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ITT: Interesting and unusual stuff that's happening on the boards you visit.

Non-happenings, habbenings, haqqenings, small GETs, complaints about shit boards being shit, known spergs sperging out, personal report buttons and blogposting / avatarfagging et al. belong in the nonexistent /nah/ thread.

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Previous thread: >>78727478
Daily reminder to only link fun threads after they're archived. They might get deleted, or worse.
>fun thread
>full of jaks and frogs
/v/iggers, everyone.
I didn't say it was. But it seemed like anon did, at the very least.
Besides, anyone can see those aren't /v/ posters ruining the thread.
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You do know which board we originally came from right?
Quality and fun are mutually exclusive terms.
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>Tagmap: https://tagmap.io/search?query=4chan+happenings
wut is?
Nerds at OpenAI released a new artificial intelligence model
Relevant generals over at /g/ like /lmg/ are freaking out over its capabilities
trump is losing the election
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Do you dare?
what is this
it doesn't work
>the shill hurt himself in confusion
It takes stats from the threadwatcher in 4chan-X. You have to browse your settings backup file (or export it now).
Oh I thought this was an image repost finder

will you neck yourself when it happens?
You realize Trump loves Jews, right
>>baseless claims
>"I was proud to be the greatest friend Israel has ever had in the white house."
Why are you feeding the troll? Are you a fucking retard?
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>Are you a fucking retard?
b-but anon...the sign!
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you guys didn't fall for the russian influence campaigns happening here, did you?
>PE__ __XEDO
>P___ ___EDO
My god...
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>Tagmap: https://tagmap.io/search?query=4chan+happenings
For me? My daily dose of russians being FPV droned.
I think they don't like that.

When something embarrassing happens, they do this >>78785454
The qa2 spammer is the "TRUMP WON GET OVER IT" spammer that would flood /trash/'s threads with gore and CP.
That never happened, unless you don't mean the old happenings threads there.
I'm talking about /trash/ and /qa/'s happenings threads: https://desuarchive.org/_/search/boards/qa.trash/text/TRUMP%20WON%20GET%20OVER%20IT/deleted/deleted/
Years old 4chan-adjacent platform, has always had a large base on r9k.
do not enter your information here
you have been warned
why not
i'm lonely and desperate for friends
Post your discord tag here and say you're looking for friends.
As a bonus it'll give the threads a break from their usual off topic avatarfag drama circlejerk
>Post your discord tag here and say you're looking for friends.
n-no way, that sounds way too scary
what would i even talk to them about?
>post your info in a porn thread
It's a fucking discord tag not your social security number. If you get doxed from just posting your tag then you had some serious opsec problems before all of this.
horrifying shit
try it out
What's /qa2/?
a figment of the imagination of one poster
the home of next 'basedjak'
will probably be some obscure subreddit
does it generate a wojak for all threads?
quite shit des.u
>sign in with google or discord
fuck you
Oh, so this is what tesla was talking about, now I understand
decent program
Sounds closer to reddit. I'm not joking. I'm guessing the AI isn't allowed to generate the sort of colorful stuff that anons call each other on a daily basis.

wait a minute... it's coming from inside the ads! AEEEEEEEEE
I can hear the stuffed nose and nearsightedness from this post
as in the next largely popular and exploitable meme with large edit value
think the new trollface form truereddit or spurdo from the old Finnish 'net
IDGI.... explain
AIs are horrible at mimicking 4chan style dialogue, it always sounds like a reddit or twitter user trying to do it. It's very interesting, you never really think about how differently people type on 4chan compared to everywhere else on the internet but then you read imitation 4chan and it's like looking at a skinwalker
go buy an ad or fuck off, faggot
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this was the only good one
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This one was the absolute epitome of that generator.
holy kek, very good, AI-san.
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ahh yes, meeting random, normal people to make friends. lets look at the choices of which is the safer of the two
>well developed offsite anon platform, evidently with 1000's of users, with full control over what you put out there, where the main downside are people who don't log on in years
>small insular shitcord porn addiction thread, which uses shitcord (aka full dox from the getgo) which is known to target and groom vulnerable people, and hold blackmail / dox for drama
real fucking logic challenge.
noose yourself /trash/ nigger
Make a happenings one
This one really is the peak. Somehow managed to perfectly hit the absurdist humor so common in old greentexts.
unless u want israel destroyed, it means u love jews?
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How many zoomers are still in highschool? They have to be close to graduating by now. I don't think it's going to get any better for them.
>unless u want israel destroyed, it means u love jews?
No, Trump just loves Jews. And Israel.
He's their biggest supporter (his words).
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Well, considering a Generation has always been colloquially 20 years aka the usual amount of time it takes for a new "generation" to be born from the last (since most people have kids between 20-40), rounded for ease (no matter how much faggots want to piss and whine about not being in the generation they think is hip and cool or makes for ease of data autism), the oldest Gen Z is 24 (born 2000) and the youngest is 4 (born 2020), so I'd say, given HS is 11-18, I'd say ~35% of Gen Z are high school age, and it's gonna stay that exact number until 2031 and they start phasing out for Gen A.
he also says he's against wars. call him naive but he thinks supporting israel is possible while avoiding wars
>he also says he's against wars
I'd believe him. Trump did not start any wars during his presidency.
He also signed the Doha Agreement, promising to pull back troops out of Afghanistan.
>but he thinks supporting israel is possible while avoiding wars
People who believe their cause to be self-righteous often delude themselves into thinking things that are not true.
The love for Israel stems from Christianity's belief that the holy land may not be held by foreign forces.
Not supporting Israel will lead to an Arabic invasion of Israel, leading to that exact thing happening.
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All of Trumps kids are married to jews, and all of his grandchildren are jewish. His favorite daughter, Ivanka, voluntarily converted to judaism, and her husband (Jared Kushner) is one of Trump's top advisors, at the behest of Trump. Of the 24 pardons he made at the end of his last presidency, 21 were to jews, including a full mob of 5 jewish gangsters and 3 israeli spies - with one particularly humorous case where, of a gang of 3 scammers, he pardoned the 2 jews but ignored the gentile. Of the few remaining, one was Kodak Black, a jew-funded nigger who chokes out a Trump Supporter in one of his music videos - and none of them were the Jan 5th protesters that went out for him. Trump was the first world leader to declare that Jerusalem is not only jewish clay, but the capital of israel over Tel Aviv. Jason Greenblatt, David M. Friedman, Michael Cohen, all massively influential jews in Trump's organization, that he picked out himself.
Dup will never take any meaningful action against da jooz, the same way he'll never take any meaningful action against his own grandchildren. You're a fucking moron polnigger with total brainrot, and needs to shut the fuck up when you're projecting your schizophrenic delusions onto the world. You're a long way from your /pol/ safespace. Trump is quite literally the most pro-jewish-non-jew leader in living history.

I completely denounce the Talmud.
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>The love for Israel stems from Christianity's belief that the holy land may not be held by foreign forces.
>>Not supporting [foreign forces] will lead to an {foreign forces} invasion of [foreign forces], leading to that exact thing happening.
gen z is around 1996-2012. generational spheres aren't ever very well defined but you're definitely skewing gen z too young considering trends in the behavior of gen alpha are already a topic of discussion in sociological spheres.
Anon, I have absolutely no idea what you're trying to convey.
What you quoted is the perspective of the people I was talking about, not my own.
Let me follow >>78791156's example: I hereby completely denounce the Talmud.
>all jews are the same and le bad
that dude is trolling but ur the one sounding like a nazi chud rn lol
so u like spics but dislike blacks? or what is the point of these random pix
it's really funny trying to make generalizations like that
>Not supporting Israel will lead to an Arabic invasion of Israel, leading to that exact thing happening
he also signed the abraham accords. with multiple arab nations. try to follow along what he did and said first.
why do u keep saying that? very sus
>generational spheres aren't ever very well defined
Zoomers are those younger than me and boomers those older than me.
Millennials are those around my age, with a special exemption for those born in 1996-1999: those are called zoomillenials and don't belong with either group.
Simple as.
oy vey what's wrong with teh talmud?
if you read it you'd know it's anti-jew, retard
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>gen z is around 1996-2012. generational spheres aren't ever very well defined
Again, pissing and whining

>1900-1920 = Greatest
>1920-1940 = Silent
>1940-1960 = The Baby Boom
>1960-1980 = Gen X
>1980-2000 = Gen Y / Millennial
>2000-2020 = Gen Z
>2020-2040 = Gen A

They're extremely easy to define, you're just autistic and are appealing to authority over common sense.
This is wrong, I identify myself as a zoomillennial like >>78791221 described.
ur right that social science faggots subvert things for no reason and we shouldn't let the corruption spread
however there's a fair case to be made about how fast culture changes because of internet and technology and global reach of crap
in fact it's twice as fast and people already talking about the godawful state of generation alpha compared to zoomers. so this does kinda make sense to make the range only ten years like this
>2000-2010 = Gen Z
>2010-2020 = Gen A
there's like less than a thousand results on google for this. but seems legit, why not lol be a trailblazer
you're all actually retarded for engaging with the schizo.
You're not on /qa2/, you're on 4chan's /r9k/ in the happening thread, you fucking retard.

>I identify as
Transgender behavior.
It's 2am and I have nothing better to do.
But you're right. I'll stop doing it. Sorry.
this is really confusing me because previous threads didn't have this issue. is this just /r9k/ tourist newfags that don't get it?
Lack of happenings breeds discontent and bad posting habits.
>is this just /r9k/ tourist newfags that don't get it?
Yes. Hello. Somebody on /g/ mentioned that you guys were on here and from what I saw over at /trash/ these threads were pretty neat.
we abandoned /trash/ a relatively short time ago
Oh well, hello then! When did you visit the /thrash/ thread? They were good... last year. The only real problem we have here is the /qa2/ homosexual
>/g/ mentioned that you guys were on here
What thread?
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>however there's a fair case to be made about how fast culture changes because of internet and technology and global reach of crap
And it doesn't change in the slightest that "Generation" is not a sociological or cultural term, but a biological one. The only way you cut down on the duration of a generation to 10 years, is by observing that the vast majority of humans all of a sudden reproduce the next generation from ages 10-20, then stop breeding entirely. Which they don't.

>in fact it's twice as fast and people already talking about the godawful state of generation alpha compared to zoomers. so this does kinda make sense to make the range only ten years like this
Culture has been dead for the better part of a decade, specifically because of the Internet accelerating and homogenizing it. There was a huge jump from pre- and post-, and it's been the most stagnant it's been in over a century since. An average kid who grew up in in 2012 watched YouTube and Vine, posted on Twitter / WhatsApp, played GTA V and Minecraft, and listened to mostly electronic-rap, with the popular aesthetic being Simplism & Corporate Memphis (vaguely remembering Frutiger Aero). An average kid who grew up in 2019 watched YouTube and TikTok, posted on Twitter / Instagram / Discord, played Fortnite, Overwatch and Minecraft, and listens to mostly electronic-rap / lo-fi, with the popular aesthetic being Simplism & Corporate Memphis. 1980-2000 covers far more of a variation in culture than 2000-2020 did, and we didn't budge for that.

You're not as important as you think you are, you're not as different as you want to be. When the slow march of time walks past you, you will be remembered as 2000-2020, not whatever autistic redefinition into your own donutsteel category you want it to be.
the word you are refusing to use is normalfag, my undocumented friend
please take your eCel discussion elsewhere
>it works
>Culture has been dead for the better part of a decade,
every older generation says that about the new generation
>specifically because of the Internet accelerating and homogenizing it.
>There was a huge jump from pre- and post-,
yeah lots of fast changes since then
>and it's been the most stagnant it's been in over a century since.
everything is completely changing every 5 years. what are you talking about? yes it is accelerating.
>An average kid who grew up in in 2012 watched YouTube and Vine, posted on Twitter / WhatsApp, played GTA V and Minecraft, and listened to mostly electronic-rap, with the popular aesthetic being Simplism & Corporate Memphis (vaguely remembering Frutiger Aero).
>An average kid who grew up in 2019 watched YouTube and TikTok, posted on Twitter / Instagram / Discord, played Fortnite, Overwatch and Minecraft, and listens to mostly electronic-rap / lo-fi, with the popular aesthetic being Simplism & Corporate Memphis.
it's starkly different stuff, using fancy words to try and categorize it doesn't change anything
>1980-2000 covers far more of a variation in culture than 2000-2020 did, and we didn't budge for that.
1990s was kino and it felt fast at the time but feels very slow in retrospect.
>You're not as important as you think you are, you're not as different as you want to be. When the slow march of time walks past you, you will be remembered as 2000-2020
i'm 30

>And it doesn't change in the slightest that "Generation" is not a sociological or cultural term, but a biological one. The only way you cut down on the duration of a generation to 10 years, is by observing that the vast majority of humans all of a sudden reproduce the next generation from ages 10-20, then stop breeding entirely. Which they don't.
that's true. but maybe that's the real reason why culture is dead, since it changes so fast that a single generation experiences rapidly changing culture and multiple trends that there is no real identity to the times anymore.rip
There's a greater degree of plausible overlap now because of the different tierings of technological exposure
For example, I was born in 1996 and grew up on a dirt road with dialup internet, VCR, cassette tapes, analog television, floppy discs, et cetera
Definitely not a zooming experience (which you did preclude by cutting it off at 2000, but that's besides the point)
'culture' has been completely dead for decades. unless u think burgers and worshipping niggers is culture.
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blame the french? that's also a meme
Huh, didn't know that.
I'm pretty addicted to porn, but I'm not that far gone to constantly visit /trash/.
>When did you visit the /thrash/ thread? They were good... last year.
Many, many months ago. I kept visiting briefly every so often.
>The only real problem we have here is the /qa2/ homosexual
Why the hell are there so many shitposters in every single thread spread across every single board now?
It wasn't this bad a year ago...
>What thread?
Uhhhh, let's see if I still remember how to do this
Not true, I saw a trvgoth just last week before it was beaten to death with licensed marvel merchandise
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kino stuff m8
google released a new AI thing and /aicg/ is using it to make podcast summaries of their previous threads. pretty amusing >>>/g/102355390
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sick archive. pic related is too real. oh and just noticed that get! nice
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realize that half of the replies to the /qa2/ schizo are the /qa2/ schizo self replying (this often gets shown whenever he gets IP wiped). don't be like "damn a lot of people are replying to him must be newfags" simply inform them that they're arguing with a retarded schizo stuck in 2016 who was mindbroken by the freezing of /qa/ and that even if they see other people replying that these too are also just the schizo samefagging and they should also not be interacted with.
also do whatever you can to not actually quote any posts you're talking about because it makes schizos even angrier.
>thread summarized by chatgpt
post when they do something actually interesting with it
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so everyone, opinions on MAGA COMMUNISM?
coping this hard? lols
But you said that you hate soijaks. Damn what a retard
idk who u think ur talking to but that ain't me
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again do not respond to it
this will be my own final post on the matter this thread as i do not wish to give his derail attempts any more success than they already have gotten.
report the posts that are advertising for advertising and then just ignore him. he will get tired of replying to himself eventually.
Question, does /r9k/ have active mods?
I feel like the report button has stopped working years ago.
It does but only for illegal stuff, botting type spam, and most self posts
Kind of the flaw of a board without a topic
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Eh, makes sense I suppose.
it feels like nowhere on 4chan outside of maybe stickies (because at least one mod had to have been there at one point to have made the sticky) has active mods outside of some exceptions for specific scenarios
Sorry Marth, I'm bored right now. I'll stop, probably
They do delete stuff from this general. Last week they banned [REDACTED] for posting [REDACTED], even if that wasn't his intention
why do you see ads
What the hell is that anatomy
>crabbing a gaame sucsexful enough to buy ads
i'm not faping to pixel art, i have standards
File deleted.
The only "schizos" are the insane kike subhumans that can't accept that /qa2/ is winning and dominating western culture. Seethe. Swastika in the thread. Kek.
The one that was fully doxed recently?
Stop disparaging the jews and posting racism.
There is no need for it.
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>abolishing intelligence organs

>CENTCOM and AFRICOM, but only those two commands, lumped in with "Secret Societies"
Mods, why don't you get mad at this qa2 spammer and ban evader? I'm also ban evading and you try to fuck me at every opportunity but I'm not even spamming anything or doing anything bad at all.
maybe they have fun banning you
they seem to be fully capable of recognizing me but they usually just ignore me if I'm not actively breaking the rules
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i love newfags who come to the arts boards and realize there are loli threads
it's rare to see someone shocked on this website
racist lives matter!
nuke shitcord's server rooms (in minecraft)
does moot like anime?
Jaks aren't art. Tracing CP isn't art.
the one 'good' thing to come out of aicg. god i fucking hate chatbot niggers but this shit is hilarious.
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Why doth the discord seethe
Used to, who knows if he still watches it
isn't it funny that refugees are literally criminals? real cases (ie. of religious persecution) barely make it to a neighboring country and usually stay there for a few years, applying for legal migration
What the fuck is /qa2/ I see people talk about it all the time
Imagine a /qa/ without all the kikeshit, trannyism and spam. Where people can hold a well-civilized political discussion regarding current events and America. Where true, red-blooded American patriots get to organize to share their own debates and advocate for greatness. That's /qa2/ for you. We're proud and loud, brave, and not afraid enough to preach for freedom. Last bastion of true chan culture
first tell me what's going on with /qa/
It's like /qa/ but better but worse.
Some altchan, a schizo with grand delusions is spamming about it here and gets banned all the time.
based what other altchans any u like?
It's one retard advertising his image board
worth mentioning that the original joke had nothing to do with trump or frogs until fairly recently
its some frog imageboard that he runs and he talks to himself there all the time, i admire his dedication even if a bit misplaced
trumpflare got rid of it.
how's shareblue paying you?
yo where's the /pol2/ chan
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best start believing
/qa/ was locked due to the purpose of the board (meta and website question/suggestion board with occasional mod answers) not being used by mods. The board turned into a wojak board and the tipping point was when users from it raided the /LGBT/ board, which resulted in the board being shut down.
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It was pretty funny never leaving the happenings thread and not knowing what the fuck was happening
Have they never seen the architect memes? Talk about being slow
What website/altchan is it? I'm sure it's wordfiltered but give me a hint. I really liked the 'jak/gem era of /qa/
Anon, please re-evaluate your remark with special attention toward the target presented
>wojak board
lol? this is a 'wojak' site, though u clearly don't understand the memes. mods r fags maybe they should answer some questions
Attention phone posters:

What app do you guys use? I use Clover, but it has a few problems. Trying KurobaEX and has improved functionality but visually doesn't look as good or have a clean UI like Clover does.
i was asking u about other altchans. any u like?
>This is a wojak site
Kill yourself
what exactly do you think wojak even means? are you retarded?
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blud can't handle the TRVTHNVKE
Not that anon but I like kohlchan /int/. It's the successor to krautchan, which had the best /int/ community. 4chan /int/ is okay, but KC/Kohl are leagues better. The other altchans I enjoyed either closed or were shutdown (8 and 420)
there's like a bunch of random altchans that are based on this /qa/ cringefest. can u retards stop acting like u don't know each other and haven't been friends forever?
KurobaEx is good but I forgot what I tweaked in the settings. What I do know is it looks too cluttered unless your phone's UI is globally zoomed out. I've had basically 0 problems with the site/cloudflare/captcha blocking me after changing the useragent to a copypaste of mobile Chrome's useragent, so do that too.
Also try my night theme
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red vs blue pick a side hur dur
app? I use the browser.
Are you aware of there's a way to use Yotsuba/Yotsuba B on kuroba? Just feels good man, I want my mobile experience to feel as close to my PC browser experience as possible. Pic is taken from clover.
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>"anon's post seems like a non-sequitur, what is he on abou-"
>look back at my post
>"I don't remember setting so many things to the same value, let me check..."
>screen nuked by neon orange
ooos, I accidentally copypasted the wrong thing, made that while testing something. Here's the real one!
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Anyways, if you want to use Yotsuba B, I don't know that this is an exact match but you can just colorpick the colors for each individual element yourself and set it as a custom theme.
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4chan is so goddamned slow outside of /pol/ and /v/ it fucking sucks. not that I want every board to be as chaotic as those, but it's weird seeing boards like /tv/ go back to pre-bane levels of traffic
and if you try linking 4stats to try and prove me wrong you're a NIGGER. those numbers have been wrong for quite some time
4chan has a declining userbase
I'm using it now, thank you!
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wow that's so cool tell me more
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it's fascinating stuff
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really it truly is
this banger is the new instrumental theme of 4chan
>thread still hasn't been cleaned up
Janny are you ok? Are you ok, Janny?
Report rule breaking posts so the janny (who dies it for free by the way) can see it in his report queue.
Done long ago. He just deleted 2 random posts and gave up. Maybe we need to raise some funds to buy him some hot pockets.
To be fair it's 2 am east coast US
And every single mod and janitor lives in this one specific timezone (and not one of them is awake at night)? Come on be realistic man not only that but the posts have been up all day today.
The poopano poster got wiped, but he'll sadly be back. One of the bigger breakdowns I've seen. I remember his post crying last year that his revenge porn was being deleted from the archive, that "she won". But here he is again.
Personally I don't think it sucks that slow boards like /an/ are slow. It's relative but they aren't even that slow. There are boards on Futaba that go days without a post.
I was the one who reported him for illegal content.
He says the girl is 22 but as far as I'm aware she's 20. Meaning that the pictures of her he likes to post from 2021 are cheese pizza.
Since he got nuked I'm gonna take a gamble and assume I was right.
>t. coombrained faggot with no attention span
KYS faggot
>everyone who doesnt like my autistic sperging for some random whore is a simp
Real rich coming from the guy who gave her cash.
You think and post about this woman every day.
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>I'm a pedophile and proud
this isn't the win you think it is
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I literally can't open a single god damned thread without this fucking retard spamming his fat whore everywhere. He even posted one in the BBC spam thread lmao, what the fuck already.
You're shoot retarded
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and you're calling people who don't even know this random e whore you keep posting a simp for her simply because they want you to stop spamming her everywhere. how can i simp for a girl i don't know. i don't care about her or her nudes or how old she is or was when they were taken (though i seriously hope you aren't saving and posting CP you disgusting freak) i want you to go away and stop posting her nudes here. nobody cares. this isn't a happening.
>you're shoot retarded
also nice ESL babble there.
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is it just me or are half the images in this thread broken and only exist as thumbnails
infact this issue seems to be on every thread on /i/. recent images seem fine but older images (of which there are many because threads can last for years on that board) seem to just be gone.
just look at this >>>/i/750264 thread which posts (almost) every week. only the first and 56-62 exist. the rest are just gone.
it seems like the board survived the wipe which killed /3/ and /vip/ but the images were not spared. what happened. how did mods fuck up so bad. why did nobody notice until now. is this just a me issue?
also if you open the images in a new tab instead of getting a 404 page like you would for deleted images you instead get "the image [imageurl] cannoy be displayed because it contains errors"
There was no "wipe". Nothing happened. TAKE YOUR MEDS.
I'll take my meds when you tell me what the hell this means
what errors? these images were all working fine just a few months ago.

Jokes aside, no idea. Might just be a simple corruption. I'm curious as to how this happened.
[code][png @ 0x5592fa904840] Invalid PNG signature 0x00000000.
[image2 @ 0x5592fa902fc0] Could not find codec parameters for stream 0 (Video: png, none(pc)): unspecified size
Consider increasing the value for the 'analyzeduration' (0) and 'probesize' (5000000) options
Input #0, image2, from '1693739613640755.png':[/code]
whatever the error is it doesn't even seem to be specific to /i/. any board with threads old enough seem to have old images purged.
and it's weird because it seems random. not every image is included. here's 4 images posted one after another in a /u/ thread
these 5 images were all posted on the same day one after another in the thread
the first second and last image do not load and give you the image cannot be displayed because errors message when opened in new tab, but the third and fourth can be opened. it honestly seems random if you just scroll through this thread which images can be opened or not. like half of them can and half cannot.
nobody noticed because few browse the boards which are slow enough to have this glitch effect anything.
curious! I wonder if this happened in any other slow board.
Sticky images, maybe they were affected?

4channel.org is back
4channelers we're so back
Based jews. Pedo rights are human rights. Gonna donate to the Israel military now.
isn't hiro laughably rich? can't he pay an actual salary to special mods that solely exist to delete GR1 breaking content, so the rest of the mod team can answer the lesser important stuff?
that's what facebook does and it seems like it'd be piss easy if you just paid a bunch of desperate malaysians that would work for nike wages. it's not confirmed that rapeape gets paid, but if he does then seriously what's the reason for not just paying for the extra help?
because the site runs fine without it. why spend any more money on this site than is necessary to keep it up and running?
rich people who waste their money on pointless things like extra mods might not stay rich for long
this is just me viewing it from a business perspective. the real answer could be something different, probably laziness if i had to guess.
>probably laziness if i had to guess
No, you had it right the first time.
Hiroshimoot doesn't care about this site, he bought it strictly as an investment.
For those who know the story behind 2ch, you know just how terrible of an owner he is.
Selling user data is just the tip of the iceberg: https://anonymous-japan.org/fake2ch/
>isn't hiro laughably rich?
You know why he's rich? Because he's greedy as shit.
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Happy Friday the 13th!
Surely nothing bad could happen on such a day!
the janny who watches over this general must be too scared of the day to do his job and clean up the thread :( might slip up and accidentally wipe another dozen boards
>the janny who watches over this general must be
>Selling user data is just the tip of the iceberg: https://anonymous-japan.org/fake2ch/
Is there a good English reference, preferably in easy to understand meme format, about the selling data thing? Something that could scare /pol/fags away?
I'm getting on a flight with my Chilean bf(could be real could be just hallucinations) to Santiago to visit his family
It's probably nothing, what's the worst that could occur?
>open hiro dirty laundry site
>it's all jim watkin's fault
hmm... i see... interesting
good thing the 'real' 2ch is in good hands now, who owns 5ch again?

the "user data" everyone brings up is literally just the search engine they have
and the pass leak was jim watkins being retarded storing user details, he was in charge of payment processing

who would benefit telling lies and half truths about some obscure foreign drama like this?
>who would benefit telling lies and half truths about some obscure foreign drama like this?
at a time during gamergate too
Yeah totally, nothing bad at all :)
I feel like the Rave scene has definitely been relevant even if it's not originally from this era.
/x/ thread on /k/.
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>/lit/ and /o/ were flooded by the perinigger for 3 hours
>>>/cm/3917709 (been up for almost a day)
>even niche boards have blatant spam every week (https://boards.4chan.org/search#/ZXVJ7yZDhJ)
Did mods finally killed themselves? Their response time has been slow as fuck in the past months, even in boards they supposedly monitor every hour like /a/.
Do you not get warnings anymore when you shitposted, a mod warned you, you changed your IP, but keep your 4chan cookie? I suspect they get lost.
I downloaded a couple of images from that thread and opened them in a hex editor, and it looks like they retained their original file size, but the contents are all null bytes (00 in hex). So, for example, the image from this post >>78795839 is 56.8 KB of all zeroes.
>Did mods finally killed themselves? Their response time has been slow as fuck in the past months, even in boards they supposedly monitor every hour like /a/.
There's a reason why Hiro is selling triple-year passes.
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What's going to happen in three years?
you'd have to have already seen the warning to know a mod warned you
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Two more weeks x78
Now *this* is shitposting.

>someone has said this before
How painful to discover I am an unoriginal hack, just like the fuckers behind the actual Minecraft movie.
the true pain is not just being able to type "bumo"
I'm wondering: is there any reason why signature/avatarfagging is against the rules, but name/tripfagging is allowed? I've never understood this difference in treatment when they seem like essentially the same thing.
You can automatically filter name/tripfags
I remember a mod/moot screencap explaining that if they didn't want posters to identify themselves the name field would have been removed (and it was on /b/ several times over the years)
I guess it's the only "official" way you're supposed to maintain an identity on here
names are the least intrusive way of identifying yourself and since you have that there's no legitimate reason to avatarfag
Besides this https://desuarchive.org/_/search/capcode/ver/
why did they add force anon on /b/? they did it in 06 and 07 but i didn't think name fags where a big real around then and dyed out 05
moot said changes like that and adding/removing IDs on /b/ were just because he wanted to and didn't really have any real meaning beyond that. this was in one of the youtube Q&As, but i forget which one
When will we get a new /l/ board, the most requested board all time?
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i would what a /nice/ board where everyone smiles and its everyone favorite weather out!
>the most requested board all time
this makes me wonder what the most requested board would be after an actual site-wide poll. i'm assuming an e-celeb board or a sfw /b/, but i don't think any porn boards would be very high up on that list honestly.
>sfw /b/
There are several unsuccessful boards that are supposed to be /b/ alternatives for grandpas. That ship has sailed.
Where is /l/?
but all of them are redboards or have some internation aspect to them
we want a true /sb/ - Worksafe Random
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its real guys!! look! its real!!
everyone check out my sick post!! >>>/sb/216960
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It would be KPop / Korean Culture and it wouldn't even be close; jakkers trying to raid /qa/ back into existence as a close second. You forget how rabid those gook bastards are, even before rigging the poll and voting as many times as possible, the Kfags would get /kp/ within the day.
If it was a proportional senate like picrel however / somehow prevented the Kfags stuffing the vote, then the outcome might be a little bit more interesting, but would probably get dominated by /vpol/ into making /incel/ - Internet Celebrities as the top pick if we're being cynical.
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hey so changing the css is all fun a stuff but does anyone know of a way to consistently keep changes to html?
for example i would like to change these <hr> tags into <br> tags to make it cleaner looking!
I evaded many bans.
Or post with only an image in response. Clearly, /r9k/ is not familiar with the saying, "a picture is worth a thousand words."
Why is nothing done about this ban evader?
>why aren't [deleted posts] being acted upon
>Why is nothing done about this ban evader?
>Links to thousands of deleted posts
This is why mods don't talk to us anymore.
it's almost as if every time they ban him he just evades the bans or something.
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Why would the mods make such random bans that look like they were made by triggered moralfags? This one was for 14 days.
You have enough pedo shit on this website, and worse than whatever this was, that you should be used to it by now.
Why are you moderation a pedo website anyway if you're anti pedo?
>deleted posts return
>deletion does nothing
Um, are the mods actions just like treading water?
i remember on /g/ there was an anon that got banned for (verbatim) "pedo bullshit". threw a hissy fit right after. this was just a few months ago.

/g/ has a moralfag mod who even deletes perfectly safe anime images from OPs, without deleting the threads, because he's so terribly triggered by them, yet he isn't allowed to actually delete the thread. Him just deleting the images is probably a foul compromise of endless debates among the mod team with triggered moralfags versus literal child molesters that somehow arrived at this state as the status quo.
Sometimes I think 4chan is so dislodged that it enables the creation of schizos like ACK. But then I realize that 4chan is inherently a mentally ill website.
if true, then all the generals relating to ai image generation and chatbots are on some sort of whitelist lol. we all know what they get down to in aicg, right?
Every single time I open the /int/ catalog he's there
I didn't lurk these threads much, but indeed, it seems some generals are off-limits to some mods. Maybe part of some of the obnoxiously stinky and foul compromises the mod teams arrived at is that some of the triggered mods simply avoid some threads that other (child grooming) mods want to live.
/v/ got in on the AI videos too. Funnily enough, there's more arguing over politics than on the /pol/ threads.
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Is janny our absurd hero?
>censoring the dates
>not linking the post
must have been a deserved ban
>Clearly, /r9k/ is not familiar with the saying, "a picture is worth a thousand words."
i really wish the filter allowed for blank posts if an image was included
>perfectly safe anime images from OP
go ahead and link examples, i promise you it won't hold up. they all were sexually suggestive
t. knower
good, a technology board should have technology pictures not unrelated random anime shit
I think signature posting is incredibly funny and an excellent way to troll people but I haven't seen it done in over a decade. I remember some guy doing it and having a really elaborate one, including a link to the music video of E-rotic's song "Help me doctor dick" which introduced me to the song. If you're a regular ban evader, consider bringing siggy posting back, untapped potential. Avatarfagging needs to stay dead though.
/l/ is on /b/
interesting thing noticed
never forget German magazine had a more accurate depiction of 4chan than current media does today!
Threads have image limits but do not have namefield limits. Thus the disruption is not comparable. Turn on forced anon if need be
there are also legitimate uses for trips but they're rarely present anymore
even has references to some classics like the guy claiming to have dropped a tv on his sister
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speaking of this article
is there anyother mention of a 4chan raid on Hello-Kitty-Online (HKO) forums? i can't find much on HKO let alone any raids about it
its shockingly well researched! sad that its not very well known as its probably the best 4chan's ever going to get.
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See? Nothing bad happened today!
i got turned into fucking a milkshake today >8(
One hour yet remains (or up to, what, five if you walk it back to the international date line?)
typing with my straw rn
When I was in middle school I came up with my own lyrics to this. Feel free to rate, but keep in mind I was like 14
"My hotdog brings all the girls to the bed
And they're like, giving me head
My face, is turning red
So I smack them, upside the head"
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>I was like 14
lol i can tell
I tip my cap to you anon, decent parody.
looking through my 4chan folder and found this >>>/wgs/5679447
any reason moot decided to take away the 'Anonymous' tag away when he add forced anon? he could have just taken away the name field and kept the Anonymous. Even though I like the missing Anonymous! just wonder if a reason was behind it!
>>>/wsg/5679447 my bad
The worst part about fake lyrics from when you were 14 is the fact that they're unforgettable
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lol never knew that was a thing, i guess the site still read the username cookie and just didn't display it.
later rounds of forced anon didn't remove the name, perhaps internally it was always set to Anonymous. or maybe moot thought it looked weird idk
i think picrel was done in a similar manner to that video
>i think picrel was done in a similar manner to that video
nah lots of impersonation was done with the subject field, which was allowed in non-OP posts
all you had to do was put an invisible character in the name field
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I'm moot, ask me anything
>>>/g/aicg/ is being raided by sharty
>invisible character in the name field
really wish they would allow that gain i like how posts look with the name field displayed
semi related note? when /b/ had XXX for the last three digits how the fuck did people know who was quoting who?? was the hover over post number a thing yet?
It's still incredibly funny to me that only certain boards had the XXX hiding the last three digits. Imagine what kind of internal discussion happened. "/b/, /v/, and a few others have proven themselves to be unable to handle dubs, what is the solution? Hide the numbers? Hide the numbers.".
Okay I'm definitely not going to use /g/. Seriously, why are some people attracted to the sharty and everything adjacent? It's probably the most idiotic and cancerous subculture I've seen, that's quite a feat. I understand kids, because they groom them and they want to be part of something, and the memes they have are retarded and edgy trash so they think it's cool. But I have no idea how some teenagers and adults don't have any problem with it
I've never been there but heard it's plagued by actual children. Going to visit it now and report back in 10
Don't, really. Just go to any youtube video that it's related to soijaks/sharty, then to the comments, then check their profiles. You'll eventually see that many of them are children. One of them uploaded a very, very popular video that's unrelated to soijaks. I won't say which one. Then he started to post soijak things, and has links to a discord server and roblox shit in his channel. And he's obviously a minor. They groomed him really hard
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Update on the situation, /aicg/ has migrated to /vg/ and so has the raid.
There also seems to be a meta-war with pedos spamming /g/, >>>/g/102378766 >>>/g/102378661 >>>/g/102378860
'ick on 'eck posted to >>>/g/102378681
What the fuck am I looking at. It looks like/qa/ but the quality of posting is so low. Every comment I'm every thread reads like it was made by the kind of child who just discovered 4chan and thinks saying nigger and faggot is the coolest, most hardcore thing ever. Incredible.
they got us. see you all again in... a week?
Oooh, explain this man. You're as disgusting as they are. I still remember the roblox youtuber who was promoting the sharty in one of his videos. Literal transsexual groomer behavior
>Seriously, why are some people attracted to the sharty and everything adjacent?
Kids want to feel like they belong somewhere and also feel special and different from other kids (that are also posting wojaks). It's really not different from other eras of the internet in that regard, it's just ugly and aggressive because that's what the internet is now. Pity them for inheriting such a shitty internet and world in general.
This is urgent, who is this guy? I'm not sure if I remembered something important
>bump limit and with a nigger openly asking to raid another thread
Every day I become more convinced that something big happened that made almost all mods and janitors quit, with just 2 or 3 mods (one of them being rapeape) and a basic NSFW filter left to watch over the entire site.
Post boards you want to see added, whether they're good ideas or not.

/ec/ e-celeb
/par/ parenting
/ai/ AI technologies
/trap/ femboys and crossdressing
/meta/ 4chan discussion
I prefer /ecel/
/ai/ would be funny
Altchans have "crossdressing" boards and they're about as bad as one would expect from even 15 seconds of encountering the alleged "community", to say nothing of becoming a warzone for groomers
I liked /cuteboys/ on 8 but that website was shut down and I remember that board having a bit of an underage problem, which is a huge issue when users posted pantyshots at best
Ms. /co/!
Ms. /co/!
Ms. /co/!
More than a bit
and also it's rare for there to be a proper thread format because each new entrant decides to harvest attention in a brand new one (which a bunch of porn commenter level posters arrive at), it's not the same as other aggregate pornography environments unless you moderate selfposts, you end up with maybe 4 threads of different specific things and then a small scattershot of individual posters, at which point there's not really any difference from the existing environments on this website. At that rate there are still things like that on /soc/ too
I don't think that it works as a board on this website especially this long after the fact. Maybe ten years ago.

The same could be said for other kinds of niches too, but I can't readily conjure one up versus what you've already mentioned. I guess the deluded people who bring up some kind of Korean containment board?
Besides /vst/ that is
Which altchan should I visit if I want to check out a crossdressing board? I primarily want to fap.
I couldn't tell you now because I don't really bother with altchans anymore and the ones I did were practically defunct at the time of use
Page 10? In my r9khap?
I see your CollegeHumor parody, and raise you a https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FAOymC6XKeQ
leaks on /vp/ again
kek, good thread
i miss funposting
>/trap/ femboys and crossdressing
It wouldn't work without deleting /tttt/ and permanently rangebanning its users first, followed by tons of filters and the ban of anything involved trannies and their gender bullcrap. Troons have tried for decades to convince everyone (with some success in the west outside of 4chan, porn sites put traps in both the gay and trans categories, and subreddits for traps and femboys allow regular troons and ban anyone who complains for being transphobic) that traps and femboys are the same thing as them and not just a bunch of slim men engaging in gay fetishes.
Plus as the other anon said, the board would be full of underage b8 posting their underage butt and being harassed by tranny cabals from discord.
The porn sites thing is just to 'reach' the widest number of viewers possible and occasionally get one in that wouldn't otherwise be viewed, I wouldn't put it down to anything ideological (at least in that arena)
That's also part of why those other locations do it too, it's just click generation which incentivizes everything even remotely comparable at a glance being melted down into the same gruel
The primary consumers of such have no standards either, it's a match made in 'content' aggregate hell
>post an offhand "wow, she's attractive" in a shitpost thread on /tv/
>get warned with "All actress and actor discussion should pertain directly to their roles and careers."
doubt it, seems like even back then it wasn't very popular so the guy who wrote the article must have just been there at the right time to see discussion of it
>/trap/ femboys and crossdressing
just use /lgbt/ retard
I think he meant a porn board, which that is not
>/meta/ 4chan discussion
They tried two times already and it didn't work.
>/ec/ e-celeb
Still a terrible idea.
>/par/ parenting
Not worth the risk.
>/ai/ AI technologies
Probably would better to move AI threads to one of the imagedump boards that already exist but nobody uses.
Is there a comprehensive list of altchans?
>/par/ parenting
how to traumatize your child/get investigated by CPS 101

Does it work, tho?
>/par/ parenting
>people posting about their children
>on 4chan
average /tv/ user hears that and starts floating like a cartoon character smelling a hot pie on a window sill.
Around 2011 I asked him to force anonymity in one of his /b/ threads because I absolutely hated the tripfags there at the time that were also present in the thread too. Perhaps I had an influence
i saw this comment on a video completely unrelated to any sharteen drama (i think? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wVV6RZxwOhc), and i'm starting to see what this is. it's like when you're a kid and say random words as an in-joke with your friends with, but all these people talk like this in a overly cynical post-ironic way like an edgy self-hating teen making fun of themselves.
If anyone was unaware, Ms. /co/ nominations are ongoing

Queen of /v/ should also be starting soon but I don't know the exact date.
Was K&Qo/v/ unfucked?
I only participated for 2-3 years and after the egregious drigger allegations and hosts stepping down I wasn't aware it was run again, or that it was slated to be
also /v/ the musical tomorrow
What is the optimal time to post on each board?
Now with new fag summer ending, I hope to have some engagement with the threads I make but still wanna avoid the times that people shit up threads are awake
not sure about optimal post times but newfag summer is a myth, spikes in traffic usually happen in january according to moot.
It's all so fucking dead. Also saw one where a post claimed the site used chat bots to make it appear higher activity.
how hard is it to just run a fucking series of polls
Harder than you'd think
Requires constant monitoring so people don't stuff the ballots too much and a poll people will vote in
There was a lot of uproar when they required people to have a email to vote in the google vote
The margins are small and it's possible to sockpuppet them so showrunners need to be on watch and dig up receipts if need be
The incident I'm thinking of in particular had something like a 200 vote spike which was larger than the margin of victory for a single round that then normalized again
and other times the poll operator(s) has spoken out or acted on seemingly less information which causes some stir
It ran to completion last year, Curly Brace won. I'm pretty sure it's scheduled to go this year too
Anyone who cares about anything but the OC generated from the events is a shiteating retard
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I haven't been on ED in years, but I'm surprised they have a screencap of this on their 4chan page
You tend to lose out on interesting OC if people leave (etc.) because of misgivings about the way it's progressing or other demoralizing factors, especially where odd character knockouts are concerned
I've made contributions of my own previously but as stated was not participating recently nor particularly aware relative to it
I thought mods permabanned these threads because the last tournament had a lot of petty drama and niggers from twitter, discord and reddit messing with everything.
Mods learned their lesson in 2021, if they take away tournaments then they'll have people flooding the irc bitching at them
Never take away an anon's waifu
Firefox Nightly with uBlock Origin
it's also how i watch youtube :)
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all the pro riggers work for the 4cc so the other tournaments have to make do with amateurs
it'll be hard for the other boards to top the retardation of the queen of /a/ guy now
thanks! most of the links are broken and don't lead to anything but when I have more time later I'll try to dig through it all! hopefully I can find some evidence of this raid! makes me wonder how many raids are lost to time?
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motherless counts as a chan? throught it was just a porn site?
Imageboard is a pretty broad category if you think about it.
There's actually one raid on an emo forum that seems to have been forgotten because it took place a day before the somewhat famous ebaumsworld raid of 2006. Never seen it mentioned since 2007 in any of the archives, and archive.org only has a few broken snapshots. https://old.sage.moe/_/search/text/%22cutting+buddies%22
>I've been lurking for almost 3 years. I'm still a newfag because I don't have CP, I'm not a bosnian, only raided twice (cutting buddies and Hal Turner), haven't been to a Habbo raid, and I don't have a /b/ folder. Still, I've had some epic lulz. Thanks guys.
this could make a funny pasta if people still did that
happy to see caturday is still going strong >>>/b/924439537
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>blatant discord thread has been up for over two days
>continuous shilling of that group on multiple boards, not a single post deleted
>the only response from mods was the deletion of two posts that were shitting on the discord shills
AI thread force archived. I don't think they were getting autosaged or anything before this. Weird >>>/v/688827552
>previous thread
retard moment
Mods don't want video game generals on /v/.
Infinitely recurring coombait threads are okay, though.
as far as I am aware chan.city is run by some sort of hispanic/latino. Some of the links are broken and others lead to the wrong places, but it's probably the one website with the widest coverage of altchans. It's a nice project, I think.
Master duel at least won out with its rolling thread because the alternative was infested with groomers or attempted personalities or something on the generals board and the pre existing thread didn't want them there (even if it's about as bad now)
DALL-E threads are getting locked
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saw this on youtube forget which video but thought this was funny
Wow that's interesting. I wonder if /v/ has a new mod or something.
>new ways
I think it's funny that of all the intentionally rancid, hilarious feelsfrog edits to 'take it back', /r9k/ never had the traction to do so and it took /pol/ forcing memetic nonsense into a presidential election narrative to (if briefly) return the frog.
The exposure then unfortunately reanimated the frog unto today, but everyone knows that
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got bored made, this take this
/Job/ work and employment
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i like taking full screenshots of threads because... idk i just do and i decided to share a full screenshot of last happenings and wanted to see if i could just upload it directed to the site it i used some website to resize it before resorting to catbox
the result is pretty funny... or spooky lol halloween is almost here!
https://files.catbox.moe/k87o7r.jpg (original)
https://files.catbox.moe/0bo4cy.jpg ("optimized")
Cute, I'll save it

/happenings/, our own board. Heh, heh, heh
>our own board
you think there is a enough of us or will be enough to support a entire board? we just get by filling up a thread to bump limit
Forget it, we will have our own altchan
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>pAIjeet threads are being nuked
>not because they are septic tanks full of avatarfags, schizos and pajeets
>it was because mods finally realized that these threads count as generals and seeing the users do things like linking previous threads in the OP triggered their /vg/ autism
A meta board would be interesting, but you just know it would end up like /qa/, because the mods are too lazy, too incompetent, and hate 4chan too much to properly moderate it.
Basically, the mods should kill themselves, it's not like anyone likes them or thinks they're useful, not even they do.
What the fuck did we do to deserve these retards being in charge?
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hell ya brother
bout time
bout mother fucking time
hopefully this general stays in the board for video game generals now and mods actually enforce it long term instead of forgetting about this decision when their laziness next strikes.
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The video threads are getting /trashed/ and bumplocked too. DALL-E fags claim HailuoAI fags are at blame for this for linking to previous threads like a general, while HailuoAI fags claim that mods actually hate them and like DALL-E threads and are doing the simultaneous purges to "save face".
Still waiting for that anon to open it for posting
On the meantime world2ch.net is way more active than it was a few months ago. Apparently it was linked to in 4ch or something similar
would need to edit the "only raided twice" bit
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not possible to downscale it to the 10 000 pixel resolution limit without it becoming very blurry
/qa/ technically is our board through us having the only surviving thread on it
>9 and half pages of nikokado spam
What do you think the person responsible for this looks like?
I wouldn't suggest 4chanchan, if I could post there. notmoot, please. I need to post on /wah/ and /hap/. I've been waiting since december

I was joking. I think that a single thread is enough. Just look at this general, it usually archives in 5 days
either the fatass version of nikocado or a child
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Mildly amusing autism on /vm/ front page
This is also a good textbook example of why 4chan cup is banned outside of it's containment threads.
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made this little info-graphic about the lost cutting buddies raid! if there is anything you want me to add just lmk
while looking for info on cutting buddies i found this
Might have some luck throwing that around on old altchans that are still around like idk 7chan although I have a slight feeling they wouldn't be very welcome to it
Based delete every ai general that plagues like 90% of the site
Reminder there's a no generals rule on /vm/ as well but you can't tell from the catalog
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posted to 94chan to see and immediately was banned for NYPA
someone mentioned a 2006 raid on an anorexia forum
that one is already known, it's in bibanon's timeline
>August 22 - A group of Anonymous go on a midnight raiding spree, eventually attracting tons (~100) of Anonymous to their posse in raid threads. They charged, destroying Proana.us (a pro-anorexia community), deleting all accounts on the site. After this (by now around 1:00 AM of August 23), they attempted to raid the myg0t forum, but the raid failed due to myg0t's massive size. Instead, they raided teenbabynet.org (not only furries, but teenage furries with diaper fetishes), locking the forum and rendering it totally unviewable by 10:00 AM. At around this time, they turned their attention to WikiFur, leaving it in complete disarray. With mods extremely worried, moot does something drastic around noon of August 23...
posted on 7chan an 8moe
shocked i got instantly banned from 94 but i don't use it much at all so idk what their mods are like
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The issue with the rule is that you're always going to get groups who organise to play the same games weekly, and who will make a new thread once it's off the board. I think the rule is more just to try to keep purely irrelevant "general" discussion off the board and focused on multiplayer experiences only - look at /vg/ and ask yourself how many people actually play the game there, compared to people who are LFG. Persona general doesn't talk about playing Persona, they're talking about character interactions and out-of-game stuff. Genshin (or any Gachapon / png collecter), same. etcetera, same. /vm/ is mostly game-only and multiplayer-component-only in comparison with some wiggle room otherwise.

That's the only way I can make sense of it. /vm/ is naturally going to have concurrent threads otherwise.
No saying I disagree 100% though. If I did it for free, these >>>/vm/general with general in the subject title would catch a sweep for not even bothering to try to fit in.
maybe some people in tinychan could know about it as well? there are some old people there but maybe it's more for the 2010-2014 era
and like are there really that many 2006 people in 8moe?
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I don't remember the raid, but I found this:
Doesn't seem to be any record of the raid itself, but here was the site shortly before being raided:
8moe's likely to have some since 8 was one of the most popular altchans before it collapsed
lucky that /vm/ has a decent janny, even let us get away with shit we really shouldn't have at the time lmao
Most of the threads should be moved to /vg/
>but the board is too fast the threads will die!
/vmg/ should have allowed generals, this would get two birds stoned
wtf I thought this general disappeared with /qa/ good to see it's still being posted
could have been the phrasing used
do you actually know how slow /vm/ is? no reason to change it anyway, /vm/ is perfectly fine as-is
we moved to /trash/ after the fall of /qa/ and only recently moved here
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great find! updating the info-graphic!
im guessing it was the word raid but if it wasn't automatic they could have at least looked at the post
I don't mean to sound difficult, but the rules still apply regardless of the board's speed, it's insane to think otherwise
And yes I've made plenty of the csgo esports threads throughout the years since >>>/vm/82
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That's what everybody thought when they were first introduced, but it's been a third of a decade, ain't happening. Plus, it just means the few LFG-focused threads on /vm/ would now have to start up the necrobump engines to survive (even on a much slower /vg/).

/vm/ seems to work because they can leave a thread, go to work for 5 days, and reliably have it still there, the same time the next weekend. /vg/ is quite literally x100 faster, and even if you kneecapped it by removing 70% of the posts with a gacha genocide, it'd still be x30 faster than /vm/ (a board that inadvetedly neccessitates a slow bumprate) can culturally survive at.
Right now, /vm/'s Page 10 edge is 9-10 days old, serving 150 threads. /vg/'s is 2.5 hours old serving 200 threads + shortened OPs. They are worlds apart from each other.

>lawfagging lawtism
Read the inverse implication of Global Rule 19, lawsperg
*forgot to mention that /vm/ auto's at 500, /vg/ at 750
is one of you tripfag !4X8vLLNDE2
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Is there a word for feeling like you want to go home even though you are in your home?
you mean nostalgia?
found a pasta that mentions it
>I remember when we raided a cutting site... "cutting buddies" and we raided it so hard we crashed their server and they literally never came back. We kicked someone off the internet. They deserved it, and it was glorious.
also you misspelled brief. only other critique is to maybe put the exact date it happened on, other then that it's a great infographic i love seeing shit like this
maybe homelong or Dwellingweary dwelling as in living at home and weary reflecting a sense of fatigue or dissatisfaction!
or Havenwane?
is lounge and meta the only textboards in world2ch? I found two others through just searching up random shit in the url but they have no threads for me :[
Yes, that feeling is often described as a sense of homesickness or nostalgia, but in a more abstract sense, it could also be called existential homesickness or hiraeth.

Existential homesickness is when someone feels emotionally disconnected or incomplete, even in familiar surroundings. It's the longing for a place or state of being that provides a deeper sense of belonging.
Hiraeth is a Welsh term that describes a deep longing for a home or place that may not even exist, or perhaps a home in time-such as a nostalgic desire for the past.

This feeling combines a sense of displacement or longing for comfort, even when you're physically in a place that should feel familiar.
wow 2016 dam!!
do we know the exact date it happened on?
there used to be a lot more but they apparently moved to a different software some time ago
in the future they will move back into a proper textboard format and the old boards will come back I believe. For now the limited number of boards is good because the userbase is very small
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It feels like the concept of home had a stronger meaning when I was a kid. Now it's a dull numb feeling
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you imprint much much stronger and in a deeper way in childhood why do you think moving as a child is such a big deal compared to adulthood? home is here Anonymous!
also caturday reached image limit! >>>/b/924439537
>they apparently moved to a different software some time ago in the future they will move back into a proper textboard format
i noticed that, kokonotsuba textboards are so HOMOSEXUAL. hope they change it soon

>For now the limited number of boards is good because the userbase is very small
makes sense. i was just wondering because i found /aa/ and /news/ by typing random shit in the url. i thought they might all just be hidden or something of the sort. thx anonymoose
good word for a Scrabble game.
shockingly wholesome thread >>>/b/924467760
this one really made me smile
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this has got to be the clearest sharpest old screen cap i have! its remarkable crisp!
>or a child
More likely. I used to spam spiderman on /b/ as a preteen.
thinkin' 'bout fat, uncut cock
behold, the power of png
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fixed it for you.
thunderbird used that same icon until just last year
i got curious and prodded around a little bit.
a lot of the boards from 2023 are still there but just hidden without showing on the bbs table frame. there's still some on world2ch but some are in dis.world2ch too. i thought that was interesting
/gaming/, /touhou/, /news4vip/, OG /meta/, OG /lounge/, /mona/, /tech/, /bbs/, /japan/ and /korea/ still exist on the main domain but just don't have any recent posts
on dis.world2ch there's /japan/, /news/, /music/ and /AA/, i think, that are not on the bbs table
i don't use world2ch so sorry if this is common knowledge i just thought they'd be deleted if they're not on the bbs table and they're moving software so i was surprised to still find them
Guess what the thread is about. Come on, guess
>implying "Lee" isn't just a shitcord raid in 2024
Obviously. But I'm talking about how it seems like the thread is just about spongebob, when that's not the case. I remember a worst reviews thread on /v/, I was happy. But turns out it was just another Lee thread
It would've been January 6, 2006. I can't find it now but there was an anon on old sage that mentioned it being from the night before the ebaum's raid
Site feels a little slower for a weekend even accounting for the hours
But why? People don't even work
Why is it like this? It's just a single moralfag mod, right?
>People don't even work
Probably autosage because users were posting loli porn in it
What is /s4s/ for
Failed /b/ revival.
made as a joke
swaglord to fuck around when he's bored
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I feel like 4chan has become too sad as of late.
Everyone just seems so unhappy all the time
This place is literally hell. We want to feel at home here, but it's impossible to ignore the shit on the walls. The happenings thread is especially full of posters who care about this place, but are deeply discontent with the state of 4chan.
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old imageboard artifacts are special and hard to come by, there's probably a dozen obscure long dead altchans that don't have any digital footprint besides what people remembered posting there
personal holy grail is a screenshot of 5chan, bizarre porn oriented board from 2004 that required an account on another hentai site to post and picked fights with 4chan
lasted less than a year, but it has the esteemed legacy of being the first to have a furry board
that's just the internet now unfortunately, ever since people stopped caring about anywhere other than the main big sites.
fuck, i miss going to other places online, especially flash sites. similar things exist nowadays, but you have to dig far harder and they're nowhere near as active as they used to be for the most part.
wasting server space
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saw this
Internet hasn't been the same since flash died
I went to kongregate for the first time since flash died and it felt like a punch to the gut
Flash dying is a good thing. Unfortunately it was replaced by the same thing just built into the browser.
>Flash dying is a good thing.
Delusional take
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I'm interested in that screenshot if you'd like to share. 5chan actually has a fair amount of content in the Internet Archive:
(order it by date and only check like the 2004 stuff)
Interestingly the original 5chan had a different adress from the site that came afterwards, a fact that some sources like ED ignore.
I recently was messing around with oldsagemoe and found this list of altchans. While most are well known there are some names here that really aren't well documented online. This list is from around 2007 I believe
>he doesn't remember flash-only websites
It was fucking trash.
You literally only had to install the Macromedia Flash plugin
you're not thinking about it as a whole though. flash was cool but holy fuck it was as hard to maintain as it was buggy and in 90% of situations it was used it didn't do anything you couldn't do more easily and effectively with CSS, JavaScript, and/or HTML5 fuckery with SVGs.
the real problem is that there wasn't any exact software to replace it, and people took "flash is dead, flash websites can't exist anymore" to mean "flash is dead, interesting websites can't exist anymore" mainly because of phone-centric web design being the new norm.
>and in 90% of situations it was used it didn't do anything you couldn't do more easily and effectively with CSS, JavaScript, and/or HTML5 fuckery with SVGs.
Anon, people used Flash to create things precisely because it took next to no technical knowledge.
>the real problem is that there wasn't any exact software to replace it
This was by design. Apple killed Flash for the same reason they killed PWAs: they did not like that people could add functionality to the iPhone without passing through their app store.
Nothing came after it because companies didn't want to support it.
>"flash is dead, interesting websites can't exist anymore"
>phone-centric web design being the new norm.
This was also pushed by corporations.
right, but it was easy like it's easy to make a suit of armor with tape instead of a blowtorch. it's not like it was unusable, but it was definitely never the right choice over cracking a book to learn some more about css and javascript, save for game or animation websites like newgrounds or miniclip that relied on it.
but yeah, what you're saying about companies being the killers is true and kind of my point with mentioning phone-centric design. apple especially like you said is the biggest problem in that regard.
>but it was definitely never the right choice
But that's the thing! Who the fuck cares if it's a bit shit? It was fun! The internet was fun!
Then corporations came and the entire internet became srs bsns.
for the record i do agree that flash was fun which i care about more than anything else, but my main thing is flash was sparkly shit that should've been replaced by something sparkly without the underlying shit, instead of endless scrolling and huge buttons for iphone babies, which is basically the worst shit that could've come of the loss of flash.
/pol/ happening: someone allegedly tried to shoot trump again
>flash was sparkly shit that should've been replaced by something sparkly without the underlying shit
I guess we won't be able to reconcile on this point, because I'm of the opinion that you can't do that without increasing the technological hurdle people would have to go through in order to make stuff.
And what made Flash great was precisely because /anyone/ was able create fun shit with it.
hey that's fair, for me i feel like it's worth it to learn a bit more about web design languages so i prefer css and javascript, but that's not everyone's experience which i get.
I have no idea how to navigate this corpo internet
>you literally only had to cuck yourself
While I disliked shit like menu bars and advertisements being 100% in Flash for no reason other than laziness I genuinely feel nostalgic for shit like that now. Things were so much more fun when teh internetz wasn't srs bsns
Ignore the corpo parts the best you can
Build your own reality
Become god
>Then corporations came and the entire internet became srs bsns.
Adobe was the sole corporation who controlled flash, you fucking retard. Current web standards are only implemented by two browsing engines, but at least they're open source. Technically, the situation is strictly better now.
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>Current web standards are only implemented by two browsing engines
Electron is one of those things that proves there is true irredeemable evil in this world
Luckily there are lesser evils now, like Wails.
Which is more than flash, which was closed source to add.
The joke is that there are no two browsing engines. There's really just one.
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The joke is that the only browsing engine that matters is ones own.
Doesn't matter. Flash was hot garbage.
>Flash was hot garbage.
Yeah, but it was fun.
>plugin that nearly everyone had
is /pol/ not still /trump/? it feels like 2016 trump getting shot twice in the span of a few months would turn it on its head but it's like nobody cares about it at all now.
firefox still exists
Why even bother now?
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oops, bad wording
i don't have a 5chan screenshot, it's just something i'd like to have
i've raked through the archive a few times, it's got the main page and boards archived, but almost all images are broken
>that list
i'm amazed gurochan is still kicking
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See >>78822178
Firefox usage is at 3% and is to this day losing users at a pretty fast rate.
At least acknowledge that Flash was single implementation closed source garbage instead of trying to argue in a retarded way like this, fucking brainlet.
Are you retarded? That was literally one of the first things I said.
See: >>78821290
>Who the fuck cares if it's a bit shit? It was fun!
Flash being "single implementation closed source garbage" does not detract from the fact that it made the internet fun.
you mean like the vast majority of the internet and software in general?
not even a blip, not even /pol/ cares about this one
trump's losing again
that image shows otherwise. safari = webkit, not chromium/blink
Webkit is just a bitrotting blink.
Anyone using an iMac or iPhone has no choice other than to use Safari.
And if you're not part of the Apple ecosystem, you cannot use Safari.
Webkit is used by shit outside of apple too.
Such as? Please feel free to point at the already posted list.
sir this is the hap
we didn't ask
damn 5chan had post reporting 2 years before 4chan, I wonder if their script was based on anything or if it was completely original. Interesting to see an imageboard that old requiring third-party logins to post
i asked and he's right, there's a lot of threads about it but /pol/ barely sped up
I've got no idea what Electron is (other than the negative bit of an atom). What is it?
literally just chromium
Tons of things which somehow want to integrate a web browser panel. Most of them seem to be switching to chromium though, which is basically just webkit continued by google and microsoft.

Chromium packaged with a webapp in a way that pretends to be a native application. Basically, download an .exe, but in truth it's just chrome + a bunch of js files.
>Tons of things
Again, such as?
I'm still waiting for examples or numbers. Whichever you feel would support your claim better.
>Chromium packaged with a webapp in a way that pretends to be a native application. Basically, download an .exe, but in truth it's just chrome + a bunch of js files.
is it particularly bad for some reason other than being Chromium based?
Look at the wikipedia article or ask ChatGPT or look who has it as dependency.
I'm already convinced you're an idiot, so I have no need to put more effort into this.
It's just the technological equivalent of pants on head retarded and unbelievable bloat. A nice example of unavoidable human stupidity.
ew, it was better not knowing what it was.
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also my 7chan post got deleted an I assume im banned
I enjoy making these if anyone wanted something in a similar light done just let me know!
packaging an entire browser pretending to be a standalone application is horrible for performance
It's just as fast as running it in the normal browser. It only takes a little bit more disk space and probably RAM. Which is why this is considered "reasonable engineering" by all those retards who make your computer with 32 GB RAM and 4 GHz 8 core CPU as fast as an i486 30 years ago.
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this should tell you exactly why
ah, it's fine then. I'm also interested in these screenshots. Some of these earlier imageboards have quite a lot on archive.org at least of their main pages. I stumbled upon that list while researching about burichan. It's pretty wild that it's one of the earliest image boards with such a specific topic.
Also I'm pretty sure there's some kind of drama around the current gurochan, it was stolen or something like that.
5chan was barely an image board. The concept was very much different back then and before the last big death of 4chan pretty much all of the other western imageboards alive were exclusively porn websites. Just places you'd go in order to jerk off for free (or in 5chan's case, "free")
No problem anon thanks for your service! Our last hope of someone that might have been at the time is beeschizo so let's ask him if he appears around trashhap someday.
I do very much like these imageboard history things. I think they always bring great discussions to hap.
In order words, you can't back up your claims.
"Trust me bro" is not an argument.
Nice bait, moron.
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i have seen the thumbnail blury version of this image posted regularly so i thought id share the full res version here just to make sure everyone has it instead of the blury shit
>new board broke 4stats
new wat?
can confirm 4stats is fucked right now
surprisingly /?/ actually went somewhere
ya but i have it on very good authority that hiro hasn't fallen asleep on his keyboard and created any new boards
it took me to the front page
Janny needs to do something about the endless warhammer 40k spam
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retard in irc
want your opinion on something. would you consider this off-topic? would you say this thread belongs here on /v/?
>I reported this thread as off-topic but nothing happened and now I am mad
/v/ is just a garbage dump.
i didn't report the thread
Somebody make a new thread. I'd just fuck it up somehow
based braphog thread
i am too sleepy. someone else should do it
does this answer your question
well im not fucking doing it!!
mods just remove bump limit
nuevo threado
the fuck is this shit dude??
It's a thread.
why did you include the board list?? its been the same boards since 2020
Nice, that came through.
It's dogshit.
Someone make a better one.
Stop sperging out and use the thread. Splits are bad for all of us. During april fools we had threads that didn't even have the best posts in the op
ill do it
fucking board list
>Splits are bad for all of us
No, it's called freedom of choice, and it's only and for the wannabe OP janny cucks who watch their shit threads die.
its not a slipt retard delete the thread and use one that does have the fucking board list
>the OP image isn't in exactly the same format I'm used to!
God kill yourself. And no, I'm not OP of that thread.
Fuck OP jannies


Don't fuck delete shit from the OP and fuck with the format. Cope seethe dilate.
>Don't fuck delete shit from the OP and fuck with the format. Cope seethe dilate.
even though the tagmap is your own forced meme
>the never-changing format of my general is important!
You are the cancer who's destroying 4chan and it's traditional way of spontaneous posting.
fuck you and your board list go off to the homepage and jack off to it!!
and the
>habbenings, haqqenings
part ties into the forced tagmap ebin shit

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