>going through male friend's phone>he has my number saved as "last resort"
>>78717112put down phone
>>78717112Am I the only one who just uses normal names for contacts?
>>78717112you a man tho, with balls and all
>>78717112Hes saving the best for last, obviously.
>>78717112Sucks to suck foid, maybe now you know a small fraction of the pain unwanted men who self-improve go through. All that effort, wasted on an uncaring gender like women.
>>78717112hey at least you're an option.
>>78717112>going through male friends phoneyou aren't his friend if you're snooping you jealous roastie slut
>So you're saying that there's a chance?
>>78717208I was just trying to see his cock
>>78717112On the bright side you know the exact number of murders on your plate. Better get on it nona.