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Party Slut Edition
Useful resources:
>Community-driven substance encyclopedia.
>Virtual tripsitting and drug combo information.
>Drug discussion board, trip report, library, and other informational index.
>Non-profit org for drug discussion, research, and harm reduction.
>Mushroom (and other substance) discussion, cultivation, trip reports, and identification.
>DMT (and other substance) discussion, cultivation, and trip reports
What compels people to stop doing drugs? I don't foresee myself ever fully quitting, and people who do quit tend to just inspire me to do more drugs
What produces the most 'out there' trips overall? DXM?
Salvia Divinorum. There is no other drug quite like it.
Read up on a few experiences on nothing but salvia and you'll get the idea. Let me know if you have further questions. I will note that I've tripped on salvia over 40 times, but always smoking it, I haven't quidded or used tincture.
dxm is the strongest drug ive ever taken, everyone thinks its heroin or meth or acid or whatever bullshit but nothing on earth has ever fucked me up as hard as robocough
I've read a lot about salvia. For as fucked up as it is there does seem to be a set of rules to how things mostly go. DXM might be the only drug that throws out all the rules, anything can happen on that shit

But since you're experienced... have you had one of those 'years long' salvia trips people talk about? Years in perceived flow of time, not actual time. You might know about that comedian who apparently lived 8 years of another man's life
There's some controversy around it. People don't think it's possible to live 8 years moment-to-moment like that. They say ordinarily huge amounts of time can pass on salvia but that's because the point-of-view you occupy experiences years over the span of minutes. If this occurred as something like human time, they say he must have experienced it as a bunch of skips, making it feel like he lived every moment, when he just had a false memory of having lived all that instead.
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Nope, never experienced anything like that. I've also never become an inanimate object. I generally go to the same "realm" every time, and communicate with the same "entity" or the small creatures that follow them, every time. It's a beautiful experience the likes of which I've never experienced except on salvia.
>tfw unoriginal comment
after reading datura trip reports other drugs pale in comparison
answers range from nnDMT to 5meoDMT to ketamine to Saliva
Ok but datura is a "drug" that is bordering on poison.
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pregabalin is the only drug i need anymore. every other substance, alc, even weed, just fucks my life over too much to be worth it
i see pregabalin being shilled here a lot, is it actually any good? i liked benzos they made me less autistic but way too addictive
everybody's different, but for me they just make everything a little bit better. you probably won't get this analogy but it's like being "in the pocket" when playing music, things just happen easier and more intuitively. i don't know if they'll make you less autistic but they make me more spontaneous and sociable. overall a really nice gentle drug, haven't tried benzos so i dont know how they compare
its a cope, preg and gabapentin are huge prison drugs cause its all people can get, its not like its utter shit but saying its better than basically any other downer is disingenuous
Wish metylphenidate was legal or very easy to acquire
Helped me more than any other shit when I got it legally at last
>in today's episode of: anon finds out different people have different priorities
not everything is about getting as fucked up as possible, i want a downer that's high functioning and not very noticeable since i have lots of shit to do
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all downers are "high functional", just dont take a shit ton
What's the difference between MDMA and the adderall pill presses?
>the dose makes the poison
you asked for the most original trip
doesn't tolerance build incredibly fast and returns diminish greatly?

I have noticed an uptick in the shilling of gabapentin/pregabalin ever since benzos started becoming less available, I hope in a decade they're not the new benzos-which originally replaced barbiturates in the first place
took about 2.1g of phenibut around 2 hours ago and haven't noticed any changes whatsoever. id redose but the last time i did that i couldnt sleep for 4 days which was a bit of a nightmare.
i'll try 2.5g next friday and report back

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