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ITT: Interesting and unusual stuff that's happening on the boards you visit.

Non-happenings, small GETs, complaints about shit boards being shit, known spergs sperging out, personal report buttons and blogposting/avatarfagging belong in the nonexistent /nah/ thread.

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Previous thread: >>78787806
this is the better thread
Yes, it is. In fact, the subject is the only important part.
Small GET
Why does he think this is funny?
What's the deal with the deal with the bot that randomly starts ranting about a couple children's TV shows on here in some posts occasionally? Is there an actual story behind it besides "some retard did a retarded thing"?
you mean the fake Lees?
why do mods purposely let off-topic threads exist for hours at a time?
Because many threads only offend specific mods. When that mod comes online, looks through the catalog, and spots a thread he hates, it's deleted. The other mods won't delete it because they don't think it violates any rules. Or more like, it doesn't offend them. Since most posts and most boards technically violate a rule, deleting that thread doesn't cause a conflict on the mod team either.
/c/ finally reached 10 pages after the wipe. But there's only one thread on page 10, the mod apology thread.
its not a "thread he didn't like", it's off-topic.
Happening: Retards mad that we're not using the "proper" general thread, just because the OP of this thread slightly deviated from the usual format.
I have no idea what "fake Lees" means (sorry, I'm a noob to this site). I mean that thing where sometimes a thread gets a bunch of pretty clearly automated posts that seem to be raging about Barney and the small horse show, using lots of really edgy language, with like dozens and dozens of comments when the bot shows up in the thread
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because mods are gods who like full figured women
kill yourself, american
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i'm european (ethnically too)
what now?
american globalization has gotten to you, shame
Those are fake Lees, imitating a very prolific spammer called Barneyfag/Lee who hated Barney and associated it with MLP. The real guy's long gone but some people still post bait/"cheese" and reply to themselves pretending to be Lee, likely using bots. the bait is seemingly perfectly fine things that are actually cropped from images that had ponies in them. /r9k/ is a popular board to bait "barneyfag" on because he can't repost his same pastas over and over like on the other boards, forcing him to write original comments every time. Just report or hide any threads you see him quoting
dude youre too fat for a european bro
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i don't know why, but believe it or not i've always been this way
when i was a kid basically no one was was fat, and so every time i saw one at least chubby chick it would instantly make me feel funny and couldn't stop looking. in my teens the first porn i immediately looked up was of fat women. like picrel but even larger aswell. sexually, skinny women do absolutely nothing for me. there's archeological evidence that cavemen and such had the same preference as me, but i digress. of course this isn't normal, but i don't really care
stating the obvious: we're both on a very american website. it has gotten to all of us
that's fair to assume or whatever, but no. 180 cm, around 76 kg. not bad not great, not fat
now, i'm a failed normie myself but it's still pretty funny when i'm in public and often see a fat losers who settled for a fat woman, while what they settled for is ideal for me. i had a stint with tinder before the pandemic and scored two slampigs i liked. so i know i can still do it. but casual sex mostly felt like glorified masturbation and then the pandemic happened so i just gave up on all that and can't be bothered anymore

holy blogpost. sorry kek
/nah/, Are you or your parents the villain? Discuss:
i only like /an/ /ck/ and /p/ now
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oh hum, still no happenings. do we at least know what happened with 4stats? in fact, do we even know anything about the owner(s?) of 4stats?
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happenings are cancelled until there's one true thread and no more on the catalog
Until then please post all of your happenings to

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