it is socially acceptable for them, but please don't use a gun or technology to do it. They care about innocent people :c>>78717362Extremely rare would be with sperging which is why they are more explosive even then it's mostly yelling or verbal assaults, even if they do get to the point of violence it's mostly taken on inanimate objects. >>78717380if you define it why are you letting me define it for you then, it's just easy to turn off a computer screen, or is that task too complex for a wittle normgroids brain to do :c
>>78717432Literally never progressed past elementary school. I guess that was the last time you were mildly successful, ~20 years ago. Sad!
>>78717435It's mostly on their parents while they are young, but autists usually hurt other kids with violence too
>>78717432>post hoc rationalization>still isn't rationallol, lmao even
>>78717434I'm being impartial and unfair because I'm being your dutch uncle and trying to teach you something. Get over it and learn how annoying you are.
>>78717451>I'm being impartial and unfairThat's a fact. Add disingenuous too
>>78717446You can't say it's a post hoc rationalization unless you know what I was thinking while I was posting. Literally psychotic.
>>78717451>impartial and unfair Ya u madvewy vewy mad
>>78717456lmao you're at the therapyspeak spam stage of the argument because you're literally out of anything elseTell me you're a worthless zoomer without telling me you're a worthless zoomer.
>>78717444That is when they are antagonized, a normal reaction to be fair.
>>78717464It's at a random time, nobody even antagonized them.
>>78717454>That's a fact. Add disingenuous too. Nope that's the whole point of these psyops is to be disingenuous.
>>78717470He's just some mad zoomer who got exposed as the retard he is. Fits in line with the typical actual fucking retard that would fall for a fed honeypot.
>>78717463If I'm so worthless, you keep spending so much energy on me, go do something that you find more worth-full retard haha.
>>78717468Of course, people don't admit they antagonize so it doesn't get looked into and write it off as if they had a random explosion.
>>78717487That actually brings up a good point. Why is it so hard for autists to admit that they are violent assholes? Some of them actually try to justify it with lies.
>>78717485>he's still goingmalding
>>78717495Autists can't admit to shit since they're to arrogant to see they could possibly be wrong. It also goes back to the whole "lack of a theory of mind" thing since they think that they are right, so other people HAVE to think the same way too. Then they get surprised when people push back, and this is where the violence comes in.
>>78717498I have infinite energy rn. 8 means infinite and it has nothing to do with Nazism. It's numerology. I don't appreciate it being equated with a loser flag.
>>78717511>nothing to do with NazismSo you are claiming that you are not autistic?
>>78717511Schizophrenic or dumb? What do the esteemed tard wranglers of the 4chan institute of psychology have to say?
>>78717504>Increased rates of domestic violence in relationships>Increase in war around the world among "neurotypicals" running the world. >IT'S THE AUTISTS THAT LOVE ANIMALS AND ARE SENSITIVE THAT ARE VIOLENT!!How retarded are you. lmao.
>>78717495it's a give and take, autists are defensive not intentional liars. Normies are sneaky and subtly push buttons to cause a reaction that normies are aware of. Both behaviors compliment each other.>>78717504huh? are you saying normies don't do the same?
>>78717537Autism actually gets easier to diagnose when they start abusing animals.
>>78717523>Presumptive false narrative question. Discarded.
>>78717537Meanwhile "weaponized autism" memed Trump and co into office and regularly results in mass shootings.
>>78717537>AUTISTS THAT LOVE ANIMALSLike this winner of 2023's Autism Apartheid psyop in the Netherlands?
>>78717545That's a psychopath diagnoses dum dum.
>>78717541Autists don't understand defensive though. They abuse random innocent women and then act confused when a woman defends herself or dislikes the abuse.
>>78717554Are you saying autists are psychopaths?
>>78717553That's not autism, that's anti-social tendencies.
>>78717562And anti-social too ? >>78717565
>>78717565AUnTI-Social teMdeMcies.
>>78717562>Are you saying autists are psychopaths?No.
>>78717580Then your point doesn't make any sense
>>78717586lol he's backed himself into a corner.If nobody's truly autistic because of his arbitrary criteria, then no autist has ever contributed to humanity. But if everyone is autistic, then there is no point to separate.
>>78703976What's the point of reproduction? We should be separated into different factions like spergs, weebs and chads but let's be fucking honest humans don't have what it takes to have such instinctive group making abilities. We aren't naturally born with the instincts to surround yourself with a community of people like ourselves
>>78717586Autistic people are more likely to be abused than abuse others. Narcissists and anti-social people are the abusers. Autists turn anti-social when narcissists and anti-social psychopaths use projective identification on the sensitive autist, then the autistic person (or anyone abused by a narcissist or psychopath) adopts the traits of their abusers because that's how projective identification works. They offload their bad traits onto people with weak boundaries to absolve their own guilt and shame.
>>78704525Can you explain differences between up bottom and bottom up? Do you mean basically normies talk without thinking and process the information during conversations to make sense of it and autists think deeply about things before doing or saying them?
>>78717628It doesn't really matter what they call it at that point. They were always autistic, and are abusive and violent. Just because some of them want to pretend like they also have narcissism or anti-social disorders suddenly after being confronted about their violence, doesn't change the fact that they have autism.
>>78717555huh? if they are intentional liars how are they not going to be aware of their defensive behavior? >innocent woman theoryfar from trve btw! also autism is a very feminine trait and men that have have very feminine behavior patterns.>uhhh feminine isn't violent uhhhhnot particularly, the violence is expressed differently. And women also tend to antagonize autists more frequently, since they express more social traits which antagonism is frequent in hyper social behaviors towards people with good social ques. Due to higher white brain matter. As it may sound contradicting comparing the two simultaneously pinning the hyper social behavior in one, keep in mind you can seperate social behaviors from masculinity and femininity, it's just a woman's brain is more built for social aspects to compensate for lack of strength.
>>78717646i'm curious why autists continue to be violent even after they transition into women.
>>78717614> lol he's backed himself into a corner.Just no lol
>>78717652well as I stated, the autists violent outbursts are equal that of a woman bipolar outbursts occur very frequently in biological women than it does in biological men. However normgroids anger is more consistent and panned out so it's not as explosive.
>>78717641Bottom up processing communication focuses on first principles and base reality and then works up to more complex ideas that's why scientists and engineers seem "autistic" to a lot of normal people. Top down processing communication that is dictated by cultural norms and societal norms that people have decided to follow even if they have no clue why they are doing what they are doing. They just followed the social scripts they were given from society.
>>78717678When normgroids behave autistically, it's usually predictable at least.
>>78717643>They were always autistic, and are abusive and violent.Nope, that's not how it works, that's not how any of it works.
>>78717716How so? They are autistic, and it's a fact that they are notoriously violent.
>>78717728I'm bored of this, you are just asserting that "autistics" are violent over and over. When the statistics show that "neurodivergent" people are more likely to be abused than be abusive.
>>78717753>neurodivergentUsing feminist words doesn't really help your argument....I'm talking about autists being violent. You can try to change the subject if you would like.
>>78716965>most non-autistic children and those with Down syndrome can answer correctly>Down syndrome can answer correctlyHoly fuck, autists dumber than literal downies
>>78717770>Using feminist words doesn't really help your argument....>I'm talking about autists being violent.Nobody wants to be violent retard. Scarcity and biology is what forces people into situations where violence occurs. Both of those issues can be solved by science. Let the genius scientists reproduce more genius scientists and watch the rate of violence plummet.
>>78719299>genius scientistsYou mean the people who work in teams that aren't """true autistics""", who kick all the insufferable cunts to the curb so they stop wasting time and money on infodumps on irrelevent bullshit at work?
>>78716965>muh theory of mindIf the "neurotypicals" of the world had a good theory of mind, y'all wouldn't be waging wars and then becoming friends/allies after said wars. Master yourself before mastering others, read Carl Jung and do shadow work. I swear y'all have no logic or historical knowledge.
>>78719352Mad, y'all constantly change the goalposts of what "autistic" means in order to maintain your ego. The DSM and the whole field of psychology is pretty obvious what they are doing, constantly redefining and pathologizing behaviors politically. Watch Professor Sam Vaknin lectures. Also you are insufferable and bitchy. Literally no self-awareness lol.
>>78719386>read Carl Jung and do shadow work.>he says, while he probably hasn't done either>and refuses to provide specific sources (required for any serious scholarly inquiry)>in spite of being obsessed with psychology
>>78719352>>78719386>>78719410>lose argument>returns ~5 hours later to try the same shit again>still trying to get the last word in to claim victoryno.
>>78719410>autist doesn't understand sarcasmPottery. Classic Pottery.
>>78719515The sad thing is there were very blatant, LITERAL, cues with the >"""excessive sarcasm-quotes. Most people being sarcastic over text will just make the statement with no indication. Truly muh carl jung shadowwork psychobabbler is the most normal assburger supremacist.
>>78719510>still trying to get the last word in to claim victory>>78719515I don't like Harry Potter.>>78719527I'm not a supremacist of any sort. It's the internet don't take it too seriously lol. Also if you had theory of mind you would know that I'm not a supremacist.
>>78719505>r9k>suddenly concerned with scholarly inquiry after being annoying and not scholarly the whole time.
>>78718893I don't assume things about others because that's rude and I don't like it when people do that to me. Theory of mind is often wrong. People lie to themselves, gaslight themselves, and hamster wheel. Watching people's actions is more accurate of their theory of mind then what they you think they think. Assumptions make an ass out of u and me btw.
>>78719636Do you even know what the term "theory of mind"means and how it is applicable in this case?
>>78719601The fuck are you even trying to say? You LARPing schizophrenia now?
>>78719601>I'm not a supremacist of any sort. IHe says as he defends autism supremacy thread with a nazi-coded flag #89437589
>>78719612You can't even pass your own standards. Why does everyone else have to prove basic, established facts like "theory of mind" or "autism was a form of psychopathy" while you get away with "read carl jung"? You're not interested in arguing in good faith and are getting criticized for it, and you can't handle that because you're a soft cunt, and a retard to boot.
>>78719299>Let the genius scientists reproduce more genius scientists and watch the rate of violence plummet.You have a child's understanding of genetics, it's actually embarrassing.
>>78719299Autistic people are still violent, they aren't forced to randomly hit people, they never are able to explain why they do.
>>78719601I visited your discord and you're at least a racist and are so full of yourself, not being able to accept opinions that diverge from yours even slightly. And that about small stuff like what kind of exercise is the best for someone. You want an echo chamber and are not interested in learning, because you're clearly perfect already so why should you keep an open mind? What an loser attitude, man. You're a sad dude. You are not getting rejected for being autistic. It's because you're an insufferable asshole that is too dumb to be aware of it.
At first I was tempted to join your movement but then I came across one of your posts about hating women and preferring to let your dog lick your dick/asshole by smearing peanut butter on yourself and man... That's not ok. Legal issues aside, you know they can't resist peanut butter, right? Wouldn't you say that using animals as sex toys is a bit weird? Plus being so open about it was probably the most disturbing. I hope you came to your senses and deleted the clips of you kissing your dog after he ate out your butthole. Disgusting. Die in shame, NAZI scum.
>>78703081I struggle with making friends a lot I find it a lot harder than datingGirls tend to get mad when they find out Im not single and men are mean to me
>>78703081I find making friends a lot harder than datingGirls tend to get mad at me when they find out Im not single and men are mean to meI wish making friends was as easy as dating
>>78705118>Literally every single time some retards with grievances choose to "separate" from society the first thing they do afterwards is plotting terrorismThat doesn't sound like my problem? If you don't like it don't bully people to the point of making them want to kill you
>>78721893>is low IQ spaz himself>wants to build a high IQ spaz separatism groupIt's Hitler and the Aryans all over again.
>>78722000i'm literally in mensa
>>78722012So how come that your writing style on your discord server is total ass?
>>78722034I don't have a Discord server
>>78722046Oh sorry, I thought you are the OP. He's a low IQ spaz that is openly racist on his discord server. I do not recommend associating with him.
Is this thread some schizo's final breakdown before he tries to make the news?Or am I witnessing an hero in the making?
>>78722067oh ok, thanks for the heads up
>>78722081OP here, and no, it is not. We just want to have friends, jobs, and housing like everybody else.
>>78721893>If you don't like it don't bully people to the point of making them want to kill youThis! so much this!
>>78720983I don't have a discord server. Also if I did. It would just be collecting data. I don't believe everything there is on the internet, like you could be a bot. That's why I don't take the internet seriously lol. Like you.
>>78720214This thread isn't in good faith to begin with. So I don't have to live up to the standards of your imagination when the thread is already in bad faith retard.
>>78720201Not defending it, learn to read. I was against it. I'm saying society needs "autists" "neurodivergents" to function. Get reading comprehension.
>>78720968Blah blah. Don't have a violent culture then that praises violence and is shameful about sex. Backwards logic and why there's a fertility crisis retard.
>>78720956Nope. Smart people have smart genetics which means their children are going to be smart. IQ is like 80% genetic or something. Look at twin studies.
>>78720163Yes. And I have good theory of mind, no thanks to schizo religious babble or the school system or tv. But because of digg, reddit, 4chan, and youtube where people say what they really think and not just try to appear good.
>>78720165Capitalism is schizophrenic. Anti-Oedipus: Capitalism and Schizophrenia by Gilles Deleuze and Felix Guattari. Don't worry about me being schizophrenic when the whole system is schizophrenic lol. Get better priorities.
>>78723152Autistic guys are still violent in nonviolent cultures.
>>78723355>Focusing on "autistics" being violent >Meanwhile "neurotypical" society (narcissists/psychopaths) are engaging in WW3 antics. Get your priorities straight retard.
>>78722081Yeah this shit had been ongoing for over a year now. There was a version using some wojak-derivative cartoon character even before the flags. Here's most of his previous threads: related is the old flag.
>>78723753I didn't say anything about my priorities. I simply observed that autistic guys are violent in any culture
>>78723815>mfw the flag used to be a rainbowIs it true that all acoustic people are part of LGBT?
>>78723296Self-ratings are always inflated, like the average autistic's ego. The nice thing about inflated objects though is that they are easily POPPED, like balloons.>>78720983>>78721101lmfao you can't just post these without screenshots. This faggot sounds like a lolcow worthy of kiwifarms.
>>78723849No. If anything they are more likely to be opposed because they are stereotypically conservative, extremely resistant to change, and fallible to black and white thinking. Honestly, I have no fucking clue why they chose the rainbow. Probably some fail attempt to appeal to normies and shallowly signal to SJW's who still won't fall for their shit.
>>78703739Faggot discord users should die.
>>78709169>your retarded posts on your discordEither delete your fucking account or kill yourself.
>>78720983>I visited your discord>>78722034>how come that your discord serverBoth of you kill yourself. Discord is the reason why babies cry when they're born.
Autistic people should NOT be using shitcord. If you use discord, either DELETE your account or KILL yourself.
All of you will fucking perish in hell.
>>78723950Pretty much every acoustic guy eventually becomes a trans girl. Why is that?
>>78724169>Pretty much every acoustic guy eventually becomes a trans girl. Why is that?I don't know maybe think for 2 fucking seconds.
>>78723834Yeah sure thing, that why y'all wasted your time and energy getting buttmad about autistic violence in this thread.
>>78724201>Yeah sure thing, that why y'all wasted your time and energy getting buttmad about autistic violence in this thread.Correct! The violence that autists are guilty would definitely be a reason for people to recognize autists to be violent.
>>78719352>acting like you care about teamwork>meanwhile American culture has been about rugged individualism, the self, and is the most atomized, alienating and isolating due to social media and dating appsGet real bucko. You're on thin ice. Watch the Century of The Self documentary and then tell me that America cares about teamwork.
>>78724209It's not autism though, how many times do I have to explain it retard. It's because narcissists and psychopaths projectively identify their aggression and violent tendencies onto the "autistic" person. You aren't getting it through your thick skull. No child starts off violent unless they learn it through culture or projective identification from narcissists, anti-socials, or psychopaths
>>78703201I hate how everyones obviously hiding under a facade and all the morals they push on us are stuff that they just ignore. So while we obey the rules and get nowhere they straight up ignore them and get everything
>>78705009Who knows if it actually was a disgruntled retard or another gov funded psy op for the new election cycle. Even the orange retard paid to get shot as a publicity stund
>>78705118Its a consequence of the system. The existing cropo oligopoly run by greedy jews cant have competing systems spring up even if it is spergs that just wanna be left alone. Just look at how they target indians on reservations. To be truely free a group has to be very careful and manipulative to get the greedy jews off their case and be able to fuck off to a remote part of the country no kike wants. Im thinking land near canada or near appilachia
>>78705901Its the system the kikes in charge like it this way because of the obcession for control. They cant have a competing system spring up
>>78706416They would be insuffrable but they wouldnt die. In a survival situation competence shines and nothing quite motivates a retard like potential starvation
>>78706493Anon, those are all groups backed by the us government or inteligence agencies related to western powers. At least mention the waco retards or that one fat fuck that only got caught because he got lonely and trusted his brother too much
>>78706597Id rather we try to be chinks. The chinks figured out human nature and were honest enough to write guides about it long aho. The jews just use everyone around them without contributing anything at all to humanity.
>>78724265There was no projection involved. I know how violent autistic guys are.
>>78714783No, its because a bunch of greedy kikes got together in the 1920s and decided to scrap centuries worth of railway in favor of expensive hunks of metal they would make them more money. Asian countries have rail because they know they have to uplift the population instead of completly abuse them for any and all profit
>>78724265>No child starts off violentDelusional. Every child starts off with some degree of using physical violence to express anger or frustration. It's obvious that you are some childless freak.In some cultures you raise children to control their anger and minimize violence. In some cultures it's tolerated or celebrated in a context where it's fairly expressed (two guys of similar size and stature, or in response to a crime or insult).In all cultures, 100%, the autist does not understand or does not want to appreciate the context or lessons that would stop them from acting unreasonably violently. Autistic tantrums are violent for the same reasons that rich kids are disrespectful to poor kids. They simply can't know any better, but should be expected to.
>>78716923Im convinced every shooting is a psy op
>>78724556that's because those children come from inferior blue collar subhuman genes
>>78724556>Every child starts off with some degree of using physical violence to express anger or frustration.Nope, have you heard of crying? Kids cry to express frustration and anger, not violence. They learn violence from culture retard. Holy shit you are low IQ.
>>78724508No that's called anti-social tendencies, not autism. Autists are more likely to be victims than perpetrators. Learn reading comprehension and psychology.
>>78724964Culture doesn't teach violence since kids always start with being violent, autists just keep being violent.
>>78724980I'm learning that autistic guys are perpetrators of violence due to something called autistic tantrums and just their general tendency to act out violently. I'm sure that you can make a thread about anti-social tenders as well.
>>78725064Neurotypicals will complain about tantrums, but will never care to try to find out what caused the tantrum in the first place.
>>78725064"Autistic tantrums" Like narcissistic collapse? Like when narcissistic people or nations chimpout when they are losing or have low self-esteem?
>>78725090They are literally caused by autism.
>>78722067You should NOT be using discord in the first place. Discord needs to burn.